Chapter Eighteen

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James smiled lightly, taking off his jacket and pulled up his shirt. Her small hand going to his belly made her really happy. "Will he let me see the baby in this house?" She asked. "You mean Rachel? Have you not yet?" James asked. "Ginny got mad when I tried to see babies before..." She frown. "Wait, does your mom-" Victor started. "Not my mom. Ginny." Molly said a little mad. "Does Ginny have more kids?" Victor ask. "Grandma took them form Ginny." She said. "How come she never took you?" James asked. "Because I had to be sure Ginny didn't have more babies she didn't know about...and I didn't want to go...I went only to get food...I wanted to find dadd-Harry." She said. "How many more did she have?" James asked. "Three. Matty, Richey and Abby. They live with grandma and grandpa." Molly said. "We will take you to hold Rachel." Victor said, getting his hand placed on James stomach. The little baby was moving at all that attention. Victor smiled and Molly laughed before Giving his belly a big kiss. "Good baby!" She said.

They walked her to the bedroom. "Awe, is she asleep?" James frown. "Not yet, what's up James?" Draco asked. "Molly wants to some time with Rachel." James said. "Oh! Sure." Draco smiled and Victor sat her up on the bed. Molly grin was very big when the wide eyed girl was laid in her arms. Rachel hand moved a lot until it locked in some of her hair. Little Rachel yawned out. "If you rock a little slowly she should got to sleep." Draco said, before James pulled him out her line of sigh. "Dad needs to get ahold of Molly." James said. "What for?" Draco asked. "To be sure the other three kids of Ginny's are really with her." James side. "She has more children?" Draco frown. "Yes, please?" James whined. "I'll be sure the children are safe, yes. I think somebody needs a nap." Draco kind of laughed before turning back towards the bed. "I do not!" James whined. "You come. We was nearly finished." Victor said. "Take him to bed." Draco smiled, before he joined Molly on the bed who now held the sleeping baby girl. "Thank you, Molly." Draco smiled, and went to take the baby. "I wanna hold her more. I like baby." She said. "She needs to be laid down. How about this, lay her down slowly on the bed and lay with her?" Draco said only to be resting a small blanket over Molly who ended up falling asleep with her hand resting on Rachel's chest.

Draco came to Harry's home office when Harry got off work that afternoon with a paper and pen. "Did you have a good day at work?" Draco asked. "It was a workday." Harry laughed, getting a kiss. "I...hate to add more logs to the fire...But You need to contact Molly." Draco said. "Draco...I can't do that." Harry whispered. "Molly has three little siblings." Draco said and Harry let out a sigh. "And you want to be sure they are safe." Harry said. "James does too." Draco said. "I'll send a letter, but we can't take those kids too..." Harry said. "I know we'll be at fourteen kids, but what if they aren't safe. They are their half siblings! I know you guys hate Ginny but-" Draco started to cry and Harry pulled him down on his lap. "Draco, calm down. I'll be sure those children are safe...but with our babies and James, that will put fourteen children in this house...Could you really add three more tomorrow knowing you have to take care of yourself?" Harry asked. "Scorpius doesn't count and yes I would. I had mom do a memory charm on Molly. I won't let them also go through that if I can help." Draco cried, before getting a slow kiss. "Okay. I will get a hold of Molly and check on the children. Please, no more tears." Harry said softly, giving Draco another kiss. "I'm sorry...I suppose it isn't fair." Draco frown. "No, you have such a kind heart. How could that upset me?" Harry smiled, before little Narcissa open the attic door the rest of the way. "Daddy! Pappy! David got a bo-bo!" She cried. "Oh, no." Draco frown. "You go rest. I will take care of David." Harry said.

David sat sobbing in the Hallway and a very confused Lucius staring at the first aid by him. David's face was bloody by the cut on his forehead by the door he ran into, he had a carpet burn on his Knee and two of his fingers were bend, badly. "Oh, baby. What did you do?" Harry frown. "One of those muggle games and he ran straight into the door." Lucius said. "Unfortunately, by the look of his fingers I am going to have to take him to children's. Draco is resting, can Narcissa watch the baby?" Harry asked, picking the crying David up. "Yes." Lucius said. "Nassy." David cried. "She's coming too, calm down baby." Harry said.
David did have two broken fingers, but his head didn't even need stitches. The doctor hand his hand wrapped in a SpongeBob bandage to cover the finger splints and a couple SpongeBob bandages on his forehead to cover the cut. "Can you do my hand too?" Little Narcissa asked. "They are best friends and she wants David to feel better." Harry said and the nurse smiled. "Such a good sister." She said and happily wrapped her hand in a bandage too. "Looky! We match." Narcissa giggled and it did make the teary eyed David smiled lightly. "Bring him back in two weeks to check on his fingers, this prescription is a pain killer, but very mild. Only if he needs it because it will make him sleep." The nurse said, handing him the bag of bandages and the prescription. "Thank you, very much." Harry said.

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