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A week went by and Victor was worst. He wouldn't let Joey leave him. If Joey could manage to get out of the room, the second Victor realized Joey left, Victor's would find him. Joey was at a lost on how to handle his boy.
Right now? Victor and James laid asleep on the love couch in the living room, As Joey sat on the couch. Little Valerie was being held by somebody knew. A pale skin middle aged woman with very long red hair that the three month old hand her hand somewhat tingled in. Valerie's bright green eyes studying the woman holding her, who was having a conversation with Joey, who had a beer in his hand, and his ankle resting on his knee. "Take him to see my mother, she normally works with children younger, but she wants to help." The woman spoke and Joey let out a sigh. "Is that even allowed? I mean I have totally had my dick in you and all." With a roll of her eyes. "Yes, it is. It isn't like we are married nor his he related to her a bit. You really should be able to piss in peace, Joe. Now, something that questions me about Missy here." She said. "It isn't my place to tell you, Summer." Was his replied and she shrugged her shoulders. "She obviously shares both their DNA." She pointed out, and Joey took a drink of the beer he'd been holding. "Yes, that is true. However, it isn't my place to share." He said.

It was later then usually when Harry come home form work, by later, it was nearly midnight. "Sup?" Joey said, when Harry walked in the door, before Joey raised an eyebrow. Harry's eyebrow was cut. "Now who you decking?" Joey then asked, before Summer turned to face Harry. "It's nothing. This the friend?" Harry asked. "Nah, girl. Cool if she hangs?" Joey asked. "Just fill her in, and watch the tongue around David. Not sure who it was, but he screamed shit at the store with Narcissa and Lucius." Harry pointed out. "Joe's more of fuck kind of guy anyway." Summer said a bit cocky. Harry agreed, personally hearing the so called cuss work. Harry walked over and grabbed the half drank beer. "At least throw me another one, man." Was Joey only replied. "I'll grab you boys one. That apple juice in there is calling my name anyway." Summer laughed, getting up off the coffee table. "Just add it to the list on the fridge if you empty it." Harry said, dropping on the couch.

"Are you even suppose to be drinking?" Joey asked. "When did you talk to Narcissa?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Couple nights ago, when I brought the pack of beer. Explain to her it doesn't have as much alcohol has that vodka. Ones not gotta hurt you. She said to just be sure you don't get carried away." Joey replied. "Taking vic to a doc...Whatcha think?" He then asked. "Yeah. He shouldn't still be this dependent, but I don't really have anybody to recommend. The boys (David and Noah.) See an older woman, but...I'm not sure if she would see Vic, he's already seventeen." Joey thought for a moment. "You mean Dr. Billton?" Just going off Summers last name. "Her last name is actually Tomson." Summer said, handing them both a beer. "Wouldn't she have your last name? You said she's married." Joey pointed out. "I never said she was married to my father, it's like her fourth husband I think? My last name is actually her second husband. He adopted me when I was little." Summer just dropped on Joey's leg, taking a drink out of the drink she had. "They like her?" Joey asked. "She already agreed to see little Vicky." She pointed okay. "Okay, now. Calling them both little Vicky isn't cool." Joey half laughed. "Maybe don't name your kids similar names?" She kind of stuck out her tongue. "The boys do like her. If she agreed to see him, yes take him. They really shouldn't be on the love sit just because Vic won't leave but don't want to bother you." Harry pointed out. "So, you gotta fix your head or really act like you don't know I know." Summer said, taking another drink. "I never said anything." Joey quickly said. "I'm not stupid, Joe. Anybody with half a brain is going to be able to see Valerie is both their kid. You forget I have like tweleve half siblings or a few steps, well once step, I still chill with a couple you know. like twenty kids. The odds are in my favor about having a little knowledge. Oh, and I know who he is, so yeah. I realize what's up." She replied. "Alright, smart ass." Joey said, but gave her a kiss. "My wands upstairs. What's your name?" Harry asked. "Summer. He mentioned nine kids." She said. "Yes and three on the way." Harry said. "Cool. If I leave a notebook of a couple questions, would somebody answer?" Summer asked. "Just find Narcissa. She'll be happy to answer your questions." Harry replied and she smiled. "Cool. You cool if I hang?" She asked. "Yeah. Same though with him. As long as it doesn't influence the kids negativity, it's 'cool'. Harry replied, getting to kiss. "Night."

Harry woke Draco up, not meaning to, when he climbed into bed. Draco was 30 weeks with the twin girls and 35 weeks with their boy. Well, Draco's boy. It was known by both mean, that the boy was conceived before they were together by the bank Draco used to have another kid. Harry wouldn't let it effect them. It didn't matter. He loved all his kids, including Scorpius and little Narcissa. He even cared for Joe's kids, Victor and Victoria. Even if the boy wasn't biological his, the boy was just as much his child as the twins or the rest of the children.

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