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"Harry, why don't we go check on them?" Draco asked that evening. Lily, Lula, James and Victor were gone to see a movie. One both boys hated, it was some girly movie, but James gave in because it was his sister's birthday, but neither one of them was really happy about it. Draco could see Harry was worried about letting his 13 years old daughter out on the dating world, bit to young he thought. "No, that wouldn't be right...I'm just worried is all." Harry said, getting a light kiss on his lips. "I know you are, I'm sure she'll be okay. Come, help me with the bath?" Draco suggested and Harry smiled lightly. "I suppose it would be easier to give three little bitty babies and their big sister a bath, wouldn't it?" Harry said and Draco nodded.

Little Rachel loved splashing at the water in the tub as Harry and Draco slowly got the three babies all nice in clean who looked all wide eyed at their daddies giving them a bath. Harry lend over, giving Draco a kiss.  "What would you of thought if something told you...this was our future?" Harry asked. "I wouldn't have believed it, I might have turned angry, truthfully..." Draco admitted and Harry thought for a moment. "Maybe not angry, but I definitely wouldn't have believed it either. However...I am very thankful. I love my children, all of them. I never thought I would have so many children, but again, I am very thankful." Harry pointed out. "Agreed. I never imagined I would be a part of a family like this either. Funny really, in some ways, I want to know the thoughts your father has, but in other ways I don't." Harry admitted and Draco shook his head. "We don't need to know the thoughts my father has, I rather not loose the little thing we have going on here right now." Draco pointed out, getting a kiss on the side of the head. "I love you, very much, Draco. Nothing in the world is going to change that, but I know form the outside, how difficult and differently different, this must be. I'm glad you have your family, I really am." Harry said and Draco let out a sigh. "Harry...if there was a way...I'd bring your family back to you." Draco whispered and Harry shrugged his shoulders. "For whatever reason, they wasn't meant to be here. I don't like it either, but it isn't something I can change. Come, let's get them out of the water." Harry said.

"Draco...Why on earth do you have those old books out?" Narcissa said, coming into the attic late that same night. "Does it really matter mum?" Draco asked. "Harry isn't the biggest fan of magic, I can't imagine he is going to like the idea of you digging around those books..." She whispered, picking up one of the old books. "Harry doesn't know, he doesn't have to know everything mother." Draco pointed out and she shrugged her shoulders. "When you agreed to marry him, it did somewhat make it his business go know what your up too." She tried to point out, but Draco also pointed out. "I'm not up to anything, at this moment, I'm just looking at some possibilities." Was his replied. "Did harry say something about his parents?" Narcissa asked. "Nothing directly, but I can't imagine it's easy on him. He doesn't have anybody beside his kids and us...there's time it was just him and his kids before he didn't have anybody." Draco pointed out. "you'd...start with somebody who died closer to now. Start with that Werewolf...Lupin, potion have been made this these to stop the transformation, and doesn't he have a son that's nearly grown at this point?" She asked. "Yeah, Teddy. I...never thought to ask about him. I guess he is at Hogwarts? But even if this to work, it requires a lot of magic and I don't think I have enough." Draco admitted and she eased down in the sit beside him. "You do, you just aren't much aware of it. You and Harry are very powerful, it's how come even the muggle side if your little girl that should have won over, didn't. She has a very rare passive power, and that itself is powerful. That's how Rachel is as powerful, Noah and David's magic is just dorment because they know their daddy doesn't like magic, but all the magic reading shows they are. They just won't let it show." She pointed out. "So...would it work?" Draco asked and she shrugged her shoulders. "It should, but I'd wait. The full moon is here for a couple more days and the potions take at least two weeks to brew. I would talk to Harry, before you do such a thing, Draco. You never know the hidden fears somebody might have, and maybe his son." Narcissa said. "If you really can bring back somebody in his family, you should." James said, holding a very fussy Valerie in his arms. "I didn't even hear you two." Draco sigh as he walked over, looking at the little girl who was trying to nuzzle to James. He had left her for a long time and she wasn't too happy about that. "Dad thinks she just missed me, but she won't calm down." James fussed. "Just move her to your neck and rock, she'll calm down. She is a little upset she was left behind it seems. How much did you overhear?" Draco asked. "Enought and as for cousin teddy, he was coming ... Until he turned eighteen. He is now eighteen and in the muggle army thing...I thought about it myself, but somebody here changed that plan. Anyway...I think you should, if you can...he wouldn't have been so broken if he had somebody else to lean on...but he didn't..." James said and after a pause, Draco nodded.

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