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"I want root beer!" James fussed, turning back to face his boyfriend. "We can go to the store, James. It's not that big of a deal." Victor said, before looking at Draco. "I need-" He started. "No, leave the baby here and your phone." Draco said. "I wasn't driving the last time I was texting, Draco." Victor pointed out. "You can take it up with Harry and your father, Victor. Your phone and the children stay here." Draco said, before Victor let out a sigh and walked over. Valerie was handed to Draco. "Fine. Anything I need to grab?" Victor asked. "Extra formula and diapers." Draco said. Victor turned to James and held out his hand. After a pause, James grabbed his hand and they left the house, together.
"Are you sure I can leave Draco here?" River asked Draco, who turned back to the stove. "I'm sure. The kids love him very much...and he is after all my son." Draco said. "Alright, Tell Harry I'm taking off. I still have to pack." River said. "I will, Have a safe trip."

--Three weeks Later--
--July 25th--

Harry just pulled into the mall, and looked back. Their bus, the one he found online that was big enough to safely have Passengers in for everybody online. They had plenty of smaller cars, a couple tucks and of course Harry's motorcycle he shares with Stan and Teddy when they were around. Harry wanted to be sure there was a way everybody could travel together, the bus as the only option. The bus held Albus and a lot of friends forms his school. To celebrate his 14th birthday. He didn't want a party, he just wanted to play video games with his friends and not be interrupted by his siblings. "Alright boys. I'm picking you all up at seven. Have fun." Harry said, before the bus load hurried out the car and Albus turned. "Thanks dad." Albus said. "You are welcome, Son. Have fun." Harry said, watching them all disappear into the mall before he made the trip back home.

Draco got a kiss when Harry walked into the Nursery. The triplets just turned three months and Rachel was about to turn one years old and Harry still had no idea of what to do for his little girls first birthday. Draco smiled, picking Rachel up. Rachel, in the last three weeks had became able to leave the triplets. Some of it was because Rachel was starting to walk, and she was getting to be a very active, on her feet, little girl. She was starting to understand, or believe, the triplets would be okay. Rachel giggled and Reached out for her daddy. Harry smiled and took his little girl into his arms. "I still have no plan for her birthday." Harry admitted. "Well, she's just a baby. Why don't I just make a cake and pick up a couple new toys? She has plenty of clothes and just spend the day with her? She's just a baby." Draco said and Harry gave a light smile. "I think I'd like that." Harry smiled.

They left the nursery, leaving the triplets asleep in their cribs and Harry put Rachel on her little feet. She held tightly to his fingers and giggled. She wasn't ready to walk herself, not yet. Draco smiled and give Harry a light kiss. "She's adorable." Draco smiled. "She's a perfect little girl. Are you feeling okay, Draco? You've been quite." Harry asked "I'm okay, Harry. Remus and I are going to get together next month and start planning out the homeschool lessons, or... actually, who all am I even homeschooling these year?" Draco asked. "I'm not sure. James can't go back to school, but I think the others want to attend primary or secondary school. Molly I know for sure does." Harry said. "I don't mind. I can get with him to work out transportations and stuff. The babies keep me pretty busy during the day so I'm not worried about it." Draco said. "You'd tell me if something was troubling you, wouldn't you?" Harry said. "Yes, I would. I'm okay, I promise." Draco smiled lightly.

Summer slipped on her houses shoes and setted Valerie on her hip when Harry told her who was at the gate. The gate was something added later on, to keep the wondering neighbors away. Narcissa nor did anybody else wanted questions. Summer, was almost 15 weeks along and Valerie was now a six month old and not sitting the best on her hip because of her grown belly. Summer was also a little nervous about why her mother was just showing up.
Summer opened the door and walked outside. Little Valerie making her normal noises and sucking on her pacifier as Summer made her way to the gate. "Mum, what are you doing here?" She asked. "Can I not stop by and say hello?" She asked. "No, you can't. You never do. I don't want a problem either. Victor and his family are mine." Summer said. Her mother's eyes went to little Valerie who looked back at her all wide eyed. "I've came to terms with that, but...I got a called." She said and after a sigh. "Very well." Summer said and typed in the code to open the gate.
Summer made some tea and put Valerie in the highchair and gave her a bottle, before sitting at the table across from her mother. "You couldn't just tell me who called?" Summer asked, pouring a cup of tea. "Look, I realized I might not have been the most understanding of your partner, but your my kid. I don't want to loose you." She said and after a pause. "It's not like you directly said anything to him, so I'll talk to him. Who called?" Summer asked. "Timothy." She said softly. "My... Biological father?" Summer asked. "Yeah, he called a couple days ago." She said softly. "What...did he say? I'm...not that interested in getting to know a man who refused to get to know me during my youth." Summer said.

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