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The following morning? An officer did come to the hospital to speak to both Victor and his father, Joey. Victor wasn't in the mood to talk, but Joey was handed a court date card. "I doubt you'll get anything more the CS and maybe something recommended for a temper, but the parents are being pushing. There's nothing I can do to keep him out of prison this time." The officer said and Joey just shoved the card into his pocket. "You can go. Vic doesn't want to talk." He said a bit plain, but the officer looked over a Victor. "You'll have to make a statement, Victor. Your father is welcome to tag along. They keep sending officers." He spoke, Victor shrugged his shoulders. He didn't care, not right now. "I said leave." Joe said.

"Don't want to." He mumbled. "I know, Vic. Believe me, I know. However, it'll keep him a way a lot longer." Victor then looked up at him. "Are you still...gonna get into trouble?" He mumbled. "Vic, don't worry about that. I made my choice. I can handle myself. I need you safe. I need that boy as far away form you as possible." Joey said and he frown. "I don't want you in trouble because of me." He just let out a sigh. "I made my choice, Vic. Don't worry so much about me, please. I need you getting better and safer, okay. Let me take you to the station, okay?" He asked and he frown. "Stay...with me?" Joey nodded. "Promise." He smiled lightly.

Walking into that super busy station made Victor very uncomfortable and upset the little girl in the carsit. Victor just lend down and picked her up. Victoria nuzzled close to her pappy's chest. Victor locked an arm around her as he followed his father into the station. The got an older officer, one who only worked in the station to set down with Victor. He smiled lightly at the little girl in his arms. "How old is she?" He asked in-between a question about what has happened. He'd spend all day if he needed to. "Two months..." He whispered, getting questioned about the baby or anything other then what happened and about what happened. "I'm assuming there isn't anything lately we can use if you see a doctor?" He finally asked and Victor shook his head. "Never...for that far since I've been staying with them." He whispered, holding a baby bottle now to Victoria's mouth. She was holding into his finger tightly drinking her bottle. The officer looked at his father. "I'll make my recommendation to the judge about how you react." Joey nodded. "Thank you, but I'm not to worried." Was his only replied. "You can take your son and granddaughter home now. We'll call to let you know if there's a court date of if a plea deal is suggested." He spoke. "Thank you." Joey replied.

Almost a month passed by. Making it April 15th. Victor didn't want his father to go to the court date. Even if Joey wasn't worried, Victor felt responsible. Because in his mind, he was. "Son, stop. It'll be fine." He smiled lightly. "Take her. They'll have to let you come back." He mumbled shoving the carsit into his hand. He let out a sigh. There wasn't any calming his son down, so he agreed.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Bell." Said the judge. He'd been there once, as a youth getting into a bit of trouble over marijuana. "I do try and stay out of trouble, sir." Joey replied, standing but rocking the carsit with his foot to keep the little three month old girl sleep. "You have two children, neither one are that young." Joey nodded. "My granddaughter. My son's been upset over this hold thing." Joey replied and the judge nodded. He talked with a few officers and the parents of the 'victim' the seventeen year old did suffer a concussion, but nothing life threatening. "You can't go in there." An officer form the outside was heard when the doors opened. Victor had dragged James along by the wrist. "I tried joey. He just started freaking out." James fussed. "Sit down, the both of you." The judge quickly said, but Victor just shook his head making a run of his father. "Victor, calm down, please." Joey whispered, letting out a noise when the boy ran into his. His breathing all wrong. "Don't go!" He cried hardly able to breath. "Victor you have to calm down. Where's your inhaler?" The question went unanswered.
Victor's breathing was just getting worst. His fears were just getting worst. Yet his grip on his father wouldn't let go. "Victor please, you gotta breath." Joey tried to plead with him. "Please, call an ambulance." Joey asked.

Victor didn't remember passing out. He just opened his eyes with a breathing treatment mask on his face. He laid still in the court room floor. He breathing somewhat under control. They wouldn't take him, if the treatment and the uses of his inhaler would work. When his strength returned, he pulled the mask off his face, sitting up. "Finish your treatment, Victor." The judge told Victor. "...You can't...it my fault." He half cried. "Hush. Your father wasn't going anywhere, well, not to jail anyway. The way he handed it wasn't okay, and still broke a law. It isn't enough to have him thrown in jail, son. Now sit. Finish your treatment and breath." The judge order the teenager. Victor slowly pick the mask up holding it to his face.
Joey ended up with yes, CS, and the second the got outside the court house. "Victor, what for into you today? I told you-" Joey started. "You also...wanted me to calm down...you would have said anything..." He mumbled and he let out a sigh. "I'm taking you to your doctor. You still sound awful." Victor shook his head. "I wanna go home, dad. Please." Victor let out a sigh.

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