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Draco smiled when he Rachel reached out for him. She wanted her cuddle form Draco. Draco gladly took the little girl who giggled out and nuzzled to his chest. "I'm happy to see our little girl is feeling much better." Draco said before the hurried small footsteps were heard. "Sissy!" David fussed and Harry picked up the two small children. Young Narcissa though rested her head on his shoulder and yawn out. "Is somebody needing a nap?" Harry said. "No. No nap." She fussed. "Mum's been trying for a couple days now, somebody thinks she's a big girl now." Draco said. "I think I know somebody she'll take a nap with." Harry said, and put David on his feet before starting the walk to James bedroom. "No nap." Narcissa whined. "Somebody is still whinny. Somebody might be getting bigger, but even daddy and I sometimes need a nap. You still need your nap." Harry said, giving the knock to the bedroom door. "It's open." James said as Harry felt David grab his leg. "I should have just brought you with me." Harry laughed, before putting Narcissa down on her feet and opened the door. "Somebody is being mess fussy head." Harry said. "Dad, I know I sleep a lot but what am I, a nap sitter?" James said a bit annoyed. "It sound like you need another nap." Victor said, and James huffed out. "James." Harry said. "Alright. Fine." James whined, and Harry put the two kids up on the bed. "Come here you little rug rats." James said and Narcissa did kind of want to nuzzle to the belly and David wanted his big brother and both wiggled under the blanket.

"What's...the plan for Noah's birthday?" James asked. "I haven't a clue as your brother is ignoring any word that has to do with his birthday." Harry said. "Maybe just take him somewhere?" Victor said. "He doesn't really have a lot of friends, dad. He might rather just spend some time with you, dad." James said. "I suppose that might be a better idea." Harry said. "Fishing." Victor said. "Seeing how I don't even fish, I doubt he would want to go." Harry said. "I just hear that's what they do sometimes." Victor said. "I suppose it is a common things fathers do with their kids, but I think he's enjoy something a bit uncommon, better." Harry said. "Isn't his son suppose to be here sometime soon?" James asked. "Yeah, once the school lets out for the holiday." Harry said. "You both seem a bit worried." Victor said, having a sit on the feet of the bed. "A bit. We aren't sure how he is going to behave." Harry admitted, watching the two young kids slowly fall asleep. "Worried to much of old Lucius got to him?" James said. "A bit, yes. Draco isn't too worried about it, but slightly. I suppose all we can really do is wait and see." Harry said. "I'm sure he'll be fine." Victor said. "I'm sure in the end it will be fine too." Harry said.

Harry walked into the bedroom, to feel the light kiss on his cheek. Harry smiled lightly. "You can tell she still doesn't feel the best. She's also asleep." Draco said, before letting out a noise when Harry pulled him close for a snuggle. "She has an ear infection, but she'll be okay." Harry said, as Draco wrapped his arms around Harry, resting his head on Harry's chest. "I must have gotten her ear a little wet in a bath." Draco whispered. "Nothing to worry about Draco. She'll be fine. She needs to build an immune system anymore." Harry said, giving the top of his head a kiss. "Noah's eight birthday is coming up..." Harry said. "Is that way he has been kind of moody lately?" Draco asked. "I think so. I'm not fully sure as he won't talk to me when I bring it up." Harry said. "Try again? I wanna take a bubble bath anyway." Draco said and Harry laughed. "These babies have you all cute. Go, take your bath." Harry smiled and got a big kiss. "I have always liked baths...I just knew it was odd." Draco admitted. "There isn't anything wrong with you taking a bath. Babies or not." Harry said, before giving him a light kiss and Draco went into the bathroom.

Noah was sitting on the couch in their bedroom. Harry really needed to get bunk beds for David and Narcissa. They can't slept together in the same bed much longer...but he was always reminded they were only five and four. So...maybe it could wait, at least until after the triplets were born. Noah sat playing a video game, enjoying the alone time he had. He loved his brother and did like Narcissa but there were times he wanted the room to himself. "No." Noah said, having a feeling he knew what Harry wanted. Harry just turn off the T.V. and Noah let out a huff. "Dad, i was playing-" He started to fuss. "We need to talk about why you are fighting me on your birthday." Harry said. "No, go away." Noah fussed. "Noah Nathaniel Potter." Harry said a bit annoyed and Noah just looked down in his lap. He hadn't heard his full name in such a long time. "I might not want her back as your wife because I get how much happier you are with Draco, but I want my mom. It isn't like you can make her, and even if you could the spell would wear off and she'd just leave again." Noah half cried and Harry eased down to his knees before him. "Believe me, I know how much this has hurt you, Noah. However, you are still everything to me. All you children mean the world to me. I'd go through it all again, to keep you kids." Harry said before Giving his head a kiss. "She...won't be there though..." Noah said. "No, but everybody else will be. Even grandma Molly and all your....lets go-" Harry started. "Step...I think. They are their half. Still...My brothers and sister too." Noah said and Harry smiled. "So, what do you say?" Harry said and after a pause. "Okay...daddy." Noah said, still kind of sad.

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