chapter twenty-Two

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"There isn't a way to keep the one in longer?" Draco asked. "Without knowing if it's magical. We can't risk using magic. It's different if we have to on like the small kids or even Victor, if it was life or death, but you know as well as I do the dangers. It would be a lot safer to just use a spell on the twins because we know for sure, they are magical." Harry said. "I guess that's true. What about the boys? Have you tried to see if they are?" Draco asked. "Noah isn't. I haven't tried with David and because Rachel isn't mine biologically, she won't be either." Harry said. "Do you want to know?" Draco asked. "It wouldn't matter. He won't be going to Hogwarts, either way." Harry said. "I suppose that's true." Draco said, giving Harry a small kiss. "Seeing how I don't work tomorrow. I...suppose I'll take the picture to her personally." Harry said. "I think she would really like that." Draco said.

Harry wasn't really looking forward to knocking on the door or explaining what has happened the last serval years. He held the picture in his hand and after another deep breath he gave a knock on the door. Maybe it was too early? It was hardly seven, and there wasn't an answer. Harry summoned his broom and was just about to climb on when the door opened. "Is that really you?" Molly said, with a small girl holding into her shirt. "Yeah...I thought I'd come say hello." Harry said as the broom disappeared. "Come, inside." She said and Harry followed her inside the house. "I have somebody who would love is dying to have a look around your house." Harry said. "Sure! I don't mind. New girl?" She asked. "No...Not quiet..." Harry said, pulling out his phone to the picture of him and Draco before she was handed it. It was an uncomfortable pause, but she smiled lightly. "Glad to see he is well, he is, isn't he?" She asked. "For the most part. He's deaf in a ear and there's history of scars on his arms I still don't have to story for, but he's been a big help." Harry said, getting handed back the phone. "However, he is well aware of magic." She said. "Yes, but my oldest son boyfriend has a big interest in Magic." Harry said. "Of course, he's welcome to have a look around." She said. "Prefect." Harry said.

Even thrown form the fire place due to freaking out the second his feet wasn't touching anything, Victor found it very cool getting pulled back up to his feet. "That was awesome." Victor said. "Should have warn you." Harry said. "No, I'm good!" Victor said. "Just be careful." Harry said as he took off throughout the house. "The hair-" Molly asked. "A biological white parent. Someone the blond dominated, doesn't quiet go with the complexion I know. He's a good kid." Harry said, easing down an the arm of a chair. "Hermione and Ron are both upstairs, asleep." Molly said. "You can wake them." Harry said after a pause.
"Harry!" Hermione said form behind and they spent a couple hours talking with Harry ignoring a few questions that got to details about Daisy and a couple here and there. The children come out quiet of few times. Not only Harry's but the two they had shortly after Harry left. The subject about Draco was uncomfortable, but everything by the end of the third hour was out there, and seemed to be okay.
"What's the point in the aids if they don't help either one of them?" Ron said. "With little Molly. They allow her to hear humming say she's if a high enough pitched sound goes off. Like a smoke alarm. The doctor wants to take out her implants and after she's healed wants to get an MRI to see if there's anything he can do to fix her hearing because there is a touch there of the humming wouldn't be there. He also says the way her voice isn't off like with most talking deafs, that she must have had some hearing when she was learning to talk." Harry said. "He thinks he can help?" Hermione said. "He isn't sure. There's nothing on her since she was like three or four so he has no idea what happened between those time...But if he can't help, they'll she'll have to have to implants put back in...and then you run the risk of her loosing what little hearing she does have." Harry said. " tried-" Hermione said. "Narcissa did, whatever is wrong can't be fix magically." Harry said. "The same reason his can't be fixed?" She asked. "No, At least I don't think so. There's a lot of dark magic been used on him, by several different wands. Any magic since then form a wand doesn't have an effect and potions help very little." Harry said. "So the one in his ear?" Ron asked. "He isn't the best at explaining medical stuff...what I can understand is it evens out his left ear. I guess without it, it overloads the other one? I'm not fully sure. He also has an implant, just his is clear hard to see." Harry said. "So you don't know about the thing with little Molly?" She asked. "I don't, know. She's a very happy go lucky little girl. A lot small for eleven, but at this point I don't think it has to do what anything that happened. I think she's...just a small girl...a bit immature in some setting and mature in others. Somethings...not quiet right." Harry said. "Was she born early? I mean she's nine months younger then Lily right? I know Irish twins are a thing, like with Albus and Lily, but even then they are closer to eleven months apart then ten." Hermione said. "I suppose it's possible, but she healthy." Harry replied.

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