Chapter Nine

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"Such a sexy thing you are." Harry smirked, getting a kiss.

"Dad!" James cried through the house less then an hour later. "Daddy!" David fussed and Harry hurried down the stairs. "What's wrong?" Harry said. "I'm not sure...I think it's one of his last foster brothers!" James cried. "Go upstairs you two and you stay in the house." Harry said, grabbing his jacket and slipping on his boots.
"You can't run forever." Said the boy, and Harry seen the knife in his hand. "You so need to bugger off." Victor said. "Your the one with the British boy. Shall I use him to get what I want?" He said. "You live him out of this..." Victor said, before out of the blue and very quicken. The knife was on the grass and Harry had the boy pend to the side of the car. "Inside, Victor." Harry said and He took off. "Where the-" said the boy. "You shut the hell up! My guess is your sixteen or seventeen so the law won't do much good." Harry said. "Even if you tried. He wouldn't dare open his mouth. There's others. They'll come for him and the British boy." He said. "You or any of your sick friends lays another hand on Victor or touches my son, you'll wish the law was the one dealing with you." Harry said. "He stopped being fun a lot time ago." He said letting out a groan when Harry slammed his head against the car. "I mean it. I know plenty of teenagers who can make you feel everything you've done to that boy." Harry said, before letting go and stepped on the knife. The boy after knowing Harry wasn't letting him leave with it, got back in his car and speed off.

Harry knocked on the opened bedroom door. "Come talk to me Victor." Harry said, being followed into his bedroom. "How long-" Harry started. "No, just no." Victor whispered, turning back towards the door. "Look, I get it. Really. No law, just talk to me." Harry said. "A while...It's...why I left, can't leave school so doesn't help." Victor said. "Have you seen a doctor lately?" Harry asked. "Yeah, physically I'm fine." Victor said. "Does-" Harry started. "And he won't." Victor said. "You can go, school won't be a problem much longer. I'm getting the both of you home schooled." Harry said. "Homeschool?" Victor asked. "James can't very well show up when the pregnancy can no longer be hidden and now I have custody over you." Harry said, and that caused Victor to turn back around, only to be handed his folder all his foster parents got. "How?" He asked. "A wave of a wand. So you'll also be homeschooled with James, this way Draco can help you improve your grades and James can worry less." Harry said. " you care so much about school?" Victor asked. "I have my reasons. I'm finding somebody for you to talk to as well...and you should put on some shorts and a t-shirt after your shower, your belt is fine being on." Harry said and after a sigh, Victor just nodded.

"Your father cares to much about somebody worthless." Victor said to James later that night. "You are worthless, Vic." James cried and he let out a sigh. "Please don't cry. I didn't mean to upset you...I just...He cared to much." Victor said, giving James a kiss. "I'll be right back." He added, before finding Harry who was sitting at his home office. Since Draco had claimed his desk, he made himself an office in the small attic of their house. It was kind of big of an attic, but still crammed full of boxes. "Take those bands off." Harry said. "Ah. So that's what this is about." Victor said slowly pulling off his bands. "I have almost three teenagers and I'm sure you've noticed James'." Harry said. "Once or twice." Victor said, walking over to the desk and dropping the bands on the table. His whole right arm was covered is scars, but nothing that looked recent. "Your left handed?" Harry asked. "Yeah." He replied. "When was the last time?" Harry asked. "Ten or eleven months ago, I don't even have a blade anymore." Victor said, before getting handed his bracelets back. "Like the others, I'll do random checks. As long as it doesn't spring back up, we don't have to discuss it. Happy to listen if you ever want to talk, but as of now...I can see you are holding yourself well enough." Harry said. "I'm not one to talk." Victor said. "Because you haven't had anybody to talk to. Other then James, and I know you wish not to share everything that happened to him yet. I know more then you think, Victor. The door always open, just come find me." Harry said. "Why me?" Victor asked, putting back on his bracelets and bands. "Because you mean a lot to my son, and your just a kid. You need somebody to take care of you, and that doesn't just stop once your eighteen." Harry said. "Thanks...I think." Victor said.

Harry come into the bedroom after a couple more hours of diddling with his work. Draco wouldn't let him in the bathroom either. "Now what if I needed to us the bathroom?" Harry laughed at the door. "There's plenty of other bathrooms." Draco said. "Just go wait on the bed." Draco somewhat whined. "Oh, alright." Harry said.
Harry was playing a phone game when the light turn off and Draco turn on the lamp. "Now who is a sexy little girl?" Harry smirked. Draco hair was in very high pig tails that were fluffed with blue ribbons tied around them. He stood in white knee high socks, a very short blue skirt and a jacket that Harry was slowly unzipping to show nothing on under it. "I told you, little girl needs her daddy." Draco blushed.

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