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--Three days Later--
--March 15th--

The last three days flown by in the household and the weekend came, a Saturday morning. Oddly enough, a freezing cold spring morning. The plans for an outdoor celebration off the table for now 16 year old Molly Potter. Harry and Ginny's biological daughter. A small, deaf girl. Molly was a very Magical girl, who just kept it to herself, because she didn't want her parents, Harry and Draco, to worry about her.
She yawned sitting up on her bed. Her brother, Albus, and sister, Lily, still slept as she got slowly dressed. She noticed Albus had Annabelle over, again. Annabelle was over nearly all the time, the 17 year old not wanting to go home. She had been overwhelmed once or twice while staying with them, but Albus found her in the Attic, away form the noises in the house. Albus learned why she was so soft spoken and sometimes had trouble with touching. She had Autism, but very little people knew about it. She didn't like people knowing. She didn't like being different, she was just having trouble with all the noises in the house sometimes. Albus didn't mind. He simply placed a light kiss on her lips. Later, told his father what he learned. They still didn't know why she didn't want to go home, she wouldn't tell them.

She left her brother and sister asleep in the bedroom and shut the door. She was dressed for the day and went downstairs. She made herself something small to eat and then sat down on the couch. She picked up the television remote and flipped through the channels until she found a movie she'd watched before. She of course couldn't hear the words, but she enjoyed the show anyway. She slowly ate her little breakfast, not hearing the knock on the door. Finally, the young man, Henry, remember to hit the button. It started flashing by the door. It let the deaf teenager know, somebody was at the door.

She opened the door. "Hi, Henry! Aren't you early?" She said. "Am I? I thought I could come at six, at the earliest? Without your parents being too sore at me." He said. "You can come anytime, really. You can even spend the night, but uncle might be worried. He is still worried about Victoria. Come. I'm watching television." She said, pulling Henry into the house. "I take it, most are still asleep?" He asked. "Yeah. It's Saturday, they sleep later." She said, dropping back on the couch. He joined her and listened as the upstairs slowly started to come awake.


Joey yawned, reaching for the ringing from laying on the end table. "Yeah?" He mumbled, answering the call. "I don't mean to call so early, but Henry left this morning. Did he make it there? He left before the wife and I even got out of bed." Said Henry's father. "Give me a few minutes, I'm just getting out of bed myself." He said. "Okay, thanks." He said, ending the call.
Joey got dressed and went throughout the house. The little foot steps told him the young ones had already woken up, surprised Skyler didn't come wake them up. He paused at the small bedroom of his daughter's. It was empty, bed was already made. Victoria was up and about already as well. Unusual for the girl, much like the older ones, they slept in. He knew it likely meant the little goth white boyfriend of his daughter was infact, over. He yawned coming down the stairs, smelling breakfast already being cooked. He turned into the kitchen Anne was cooking the breakfast he could smell. "I'd figured you'd sleep in?" She said, seeing Joey. "Got a call. Seen Henry?" Joey asked. "Living room. He was watching television with Molly when I came downstairs, that was 7, I'm not sure what time he got here. Early, I'd say." Anne said and Joey turned around, walking into the living room. The television show had long been changed to keep the toddlers attention. Oakland, Olivia and Skyler sat eating some toast and watching the television on the carpet. A sleepy James, Victoria and Henry were on the couch in mid conversation. "I don't see how you are going to mange passing. Do they even know?" James yawned. "The school isn't aware and I don't plan on telling them. Never wanted to even go." Henry fussed. "The why did you." James asked. "Because father requested it. He's two faced as hell and without reading very well, I have trouble holding full time work, so I'm stuck." Henry said. "Your mum?" James asked. "She's background. Won't go against him." He said. "so you decided to show up here?" James asked. "Can't handle another weekend. I'll explode." Henry said. Joey walked away. Enough had been said and he called the man back. "Henry is here. Let the kid relax for a bit." Joey said. "I don't like him just taking off." Was the man's reply. "He is of age." Joey said and with a sigh, the call was ended.

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