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Harry yawned standing at the nursery door and little Rachel was all giggly. "Morning, Narcissa." Harry fault back another yawn. "Sound like somebody needs more sleep." She said. "Somebody also has work in two hours, what brought you up here? Or did I really sleep through her crying." Harry said. "No. No. I wanted to talk to you and I might have woke her up by mistake." Narcissa said. "She's a light sleepier. What did you want to talk about?" Harry asked. "Getting Draco a check up. Morning sickness is normal, but sometimes the stomach needs a little aid in settling." Narcissa said. "Is his morning sickness not normal?" Harry asked. "Yes and no. I needed potions at times it help hold down my dinner. He did with his daughter for a week or so. With triplets, a special kind of triplets, it could be over load. Nothing a doctor can't help." Narcissa said. "Very well...is this something you can handle?" Harry asked. "Yes, it is. I'll let you know if it becomes something to worry about." Narcissa said. "Thank you. Do you wanna feed her this morning? Somebody is enjoying grandma time." Harry said. "I'd like that." Narcissa smiled lightly.

Come time for breakfast, most of the kids awake and joined for breakfast some more awake then others started to eat. Scorpius once again just somewhat picking at his breakfast. He still felt exhausted and his stomach hurt a whole lot. It wasn't settling at all and he didn't at all want to eat when all he was going to do was vomit. Albus, being the overly worried big (in this case little) brother noticed the odd behaviour. The same behaviour James had before the pregnancy was known. It made sense. It would explain why he came back without warning; something bad could have easily happened to him. Albus also knew he didn't want to talk to Harry or even Draco. He could be scared about what they'd think with the incoming babies already going to join the family. So...after breakfast, knowing he would miss his school bus, give a knock to his bedroom door.
Scorpius partly opened the door. "Er...shouldn't you being on that yellow thing or in the dinning room?" Scorpius said. "It's called a school bus." Albus replied, pushing his way into the bedroom. Scorpius let out a huff, but shut the door behind Albus. "What do you want?" Scorpius asked. "Why did you come back so suddenly?" Albus asked. "Along with your nosey father; it's non of your business!" Scorpius said, very annoyed. "You know-" Albus started; but Scorpius opened his door and give Albus a push out his room. "It's non of your business. You and everybody else need to just leave me alone." Scorpius said.

Two weeks has passed since that day. Albus kept trying to talk to Scorpius, but he refused to answer any questions and ended up casting a spell on his door to make Albus leave him be. So...for now, Albus let it go. He still really had no proof of it and it was about to be his little brothers eighth birthday. However, today? Was the day before Hugo's seventh birthday. So they were all on the way to grandma Molly's. Well, almost everybody. James and Victor kept at the house. James was 27 weeks, and his health was getting very poor. He slept a lot that seemed to help somewhat. He was on a lot of medicines to try and prolong the pregnancy, but their daughter could still be born any day or have to be born to give them both a chance.
Draco's morning sickness was somewhat under control with the help of the new pill the doctor give him. It was nearly time for him to learn their gender. The single was big enough, but Harry convinced him to wait on the twins. He was only fair. Other then the up and down morning sickness, Draco's pregnancy was going well...but it only added to his worryness about going to Molly's. Just because they knew and Ron and Hermione had seen him...didn't make it easier. However the week spent with Draco and Harry, meant a lot to their two children and Hugo wanted them at his party. Something that worried Harry slightly is Narcissa and Lucius...well Lucius. He still never really learn to trust that man, he was unsure if he is ever going to trust Him...but Narcissa and Lucius were two for one...something even Molly, Ron and Hermione seen in such a short time frame.

The party took place outside, very much heated by a spell and a spell that mostly muted the screams coming form all the children running around after a sugar high. "We could have done a double party." Hermione said, standing on the group of most of the adults. "I didn't think it was fair for either boy to have to share their day when it's not like they are twins." Harry said. "And...its been difficult to even plan a party." Draco said a bit quiet. "The first without his mum?" Hermione asked. "Yes, and it bothers him." Harry said. "Have-" Hermione started. "Every week since she left. Doesn't matter. The divorce will be final after the holiday and the kids are mine. I rather her not show up for one day anyway. It's just going to make it worst in the end. Reopen the heartbreak I'm still dealing with." Harry said. "I suppose that is true. What's this about David's new glasses? I thought you just got him glasses." Hermione asked. "For colour blindness." Harry said. "I still say wait on them. Because it goes up and down and you could end up buying a new pair." Draco said. "Unless you can talk Narcissa into homeschool this spring, He has to. He can't go to school not seeing the proper colours." Harry said. "With a note he could. Neither one of them want to stay home this semester." Draco fussed. "Harry, I'm sure I could get him a note. Teacher are more understanding in america then here anyway." Hermione said and after a pause. "Alright, alright. I already have to get Rachel glasses and Victor another inhaler; anyway." Harry said with a slight sigh. Their budget was getting tighter and tighter as more and more things came up...he wasn't sure what would happened once all the babies were born.

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