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A couple days later, Draco come home with both Scorpius and his newborn girl, who was very much greeted by a lot of the siblings in the house. It made Scorpius feel a little better, that he wasn't all alone. It made him feel more welcomed when he little bedroom had be changed to hold both him and his little girl. He didn't really expect to see little Molly, sitting in his bed. He laid the baby down slowly in the crib, before turning to face his step sister. "Molly, what's wrong?" He asked, before she pulled out a similar tiny teddy bear for him. "Keep it with you." She said, handing it to him. "The same you got for Vic?" He asked and she nodded. "It's special. It will keep you and the baby safe. No more worrying. Snuggle." She said and he smiled just a little. She nuzzled close to him, even if it was uncomfortable because his stomach was hurting a lot of that stupid operation he had. He didn't understand it one bit, but was thankful the whole, pregnancy part of it was over. He nocited though, Molly hadn't grown much at all, even if she was a small girl. It seemed she shouldn't be this small, but was It really his place to say anything to them?

June 17th.
Harry couldn't believe it was already Lily's 13th birthday. She was officially a teenager now. Who long had the teenager attitudes.
Harry turned on the light, waking Lily, Albus and Molly up. Molly was quick to lock her big sister into a big birthday hug. "It couldn't wait a little while?" Lily whined. "You are the one that wanted the whole skating rink to your friends and yourself for your birthday. You and I have to set it up before the party starts. After Draco makes your breakfast of course." Harry pointed out, pulling the two girls to there feet. "Didn't I tell you not to wear such a short shirt to bed?" Harry wanted to complain. "Dad it's cool. After the time I'm in my boxers." Albus pointed out and Harry let out a sigh. "Alright kids, get dressed. We have a busy day." Harry pointed out.

Breakfast was very loud. All the kids taking their turns with wishing their big sister (or little in Albus and James case) a happy birthday. The 'uncle' (Joey and his family) side of the family wishing her one. Grandma and grandpa as well. let's not forget her lap being full of a Rachel and Valerie who both seemed to of known it was her special day. Valerie was getting to be such a big girl, and already sitting up without help and very much aware of the world around her. She was starting to get a lot of personally. James give her this big kiss on the cheek that caused her fight to light up red. "James!" She wanted to fuss embarrassed, but he just smiled. "My sister is now a teenager, you hush." James couldn't help but laugh as Valerie reach up for him. James smiled and put his little girl on his hip, before grabbing a dry pancake off the center of the table. "I feel that bad, though. You and Victor are staying behind." Lily pointed out. "I don't skate, Lily. And somebody has to watch the babies. We can't very well take a newborn and five other babies under one to such a nosey place. Even if it's just you and your friends." Victor pointed out and she sighed. "I...suppose your right. Still, I wish you'd come." She pointed out, but he shook his head. "I'm not one for things like that..." Victor whispered, before him and James disappear up the stairs. It has been a couple days, but Victor seemed to be able to part some of the time with his father. Joey was thankful the psychiatrist, aka. Summers mom, was helping him out some. "You sure you two don't mind to keep in the background? I don't feel the best leaving them in charger of all six babies." Harry said. "Yes, we will be here. No need to worry." Joey replied, as his lap got filled with his girl, Summer, who wiggled herself between the table and him. "Have I not been paying enough attention to you?" He laughed, locking an arm around her, continuing his breakfast.

Harry and Draco sat at a table a few hours later. The skating ring was filled with other teenagers. Mostly better twelve and fourteen years old. What caught Harry's eyes was the girl that keep getting real close to Lily, and Lily kept blushing. "Draco, had Lily talked to you about liking somebody?" Harry asked. "Lily doesn't really talk to me, at all, Harry. Maybe Albus would know?" Draco said and Harry strugged his shoulders. At least with two girls, Lily wasn't having a baby.
A couple hours went by, the cake now gone. The teenagers wasn't going to let the cake, live more then two seconds, and the ice cream on the way. That's when Lily came up, a little red in the face, with the girl that was a little taller then she was. Her hair was a bright blonde, really long. Her dress was a light pink, and Harry noticed the light scar up her leg between her ankle and knee. "Daddy...This is Lula." Her voice was somewhat embarrassed. "Hello, Lula. How are you?" Harry asked. "Good. I...suppose I couldn't talk you into letting me take her to a movie this evening?" Lula asked. "How old are you, Lula?" Harry asked. "Fourteen." She replied. "You two really aren't old enough to go unsupervised..." Harry said. "Couldn't James and Victor come?" Lily asked. "Call your brother, see if they are okay with taking you girls to the movies. Be sure they understand they have to stay with you." Harry pointed out, getting a big hug. "Thanks daddy!" Lily said.

Coming Together Years LaterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora