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Harry took David's hand, the one without the bandages hiding his broken fingers, and pulled him to his room. Little Narcissa laid asleep in their joined bed, for now and Noah was still asleep, the blanket throw off him and the pillow on top of his head. Harry walked over and pulled the blanket back over the boy and removed the pillow off his head. Harry give his head a kiss. Kicking himself. He couldn't believe he thought for a moment, to leave. He loved his children, more then anything. He wouldn't become his ex's, maybe...Narcissa was right...maybe he did need help keeping sober, keeping calmer, because he wouldn't loose his children...or even Draco. They were what mattered most to him. "Daddy?" Harry loved over at David, who still looked concerned, and he didn't know why. Harry just pulled David up onto his lap. "Don't worry, baby. Daddy is staying right here, I promise." David just looked up at him. "Promise?" Harry gave him a nod. "Yes, I do baby."

Harry sat in his home office, way up on the attic that evening. Looking at the laptop before him. Work was getting to be a headache and there was really to much on his mind for him to really...work. He looked up, and see James about to knock on the open door, Holding Val to his chest with his other arm. "What's up, James?" James out his arm down. "Can you watch her tonight? Victoria's been hospitalized and asking for vic...and I don't want him going alone...and I don't want to take her to a hospital." Harry got to his feet and walked over. Val was still awake, sucking on her pacifier when Harry took her into his arms. She let out a little whined, but soon relaxed in her granddaddy's arms. "Keep me posted on Victoria. I'll write a note." James nodded his thanks, and hurried down, to get properly dressed.
Being away form both her daddy's, she couldn't feel them in the house, made her very fussy. She didn't mind going to somebody else, but she always knew one of them was close by. No, they wasn't and she didn't like that. She started to really whine, and Harry picked her back up out of the cot he laid her in by his desk. "Shh...They didn't forget about you." She wanted to fuss more, but his voice was very soft and she did really love her granddaddy's. She looked up at him, as he pushed the pacifier back into her mouth. "That's a good girl." Harry smiled down at her, before hearing the footsteps and the yawn. "Harry?"
Harry looked up to see Draco, who had slowly made his way up all those stairs because he was done sleeping alone that night. "Find a kid to snuggle. Victoria's been hospitalized." Draco's eyes went wide, before he frown. "Is she okay?" Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't heard anything yet. I'm sure she'll be okay. James knows to call me if she needs some...help." Draco nodded, but walked over to them. Draco smiled down at the little girl, who was slowly letting sleep win. Her eyes were half close and she was hardly sucking on her pacifier. "She is such a beautiful baby, and I love her hair." Harry smiled. "James loves both their hairs." Draco smiled. "I know. Victor whines every now in then about his hair." Harry chuckled, laying Valerie down in Draco's arms, giving her head a little kiss. Harry give Draco a kiss, before stepping out, Harry needed a bathroom break.

Draco smiled down at the little girl, who was looking up at him all wide eyed. The move had woken her back up, and now she missed Harry.
Harry heard the fussing noises outside the bathroom and let out a sigh. He quickly washed his hands, before opening the bathroom door. Draco stood back in their bedroom, holding a very fussy two month old girl. "Now, why are you giving Draco such a heard time?" Draco just eased her down into his arms and after a few more whines, she went quiet. "She just wants her granddaddy. Funny, isn't it?" Harry gave a nod. "I didn't think my son would have a child at fifteen...But I do very much love her." Draco give Harry a kiss. "She loves you too. I'm sleepy." Draco whined out and Harry chuckled. "Go. Go to bed. I have to babysit and be sure a teenage girl is okay." After a moment, Draco nodded.

When it hit three in the morning, hours of Val crying for her daddies. The lamp exploded. Harry's laptop turning off. The room about a million degrees. It was time for Harry to take a little girl to her daddies, before her magic got to out of control.
James wasn't that happy when Harry put the carsit down beside him. He wanted to say something, but Val was screaming her head off. "She wouldn't stop crying. She's spoiled. She'll be okay. Calm her, before things start exploding." Harry spoke the last part quietly and James nodded.
Harry seen Victor wasn't beside him and neither was Victor's father. "Where are they?" James was in the middle of picking Val up. "Because we aren't married...I couldn't go back there. Not until she's in recovery. They are in the surgery waiting room. I...had no news to tell you, so I didn't call." Harry frown. "Why does she need surgery!?" James shook his head. "Nobody knows...Or nobody is saying. I don't know which one...and his father won't let a doctor look at him until he knows his daughter will be okay. I...don't think it's that bad...but Vic's worried." Harry let out a sigh. "Come, we are going there anyway." Harry said, and James seen the wand for a brief moment.

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