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A couple days laters, Joey wondered up the stairs to the attic where Harry worked form home. Little Molly was standing in the chair across the desk. Talking somewhat loudly to him, excited about the activity Grandma Narcissa enrolled her in. It would start just a week form today. Harry smiled lightly at his small tweleve year old daughter, but frowned inside. Never before had she had the option to joins program. It took a few minutes before he seen Joey and stopped his little girl rant.
Molly jumped out of the chair and hurried to stand at at Joe's feet. "Hello!" Joe smiled at the little girl. "Somebody seems really excited." He replied and she then started to tell him about the program Narcissa got her in. Getting a little louder as she talked. Harry let it go in just a couple minutes, before walking over and putting a hand on her shoulder. She turned to look at him. "Go tell Lily and Albus." She wanted to frown. "I'm talking to much, aren't I?" Harry shook his head. "No, Baby. Just it seems like Joe wants to talk to me about something." Harry quickly said. "Okay, sister and brother already know they." At with that, she hurried off down the stairs. "Just a little." Harry said kind of quietly and let out a chuckle before walking back over to his desk. "They are all sweet kids. Aren't the two girls twins? They look so much alike." Harry shook his head. "They aren't twins. Albus, Lily and Molly are are very close to one another in age. Narcissa and Scorpius aren't mine, but Narcissa age is close to David's and Scorpius is the oldest by a college of months. Rachel will also be hardly ten months older then triplets.  Who, themselves aren't normal triples." Joe rolled his eyes playfully. "You wonder why your children talk to much." Harry laughed. "Hey now." He replied but dropped in his chair. "What's up?" He asked. "Victor...just wanted me to try and make a friend. I don't really have anybody...that could be around social wise. The person I hang out with once and a while isn't a very good influence...But I realized there's a different between the two of us." Harry raised an eyebrow. "Joe, I'm not like that. I know you and Victor have had trouble being accepted. All I care about is how you act around my children. That's all I care about. I'll raise good kids and you might be grown, but Victor tells me you never finished school." Harry said and Joe shook his head. "Look at the ages of my kids." Harry nodded. "However, you wasn't caring for you son and your daughter wouldn't have been born until you were age twenty. That's not an excuses for not finishing highschool. I could see collage, but not highschool." Harry state and He let out a sigh. "Alright...I dropped out. My parents pretty much kicked me out once I was eighteen, I was still dating white girls and they really didn't approve." He admitted. "Is Victoria mixed then? Just trying to learn is all." He nodded. "She's just a quarter, however. Her ma is half. Not really around anymore. She didn't even pick up the damn phone when the hospital called to let her know Vicky was in the hospital."  He replied a bit pissed off. "I understand...I'm not much really for friends, however." Joey nodded. "I think Victor just wants you to feel you have somebody to talk to. He sees your stressed out and even I can tell you aren't going to bother them with whatever is going on in that head of yours." Harry nodded and lend back in his chair. "I'm not one to burden others with my problems. I made the mistakes, I'll deal with them." Harry replied a bit quietly. "Understood. Would you care if somebody came over? You made it clear I wasn't going anywhere for a bit." Harry nodded. "At least until your daughter is back on her feet. However, I think you might as well stay. I know you want to be close to your son, and James isn't going to leave me...His got abandonment and separation anxiety when it comes to me." Joe nodded, taking the sit across the desk. "Victor told me about his anxiety, but that's because of his mother. I don't understand how he worries about you leaving too." Harry let out a sigh. "Daisy also left him, somebody he grown used to and did love as a mother. He fears Victor will leave, I've contemplated letting them marry, but that's a lot of paperwork and I'm not sure that would really help him." Joe raise an eyebrow. "Is that legal at their ages?"  Harry nodded. "As long as they have parental consent. However, I want to see how their relationship handles being parents. I've already broken up a few fights between the two of them. Neither one as brought marriage up either." Harry said and James let out a blood cry form the living room. James screamed at the top of his lungs for his father, that soon went very quiet.

Harry hurried down the flight of stairs to find James on the floor with a busted head, little Valerie held by a very upset David, and a teenage boy held a knife to Victors throat who looked a mix of terrified and already in pain. "First of all. There's kids in here." Harry kept a very level head. "Not my problem." Spoke the teenager. "Let the kids go." Harry spoke again. "Fine." He spoke, very plain. "David, take the baby and go find grandma." Harry said softly making a slow walk to the couch where David sat crying holding her close. "Brother-" Harry shook his head. "Go. David. Everything will be alright, okay?" Harry said. "You better listen boy, or would you rather be thrown up the stairs?" Spoke the teenager.

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