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Draco was shook awake by Teddy. "Get up." Teddy said and Draco quickly sat up. "What's wrong?" He frowned. "Harry for hit by another drive on that bike of his. Somebody needs to come help out with the children. Dad, you and I, are going to the hospital, now." Teddy said.

Scorpion wouldn't let Draco leave him or his daughter behind, So they ended up taking them with them to the hospital. "Why was he even on that thing to start with?" Remus asked, riding in the car that Teddy was driving. "Because you are looking for answers, ones he doesn't want people to know about. He's had it a few years. This hasn't happened before. People are bloody idiots." Teddy replied and Draco frowned. "What...did the doctor say?" Draco asked. "Not much, they can't say much on the phone. They have to be sure who they are talking to. " Teddy said and Draco let out a small nod.

They followed Teddy threw the hospital who was being lead of a nurse to a waiting room. "A doctor will be in to speak to you all shortly, please wait here. The baby and her father, aren't to leave this area. They aren't suppose to be back here." The nurse spoke. "He is-" Draco started. "As I said, he or the baby isn't to leave this room. I can't help the rules we have in place for a reason, sir. Somebody can stay with them, or he can stay here himself, I don't care which." She said, before she walked off.
"Dad." He whined. "They won't let anything happen, Son. I have to see what's going on with Harry." Draco said, but he wasn't at all happy about that. "Who all did you call to help Joey?" Remus asked. "His girl is taking the day off work and the older kids are going to help out with the babies. We don't really have many more people to call. My parents are their as well, but my father keeps back most of the time." Draco said, getting to his feet. "...Is that what we should do though, just leave it alone?" Remus asked. "For now..., yes. There has to be another way to find out what happened with Harry." Draco said, walking over to the door. "I'm also taking Noah and David out soon, they have to use their magic." Draco said, before he exited the waiting area.

Draco found the doctor, who wasn't very pleased. "I thought you were told somebody would come get you?" He spoke. "Understand he has twelve children waiting on news about their father. Other family members also waiting. You called his god son, an eighteen year old soldier, and tell him he been hit on his motorcycle, and then don't expect us to want answers?" Draco said, before he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Draco. Go back to the waiting room. You are to upset." His mother said. "You were suppose to be helping with the children!" Draco whine. "Remus called...said you seemed very upset. You will explode on these people, honey. Please, go back to your son." She said and after a huff, Draco ran off.
"In a way, he did have a point." Narcissa said after a moment. "I understand it is a stressful time right now, but there will be somebody to come speak to your family." The doctor said and Narcissa slowly gave a nod.

About an hour later, A different doctor entered the waiting area. "Harry is stabilized, but he is going to be took to surgery. The accident caused a bit of damaged to a couple of organs, they need to repair. It might be simpler to have the one removed, but that is a call they have to wait and see once they start." She said, leaving Draco very confused, and frowning. "Can...I see him?" Draco asked. "Just you, until they are ready for him." She said and Draco followed her throughout the hospital.

Harry felt the kiss on his head, but his whole body was very achy. The pain killers only helping so much. "You have to come back to us, Harry." Draco whispered softly, taking a light hold of his hand. Harry slowly opened his eyes a little, Draco smiled lightly. "...I..." Harry tried to say. "Shh ... just rest, Harry. You're pretty broken right now." Draco whispered, giving him a light kiss, and wasn't at all ready for the doctors to take him away.

Narcissa and Remus convinced Draco to go home, and be with the children. They would call as soon as Harry was out of surgery. Draco said in the floor though, by the fire place, hugging his knees. The babies didn't know what was going on Draco wasn't himself. He felt so scared and just wanted to try, Harry laid so badly hurt in the hospital and Draco didn't know what would happened to him. "Hey." Joey said, easing to sit by him, but Draco kept quiet. "Why don't you try and get some rest? As soon as they call-" Joey started. "...no." Draco mumbled. "I'm going to go get the babies, then." Said Joey's girl. He slowly nodded.
The babies did help Draco, a little. Rachel sat in his lap, and all three of the triplets were looking at him all wide eyed, but all very happy little babies. "She's going to order some pizza, what kind do you like?" He asked. "Not hungry, Joey..." He whispered. "You need to eat, Draco. Cheese then? You seem like a cheese pizza person." He said and after a pause he needed.

Joey walked into the kitchen. "What are they saying?" She asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, nobody has called." Joey realized, before James came running down the stairs, and grabbed his keys. "James!" Victor fuss, coming down the stairs after his boyfriend. "You don't know that, I'm going!" James half cried and hurried out the door.

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