Chapter Six

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Victor pulled James in the schools bathroom after the last bell. "Take this. It should work, wouldn't it?" He asked, handing James a pregnancy test. "I...Don't know...Might as well try it." James whispered, and come out of the stall. "It...says within two minutes we should know." James whispered. "James, It doesn't bother me. Be nice to have a family of my own." Victor said. "I...get your point of view...I really do, but I'm not even sixteen yet...and...My mother and step mother both walked out on me..." James said. "Even if I wanted to end our relationship, I won't be my biological parents. I won't abandon my child." Victor said, getting a hand locked in his hair. "One of your parents must be white, it's the only thing that accounts for your hair." James kind of smiled. He really loved the odd blonde hair Victor had that he agreed not to cut because James was fond of it so much. "My mother...I believe. I really do love you James. I know they say we are too young...But I am sure I do. I am also sure I wouldn't leave my child and I don't see myself ever leaving you." Victor said giving him a kiss. "I know, I love you too...It's just hard to believe sometimes that you'll stay...I even worry sometimes my father will leave us too." James whispered. "Based on everything you told me? Your father's death is the only reason he would leave any of you." Victor said. "I'm so dead!" James fussed. "No, you aren't. Now, will you get that silly thought out your head about you being fat because you needed new jeans?" Victor said. "Depends on how big the baby is. I still think I'm fat." James whined. "No, you aren't. Come. At the very least; Your going to have to introduce me to your father." Victor said.

"My father isn't home yet, so you'll meet Draco and the kids before you do him." James said climbing out his Car. "No worries." Victor said, before following him to the rather large house. "How many rooms is this house?" Victor asked. "Um...Six bedrooms I think? Not all are in used. Draco and my father are in the master bedroom with the nursery build into his closet. Noah, David and Nass share a room. Albus and Lily still share a bedroom and I got one to myself. I fussed once I hit highschool. It's small, but I'm okay with that." James said. "The others rooms?" He asked. "Empty. We rarely have visitors...The couches pull out if anybody sleeps over that isn't comfortable sharing a bed." James said, before he walked them inside. "Draco said call next time you don't take the bus home." Albus said on the couch. "Sorry, forgot." James said. After a brief introduction, James took Victor to his bedroom. It was kind of a small room. A full size bed was pushed against the wall with his dresser and desk on the wall. The chair by the window and tv took half the remaining floor. "Your train?" Victor joked. "No, my brother been in here again. David!" James called for and after a moment he stood at the door. "Get your toy and stay out of my room." James fussed. "I like your room. Hi!" He waved at Victor. "Sup little man?" Victor said. "Sup? What's that?" David asked, grabbing his toy train. "Means what are you doing." Victor said. "Oh! Playing with Nassy." He said. "Draco's daughter?" Victor asked james. "She's my best friend." David smiled. "Yes, She's five I believe? Stay out of my room, David." James fussed, before David waved goodbye and rain off. "He's adorable." Victor smiled. "They are annoying at times, but overall you gotta love them." James said.

Harry slipped off his shoes and hug up his jacket before walking into the kitchen were Draco was. "James brought somebody over this afternoon." Draco said, before Getting a kiss. "The friend of his?" Harry asked. "A bit more personal then that. Seems to be a boyfriend." Draco said. "Are you sure?" Harry asked. "I am." Draco said.
James' bedroom door was opened half way and Harry stood listening. "Who are you staying with?" James asked. "Oh, I kind of jump around still." Victor said. "He...might let you crash here, but he's going to ask why you ran away." James said. "Just from a foster family." He replied. "But why? You still won't even tell me." James said. "Because it isn't that important. As long as I report to school my social worker doesn't care where I stay at this point because I'm seventeen." Victor said. "That might be true...but it worries me. Couldn't you just ask to be moved?" James asked. "And end back in a group home? I think not." Victor said. "I'll see if he'll let you stay." James said, before Harry knocked on the open door.
"Come talk to me, James." Harry said.

Harry wasn't happy at all when he learn just how long it had been since they started going out. "You really should have told me long before now." Harry said. "I...didn't know you'd be okay with know the same stories I do dad." James whispered. "Yes...But what changed? You didn't just decided to tell me on your own if he couldn't in a year." Harry said. "I...was talking to Draco about David and Rachel. Then about Narcissa..." James whispered before Harry ran a hand through his hair. "What all does he know?" Harry asked. "Everything." James whispered and after a pause. "When did the two of you...get more personal?" Harry asked. "A few months ago. My idea...He waited on me." James whispered. "And are you sure?" Harry asked. "Yea...He bought me a test and I took it after classes..." James cried. "Hush. Let me talk to Draco and get you an appointment with somebody. Yes, your boyfriend can stay." Harry said. "Don't leave, daddy." James cried, before getting pulled to Harry who held him close.

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