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A week has past, Making it December Fourth. It was early that morning and Harry was sitting in his car, waiting on it to fully heat up when the broom came crashing down. Harry hurried over to the small snow cloud that had form when Scorpius crash landed. Harry seen he was in his summer Slytherin outfit and quickly took off his jacket, easing it down on Scorpius who had pushed himself up off the ground. Looking very exhausted and the cuts and bruises were older then just now form the fall. "Lets get you inside." Harry said, pulling him slowly to his feet. "No!" He said. "Your father is still asleep. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Scorpius, but I will find out what hell happened." Harry said and after sigh. "I...just want...to sleep." He whispered. "After, you can asleep all you want." Harry said, going to turn off his car and then pushed Scorpius into the house.

Just yet another reason his children were not going to hogwarts. Seems not only was a teacher mistreating him, he was having some major trouble out of some classmates. He wouldn't get to detail with Harry and refused to talk about it with Harry. He did agree he wouldn't go back to school...but wasn't at all sure how he would be in the muggle public school system. Harry offered homeschool, but he wasn't sure about being homeschooled either. Harry said they could talk more about schooling closer to time, for now? He laid asleep on Albus's bed.

Harry went and opened the bedroom door to their room. Draco had a bad morning sickness night, so he laid the schoolwork for the kids for that day by their doors and climbed back into bed. Little Rachel was being a good little girl. She knew Draco didn't feel to good and was laying on her back sucking on her pacifier, listening to the C.D. that Draco had turn on in hopes to keep her calm. Harry hated to wake him, but he needed to know his son was there at the house. Harry give Draco a kiss, who smiled lightly and yawn out. "Not...that I am not glad...to be woken up by you...I thought you had to work?" Draco said. "I did...do, but something came up." Harry said and draco slowly sat up. "I'm getting so fat." Draco whine. "Three little babies say your not fat." Harry said, sitting down on the bed. "Still. What came up?" Draco asked; a bit worried. "Your son came crashing down. I don't know the full story, but seems like he was having a lot of problems, had enough." Harry said and Draco let out a sigh. "Prefect...he okay?" Draco asked. "Mostly. He's asleep right now. I don't think he is going to be willing to talk about what happened with you...He agreed to stay so for now? Leave it be. I'll find out what happened. Promise." Harry said and Draco nodded. "Okay...thank you, Harry." Draco said, giving Harry a light kiss. "He is just as much a part of this family as anybody else." Harry smiled lightly. "Thank you, very much." Draco smiled.

Come dinner Scorpius was woken up by young Molly who was giving him a shake. His eyes shoot open, seeing the small eleven year old girl dressed in all purple, even her glasses. "Dinner is ready!" She said oddly loud and very excited. "Why are you screaming?" He asked sitting up. "She isn't aware of how loud she can be. She's deaf." Lily said. "And you two could be twins if she wasn't so small." Scorpius said. "I'm aware. Just be sure she's looking at you if you talk to her. She's very excitable and very sweet." Lily said. "I think I'll pass on dinner." Scorpius said. "Your welcome to tell my daddy that." Lily said, as he felt Molly grab his hand to pull him out of the bed. "Plus your father is worried, so is your grandmother, Narcissa." Lily said. "Wait, grandma's here?" He said. "And your grandfather. Though he pretty much keeps tp himself." Lily said. "And my father allowed that?" He asked. "Kind of? I don't know. I suppose it's a good thing. A girl to talk to, and the others like her." Lily said and after a pause he climbed out of bed.
He let Molly pull him a little-a lot enthusiastically through the house down to the kitchen. Where the other five of Harry's kids sat around the table, the baby in her hair chair, Young Narcissa in the chair beside David, Victor beside James, his grandparents sitting at the table as well by the high chair where Harry sat on the other side of that was lastly joined by Draco beside Harry. A quick wave of the wand the dinner was on the table rather then thought out the dinning room table. Molly give him a push to the empty chair that he slowly took before she let out her odd scream. James covered her ears before Molly got turn around by Albus. "Molly. You have to watch your screams." Albus said and she frown. "Sorry." She said in somewhat of a funny voice. "Just join the table." Albus said.
This trouble seem louder then all of the great all with all the mix conversations with the occasional louder Molly making herself known to the person she wanted her attention form. She wasn't the normal eleven year old girl, but again...Harry pushed it off. There were things he had to worry about that could be more important and could let to problems. They really didn't care that Molly could be special needs. They already counted her as special needs because of what all was obviously wrong with her. Scorpius was getting a fast headache with all the talking; to only be really picking at his dinner. He wasn't hungry to start with and still felt rather exhausted and did NOT want them finding out what had happened, what he had been hiding for so long. He did see James's condition...be with the kiss form the black blond boy; he had least knew the baby was wanted...or something close to that. It did just make his depression worst and he had no idea what to do...what would help make him feel better...after he didn't feel so exhausted...He didn't know what his next step would be.

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