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"I know, and I wasn't sure if I was going to tell you, but he is-" Summer's mother started. "He isn't my father. I had a man who agreed to raise me. He is my father, mama." Summer said. "I know, Summer. Timothy called to inform me of his diagnosis...it's up to you to decide what to do with that information, Summer." She said and Summer let out a sigh. "Very well, ma." Summer said, looking over at Valerie, who was lending back in the high chair drinking her bottle. "Granddaughter, right?" She asked. "Yeah. She's a good girl, spoiled rotten, isn't that right?" Summer said, picking Valerie up who giggled and settled in her lap.
Victoria, Joey's daughter and the younger sister of Victor, opened the door. "Mama?" Victoria half cried. Summer handed the baby to her mom and Hurried over to Victoria who had a gash on her arm. "What the hell happened?" Summer asked. "Some older guy was arguing with pa and I got push. My arm caught something but the man isn't happy, I don't even know who he is." Victoria half cried. "Find your grandma, sweetie and take the baby with you." Summer said for her mother to hand over the baby to the teenager who hurried up the stairs. Summer walked to a picture and removed the frame. She typed in the code that unlocked the large safe, exposing the small hand guns, a shot gun and some army and navy information. "With the amount of children in the house..." Her mother said on a very soft voice. "The children can't removed the picture. Not even James, not until they are twenty one." Summer said, grabbing the handgun before shutting the safe and putting back the picture frame. "You have an idea of who's there?" She asked. "I'm assuming it's his father, somebody who he hasn't got along with since he was fourteen and his father had multiple assault charges, several just on Joey alone." Summer said, find the key to she smaller safe to get to the bullets. "And the man isn't in prison, because?" She asked. "Joey won't report his own abuse...never had. Its why he gets so pissy when somebody hurts one of the children." Summer said, loading the hand gun and getting followed on her way out the house. "Hiding that kind of abuse isn't healthy, I know you of all people know that, Summer." She said. "You are welcomed to try and encourage him to speak to another psychiatrist, but you won't win. He talks to Harry, and he is well grown and adjusted." Summer said. "Even so, it still isn't healthy." She pointed out.

"Alright, Mr. Bell. You are on private property and you put your hands on a minor." Summer said. The older black man turned around, facing the super pale, long red hair fifteen week pregnant woman, which the older white woman standing close behind her. "You need to mind your business, girl." He spat. "Victor and the kids are my business and there's about a million people who will through you back to were ever the hell it is you came from." Summer said and after a pause, the man turned back to Joey. "I'll admit your little snow bunny has nuts, but that doesn't change a damn thing." He spat and something was turned down. It was a smoke bomb. Even in the open air, to caused the pregnant woman to cough and her mother to turn and clear the smoke. The damage was done, Joey hit the grown and his father was on the run.

"Mama!" Summer cried, dropping down beside him. A hand was on his left side, but the blood was coming through. "Get him up." She said and the two woman got Joey to his feet and walked him to the car. "Call the hospital and let the know we are coming and keep him awake." She said.

Joey was took to emergency surgery as soon as they got to the hospital, and Summers mother put her hands on her daughters shoulders to stop the movements her the young woman pacing. "Summer, you have to the and relax." She said. "Ma-" She cried. "I know, baby. You stressing yourself out will not help. I'll stay, go to your kids." She said. "I can't...I can't leave.' she cried. "Okay, I'll got get the kids. Okay? Promise, me. You'll at last sit down, okay?" She said, and Summer let her eased her down in the chair beside her.

Joey slowly opened his eyes a few hours later. Making to very early Monday morning. He wasn't expecting her mother to be standing by the bed, reading something. He wasn't clear if it was a book or play, but Summer was asleep in the chair. Even if he couldn't see, his two children laid asleep on the floor and little Valerie was sitting on the hospital bed, beside him, playing with a soft toy. "...Mrs-" He started. "Anne's fine, Joey. I'll get a nurse." She replied, giving his shoulder a light squeeze. Valerie got a giggling when she see he as awake and her giggles woke Summer. "Thank goodness." She half cried. "... I'll... Be okay." Joey said softly, but got a light kiss. "Did you know?" Summer asked. "No..." He said, getting a hand locked in his hair, what little he had. "Harry's going to get it handled, okay? I don't need anything to happen to you. They ended up having to give Victor something, He was really getting worked up. He's okay. Just sleeping now." Summer said softly before he slowly reached for her other hand. "I'll...be alright." He said softly and she smiled lightly. "Just rest." Summer said softly.

Three days it took for he hospital to release the man, but Joey was home, just in time to have cake for little Rachel's first birthday. "Daddy." Victor said kind of softly, giving him another light hug. "I'm okay, kiddo." Joey said.

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