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"What was your questions?" Harry asked and Draco let out a sigh. "She wants to meet him. She wants to know her father as a father. She asked me why I don't tell him. Then she got mad because I told her I didn't want to tell him about her and magic." Draco frowned, feeling a kiss on his cheek. "Maybe you should? See if he can handle it. She knows I'm not her father, and she knows he is close by. She might keep getting angry, Draco. I don't want her angry at her daddy because of that." Harry said and Draco let out a sigh. "If he can't handle it?" Draco asked. "Then she'll know and he can be made to forget." Harry said and Draco frown. "Very...Well, I suppose I can call him in a few days, this weekend." Draco said.

"Hello, Luna." Harry said the next morning. Luna was his daughter's, Lily, girlfriend. She was fourteen and Lily was 13. Harry wasn't sure what he thought about his daughter dating, but what could he really say? Nothing. "Hey, Mr. Potter! I love the house!" She smiled and Harry raised an eyebrow. "Lily, is your girlfriend aware of the whole house?" Harry asked. She blushed at the word girlfriend but she nodded. "Daddy." She fussed. That was her, please find something else to do, your embarrassing me, whine. Harry rolled his eyes, but smiled. "I love you too." He said, and made his way slowly down to the first floor, easing down to sit on the couch.

"When did Luna get here?" Harry asked and Victor shrugged his shoulders. Harry frowned. "Did you two get in another fight?" Harry asked. "It's nothing." He mumbled. "Victor. The last time-" Harry started. "So what? Who gives a damn?" He mumbled. "Okay, first of all. You have a daughter. James loves you, I know you know that. Couples fights. It happens. What is the fight about?" Harry asked. "You'll just agree with him! It's not like I mean right now anyway." He fussed. "Ah. You brought up having another baby?" Harry asked and he huffed. "Yeah, I did. Because I do want another kid. That doesn't meant right now, but he won't even hear me out! I'm not dying to have another kid is all he says and ugh. Does it even matter what I want?" He huffed. "Yes, it does matter...but James health does matter too, Victor." Harry said. "I just want him to listen. I never said it had to be right now, or even our own. Sure, I rather our own, but fuck he won't listen! He just. Fuck me." He said getting to his feet. "Sit down, Victor. You aren't leaving in a fit." Harry said. Victor huffed but dropped back down on the couch. "Spend some time with your baby, and try again later. That's all you can do and not let yourself get worked up, okay?" Harry said. "I don't think it's Fair, Harry. He won't even hear me out." Victor said. "I'll talk to him, okay?" Harry said and Victor nodded.

"James, come to my new office." Harry said into the intercom that Harry had Lucius summoned and he wired into the house. The house was too large and it was the best way to gather the children or to find the person your looking for. Harry turned on the new laptop that was also conjured, that Draco already loaded with what he needed and pictures of the kids. He smiled, before starting to work on some work until James came into the room. His face was red, he'd been crying. "Sit, son." Harry said, putting a pause in what he was doing before turning his attention back to James. "James...why won't you at least hold a conversation with Victor about having a baby? He is really frustrated and feels he doesn't matter." Harry said. "I never said he didn't matter!" James fussed out. "That's how he is feeling, James. He says you won't even talk about it." Harry said, before watching James pull out a folded piece of paper. "...I guess the potion didn't work like it was suppose to...and I never said I didn't want another kid...I just didn't want to die because of it..." James whispered, handing the paper to Harry. "What's this?" Harry asked, but unfolded it. James kept quiet and Harry started to read the paper.

Dear Mr. Potter. (James.)

This is to confirm your pregnancy to your family. Another will be sent as female, for obvious reasons, if you need to show it to others outside of your family (or close friends who know the truth.) Your numbers are low, meaning you are just a week or two into your pregnancy. At the end of July, I will do an ultrasound, for now, here is the confirmation and you numbers. Congratulations!

"When ..did you go to the doctor?" Harry asked. "This morning, about six this morning. He agreed to see me before anybody else was there to limit questions...I just...I'm scared. I about died last time and I thought the potion was suppose to last a year." James whispered. "It was suppose to, but magic might be good, but it doesn't always work like it suppose to. Let scorpius and Steve know, they need to use a second form of protection, in a case. You, need to tell Victor because I'm finding a blade." Harry said and after a pause. "Yes, daddy." He whispered. "And try and find something else, after this pregnancy, unless-" Harry said and he shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe...He didn't have a family before a few months ago. I think he wants control in his own family." James said and Harry nodded. "I suppose that makes since. Just keep in mind-never mind." Harry said. "Victor is more the happy to work, he is really annoying with school." James said. "I thought he wanted to be a teacher." Harry asked.

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