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By -BeautifullyInsane

40.6K 1.3K 365

โ๐–ธ๐—ˆ๐—Ž ๐–ฝ๐—ˆ ๐—„๐—‡๐—ˆ๐— ๐—๐—๐—‚๐—Œ ๐—‚๐—Œ ๐—‚๐—†๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—Œ๐—Œ๐—‚๐–ป๐—…๐–พ, ๐—‹๐—‚๐—€๐—๐—?โž โ๐–ถ๐—๐–บ๐— ๐—‚๐—Œ?โž โ๐–ด๐—Œ. ๐–ถ๐–พ ๐–บ๐—‹๐–พ ๐—‚... More

1| Granger Household
2| Fork
3| Arabic Name
4| Toad Hunters
5| Friends
6| Brooms
7| Ring
8| Stranger
9| Worry
10| Swallowing Snitch
11| Train Ride Home
12| Dinner's
13| Christmas Morning
14| Malfoy's Christmas Ball
15| Area of Peace
16| Twin's
17| Pranking 101
18| Late Night Punishment
19| Thinking by the Lake
20| Frantic Last Day
21| Full Moon & Conversations
22| Dad Fight
23| Mum's Magazine
24| Pixies
25| Imagination
26| The Chamber
27| Bludger
28| Snake Language
29| Behind Smiling Faces
30| Polyjuice
31| Uncovering The Truth
32| School of Sorrow
33| Last Day Joy
34| The Eight Roommates
35| Radio
36| Cheer Up, Malfoy
37| New York
38| New Year's
39| Aunt Marge
40| Black Robes
41| Dementors
42| Tea Reading
43| Hogsmeade
44| Stranger Reveal
45| Lupin's Story
46| Transformation
47| Tips for a Werewolf
48| Astoria Greengrass
49| Talk with Harry
50| Malfoy the Wise
51| Panicked Gryffindor's
52| Another Mystery
53| Map Malfunction
54| Sirius Black
55| Saving the Godfather
56| More Then Expected
57| Diffuse the Tension
58| Waves
59| Camping
60| World Cup
61| Stranger on Burned Ground
62| Trolley Lady
63| New Arrival's
64| The Three Curses
65| Goblet of Fire
66| Theo's Article
67| Hot Chocolate & Cookies
68| Albino Ferret
69| First Task
70| Ballroom Dancing
71| Dress Shopping
72| The Yule Ball
73| Happy Howlidays
74| Happy Howlidays PT.2
75| Barty's Threat
76| Late Night Reading
77| Second Task
78| Harry and the Pensieve
79| Night With Malfoy
80| Third Task
81| Barty Crouch Jr.
82| The Story of 1983
83| Baby-Sitting
84| 12 Grimmauld Place
85| Heart and Soul
86| Flavored Beans
87| The Pink Toad
88| Umbridge's Class
89| Run, Hide, Panic
90| Everything at Once
91| Thestrals
92| High Inquisitor
93| Possibly Impossible
94| Happy Memories
95| Dumbledore's Army
96| Severus Vs. Dolores
97| Sharing Secrets
98| Melodies for a Werewolf
99| The Letter
100| Reunite
101| Caught Red-handed
102| Apologies
103| Fireworks
104| The Ministry
105| Slughorn
106| Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
107| On the Racks
108| Amortentia
109| Now you Know
110| Cursed?
111| Dinner With Slughorn
112| Ron's First Match
113| Slughorn's Christmas Party
114| Ring of Fire
115| Won-Won and Daft Dimbo
116| Blood in the Water
117| Dumbledore's Downfall
118| Eight Potter's
120| Regulus Arcturus Black
121| Ministry Infiltration
122| On the run
123| Godric's Hollow
124| The Three Brothers
125| Malfoy Manor
126| Lifeless
127| Battle of Hogwarts PT.1
128| Battle of Hogwarts PT.2
1| 19 Years Later
2| New Life
3| Back to King's Cross
4| Permanent Scars
5| Healing Process
6| Back in the World
7| Graves
8| An old Friend
9| Memories of the Past
10| Teddy's Return
11| Unboxing the Past
12| Manor Memories
13| Sleep Over
14| Muggle Cookies
15| Harry and Ron
16| The New Minister
17| A Gift
18| Old History
19| Ghosts
20| Back to Work
21| Dinner for two
22| His Mother
23| Brunch
24| Herbology Professor
25| Muggle Bus
26| The Market
27| New Plan
28| Plan B
29| Teddy's Findings
30| Chase her

119| Wedding Day

166 10 0
By -BeautifullyInsane



𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. I watched from the window of the room that I shared with Ginny and Hermione. They were both fast asleep. I couldn't sleep, not after what had happened earlier with the Death Eater's and finding out the secret about Stan. It still bothered me that I couldn't get exact answers. 

Harry had a backpack hung over his shoulder, walking out of the Burrow and towards the tall grass. Ron had stopped him just before he left. I could hear faint words from through the window. The ginger had said something about not leaving us behind, thinking it was a stupid idea because they wouldn't survive. Well, heads up, Ron was right. 

They wouldn't survive a day without Hermione and I around. Who knows what would've happened if Harry left on his own. Not only would Voldemort get him, but he would also be held captive. Either slow and painful death or quick and easy one. That was Voldemort's decision. 

It was also Voldemort's decision whether or not he wanted to destroy Hogwarts. With Dumbledore dead, Hogwarts is at a risk. Basically being open for any enemies to come and raid the school. Now, that's now me degrading McGonagall, she's going to be a great Headmaster. Whether it's official or not. 

I'm just saying that Hogwarts might not be there in the end. Voldemort stuck with his decisions, I've found that much out. He's planning to kill Harry and take over, but what then? What will he do with everyone after he's taken over and after Harry is dead? Harry is supposed to be the one who stops him and he can't do that as an illuminescent being. 

With the power that Voldemort can hold, I don't doubt that he'll be able to do something about ghost Harry, too. Voldemort had achieved things beyond any Wizard's comprehending, bad, but they had been achieved. Not to mention he still gives Slytherin a bad name to this day. But Slughorn seems to not be bothered by it. Not to mention Merlin, who has been dead for decades. 

In the end, both Harry and Ron came back inside. My guess was that Harry wasn't ditching us quite yet. It'll happen sooner or later. Just you watch. I happen to have a knack for telling the future on accident, so, let's see if I can do it on purpose. I didn't hear the door downstairs open nor close, which meant they were being quite and trying not to wake Molly.

I wouldn't either. I don't want to know what would happen if someone woke her up in the middle of the night. I moved away from the window, crawling back into bed and ticking myself under the blanket I had been offered. The twins offered it to me. They only told me that they used it as a net for the fireworks after they handed it to me and ran down the stairs. 

It was pretty cool. I was using a blanket, which had previously been a net to catch wild fireworks that flew around the room. I could still see the gunpowder from the fireworks that scattered against the fabric. A few holes there and there, where the fireworks had tried escaping more then once. Each hole had fit at least one of my fingers. 

I laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling with my hands folded against my stomach. Ginny had turned to face the opposite direction, incoherently groaning out a few words. Hermione stayed put, her hair sprawled against the pillow. Sometimes I didn't understand how they could sleep in a time like this. 

Voldemort is out there, somewhere, planning what to do next. No doubt he is taking over some other building and is currently hiring more workers to take his place out in the world. The Muggles have started panicking, taking everything they can and leaving the state. That's what the Dursley's did. Lucky them. 

Hell, Hermione obliviated our parents. I get why, of course, but still. Everything trace of Hermione and I, gone. No photos, no talks, no pancake breakfasts, no memories. Hermione said that they ended up going somewhere safer, too. She didn't want to loose her parents and she was making sure of that with a spell and moving them away. 

The next day, I woke up and headed downstairs to see where everybody had gone. Hermione and Ginny weren't in the room, so it caught my attention. Walking out the bedroom door, I was greeted with George, who out a finger up to his mouth and prompted me to stay quiet. I nodded and we made our way downstairs.

Fred and Arthur had been shouting from outside. Arthur shouting at Fred and Ron for doing something. Today was Bill and Fleur's wedding, which was something that we all seemed to need in times like these. 

''Zip me up, will you?'' I heard Ginny ask. I peered around George, seeing Harry and Ginny standing in the kitchen. George and I held a laugh, watching the rest of it play out. 

Harry walked over- setting The Daily Prophet down on the table- and started to zip the dress. Ginny glanced back at the boy, before turning back around. 

''It seems silly, doesn't it, a wedding?'' Ginny then asked. ''Given everything that's going on.'' 

''M-Maybe that's the best reason to have it-'' Harry finished with the zipper, his hand running down her back. ''-because of everything that's going on.'' 

Ginny turned around, hair pulled over his shoulder as her and Harry gazed at one another. Without hesitation, Ginny leaned forward and kissed Harry. He kissed back, obviously. While the two of them were lip-locked, George had nudged me and we tip-toed our way into the kitchen. 

We leaned against the counter and we poured me a cup of tea. He took the toothbrush he had been previously brushing his teeth with and stuck the pointy end in his bandaged ear. He grabbed his cup and we both watched as Ginny glanced over at us, pulling away from Harry. His gaze soon following, landing on the two of us. 

''Morning.'' George drawed out, winking as the both of us drank our tea simultaneously. 

Harry rubbed Ginny's arm as she started to walk away. I followed her with my eyes, until it was only the three of us left in the room. George  gave Harry a look, which seemed to scare the boy as he left the room. 

George and I shared a laugh before heading outside to help with the tent. Arthur was giving directions as we all pointed our wands to the tent. 

''All together now!'' He shouted. ''One... Two... Three!'' 

The tent had lifted, the ropes tied to the ground. When the tent was up, we went around and checked to make sure that nothing had went wrong while lifting. 

''How's it looking your end, boys?'' Arthur shouted to the twins. 

''Brilliant!'' They replied in unison. 

A whooshing sound was heard from the field. I watched as a figure in black clothing had appeared, looking confident and striding towards the house. He seemed familiar, in a way. 

''Bloody hell.'' Ron spoke his usual sentence. ''What's the Minister of Magic doing here?'' 

That's where I've seen him. 

Ron and I stood at the door of the house, Harry and Hermione just entering the room where the Minister was standing. They looked just as equally surprised as Ron and I had been. 

''To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?'' Harry was the first to ask. 

''I think we both know the answer to that question, Mr. Potter.'' 

We all had a sit-down in the living room. Harry, Ron and Hermione sat on the couch. It looked cramped, so, I sat in one of the other chairs sitting next to the couch. The Minister set down a piece of folded fabric on the table, looking expectantly at the trio. 

''And this is...?'' 

The Minister opened his suitcase, pulling out a folded parchment and letting it float in the air. The parchment unfolds itself, showing it's contents to the Minister. I couldn't see much of anything, since the parchment had been facing away from me. 

'' "Herein is set forth the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.'' As if he didn't need a longer name. It just seemed longer the more you said it. ''First, to Ronald Billius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, a device of my own making in the hope that, when things seem most dark, it will show him the light.''

The Minister unfolds the fabric, showing another item rolled in a thinner fabric. He picked it up and handed it to Ron, who u rolled the item and looked back up at the Minister. 

''He left this for me?'' 


''Brilliant.'' Ron held up the device. It looked like a lighter, honestly. Don't tell me that Dumbledore had been doing drugs and was passing it onto Ron. ''What is it?'' The Minister stammers, not knowing the answer to that. 

We all watch as Ron does something to the small device, the light from the lamps behind me had been taken. When Ron did the same thing, the lights had gone back to the lanterns. 

''Wicked.'' Ron chuckled softly. The Minister continued with the will. 

''To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of the Tales of Beedle and the Bard in the hope that she find it entertaining and interactive.''

The Minister handed Hermione a book with a green cover, black designs on the front. 

''Mum used to read me those.'' Ron commented. ''The Wizard and the Hopping Pot. Babbitty Rabbitty and the Cackling Stump.'' Maybe he forgot that he's in a room where his friends are half-bloods and muggle-borns. Though I'm not muggle-born, I was still raised by Muggles. ''Oh, come on. Babbitty Rabbitty? No?'' 

They both looked at him like he was crazy. Harry shook his head and Hermione gave him a concerned look. Whether the story was actual real or not, she would read it in the story and soon understand. I might even read it, myself. 

''To Harry James Potter,'' The Minister addressed. Now I'm curious as to what Dumbledore had left me. ''I leave the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance...'' The Minister revealed the golden Snitch, gazing at it. ''...and skill.''

The Minister leaned his hand cloth-covered hand closer to Harry. The Chosen One wearily took the item between his fingers, turning it a few different directions. I saw the Minister furrow his brows and lean back with slumped shoulders at the sight. What was supposed to happen?

''Is that it, then?'' Harry asked, looking up from the Snitch. 

''Not quite.'' Yeah, Harry, some of us are still sitting here. ''Dumbledore left you a second bequest- the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Unfortunately, the sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artifact, it belongs--'' 

''To Harry.'' Hermione cut him off. Everyone looked over at her. ''It belongs to Harry. It came to him when he most needed it in the Chamber of Secrets.'' 

''The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor, Miss Granger. That does not make it that wizard's property. And, in any event, the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown.''

''Excuse me?'' 

''The sword is missing.'' The Minister clarified. ''I don't know what you're up to, Mr. Potter, but you can't fight this war on your own. He's too strong.'' 

The talk of the wills was over and the Minister had left. Though, I stopped him to privately asked if Dumbledore had written anything down for me. He looked, twice and even a third time, my name wasn't on the list. I thanked him and let him go back to the Ministry. Why hadn't Dumbledore written me down for anything? And why did I even care? 

I shook my head clear of those thoughts, going to get ready for the wedding happening later. Hours have passed, I couldn't even count how many. The tent was up and the sun had fallen. Tonight wasn't a full moon, they made sure of that. Though Bill wasn't an actual Werewolf, due to only the scar on his face, he still had some of the tendencies. 

But lucky for him, he didn't do monthly transformations like Remus and I. I entered the tent and was greeted with the sound of up-tempo music, along with the sight of Fleur and Bill dancing. A crowd had built around them, watching the newlywed's. Little butterflies fluttered around the place, making it seem more majestic then it had previously been. 

Hagrid was here with the Beauxbatons Headmistress. I'm pretty sure she came to honor her student, because her facial expression didn't show any emotion. I saw Ron, who was staring at Hermione. Probably daydreaming and talking to himself about how beautiful she looks. Yeah, I see that look, Ronald. 

As Bill and Fleur's dance had ended, everyone applauded- including myself. People then started to mingle, moving about one another to talk to a person in particular. I didn't have the same motivation. Instead, I weaved my way through the crowd and found myself a drink before sitting down at a table. 

''Nope!'' Fred instantly denied, walking over to me and standing me back up by the arm. I whined in protest, as he started dragging me to the dance floor. A few people were currently dancing, George being one of them. 

''Why?'' I groaned, like a three-year-old. 

''Because we said so.'' George answered like it was obvious. 

''And because you don't need to be sitting down.'' Fred added, spinning me under his arm before George took my hand. 

''But why can't I? I don't even dance.'' I retorted, already starting to feel dizzy. They both laughed as George slowly turned me, giving me back to Fred. They were basically passing me between themselves. 

''Nonsense.'' George waved it off. 

''You're a better dancer then Georgie.'' Fred commented, throwing his thumb over towards George. 

''Hey!'' George shouted out, hitting the back of Fred's head. Now, it was my turn to laugh at the two of them.

For the next fifteen minutes, I danced with the twins. Whether that had been formal dancing or informal dancing. Let's just say, the twins had a few weird things going on. Can't say that I didn't get involved, because I surely did. They had dragged me into a few of their dance moves, attracting a crowd. 

That was embarrassing. But with the twins, it seemed less so. 

Once we had finished dancing, the twins allowed me to finally sit down. But only because they had also been tired, too. Luna came over with her dad, Xenophillius. Strange name, strange man. But, I couldn't judge. I was attracted to the necklace that hang around his neck, the silver one with the triangle, circle and the line going straight down the middle. 

Luna had talked about a few amount of things. Her dad put in a few things for the Quibbler, getting our opinions on a few things. Luna had been bitten by a garden gnome not too long ago, but she wasn't worried about it, so we hadn't been. Her dad reassured us that it would be fine. 

George had shared what him and I seen in the kitchen that morning. The kiss between Harry and Ginny. Fred was the most intrigued, ready to go and tease his sister about it after the first few words. Though, we had got him to wait on doing that. It would be funnier if she thought that he didn't know, them randomly bring up the topic of what had happened. 

Somehow, the topic led to Voldemort. More or less, his army of Death Eaters. Snape had blown off George's ear already. Not to mention Stan had killed Faris. I still missed that bird, but I hope he's better now. Wherever he is. I keep telling myself that there has to be a logical explanation, but maybe, just maybe, there wasn't one.

I thought about Draco a bit too. Actually, a lot. Is he okay? Is he still living at home? Does he have anymore orders from You-Know-Who? Is he... No, he wouldn't be. I refused to believe anything in the topic of Draco being...you know. Voldemort wouldn't do that, right? Draco hadn't done anything wrong, hell, he brought Death Eaters into the school. 

That makes up for a while worth of torture, right? Let's hope it does, otherwise, I'd probably be dating a corpse right now. I stopped thinking about it when I felt tears pricking my eyes. I didn't need to cry now, not will all the people around me. 

Remus came over and put a hand on my shoulder, excusing the two of us as he led me outside the tent. People had been gathered around the different sides, guarding every opening of the tent. We didn't want any unexpected visitors to come and crash the party. There was a cold breeze, Remus peering inside once more before looking down at me. 

''Are you all right?'' He asked, his eyes trailing from my slowly reddening eyes and down to my fidgeting fingers. 

''Yeah.'' I replied, not sounding as enthusiastic as I wish I had. Remus sighed, putting his hands on my shoulders before bringing me into a hug. I hugged him back, burying my face in his shoulder. 

''You miss him. You don't have to say it, but I can see it.'' Remus softly spoke. ''And if he really loves you the way he does, he misses you, too.'' 

''How can you be so sure?'' 

''Are you doubting me?'' Remus asked with a chuckle, pulling me away a bit to look at my face. ''Everything he had done was to protect you. And don't question me about that, you know that I'm always right.'' 

He was. With a breathless laugh, I nodded and turned my head down towards the ground. I was still fidgeting with my fingers. Remus had taken a deep breath, my head lifting to look at him. Now he was the one that seemed nervous. 

''I didn't just bring you out here for that.'' Remus admitted, peeking inside the tent again. He had looked anywhere but me. ''I needed to ask you something.''


''Now this is very important. Something I never thought I would be asking.'' 

I waited patiently as Remus ran a hand through his hair. He peeked inside the tent once more, a soft smile coming across his face. I walked over beside him, seeing his gaze stuck on Tonks, who was talking to Molly at the other end of the tent. It was then that I had noticed something.

''Remus.'' I gasped. I looked away from Tonks and up to Remus, who held a sheepish smile. His ears had gone a little red, which had been a little difficult to see in the dark. I looked back to see Tonks looking over at us, pursing her lips to hold back a smile.

Tonks spoke a few words to Molly, before Molly had stopped talking and brought a hand up to her mouth. Molly then lerched forward, bringing Tonks into a tight hug. Though, she was careful enough not to hurt the poor woman. Tonks hugged back, Molly having a few tears running down her face. 

''I want you to be the godmother.'' Remus then spoke out. 

I was taken aback by the sudden information. My eyes widened as I turned to look up at the man beside me. He gazed at his wife a little longer, before turning to look down at me with a smile and hopeful eyes. 

''That is, if you want to be.'' 

''Yes!'' I answered, hugging Remus again. He hugged back. ''Congratulations, Remus.'' 

When we pulled away, I looked over to see Molly wiping tears off her face. 

''You really trust me?'' I then asked. Honestly, I probably wouldn't even trust myself when it came to something like this. Remus turned to look at me with an incredious look. 

''Of course.'' He chuckled. ''Someone once told me that Werewolves are the most loyal of people.'' I smiled remembering the words that Barty had spoke back in fourth year. I shared those same words with Remus. And I couldn't argue against them. ''I'd trust you with anything.'' 

I smiled again before turning to look up at the sky. It was clear tonight, not a cloud in the sky. The stars shined in the sky and I couldn't help but wonder, is Draco looking at the same stars. A pale blue light had flown through the sky, catching my attention. 

''Hey, Remus.'' He hummed in response, turning to me. ''What's that?'' Remus looked up, seeing the pale blue light flying across the sky. With furrowed brows, we went back inside the tent. 

The crowd inside gasps and a few shouts are heard as the light cuts through the fabric of the tent. It lands just in the middle, the pale blue ball of light. It was Kinsley's Patronus. Something had went wrong. Kingsley's echoing voice came from the light ball. 

''The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic...is dead. They are coming.'' He whispered out the last part. Panic had ran through my bones. Voldemort had taken over the Ministry. 

''They are coming.''

Is Draco okay? 

''They are coming.'' 


The light had faded. Remus grabbed my shoulder and started to move me around the room. I didn't know where he was taking me, exactly. I was brought back when flames started to burst around the tent, the Death Eaters starting to fly in. 

People were screaming and running around, spells being thrown. I was pushed to the ground, landing hard on my back as my head hit the ground. I brought my arms over my head, avoiding getting stepped on. More spells had been thrown, a few people flying across the room and over tables. 

I felt a strong gush of wind before it had stopped, the noises sounding further away then they had been earlier. I opened my eyes, seeing the tent in the distance, fire coming from inside. My breathing became rapid as someone helped me to stand. I turned around, about to punch the person before I caught a good look at their face. 

''Don't do that!'' He whisper shouted, his hand encasing my fist. 

''Draco?'' I asked, my expression falling. He nodded, glancing back up at the tent. 

''It's me, love.'' He nodded again, leaning his forehead against mine. He looked tired, bags under his eyes and his skin paler the usual. 

''I-'' I hadn't been able to say anything. The last I had seen Draco was when he was running with the rest of the Death Eaters outside of Hogwarts. Down into the Forbidden Forest before they had Apparated away. 

''I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything.'' Draco rapidly spoke, though, it held lots of emotion. We didn't have much time, I had to get back and so did he. ''I promise, after all this is over, we'll go back to the way things were before.'' 


''Yes.'' He nodded. He lifted his head, gaze landing across the field and to the tent. ''But for now, we've got to get you back.'' 

''Draco,'' I called his name, causing him to pause and look down at me. ''I'm glad to know that you're all right.'' I brought my hand up to the side of his face, caressing his cheek. My thumb rubbing against his jawline. 

Draco gave a smile, one that it seemed he hadn't given in a while. He then leaned down, capturing my lips with his. It didn't last long, because I was back in the tent. 

''Y/n!'' My name was suddenly shouted. I was still fazed by seeing Draco. The feel of his lips on mine had still lingered. Remus had grabbed my shoulder, pulling me through the crowd. ''Be safe for me, okay?'' He then asked, before running off, his hand slipping from my shoulder.

''Remus!'' I shouted, watching him run back towards the flames, spells flying. 

''Y/n!'' Ron shouted, grabbing my hand, then another gust of wind. 

Ron dragged me backwards, against the railing on the side of the road before we got ran over. The horn blared and the bus drove away, an angry bus driver in the seat. We weren't at the Burrow anymore. We were now in a Muggle town. I furrowed my brows, looking around. I faintly remembered this place. 

Harry, Hermione, Ron and I had gotten away. I breathed heavily, feeling the cold air rush against my skin. Hermione and I were still wearing dresses, as she left us along the streets. We were in Shaftsbury Avenue. Our parents used to bring us to the Theater around here. That's the story that Hermione was telling. 

I just hoped that everyone was all right back at the Burrow. I hope the Weasley's would leave without a scar, I hoped that Remus and Tonks would leave and live a happy life with their baby. I hoped that Draco was back at home, no pain wished upon him. 

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