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By Kolourful_Stories_

245K 7.8K 9.5K

(Camilo Madrigal x g/n reader) ----- A story about another family with a miracle going to live in the Encant... More

A few notes from me
Meet the fam!
Chapter one: The story
Chapter two: Moving?
Chapter three: Here we are!
Chapter four: A big deal
Chapter five: Meeting the Madrigals
Chapter six: You're like us?
Chapter seven: Setting up the house
Chapter eight: Helping
Chapter nine: Befriend him
Chapter ten: Wanna hang out?
Chapter eleven: Morning voice.
Chapter twelve: You used to?
Chapter thirteen: Thank you
Chapter fourteen: I see me
Chapter fifteen: We should have a sleepover!
Chapter sixteen: Truth or dare
Chapter seventeen: Goodnight, Camilo
Chapter eighteen: First day
Chapter nineteen: Homeroom
Chapter twenty: I do not like you
Chapter twenty-one: The life of a Madrigal
Chapter twenty two: More than okay
Chapter twenty three: Let's start planning
Chapter twenty four: Destressing
Chapter twenty five: Guests to greet
Chapter twenty six: Entertain some guests
Chapter twenty seven: You win!
Chapter twenty eight: Every bit of it
Chapter twenty nine: Wake up
Chapter thirty: I'm so sorry
Chapter thirty one: Their goodbyes
Chapter thirty two: Quiet moments
Chapter thirty three: Another meeting
Chapter thirty four: Treat him
Chapter thirty five: Wonderfilled eyes
Chapter thirty six: The sunset
Chapter thirty seven: Their family
Chapter thirty eight: Upcoming event
Chapter thirty nine: Dark Hallway
Chapter forty: Not so loud
Chapter forty one: Sink
Chatacter sheet pair 1
Chapter forty two: Talk to me
Chapter forty three: Out in town
Chapter forty four: Let's go have fun!
Emilio's character sheet
Chapter forty five: Valladares' luxury apparel
Chapter forty six: Come again soon!
Chapter forty seven: So much to do
Chapter forty eight: Invitations
Chapter forty nine: Good
Chapter fifty: Steady heartbeat
Chapter fifty one: It's official
Chapter fifty two: A knock on the door
Chapter fifty three: Break the news
Chapter fifty four: Questions in my room
Chapter fifty five: Joke around
Chapter fifty six: Try it on
Chapter fifty seven: It suits you quite well
Chapter fifty eight: Fond memory
Chapter fifty nine: Without a word
Chapter sixty: Go down and get you
Chapter sixty one: Just in time
Chapter sixty two: The door
Chapter sixty three: The centre of it all
Chapter sixty four: He's too powerful
Chapter sixty five: Who it was
Chapter sixty six: A loud thud
Chapter sixty seven: The two of them
Chapter sixty eight: Drifted off
Chapter sixty nine: Coming up
Chapter seventy: Let's go shopping!
Chapter seventy one: From her window
Chapter seventy two: Quite a difference
Chapter seventy three: A surprise
Chapter seventy four: Confessions to come
Chapter seventy five: Secret admirer
Chapter seventy six: Wasn't the type
Chapter seventy seven: Forever grateful
Chapter seventy eight: I would love to
June's character sheet
Hugo's character sheet
Chapter seventy nine: Shall we?
Chapter eighty: Sound of the river
Chapter eighty one: Any other way
Chapter eighty two: Sleepy expression
Chapter eighty three: Would never forget
Chapter eighty four: Linked arms
Chapter eighty five: Help me
Author's note: A hint
Chapter eighty six: Where is he?
Chapter eighty seven: The honour
Chapter eighty eight: Lantern
Chapter eighty nine: Moments ago
Chapter ninety: Fire
Chapter ninety one: Are you really that stupid?
Chapter ninety two: Soothing sounds
Chapter ninety three: Perfectly content
Chapter ninety four: Growing up
Chapter ninety five: Best days
Chapter ninety six: Rejoiced
Chapter ninety seven: A polite wave goodbye
Chapter ninety eight: Persona
Chapter ninety nine: Rushed back
Chapter one hundred: Diving in
Chapter one hundred and one: A game of chase
Chapter one hundered and two: Unsure
Chapter one hundred and three: Zoned out
Chapter one hundred and four: Part of our group
Chapter one hundred and five: Follow me
Chapter one hundred and six: What have you gotten us into?
Chapter one hundred and seven: Finally getting along
Chapter one hundred and eight: This could be interesting
Chapter one hundred and nine: Promise
Chapter one hundred and ten: How did you pull this off?
Chapter one hundred and eleven: Up, up, and away
Chapter one hundred and twelve: Anything for you
Chapter one hundred and thirteen: One day
Chapter one hundred and fourteen: I've decided
Chapter one hundred and fifteen: Embrace
Chapter one hundred and sixteen: Maybe tomorrow
Chapter one hundred and seventeen: The right choice
Chapter one hundred and eighteen: He's never left the Encanto
Chapter one hundred and nineteen: You're so on!
Chapter one hundred and twenty one: The ends of the Earth
Chapter one hundred and twenty two: Familiar face
Chapter one hundred and twenty three: Reveal
Chapter one hundred and twenty four: Walk outside and see
Chapter one hundred and twenty five: Commotion
Final chapter: One of the Gifted

Chapter one hundred and twenty: To wish us goodbye.

254 11 6
By Kolourful_Stories_

We had done everything that we needed to. We had done our chores, racing to see who could finish all of their respective chores first. Camilo had initially won but he rushed through making his bakery deliveries and the person who had placed the order complained about the state that their cupcakes had arrived in. Camilo had to go back and apologize to the poor woman and promised to go back to the bakery and pay for another batch of cupcakes. I argued that because he had to redo his chore and I was already finished with all of mine by that point, that I had won. Camilo disagreed with me but eventually relented.

"I can't say no to you, mi vida" was what he had said, I think.

Our rooms were clean, or at least as clean as they could get. It didn't take me too long to get mine clean since in its base form, my room is pretty small. I decided to help Camilo with his room since it was significantly bigger than mine and he needed help getting all the mirrors dusted.

Camilo finally decided that it was time to get rid of the mirror shards hidden underneath the tarp in the corner. We cleaned it up together, putting the broken mirror glass in an old tea crate and throwing it into Casita's general garbage.

"I've been...meaning to get rid of that" Camilo told me, a slight laugh in his voice.

After his room was cleaned, we made our way towards the two mountains at the edge of the Encanto. It used to be a single mountain but apperently, last summer, when Casita broke down and before they rebuilt it, the mountain had split in half, right down the middle. Now, it was the main way to get in and out of the Encanto. Not that there were many newcomers or anyone that wanted to leave. Not until now, anyway.

"We're here" Camilo said, staring fondly to the world just outside the Encanto "I'm...Really gonna travel the world!"

I giggled softly at his excitement. A few of the other people present did too. Both of our families came with us to wish us goodbye, quite a few townspeople as well.

Pepa was sobbing and yet, there was a smile on her face as well as a small rain cloud forming over her, the drizzle wetting her dress. My mother was crying too. I guess this was sort of a big deal, the two of us are going off on our own. We're going to go out into the world and find our own purposes and move into a new phase of our lives.

"Ah, I can't believe they're really leaving!" my mother said in between sobs, clinging to my father's arm.

Miguel walked up to Camilo and I, who were holding hands with one hand and carrying a bag each with the other. He put a hand on each of our shoulders and looked at the two of us solemnly.

"Protect them. With your life, if you have to" Miguel said, facing Camilo.

"And you" he added, turning to me "Don't get into too much trouble. Take care of yourself, okay?"

Marcos made his way over to me, a bright light still glowing from his chest. He raised his hands towards us, offering up a book with a leather covering.

"And don't forget us, okay?" Marcos said quietly.

"What's this?" I asked him, carefully taking the book from his hands.

"It's a parting gift" Marcos answered "A book to write about your travels in. That way, when you come back and visit us, we can read all about your adventures. There's enough pages in there for about a year!"

"Maybe we can use them as bedtime stories!" Antonio added excitedly.

Camilo put down his bag and let go of my hand before scooping Marcos into his arms.

"Woah!-" Marcos exclaimed as he was lifted.

"Ay, Marcos!" Camilo said "We won't forget you, you're too cute! I'll be sure to tell you all about our travels when we come back and visit. If you're not too old for bedtime stories, that is."

"I'll never be too old for your bedtime stories, Camilo," Marcos replied, the glow from his chest burning brighter.

"Ooh, I should lift some weights or something" Camilo said, gently putting Marcos back on solid ground "You're starting to get heavy."

"He had a heavy breakfast," my father said jokingly.

Adelita made her way over to Marcos, picking him up. Marcos rested his head on her shoulder and slowly let his eyes fall. It was around the time when he usually had a nap so I understood why he was sleepy.

"Where are you guys planning to go first?" Adriana asked.

"Yeah, do you guys have that planned out or..." Isabela added.

"Well, uh..." Camilo began.

"He's got nothing," Dolores answered.

"Hey!" Camilo exclaimed "I've got plans! They just aren't super exact at the moment. I mean, how am I supposed to make travel plans when I've barely seen anywhere outside the Encanto!"

"Well-" Dolores began before getting interrupted by Camilo.

"Cartoons don't count," Camilo stated.

"Oh, then alright" Dolores said, relenting.

There was a sudden call for Luisa that we all heard in the distance. Luisa sighed and quickly made her way over to Camilo and I.

"I wish I didn't have to go" she said softly "I wish you didn't have to go..."

She scooped the both of us into her arms, hugging us tightly. Since she was much taller than the two of us, our feet were dangling off of the ground.

"L-Luisa-" Camilo said in between gasps for air "I can't...Breathe!"

"Oh, jeez!" Luisa said, putting us down gently "Sorry!"

"We'll miss you, Luisa," Camilo said, speaking for the both of us.

Luisa sniffed, wiping away tears before they had the chance to roll down her cheeks.

"I'll miss you too," she said, her voice trembling.

We all heard another call for Luisa. She winced in frustration before recomposing herself and calling back.

"On it!" she called before running in the direction of where the call had come from.

She looked back at us one last time, waving us goodbye. We waved back before watching her run back into town, disappearing in the busy streets of Encanto.

"We all have to go too..." Mirabel said "There's a lot to be done today!"

"The life of a Madrigal is never an easy one" Camilo said, a smile on his face.

"I wish we could stay a bit longer, to see you go" Mirabel continued "But just promise you'll visit us, okay?"

Camilo and I nodded. Of course we were going to come back and visit, the Encanto was our home!

"Oh, and don't expect any of us to do your chores when you come back" Isabela said jokingly, a smirk on her face that mimicked her cousin's.

"You know, maybe we won't come back," Camilo said, prompting Isabela to sprout a plant that punched him in the arm "Ow, ow! I was only joking!"

Mi familia waved me goodbye, I waved back of course. Then they turned to face Encanto, presumably on their way back to Casita or to do some of their chores. The Madrigals left too, each of them giving a hug to Camilo and I if they haven't already before they made their way back to the busy lives that they paused to wish us goodbye.


A few more chapters to go until this book is over...

It really took me a whole year to finish one book.


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