Oneshots ||Scarlizzie • Florl...

By angstydisaster

217K 7.3K 3.2K

Scarlett/Lizzie & Hailee/Florence oneshots that I will write when I'm bored and feeling inspired. Also includ... More

Height Difference [Florlee]
Boyfriend [Florlee]
Visitor on Hawkeye Set [Florlee]
Motorcycle [Scarlizzie]
Favorite Avenger [Both]
Live [Florlee]
Together Before Us [Both]
Starbucks and Hinge [Scarlizzie]
Mosquito [Scarlizzie]
Planned [Scarlizzie]
Love Child [Florlee]
Enough [Scarlizzie]
Work Partners [Florlee]
Haircut [Florlee]
Miss Olsen and her students [Both]
You Belong With Me [Florlee]
Kiss Cam [Scarlizzie]
Comes With The Job [Florlee]
Hot Neighbor [Florlee]
Pancakes [Scarlizzie]
Multiverse: Part 1 [Florlee]
Multiverse: Part 2 [Both]
Empty Sheets [Scarlizzie]
The Mall [Scarlizzie]
Dancer [Florlee]
Best Friend's Sister [Florlee]
Wisdom Teeth [Scarlizzie]
Doodles [Wandanat]
No Thank You [Florlee]
Multiverse: Part 3 [Florlee]
Guitar [Wandanat]
Letterman Jacket [Florlee]
Coast [Florlee]
Lover [Scarlizzie]
Brush [Scarlizzie]
Wrist Kisses [Wandanat]
The Lexa to my Clarke [Katelena]
Impress Her [Katelena]
Same Nightmare [Wandanat]
Hunger Games [Kate Bishop]
It's a Tradition [Katelena]
Did You Break In? [Katelena]
Valentines [Florlee]
Braid [Katelena]
Cafe Bishop [Wandanat]
Vodkas in Iceland [Katelena]
SunKissing [Florlee]
my dog has good taste [Katelena]
blind love [Katelena]
the pickle theory [Katelena]
afterlife [Katelena]
snooze [Katelena]
the happiest place on earth: disney ears [Part 1]
Stak's Repair Shop [Katelena]
i watched the movie for the plot..the plot is Kate Bishop [Katelena] [Part 1]
Breaking in is my thing, Kamala Khan [Katelena]
A Touch of Warmth [Katelena]
seeing our future together [Katelena]
twice date: ask Yelena [Katelena]
twice date: the date [Katelena]
She is [Katelena]
Life's a Playground, Wanna Play? [Katelena]
Beloved [Katelena]
cute neighbor [Katelena]
Lap [Katelena]

trace [Katelena]

1.6K 61 197
By angstydisaster

A/N: So I've had this idea in my drafts for awhile but never got around to finishing it until now. I went a bit overboard and what my goal of only being a 7000 word oneshot turned into a 17000+ one.

I kind of underestimated how hard writing this story would be and is by far the hardest story I've written so far, so let me know what you think? Which reminds me, I am not an expert in any of the little things mentioned here, so if something like the chickweed (you'll know after) doesn't sound accurate, don't think about it too much.

This one is dedicated to my children and wifey (you all know who you are)

Spam comments are always encouraged and appreciated :)



"Kate..Kate stop," Yelena sighs as she pushes Kate gently off.

"No Yelena! You need to put pressure on that," Kate replies frustrated and tries again just to get her hands covered with Yelena's bloody ones.

"Kate, it doesn't matter."

"What?" Kate looks up at her girlfriend's face who wears a guilty expression on her face, "What? What do you mean?


or a 5+1 zombie au where Kate likes to trace Yelena's features after learning how much it relaxes the blonde



"Hey, old man! Forgetting something?"

Clint stopped his tracks and sighed, clutching his bow tightly in his right hand and the other hand resting on the butt of his pistol resting in its holster on the right of his hip. The man rolled his shoulders back as his back adjusts to the bag full of essentials like water and a few protein bars.

"Nope, don't think I am kid" Clint called out adjusting his hearing aid in his ear, as the sound of footsteps grew louder and louder behind him.

"You can't go alone, I'm going with you."

"Kate, no you are not." Clint turned around and held a hand up to Kate's chest to keep her from moving any closer.

Kate shakes her head rapidly and holds up her own bow, similar to Clint's but was purple.

"I am going with you and that's final. And these are not my orders, it's Steve's," Kate pointed out before walking past Clint confidently.

Clint sighed again. He can't exactly deny the orders of their group's unspoken leader, Steve Rogers. Especially after Bucky went alone and almost didn't make it back. They've created a rule where no one goes alone for supply runs, groups of 2+ only.

"What are you waiting for, old man? Let's go!" Kate shouts, turning around and walking backwards with a cheeky smile.

"So annoying," Clint grumbles before jogging up to the young woman and proceeding to walk towards an area the group knows there are still resources, a mall near the place their group had found a few months ago. They've sent around 3 supply runs, neither archers have been part of those runs to the mall, but know that all have been successful.

"You bring all your arrows?" Clint asked.

"Left just a few. Peter wanted me to test out a few and then make some new ones," Kate replies.

"That's worrying"

"Just a little."


"This is it?" Kate asked as they walked into the front entrance of the abandoned mall and observed the place.

"It's never just that," Clint muttered, shaking his head as he listened closely for any stragglers. Kate nudges him, making him look in the direction she was looking at.

"In there," Kate mouthed as she gestures to the corner shop where there was one singular zombie walking around at a snail's pace.

"I got this," Kate doesn't wait for the older man's response as she silently makes her way towards the shop, the arrow already pulled back ready to make its way home into the zombie's skull, "And you are..."

"..dead..AGAIN. Ha! Get it?" Kate finished off just as she released the arrow that hit the zombie straight in the left eye, instantly killing it.

"You're getting way too confident," Clint grumbled as he made his way towards the young woman, his own bow ready to shoot any surprise zombies.

"Learned from the best," Kate nudged Clint's shoulder a bit too hard earning a grunt as she roamed around the shop for any resources. Clint and Kate go way back before tragedy struck, the older man being Kate's coach for her college archery team. The Bishop was made captain during her 2nd year and despite everyone thinking it was because Eleanor practically paid for the team to exist, it was also because Kate was talented in the sport as well. Clint saw a lot of himself in Kate and saw the young woman as his own daughter. He felt his chest tightened at the word 'daughter'. His own daughter and his two sons never made it out of their schools the day this 'virus' was unleashed. Luckily, his wife Laura is still with him and is back at the base with everyone who Clint sees as his extended family now as well.

Their group consisted of the following:

Clint, Laura, Kate, Steve, Bucky, Tony, Peter, MJ, and Natasha.

Steve, Bucky, Tony, and Natasha were all coworkers of Clint's at Kate's college.

The football coach, history professor (who happens to be the baseball coach as well), the professor who taught about entrepreneurship, and the political science professor. They were all in the breakroom when the virus broke out in the university, all the professors rushing to get as many students as they could to safety. It seemed to work out well the first hour before the history professor got bit and all hell broke loose. The five of them stayed together and eventually found the kids (Kate, Peter, and MJ) hiding in one of the classrooms.

They have been trying to survive together for 8 months now. They were family and they would all protect each other until the end.

"Hey, look what we have here," Kate said as she grabbed something off of the shelf.

"Are those fireworks?" Clint squinted observing the item while Kate nodded excitedly.

"My mom would always take me to see the fireworks that take place every month at this park," Kate reminisced with a distant look on her face. When the group had gotten out of the university and weaponed up with whatever they could find, they all went ahead to check each and every person's house for their loved ones. First going to the Barton's where they found Laura who almost shot Tony in the face. When they went to the Bishop residency, Eleanor Bishop was nowhere to be found and Kate doesn't know if she's happy about that or not. She doesn't know if her mother is alive or not.


"I didn't even say anything!"

"I know that looks Kate. You're not keeping that, you know how much sound that makes? How many of them it would attract? It will definitely get the attention of raiders too and we don't want another close call," Clint said firmly.

Kate sighed but compiled, "Fine okay. I'll go check the other side of this shop and then we can move on." Clint nodded before turning around and covering the other half of the shop.

The shop was basically empty but the duo was able to gather a few gauze boxes, a lighter that surprisingly still worked, one bottle of rubbing alcohol, and this one Kate celebrated, a box of pads.

"What did Steve say we really needed?" Kate questioned as they walked into the next store. This one was luckily clear so the two immediately began searching.

"Food," Clint simply said, "We only have 5 cans of beans left and 2 bags of jerky left."

"Shit," Kate cursed at that.

"We should be okay after this though. Tony and Peter are out covering the gas station nearby. We can go over there afterwards if there's nothing else here," Clint added as he grimaced at the sight of moldy bread. He spotted a can of Quaker's oats though and perked up. Laura's going to love this and grins to himself. He laters spotted a few cans of sardines and stashed them into his backpack, "Found anything Kate?"

No response.

Clint fiddles with his hearing aid just in case it was acting up again, but Kate's voice still never came through.

With his heart starting to race, Clint froze and cautiously called out again, "Katie Kate?"

With him frozen now, he can hear the faint sound of shuffling from where he had left Kate at the other side of the store.

"Over here," Kate called out weakly. Her voice is laced with fear and Clint is met with the sight of the young archer with her hands up. She wasn't looking at Clint, but instead was looking down the barrel of an assault rifle that was being held by an intimidating looking blonde. Her blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail and was wearing a pair of black jeans, a white top covered by a gray blazer.

"Woah hey careful. We mean no harm," Clint tightened his grip on the bow, his right hand itching closer to his pistol snugged in its pistol holder.

"Reach for that pistol old man and I shoot her," The blonde threatened yet her eyes don't move from Kate.

Clint immediately moved his right hand up in the air, "No shooting is necessary here, okay?"

"Hey you can have this mall, we were just on our way! No one needs to get hurt," Kate said nervously and that's when Clint noticed she didn't have her bow with her. He glanced at Yelena who had Kate's bow around her shoulder.

"What is this? The medieval," Yelena scoffed, finally glancing at Clint's bow and roughly shrugging her shoulder that had Kate's bow laying on it.

"Hey! Careful with that- I mean yeah no do whatever you want..but just be careful with her. Uh, I'm an archer! Was captain of the archery team in Columbia actually..," Kate rambled, making Clint shake his head incredulously at the situation.

"Wait...Columbia? Columbia University?" A glaze of familiarity sparks in the blonde's eyes.

"Yes," Kate nodded in confirmation, "He was my coach actually."

Clint sends the young archer an exasperated look. Why is this girl giving out useless information with a gun aimed right at her?

What Kate said makes the blonde turn the gun from her to Clint making the ex-coach take a step back.

"Are you with anyone else from that school?" The blonde demanded.

"What? What does this have anything to do with any-"

"Answer now or I shoot," The blonde cuts off and aims the gun back at Kate.

"Yes, yes our group is all from the school," Clint admitted, his shoulders relaxing just a little bit when the blonde brings the gun away from Kate and points it back at him.

As long as it wasn't on Kate.

"Do you..," The blonde hesitated, seeming to lose herself before she shook it off and tightened the grip on her gun, "Do you know Natasha?"

"Natasha?" Clint repeated confused.

"Natasha Romanoff." The blonde confirmed and while Kate has had a hard time reading the woman, this was the first time when she could see how nervous she was.

Why was she nervous?

"How do you know that name?" Clint inquired, starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Is she with you guys? Natasha? Please..,"the blonde raised her voice, starting to get impatient as she stepped forward into Clint's space with the gun.

"YES yes she is with us," Kate blurted out to stop the woman from killing her father-like figure right in front of her.

"Why should I believe you?"

"Natasha Romanoff right? Red head? She has an hourglass tattoo on her right wrist," Kate rattled off, "She is a political science professor..or I guess was."

At that, the blonde inhales sharply before finally putting down the gun and starts to frantically look at the two archers with wide eyes.

"You have to take me to her."

"Okay, woah" Kate shakes her head trying to digest what was happening. She had a gun pointed at her just a few seconds ago and now this blonde wants them to take her with them?

"Who even are you and why are you looking for Natasha?" Kate stared down the blonde and can't help but realize how short she was. She could've taken the girl in a fight, she thought to herself before her eyes (who have a mind of their own) wandered to the way the sleeves of the blazer made the blonde's muscles pop out when she flexed.

"If you expect us to take you with us not knowing who you are especially when you had a gun pointed at us then you're crazy," Clint added, crossing his arms.

"I'm her sister," the blonde confessed with a sigh.

"Wait..Yelena?" Clint realized as his eyes widened, making Yelena tense up.

"She talks about me?"

"We tried finding you. We went back to your guy's apartment and you were gone," Clint explained and Kate gasped in realization.

Yelena nodded solemnly, "I had to go. Our neighbor was..infected and it was not safe for me to stay there. I went back to the university to find Natasha, but it was hell in there."

Clint nodded sadly looking down, " was."

"Okay, you can come with us." Clint agreed, making Kate speak up, "How do we know she's actually Yelena?"

"Really?" Yelena looks at the girl with a crazy look.

"Look, you can never be too careful." Kate shrugged.

Yelena just sighed before pulling out something from her back pocket, the action making Clint raise his bow in instinct.

"It's just a photograph," Yelena waved the folded picture before showing it to the two, "It's Natasha and I. I took it before I left the apartment."

It was a photobooth picture, a set of 4 different pictures, all that told the duo how much the two sisters clearly had love for each other.

"Yeah, okay. That's enough proof for me," Kate nodded, making the blonde roll her eyes, "You can come with us."

"Thanks," Yelena deadpanned.

"Kate Bishop," Kate introduced herself by putting her hand out for a handshake. Yelena just looks down before shrugging the bow off and putting the bow in her hand. Their hands brushed briefly and the sudden contact created an electrified touch that Yelena found herself yearning for more.

"Nice to meet you Kate Bishop," Yelena smirked, making Kate blush slightly.

"I'm Clint," Clint simply said before looking around, "Now can we go?"

The two women nod before following the older man out of the mall as they make their way back to where the base was.


"Wow, how long have you guys been here?" Yelena asked as she stared in awe at the fenced base with two towers in the front corners of the area.

"5 months give or take," Clint shrugged before whistling.

A man with long hair and a black mask covering his mouth appears out of nowhere with a gun in his grasp. He nods in their direction before whistling, making the gates of the area open up.

"Peter and I were engineering majors," Kate added as she leads first so she can help who Yelena guesses Peter close the gate back up.

"When we go on these supply runs Legolas we are expected to bring back food, medical supplies, maybe more weapons but you have to go above and beyond and bring back a person, huh?" Tony appears out of nowhere with a smirk.

"So you and Peter's supply run was unsuccessful?" Clint retorted back.

"Got some food actually. We should be fine for the next month..maybe 3 weeks since we have an additional member I guess," Tony glanced at Yelena who glares back.

"Oh Kate! Guess what we found!" Peter excitedly said, "Popcorn! We just need to pop them so we can do that tonight."

"Score!" Kate cheered while Yelena watched the two with an intrigued look.

"So who is this blondie?" Tony asked.

"Don't call me blondie," Yelena sharply said, "Where's Natasha?"

Tony immediately tenses and starts to look around for possible threats hiding around but Clint butts in with a sigh, "That's Yelena. She's Natasha's sister."

"Oh shit. You're alive?," Tony says surprised. "She's with Steve going over the maps. I can bring you to her."

"It doesn't look like you have to," Kate added as Natasha appears out of a tent conversing with Steve not yet noticing their presence.

"Sestra," Yelena breathes out as she spots her sister that she hasn't seen for 8 months now. Rather than running to the redhead, which was what Kate was expecting, Yelena whistles a tune, high then low.

Natasha's head snaps to their direction and immediately meets Yelena's glassy green eyes. The redhead whistles back, low then high, and it causes the blonde to finally run towards Natasha and crash right into her arms.

"Yelena," Natasha said into the blonde's hair, her right hand behind the back of her neck and the other wrapped around the small girl, "You're here? You're actually here?"

"I missed you so much," Yelena muffled into the redhead's shoulder.

"I missed you more сестра," Natasha replied as the two started to sway in place, not pulling away from their embrace, "How are you here?"

"I found your little archers," Yelena lays her head onto Natasha's shoulder and melts into her older sister's embrace.

Natasha looks up to see Clint and Kate smiling softly at the pair.

She laughed breathlessly, "Thank God."

They finally pull away and Natasha punches Yelena's arm lightly yet Yelena responds dramatically, mouth dropping in offense.

"What was that?!"

"That was for leaving our apartment! I was coming for you!" Natasha cried out.

"It wasn't safe!" Yelena pouted before punching Natasha back, "That was for leaving the university. I was coming for you!"

The two broke out into hysterical laughter before they closed their eyes and brought their foreheads together,

"I love you Natasha."

"I love you too sestra."

– / – / –

i. The First Trace

It's been 3 months since Yelena has joined their little group and it's been a quiet three months. The combined food that the two supply runs provided was enough to last them a month and a half, a lot more than they thought, and they've only had to send a few supply runs since. The blonde has been able to fit in quite well, happy to be with her sister now, and despite being annoyed with Tony's comments, and Peter and Kate's over enthusiasm at times, she quite liked the group.

Besides her sister, who she stayed attached to the hip the first month, she developed a bond with Bucky first. The two were sent on a supply run to explore another gas station a bit farther up. She learned that despite their small age difference of four years, the two bonded over lots of things, especially their similar fighting styles. They were both on the same wavelength when it came to killing the zombies and quickly found out they can communicate without the need to exchange words. They both didn't need small talk and had silent mutual respect for each other.

The second was with MJ, who Yelena found out was Peter's girlfriend. She was a sarcastic girl that was not afraid to battle Yelena's own sarcastic comments with her own. The blonde immediately liked the girl and would volunteer herself to help the girl who was in charge of the rationing schedule after every successful supply run.

She has had little moments with everyone else, but the most surprising close bond she has formed was with the one and only Kate Bishop.

At first, the two exchanged light conversation here and there mostly containing Yelena sarcastically responding to her and Kate awkwardly laughing it off. She did however like to hear the girl ramble, so even if she would respond sarcastically, Yelena was still listening intently. The blonde didn't acknowledge why it was that Peter's rambles annoyed her, but when it was Kate, it didn't. She also found herself watching Kate and Clint practice their archery skills at the small makeshift archery range. Despite not feeling the most comfortable with the older man still, she stayed to watch in awe of the duo's skill and totally not for the way Kate's sweaty muscular arms glistened in the sun. No, it definitely wasn't that.

She remembers one night when she found herself alone with Kate after a long day of helping Peter and Kate out with making more arrows. The two were sitting on the picnic table staring at the stars.

"Even in an apocalypse, you can't deny that there is still beauty out there," Kate admired the twinkling stars scattered around the night sky.

"Yes I am out there, Kate Bishop," Yelena joked for the first time around the archer. Kate throws her head back laughing.

"Someone's got jokes huh?" Kate replied amused, "Do you know anything about constellations, Yelena?"

"Mhm, no," Yelena shakes her head.

"Well, do you want to learn about them?" And Kate sends the blonde such a hopeful look that Yelena couldn't stop her head from nodding yes.

Sure, she's spent the entire day with the archer but a couple more hours couldn't hurt, right?


Now when she first joined the group, she was given her own tent as the group luckily had an extra, but one night, Natasha and Steve's tent broke, Yelena didn't want to know how, and had to give up her tent for them. Kate and MJ had both offered their tents to share, but MJ had taken her offer back when she noticed the kicked puppy expression Peter had at the realization that she wouldn't be with him in the tent anymore. He would have to be with Kate, and don't get him wrong, he absolutely loves Kate. That's his best friend, but..MJ.

In the end, Yelena had agreed to share a tent with Kate Bishop. Except it wasn't going well the first few weeks. The blonde couldn't sleep. She hadn't been able to sleep with someone next to her in so long, so Yelena would have her back to Kate and pretend to be in slumber while listening to the archer's quiet snores.

That didn't last long as Kate seemed to notice how every time she woke up, Yelena was always up before her, always exercising in the open area with dark circles under her eyes. One night thinking Kate was already asleep, the blonde was tiredly ready to stare at a photograph Kate had of her and what seems to be her mother and a golden retriever the entire night, she spoke up startling the blonde,

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Was just about to drift off, Kate Bishop. Let me sleep," Yelena lies through her teeth, her back towards the tall girl.

"I know you haven't been sleeping, Yelena. It's been more than 48 hours. Please sleep," Yelena feels Kate sit up and the feeling of her eyes on her. Still she refused to look,

"I will." She won't.

Kate sighs before moving a bit more and Yelena finally decides to sit up herself to look at the girl.

"Hey, where are you going?" Yelena questions as she sees Kate starting to slip on another layer of clothing.

"I'm going to sleep with Peter and MJ's tent. I don't think you can sleep with me next to you and you need to sleep Yelena," Kate stated as she held her quiver and bow.

"No," Yelena shouted in panic, "No please..don't go."

"You need to sleep, Yelena." Kate sighed in defeat, "How can I help you? This is not healthy. Natasha is getting worried."

"You guys are talking about me?" Yelena frowned.

"Yelena," Kate shakes her head.

"I'm not used to sleeping with anyone. Anyone that's not Natasha," Yelena admitted looking down, refusing to look at Kate.

"Why didn't you say anything? I could go get Nat right now. She wouldn't mind-,"

"No, don't get her. Please. I don't want to take her away from Steve," Yelena ran her hand through her hair.

"She wouldn't mind. She's your sister. Steve's Steve. He'll live if I have to be the one sleeping beside him," Kate joked, chuckling and to her surprise, Yelena joins her.

As their chuckles die down, Yelena shyly grabs Kate's wrist with one hand and grabs the bow in the other, putting it down.

"Stay?" Yelena doesn't know what possessed her to be so soft with this girl, maybe it started after she spent 2 hours listening to the girl talk about constellations, but what she knows is that she can't help it.

"Okay," Kate agreed. The archer starts to put her quiver down beside the bow and remove the hoodie she had put on. Yelena had laid back down in her sleeping bag but instead of her back, Yelena's front was now facing her, the blonde watching her movements silently. Kate bit her lip as she tried to decide what her next move was.

"Is it okay..?" Kate trailed.

"Spit it out, Kate Bishop."

"Would it help if we..cuddled?" Kate blushed furiously as soon as the word escaped her mouth. Yelena's lips turned upward as she pats Kate's sleeping bag,

"Come lay down."

Kate, a bit too eagerly, lays back into her sleeping back and just as she's about to be on her side to face Yelena, expecting the blonde to turn around afterwards, the blonde stops her movements. Yelena gently makes Kate lay on her back before placing her head on the archer's shoulder. She then swings her arm around Kate's chest and nuzzles into the warmth of the girl. Kate slowly brings her arms up and wraps the blonde into her arms. She subconsciously starts to scratch the back of Yelena's head and the blonde sighs in content.

"Is this okay?" Kate whispers, feeling the blonde nod yes against her shoulder. Kate continues her actions for a few minutes before she hears Yelena's breath even out and the weight in her arms grow heavier. The archer looks down and can't help but admire how relaxed the blonde looks. Her eyebrows no longer furrowed, her cute button nose, and those pink lips that were parted slightly as she finally got some restful sleep. Before she could think about it, she brought the hand that was scratching her head, and started to lightly trace her features.

Kate didn't think it was possible, but Yelena's face relaxes even more. She could tell by the way the blonde's head bobs forward before catching herself. Kate giggles to herself before continuing to scratch the blonde's head again before drifting into sleep herself.

– / – / –

ii. The Second Trace

And that's how every night looked for the past 3 months.

Right after Yelena had gotten over being shy when waking up that next morning, she had accepted that this was the only way she would be able to sleep.

Kate would open up her arms like a nerd, but Yelena would always snuggle right up to her. Their friendship grew from there and the two started hanging out more and more outside of their tent. Kate even joined Yelena in her daily morning workouts and training sessions.

One night, the two were in the same position as they were the first time they cuddled up, but Yelena was still awake. A ripped package of crackers they were sharing was sitting beside a cactus that Yelena had named Barry, after she had found it on her supply mission with Bucky a while back right next to it. Kate was rambling about how Peter had asked out MJ back then, when Yelena suddenly asks,

"Have you ever asked anyone out?"

"Oh," Kate responded surprised, "Urm, yeah I did once. Back in like junior year of high school. Her name was Skylar and it only lasted like a month?"

"Hm," Was the only thing Yelena said as she started to play with the top of Kate's lavender shirt. The blonde had found it during her supply run with Bucky and had gifted it to Kate who she had learned loved the color purple.

"Why do you ask?" Kate questioned curiously.

"I have never dated anyone," Yelena cautiously admitted.

"That's okay," Kate replied, "That was my first and only relationship. We didn't even kiss."

That made Yelena sit up and look at the girl in disbelief, "What?!"

Kate shrugged, "Yeah so I've never had my first kiss."

"Oh," Yelena breathed out, "Me too."

Suddenly the air between them thickened. Kate's eyes flicker to Yelena's lips just as the blonde's gaze dropped to Kate's. Their eyes look up and make eye contact. Nervously, the archer brings her hand to cup Yelena's jaw, "Can I?"

"Please," And that was all Kate needed before she leaned in, closing the remaining gap between them. Their lips met in a soft and hesitant kiss. It was like fireworks exploding in their chests, an indescribable feeling of connection and warmth. Kate's hands found their way to Yelena's waist, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss.

They finally pulled back, both of them breathless, their foreheads resting gently against each other's. A smile broke across Kate's face, and she couldn't help but giggle nervously,

"That was..."

"..A good first kiss?" Yelena finished her sentence.

"Hm," Kate feigned a thinking face, "I might have to go in again to confirm."

Yelena gasped dramatically before pushing Kate flat on her back. Kate lets out a quiet 'hmph' in surprise but before she can respond, the blonde's lips are back on hers.

After exchanging a few more kisses, the two find themselves lying back in their snuggling position, Yelena's head on Kate's chest while she takes Kate's hands in her own, her touch tender and reverent. She could feel the callouses on Kate's fingers, evidence of the countless hours she had spent honing her archery skills. Yelena marveled at the strength and dexterity in those hands, hands that held the power to send arrows soaring through the air with precision and accuracy.

"I like it when you touch me," Yelena blurted out randomly as she puts Kate's hand down.

"What?!" Kate exclaimed, blushing bright red.

"I worded that wrong. I like it when you are touching my face. When you think I am asleep," Yelena admitted

"Oh when I trace your features?" Kate clarified as the blonde nods, unable to look the girl in the eye.

"It helps me sleep," Yelena simply said. It relaxes me. It makes me feel warm. It makes me feel safe. I barely know you yet I feel some type of way when you are right next to me. You relax me. You make me feel warm. You make me feel safe.

Kate just smiles softly before bringing her hand up to start tracing Yelena's features. Staring from her hairline, to her eyelids as the blonde closes them with a sigh, to her cute nose, those soft lips, and the blonde's sharp jawline.

Kate continues to trace at Yelena's jawline back and forth before dozing off into slumber with a smile on her face.

iii. The Third Trace

"Good morning everyone," Steve cheerfully entered through the opened gate that was now being closed by Peter.


"Good morning"

"Shut up please."

"I miss coffee,"

Everyone mumbled in unison, the latter being said by Natasha who was rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Why is he cheery at 7 in the morning?" Yelena grumbled at her spot on a log right in the middle of Kate and MJ.

"When is he not?" Kate replied amusedly as she handed a can of beans she was sharing with the young two women to Yelena.

"So I know we planned out Laura and Nat going out for the supply run, but Nat woke up not feeling good so is anyone willing to volunteer to go with Laura?" The leader of the group questioned.

"I can go-," Clint started to stand up.

"I'll go," Kate chimed, completely cutting off her father figure who sends her a crazy look.

"Really Katie Kat? I'll go too then-," Clint crossed his arms not liking the idea of his wife and the archer who he viewed as a daughter go out alone.

"That's not necessary," Yelena cut him off, "I'll go with Kate Bishop."

Clint eyed the blonde curiously and the way Kate lights up at her comment.

"Are you sure? Clint and I can handle this one," Laura asked concerned.

"Don't worry about us. We'll be fine," Yelena waves off.

"Yeah, they've been training together every morning. They should be fine," MJ smirked at the two, the archer being the only one who visibly blushed.

"Great! I was thinking you guys can explore a bit more of the west side? Buck and I roamed around the area a bit and it seemed quiet for the most part. If anything doesn't feel right, trust your gut, and get out of there okay? I'll give Kate a radio just in case," Steve explained in a serious tone.

The two women nod before finishing their breakfast and preparing for their mission. Half an hour later, Yelena was all set with her assault rifle, a few knives for good measure, and a pistol. The blonde had her hair tied up in a complex braid so it wouldn't get in the way, black leggings, a purple shirt (it's totally not Kates) and one of Natasha's leather jackets. The other woman had her trusty bow in her hand, a few knives of her own, her hair tied up in a ponytail, a pair of dirty blue jeans, and a purple flannel on.

"Stay safe okay? Take care of each other," Clint grabbed Kate on the shoulder before embracing the girl.

"Always, old man," Kate grinned before hugging Laura next.

"I'll see you later okay? And if you find some coffee powder, please bring it back," Natasha said seriously before hugging her sister.

"Okay, Tasha" Yelena replies amusedly as Natasha goes in to hug Kate briefly, "We'll be back суки!"

Natasha watched as the duo started heading west, seeming to be bickering as they walked farther and farther away.

"Did she just call you a bitch?" Clint questioned his arms crossed from beside the redhead.

"Yep," Natasha answered as the archer chuckled and swung his arm around her shoulder as they made their way back to the group.

"So who has explored this area and what have you guys found?" Yelena is questioned 10 minutes into the mission as they walk following the car-filled highway. Despite Steve saying it was mostly quiet, it never really is, and the girls have killed at least 5 roaming zombies so far.

"Steve, Clint, and Nat all explored this area. This is where they got the van and the truck. They collected all the gasoline from these cars, so we're all prepared for a drive whenever it's necessary," Kate explained, "They stayed along the highway, but there's an area that looks a lot like a forest we haven't discovered."

"Ooh a forest! Maybe there are animals we can hunt. Like deer. Have you ever had deer, Kate Bishop? I miss fresh meat," Yelena pouted as she rubbed her stomach.

"I can't say I've had the pleasure," Kate replied amusedly, "Where are we going to find coffee in a forest?"

"Well Kate Bishop, we should go through these cars before we explore the forest. Look at this Tayota over here. She looks promising," Yelena pointed to a gray Tayota they were heading towards.

"There are two corpses in there," Kate grimaced as she peeked into the backseat.

"Okay, maybe not" Yelena froweds, "This truck?"

Kate and Yelena approached a red truck and were luckily able to just open the door without breaking the window.

"Check the glove box. Maybe there's some in there," Yelena instructed, making the archer comply.

"Who just keeps coffee in their glove box?" Kate said in judgment, "See? No coffee."

"I kept hot sauce in my glove box. So who wouldn't keep coffee? What if the place you're going to doesn't have one? Bam! No problem," Yelena raised an eyebrow.

"No place doesn't have coffee," Kate shakes her head in belief, "I mean 'didn't.' Before all hell broke loose."

"It doesn't hurt to be prepared," Yelena shrugged and Kate almost forgets the comment of Yelena and the hot sauce.

"So does that mean you have hot sauce with you right now?" Kate gestured to the backpack Yelena had on who smirked before going off the highway track and into the forestry area they were approached.

"Woah, it feels like we're in a completely different area," Kate said in awe as she took in the tall trees they are now surrounded by. The archer looks back at the highway they were just walking on and back at the mystery of the forest ahead of them.

"It looks like the hunger games arena," Yelena mumbled to herself.

"You know the hunger games? You know Katniss is what got me into archery?" Kate excitedly said as she held up her bow proudly.

"I wouldn't have guessed," The blonde teased as they made their way deeper into the forest.

"It's like you're in a bubble here. If I lived here, I wouldn't even know what is going on out there," Kate shakes her head in disbelief as she takes in the trees' trunks adorned with moss and vines and the leaves rustling in a harmonious symphony with the gentle wind. Sunlight filters through the dense canopy, casting a soft and dappled glow upon the forest floor.

"Hey look! Fruit!" Kate gasped as she spotted a bundle of bushes with blue fruit on it, "What is it?"

"Those are blue elderberries," Yelena answered with a grin, making the archer squeal in excitement.

"I haven't had fresh fruit in awh-" Kate pulled several out ready to bite one when the blonde slaps it out of her hand,

"What are you doing?! You don't just put things in your mouth like that, Kate Bishop! It's poisonous raw!" Yelena cried out in horror.

Kate looked at the blonde in horror and then at her hands that had held the fruit that would've most likely ended her life.


"Why would you- Stupid stupid. How are you still alive?" Yelena muttered as if the girl wasn't there and walked past her to another plant, "Now this is edible. You can eat this."

"Are those..blackberries," Kate made her way beside Yelena and crouched down.

"Yes," Yelena confirmed as she popped into her mouth right away.

"How do you know what is safe and what is not?" Kate couldn't help but ask as she gratefully takes one from Yelena's offering hand. The blonde mumbled something incomprehensible.


Yelena sighed before confessing, "I was a girl scout."

Suddenly, Kate bursts out laughing, "You? A girl scout?!" Bending over, her hands on her knees, as she processes the new information.

"Shut up," Yelena rolled her eyes as she threw a handful of blackberries at the archer.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't expect that. You, Yelena..Wait what's your last name?" Kate paused as they walked slowly again.


"Yelena Belova," Kate repeated, "How come it's not Romanoff?"

"Tasha and I aren't biological sisters. Our parents adopted us and we kept our last names," Yelena simply explained as Kate nodded in understanding.

"Oh now this I know!" Kate announced suddenly as she stalks towards a pile of planets that had cute white flowers, "Portulaca quadrifida"


"Chickweed," Kate replied as she started to collect a bunch, "We can take everything..besides the roots and put it in our soup. It'll be much tastier."

"We can also eat it raw," Kate popped one in her mouth and handed some to the blonde who eyed it wearily.

"Go on," Kate encouraged and Yelena opens her mouth hesitantly and bites a bit of it off.

"It tastes like corn," Yelena says surprised.

"Tasty, huh?" Kate grinned before putting a good amount in her backpack.

"Not bad Kate Bishop, not bad."

Kate finds herself wandering a bit farther away from Yelena and spots a beautiful blue flower. Plucking it, she twirls it in her hands before calling out,

"Yelenaaa, I have something for you."

"It better not be another poisonous fruit, Kate Bishop."

Kate just shakes her head and silently tilts her head asking if she can touch her. Yelena nodded curiously as Kate proceeded to tuck Yelena's hair behind her right ear and place the flower there.

"Pretty flower for a pretty girl," Kate cheekily flirted as she admired the sight in front of her. And Yelena couldn't help but blush deeply, not expecting the flower or the comment.

"Stopppp," Yelena covered her face, making Kate giggle. The archer threw her arm around the blonde's shoulder as the two began to walk together, Kate adjusting the flower just as it was about to fall off of Yelena's ear.

The two explored the forest a bit more, finding a few more edible berries but unfortunately no living cattle animals they can hunt for fresh meat much to Yelena's disappointment.

Eventually, they came across a small waterfall area that was hiding a hidden pocket. The waterfall itself acted as a clear curtain as the natural pool below it was filled up by its cascade.

"We deserve a little break, no?" Yelena mischievously said as she shrugged off her backpack and stripped all her weapons off of her and began to carefully take the flower off her ear, placing it near her backpack.

"Wait, but our stuff," Kate's eyes widened as she looked around frantically.

"Will be fine, Kate Bishop. Come on, let's take a swim," Yelena said while removing her leather jacket, the purple shirt, kicking off her leggings leaving the girl in her black undergarments. The archer flushed at the sight of the half naked blonde and quickly looked away but that didn't last long as her eyes caught movement of the blonde running and cannonballing into the water.

Yelena emerged with a big smile on her face as she ran her fingers through her wet hair, "What are you waiting for?!"

Kate sighed in defeat before placing her backpack next to Yelena's, making sure not to squash the flower, and stripping out of her clothes. Wearing only her red undergarments (yes she owns clothes that are not purple thank you very much) was so focused on neatly folding her favorite flannel, that she missed the way Yelena's eyes were staring at her figure. By the time Kate had looked back up, Yelena seemed to be floating on her back calmly. The archer takes a deep breath before running and cannonballing herself into the pull, making the blonde release a string of curses in Russian at the waves that crashed into her.


"Sorry, sorry!" Kate grinned widely as she emerged from the water and laughed loudly. She is met with water in her mouth as Yelena splashes the tall girl.

"Oh, it's on," Kate glared competitively before the two engage into a splashing contest.

The sound of the waterfall completely overpowering the noise the girl's were making in the area, and for the first time in forever, the two girl's are able to


Thirty minutes later, the girls had put back their clothes and had carried their belongings into the pocket of the waterfall. Finding out that they could make it there without having to swim through the pool of water, they enjoyed the sound of the waterfall hitting the natural pool and the presence of the other beside them. Yelena, with the blue flower back on her ear, was fully laying down with her arms folded on her chest, her eyes were closed and she was humming a familiar tune. Earlier, the archer could barely keep her eyes away from the blonde and how the flower looked on her with her now wet hair.

Unlike Yelena, Kate was not fully laying down and had her palms on the rock keeping her upper body up as she stared at the waterfall,

"Is that American Pie?" Kate asked, looking down at the blonde.

"Yes," Yelena softly answered, "It is my favorite song."

"Good taste," Kate nodded in approval.

"Natasha and I would always listen to it when we were little. My father would always have it blasting in the house," Yelena's eyes were still closed but there was now a small smile on her face.

After a few moments of deciding whether she should ask, Kate decided fuck it, "So your you know..?"

"If he's dead? If my parents are dead?" Yelena finished off for Kate as one eye opened to peek at the archer.

"You don't have to answer if it's too much," Kate softly said but Yelena shakes her head.

"Our parents died a few years ago before this even happened," Yelena sighed sadly, "But honestly? I'm glad. I don't think I would be able to handle it if they died..this way."

"I'm sorry," Kate whispered as the blonde nods in acknowledgement, "I don't know if my mom is alive. We also went to my house, actually after you and Nat's apartment, and she also wasn't there. She could be roaming around as the dead right now for all I know."

Yelena doesn't respond but instead grabs Kate's hand that was closest to her and brings it to chest, squeezing it in understandment. The archer looks at their hands that were intertwined and feels the urge to ask the question she's been dying to ask Yelena.

"Out with it, Kate Bishop? What is it?"

"Your eyes are closed!" Kate furrowed her eyebrows at how this blonde could possibly know.

"You are just easy to read."

"I..okay fine..What.. what are we?" Kate nervously asked and this made Yelena open both of her eyes. She let go of Kate's hand and sat the same way as Kate so that they could have this conversation properly.

"Humans. I think," Yelena joked as she feigned looking for any zombie bites on the archer.

"Hey, stop, I'm serious," Kate pouted.

"I kid I kid," Yelena chuckled, "Well we are most certainly not like you and Parker."

Kate sent the blonde a weird look trying to understand what she means,

"And we are certainly not like Parker and MJ." Yelena continued as she started to fiddle with her own fingers.

"Do..want to be like them? Peter and MJ?" Kate nervously asked, finally realizing what the blonde was getting at.

"I..," Yelena thought, "No."

Kate faltered at that, "Oh."

"I want us to just I like what we are, Kate Bishop," Yelena sincerely said.

"Yeah..but what are we?" Kate sighed a bit frustrated.

Yelena furrowed her eyebrows, "We are girlfriends no?"

Kate's mouth dropped at that, "Wait what?!"

Yelena frowned, "We cuddle, we kiss, I share my food with you! Isn't that what girlfriends do, no?"

"Yelena," Kate laughed at the whole situation, "Remember the conversation we had where you asked me if I ever asked someone out? You have to ask the other person out for it to be official."

Yelena frowned, "That's stupid. Ask me out now. " The blonde demanded with a pout.

Kate chuckled as she scooched closer to the girl so she could see the specks of hazel in those green eyes. She gently grabbed Yelena's face and began to kiss her face all over.

First her forehead,

"Will you"

Left cheek.


Right cheek.




That cute button nose.

Yelena wrapped her arms around Kate's shoulders and proceeded to kiss the girl's lips after every word.








Before the blonde launched herself into Kate's lap and pulled her girlfriend into a deep kiss. Lost in each other, they fail to see the fireflies that were dancing in the air like tiny stars circling the pool of water, almost as if they were being fueled by the happiness of the girls. The insects cast a soft and ethereal glow that was reflected back from the waterfall.

After finally pulling away from each other, the two were back to laying there, Kate mindlessly tracing Yelena's features as the girl continued to hum more songs from her childhood.

"We should probably go, Yel. They're probably wondering where we are and we don't need more of us out here at a time."

"Yeah, you are right. Time to break the news that there was no coffee found anywhere for Natasha."

– / – / –

iv. The Fourth Trace

It's been a week since the two were on their supply run.

A week of them being officially girlfriends.

They had come back with berries, a few edible plants, their clothes sticking to them slightly, with their wet hair dripping onto their clothes. They were hit with thousands of questions and a variety of different emotions: shock, worry, concern, and amusement. The two girls had calmed down the Bartons and Natasha by explaining how they found a beautiful waterfall that was not full of any infected and a bunch of food for the group. Natasha was in fact disappointed but not surprised about the lack of coffee.

Since then, nothing eventful has happened. The girls continue as they are with each other, cuddling every night, but this time as girlfriends except well no one knew.

Until they did.

Surprised it only took a week for them to find out?

Not really.

The group had gathered around at the end of the night to have their can of soup but this time with chickweed in it and to everyone but Kate's surprise, had moaned their appreciation for the flavor it had added. Kate and Yelena were sitting closer than they usually were, yet the only one who seemed to notice then was Natasha who just observed curiously but didn't say a word.

Now the group was gathered around, all drinking a cup of berry-flavored tea discussing how to reinforce the fence around their base. They had been going at it for a few hours now, the sun going down as darkness fills the sky, the only light from the many lanterns they had around them. The group refuses to consider lighting a fire in case the smoke attracts any unwanted attention.

Yelena, who struggled to sleep last night because Kate was on nightwatch with Bucky, was now fighting sleep as Steve drew sketches on a piece of newspaper. Kate was sitting on the log with MJ on the left of her, the right had Yelena who was sitting against the log, using it as a back rest rather than actually sitting on it. Her head was using Kate's leg as a pillow as she yawned.

Natasha watches her little sister yawn and couldn't help but remember the times they had fallen asleep in bed together after middle school. Yelena couldn't sleep alone after a nightmare. The light of the lanterns made the small cut on Yelena's cheek evident when she had gotten from Kate teaching her how to use a bow yesterday morning.

"Can't we take a break? We've been at it for hours," Peter whined as he rubbed his head after hours of him, Tony, and Bucky trying to figure out if they could salvage some technology they had managed to find at one point.

"You know what kid? You're right," Steve voiced out looking up from his newspaper as he sent the young man a warm smile, "You know what we haven't done in awhile."

"Don't say it," Tony groaned, making Laura smack him.

"Don't act like you don't like it," Laura scolded, making Clint snicker beside her.

"Pull out the guitar Clint!" Steve encouraged making Kate light up from her spot. Clint shakes his head amusedly before walking to Laura and him's tent and pulling out a guitar that was surprisingly still in good shape.

"How do you have a guitar in that good shape during the apocalypse?" Yelena questioned her voice coated with tiredness.

"Besides his bow and pistol, this guitar is his baby," Laura teased as she nudged her husband who was tuning the guitar.

"Any song requests people?" Clint asks, looking around the circle. Everyone had stopped what they were doing at this point and were waiting patiently for Clint.

"I may have one," Kate raised her hand slightly, making the older archer nod waiting for the request. Rather than saying it out loud, she whispered it to Peter who sent her a confused look but stood up to pass the request along to Clint. The older man's eyebrows raised in surprise at the request before strumming a random chord to test it out,

"You're lucky I know how to play that one," Clint said before starting a familiar tune that Natasha instantly recognized. Kate's voice filled the space as she sung along to Clint playing,

A long, long time ago, I can still remember

How that music used to make me smile

And I knew if I had my chance

That I could make those people dance

And maybe they'd be happy for a while

Natasha watches with an awe expression as Yelena looks up from her position laying on Kate's leg to look up at the singing girl. From where Natasha was sitting, she spotted the unfamiliar look her sister was sending the brunette and couldn't help but feel warm and protective as a result.

So, bye, bye, Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to The Levee, but The Levee was dry

The redhead continues to watch the way Kate, who is harmonizing with Clint now, brings her right hand up to Yelena's face and starts to trace her jawline, keeping her eyes on Clint as they continue on with the song. She watches the way her sister leans into the touch and succumbs to the weight of her eyes, closing them.

Natasha observes, intrigued at the reaction, knowing that even before the apocalypse, Yelena had always hated sleeping out in public. She never took a nap in the car if someone else that wasn't Nat wasn't in it, never on the airplane, etc. The blonde seemed to never feel safe nor comfortable to do so.

Yelena was officially using Kate's leg as a pillow as her hands gripping the cup of tea loosened, but before it could tip over and spill everywhere Kate had swooped down to grab it before placing it down behind the log. Clint continues on finishing the song as MJ joins him, Kate now quietly chatting with Peter as they admire the new duo sing. The archer continues to trace Yelena's jawline while she sleeps, not waking up, even as Kate laughs hard at whatever Peter had said with her whole body.

Natasha finally takes her eyes off of the two and looks around seeing the way Laura had been looking at the two as well. The female Barton had a soft motherly smile on her face as she watched the scene in front of her. As if she felt Natasha's stare, she turns around and gestures to the two silently,

'What do you think?' Laura had mouthed.

'Gay.' Natasha mouthed back making the other laugh a bit too loudly.

Laura catches herself a bit too late as Yelena is suddenly jolting back into reality because of the sound. With a sleepy expression, Yelena squinted and looked around trying to figure out where she was. Kate's hand had stopped tracing her jawline when she felt Yelena jolt awake, her hand now limply resting on Yelena's shoulder. The blonde sighed before tapping the hand on her shoulder signaling the archer to pull her up on the log so she could sit by her.

"Is that mine?" Yelena asked, clearing her throat while pointing at the cup behind the log.

"Yeah," Kate nodded, "But it's cold now but you can have mine."

Yelena smiled and took Kate's cup gratefully and without thinking much about it leaned in to give Kate a peck on the lips.

"I KNEW IT!" A voice from across them exclaimed as they stood up pointing at the couple.

Kate and Yelena's eyes widened as they turned to the voice looking at the smug expression Tony was sending them.

"W-what?" Kate stuttered, her face bright red.

"I knew little Clint and little Natasha were together. Didn't I call it Rogers?" Tony looks at Steve who blinks trying to ignore the glare Natasha was sending him.

"Oh my god don't ever say that again Tony," Natasha cringed and shuddered while Clint facepalmed into his hand. Laura chuckled beside her husband and leaned into his shoulder amusedly.

"Shit," Yelena whispered, "I'm sorry I forgot."

Kate grabbed Yelena's hand and held it, "It's okay, babe. I didn't mind."

"Babe?" Yelena questioned with a grin.

"Oh," Kate blushed, "Is just slipped I'm sorry I won-"

"I liked it," Yelena cut her girlfriend off before squeezing her hand in reassurance. The blonde turned back to the group who was watching the two carefully.

"Kate Bishop is my girlfriend," Yelena proudly stated, "She is my girlfriend. We are dating."

MJ whistled loudly that Yelena started to wonder how no unwanted creatures have attacked their base.

"It's about time!" MJ exclaimed after her whistle while Peter just sends both of them a huge smile.

"I'm super happy for you guys!" Peter said sincerely before reaching over MJ to give Kate a side hug and Yelena a fist pump.

"Congrats for finding love even when the world is ending," Bucky smirked as he raised his cup before drinking it.

"L-love?" Kate stuttered but before the two can be put into an awkward position of discussing the 'L' word this early in the relationship, Natasha finally spoke up,

"Since when?"

"Since we went on that supply run and found that waterfall," Yelena simply answered, making Laura's eyebrows shoot up.

"You asked her out at a waterfall?" Laura questions shocked.

"I did actually," Kate raised her hand, "This one basically forced me to."

Yelena rolls her eyes playfully at that. Peter piped up with his own question,

"How did you manage to ask her out in a romantic setting at a time like this," Peter said incredulously and Kate shrugs in response.

"There might be something wrong with you for falling for someone that had a gun pointed right at you the first time," Clint chuckled, making Natasha nudge him harshly, "Ow. It was a joke!"

"Still my sister, asshole," Natasha rolled her eyes before analyzing the way Yelena was playing with Kate's fingers in her lap. Thinking about how they have been acting with each other lately, huh it all made sense.

"Better treat my sister Kate well or else you'll have something else to be scared of and it won't be any zombies or raiders." Natasha puts on her 'older sister' voice as she looks directly at Kate who gulped visibly.

"Yeah, yeah of course." Kate nodded her head rapidly.

"And Yelena..," Clint began but stopped when Yelena glared at him, "Yeah no Laura you go."

"Yelena," Laura chuckled at her husband, "Take care of our girl and we'll have no problems."

"Of course Laura" Yelena nodded her head seriously before Steve claps his hand once and announced,

"Great! Well it's been a long night hasn't it? Let's wrap it up and we'll continue this tomorrow morning."

– / – / –

v. The Fifth Trace

"I need a haircut," Yelena randomly said out loud as she's twirling her favorite pocket knife around. Natasha and her were out by Kate and Clint's target practice area and were taking turns throwing their tactical knives at the targets.

"So cut it," Natasha responded as she threw a knife, obviously making it right in the center.

"But I don't want to do it myself. I will mess up," Yelena whined as she took her turn and hit the middle as well.

"I'm not going to cut your hair Yelena," Natasha rolled her eyes making Yelena groan loudly,

"Why not?!"

"Remember the last time I gave you bangs? You wouldn't talk to me for a month because you didn't like the way I cut them," Natasha shot the blonde a disbelieving look.

"But I'm not asking for bangs this time," Yelena insisted with her hands on her hips.

"No," Natasha stood her ground before she threw another knife slightly off center making her curse, "Why don't you get your girlfriend to do it."

Yelena pouted, "Because I wanted it to be a surprise."

"You wanted to.." Natasha huffed a laugh, "You are so into this girl, huh?"

"I am сестра," Yelena sighed before throwing her final knife, not missing the center once again, "Did you ever have her as your student?"

"No," Natasha admits, "But a friend of mine, a Literature professor, had her. Said she was a social butterfly. Always acknowledging everyone no matter who they were. Very loud, but very kind. She always gave anyone she talked to her full attention."

"She is quite a special one," Natasha added as she begins to walk towards the target to pull out their knives.

Yelena smiled softly at her sister's words,

"You have no idea."


That's when Yelena finds herself inside MJ and Peter's tent, with MJ finishing up cutting off her blonde locks.

"I am flattered you trust me enough to do this," MJ remarked as she adjusts an old shirt that was laid behind Yelena to catch all of the fall hair.

"I don't trust any of the boys to do it. Maybe Bucky but even he would be too scared. Tasta refuses to," Yelena mumbled as she drummed her fingers on her thigh.

"And Kate?"

"I wanted to surprise Kate with it," Yelena whispered, making the brunette grin.

"Well, I just know she is going to love it and you can show her right now because I am..done," MJ grinned in success before grabbing a small mirror she found during an earlier supply run and gave it to the blonde.

Nervously, the blonde takes a look and gasps, "MJ.."

"Do you like it?" MJ nervously asks now, a bit scared for her reaction.

"I love it. You did amazing. Thank you," Yelena softly replies before reaching out and giving MJ a thank you hug. Her blonde hair was just above her shoulders now and she felt lighter now.

"Want me to go get Kate?"

"No, it's okay. I'll go to our tent," Yelena waved goodbye and thanked MJ again before confidently making her way to the tent. Not before passing her sister and Steve who were discussing something right in front of their own tent.

"Looks good 'Lena," Natasha grinned as she spotted her new look.

"It suits you Yelena," Steve grinned before ruffling Yelena's hair a bit. The blonde grumbled and steps away from the hand,

"Hey! Don't mess my hair up, I'm about to show Kate Bishop," Yelena frowned patting her hair down to make sure it wasn't a mess.

"You look fine, the messy look is always hot. She'll like it," Natasha smirked before gesturing to the direction of their tent, "Now go see your girlfriend. And don't be too loud."

"Сука," Yelena mumbled before making her way towards the tent and entering. Kate had been on her back reading a book she had found a while back but quickly put it down near Barry the cactus, which now had a blue flower on him, when she heard someone zip down the tent.

"Hey you're back- holy shit," Kate's jaw dropped as she took in the sight of her girlfriend with short hair.

"H-how, you- you cut your hair?!" Kate sat up and clutched tightly at the sleeping bag that was half on her.

"MJ cut it for me," Yelena responded, "You like?"

"I..," Kate drank in the sight a bit more and tried her best not to start drooling, "I love it."

Yelena finally breaks into a grin, "It'll be easier to deal with now!" as she ran her fingers through her short locks happily.

"Come here," Kate requested, opening her arms making the blonde happily plop onto the girl's lap as she wraps her arms around the archer's strong shoulders. The tall girl runs her own hands through the blonde hair making Yelena sigh contently. .

"You look really good." Kate blurted out.


"Only good?"

"Fucking gorgeous actually. I love it."

"How about you show me how much you love it?"

"My pleasure."


"Did you and Clint check this one last time, honey?" Laura called out as she pointed at one of the shops.

"No, I don't remember this one," Kate shakes her head as she hooks her bow around her shoulder.

"Steve and I didn't go in this one either last time," Peter added.

The three of them were on a supply run in the same mall Kate had met Yelena in. The last time the group had a run there was when they met Yelena, so Steve thought it would be a good idea to do one more run there just in case they missed anything.

"I mean it is called 'The Container Store' I wouldn't have searched this place first either," Laura nodded to herself as she thought about the other stores that were definitely more beneficial to look for important supplies in.

"What do you mean? You don't want to make our base more organized with these different containers?" Kate joked as she gestures to the first batch of large containers they see as they enter the store.

"That's going to be obnoxious to bring back with us if we wanted to," Peter noted as the three continued to look around. The store was pretty much still intact, no survivors seemingly finding nothing inside valuable. There were a bunch of different shelves, containers for toiletries, drawers, message boards, school supplies, and even silverware.

"Perfect for our nonexistent house," Kate sarcastically said.

"Kate look! This cutlery looks so cool!" Peter excitedly exclaimed as he waved around a bunch of spoons and forks with intricate designs on the handle. Some of them had what looked like vines on them and the others had flowers.

"This is beautiful," Kate admired the cutlery in awe before an idea sparks, "Are there any that have the actual end cut off?"

"Huh?" Peter blinked, "Like this?" and pointed at three forks that had the four sharp ends off leaving the flowery handle only.

"Perfect," Kate whispered before stuffing them inside her backpack. Laura approached the duo curiously,

"What are you two doing?"

"We found some cool looking forks and Kate is bringing some broken ones," Peter blurted out.

"You don't think to bring the non-broken ones Katie Kat?" Laura asked amused.

"We can bring those too," Kate shrugged, gesturing for Peter to stuff some in his backpack, "These are for Yelena and I."

"Huh..okay. Well I found some containers that can be used to store ammo so everyone has their own little pouch of it. Come on, let's grab one for everyone then we can look at other places," Laura orders as the two young ex-college students follow the woman to the aisle that was labeled 'travel bottles'.


"Hey Steve," Kate nervously asked as she approached the leader of the group. The three had made their way back to the base early and the archer only had one thing on her mind. It's been two months of being girlfriends with Yelena. She had quickly kissed her girlfriend in greeting before leaving her and Bucky with whatever competition they were in this time (she thinks it was pushups), and made her way to the blonde man.

"Hey kid, what's up?" Steve greeted looking up from a map.

"Do you still have that lighter you found?" Kate asked while holding two of the broken silverware.

"Oh," Steve says surprised at the question, "Yeah, yeah I do. It's in my tent. Would you like to use it?"


"Yeah no problem, let me go grab it for you."

Kate waits patiently for Steve to return which doesn't take long as he returns with the green lighter.

"What do you plan on doing with it?"

"These," She held up the stainless steel, "We found these forks, well used to be forks with really cool designs and I didn't want to lose this opportunity." Kate explained and Steve seems to know exactly what she is referring to.

"Wait, you know how to make- how?" Steve asked, surprised.

"One of my many hobbies back when," Kate shrugged, "Is it okay if I do it here? I won't be too loud."

"Of course, go ahead. I'm just looking at the map," Steve gestured to the seat across from him. He was sitting at an old picnic table, so Kate had accidentally knocked her knees with Steve's due to both of their long legs.

"Sorry," Kate sheepishly apologized.

Steve waved her off, "That will take awhile since you're only working with a lighter."

"I know but I don't want to make a fire that will draw attention," Kate shrugged, "Plus we have all day it's fine."

Steve nods in understanding before the two fall into a comfortable conversation while the two individually work on their tasks in hand.

The sun had long disappeared by the time Kate had finished her task. It did take very long almost, 2 hours, but luckily Steve had another lighter when the other one ran out of fuel. The archer admired her work in the palm of her hand as Steve nodded his approval, very impressed with the young woman's work considering the circumstances she had to work with to make it.

"Those are beautiful," Steve commented at the two rings that were once forks.

"I knew once I saw the design that these would be perfect rings," Kate grinned as she placed one of the rings onto her left index finger.

"And what has kept you here all day, Kate Bishop?" Yelena appeared out of nowhere as she sits beside her girlfriend. The girl had tried approaching the archer but had been denied access with a hand on her chest to prevent the blonde from seeing the surprise.

"I have something for you!" Kate excitedly replied with her now closed-fist hand, "Open your hand."

"Why?" Yelena raised her eyebrow.

"So I can put your surprise in your hand," Kate insisted, making Yelena sigh but comply. She feels something warm settle in the middle of her palm and she opens her eyes to see a beautiful ring. An intricate floral design on it,

"Oh wow," Yelena breathed out as she held it between her index finger and her thumb and admired it, "You made this?"

"Yeah," Kate shyly answered, "And I made one for me too. We're matching"

The archer held up her left hand and wiggled her fingers. Steve had quietly left without the two noticing, the blonde holding out the ring to Kate, "Put it on me?"

Kate grinned before preparing to put the ring on Yelena's left index finger, "How did you manage to get my ring size?"

"Oh I completely guessed. It was just luck," Kate shrugged as she positioned her hand right next to Yelena's to admire their matching rings.

"How do you manage to propose to me without actually proposing to me, Kate Bishop?" Yelena says amusedly, making Kate chuckle lightly.

"Don't worry I'm not asking you to marry me, I mean not that it would matter considering..," Kate looks around at their base and snorts, "Just wanted to give you something to show how serious I am about you. About us."

"I never doubted that," Yelena replied sincerely.

"I hope this doesn't seem so soon..or too much," Kate worriedly says as she pulls her hand away nervously. Yelena catches her hand however and intertwines their hands with the rings on their index finger knocking against each other.

"Kate, like you said, look around us. Look at our situation," Yelena ducks down to meet Kate's eyes since she is now looking down, "Nothing is too fast anymore Kate. Not when we could die tonight. Tomorrow. God forbid that happens. Thank you for making us this."

Kate lets out a small sigh before leaning in, her lips brushing against Yelena's in a feather-light caress. It was a kiss so delicate and so tender that it caused Kate's eyes to flutter close. Her heart swelling with an indescribable warmth that felt like they were being circled by fireflies like the time she had officially asked the blonde to be her girlfriend. Their lips met again, this time with a little more intention, a little more pressure. It was a kiss filled with unspoken promises, a quiet affirmation of the emotions that had been growing between them. Yelena reaches out to hold Kate's cheek before she leans her forehead against the archers, the kiss and ring being enough to portray how they feel about each other.


"If I have to eat another can of beans for dinner, I might actually consider sacrificing myself to these zombies," Kate sighed loudly as she handed the rest of the beans to her girlfriend who snorted.

"Would you still date me if I was still a zombie?" Kate asked out loud to Yelena while they, plus MJ and Peter, ate their dinner. The older adults were counting the amount of ammo they had left on all the guns on the other side of the base.

"No," Yelena deadpanned.

"Why not?," Kate pouted, crossing her arms dramatically.

"Why would I date someone that wants to bite me, ah don't say it Parker," Yelena warned the boy who shuts his mouth quickly.

"I guess," Kate stays pouting, "I would date you zombie or not."

"Because you are weird, Kate Bishop," Yelena teased before bringing the last serving of beans up to Kate's lips who reluctantly opens her mouth and chews the last of their lunch.

"You guys disgust me, we're leaving. Let's go Peter," MJ shakes her head before grabbing Peter's hand and dragging him away, leaving the two girl's alone.

"You're lucky I love you," Kate mumbled to herself before taking a sip of water to wash down the stale taste of beans from her mouth.

"What?" Yelena snaps her head to look at the archer with wide eyes.

"What?" Kate furrows her eyes in confusion.

"What did you say?"

"I..," Kate draws out trying to think back before her eyes widened, "Fuck."

"I said that out loud?! I didn't mean to say that um forget I said anything," Kate rapidly said her hands making a whole bunch of gestures in panic.

It's only been three months since the girls have officially been together, but if they're being honest, it's felt like a long time. The days were dragging along, doing the same things again and again; supply runs, eating, training, reinforcing the base, and repeat. Not that they weren't grateful and relieved that there have been no surprises. If it wasn't for Peter for keeping track of the days, they would think three months was actually a whole nine months already.

"Say it again," Yelena said as she turned her body so that she was fully facing the girl.

"Oh," Kate breathed out before nervously letting out an exhale. She then takes a deep breath before confidently repeating, "I love you, Yelena Belova."

And the cute giggle the blonde lets out makes the archer want to put Yelena into her pocket and keep her in her pocket.

She was so fucking cute.

"And I love you, Kate Bishop."

Yelena puts a hand behind the back of Kate's neck and pulls her into a passionate kiss. The archer sighs into the kiss as she lifts her hand up to trace the side of her girlfriend's face affectionately.

– / – / –

+1 The Last Trace

Present Day

"Who knew you would be close to leaving your bow for a shotgun," Clint comments as he shakes his head watching the scene in front of him. Kate was cleaning her new beloved shotgun that Bucky had gifted to her after he had found a new one he preferred. Luckily, Yelena has been willing to teach her how to shoot it as the two have been going out using zombies as a target.

"I will never replace my bow Clint," Kate shook her head in disapproval at the comment, "It's good to be versatile with other weapons that are not your bow or knife."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you for the longest time," Clint scoffs, pointing to his pistol in his holster. Kate continues on cleaning her shotgun (don't worry it's not loaded) as if she hadn't heard Clint's comment.

"When does anyone ever listen to you, Barton?" Natasha enters the archer's circle and starts to clean up her knives right beside Kate. Clint just grumbles leaving the two women alone.

"Hey Kate," Natasha greets as she gestures to the shotgun, "You seem to really enjoy that huh?"

"Turns out a bow is not the only thing I'm good at."

"I've seen you throw your knives Kate, don't downplay your skills," Natasha rolls her eyes lightly.

"Well I have Yelena to thank for that one," Kate blushes as she sets the shotgun down carefully.

"Ah yes, Yelena," Natasha hums before placing her own weapons down carefully before turning her full attention on Kate who was already watching the redhead carefully.

"Go ahead, you can ask me."

Natasha raises an eyebrow at that, "I know you must be thinking, really? The sister talk? No, I already threatened you in the beginning."

Kate nods slowly remembering when the group found out.

"You guys have been together for awhile now. I've seen the way you are with her. The way you are with each other. I..I just want to make sure you'll stay by her side. No matter what," Natasha began, "Protect her. Be there for her."

"Of course, Natasha," Kate immediately says as she realizes what Natasha was here for.

"I can't always be by her side and I know we all have each other's back, but it's nice to know someone else sees my sister as a priority to protect you know?" Natasha admits softly.

"I would lay my life for her," Kate honestly says, "I will do everything in my power to stay by her side."

"Good," Natasha nods, "I didn't expect anything less but you know.."

Kate sends an understanding smile before Natasha lets out a long exhale, "Well it was nice talking to you Bishop." laying a hand on the archer's shoulder before leaving Kate alone or well she thought she would be alone. Natasha had spotted her sister walking towards them and left so that Yelena could take a seat by Kate.

"What did my sister want, darling?" Yelena questions watching her sister walking away curiously. The blonde had begun calling her darling a few nights ago and since finding out it makes Kate stutter, she continues to do so.

"Just talking about you," Kate honestly answers, not wanting to lie to her girlfriend.


"Nothing bad, I promise babe," Kate reassures before giving the girl a chaste kiss on the lips and pulling away.

"Mhm, just because you're distracting me with your pet names and your kisses does not mean I'll forget this," Yelena warns as she leans forward to catch Kate's lips into a proper kiss.

"Mhm, yeah. I know," Kate smiles into the kiss before wrapping her arms around the blonde's waist and pulling her close.


Just like any night, the couple found themselves cocooned in the embrace of dreams. The rhythmic rise and fall of their breaths filled the air, a tranquil lullaby that seemed to ward off the troubles of the apocalyptic world.

Suddenly, a distant and unsettling sound began to seep into their dreams. At first, it was a mere whisper—an indistinct murmur that tiptoed on the edges of their consciousness. But gradually, that whisper grew louder, more insistent, until it became an undeniable presence. The sound was a cacophony of scratching and scraping, a haunting melody of nails and hands scrabbling against surfaces. Yelena could make out what sounds like her sister's voice in the distance yelling before the sound of a familiar horn echoed loudly. Both girls jolt awake at the loud sound and look at each other with wide eyes.

It was a signal of danger that the group had agreed on using if ever needed. Both girls scramble to put on more layers before grabbing their backpacks and weapons lying ready to go beside them and just as they were about to exit their tent, the tent flap was thrown open, and Natasha burst inside, her eyes wide with alarm.

"Get up, now!"

Natasha's voice was sharp, urgent, cutting through the haze of sleep that still clung to Kate and Yelena.

"What's going on?" Kate managed to ask, her voice a mix of confusion and adrenaline.

"We've got a horde of zombies surrounding the base," Natasha replied, her tone tense. "They came out of nowhere. We need to fight them off before they breach the gate"

Without wasting another moment, Kate and Yelena followed Natasha outside, their weapons at the ready. The scene that met their eyes was a nightmare—dozens of zombies, their grotesque forms illuminated by the pale light of the moon, were converging on their camp from all directions. The air was thick with tension as the trio met with the rest of the group, everyone looking wide alert despite being asleep just a few moments ago.

"Where did they come from?!" Peter cries out as he takes in the sight before them. Their gate was on the verge of breaking, ready to unleash the zombies into their base that they were starting to view as a home.

"I don't know," Bucky shakes his head, "They just started to appear from the east side. It wasn't too many at first, Steve and I took them down, but then a lot more started to appear and it wouldn't stop."

"Fuck," Natasha curses before clutching a sharpened metal rod that she had deemed her favorite 'stabbing weapon'.

We have to try fighting them off. Look, that should be all of them, they're all crowding around the gate. We can do this."

The group looked at each other before looking at the hoard of zombies with determined looks.

"Alright Clint, Kate, Bucky and Tony can I get two of you guys on each tower. The rest of us, we're going to take them from the bottom. Don't wander on your own, stay with the group! Watch each other's blindspot, got it?" Steve orders as the group nods and moves fast to their leader's orders.

They quickly divide themselves into their designated positions. Clint took his place atop one of the towers, his bow and arrow at the ready and Kate doing the same at the top of the other tower. With an arrow notched, she waited for Steve's signaling. Bucky and Tony stood side by side, their guns held steady, a deadly glint in their eyes as they prepared to unleash a barrage of bullets upon the encroaching horde. Laura and Peter flanked them, SMGs poised to rain a hail of bullets upon any undead that dared to draw near. Steve, his shield gleaming in the moonlight, held an assault rifle with practiced ease. Natasha, ever the fierce warrior, gripped a sharpened metal rod in one hand and a gun in the other.

Steve glares at the moaning zombies clawing through the gate, a hair away from breaking the gate, and as he spots the way the gate finally seems to give, he yells,


The group sprang into action. The zombies were running towards the ones on the ground at a vicious speed, but luckily were only coming from the front. Clint's bowstring thrummed as he released arrow after arrow, getting the ones that were getting too close to the crew, each shot finding its mark with lethal precision. Kate's arrows followed suit, a deadly dance of death as she picked off zombies with unwavering focus. Bucky and Tony's guns roared to life, a chorus of gunfire that cut through the night air. Laura and Peter's SMGs added to the destruction, their bullets finding their targets. Steve's shield became a whirling blur of metal, deflecting blows and knocking zombies off balance. At one point he kneels down so that Natasha can step on his shield and shove her rod into two zombies simultaneously earning a sickening crunch. Natasha moved with a grace that belied her lethal intent, her metal rod swinging like a deadly pendulum. Yelena's knives flashed in the dim light, finding their marks with uncanny accuracy.

While their effort seemed to pay off with the initial herd of zombies, Kate and Clint are the first to spot another wave of zombies coming, almost as if this was a game, and there was a next level.

"GUYS! THERE'S MORE COMING!" Clint shouts down below as he takes his pistol and reloads it. Kate was running out of arrows, only having around 5 left, and will have to rely on her shotgun and tactical knives soon.

"We can't hold them off here!" Natasha yells, "We need to get out! Head to the cars now!"

Kate's heart raced as she locked eyes with Yelena down below. There was no way the archer was going to leave Yelena, they were going to leave in the same car no matter what.

Bucky reacted quickly and climbed down the tower to join Steve. They would have to be in front as they had the keys to the cars.

"We just need to make it to the cars! Everyone stays behind us! Nat, Yelena, Tony you're with me in the truck," Steve shouts as they prepare to go through the heart to the vehicles just right outside the gate.

"No!" Kate yells, "I'll go."

"Kate, now is not the time..," Steve begins.

"It's okay Rogers. I'll go with Bucky here," Tony cuts him off as slices a zombie in half. Kate and Clint hop out of the tower and join the group, the younger archer making sure to stay close to Yelena as they start to make their escape.

"Stay sharp. It's just right there. We can make it," Steve encourages earning exhausted but determined nods. The group stayed close together, staying back-to-back to watch out for each other as they pushed forward towards the cars.

The sound of knives slashing and stabbing all around, dead corpses falling to the ground right on top of each other, before they eventually made it into the car. Natasha being the last one to climb into the truck, shutting it hard behind her as Steve starts up the car. The younger ones look towards the van to see the rest successfully get in but are slowly getting surrounded by more zombies slamming themselves into the vehicle trying to get to them.

"Bucky drove to the rendezvous point. North side. We're going to get these guys off of you and we'll meet you there," Steve's voice crackles through the radio.

"Copy that," Bucky responds before Steve honks the truck causing the zombies' attention to go from the van to the truck. Steve slowly starts driving forward, waiting for all the creatures to stop crowding around the van before driving away with the dead corpses stumbling towards its direction. The van books it to the opposite direction, the north side, its headlights painting the path to safety with its passengers relieved and exhausted inside.


"That took way longer than I expected," Steve exhales tiredly as he slowly pulls into a small village that marks the group's meeting point. They had cleared the place a few months ago and did daily check-ins on it just in case something like this happened where they would have to temporarily settle there for a while.

The once-vibrant village was once a haven of youthful laughter and summer escapades for middle schoolers as evidence of the 'Welcome back campers!' and the fallen posters with the logos of all the middle schools that participated. Abandoned tents and campfire pits serve as silent reminders of what life used to be before. Swings creak gently in the breeze, their chains rusted and their seats draped in vines, memories of carefree laughter now replaced by the hushed whispers of the wind. The village's centerpiece, a serene lake that once echoed with the sounds of youthful splashes, is now a mirror of stillness, its waters reflecting a world forever changed. Rowboats lie forgotten on the shoreline, their wooden hulls weathered by time and neglect. The quaint cottages that once housed eager campers and their chaperones now stand as hollow shells, windows shattered, doors ajar, and interiors overrun by nature's reclamation.

Steve jumped a little as a voice came through on the radio, "Bucky here. We're about 5 miles out from the rendezvous point. We've hit a bit of a snag. Could use some help."

"Didn't we give them a head start?" Yelena said in judgment, "How are we here before them?"

"They must've come across trouble," Steve replies before answering Bucky, "We just made it to the village. We'll be there soon."

"We can stay here while we wait for you guys," Kate suggests as the blonde nods in agreement.

Natasha hesitated, her gaze flickering between Yelena and Kate, "We just checked up on this place a few days ago, we'll be fine sestra." The blonde reassures.

"Alright, but stay here. Don't wander anywhere else. We shouldn't take long."

With their plan decided, Yelena and Kate exit the truck, the latter keeping her distance as the sisters whisper amongst each other before embracing. The two watch as the track makes their way towards the rest of their group before starting to walk around the lake,

"What the fuck happened back there?" Kate blurts out, "We have been living in peace for months now in that area, only a few stragglers, but never that."

"I wish I knew," Yelena sighs, "Something doesn't feel right. How did they even find us?"

"I'm just glad we all made it out of there safely," Kate says exhaustedly.

"Yeah..," Yelena replies distantly, "Me too."

The two spotted the two cottages that seemed to be in a good shape from where they were, the pair couldn't tell from where they had exited the truck as from there, they were on the other side of the cottages.

"We should probably stay inside until they get here to avoid more unwanted attention," The archer suggests shrugging off her quiver to double check all of her quivers, she had only five left. Hand in hand, the two quickly made their way to one of the cottages. Stealthily, Yelena walked in with the gun pointed but was met with tense silence, broken only by the creaking of the old floorboards beneath their feet. The interior was dimly lit, the windows covered by dusty curtains. Their footsteps echoed as they moved through the rooms, their senses on high alert.

Suddenly, a muffled sound reached their ears, followed by the low murmur of voices.

There's no way that can be them already. It hasn't even been 10 minutes.

They exchanged a glance and stealthily approached the source of the noise. Peering through a cracked doorway, they saw a group of men gathered in the second cottage. Eight in total, three of them armed with guns, the rest wielding knives. A familiar logo of a skull that the two girls would know from anywhere on their leather jackets.


They were raiders.

These guys kill anything and anyone.

No matter if they're infected or not.

The men seemed unaware of Yelena and Kate's presence as they conversed in hushed tones.

"Трахать," Yelena curses quietly, "I thought you guys said this place was clear?!"

"It was!" Kate whispered, "A few days ago it was!"

"Today is just getting better and better," Yelena shakes her head before calculating a plan in her head.

"We can't not do anything! The rest are going to be here soon and we don't have a radio to warn them!" Kate panics berating herself for not thinking of grabbing Steve's radio before they left.

"I know I know darling. Calm down please. I am thinking," Yelena tries her best not to sound so frustrated and focused more on trying to formulate her plan, "Okay. Are you fine with your arrows? I know you are running low."

"Yeah, yeah I have my shotgun too." Kate gestures to her gun by her side. Yelena nods to herself, "Okay, yeah good that's perfect."

The two looked at each other, exchanging in a silent conversation before jumping into action.

With the doorway still cracked open slightly, the archer uses it as an advantage for cover. Kate notched an arrow, her fingers tightening around the bowstring as she took aim at one of the armed men. The arrow sliced through the air, finding its mark with deadly precision. Chaos erupted as the man collapsed, the others jolting in surprise.

Yelena, who had disappeared from their cottage at some point had crept around to the other cottage and was near the men. How the blonde had done it without Kate noticing, she doesn't know. Yelena leapt into action, her knives flashing as she engaged the nearest assailant, stabbing the guy in the abdomen. The room became a whirlwind of motion, the clash of metal and the sharp crack of gunfire filling the air. Kate runs in to join and help her girlfriend, her own movements were fluid as she evaded knife strikes and returned deadly blows, her focus unwavering even as she felt the searing pain of a blade grazing her side.

"Fucking shit!" Kate yells out in pain before throwing one of her knives at the guy right in his chest making him instantly drop dead. Kate takes one of her arrows and shoots a guy that had tried stabbing her from behind.

Yelena's knives danced, their deadly arcs expertly parrying blows and dispatching her adversaries. The room was a battleground, a test of skill and survival as they fought against overwhelming odds. Kate's heart raced as she continued to fend off her attackers, her movements fueled by a mixture of adrenaline and determination.

She felt another surge of pain as a knife grazed her arm, but she pushed through, her eyes locked on the remaining raiders One by one, the men fell under the relentless assault of Kate and Yelena. Gunfire echoed in the confined space, mixing with grunts of effort and the clash of steel. Kate's breaths came in ragged gasps as she felt blood gushing out of her cuts, her vision narrowing as she focused on the fight.

As the last of the men lunged at her, Kate's grip tightened on her bow. She released her final arrow with unerring accuracy, the projectile finding its mark with a sickening thud. The man crumpled to the ground, his weapon falling from his grasp. A breathless silence settled over the room, the only sound the heavy panting of Kate and Yelena. The two women exchanged a tired yet victorious smile before turning their attention to each other, their relief palpable.

But their triumph was short-lived.

A sudden, searing pain exploded in Yelena's thigh, her cry of pain cutting through the air. Kate's heart raced as she whirled around, her eyes locking onto the last standing assailant.

There had been nine men, not eight.

Enraged, Kate's grip tightened on her bow. With a fierce determination, she yanked the last arrow she had used from the body of a fallen enemy and lunged at the final man. Time seemed to slow as Kate's arrow found its mark, embedding itself in the man's throat. He gurgled and collapsed, not lasting long at all after getting a lucky hit on Yelena.

Breathing heavily, Kate turned to Yelena, her eyes wide with concern as she rushed to her side. "Yelena, are you okay?" Yelena winced, her hand pressed against her bleeding shoulder.

"I'll be fine," she managed to say through gritted teeth. Except her next actions seem to be contradicting as when she tries to take a step towards the archer before buckling and falling to the ground. Kate crouches down next to Yelena and asks worriedly,

"Yelena! Were you hurt anywhere else?"

"Just here. Stupid motherfucker got lucky," Yelena scoffs as she points at her thigh that was gushing out blood, and it didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. More like the opposite.

"Yeah okay, that is not good," Yelena commented drowsily as she holds her hands to it to put pressure on it, trying to stop the bleeding.

"H-here let me," Kate stutters feeling overwhelmed but focused on ripping part of her shirt she was wearing and using it as a bandage to wrap Yelena's thigh with it. Just as she was about to lift Yelena's leg to put it on, the blonde lifts one of her hands to touch Kate's stomach that was now exposed from ripping her shirt.

"You're bleeding," Yelena notices, concerned at the deep cuts on Kate's stomach.

"Motherfucker got lucky," Kate repeats in a joking manner, flinching slightly when Yelena had pushed hard accidentally.

"He got you on your arm too," Yelena points out, her voice slightly raising in anger and concern, as her eyes started to scan Kate all over, "Kate you need to put pressure on those. You are going to bleed out."

"I am fine," Kate mutters trying to focus on wrapping the handmade bandage on Yelena's thigh. The archer's vision blurring slightly for a second before she shakes it off. She lets her backpack fall off her shoulder in frustration as it weighs on her and distracts her from helping the blonde.

"Kate..Kate stop," Yelena sighs as she pushes Kate gently off.

"No Yelena! You need to put pressure on that," Kate replies frustrated and tries again just to get her hands covered with Yelena's bloody ones.

"Kate, it doesn't matter."

"What?" Kate looks up at her girlfriend's face who wears a guilty expression on her face, "What? What do you mean?"

"I rather go out by bleeding out than turn into one of those," Yelena confesses as she stares at the wall across from them. She spots a bunch of cigarette buds and a few food wrappers laying on the ground. Sometime during the fight, they had made their way inside the cottage, so the two girls were now leaning against one of the walls, away from any possible eyes outside.

Kate doesn't respond right away, still trying to digest what she means exactly before realization falls upon her.

Shaking her head slowly,

"No, you're lying"

"Why would I lie about this?" Yelena retorts weakly, "It happened back at the base."

Kate swallows back a whimper,

"Show me."

Yelena slowly starts to fold her long sleeve of her left hand up revealing a zombie bite right on her forearm. The skin around the bite was a sickly shade of ashen gray, a stark contrast to the pale hue of the surrounding skin. Angry red streaks radiated out from the center, tracing the path of the virus as it began to spread through the bloodstream. The wound itself was a ragged tear, the edges frayed and uneven, evidence of the violence with which the bite had been inflicted.

Kate didn't know what to say as she stared at the bite that was suddenly hidden from her sight as Yelena rolled back her sleeves.

"I'm sorry," Yelena whispers as she takes Kate's now shaky hands and kisses them, keeping her lips there and closing her eyes.

Tears welled up in Kate's eyes as the weight of Yelena's confession settled between them like a heavy shroud. The reality of the situation had turned from dire to devastating, a cruel twist of fate that left them both grappling with the inevitability of loss.

Kate's voice trembled as she finally found her words.

"Yelena... I can't lose you. Not like this."

Yelena's gaze softened, her hand moving to cup Kate's cheek. "I know, darling but there's nothing we can do."

The two girl's let silence fall upon them as they took in their situation.

The rest of the group still wasn't back.

"You wanna know something?"

"What is it, Yel?"

"I'm glad I'm going out with you right next to me."

A bittersweet smile danced on Kate's lips as she traced Yelena's fingers with her own.

"I love you, you know that, right?"

Yelena's eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"I love you too, Kate Bishop."

Their words were a whispered promise, a declaration of love that transcended the darkness around them. As the weight of their reality bore down, Kate's trembling fingers brushed over Yelena's features, her touch gentle and tender. The way she traced Yelena's eyebrows, the curve of her nose, and the outline of her lips was both an intimate caress and a heartbreaking farewell.

Yelena closed her eyes, leaning into Kate's touch as if seeking solace from the inevitable.


"Yes, babe?"

"I'm scared." Yelena confesses her bottom lip trembling as she can't help but whimper in pain as the adrenaline is finally wearing off.

"I wish I could take all the pain for you," Kate whispers. She leaned in, her lips brushing against Yelena's forehead and placed a soft kiss.

"I'm with you okay?," she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath.

Yelena's eyes fluttered open, meeting Kate's gaze with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow.

"And, I, with you."

Yelena's eyes start drooping as Kate starts to hum the familiar tune to 'American Pie'. As if they were still in their tent, cuddling in each other's arms, Kate positions herself beside Yelena and starts to trace Yelena's face.

So bye, bye, Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the Levee But the levee was dry

Despite Yelena's face being dirty with blood and dirt from the day's events, Kate memorizes the blonde's beautiful features starting from her hairline, to her eyelids, her nose, her cheeks, and her jawline. And despite the pain Yelena is in, she could see the way her face relaxes at the archer's soft touch. If Kate didn't know any better and couldn't see any of the blood, she would think Yelena was just about to fall asleep.

And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey in Rye

Singin', "This'll be the day that I die

Kate's grip on Yelena's hand tightened as she reached for Yelena's pistol, the makeshift bandage falling from her fingers. With a heavy heart, she positioned herself to end Yelena's suffering before the virus could take hold.

And then, with a final, tearful kiss pressed against Yelena's lips, Kate released the weapon, bringing a final end to Yelena's pain.


Kate stayed by her side, intertwining their fingers after tiredly dropping the pistol down on the ground and kicking it away from them. Laying her head on Yelena's shoulder, she lets out a strained exhale as she feels the pain from all the deep cuts on her body. Her hand is now intertwined with Yelena's, touching her stomach, just for her to bring it up and only see red.

The taste of regret lingers on her tongue as her mind drifts off to the rest of the group.

She wishes she had more time to tell Clint and Laura that she loves them.

She wishes she could tell Peter that he was the bestest friend and a little brother that she didn't know she needed.

She wishes she could tell the entire group how she loves them like a family.

She wishes she could tell Steve and Natasha that it wasn't their fault.

She wishes she could apologize to Natasha for not keeping her sister safe..

...but that she did keep her promise of always being beside her no matter what.

The more time that went by, the more everything seemed to blur as Kate's vision faded, her own life slipping away. Yet despite the circumstances, Kate couldn't help but be okay with it all.

With a final, whispered breath of Yelena's name, Kate let go, joining her love in a peaceful eternal slumber.

This'll be the day that I die


Words: 17,249

A/N: If you read all that and got to the end, CONGRATULATIONS! Or maybe it's not much of a celebration after that ending, huh? Would love to know your guys thoughts so comment down below!

Votes and comments are always appreciated :)

Oh, and let me know if we're interested in seeing the group especially Natasha's reaction to finding them, maybe I'll write it if I'm feeling inspired.

Until next time <3

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