Everything You Wanted Me To B...

Autorstwa dangerousliasion

54 1 0

Jace is richer than god and built like a god too. Grace is a normal English girl who fell in love with a boy... Więcej

New beginnings.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Part 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97

Chapter 69

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Autorstwa dangerousliasion

Graces POV
January and February went pretty quickly and uneventfully. Jace worked a lot, we did lots of fun things on weekends though. I struggled with the massing assignments and work so Jace cut one of my working days. I was disappointed when Jace decided not to deliver my years Econ industry experience lectures. He assures me it was because of his workload at Atlas though and not me being in the class I'm not sure I believe him but either way it helps me. I was struggling in his class, I just couldn't separate home and school. I don't have that problem when I'm at work because it's deadline driven. I'm currently at work whilst Jace is out of the city on business with TSC. He's due home tonight and I'm excited.

Harvey knocks on the door. I wave him in
"Hey Harv what can I do for you?" Our friendship has grown in the last month, seeing someone daily does that.
"I just wanted to let you know I'm heading home. Ivy has gone too so can you set the alarms?" I nod and smile.
"Have a nice evening with Jace. He's back tonight right?" I nod.
"Well don't do anything I wouldn't do." He winks and shuts my door. At this point both Harvey and Ivy have walked in on us having sex at work. It's not a good look but they both find it funny. We are a bit like a weird family now we've all settled in. I glance at the clock. It's 10 past 6. Jaces flight gets in at 7 so I pack my bags. I'm getting better at driving in the city and Jace has filled our garage with many cars. My choice for the day was Bugatti Chiron I always look forward to driving this car now. It's beautiful and a complete custom car to us. I set the alarms and go to the main floor to say goodnight to Ben the security guard. Since being at Atlas in New York I've made a lot of friends and settled in well. I even have a lot of friends in Columbia which I wasn't expecting they still include Linc and Lily.

I climb into the Bugatti and it roars to life. I set of too the airport. I'm quite use to the route now. Jaces has had a few over night trips. The last few weeks. He's promised this is the last one for a bit though. Something about refining the oil rig designs with Charles. I don't know. I pull onto the freeway and drive this car way to fast. Jace keeps telling me I scare him. I love it though. I stop off on my way and grab us both a Starbucks and continue to the airport. I pull up onto the tarmac just as Jaces plane is taxing down the runway. I check myself over in the mirror and add some lip stick and perfume. I unbutton my top shirt button and mess my hair up a bit. I'm always so excited to see him. I slip on my heals and climb out the car and sit on the bonnet. The night is just about to come and the airport looks beautiful with the sun setting.
"Hey Grace back again." I nod and laugh, Jaces plane maintenance guy has also got to know us both quite well. He's called Henry and I so nice. He has a sweet family too. Jaces plane pulls up and the door opens. Charles steps out the plane and Isla goes to see him. Jace steps out next and I smile.
"Fuck me Grace. Every time you look more amazing than the last time I see you. I see the Bugatti is earning its keep aswell. Harvey said you'd brought it all week." He walks over to me and picks me up. I wrap my legs around him.
"I missed you so much." I say. He squeezes me back tightly. He grabs my face and kisses it.
"I'll never get sick of getting off the plane and seeing you like this." I smile.
"I'm glad you approve. Shall we go home?" Jace nods and smiles walking to the drivers side. I sit on the bonnet.
"I think not." I tease. He rolls his eyes. "If you crash this I swear..." he leans in to kiss me. "I'll make them make 15 more for you." I smile on his lips. I walk over to the car and get in and start it. I love the roar. I turn the car around and accelerate quickly out the airport. I join the freeway and head home. "It amazes me you haven't lost your license yet." I smile.
"When your husband golfs with the crime commissioner word gets around." Jace smirks.

I pull into our house not long after and we both head into the kitchen Jace pours himself a whiskey and I take a water. We return to the games room and I lie on Jace. I have something big to tell him and I've been waiting for the right moment to tell him but I think I'm going to burst.
"I missed you." I tell him.
"I know me too baby. How have things been?"
"Good we've got some really good books in at the moment at Atlas and well homes been empty."
"How are you though Grace."
"I'm excellent now you're back."
"Good, we should get back to our extra curricular activities don't want to waste any time." I just laugh.
"I wanted to talk to you about that actually."
"Mmm what is it baby?" Suddenly a bang on the door comes really loudly.
"Who is that? Is someone coming over? I ask and Jace shakes his head.
"No clue I'll go answer it." I sit up and Jace walks down the hall and opens the door. There is suddenly loads of voices shouting. I peak into the entrance hall. Maybe around 10 men swarm the room shouting. They pin Jace to the floor aggressively.
"POLICE Get down." Jace is smashed onto the floor I watch in horror and walk down to where Jace is being pinned onto the floor. What the fuck. "Get DOWN MAM." I'm frozen I can't move I have no idea what's happening.
"I SAID DOWN." A man pushes me to the floor and holds me down. Im meters apart from Jace and look at him. I'm panicking they're going to hurt me. Jace looks at me and he shakes his head motioning for me not to fight them, like I would in this state anyway. "Jase Hardin Atlas I'm arresting you on suspicion of the Murder of Ahmid Khan and his sons. You do not have to say anything but it may be held against you in the court of law." I lift my head up but an officer slams my head onto the hard floor. The tears escape me.
"Get off her!!! Don't hurt her!!" Jace yells. One of them puts hand cuffs "Grace Elizabeth Atlas I'm arresting you on the charge of perverting the cause of justice and hindering of an investigative." Jaces eyes go wide. I'm crying now. "Please get off me, please." I'm yelling. "Let me go don't hurt me. Please" I'm begging them Jaces is looking at me concerned he knows somethings not right. "Let her go please." Someone walks into the room. The officers bring myself and Jace to our feet they bring us close enough that I can smell Jace it's comforting even for a second. His eyes find mine and he's trying to figure out what's wrong.
"Good evening Atlas family. I've been waiting quite some time for this day. As soon as I saw that beautiful Bugatti of yours pulling into your garage, I knew it was time. Your secrets have been buried far to long." I look at Jace who is shaking his head ever so slightly, he needs me to stay quite.
"Let's go boys." The man motions to the door and the police walk us to separate squad car. My eyes fill with tears while I watch them putting Jade in the car. I can hear him begging to talk to me. They push him in and shut the door. If they have evidence against Jace he's never going to come out of prison. My mind is going a million miles an hour. I feel like I'm going to be sick. I am.
"I'm going to be sick." The officers turn and look at me.
"Yeah that's what they all say." I shake my head.
"No really..I'm going..oh god..." Oh god I'm going to be sick all over this car. The driver slams on and the other officer opens the door just as I'm sick. I see the squad car carrying Jace go past us.
"I'm really sorry." I say the officer says nothing and shuts the door again. It doesn't take long till we get to the precinct. They process me after Jace. His eyes haven't left mine despite that we are meters apart. I haven't stopped crying. Tonight was suppose to be the happiest night. "I'd like to see my Lawyer." I say calmly to the lady processing me. She seems nice.
"You'll get your call shortly love. The captain has orders to allow you to see your husband first." I squint my eyes
"What why?" She shrugs. She takes me to a room. It's a interview room but Jace is the only one sat in there. She takes my cuffs off and let's me go to him. He rushes to me and hugs me. He whispers into my ear so quietly and so they can't see.
"Grace don't say anything. They want us to talk they're stood behind the glass." I step back and look at him. My eyes fill with tears. Now is not the time Grace. I fall to the floor.
"I don't understand I don't understand what's happening."
"I know baby me neither. Are you okay? I saw you stop." I nod feebly. He takes my hand. I put my head against the wall. There's so many unsaid words right now.
"Jace..." "I know baby. I know." I shake my head my eyes fill with tears.
"What is it? Grace did they do something to you? Why did you stop?" I shake my head I look up at him and bite my lip.

Over the last month Jace and I had been trying for our baby. The injection was suppose to be wearing off. We'd been trying whenever Jace was back. We were having a lot of fun with it. We thought Jace was safe with his new found relationships in oil. We were doing well our world was amazing.

The female officer comes back in. They know we won't say anything now nothings already been said.
"Grace tell me tell me now what is wrong?" I shake my head tears are streaming down my face I can feel myself shaking.
"Hun I'm sorry we've got to go." The officer says politely.
"No please no no please I need a minute." I plead. I'm terrified I might never be alone with Jace again.
"Stop wasting time." A male officer walks in and lifts me from the floor I panic and thrash around screaming. Begging them not to hurt me. Jace is watching me he's so confused he walks over.
"Please let her go. Can't you see she's panicking?!" Jace knows he can't touch this officer and it's killing him.
"Grace calm down. Please you know, please I can't help you." The tears are streaming down my face I'm going to be sick again I can feel. I need to tell him. I might never get chance again. I look at him in the eye and stop fighting. I whisper
"I'm pregnant." His face drops and let the officer push me toward the door. Jace rushes over. "Please let her go please, just give us 2 more minutes please." The female officer puts her hand on the male officers shoulder and he rolls his eyes and puts me down.
"2 minutes" he snaps. Jace pulls me into him. And squeezes me tightly he pulls my still tearing face up to look at his. He kisses my lips.
"Grace look at me, you're going to get out of here. They've done this because they think I'd confess to something. They will let you go. Grace I need you to stay calm. I need you to keep our baby safe please. It's all we've wanted it's what we've been working towards. Keep yourselves safe don't give them a reason to try keep you here. Don't neglect yourself. I love you, I love you both. I'm so happy Grace I can't even begin to tell you. I will be home soon. Tell Charles what's happened. Call Enzo they'll know what to do. Don't worry about your Charges, our attorneys can get them dropped in seconds." I lean against his chest. I cry so hard and he squeezes me in. I look up at him.
"They're holding you on a murder charge Jace."He nods and looks at me.
"I know. I know. It will be okay I promise you." He pulls me in tightly.
"I'll be okay. I need you to be okay." I nod. They open the door and Jace kisses me.
"Thank you. You've given me the best gift of them all. I love you. Be safe please Grace." I nod and the nice lady officer replaces the cuffs on my hand.
"If it's any consolation I'm really sorry." I smile at her.
"The detective wants a word with you." I nod and follow her into another identical room to the one we've just been in.
"Hi Grace, can I get you a drink?" I nod. "Water thank you." He nods at the officer to leave.
"So Grace. You have a smart husband I heard your nice little chat there. He's right I have no charges against you. I just needed to see if you were enough for him to start talking."
"I don't understand, what do you think he has to talk about?" He smiles and leans forward
"Grace don't play stupid with me. I know you know what he did. I've seen your bullet hole and I've seen his. It seems unlikely they just appeared." I'm mad at this man. He's ruining my life. My child's life.
"I want to go home, I'm pregnant or didn't you hear." He nods.
"Yes unfortunate timing that is. Atleast you have the opportunity to abort it before your husband is trialed for multiple murders."
"You monster. That's a child. Jace would never kill anyone."
"I'm not going to freeze his assets today but I will be. I suggest you get your paperwork in order before he's formally changed."
"You can't possibly have evidence, he's never committed a crime."
"I have actually. I have a witness. A 9.7mm bullet. A glock registered to your husband. I need something cleared up for me though Grace, your blood was found on my only bullet. Yours and an unidentified person. Tell me how you manage to get shot by your own husband?"
"If you think Jace would ever harm me your delusional."
"I don't disagree with you there. Just curious how a bullet fired from his gun landed on you some how."
"Can I see him? Just once more."
"I'll allow you to see him to say your goodbyes.
It might be a while before you get his embrace again." He waves the officer in who hands me a bottle of water. They walk me back to the room Jace is in.

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