Were-Vamp Anthology

Por Sushifry123

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Side stories that I conjured up. Most are prequels and different scenarios. Please read the first story in My... Más

Prequel 1
Regressing 1
Story Time
Prequel 2
Uncle Leopold
The Beach
Dancing 1
Prequel, London
Dancing 2
Prequel Alternative 1
One Night Stand
Family Get-together
Past Visitors
Prequel Alternative 2
Innocent till Proven Guilty
Pick Up
Short 1
Short 2
Hawaii 1
Prequel Alternative 3
Short 3
Hawaii 2
Gate-House Prequel
Hawaii 3
Movie Nights
Puppy Short 1
Puppy Short 2
Short 4
Puppy Short 3
Boarding School Prequel
Regressing 2
Hawaii 4
Troy's Day Off
Happy Birthday
New Neighbor
Puppy Short 4
S.S. Kin
First Christmas
Dr. Creeper
Wolf, wolf, is wolf?
Puppy Short 5
Prequel Alternative 4
Trick or Treat
Short 5
Puppy Short 6
Wedding Plans
Moving Day
Birthday Gift Exchange 1
Jason's Family 1
Birthday Gift Exchange 2

Parent's Prequel

37 0 0
Por Sushifry123

Calvin and Tracy meet.

Many years ago, "This is outrageous!" the leader of the Long-tail pack slammed his hands and glowered at the patriarch of the Dubois family.

"Everything is set in motion." The man's voice and face are as cold as stone.

"You vampirism scum have no right to force us out of our land, and demolish it." the man remains impartial.

"Fight it all you want, but nothing you do or say can change our minds." He stood from his seat. "If you'll excuse me."

"This isn't over! Do you hear me?!" the werewolf yelled at the retreating vampire.

"What are we going to do dad?" the older man looked at teen Tracy.

"I do not know my sweet. But we won't give up our home without a fight. That's a promise."

Tracy watched her father leave to discuss with the pack's council before storming off into the woods. When she was out of breath, she panted before screaming and kicking a tree.

She hears someone shouting in surprise before teenage Calvin fell with a loud thump onto the dirt. "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry." she rushed to help him up when she notices how well tailored his clothes are, and growled angrily before shoving him back onto the ground.

"What's the big idea?" he glowered at her, and she huffed.

"You vampires think you can just take over wherever and build whatever you please, but remember this, me and my pack won't give up our home without a fight."

Much to her surprise, he smiled. "I'm glad to hear that." he said.

Her eyes narrowed at him. "Are you mocking me?"

He shook his head. "I can assure you I am not. Believe or not, I am on your side."

"Oh really." She crossed her arms. "Why is it that I don't believe you?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "You don't have to, but I like coming out here to clear my mind. It's like an oasis out here." He pointed at the tree he fell off. "That is my secret hiding place. Well, was my secret hiding place."

Tracy is clenching her jaw tightly in an effort to not kill the young handsome man in front of her. "Too bad for you it's my pack's land, so it's technically my tree. So get out, before I maul you to death."

He didn't seem fazed by her threat. "Fair enough, but here's a word of advice. Using brute force will not work. Chances are, they will hypnotize you guys or use silver against you, so your best chance of saving this place is to find probable cause to keep them out, or find a better location that won't force people out of their homes."

She humphed at him. "Oh yeah? That's just talk. Walk the walk, and do it yourself if you want your precious tree back." She turned around and stomped away. "I'm getting reinforcements, so you better leave, or face the consequences."

"Wait." He grabbed her hand from behind and she whacked him one.

He knelt down and kissed her palm and smiled despite a bruise forming on his face. "I promise you I will do everything it takes to save your land." She feels her heart flutter before kicking him and running away.

When she returned home, she is panting. "Trace." She spots a couple of her sisters. "Are you alright? Your face is red."

She looked away and brushed passed them. "It's nothing. Just had an odd encounter with a critter." She muttered. Leaving them puzzled.

A couple days later, she is collecting firewood and spots Calvin sitting at his favorite tree with papers in his hands.

She dropped the wood in annoyance. "You gotta be kidding me." she stomped over and he looked up and smiled at her.

"I was hoping to see you again." he greeted.

"What did I say about being here? You are in so much trouble."

"Are there any creatures going instinct here?" he cut her off.


"Are there any creatures in need of a sanctuary?" he asked. "That can be one way of saving your home.

She gave him the stink eye. "Yeah right, like you blood suckers would care about stuff like that."

He looked at her with a frown. "Contrary to what you believe. Vampires take these things very seriously. If they just trample around and do whatever, it can ruin their reputation with investors. Humans and supernatural beings alike."

She crossed her arms and sighed. Everything is going to be destroyed anyways. "We don't have woodland creatures going instinct."

"Oh." He sounded disappointed.

"However." He looked hopeful. "There are a couple of trees that the humans decided to make illegal to cut in the village nearby here."

His eyes twinkled. "Fantastic! All we've gotta do is figure out what type of trees they are, and see if we can find any out here!"

"Wait a minute." She put her hand out. "Who said anything about we?" she gawked at him when he curled up into a ball looking depressed.

"I thought you cared about this place, and what if something happens? What if I can't identify the trees, or get lost in the woods?"

"Alright! Alright!" she crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks out. "I'll help. But only because I don't want you screwing things up."

He stood quickly as if being resuscitated back to life. "You got it!" she groaned in agony and before she knew it, they are in the human village. "Thank you gentlemen. It is much appreciated."

Calvin shook hands with people from the mayor's office. Tracy is impressed at how well he handled the humans. He smooth talked his way in, and got what they needed without hypnosis.

"Now that we got proper paperwork, we need to head to the woods to find either redwood, or cypress trees." He noticed how silent she is. "Is everything okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. I was just in deep thought is all." He nodded.

"I get that we are enemies at the moment, but if you ever feel like talking. I'm here for you."

She blushed before huffing. "You aren't like any of the vampires I've seen."

He chuckled. "I get it, most of my kind are um, what's the best way to describe it?"

"Jack asses." Tracy answered and made him smile.

"I was going to say sticks in the mud, but that works too. But there are a few of us who are fun to hang around with. Gerard Niko is a great example. He loves interacting with people from all species, and has a great sense of humor." Tracy hummed with a smile. "However, get on his bad side and you'll regret it." she made a face.

"Vampires are so weird." She mumbled.

He pouted at her. "And you werewolves are mean."

She feigned shivering. "Your words hurt me so." She said sarcastically.

She laughed when he puffed his cheeks out. "And you said you had a sense of humor. How about some candied apples? My treat." He hesitated before nodding, and she guided him into town square where music is playing, and people are dancing, eating, and drinking merrily.

They got candy apples, and Tracy bit hers off in one big chunk while Calvin took a smaller bite and sucked the juice out of the apple before eating the shell and peeling. They look at the people dancing in a circle, and he asked her to dance. "Are you crazy? I don't dance and whoa!" he tugged her forward and they joined the people. Calvin learned the steps quickly, but Tracy is having problems getting the hang of it.

"How do you do this and ah!" she yelped when she tripped and dragged Calvin along others with her, and toppled down as if they are human dominos. People laughed and caused them to laugh uncontrollably with them.

Later in the woods, they are still laughing and having a good time with stuffed animals and a goldfish in a bag as prizes they won. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but that was fun."

Calvin smiled. "Glad to hear." He looked down bashfully. "That was my first time attending an event like that, and it was invigorating."

She looked at him with wide eyes. "Really? Does your family live too far to go?"

He frowned sadly. "My father doesn't believe in going out and having a good time. I'm just lucky that I get to walk in the woods."

Much to his surprise, she held his hand gently. "That won't do. After this is all over, I am taking you for a night on the town. Maybe we'll head to the farmer's market in the morning one day."

He squeezed her hand appreciatively. "I'd like that very much." They smiled at each other for a moment before leaning in to kiss. When their lips locked, they pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry!"

"No I'm sorry!" they ran their separate ways.

A few days later, Calvin is in his family's private library hearing opera music echoing throughout the mansion he resides in. "Why are you doing this?" his older brother Leopold asked as he watches him going through paperwork and books.

"Because what father is doing is wrong." He answered, but thoughts of Tracy popped into his head and he placed his fingers over his lips as he remembers their kiss. His brother noticed.

"Oh, I see what's going on." He sat next to him. "You've got a girlfriend. And she's a werewolf." He taunted making him blush.

"Do not."

He hummed mischievously.

"Leopold." He said menacingly.

He put his palm out. "No need to get your underwear tied in a knot. I won't tell."

He grinned. "Although, it is so tempting. I can just see father's expression right now."

"Don't you dare!" he yelled.

At that moment, teen Troy entered the library with papers in his hands. "I believe I found a property of interest young master."

"Please just call me Calvin. I know your family serves my father, but we are friends, so no formalities."

Leopold smiled. "I myself like young master."

Calvin glowered at his brother. "Forgive me young master, but it doesn't seem right. I mean, it's a privilege to be called your friend, but."

They hear his name being called. "Oh yes. It's time to get dinner prepared." He pointed at the papers. "This piece of property is far south of here, but if you take a closer look, you'll see a lot of potential." He bowed to them before leaving.

Calvin scanned through the papers and feels his hands shaking. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" he cheered enthusiastically.

The last day to fight for their pack's land has arrived, and the werewolves presented Calvin's findings that he handed to Tracy.

"As you can clearly see, it would be unwise to chop these magnificent trees down. But don't worry your pretty little heads. We found land that shows more promise for what you were planning." The head of the pack pointed at a map. "This land is flatter, no one to fight with, and we've learned there is a blue diamond mine that no one's claimed yet, so it's yours if you are interested."

The patriarch of the Dubois family looked at everything as impartial as ever. "I must say, I am very impressed. I expected you to bare fangs." Everyone held their breath. "Today is your lucky day Long-tail. Well played." They shook hands and everyone cheered as he's leaving.

Tracy sees him approach Calvin and Leopold standing in the corner. "Let's return home, my sons. We have a lot of work to do." As he's leaving, Leopold congratulated his brother as Tracy approaches them.

"Woof." Leopold started but Calvin shoved him into a bush.


"Hey." They greeted awkwardly. "So." Tracy fidgeted nervously. "You're Ulysses Dubois son?" he nodded. She opened her mouth to speak when they hear Ulysses calling them.

"I better get going before he loses his temper." Calvin smiled and sparkled making her blush. "Meet me at town square in a couple hours. You still owe me a night out on the town."

They hear smooching sounds coming from the bushes. "Leopold." He hears laughing. "C'mon bro! Just kiss her already! I've got thorns picking my ass!"

Tracy giggled while Calvin rolls his eyes as he helps his brother before heading into the vehicle parked behind their father's. "Let's head home." he said before driving away with Troy's father behind the wheel.

When they were about to leave, the car wouldn't start. "Let me see what the problem is." Troy announced before jumping out of the car to check the tires and under the hood.

"Why do I get the feeling that this is all a trap, and they are going to tear our limbs apart?"

Calvin swatted at him. "Don't think the worst. They are actually cool once you get to know them."

Leopold rolled his eyes. "You only know one of them, and only think she's cool cause she's hot."

He told him off despite his cheeks flushing.

Twenty minutes will pass before they drive on the dirt path. "I am going to drink wine while I soak in the tub and, what the hell?" Leopold asked as Calvin looks stunned. The Dubois family mansion is consumed by a huge inferno. "Holy hell!" the car screeched to a halt before rushing out.


"Dad!" they look around frantically before spotting their father's car parked in the garage with two bodies lying on the ground. "No!"

Calvin is holding Troy back. "Stop, or you'll be burned to a crisp!" he yelled as Troy attempted to escape his clutches.

"I have to help him! Dad!" after a while, he stopped struggling and sobbed in Calvin's arms.

After the flames smoldered, and the number of casualties were accounted for, they drove sullenly to the small village to check into an Inn to rest and figure out what to do from here on out.

Calvin is sulking on a public bench as thoughts run through his mind. That's when he felt something cold go down his back making him jump sky high.

Tracy is laughing with a cup in her hands. "You should see the look on your face." she stopped giggling when she sees Calvin on the verge of crying.

"Wait, are you really going to cry? Geez, I didn't know vampires can be so sensitive."

"My father was murdered when we returned home." he explained and her eyes widened.

"What? It can't be. He was alive and well a few hours ago."

"But now he's not!" he snapped at her. "And it wasn't just him. My friend's father was murdered alongside him. I've never seen him so upset, and I don't know what we are going to do. I mean, we have plenty of places to reside in, but to take over his empire at this age is too much. I don't even know where to begin."

Tears are slipping down his cheeks and he turned away. "I'm sorry Tracy. I'm sure it shocks you when a vampire shows emotion, but we are beings with feelings too you know."

Next thing he knows, she hugs him tightly from behind. "Of course you have feelings." She said. "It's a part of everyone. And I'm sorry for your loss. I am here for you no matter what."

He turned around to face her and sniffled. "Really?"

"Really." She promised and they kissed.

The present, "Uncle! Uncle!" Christian is flailing underneath a smirking Roger as Jesse and Sarah reprimand him while Ashley and Jacob laugh their heads off. And John is observing on the sidelines with Jason face palming himself and Troy is peeking from the kitchen.

"Did you ever imagine that things would turn out this way?" Tracy asked.

Calvin smiled wide and held her hand. "Nope, and I wouldn't have it any other way." he answered as they happily watch the scene unfold.

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