Karma // 10k Fic // Completed

By littletinything

62K 1.1K 119

Karma comes back for a mission. Battling it out with Zombies was never her plan. Operation Bite-mark proved t... More

Top Voters
Old Encounters
Karma Chameleon
Hey one question: What the hell
Alice in Zombieland
The Past is Haunting
Author's Note
Jealous Or Overzealous
Thanks For The Memories
FuBar Be Like
New Encounters
Small Spaces
Radiation Rising
Dad's Aren't Really Our Thing
Hell Disguised as Heaven
Memories Are Haunting
Separated Again
Awkward Times While Bound to a Chair
Found Murphy
Underground Labs
Getting Naked...For Science...
Dr Evil
Looking Out For Her
Stripper Z's
Keep Going
How many refugees survive?
Plant Zombies vs Humans
Zombie. Baby. Zombaby
She's In A Better Place
Separated For The Third Time
Losing Murphy
Rozewell, Mèxico
No More Aliens
Zombie Horde
Don't Like Office Jobs
Murder On The Job
South Of The Border
Welcome Home
Human Trials
Murphy Minions
I'll Take Care Of You
I Hate Hospitals
I'll Do It
Authors Note
Too Late
Authors Note
Maybe There's Hope
Zone A
Future Forward
Authors Update
We're Back
Alien Faith
Size Matters
Deja Vu
Fear Of Heights
Another Day, Another Box
Zombie Fingers
Bust Balls, Shoot Walls
Carnival Of Mayhem
All Patriarch Must Fall
Canadian Zombies
Life After
Relaxing Is Hard

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55 1 0
By littletinything

"Hey, can we slow it down a little?" Doc asked when another bump in the road caused Murphy to groan. "He's still with us." Doc said.

"Where are we anyway?" Murphy asked.

"Looks like we just blew through what's left of Eerie, Indiana." Lilly said.

"I spent some time there pre-Apocalypse. Good people. Kinda weird, but man they like to party." Doc said.

Warren began to speed up.

"Lieutenant Warren? Watch out for that... -" Lilly started. Warren slammed into a z and kept driving. "-... Zombie." Lilly finished.

"Warren, I know it's the Apocalypse and all, but could you maybe slow down a little?" Doc asked. Warren drifted into a turn and slung everyone to the left. My hand involuntarily gripped 10k's thigh. 

"What the hell, Warren?!" Doc cursed.

"Where are we going?" Lucy asked. Murphy began to gasp.

"He's going into cardiac arrest!" Doc yelled.

"He don't look so good." Tommy said.

"Thanks for the diagnosis." Doc said.

"Stop the car!" Lucy yelled. 

"Warren! For the love of Pete and Pete, pull over!" Doc begged.

"It's ok. It's ok." Lucy concoled her father.

"Lieutenant Warren? Lieutenant Warren? Warren, stop! - Warren!" Lilly yelled.

Warren was now speeding towards a building and didn't look like she was going to stop. 10k grabbed my body and pressed me into my seat in the corner. Warren slammed on the brakes, tires squealing as we skidded to a stop. Everyone breathed before getting out. 

"We've got a ticking man here. He might turn any minute." Lilly said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who said anything about turning? I'm fine. See?" Murphy said before he threw up black goo.

"Let's get him inside." Warren said.

"Zombies! Six o'clock!" 10k warned. The both of us keeping them at bay.

"Eight thousand one." He said. My head snapped in his direction.

"You're counting? You're counting! Numbers! Whoo Hoo!" I yelled extremely happy.

"Someone's happy" He smiled.

"I got my number counting zombie slaying sexy boyfriend back" I slapped his back and left him to blush behind me.

"How is he?" Warren asked.

"Who knows? He's a walking petri dish." Doc said. They laid him on the table.

"Help him!" Lucy cried.

"There's not much we can do." Doc said.

"He's not gonna turn on us, is he?" 10k asked.

"What is he talking about?" Murphy worried.

"Don't worry. We got your heart started again. That is, if it was beating in the first place. You've been in and out of consciousness, man." Doc explained

"Hey, maybe you're still immune." Lucy hoped.

"I've been cured six ways to hell and back. That's gotta be good for something, right?" Murphy asked.

"I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I don't think you're out of the woods yet." Doc said.

"Maybe we should uh..." Tommy trailed off.

"I know. I was thinking the same thing." Doc said.

"But we got to do it now" Doc whispered.

"I don't want to think about things like this." 10k whispered. "I'm just tired" he continued.

"What are you and the love birds talking about?" Murphy asked. 

"Nothing, you know, just... precautions." Doc said.

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked when Tommy pulled zip ties out.

"We can't just let him turn. We need to restrain him." He tried to explain to her.

"What? No! No! Warren, tell them to stop." Lucy cried.

"Oh, he's crashing again. There he goes." Doc said. Murphy slumped over.

"I don't feel a pulse." I said.

"No. We have to save him." Lucy pleaded with Warren.

"I know what you're thinking, but-" Warren trailed off.

"I have to try!" Lusy cried.

"Lucy, don't." Warren yelled. Lucy bent down and bit Murphy's arm.

"I got a pulse." Doc said before Murphy jumped up and gasped for air. Murphy laid back down and his eyes fell closed.

"Bite him again. Bite him again." Warren said. Lucy did as she was told. Murphys eyes opened and looked up at 10k, who was holding a knife above his head.

"I'm not dead yet." Murphy said.

"No, you sure aren't." Warren said.

"Lucy, I think it's working. That Mad Z bite is looking better." Doc congratulated her.

"Somebody better shut up these Zs before we draw more of a crowd. Lieutenant?" Lilly said.

 "I'll go with you." 10k nodded to her.

"Need help?" Doc asked.

"Stay with Lucy and Warren, I'll go." I said before the two of us went to help Lilly.

"Yeah, in case Murphy needs help." Tommy said motioning to the blade he was handing Doc.

"Don't be a hero." Doc called after us.


"Are you guys okay?" Doc asked when we came back inside. All of us had blood on us.

"Just a little M and M." Lilly shrugged.

"M and M?" Doc asked.

"Mayhem and Mercy." Lilly answered.

"Where's Warren?" Tommy asked.

"That's a good question. She's on another one of her walkabouts." Murphy said.

"Something's wrong. We need to find her." Lucy said.

"She went out that door. Go see if she needs backup. I'm gonna stay here with Murphy and Lulu in case she comes back." Doc said.

"Roger." Lilly said sarcastically. I'm beginning to feel as though I don't really like her. Tommy and I passed Lucy to grab our stuff. Lucy grew older since we were gone.

"Damn, I'm the baby again" I cursed making Lucy smile. Doc laughed in the back and even Murphy gave a slight chuckle.


"Clear." Tommy said checking a room.

"What's that smell?" Lilly asked.

"Death?" I suggested.

"No, worse. I smell something living." She said. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk forwards. 

"Clear" I said clearing a room before we continued down the hallway.

All of a sudden a loud clank noise came from our right.

"This way." Tommy said, leading the way.

We walked into this room that had jars with various liquids in them.

"Left hands. Feet with and without toes. Assorted ears." Lilly named the contents.

"Human?" Tommy asked. My light hit a table of hands that moved.

"Zombie." I confirmed.

"That's appetizing." Lilly said looking at two zombies with no arms or legs on the operating slab.

"I don't know who's responsible for this, but I don't like them." Tommy said. I nodded my head.

"Roger that. Did the Lieutenant bring us here on purpose?" Lilly asked.

"If she did, it wasn't her idea." I muttered. Rattling noises came from somewhere.

"Wait, shh. Did you hear that?" Lilly asked.

"Yep." 10k said.

"What do you think it was?" She asked her voice giving away she was scared.

"Take your pick." I said before pressing on.

Wailing could be heard from behind us. We turned around and rushed in that area.

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