The Alpha Dragon's Prisoner

By TonyaDavis240

8.3K 311 10

Tika They delivered me to him on a silver platter. Four years ago I was an ordinary girl with a privileged li... More

Arrival Day-Xander
Caged Bird-Tika
A Worser Fate-Tika
The Big Reveal-Xander
Sentencing- Tika
Stolen Alpha-Xander
Feeling Like Crap-Tika
In For a Landing- Xander
So Much Skin-Tika
Setting Her Free-Xander
The Lion's Den-Xander
Past Repeats-Tika
Good Thoughts Only-Xander
Tainted Twins-Unknown
Drowning in Regret-Tika
Grabbing the Reigns-Ceron
The Naked Truth-Tika
Mike's Hard-Xander
Baby Fever-Igneous
Thin Line-Tika
A Deadly Kiss-Xander
Nothing to Hold-Tika
Staking a Claim-Maximus
Lonely Wanderer-Tika
Sanguine Lover-Xander
Mate Trap-Morbius
Running Behind-Xander
Life After Death-Xander
Love and Other Things-Tika
Bonded in All Things-Xander
I'm Dying-Tika
Friend or Foe-Xander
Venomous Love-Tika
In Pieces-Tika
An Alliance-Maximus
Dark Intentions-Slater
Just Dont Cry-Avery
The Last Pieces-Xander

The Threat-Xander

112 3 0
By TonyaDavis240

The feeling as her teeth sink into my neck is indescribable. The bond snaps into place and my entire body is flooded with her emotions. The love I feel coming from her is so intense that knees nearly buckle as I feel my cock jerk. My seed flows freely in strong torrents as I fill her tight sheath. The roar that fills the air makes my own ears ring as I share with anyone that can hear. Their alpha has been claimed and a new leader is arising by my side.

The mind link tries to open but I shove it out as I bask in this glow with my mate. My lips take hers softly as I just enjoy how they feel on mine and the connection that we share. Her taste is sweet as she kisses me back. Her body leans into mine as I hold up her weight. I disconnect the cuffs from her hand quickly as I pull her more into me.

The sound that fills the air immediately pisses me off and I whirl with a roar to face our intruder. My mate gets pushed behind my back as I crouch into a battle stance. Adrenaline pushes through my body as I prepare for a fight. Ceron makes my chest rumble as he shows his displeasure to our new guest. Something rises inside me and I watch as my vision changes. Everything in the room rushes gold and I feel Ceron come out.

Tika grabs my shoulder from behind and it's like whatever she did ignited what it was in my body that wanted to get out. Another roar leaves my chest and I lean into it. The tone of it is low and pulsing. I feel parts of my body heat as its done. I can't even turn around to the audible gasp that comes from Tika at the sound.

Maximus grabs onto his chest and he stumbles back. Whatever that tone did looks like it nearly knocked him off of his feet. When I rise from my stance it feels as if I stand taller now. The power that runs through my veins is a rush. I laugh loudly as I realize what I just did. New voices fill my head that I have never heard before. I look up and see that Maximus is looking at me in total awe. I've never seen this look coming from my brother and it suddenly makes me uncomfortable.

"Clothes, we need clothes" I command him as I remember my naked mate behind me. He vanishes from the room in a flash and returns with two robes. I pass one behind me quickly. A growl from my chest has Maximus whirling around as she starts to move and get dresses. Satisfied that she is now covered, I finally let her step around me.

I put the robe on that he brought me. I frown at the color because I am not partial to black. However, beggars can't be choosers. Stepping forward I pull Tika's back against my front. She chuckles at me but I just can't seem to help myself. I feel so different when I touch her now that I can read her emotions. The bond still buzzes from our heat and her joy is palpable.

"Come now brother. We have much to discuss" I tell Maximus. He turns to face us rapidly. The smile on his face makes the cheeky bastard look funny. I think I may actually be starting to miss the man's brooding nature.

"You prepared for what you just did, Alpha?" he ask as he widens his stance.

"Why? You not up to the challenge, Beta?" I ask him. I know that he is but I just want to mess with me. A growl rumbles out of his chest as Martell comes forth. I laugh loudly. It's always so easy to get under his skin.

"I was born ready" He grunts.

I told you we could have no other than him by our side. Now that they are all coming, his duties will double.

"Whose coming?" Tika says as she turns to face me. I cock my head at her as my eyes glow.

"So, you can hear when me and my dragon speak. That's good to know. And we are all coming. That pulse was a connection. Every dragon in America has heard my call. Now they will come to aid their alpha" I tell her proudly.

"And you need to keep in mind that she can hear you. None of those fantasies and stuff that you like to send me anymore" I warn my dragon immediately.

"How's about you send them my way then, lover. I'm dying to see what you want to do to me next. We just may have to wait a little on the rough play" Cara purrs at Ceron.

Tika laughs at blatant disregard to what I said. Her eyes light up in challenge and the smell of her arousal fills the air as she eyes me. Maximus clears his throat ruining our moment and I blush. She hides her face in my chest for the moment as Ceron starts dancing in my mind.

"Well, on the to the next item of business then shall we. What are we going to do with our prisoner" Maximus ask.

"Actually, just a few things I would like to add" My mate says proudly as she squares her shoulders. I turn my attention to her immediately for what she has to say. I nod to Maximus proudly as he does the same. She is my equal now and what she says goes too. I can't help but wonder if she will have her own alpha command.

"Well, since they are all coming here we can tell them the name of their mate. I meant to tell you last night but it was...well a little busy. This morning was also too.. well hot to speak about things " she says as she starts to twist her fingers nervously. I hate to see that she lost her confidence so quick. She should always feel confident to give her orders. Yet, I am confused about what she just said.

"Okay, but how do we tell them the name of their mates. No one knows that information" I tell her as Maximus and I look at her curiously.

"Uhm, well I guess he already saw them so it's okay to mention. Your gold tattoos. They have names in them. I've already discovered that they are dragons and their mates. See let me show you" She states as she comes back to me. I freeze when she goes to open the front of my robe. My hands immediately grab hers and her gaze meets mine.

"It's okay. They are beautiful Xander and they are special. They make you different but they will come to mean everything to our race" She says in my head.

My hands release hers slowly and I allow her to open the robe. She opens it all the way down to my waist and then rubs her fingers along a spot on my chest. The spot that lies just over my heart. "Right here in small print I found my name. My full name and right above it is yours." She states as she shows the spot. I try to look down to see what she sees but I am unable to.

Maximus comes forward and squints at my chest. His eyes widen as he curses. "Holy shit." Suddenly his eyes are all over my chest trying to read all the names. I raise my arm up to my face and squint. However I see nothing. They only look like gold marks to me.

"You both can see the name?" I ask more serious as Maximus growls.

"Yeah, man. I didn't even know that you had these. There are last names too. I saw mine and Em's on your shoulder. I even found the man who just became number one on my kill list too" He says dead serious.

"What do you mean on your kill list" I ask as I start to get weirded out by the staring. Stepping away from them I quickly tie the robe back into place. I have to fight myself not to fidget as they still continue to look at me.

"Well, when I was checking out your ink. I saw my kids name there. The gold of her name is brighter than the other gold. I think your ink added to it when she was born" When I catch the meaning of why he looks so pissed I start laughing. He huffs when I do and I have to hold my sides as Tika just smiles at us. When my laughter doesn't die down as soon as it should I try to tell her.

"He's mad... because his daughters mate....already exist" I tell her as I chuckle still.

"Really, I have to see this. She says to join in on the fun. I let her open the robe again as I wait patiently to know the name of the kid I now have to protect. It takes her a few moments to find it and she freezes. Her gaze flies to mine as she bites her lips with a smile. She must already know who it is.

"Come on, out with it" I tell her with glee. This is going to be so good.

She looks at me from underneath her eyelashes as she takes a deep breath. "Harmony Maxine Mathers is mated to Zeus Alexander Stone. Our son" She says gracefully. As her words hit me I feel my face pale. Maximus roars but is easily ignored. As broody as Maximus is, I can't imagine a kid of mine with the female version of him.

Then my eyes trace where her arms are going and I follow them to her hands. My vision flares to gold as I look at them against her stomach. The golden light of light that shines behind it show me that through her my life is truly complete. I grab her to me and kiss her with everything that I have.

We have truly been blessed. I tried to tell you through our visions.

"Nothing could have ever expressed how truly loved I would be in this life" I say to her and him as I look at her. Her eyes shine with tears of joy as she gazes at me back. So much love fills our bond that it almost feels like we are glowing. The feeling is all encompassing and powerful. Everything just feels so right in the moment.

"Well your son might not be so lucky" Maximus growls under his breath as he paces the room. Tika chuckles at him. His eyes are continuously flashing and we just know that he is arguing with Martell. I still can't let the threat go without a warning. No one will ever hurt what is mines.

"Well I would say he would be pretty lucky. I could decide to retire one day and settle with my mate. That would make my son the alpha and then he could tell you what to do" I taunt him seriously.

Maximus clenches his teeth at the threat as his face nearly contorts. The idea of being ordered by someone younger than him would be a strong disagreement. He would also be forced to retire at the time. Even if he isn't ready yet. He nods his head at me in understanding.

My mate must have noticed how tense things got in the room as she steps between our stare off. "Well, why don't we go see about this prisoner that you guys have. Didn't you say that something needs to be done with him before we have new members arriving" she ask awkwardly.

Maximus breaks our staring contest easily as he turns and makes his way towards the steps. Reaching forward I grab her hand and start to lead her to them too. As we walk down the steps she is quiet. Her handshakes in mine a little as we start to pass some of the cells and I squeeze it tighter. I have no idea how she must feel from her past experiences but I would imagine it wouldn't be easy to see this.

"You sure about letting her see this?" Maximus ask as we approach. He eyes my mate sheepishly. If one had to guess I would say that he feels bad about bringing her here.

We must make it so others do not doubt our mate. They may not see her strength but should be reminded of it.

I look at Tika and she nods her head at me. "She will be just fine. Go gather the others and return" I tell him as I turn to her. He flashes out and the room is silent.

"Are you sure that you are going to be okay with this?" I ask her as I gesture to the cells in front of us. She has yet to see Michael or any of the other prisoners but I need to make sure.

"What exactly is this Xander?" she ask as she flickers her eyes down the row of cells. Her question reminds me that she doesn't know anything about why we are here.

"Down there in a cell is Igneous' father. He was caught during a raid on our lands when one of our own was taken. We brought him here for questioning because he seemed to have so much information that we didn't. Upon questioning him we found out that he was sent here to spy on all of us, including me. We have found listening devices on him that he was using to transfer and receive the information. He has basically admitted that he exist to help those who wish to cause harm to us. I cannot allow him to live if I want our people to be safe. This would be his funeral" I tell her as I hold her gaze. I need her to see how bad he truly is.

"Wait, you are just going to kill him?" she blurts as she pales.

"Not necessarily. The most peaceful way that we could think to do it is to use Maximus' power. He can send items into what we call the ether. Its like a vast nothingness that can be used for travel. In this case he would be sent in with no destination in mind to slowly fade away. There will be no pain, no sense of space or time. He just wouldn't exist" I explain to her.

I watch her face as she ponders my words as she looks at the cells. However, I can't seem to get a read on her. All her emotions appear to be a jumbled mess and I am having trouble deciphering what they mean.

She is talking to her dragon. Cara will help her make a decision about what is happening here.

"Can I speak to him?" She ask suddenly. The expression on her face looks eager and for the moment I cannot deny her. I gesture for her to walk forward and follow behind her. When we step in front of his cell I pull her to a stop.

"What's his name?" she ask.

"Michael" I answer.

"Hello, Michael. Do you know who I am?" she ask him through the bars. I watch as the old man finally turns away from the wall. It hasn't been that long since I saw him last and yet he looks as if he has aged many years. His skin is pale and wrinkled. There are bags under his eyes as he uses that piercing gaze to watch my mate.

"Oh you sly dragon. You did it didn't you" He says as he rises to his feet gingerly. He walks with much effort to get closer to the bars. I growl at him as he steps closer to look at my mate. He turns to look at me with a smile that instantly makes me uneasy. "You do know that now she will never be safe. In bonding her to you, you have made her the target" he says with a laugh.

He starts pacing his cell as he looks at the both of us laughing. "You know, I knew that you wouldn't be able to resist. I bet you thought marking her would protect her huh. Stronger together and all that jazz. Tell me have you called the others to you yet? You sure are going to need them" he states as he rocks back on his heals.

For the moment I am taken aback by his question. How the hell could her know about that. We checked him for listening devices and there were no others. We even tossed the cell to try to find them. Then an idea comes to me and I try to play it out. "I already know that I am not the only one of my kind. Your employer sent you to see if I was the stronger one" I say deadpanned.

I did not sense another gold dragon when we let out our call. I sensed no other like us.

He smirks as he snaps his fingers. "Well duh, you really thought you were the only one. You are just the second to find his mate. They will find him eventually though. Just like they will find you and your mate here" he taunts me.

"No one is going to take my mate" I growl at him as I step forward. All the bastard does is laugh and I reconsider giving him a nice death. He would deserve the pain.

"Well, I do actually have a question for you." My mate states and he turns back to her eagerly. I wait patiently so that she can ask. She closes her eyes for a brief moment and I watch as her dragon eyes appears when she opens them once more. When they start to glow to a dull grey I frown and look closer.

Just wait. Do not react.

Her hand flies through two bars in the cell and jerks Michael to her. Her aura pushes out and I watch as he screams loudly. His body starts to shake and then goes limp. Just as I am about to reach forward because I don't want her touching him, she lets go. He falls to the knees on the floor and pants for air. When she looks at me her eyes are back human and she looks freaked out. I pull her to me as I check her over with a fuss.

She lays her hand against my chest to stop my rumbling and I freeze. I didn't even realize that I was making the sound. "I am fine Xander. I'm fine" she states as a hand flies to her stomach. I watch her eyes flash briefly and we both gaze at the cell when we hear movement. Igneous father stands there bouncing on his feet as he looks around the cell. He looks confused but better. His skin isn't so pale and he doesn't look quite as old.

"What did you do to him?" I ask her through the link.

"Cara give Igneous one last blessing. She said that she had permission for only a limited time" she answers.

"Permission for-------"

I don't even get to finish asking her when Maximus appears with the crowd. Magma hold Igneous' hand while he holds their daughter. His mother stands next to them as she holds their son. She gives me a small smile and a nod as I return it.

"You will only have him this way for a short period of time. Please make it worthwhile" My mate says. She grabs my hand and starts to lead me away from the cells as everyone looks at me oddly. I shrug my shoulders at them letting them know that I have no idea what she means. At the end of the row of cells I pull her to stop. I need to see this done for myself.

"Well, if it isn't my family. What took you all so long to get here? I feel like I have been waiting ages" Michael says loudly. "Well, come on over here and let me have a look at my grand babies. I've been imagining what they would look like" he says cheerily.

My gaze whips to my mate as she smiles sheepishly. She points a finger up and I follow her up the stairs. She turns when we are on the floor and looks at me. "So, I think that I have a gift" She states as she rings her fingers.

"Well, what exactly is your gift because the way he just talked was not normal" I ask her curiously.

"Well it seems that I can bring forth love if there is some to bring forth. It was almost like I could see it and magnify it. Not like you though. This was different. It was like I brought it out of hiding" she says frustrated when it sounds like that definition doesn't speak.

Could she mean a light bearer. We tried to experiment with it once.

"Why would she do it for him? He doesn't deserve to have happy memories of his time here" I tell my dragon as she stares at me. The look of concentration on her face lets me know that she hears our conversation.

"Because it's what I needed. Being a prisoner isn't easy Xander. If anything you have no existence. Someone else is in control of everything that you do. All you have is your thoughts and from my experience they can be pretty damning. Hope is so far out of bounds that you just waste away. By giving him the opportunity to show love to his family, I gave him hope. The last memories that they will have together will be happy instead of tainted by all the hatred that he has. I gave Igneous what I wish I had with my parents. A chance for a happy goodbye" she says as tears gloss in her eyes.

I pull her into my chest as I hug her. The tears in her eyes make it hard to be mad at her for touching him or helping him. I wish that I could give her that chance but I know I cant. I just have to be happy that she is finding her peace and is able to give it to someone else. She really does have more strength than we all thought.

Before I can speak to her however, the mind link opens up.

"Uh Alpha" Demetrius says.


"That guy from the government is here at the gate. He request that we return all the prisoners to him at once. He is also demanding your presence here" he says slowly.

I release Tika and kiss her on the forehead. "I am proud of what you have done here. I stand by you in your decision and I am sure they will experience it. Right now I do have a pressing matter to handle. Will you wait for me at home?" I ask her as I cup her face.

"He can't make me go back right? Can he really force any of us too?" she says a bit panicked.

"No, you now have our DNA because of your bond to me. The others who are not bonded may not be so lucky. I do have to go and see why he is breaking our deal. Something about this just doesn't seem right. Just wait for me at home and I will be there soon" I tell her as I kiss her goodbye.

As I leave that cabin and make my toward the gate, I start to go through all of the laws made for us in my head. He has no basis to go this far. As quickly as I can I pull up the contract that we signed. If I remember correctly, the only way he can take someone from us is if they have committed a crime. None have been reported to me so I have no idea what this is about.

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