The Alpha Dragon's Prisoner

By TonyaDavis240

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Tika They delivered me to him on a silver platter. Four years ago I was an ordinary girl with a privileged li... More

Arrival Day-Xander
Caged Bird-Tika
A Worser Fate-Tika
The Big Reveal-Xander
Sentencing- Tika
Stolen Alpha-Xander
Feeling Like Crap-Tika
In For a Landing- Xander
So Much Skin-Tika
Setting Her Free-Xander
The Lion's Den-Xander
Past Repeats-Tika
Good Thoughts Only-Xander
Tainted Twins-Unknown
Drowning in Regret-Tika
Grabbing the Reigns-Ceron
The Naked Truth-Tika
Mike's Hard-Xander
Baby Fever-Igneous
Thin Line-Tika
A Deadly Kiss-Xander
Nothing to Hold-Tika
Staking a Claim-Maximus
Lonely Wanderer-Tika
Sanguine Lover-Xander
Mate Trap-Morbius
Running Behind-Xander
Life After Death-Xander
Bonded in All Things-Xander
I'm Dying-Tika
The Threat-Xander
Friend or Foe-Xander
Venomous Love-Tika
In Pieces-Tika
An Alliance-Maximus
Dark Intentions-Slater
Just Dont Cry-Avery
The Last Pieces-Xander

Love and Other Things-Tika

128 5 0
By TonyaDavis240

I walked through a void. It's the only way that I can describe the place that I am in. I float around in the existence of nothing. I know that I am waiting but I have no idea what I am waiting for. There is no pain here. There is no happiness. There is nothing but a wonder for what comes next. Its feels as if I don't even exist but somehow I know that I do. However, something is missing. I look around this space but see nothing. I blink my eyes into the darkness but nothing changes. Tired of the nothing I close them and I try to dream.

As I do flashes come to mind. My body feels weightless as I am surrounded by the clouds and sky. My breath comes easy and my body is loose and pliant. I feel amazing. A smile spreads across my face as I smile into the blue abyss. I could stay like this forever with the way that it feels.

A shadow crosses my vision and I frown. What is that I wonder. I start to panic as I see the giant black blob. It comes closer and closer and fear fills me. The black void is coming and I don't want to go back. My arms flap in the air as I try to get further away from the figure. Turning to my side I get a brief flash of gold and red. My eyes bug out as I watch the giant black thing grab my golden dragon in its talons. The tail of what I now see is a black dragon wraps around my waist and I am jerked to a halt.

The motion is so strong that it cause the breath in my chest to halt for a moment. With a few flaps of its wings I am gently laid on the ground right next to Xander's dragon form. I immediately crawl over to him as the black dragon starts to transform. Knowing that whoever it is will appear naked I quickly turn my head away.

"Holy shit. The bastard actually did it" He says. I touch Ceron as tears fill my eyes. What happened to him. I can't even bring myself to answer the question as I hug his snout. The tingles that flutter across my skin are so much stronger now. I can feel him no matter where I touch.

"What can I do?" I ask as I turn to Maximus. I can't even bring myself to release the hold I have on Ceron. At this moment I have no idea why I didn't want Xander and him to touch me in the first place. Right now there is nothing more that I want besides to hear his deep baritone. My nipples tighten as I have the thought and it suddenly hits me why Maximus is on the side of me.

Using one of my hands I fight to close the top of my robe which is gaped open to reveal my breast. "Here" Maximus says as a piece of fabric is tossed over my shoulder. A rumble leaves his chest as I look around. When I see that he has turned away I quickly put on the untorn robe and tie the sash. "He saved you; you know. I have no idea how he did it, but he did" He yells.

My mind races as I wonder what the hell he is talking about. When the flashes form the water before play through my mind I gasp. Oh god they took Julia. I start to shake Ceron's body needing him to wake up. He needs to help my friend. It's my fault that we headed to the water in the first place. My hands quickly release his body as I feel him start to shake. Snapping sounds come next and his body starts to decrease in size.

When he becomes the man that I know he is, my feet run forward to his form. Even though I want to, I ignore the fact that he doesn't have a stitch of clothing on. He groans on the ground as I grab his face. He blinks his eyes open so slowly that for a moment I thought that they would close again. When they are open he focuses his golden gaze on me and he freezes. For some strange reason I am so happy to see him that I can't help but smile. The smile dissipates when he slowly pulls my hands away from his face. I frown at him as he stands and starts to stumble away from me.

"Xander" I call as I try to follow him.

"You are an apparition of my imagination. I knew that I would descend into madness when I lost you. I just had no idea that it would be so soon" He says as he leans his head against a tree. My eyes travel over the back of his form only to look away when his words register. His shoulders heave under his weight. Walking forward I place a hand on his naked shoulder only for him to jerk away from it.

"Don't touch me. God, please don't. It hurts so much when you do and reminds me of everything that I have lost" he says as he whirls to face me. I stand immobile as I watch the tears fall down his cheeks. They look hollow and pale under the light of the moon. He holds a hand over his chest as he rubs it.

"I am real Xander. You know who I am?" I ask him confused.

"You are nothing but the ghost of the woman that I love. You are here to haunt me because I couldn't save you. You are here because my dragon has gone feral at the loss of his mate" He whispers as he stares at the water.

"I thought that I was your mate, Xander. I assure you that I am still here. I'm breathing. My heart beats" I tell him as I step closer. He cocks his head at me as he watches me. As another tear falls my heart hurts for him. I have no idea why he thinks that I'm dead. "I ran after I screamed at your parents. I talked to Julia and she helped me understand a few things. We went swimming in the water" I tell him slowly as I try to get him to understand.

I smile when I see his eyes start to flash. If I can't get through to him, then I know that I can get through to his dragon. "Two men appeared in the water and grabbed us. They left me here because I was your mate. They hit me on the head and they took Julia" I tell him.

"No, my mate is dead. I watched as her heart was ripped heart. My own damn dragon did the deed" He screams at me. I take a step away from him even though my body tells me not to. I feel a pull toward him and I have no idea why he won't believe me. I am here.

"Ceron" When I call his name he pushes forward. I watch as his eyes take over and he sniffs the air.

"You smell like mate and sound like her" he says as he steps toward me. Before I can see his intentions he has grabbed the top of my robe and looks inside it. I slap his hand away and he gasp as he steps back. "Tika" he whispers.

"Yes. It's me" I say happily. Of course the beast would be the rational one. My happy feeling starts to go away when he starts to shake his head though. Then an idea hits me and my words are spilling out of my mouth. "I still owe you a reward Ceron. You remember that I told you if you behaved that day on our walk, I would tell you something" I ask him. He nods his head slowly as his eyes narrow.

"Your name is Ceron because I am the one that chose it. I chose that name because it means beloved. When I chose it, I knew that you would mean something to me. You were already so eager to take down my walls and have me open up to you. You are my beloved because you are loved by me. I love you and Xander" I tell him as tears spring to my eyes.

I have made so many mistakes and I just need him to believe me. The thought that he could go on believing that I died tears me up inside. In my heart I know what I mean to him and I know what he means to me.

"I pulled her out of the sky with you man. I have no idea what the hell happened up there but I know you brought her back" Maximus says. My gaze flies to where I heard him from. He nods his head and then he disappears. When I look back at Xander there is something new in his eyes. I no longer see Ceron in his gaze but his golden eyes are still bright. His feet rush forward and I open my arms to him.

He swoops me up off my feet and spins me in the air before he crushes me into his chest. I feel as he moves me so that his head can go to my shoulder. When he inhales my scent there I feel as he relaxes. I pull away from him and look into his eyes as I wipe away the moisture. The smile on his face tells me however that these are tears of joy and I feel as they blur my vision too.

"What took you so long?" I ask him as I cherish the tingles. I run my hands up and down his exposed chest to feel more of them as I wait for his answer.

"I am so sorry that I wasn't here love. I was trying to make it to you as fast as I could, but I was too late" he says as his voice breaks. "Nothing will ever stop me from getting to again. You will be lucky if I let you out of my sight from now on" he growls.

The way that his mood shifts so suddenly causes me to clench my thighs. As I look into his eyes there are so many emotions swimming there that I can hardly breath. An overwhelming feeling fills my chest until its ready to burst. The feeling is new but exiting. I just don't know what to do with it. His arms tighten around my waist and my gaze traces as his tongue flicks against his lips.

The motion reminds me of exactly what position we are in right now. My hands start to roam as I look at him. Ceron flashes through his eyes and I know that he feels it to. I rise on my tip toes but he takes a step back. His eyes close slowly as a rough exhale leaves his chest.

"What is it?" I ask him. He has to know that I was just about to kiss him. He has to feel what I feel in this moment.

"There are so many things that we need to discuss. So many things that we need to do. I want you. You truly have no idea about how much I do but I have already taken one decision away from you. I won't take any more" he says as his eyes water.

I know that there is a look of confusion on my face as I wonder what he was talking about. Then it hits me that he must be speaking about the dinner with his parents where I behave abhorrently. "I can speak to your parents again Xander. I had no idea that the evening would go that way. I didn't mean for it too but I have no idea what came over me. I need to apologize to them" I tell him as I look away ashamed.

"No. They are the ones that owe you an apology. They have no right to try to choose who I allow in my life. It's my decision. They shouldn't have judge you based off of the only information that they had of you" he demands as he stares into my eyes. "I can see who you are Tika, even if you can't see it for yourself. You are mine and mine alone. I will choose you every time. When it comes to my family, my pack and over my own light. You are my heart and my reason for existing. Without you I could do nothing else. You are my heart, I love you" he says as he eyes me carefully.

As my mouth gapes, my heart sings. Tears fill my eyes at the brutally honestly of his confession. I jump into his arms and he catches me as I squeeze him with all the strength that I have. I love how his chuckle fills my ear. Then an idea hits me and I pull my head off of his shoulder to look him in the eyes. His hands tighten on my waist as he holds me off of the ground.

I look right into his eyes as I speak my next words so that I can remember the look forever. "Well, it looks like I love you too, Alpha." Then my lips claim his. His gasp give me just the opening I need to slip my tongue in between his lips and taste him for the first time. His tongue intwines with mine slowly as we both groan. I brace my arms tighter around his neck and wrap my legs around his waist. The hardness of his cocks settles between my thighs and my body heats.

With a moan I break the kiss as I grind against him and he curses. His hands reach down to cradle my ass, pushing me tighter against him as we move. He trails kisses up the side of my neck and I moan at how sensitive his tongue makes me. I am so damp under this robe right now that there is no way that he is unable to feel it.

"Xander, you better get us out of this forest" I warn him as I grind against him again. His chest rumbles and my back hits a tree. He takes my lips with his own again and his hands start to roam over the bare flesh of my legs.  I take my hands from around his neck and start to use my fingers over the grooves of his chest. His skin is so smooth that they easily glide right over. Every time my hand find a new area, the muscle twitches. "Pretty sensitive, aren't you" I chuckle as I break the kiss and relish the tingles.

"You are going to be the death of me woman. That kiss was lethal" He says as he licks the seam of my lips. I smirk at the motion. If he wants to play then we surely can. My hands pause in the exploration of his chest. I want to touch something a lot more special. I clench my thighs on his lips and push myself just a bit higher so that my hands can fit between my legs. I wrap my hands around his cock and he throws back his head to roar.

When I give his cock a nice slow jerk his eyes finally come back to mine and Ceron makes his debut. "You are playing with fire mate. It's gonna be so good when you get burned" He growls. His hand dives between my legs and I cry out when he circles my clit. The heat of his hand is so much better than grinding against him. I smash my lips against his to halt my scream as he slowly glides his fingers in me.

"Fuck, you are tight baby" The way that he says the phrase is so damn sexy, and low that I no longer care about the forest. I just want him. I release his cock in my hand and start to undo my robe. God, I just need to get it off so I can feel more of him. The situation with me being the only one dressed seems so unfair. His fingers pause inside me to watch what I am revealing to his gaze.

When I finally untie the sash, he pulls his fingers out of me. When I widen the two sides of the robe and I am bare to his gaze, it's my turn to moan. The two fingers he had inside me go right into his mouth as he licks them clean. The moan that leaves his lips is so erotic that a fresh wave of wetness coats my thighs. I want his tongue.

He must have the same idea as I do. His hands brace themselves under my ass and he moves me higher up the tree. I hiss slightly as the rough bark of it scratches my back but in this moment I like the sting. When my pussy is level with his face, I have to brace my hands on the top of his shoulders to keep my balance. He eyes the heart of me like he is looking at his last meal.

The first long slow lick of my cleft causes him to groan as my hands tighten. His tongue explores me slowly at first as he enjoys the taste of me. I moan when his tongue finally circles my clit. My legs shiver around his head as I meet his gaze. He tightens his arms around my thighs and my breath catches as I prepare myself.

He sucks my clit hard and I scream as I throw my head back. I hold the back of his head keeping him right where he is as I enjoy the pleasure he brings me. I hardly pay attention as he releases one of my thighs. He works my clit as his fingers enter into me again and my cries increase. "Xander, yes, god yes. Right there." ~'He must like my cries because he growls as he plays with my clit faster. His fingers curl inside me as he hits something and I detonate.

The light burst behind my eyes as the best pleasure I have ever felt runs through my body. My legs tighten with a shaky hold around his head as he groans. His mouth laps up everything that I just gave him as I practically go limp above him. I slowly release the grip I somehow got on his hair and he starts to lower me. As soon as my lips get in the vicinity of his we collide. The taste of me and him combined are a heady mixture. I wiggle against him as his cock bumps against my ass. I break the kiss to look into his eyes as he smiles largely. The joy that I feel from his is palpable in the air. However, I hope he isn't done just yet. "What happen Alpha, I thought you wanted to claim your mate" I say as I taunt him. His eyes flash as Ceron steps forward and that smile disappears from his face.

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