Reunited For Her

By is_it_true_l0ve

2.3M 59.4K 38.7K

Marissa Riva is the Italian mafia princess. She has been missing since she was 4. Kidnapped by her own mother... More

0- intro
1- my life
2- I remember
3- One pancake
4- bored
5- softies
6- teleport
7- no risk
8- very angry
9- stranger
10- unexpected
11- upset
12- our little secret
13- I knew it
14- telling them
15- not your fault
16- the target (part 1)
17- the target (part 2)
18- beautiful
19- attitude
20- love you
21- drugs
22- that one voice
23- my cousin
24- nice tattoos
25- Goodbye Rose
26- it's you Mary
27- a good liar
28- It's time they hear it
29- paintings
30- reunite them
31- catch!
32- my brothers have him
33- killing
34- I fight like him
35- don't say that
36- the voices stopped
37- used the word happier
38- the absolute worse
39- maybe... maybe not
40- shot by one of you
41- daddy issues
42- two little butterflies
43- running
44- would never
45- unforgiving she is
46- fuck them
47- A bullet
48- accessory
49- I did it
50- Good times
00- Bonus
00- Bonus
00- Bonus
51- just live
52- boyfriend
53- I loved you
54- two more seconds
55- bonding
56- unlike you
57- it's not what you think
58- abs
59- pleasure
60- goodbyes
61- Dismissed
62- grateful
63- angel agent
64- happy birthday boss
65- base
66- dinner
67- please
68- You're enthralling
69- let me feel you
70- I hurt my leg
71- favourite day
72- promise me a future
73- tomorrow
74- He actually said it
75- destroying
76- worse
77- never felt weaker
78- my own son
79- move on
80- too much huh?
81- when things get too real
82- Ice
83- plastered
84- colours
85- first
86- Exactly
87- chess
88- ineffable
89- Matteo & Aurora
Goodbye <3 (Important read)

90- Reunited for her

14.3K 358 115
By is_it_true_l0ve

A month later

We're at the beach. By we, I mean the Rivas and their girlfriends slash wives- well wife, Lorenzo and Lily got married two weeks ago after they found out that Lily is pregnant, it wasn't big or anything, it was only us but we had the best time. Then there are the Blades, though Silas didn't come, he will be here tomorrow.

We're staying at the Riva beach house. We needed a vacation. We needed to get away. This is our first day and I already feel a whole lot better.

We're sitting around a big table with fruits and drinks on it. I have never seen Lorenzo so happy. He wanted to be a father- and to be real, Lorenzo is meant to be a father, he's born for that role.

Blake is also the best father I could ask for, he bounded quickly with Ace and I love the way he's raising him, he's strict with him but he also lets him know that he loves him. He's perfect. I'm watching him right now, he's teaching Ace how to fight, he's showing him a trick to do with his leg. The way Ace looks so small next to his father is very funny. They look adorable that it brought tears to my eyes- fuck Marissa no. I successfully blinked them away.

"Spot the difference." Aurora said looking at them. "There's none, Marissa, I think we finally found your baby daddy." She said making me laugh. As if there was any doubt to begin with.

The men are conversing about the Blade clan and the girls seem to be bored out of their minds from this conversation. "So what's up with you and Matteo?" I asked Aurora and that's when Raven and Sofia came over to us extremely interested in this conversation leaving the men to their own boring one, I chuckled. Lily would have loved to join us but Lorenzo has both of his arms wrapped around her not allowing her to go anywhere.

"He fucked me." She shrugged. My jaw dropped. Since when that's something you can say so casually?

"You lost your virginity!" Sofia exclaimed whispering. "Congratulations! How was it?"

"He was actually... very gentle." Aurora said surprised. "I didn't tell him that I was a virgin so at first, it really fucking hurt but when... when he knew, he was very gentle. And he was very good. Like so fucking good I was sore for three days-"

"TMI, Rori!" I told her disgusted. "What about your relationship with him?" I asked, that's what I wanted to know in the first place.

"There isn't a relationship, Mar. We fucked that's it. It was just like I wanted it. Hot. Perfect. And Matteo is a fucking god when it comes to hotness and sex and handsomeness and all, but... he scares me sometimes like... I don't know, he's a killer- and the most dangerous assassin in the underground- and you know that I want a normal guy. Nothing about him is normal."

"Like... I don't understand. When did he fuck you? How? What? Where?" Sofia asked making us laugh.

"A week ago, I was in a club with my friends, and he happened to also be there. I was dancing with a guy when he showed up, he beat the fuck out of that guy, then took me to his place since I was in no shape to see Silas, and it just... I was never that turned on in my entire fucking life, we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. I mean imagine a closed space with a fireplace and the best view of New York. We fucked." She explained.

"So hot." Sofia said and Raven looked at her confused.

"He beat a guy up for dancing with her, where is the hotness?"

"I have a thing for angry guys, hint; my boyfriend." She shrugged. Same.

"No, it was really hot. I mean it's Matteo, everything he does is hot- literally look at him! He's just walking and I have never seen anything hotter." She said and we all looked at my brother walking towards Ace and Blake. All I see is an ugly giant rat but then there's Blake, with his sunglasses and wet hair, my goodness. He wedged Ace under his arm, carrying him like a sack of potatoes, and came towards my brothers joining their conversation.

"And you saying this isn't hot like Antonio didn't murder all your male teachers because he was too jealous." Sofia said looking at Raven whose expression changed to a guilty one.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed. Now that's another level.

"Hey! This happened when he was young-"

"Raven." Sofia pinned her with a look and Raven gave up.

"I just, when it's Tony, it's okay." She said and we all laughed. "Matteo is fucking scary though like he's nearly as scary as Blake for fuck's sake. How can you... like him? I mess with him and all but I'm terrified of him and the only reason why I don't run the other way when I see him is because I know Antonio would kill him if he did anything to me."

"Listen, he is terrifying, I mean all of the Rivas are. But compared to Blake...look at him and tell me he doesn't scare you shitless." Sofia said and Blake was glaring at Marcello still talking about the Blade clan.

"He's gorgeous." I whispered looking at him.

"He is handsome, that's something everyone can agree on but he's terrifying." Raven said.

"What's going on?" I asked my brothers and my husband because their voices were starting to get louder and Lily is looking nervous. I got up and moved to Blake warping my arms around him from behind. My touch always calms him down.

"Isn't Ace supposed to rule the minute he is sixteen?" Marcello asked me.

"No! Are you insane? A teenager can't rule the whole fucking underground. When he's sixteen, the Blade clan can come back and Blake rules it until Ace is ready, and by ready I mean he's at least twenty." I explained.

"When Ace is sixteen, I'm gonna back down from my underground king position and start planning everything for him to rule, we announce his ruling when he's eighteen or so while I am leading then he starts ruling whenever he wants." Blake said our plan. "A sixteen year old can't rule, Marcello. And not even an eighteen year old- A fucking teenager can't rule. Period."

"Not allowed or can't?" Marcello asked. Blake lowered Ace who took my phone and sat down on a chair.

"Technically, no one can stop him, if Ace wants to rule now he's allowed, nothing is not allowed to him but he can't." Blake explained in a lower tone so that Ace doesn't hear.

"The fuck is your sister doing?" Matteo asked Blake. Aurora is checking out a guy near the water who also checked her out in return then winked at her.

"I'm gonna get his number." Aurora said to Sofia and Raven getting up and that's when Matteo got up as well. Fuck, I hope things don't go downhill.

"Aurora, where the fuck are you going?" Blake asked her. They started bounding as well, but to my surprise, Blake isn't an overprotective brother, he never says anything when she talks to guys or wears revealing clothes. He's more like Sandro than my other brothers. And now Aurora tells him everything, when she goes to parties and stuff, she tells him since she can't tell Silas because he's an overprotective fucker, Blake sometimes lies for her to Silas. I love their relationship.

"I'm getting his number." She shrugged putting her sunglasses on. Blake frowned but didn't say anything.

Aurora is very beautiful with her black long hair and deep blue eyes. She's the prettiest woman I have ever seen. So she gets a lot of male attention which bothers Blake and more importantly Silas and now... Matteo.

Matteo walked past me and over to Aurora. He was standing too close and now everyone must know that there's something between them. Blake sent me a questioning disturbed look, I just looked away and over to the two trouble makers.

"I dare you to go ask him for his number." Matteo told her. "But I swear to god if you do, that guy is gone."

She smiled at Matteo provokingly and went over to that guy, standing way too close to him but I know it was just to piss Matteo off. That's their whole relationship, pissing each other's off.

"She's gonna be the death of me." Matteo chuckled angrily before walking in long spreads towards the poor guy and Aurora. He wrapped his arms around Aurora's waist and she looked like she was ready to murder him. The poor guy took a step back and then Matteo let go of Aurora and stepped closer to the guy towering over him. We can't hear what they're saying.

"What the fuck." Blake said sitting down. I sat back in my place next to Sofia. And we all kept watching Aurora and the guy and Matteo, two guys just as big as the other guy joined him, I think they are his friends. The guys are muscled but I can tell it's all gym muscle not like Matteo's, his were from the gym but also endless fights.

"Blake-" Lorenzo called Blake pointing at something in front of him. We all look and it's Ace running towards Matteo, Blake caught him in two fast steps chuckling at his boy. He sat back down with Ace on his lap, he took the knife from his hand, it was the knife we used to cut our watermelon. Everyone chuckled.

"What are you trying to do?" Blake asked Ace still laughing, his eyes lit up with amusement.

"I will fight them." Ace said trying to get up from Blake's lap again but Blake tightened his hold.

"One day you will be able to fight hundreds of guys alone, though that day is not today." Blake told him still very much amused. "You're brave, that's good, but don't be reckless."

"Uncle Matteo is with me, we can take them alone."

"Matteo is very capable of taking them alone, trust me, watch." Blake said and that's when I looked over to Aurora and the other guys again. Matteo pushed the one standing in the middle so he started it, Aurora took a step back laughing. I can literally hear her laugh from here while she watched Matteo destroy the guys who then decided to run away, Matteo could have gotten them if he wanted but he didn't. Instead he went over to Aurora who took a step back but Matteo caught her and threw her over his shoulder and I think he slapped her ass, though I don't think Blake saw it from his point of view.

"What the fuck? HEY MATTEO!" Blake exclaimed standing up. "Grab that knife buddy, I think we're gonna fight uncle Matteo." Blake told Ace jokingly but Ace took the knife immediately causing Blake to chuckle as he took it away from him again. "No, but actually what is he doing?" He asked looking back at Matteo and his twin.

"Blake sit back down. Trust me, this is nothing your sister doesn't want." I told him smirking.

He grimaced. "Well I can't allow it."

"So how does it feel to be in our place, Blake?" Marcello asked Blake causing all of us to laugh.

"I'm nothing like you. You all freak out about me just looking at Ro- Marissa." He said. True.

Matteo put Aurora back down where the water reached their knees- well Aurora's knees, Matteo is a giant- then he leaned down and kissed her.

"Oh fuck no. MATTEO! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Blake called out causing us to laugh. "No, I didn't kiss Marissa in front of you before I married her!"

"You did. Before she went to fight the doms." Lorenzo said glaring at him.

"Damn, Lorenzo, even I forgot about that." Blake said still glaring at Matteo who's kissing the hell out of his twin. "Eww, I can't even-" He returned his gaze from the beach. "God damn, I'm gonna throw up."

"You're so dramatic." I told him chuckling then I sat on the chair next to him, it was originally Matteo's chair but he's busy.

"Me dramatic? Thank god that Silas isn't here. He still thinks Aurora is five." He said and I laughed. It's true. "Did they stop?" He asked me and I shook my head no. "God." He sounded so disgusted. This is hilarious.

Then we see Ace running again with a knife in his hand. Blake got up and caught him again laughing so loud. I have never seen Blake less restrained. He sat back down next to me and put Ace on his lap again. Everyone is laughing. I mean, have you ever seen a five year old this eager to fucking fight someone?

"Put that knife down." I told him.

"No! He's kissing Rori, uncle Silas told me not to let anyone do that to Rori!" Ace said still trying to escape Blake.

"Put that knife down, Ace." I told him again but stricter. He shook his head no.

"Ace, now you put that knife down." Blake told him. His tone is no longer amused, it's cold and authoritative. Ace put the knife down. Ace fears Silas but he fears his father more, it's not fear I guess but you know what I mean, he never disobeys Blake. "You listen to your mother, understood?" He said glaring at Ace who nodded. His expression is one of guilt and it's a punch to my stomach.

"I'm sorry." Ace told me.

"It's okay." I told him and Blake glared at me. I shrugged, I can't stay mad at him. Him and his father have that affect on me. I took him from Blake and put him on my lap struggling a little, he's a little heavy for me now. I snuggled him to my chest even if he hates it.

"Mom!" He wined. Correction; he acts like he hates it, but he doesn't. "Let me go.." He said trying to get up.

"But I miss you."

"I'm always with you."

"I miss you anyway." His eyes softened and he stopped "fighting". He groaned acting like he doesn't like being in my arms since he's a big boy now.

"She told me." Ace said to Blake who smiled and ruffled his hair. Ace keeps justifying his actions whenever he does something considered "weak" and it breaks my heart that he has to act tough this young.

"Showing affection to your mother isn't weakness. You're a monster outside of your home but once you're in, you show love to your mother, that's the least you can do for what she has been through for you." Blake told him.

Ace nodded before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek making me smile. He's a really nice boy. Silas told me that Blake was once a nice boy just like Ace and that Ace is gonna become a strong man just like him.

I kissed Blake's lips because he has been the best father. "Mom! Eww." Ace said grabbing my chin. "Don't touch him."

"If she didn't touch me, you wouldn't be here." Blake said and I glared at him.


"Don't ask." I cut Ace off before he asked that question.

Blake looked back at the beach. "Where the fuck did they go?" He questioned and I looked at the beach to find Matteo and Aurora gone.

"You're gonna have another cousin, Ace." Sofia whispered to a confused Ace.

"I heard that." Blake said making a disgusted expression putting his sunglasses over his eyes again. He's so hot.

After an hour, Aurora and Matteo came back. "Fuck you!" Aurora said angrily to Matteo before sitting down. He chuckled taking the seat next to her. "You just did." He whispered but we heard it.

"Matteo!" Blake glared at him.

"Asshole." Aurora muttered before looking at Ace who's sleeping in my arms. Her hair was all over the place, her lips are puffy as fuck, and her bikini isn't well put. I chuckled.

"Wanna go for a swim?" I asked Blake. He nodded. I got up and put Ace on Aurora's lap, Matteo's hand was on her thigh before I put Ace and Blake glared at him once more.

"Be careful, my son might stab you when he wakes up." Blake told him making me chuckle knowing that it's actually possible.

I removed my bikini cover up and I didn't miss the way Blake checked me out. "Blade!" Lorenzo glared at him. Blake shrugged interlocking his fingers with mine. "She's my wife."

We walked towards the beach before I stopped him looking at the sunset then I looked at him.
"I love you." I said. Finally. Fina-fucking-ly.

"Thanks." Blake said making both of us laugh. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck and kissed him. "I love you too." He muttered.

"I have loved you since... since day one. I have always loved you. And I will always love you. I don't know why I haven't said it till now but it's not because I wasn't sure, I have never been more sure about anything else. I love you too much, Blake."

He kissed me. "Thank you for loving me. For knowing what I am and still loving me. You didn't have to say the words for me to know, Rose. I know you love me too much and like obsessed with me and all-"

"Since when did you become such a tease?"

"Since I'm happy."

"You're happy?"

"Fuck yeah, I'm happy. You're here, Ace is here. And God, how much I love Ace."

I chuckled. "He loves you too."

"In the past, I have been scared of becoming a father- what am I saying? I have never considered being a father. But with Ace, it's easy, it's... I love being his father."

I didn't expect Blake to grow this attached to Ace. But their bond is unbreakable. It's everything.

"I love you." I said again. He smiled.

"Are we actually gonna swim?" He asked getting closer to me and now his erection is digging my stomach. I flushed then smirked.

I would have loved for us to fuck but I'm still sore from this morning. "Should I ask Aurora where they did it?"

His smile dropped. "That was a great way to ruin the mood." He said and I threw my head back laughing.

We swam for a while, we even raced. Deep down we're still those teenagers, Rose and Blake. The girl who's good with guns, aka Blade's girl and The last Blade. They were definitely still there.

Sofia and Marcello joined us and we played chicken. Blake and I obviously won.

It's seven pm when we decided that we should go home. Blake carried Ace to the bedroom next to ours. While I went to take a shower.

I carried a sleeping Ace to his bedroom, he had already showered and was fast asleep again. I put him on his bed and pulled the covers over his small body.

When I saw him for the first time, when Rose asked him who are his parents and he pointed his little finger at me, I was scared I wouldn't be able to love him, to care for him. He looked exactly like me. Me who is a ruthless cruel killer, the most monstrous underground king to ever rule. He looked exactly like me. I didn't particularly love me. I thought if he looked like Marissa, I could have loved him easily.

But god, was I wrong.

Ace is my entire life. I love him more than everything. He made me feel like I'm worthy because no horrible man deserves a boy like mine. My boy was the greatest gift from Rose. Rose, the love of my life.

I can't express how much I love my small family.

My family.

"Dad?" Ace muttered opening his eyes, still very sleepy. I froze. He has never called me that before. He has always called me by my name. And for a second I thought I imagined it but then he said again, "Dad? Is everything okay?"

Warmth spread throughout my chest and my heart tightened.

"Everything is okay. We're in the room next to yours if you need anything." I told him after I cleared my throat.

"Okay, love you." He said. And fuck he had never told me that he loved me either. My throat tightened and my eyes did a weird thing- God are those tears??! I blinked them away.

"Love you too, buddy." I said before turning off the lights and closing the door. I turned around in the corridor to see Aurora, she smiled at me, her room is next to ours, I wanted her close by.... And away from Matteo, even though I'm sure she was just there.

"Everything's okay?" I asked her and she nodded. I leaned on the wall and she leaned on the one facing me. "Is Matteo-"

"No, Matteo is nothing." She said defensively.

"Okay. Okay." I said raising my hands in surrender.

"Blake, is Matteo a player?" She asked.

"He is." I responded honestly.

She put her face in her hands and slid down the wall dramatically till she was sitting on the ground. I chuckled and sat next to her. She surprised me by leaning her head on my shoulder. Ever since I saw Aurora, I felt... complete. As if I was missing something my whole life and it's finally here. After all, she is my other half.

"I'm in trouble." She groaned.

"You want me to talk to him?"

"And tell him what? Hey listen better love my sister or else I'm gonna kill you?"

"Yes. If that's what it takes." I said making her chuckle. "You love him?"

"No." She responded. "But I have feelings for him. That's for sure. I'm doomed, aren't I?"

"No. Before Rose, I was a player, look at me now. His twin too, Marcello, he was the biggest player you can ever know, and now he's pussy-whipped."

She laughed. "But all we do is argue."

"You didn't see me and Rose before." I chuckled as I remembered how we would argue all the time.

"Ugh, Blake, what do I do?"

"Nothing. Marissa said that her therapist once told her to just live, so do that." I said but then I thought more about it. "After her therapist told her that, her ex tried to carve his name on her body with a knife so... and then she went fighting the doms getting hurt and raped... and then she nearly lost two of her brothers during the war... and she got kidnapped... and then she found out she was pregnant- Never mind what the therapist said." I said and she laughed again.

"Damn. Her life is something else. Mine was school and Silas annoying the fuck out of me."

"Mine was trying not to die." I still don't know how I survived. "And Silas annoying the fuck out of me."

"The Rivas and The Blades are still reunited. It's crazy you know? They were the cause of our downfall."

"They weren't the cause of our downfall, they helped our father destroy the clan so neither Silas or me can rule. And our father is the one who asked for their help." I explained.

"Oh. I didn't know that. I thought they were the ones who defeated us."

"The Rivas don't stand a chance against us. No one does." I told her. It's a fact. "This bond is because of her. We're reunited for her."

"For Rose?"

"For Rose."


A/N: I'm updating again in thirty minutes!

Vote <3

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