Unrequited? Air at Sea

By StoriDen

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Please read my ohm and nanon Fanfic story. Unrequited: The Series. It's my very first book. Ari and Tee have... More

1. The end is only a beginning.
2. Clean-Break
3. Missing
4. The Baddie Next Door
5. Messy
6. Weak
7. Lets talk about it
8. I love you
9. Change?
10. Playing Straight
12. Spooky
13. An Autumn Night
14. Steal me away
15. Bully
16. I got you
17. Breakfast
18. The Creeper
19. Not enough
20. The Pop Up
21. Second & Third Thoughts
22. New?
23. Addiction
24. Trying
25. One-sided? When?
26. Pizza & Beer
27. Community
28. Baby?
29. Silk
30. Punished
31. Dog walk
32. See you soon
33. Cheater!
34. The Pretty Woman
35. Tucked
36. Uncle!
37. De ja Vu
38. Another Ending/Beginning?
39. Parting sorrows
40. Who am I?
41. What am I?
42. Thanks & Apologies
43. -Murder Business-
44. BFF
45. Milk & Honey
46. Hungry
47. Hungry 2
48. A Fugue
49. Sweet Dreams
50. Bickering Brothers
51. Bath time
52. Bath time Part 2
53. Common Ground
54. Who?
55. Wait! What?
56. Stripper?
57. Shards
58. Rage!
59. What do you want?
60. Mind Games?
61. The Air at Sea
62. Three's Company
63. Revelation.

11. Anew View

97 8 1
By StoriDen


"You're obsessing." Bryce chimes and I turn to look at him as he lounges across my bed.

"How do you know?"

"You are, spill queen. What's eating you?"

"Why the fuck would you leave me with him?! Are you really my friend?" I snap and he giggles at me.

"Was it not you that said that you could control yourself?"

"Was it not you that said I wasn't convincing?"

"You weren't."

"You ditched me to have phone sex with your man and left me to fuck up my life?!"

"What's done is done."

"What's done is done?! I'm fucked Bryce!"

"Oh calm down you are not fucked you simply got fucked. What are you in shambles about?"

"Everything. I'm moving in with him and I'm admitting now that I don't think I can stay off his dick. It's good. Like really good. It's big, and pretty, and perfect. And I love it. I love having sex with him. Bryce I can't control myself, what do I do?"

"Can I suggest getting a grip? Man you got dicked down well, the sky is not falling. I told you if you want to stop being tempted by his dick find another to hop on." He giggles as he looks down at his phone screen.

Wait, not his phone.

I squint my eyes in confusion, "What are you doing with my phone?"


"Texting who?"

"You're future baby daddy." He chuckles.

And I literally jump from my window seat and pounce him.

We roll around the bed as we fight over the phone as Bryce giggles his ass off.

"Give me the phone!" I screech.

"Say please first. Why are your panties in a bunch?"

"Give. Me. The. Phone. You. Bitch!" I seethe through clenched teeth as I finally snatch my phone away.

I sit on Bryce as a read the thread he was texting with Caleb.

"What the fuck Bryce?! You told him I would have dinner with him in an hour?!?"

He sits up to look at me.
"Yes. Yes I did."


"Because it's better then moping, being sad, and getting down on yourself. You can't change what's happened. You can only move forward and try to be at least a little better each time you fuck up. You wanted a fresh start so badly. Why are you squandering it by making the same mistake you always have?

Look, we don't know for sure if Tee will step up but you have given him enough time. Live you're life Arie you deserve that and so much more. So take a bath, get dressed and let a cute guy buy you dinner and spoil you. Isn't that better than sitting at your window and staring off into space wandering what's wrong with you that Tee never chooses you like some tragic heroine?
Stop thinking about that, push you're chin up and move forward. I promise you Arie if it's meant to be he will speed up because he won't want to lose you.
And if he doesn't you'll have your answer and hopefully someone more deserving will be beside you.  And that person will follow your pace. But you won't have that if you don't woman up and try."

I chew on my lip as I stare at him. It's amazing how he always says the exact thing I need you hear.

"I'm really going to miss your pep talks." I admit as my tears start.

"I may not be here with you but I'll always give you pep talks and I'll love you from Miami."

He wipes my tears away with his fingers.

"Stop crying your eyes will be puffy and you have a date."

"I can't help it. I never had a friend like you."

"Like what?"

"Like I never have to question if you love me. Or if you accept me. You constantly stand up for me, love, protect, and build me up. I don't know how I'll survive without you."

"You will always have me. I'm not abandoning you Arie. We will FaceTime, call, and text constantly. Also, we will visit each other."

"Please don't forget about me. Please don't get new friends and like them more." I plead.

"Never bestie. You are stuck with me for life." He smiles as he offers me his pinky.

Not even a second passes before I link my pinky with his.

He pulls me into a hug and squeezes me tight and that really comforts me.

We hug for a while.

"You need to get in the shower. He'll be here in 45." He still holds me but loosens his grip.

"Should I wear boys clothes?" I mutter.

"Wear what makes you feel confident. Don't worry about what people think. No one gets to dictate your passions. If dressing up makes you feel good do not let anyone take that away."

He pulls back to look at me once again wiping my tears.

"Hurry up now. I'll pick your outfit. It will be ready for you after your shower."

"Will you do my face and hair for me?"

"Dahh. Trust me kid you are going to stunt on these hillbillies."

I can't help but smile.
"I love you."

"I love you too. Now move your ass."

-True to his statement Bryce had gotten everything ready. As I walk out of the bathroom I notice he has laid out one of the spring dress minis he picked out for me earlier. Besides the dress he even neatly put out my accessories, shoes, and even undies for me.

I pick up the baby blue strapless padded bra off the bed to inspect it.
"When did you get this?"

"I bought it before we left Miami."


"It will help you fill your clothes out better."

I sigh, "Are you sure that you didn't buy it because it makes me look less like a freak?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about people asking constantly if I'm a boy or a girl. Like I'm a thing."

"Don't start Arie. Why are you gracing that bull faced bitch any head space?"

"But it's not only her who asks. I was dressed like a boy and I still look like an it."

"Arie you don't look like an it. Whether you're in drag or dressed in boys clothes you look like a girl. She only clocked you because you are a pretty girl dressed like you just left try outs for the WNBA. She thought you were a lesbian."


"Yeah that's what you look like when you play straight. You never ever look like a boy. Also that's why I bought you this bra. You'll be unclockable....In drag anyway."

He moves my desk chair to the middle of the room.

"Hurry up and sit. We don't have much time."

"I dried my hair. Should I wear a wig?" I ask as I take a seat.

"No wig we are going for an effortless summer look. We can add moose to your curls so they look kind of wet and minamal makeup. Let's just accentuate your natural beauty."

I'm not totally convinced but I trust Bryce. He works on my hair first putting in product and twisting my curls with his fingers to make them more defined. When he is satisfied he starts on my face.

"I'm just going to use a tinted moisturizer on your face. You don't need any heavy foundation. Also, you shouldn't cover up your freckles."
Bryce talks while he works letting me know what he is doing every step of the way.

Even when doing my eyebrows, eyeliner, and then mascara.

"I really get so jealous how long your eyelashes are. You never need to put on lashes." He says while working the mascara wand though them.

"Jealous of the weird genetics taking place in this family? I look like mom and Demi looks like dad. She will definitely be taller than me."

"Hell yeah jealous. Do you understand what the transgenders in Miami pay to look like you? No wonder they always want to beat you up."

"I rather look like you. If I did  I wouldn't get so much shit in this town. Besides your walk you pass, the ladies in this town would fall over themselves trying to bake you pies and marry you off to their daughters."


"So. You shouldn't be at all jealous of the town freak."

Bryce sighs and screws the mascara tube shut before placing it on my desk behind me.

He takes my face in his hands forcing me to meet his gaze.

"Do not talk about yourself that way. Words hold power and what you say about yourself is what you'll be. You are not a freak. You are a beautiful human being that deserves love and respect."

He lets go and picks up the tinted lotion from my dresser before sitting down Indian style on the carpet infront of me.

He puts some lotion in his hand and picks up my leg to rub it in.

As he works his hands he speaks.

"Arie, please don't make me worry about you."

"I'm not." I pout even though I know thats exactly what I'm doing.

"Stop being so negative about yourself."

"I'm trying."

"Try harder." He says as he starts on my foot.

"I can do it Bryce."

He chuckles, "I'm sorry I'm not Tee. The tinter will fuck up your nails and turn the color of your palms. I don't mind." He says as he starts on the next leg.

"I could have just used oil."

"The dress is pretty short the tanning lotion will make your legs look sunkissed."

I don't argue I just let him do it, even when he stands up to do my arms, neck, and back.

"That should be good enough. You need to air dry for a few minutes so you don't stain your clothes." He says as he lotions his arms with the access and I notice that his palms are slightly stained.

He picks up his phone, "I'll set you a timer for ten minutes when it goes off put your clothes on."

"Thank you." I tell him shyly feeling like my friend is too good to me. But I know he will only say that I deserve to be pampered if I complain.

I wait a few minutes after the timer goes off to scoop the mini cami dress and undies from the bed and walk into the bathroom to change.

I quickly pull the towel my body was wrapped in and dress. Bryce is right again the padded bra makes me look more curvy.

Before putting on the dress I stare at it on the hanger for a minute. It's white with blooming roses all over it.

I slip it on. It hugs my body in all the right places and stops well above my knees.

I feel very exposed.

It's really cute but I never would pick it for myself.

I walk out of the bathroom feeling so insecure hyper aware of how much skin I'm showing.

Bryce beams. "You look so gorgeous. Come here."
I walk over as he goes to tying the strings that wrap around to the back.

"What's wrong? You don't like it?" He asks after a minute.

"I do like it. Are you sure it looks good?"

"Arie don't be like that. I know it's a little short but you look beyond stunning. It fits your cute little body so perfectly."
He bends over and slides my wedges in front of me so I can step into them.
I watch as he closes the clasp on each and starts picking things off my bed to add starting with a thin gold anklet. He works his way up accessorizing me. When he is done he steps back with a satisfied smile.

"Check you out kid they are going to hate you."
He pulls me by the waist and positions me in front of my full length mirror and even I gag at the sight of me.

Bryce squeals , "What do you think?"

I can hardly talk. I look like..really pretty.

"Almost forgot." He says as he snatches something from my desk.

I stand still as he lines my lips with lip liner and finishes it with a gloss.

Just as he finishes the doorbell rings and my heart drops out of my ass.

I instantly start to panic but Bryce is way ahead of me.

"Calm down!" He snaps.
"You are only having dinner with a cute guy. You look unreal gorgeous. Relax and take deep breath's while I get the door." He moves toward the door and I latch on to him out of reflex.

He chuckles, "Breathe Arie breathe. It's like you never been on a date before."

I stare at him.

He reads my expression.
"Tee never took you on any dates?"

I slowly shake my head and Bryce frowns.

"I'm liking him less and less and he is already on my shit list. Don't be scared. It's just dinner be yourself and smile. That's all you have to do."


"It's simple. Just follow his lead. You couldn't fuck it up."


"Promise my love. Now walk down exactly sixty seconds after I leave the room so you can make an entrance. Ok?"

I take a breath and nod.

"Good." Bryce pulls my hands free of his arm and a moment later disappears out the door.

I take another deep breath as I take a few of my rings off the dresser and scatter them on my fingers. I take one more look it the mirror and follow Bryce.

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