By gurlyyy22

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Meet Marwa Kabeer Hassan: A rude, narcissistic, audacious, and dramatic lady. She looks very innocent, beauti... More



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By gurlyyy22



"Your role model's lifestyle is fake."

Karamchi tv is the number one television station for all news channels in Kano state. It has the widest range of the ability to spread information to people around the country, the news station is also the regional partner of the Nigerian Television Authority, NTA.

Behind the cameras were two people sitting opposite each other, the first one was the news anchor who wanted more information from a legit source. The legit source was shedding crocodile tears that one will not even hesitate before believing it's true. She was painting someone black just to get what she wants, like one who derives pleasure from people's sorrow.

"Marwa Kabeer Hassan, famous Instagram influencer, blogger and SIB's top model is being sponsored by a sugar daddy who is yet to be identified. Other sources also say that she cheats her way to the top at school which is why she has good grades, it was because of sleeping around with lecturers. She has also been accused of allegedly murdering four of her mates due to drug deals in which she's also involved. To others who do not know why the school was shut down yesterday, it's because she got caught with Prof. Lamido, the mathematics psychology lecturer who she tried to take advantage of but he reported her to the higher forces. With me is a witness of the event, Yahanasu Bashir Muttaka." The news anchor then turned to the said girl who started speaking.

"Hello Nigeria, I'm Yahanasu Bashir Muttaka, a coursemate of the accused. Justice needs to prevail for the innocent man, people like her are not supposed to be walking freely on Earth. Currently, the professor has been kidnapped by her benefactor so as not to speak the truth. I call on the people in this country and all around the world to seek justice for that man, Marwa needs to be punished! She is a slut and a witch in disguise, she may be beautiful on the surface but her heart is obsidian. Marwa is a witch, our school needs to be reopened, I call on the King to please help in getting her arrested, all she does is bully people around and feels superior to them because she has someone to back her!"

"Marwa is fake! I just found out about the house she was living in along with her mother and sister, there are only three rooms along with a toilet, and they use camping gas to cook their food, I can have some people testify. Your role model is an impostor, a murderer and a slut. We need her to be killed, our professor should be freed! He is innocent and she is trying to use the power of her backer to victimize him! Even her car, the golden Pagani Huayra, was given to her by her ex-sugar daddy who she fought with, later on, he ceased his car and the brand new iPhone 13 ProMax he gave her. The government needs to hear us out, Kano state needs to speak, I don't care how many television interviews I go to, I won't rest till I bring a murderer to justice!" She ended her speech as the anchor gave her a tissue to wipe her tears with.

Meanwhile, Marwa flung the phone carelessly which was caught by Najib. They watched the video and with every passing second, their expression kept darkening, Fawzan tapped on the comment section but immediately exited it due to the number of insults that were thrown toward his sister, it was unbearable.

Rumaisa came and collected the phone from the guys and then took it to the other side of the room where Harith, Haroon, Nafisa and Umaiza watched. The already enraged man ran his hands through his hair, why won't these people let his daughter rest?

"Why did you keep all of this from me? I need to meet Yahanasu, I don't care about the consequences, I want to meet her now! She must tell me who the fuck is making her pry in my damn life, how dare she do that to me? What did I do to her?" Marwa shouted and was about to sprint out when Najib held her back, all the girls stood up and forced her to sit.

"We are fighting for you, we didn't want you to see this. Marwa, why are we your friends if we can't defend you against the world? This is exactly what we are doing now! Please allow us to do this." Shukrah frantically comforted but unfortunately, nothing worked.

"It was a libel against me! It's me someone is trying to paint black, all my life I've never even tried talking to Yahanasu because I was closed off and uninterested in problems but she slandered against me, it's Marwa she dared to slander against. A whole me!" Marwa cried in agony, occasionally beating her chest till her voice faded.

Rumaisa hugged her to herself, no matter how she tried to wiggle out of the woman's hold, it was just too tight. Everyone kept quiet as Haroon gave her a glass of water, Marwa calmed down and her sobs muffled.

"Gran, what have I done to be treated this badly? Was it because I didn't know of you all in my past life? Why aren't I treated like a person with feelings? Am I that unlucky in my life? Why are the inferior being criticized like that? Just because we used to share a bathroom and cook on a camping gas, it has now turned into something to be talked about. I've never slept around with anyone I promise, all of you believe me right? I swear I'm pure, please don't insult me too." She frantically cried.

"What's your name?" Rumaisa detached herself from her granddaughter and howled the words like a parade commander.

"M-m---" It felt too heavy even to say it.

"Is that how to speak? I command you to tell me your name now." The woman fiercely howled again.

"Marwa Haroon Baghdad." The teenager answered.

"Repeat what you just said!" Rumaisa demanded.

"Marwa Haroon Baghdad." She let out a scream.

"Who are you? What's your identity? What's your status and role in this state?" Asked the ex-major general.

"I'm a royal, I'm a Baghdad, I'm the queen of this state, I am the maker of the kingdom." As Marwa answered those questions, she felt the pride and determination building up in her. Confidence surged through her veins as she wiped her tears, one would swear that she didn't just finish crying.

"Good! You are the queen, the maker of the kingdom and the kingdom itself. How can you be crying over a small ant that people will take the pleasure of killing for you? Now square your shoulders and show her who the real boss is, so what if you had one bathroom and a camping gas? Nobody knows what you went through to put food on your table, you are who you are, stronger than the shell of a tortoise. They want to break you, show them you are unbreakable, the blood of the Baghdad is running through your veins, and you have to fight to keep it sacred. I'm not your grandmother for nothing." Rumaisa motivated, her stern resolution making the others stare in awe.

"Thank you, Gran, it means a lot." Marwa hugged the woman who smiled.

"I know it does, we are here for you. Let's see who dares to mess with the ex-major general's granddaughter." She comforted just as Junaid and Turad came back into the room with grim expressions on their faces, indicating that they have seen the trending news.

"I've sent someone to bring the girl here, she must repeat everything she said, wallahi[By Allah]," Junaid swore.

"No, let her be." Jamal broke the silence and everyone gaped at him, waiting for him to explain.

"People are going to keep a close eye on her now, if anything happens, they'll blame Marwa for it all. And also, she shouldn't go online till the rumour dies down, she shouldn't speak to the public about this, and no one is allowed to see her outside. Girls, even you should stop replying to messages online, it'll give off too much information." He finished and they looked at him with a confused expression.

"Why'd you say that? How are you even so confident?" Afrah who has been quiet all the time asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"When it comes to the public, I am a pro at public relations, trust me. I'm also the publicist your husband hired but didn't want to tell you so we just kept shut. Okay back to business, people easily get bored of news when it becomes old and won't care about it anymore. It's just like a wildfire, the more you put woods or rubber into it, the more it will proliferate but once you leave it, it'll eventually die down. Rumours? I'll take care of that for you, I just need all of you to cooperate." He then gazed at the people who were shocked at how much he knows all of this.

Jamal has never disclosed to anyone that he studied public relations back in the university because he wasn't proud of the course, not even a bit. However, Zafeer confronted him about it which made him surprised as to how the guy found out. They had their guys talk where he agreed to become their publicist, they are his first clients and he'll make sure he doesn't disappoint them.

"Wow! Impressive," Farida whispered to herself, afraid she is starting to fall.

"File litigation against the professor for attempted rape and also at her coursemate for defamation of character. Marwa won't be seen by anyone, nor would she speak about it to the public. Make the first trial tomorrow, you have all the evidence you need, just put them into motion and leave the rest to me." He referred to Junaid who nodded before sauntering out of the room to do as he was told.

"Prince Turad, when she worked at your hospital, how was her relationship with your staff?" Jamal turned to Turad.

"It was great. She was praised by all of them for bringing that damn Raihana to justice, that earned her respect from all of them, including me." Khayr answered before they could say a word. She let out a sheepish smile when everyone turned to her.

"Good review Khayr, now for the next step, I'll need you to make a professional review of her on your hospital's page. Tell them about how hardworking she was and the way she uplifted the standard of your hospital, a dull person can't do that." Just as he said that Turad did as he was told and posted it on the hospital's page which he never cared to check on before.

"It is known that Baghdad's hospital has never hired a worker that isn't efficient enough to carry out their duties for the general welfare of the people. Due to Marwa Kabeer Hassan's outstanding performance, while she was offering her internship in our organization, we licensed her as a psychologist to work with us after her first degree has been completed. Baghdad's hospital does not engage in any form of bribery and corruption to risk people's lives, for that, all charges of cheating her way to the top should be cleared up."

Immediately after that, comments started streaming. Everyone started to have doubtful thoughts about Yahanasu's statements, the hospital crew also did their part in defending Marwa by reposting the hospital's review. Soon after, people started demanding Yahanasu's presence to question her. Including the police who were being called by Junaid, she'll be interrogated.

"Yahanasu Bashir Muttaka are you sure this is not one of your rumours?"

"Come out and answer our questions! How did she get into that hospital and even passed the interview?"

"I've met Marwa in person and all I can say is that she's truly a beautiful soul from the inside out. She didn't even want to be a model because she thought her short height and chubby body were a defect, I had to convince her because, in my opinion, she killed it out there!"

"My wife's mental health has been improving ever since Marwa came into our lives. Of all the doctors I've hired, none of them pulled off the job effortlessly as she single-handedly accomplished. I'm very impressed, to say the least. I consider her no less than a sister, Marwa is not only a smart psychologist but the perfect asset we need for my wife's company."

The third comment was from Asiya and the last from Ahmad which erupted a social media chaos in the nation. That has surely served as a confirmation for all the people who were doubting Marwa, the power couple has spoken, that way, people know that no amount of influence can take them down.

"Perfect timing. Watch and see how the public fight your battle." Jamal muttered.

"What's next now?" Marwa asked after releasing a huge breath.

"Proclamation of your real identity and marital status." He answered and looked at the girl who spurted the cold water from her mouth.


"It's a pleasure my king, and just so you know, she's my sister too, I can't afford to watch someone defaming her." Ahmad's voice was heard on the other line.

"I'm not old enough to be the real king so stop your shenanigans. Make sure you pass my regards to Cupid's sister, when will you guys be arriving?" Zafeer asked, even though he could hear Asiya bugging Ahmad to give her the phone, they have already had a bro talk. The girl won't get to talk to him or she'll spend the whole day teasing him.

"In three hours, we'll be coming together with the president. Marwa's wedding dresses have already been taken care of by my wife, she did it by herself. Don't tell her, that'll be her biggest surprise yet." He spoke with a deep chuckle.

"That's great, how lucky she is! I'll be sure not to do so, see ya." And with that, he cut off the call and turned to the quivering man in front of him with a smirk devilish enough to make you pee in your pants. It was the dangerous type of calm, just like the person in the act.

"So as I was saying, let me tell you a little history of mine," Zafeer spoke in an extremely low tone.

"I'm a twenty-five-year-old half-Arabian and acting king of Kano state who is going to be crowned soon. Now about my love life, I have a nineteen-year-old wife whom I won't hesitate to kill for. Sure, you can hurt me all you want as long as you won't glance at my wife, the queen of this state, Marwa Zafeer Baghdad. What is the punishment for sexually harassing a queen and making a plan with your slut of a student to defame her?" He paused and stared at the man who has been trying to avoid his scrutinizing gaze.

"You can hide nothing from the king. And just so you know, expect yourself to be dragged to the court of law early in the morning tomorrow. I have already ended the rumours as it is, you just have to pay the price for daring to lay a hand on my queen." With a clap of his hand, seven bouncers matched inside, all with a silver platter in hand.

They placed it on the big mahogany table that served as an interval between the man and the king, opened the translucent fabrics of different colours then left after locking the door. Immediately after that transpired, Lamido opened his eyes wide, he was too shocked to react but now, he's on full alert mode even though his whole body was tied.

Had he known that Marwa is the queen, he wouldn't have even glanced at her not to talk of harassing her. This girl has gotten him into trouble now, why didn't she tell him about that? Yahanasu must be doomed, he had heard that the royals are dangerous people but now, he can testify that they are being underrated.

Sword. Pistol. Blowtorch. Duct tape. Pillow. Boxing gloves and headgear.

"M-my king, p-please have mercy upon me. I have sincerely regretted my actions, make me your slave, humiliate me all you want but please don't use any of these deadly weapons on me." He begged, his lips trembling in trepidation. Zafeer's stare is the last thing he wants to meet now, there is more to the beautiful king. No wonder he maintains a low-key profile, he's the most dangerous of them all.

"I can enslave you if I want, that's not an option. Talking about humiliation, wait until you see yourself in court tomorrow. Now, choose any of these, I don't like talking much." The king retorted harshly, leaving the man with no choice but to oblige.

Sweating profusely, he took his time to judge them by their looks. The sword is not even an option, he won't take that, a lot of blood has been shed already. Next is the pistol, even the sound scares him, no amount of torture will make him wish for a pistol. And then the third is the blowtorch, even though he doesn't know the use of the thing, his instincts told him not to go for it.

"I guess I have to make the choice then." Zafeer was about to point at the one which soothed his mood when the man chose in a dishevelled manner.

"This, the duct tape my king. I'll go for the duct tape." He frantically shook as he said that.

A sadistic smile took over Zafeer's face. He removed his expensive leather coat and placed it on the chair behind him before examining the duct tape. Lamido's heart started palpitating wildly against his rib cage, little did he know that the duct tape is the deadliest of them all.

"I must say, that's a good choice indeed, I'm impressed." He mused and stretched out the tape, revealing a white fabric gummed to it. Slowly, he tore a considerable amount of it and forced it on the man's nose and mouth.

Strychnine is a bitter and highly poisonous compound obtained from nux vomica which can be occasionally used as a stimulant. Exposure to a high dose of strychnine can lead to serious respiratory failure and even brain death.

As Lamido inhaled the said chemical, restlessness struck his entire body system, with every move to arch his back and neck, it only led to more injuries on the areas caused by the sharp-edged metal chair he was tied to. His arms and legs became rigid, his jaw tightened as dark urine started flowing out of his trouser.

Gradually, the man's eyes were fighting to stay open but the effect of the stimulant is much stronger and with Zafeer's devilishly handsome features looking back at him with the most satisfied smile ever, he was more than startled. Soon, the silver chair was covered with streaks of blood from the man's body.

Just when he was about to give into darkness because the shortness of breath has reached its climax, the king removed the tape from both his nose and mouth. He released the hugest breath to ever exist, his eyes long turned red like someone high on cocaine.

"This is the price you'll pay for touching my wife." With that, Zafeer forced the poisoned duct tape on the weak man's nose and mouth before leaving. He signalled the guards to remove it once he lost all consciousness, he wants him partially alive for a reason. It was as if the cold, bloodthirsty beast in him has just reawoken, something that no one wants in that situation.


Dressed in a golden royal throb with flecks of white and a sparkling gold royal turban is the acting king. Half of his face was masked with the expensive fabric of the turban, his eyes were shielded with black Rayban shades, atop the turban is a malfa--cap which symbolizes royalty--the heavy set of clothes made him feel like the most important person on Earth. He wasn't even smiling nor moving, just static, he spent all his life preparing for this day.

"Allah ya taimaki Sarki[May God help the king], all the papers have been finalized. The law has now been standardized and yet to be published, your stamp is just what is needed." The Waziri bowed his head and spoke in a tone filled with respect.

The king's procession of about twenty cars was waiting patiently for the queen to finish dressing up and come out. The minister had to run before he could catch up with the king, all he could say is one thing, the son would be a greater leader than his father. For a twenty-five-year-old to make new law as strict as the one that would be proclaimed soonest, he sure has a lot of things going on in his mind.

"Fine, hand me the blade." It was immediately carried out as instructed.

Without hesitation, he opened his wide palm and slashed the sharp blade against his right thumb, blood started oozing out of the finger before he stamped it on the newly edited copy of their book of rules, under his constitution.

"Allah ya taimaki sarkin mu, kaine karaminsu kaine babbansu, sarkinmu maganin matsalolinmu, sarkin mu gatanmu, miji ga sarauniya Marwa, Allah ya jaa zamanin Sarki, balaraben Sarki mai wahalan samu[May God help our king, you are their youngest and their eldest, our king, the cure for our problems, our king, our privilege, husband to Queen Marwa, God bless the era of the King, the Arabian king who is difficult to find]" Then came the new Jakadiya assigned to him after the Waziri left.

Of all the praises, this woman doesn't fail to boost his pride and arrogance every single time. Today, he'll bless her with some cash since she acknowledged him as a husband to his beloved queen, Marwa Zafeer Baghdad.

"Sarauniya tashirya fitowa amman sai da izinin ka[The queen is ready to come out but not without your permission]" The elderly woman was on her knees as she spoke. With a nod of his head, she matched back inside and informed the queen and her entourage.

Marwa's heartbeat picked up, she was outfitted in a big golden cloak that oozed supremacy, with every move she made, the diamond beads reflect, making her outshine all her enemies and the people around her, her face showed no emotion. After the little scandal with Yahanasu, Rumaisa educated her about the dos' and don'ts of the Queen before a set of designers came and decked her up for the day.

Now, here she is, completely lost in a world she never thought she belonged. She is dealing with a lot of problems as it is and now, Jamal wants her to proclaim her relationship with the king. Seriously?!

Slowly, the hood of the cloak was adjusted by a royal servant as her friends took pictures of her. They were all dressed in laces with sophisticated designs, the emotional girls wanted to cry tears of joy, and the tomboy they all lost hope in is now leading the state. It's funny how life changes, gone are the days when Marwa will ask Theresa to borrow her some money, now, even talking to the former will require a lot of hard work.

"Sai ke Sarauniya Marwa mata ga balaraben sarki, mai kyau da isa...[All hail queen Marwa, the wife of the Arabian king, beautiful and authoritative...]" The praises continued until they made it to the convoy that was waiting.

A palace guard knelt and extended his greetings before opening the backdoor of the black Bentley Continental Flying Spur for her. She took her time to enter, knowing her husband's intensive gaze on her.

As for Zafeer, he galvanized, for a moment there, the guy lost all focus. His woman, the possessor of his heart, the mother of his children and Queen of the state looked extremely gorgeous in the Alkyabba[big cloak] she wore. He has never seen her dressed like that, this girl has taken not only his heart but also his breath away. If anyone can ask him for his bank pin now, he can give it without hesitation. Yes, that's how absent-minded he is now.

"Sarkin mu![Our king!]" He heard Afrah's high-pitched voice which jolted him out of his reverie.

When he looked at the camera and gave a smile of acknowledgement, everyone was mesmerized. The stoic king smiled! Afrah's video will surely circulate the internet, especially now that it'll be the people's first time seeing the mysterious half-Arabian king and that too, up close with a smile.

He then took Marwa's hand in his and placed her head on his shoulder, waiting for the initial cinematographers--her sisters--to snap them which they did with cheers and smiles. The jakadiya came and closed the door by herself, she was without an emotion on her face, which made them scared.

"You look--" She gazed at him, unable to compliment him due to their proximity. Marwa now knows why people are in love with royalty, everything about them is just out of the world.

"Dashing, breathtaking, gorgeous, teasingly beautiful, exquisite. Fuck, even the stars don't twinkle the way your expressive eyes do, life doesn't surprise me like your guileless beauty does every time, so innocent yet so cute, I'm out of words Queen of queens, I just hope you know how beautiful you look in this like it has been made just for you." He used that deep, husky voice that doesn't fail to make her shiver in excitement.

"Woah! What's with you and compliments now? I thought you said you have difficulty in complimenting people." She laughed out loud when he rolled his eyes, no make-up was on her face, making the crimson on her cheeks prominent.

"You are not people, you're my wife missy. Just so you know, you're also a fool. I forgot to add that one." He poked her nose and she glared at him.

"Stupid idiot." She stuck out her tongue when he widened his eyes.

The guard and chauffeur didn't dare turn back even though the car was very spacious, they could still hear the king's deep voice. No matter how hard life is for us, there are still some people we'd be soft for.

After the rest piled in a black Cadillac, the procession drove off at a uniform speed. Soon after, they arrived at the crowded venue, it was a real example of tight security. All sorts of law enforcement agencies were there, the ones whose uniforms are known and those that aren't popular, different kinds of luxurious cars were also parked in sequence, each with a number assigned to it.

Immediately the king and queen's presence was announced, the road was emptied, a swarm of paparazzi and cinematographers gathered in one place, all with one question in mind. Who is the queen?

Palace guards lined up and knelt before one of them opened the door for Zafeer after the rest used their Babban Riga to cover. From his alighting the car with an indifferent expression down to his majestic gaits and opening the other door of the car by himself along with the way a beautiful smile took over his features when a young lady placed her hands on his, everything was covered by the paparazzi and cinematographers who were more than willing to feed on the news.

Marwa gave him a grateful smile before setting her face in a neutral expression that spoke volumes of her being the Queen. Everyone did a double take, for a minute there, they had to lower their cameras so they could see with their eyes.

"M-Marwa is the q-queen?" One of them stuttered in shock.

"Lower your voice man, you can be punished for not addressing her with respect." His colleague advised.

Hand in hand, they made their grand entrance into the gigantic place that oozed aristocracy, opulence and authority at the same time. Here, you can find the creams of society until you get tired. Even though it was on short notice, very important persons like the Emir of Zazzau, Gombe, Niger, Borno and other neighbouring states made it to the grand occasion. The President, his excellency, Alh. Abdulhakim Bulama, Alh. Rashad Mustapha, his eldest son, Ahmad Rashad Mustapha along with his wife made it to the event as promised.

The state was without a governor, all the affairs of the state were being passed down to the king who'll lead before the deputy governor takes over. Everyone gave them a standing ovation, the couple was fancied by all. The public figure, Junaid Haroon Baghdad was the one making a live video of the event, even with the cinematographers, he took it upon himself to do that.

Woah! Our king is so hot, I can't believe he got married undercover. Wait, why do I have a feeling that I've seen him somewhere?

An eye-catching comment came up, the said guy couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He adjusted the blue royal turban on his head, it looked exquisite on him, the flecks of silver on his big cloak contrasted with his honey-caramel skin. Turad who is sitting beside him was dressed in white, ranging from the royal turban, big cloak, royal shoes and even the Babban Riga beneath, they were all white.

Exactly, he looks like that anonymous male model of SIB. The one who stood next to Marwa. Remember? They were shipped together because of the chemistry between them.

Isn't that Marwa Kabeer Hassan? My prince, I hope you sight my comment and zoom in. I've been her biggest fan since day one and when the accusations about her were proven wrong, I fell more in love with her. I just want to confirm something, please zoom in your highness.

Another netizen commented. Junaid did as he was told which immediately shook the viewers. Due to how his phone heated, he immediately ended the live video and switched off his phone. When he turned around, Zafeer was sitting beside Harith who held the staff of honour. He looked out of the world in a forest green cloak which has touches of gold. The father and son looked like people you'd swallow, everything seemed to be revolving around them and how they dominated the whole place with their presence.

As for Marwa, she was being led to her respective seat beside the Queen. Haroon patted her head lovingly while Nafisa found it hard not to cry, her girl is the Queen. Rumaisa's face was poker, the real definition of a queen mother. Najib waved at Marwa from the other table, she just smiled at him, she doesn't want her grandmother to have her head served on a silver platter. Ammar intentionally drew his chair closer to Jamal's so that they would gossip about her.

That naughty boy! She'll deal with him later.

"Adda Marwa." A pair of arms hugged her tightly, that voice, she missed that enthusiastic voice that doesn't fail to make her life a living hell every single time.

"Hidayah look, you can easily create content for the media now. Go and sit down." Rumaisa scolded.

"But grandma, I missed her so much. Hey, you didn't even call me to check up on my sudden disappearance, do you hate me that much? Anyway, Ya Zafeer surprised me with a trip to Dubai, he said I needed to shop for new things to decorate my room with, a new set of learning facilities and equipment and the make-up business I have been planning to start. Guy, he paid for the courses and has already bought a shop for me, the perfect brother-in-law does exist after all!" She gushed.

"That's between you and him since I'm not your favourite anymore, just the get the hell outta here. I didn't miss you, go away." Marwa shunned her with an eye roll. Hidayah made a face before attempting to leave, that was before her sister called her back.

"Did you buy me hoodies and sweatpants or should I kill you already?" Marwa asked with a nonchalant expression.

"Kill me, your highness, I leave in peace." Hidayah bowed before leaving with an evil laugh.

The event passed by in a blur, temporary power has now been passed on to the acting king. The netizens were still in doubt, neither was the event a live coverage nor did the prince let them see the Queen's face. A huge argument has been stirred up on the net, about whether Marwa is the person next to the king or not.

"It's time for his royal highness, King Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad to make a speech." The MC announced. Zafeer made his way to the stage, the spotlight centred on his beautiful face, his perfectly arched eyebrows creasing calmly.

"Glory be to God for letting me take on this important position which I'll do my best to carry out the duties it comes with. Your presence here is highly appreciated, my face may be new to some of you, but that's because I'm not photogenic like others. I'm Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad, the ambassador of Nigeria to Saudi Arabia, owner of the prestigious Baghdad real estate, Qahtani's airline, Qahtani's shipbuilding industry, Qahtani's luxury land and many other assets which have been rumoured to be owned by my maternal grandfather. To cut long story short, I'm also married to a loving wife, Queen Marwa Haroon Baghdad--" He paused and made his way to the first table where his wife was silently praying for him not to act cheesy.

But Alas! Her prayers seemed to have not been answered, the king knelt in front of her before extending his hand. Applause erupted from everywhere as he guided her to the stage after she placed her hand on his.

"She's popularly known as Marwa Kabeer Hassan but her real identity is Marwa Haroon Baghdad, a wife to the king Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad. I won't say much about her, all I know is that without her, I wouldn't have been able to stand here in front of all of you and speak with confidence." He then descended the stage with Marwa beside him.

Now, the information spread like wildfire. Her friends and family members who have posted the video on their stories have been seeing comments like a flowing river, some were gushing about the king while others criticized the person beside him. Immediately they watched the video and substantiated that indeed, it was the tomboy they had underrated, everything flipped around.

I knew it! She didn't look like someone from a poor background, I've always argued with my clique about this.

How? When? Even though she looks so much like Junaid, I never expected her to be his sister.

It looks like love marriage, I have sharp eyes, none of them is faking it but she could've widened her smile.

Exactly! He's even fairer than her, if I were him, I would've married an Arabian princess.

"Mstw! These netizens!" Khayr hissed before keeping her phone and focusing on the event.

"The rate of sexual harassment in the society nowadays, especially in Kano state is not something we're proud of. It is with utmost sadness that we acknowledge this tragic event that happens to females all over the state, some of them are overpowered and as a result, fail to speak up for themselves. For this reason, his royal highness, King Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad has established a new law which has been added to the book of rules." The Waziri paused and raised the book to his face then started reading aloud.

"It states, "The manhood of anyone who has been pleaded guilty with the crime of sexual harassment or rape shall be cut off without further ado."

I'm sorry for the late update, writer's block pinned me down🤦‍♀️

I hope it wasn't boring, I didn't know what to write there tbh, and I just wanted to update it since you guys have been telling me to. Anyway, get your asoebis ready, the wedding of the millennium is knocking at your doors💃❤️

Who killed it for you in this chap?
For me, it's Jamal🥺😂❤️.

Tune in to see how Yahanasu and Lamido's life will change for the worst😌

See ya in 54.


Love y'all,

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