By Guardlet08

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4 years later after the D-reaper and Parasimon attack, the Tamers reunited to their Digimon. Now the Tamers i... More

I'M BACK!!!!!


181 0 0
By Guardlet08




Crimson Gallantmon is currently flying towards at the Arakawa bridge, where exactly Rika told him where to meet. Suddenly it revert to Takato's red sphere, showing his serious and determine face.

"Guilmon?" Takato called at his partner.

"Yes Takato?" Guilmon answer.

"At this fight... Can let me control our bio-merge form just this one time... Please..." Takato asked at him. Guilmon was a silent for a minute before finally spoke up.

"Of course Takato. Like Renamon said, if anyone can bring back the Rika we know it's you. Don't worry I'm at your back." Guilmon smile. Takato smile at his partner encouragement.

"Thank you Guilmon..." Takato smile.

"I just hope this works, that we can manage to bring Rika back." Guilmon said in distressed.

"Don't worry Guilmon, we will. In this fight I'll do anything I can just to bring her back..." Takato said in determine.

"Even it cost me my life..." Takato thought at himself. A minute later they arrive at the Arakawa bridge. Gallantmon debio-merge into Takato and Guilmon. Takato look around to see anyone is there. No one is there as he expected. No agents, no people, he can't even feel Black's present. Just him.

"Rika! I'm here! Come out wherever you're hiding!" Takato shouted in the place. Suddenly he heard a chuckle in front of him. Guilmon started to growl as he turn his head forward, in the other side of the river, and saw Rika coming out of the shadow with evil smirk at her face.

"Will you look that! You actually came. I guess you're not a chicken as i think you are." Rika chuckled. Gallantmon frowned.

"Of course I'll came... I'll do anything just to save you from that monster Rika. Just wait and see it." Takato said. This only make Rika grinned while chuckling.

"How naive!" Rika grinned before looking up to him.

"You're still thinking I'm your little pity girlfriend? I guess Rika is right. Goggle-heads are so dense that they can't even understand a single one word." Rika said before smirking at him.

"How many times I have to tell you. Rika is gone and I'm the D-reaper. Once I finish you here Takato I'll the next this world and your world then the WHOLE UNIVERSE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Rika laughed as Takato and Guilmon just watching her laugh.

"Well you can keep that thought because that would never going to happen." Takato said to her. Rika stop laughing and look at him in curious.

"Really? How come?" Rika asked then Takato scowl.

"Because in this fight i will save Rika from you D-reaper! Nothing can stop me from doing that! I don't care how hard it is! Even i have go through heaven and earth to do that!" Takato said to her. D-reaper Rika frowned as she observe Takato. She couldn't follow what on his mind. All she knows he is so determine to save Rika from it. She suddenly smirk.

"You're just like love sick boy who can't accept his little girlfriend is gone. You're making me sick! I'll just destroy you in this battle and enjoy torturing you painfully and slowly." Rika smirked maliciously.

"Rika... In this fight... This is where going to end.... All of it.... This fight will determine who's going to win all of our duels but in this case... It doesn't matter to me... All matters is I save you." Takato said to her. Takato eyes show 12 years old Rika's reflection as it started to tears, he blink the tears away before it show the reflection D-reaper Rika, standing right in front of him

"Very well. If that's the case..." Rika suddenly take out her D-ark behind her and smirk at Takato.

"Show me. Show me how you're going to "save" Rika from me." Rika smirked.

"A D-ark?" Takato gasped.

"Yes like it? I just thought it will fun to keep it. So are we gonna fight or not?" Rika smirk. Takato suddenly took out his D-ark on his own.

"I will! Here i go Rika!" Takato shouted. They both stared at each other before shouting.


Suddenly their body glows as they both starting to form into their Mega form. With a swift of the wind, Gallantmon and Kazuhamon charge at each other in the center. They both pull their fist before punching each other's fist. The vibration is so powerful that the water around them shaken. They both pulled away from each other before charging again.

Kazuhamon start her move by giving Gallantmon a jab. Gallantmon able to dodge it then try to gave her a hook, Kazuhamon block it with her right arm, Gallantmon gasped then Kazuhamon smirked before giving him a sidekick to the torso. Gallantmon groaned but Kazuhamon wasn't finish, she next it in the air kick coming from above, Gallantmon manage to block it with his arms but Kazuhamon kick him the chin, sending him away to the other side. Gallantmon manage to stop himself and regain his balance before glaring at Kazuhamon, who's smirking at him.

"Oh come on Takato. Make this a little bit more fun! It will be boring if i just destroy you easily." Kazuhamon smirked. Gallantmon pant with one eye open.

"Not only it took over Rika's body but copy Sakuyamon's mega form too!" Gallantmon stand up and suddenly summon his lance and shield.

"This is fight is just only getting started." Gallantmon before his lance charge a blue energy.

"Lightning Joust!" Gallantmon shouted before thrusting forward his lance that charge an energy to Kazuhamon. Kazuhamon just stand there and waited the attack to get to her.

"That's good to hear because..."


Gallantmon glare at her spot as he saw his attack hit her direction. He suddenly gasped as he felt a presence behind him. He quickly turn around, just in time to block Kazuhamon staff with his lance.

"Finishing you off slowly will be worth it to see." Kazuhamon smirked. Gallantmon grunt before pushing her stay forward and thrust his lance. Kazuhamon dodge it as she flew away. Gallantmon sprung off from his feet before attacking Rika rapidly while Rika just easily dodge all his attacks.

"Do you know what amuse me more than this fight Takato. Your belief that you can save Rika. The belief that you will ever to save her from me!" Kazuhamon smirked before she finally block Gallantmon's lance with her staff. Gallantmon's face and Kazuhamon face we're just inches away from each other, as they glare.

"Why don't you see for yourself!" Gallantmon shouted as he pointed his shield on Kazuhamon's torso.

"Shield of the Just!" Gallantmon shouted.

"Huh?!" Kazuhamon gasped as she look down before Gallantmon fire a beam at his shield.

"ARRRRGGHH!!!" Kazuhamon let out an outcry before she got send away. She quickly snapped her eyes open before she stop herself. She pant as Gallantmon just stared.

"Why?... Why are you doing this in the first place?..." Kazuhamon asked.

"Because i love her. And I can feel a special bond with both of us. And i would never let that bond to server!" Gallantmon shouted.

"A bond..." Kazuhamon said.

"Well I should just have to cut that bond!" Kazuhamon shouted. She suddenly flew towards at Gallantmon. Gallantmon prepared himself for his girlfriend attack. As Kazuhamon is near to him, he thrust his lance forward where Kazuhamon dive out under him and gave him a hook in the stomach. Gallantmon cough as he felt the pain, Kazuhamon stand up and uppercut him in the chin. Gallantmon groaned, Kazuhamon took this opportunity gave him a rapid punches and kicks.

"All I have to do is wipe you in the existence and no one is going in my way destroying the world! I'll perish every hope you have, break every bones and tear you apart to pieces if i have to!" Kazuhamon shouted before punching Gallantmon in face.

"GRAGH!" Gallantmon yelp as he got send away and crash to the walls.

"Be destroy! Illuminator!" Kazuhamon shouted before sending a three foxes, just like Sakuyamon except it's all black, towards at Gallantmon and it explode where he is.


Kazuhamon float to the air as she stared at her work.

"Hmph! You said you're going to save her? Instead you just die here." Kazuhamon said.


Kazuhamon gasped in shock as she back away when out of the sudden a red light shot up to the air. Inside the red light a figure starting to come out. It reveal Gallantmon who's in his Crimson Mode now.

"Who said I die?" Gallantmon said as he float to the air. Kazuhamon gritted her teeth in annoyance before she scowled.

"Even you switching to your Crimson Mode or use any power you have right now! It won' change the fact that YOU are just that loser kid you used to be! You're just that naive loser boy!" Kazuhamon shouted.

"I guess you missed the fact that I grow up! I'm not that loser I used to be Rika! Because of you I became stronger and learn to trust my own power! And with your help I am what who I am today!" Gallantmon shouted at her. Kazuhamon had enough and charge at him.

"Shut up!!!" Kazuhamon shouted before she flew towards her and punch him in the face but Gallantmon dodged it by leaning backward.

"AAAAARRRRGHHHH!!!" Gallantmon let out a battle cry before he knee Kazuhamon to the gut. Kazuhamon gasped before Gallantmon cupped his both hand and thrust it down to Kazuhamon back that send her to the water. Not long 5 seconds Kazuhamon raise to the water and flew towards at Gallantmon. Gallantmon summon his Gungnir and Sword before charging towards at her too.



Gallantmon and Kazuhamon groaned as they trying to push each other's weapon to each other.

"Just staring at you making me sick! Ever since you find out I'm inside of Rika you been on and on about this love! Always in my way! But now it's going to change!" Kazuhamon shouted before pushing her staff forward and fly away.

"You're going to die here Takato!" Kazuhamon shouted before she created a three fox. The three fox charge at Gallantmon. Gallantmon quickly flew away, trying to escape the fox. He goes every corners before he spin around to the fox.

"Final Justice!" Gallantmon shouted as he release a white beam that destroy the three fox. Kazuhamon gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"Darn it! It doesn't matter how much you fight! It won't change anything! You're just making yourself like an idiot!" Kazuhamon shouted at him. Gallantmon stared at her.

"Maybe that's the way I am! And that's why I'm going to change you back the way you are! I'll share myself on the pain you have Rika! That way you won't be alone!" Gallantmon shouted at her. Kazuhamon flew so fast at him and try to punch him but Gallantmon caught her fist. The impact was so hard that send a wave to the place. She "Tch" before try to gave him hook him but Gallantmon block it. Kazuhamon grabbed his wrist and spin behind him before kick him in the back, sending him away. Gallantmon groaned before he spin around and saw Kazuhamon charging at him.

"You just don't know how to stop didn't you! You just don't know where your place belong!!!" Kazuhamon shouted before punching him, Gallantmon block it before grabbed her wrist and kick her in the away.

"What can I say I'm a Goggle-head! I'm born stubborn and that's the way i will be forever!" Gallantmon said before charging at her. Kazuhamon open her eyes and saw Gallantmon raising his sword, she summon her staff and block it. She slapped the sword away from Gallantmon's hand and punch him. Gallantmon groaned then Kazuhamon kick him in the stomach, up to the air.

Kazuhamon flew above him then swift kick him in the back then use her other foot to kick him in the stomach again then finally kick him in the back all the way to the bridge. Gallantmon crash to the bridge, he groaned as he try to stand up, he gasped before he rolled away, just in time Kazuhamon punch the ground. She landed on her feet then look at Gallantmon, who just stand up.

"This world... The bond, the hope and emotion! That's what make this world such a pain! A disgusted place! That's why I have to erase it from existence!" Kazuhamon shouted.

"No! Living in this world is what makes life more valuable! Learning from your mistake, spending time with your friends, especially having a connection to the person important to you! That's the reason why this world exist! It's not perfect but that's what makes more great!" Gallantmon shouted back. Kazuhamon fly towards him and punch him but Gallantmon leaned aside and side punch Kazuhamon. Kazuhamon groaned before she charge at him.

"Shut up! Connection, Connection, Connection! All this talk about connection making me puke! The stronger the connection gets, the more it tortures me! Takato! Your connection to Rika is the most irritable of all! You're just like a lost puppy who can't accept his owner is gone!!! Why can't you just give her up already?!"

"Heh! If i have planning to do that then I should done that when we break up didn't we? I love her and that's the only thing you have to know!"

"ARGHH!!! Then I'll destroy you along with that bond you're talking about!"

Kazuhamon punch him but Gallantmon stop it with his hand. Kazuhamon rapidly punch him but Gallantmon just block her every hit she make. She side punch Gallantmon in the face and kick him in the stomach.

"Argh!" Takato groaned in his red sphere.

"Takato she's too strong!" Guilmon groaned. Takato open his eyes and look at Kazuhamon. Gallantmon turn around and gave her a hook but Kazuhamon grabbed to his shoulder and spin behind him before kick him in the back, sending him away. While in the air, Kazuhamon flew to him and grabbed his face before shoving it to the ground but she wasn't finish she slide his face to the ground before throwing him in the wall.

"You don't have what it takes to stop me Takato!" Kazuhamon shouted as she created three fox.

"Die!" Kazuhamon shouted before she send the three fox to the wall and it explode.

"You're weak and always been weak! You're an insufferable loser! You don't have a strength to stop me or save Rika!" Kazuhamon shouted.


Suddenly under Kazuhamon, her ground suddenly made a little crack before Gallantmon pop out from the ground. Kazuhamon gasped before Gallantmon punch her in the face, then kick her in the stomach, Kazuhamon cough before Gallantmon spin kick her in the side, sending her to the water.

"I'm not the loser! But I'm not a fighter either Rika! I'm not one of those two! But I know one thing for sure! I'm the Goggle-head who will save you from the pain you've feeling in your heart! I will keep fighting until you accept me! Even I have to bear that pain you're feeling!!!" Gallantmon said as he stared at the water.


"ARRRRGGHH!!!!" Kazuhamon cry as she flew up to the air. Gallantmon look to her before following her. Up in the air, Kazuhamon fly past to the clouds and stop as Gallantmon manage to follow her. They both stared at each other for a minute before Kazuhamon decided to speak up.

"If you just don't born. If you just don't exist in the first place then no one can stop me from taking this world. No one will stand in my way."

"Too bad for you i've been by your side from the very start." Gallantmon said to her.

"Why?...." Kazuhamon whispered before she glared at Gallantmon.

"Why do you keep yourself involving in her?!!! Why can't you just give up, cut the ties and connection you have on her!!!! What is wrong with you?!!! Just why you're so determine to save her?!!!" Kazuhamon shouted at him.

"Because I love her!" Gallantmon answered that stunned Kazuhamon in her place.

"What?" Kazuhamon whispered, dumbfounded.

"You heard me right... The reason why I'm still standing up because of my love on her." Gallantmon said with determination.

"Your love... You doing all of this because you love her?" Kazuhamon asked, shock for his answer.

"Even I explain it to you a cold hearted monster like you wouldn't never going to understand those words!" Gallantmon shouted at her.

"I'll go run miles to miles just to chase her! I'm going through every pain just to save her! I don't care if the my friends, family or even the world hate me! One thing I wouldn't do is to give up on her!!!" Gallantmon shouted with determination.

"The love I have for her would never fade no matter what you do! And I'm gonna use that love to save Rika from you!!!" Gallantmon shouted. Kazuhamon stop before a smile form at her lips.

"Tch... Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Kazuhamon laughed, Gallantmon is just staring at her, before she finally stop.

"How foolish. For all this years you never change. You're still the foolish boy back there." Kazuhamon said to him then Gallantmon smile behind his mask.

"Neither are you! You're still the fiesty and tough girl I know!" Gallantmon smile. Kazuhamon suddenly smirked at him.

"I can't wait to see you die in my hands. I can't wait to finally kill you." Kazuhamon said to him.

"No Rika... I won't die... Because I promise to your mom, your grandma and to our friends that i will bring you back. So I won't let you kill me and I won't kill you either. I will save you no matter what happens." Gallantmon said to her.

"Then why don't we just see?" Kazuhamon smirked as she goes at battle position. Gallantmon goes to battle position too. Suddenly then both charge at each other. Kazuhamon raise her staff and try to hit Gallantmon in the side but Gallantmon stop it by Gungnir. Kazuhamon spin her staff before hitting Gallantmon in the side by side then down non-stop. Gallantmon having a hard time blocking all of her attacks.

"She's fast!" Gallantmon thought before Kazuhamon attack him above. Gallantmon put his Gungnir above him to block the attack but suddenly Kazuhamon kick him in the chin hard. Gallantmon groaned as he got send away. He open his eye and spin around, just in time to dodge Kazuhamon kick.

"That won't work." Gallantmon before he kick Kazuhamon at the back. Kazuhamon groaned before she turn around him and punch him, Gallantmon do the same as they both each other to the face.


"ARGH!" They both groaned as they got send away. They both stop each other and regain their balance. Kazuhamon pant hard before she look at Gallantmon with rage.

"THAT'S IT! I HAD ENOUGH!" Kazuhamon bellowed before she raised her left hand and created a black ball. Gallantmon gasped and it revert to Takato's red sphere.

"That ball... It looks like exactly like Black's Dark Destroyer!" Takato said.

"Takato this is bad! I can tell Kazuhamon putting all of her energy to that ball! If it hit us it may destroy us for good! What are we gonna do?!" Guilmon panicking asked. Takato look at the Gungnir in Gallantmon's hand and to Kazuhamon.

"Then we will do the same!" Takato said to his partner.

"What?" Guilmon asked.

"We're going to put all of our energy to the Gungnir and use Final Justice to counter that attack." Takato explained.

"But Takato if we do that we're going to lose not only our Crimson Mode but our Mega Form too!" Guilmon said to him, but Takato have no planning to back out.

"We have to take a risk Guilmon! When we get here we'll already out our life in danger! We can't back out now! You just have to trust me Guilmon." Takato said to him.

"Um... Okay... I trust you Takatomon... Go for it!" Guilmon said.

"Right!" Takato said with determination. Suddenly Gallantmon's Gungnir surrounded in red fiery aura.

"I'm going to finish this Takato! Once and for all!" Kazuhamon shouted as the black ball starting to glow sending a massive wind around them.

"No you won't! Me and Guilmon we're going to stop you!" Gallantmon shouted as the Gungnir is surrounded now with massive red Aura.

"We're going to protect everyone! Our home! Our friends and family! All of them including you Rika!" Takato shouted in his red sphere.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" The both Mega let out a battle cry before they charge at each other with their attacks.

"FINAL JUSTICE/DARK DESTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They both shouted before the two attack collided to each other. Kazuhamon and Gallantmon groaned as they trying to push each other's attack.

"Papa don't go!"

Takato gasped at the sudden voice. Suddenly a flash of memories came through him.

Cut off on the Nonaka's Mansion, with three years old Rika is crying with her father is starting to leaving her.

"Papa! Please... Don't go!" 3 years old Rika cried as tears falling in her eyes.

"W-What.... What is this?" Takato thought as he keep seeing many memories.

"Takato what's wrong? Takato!" Guilmon shouted but Takato's mind is somewhere else.

Cut off on the park where 3 years old Rika is sitting in the swings with children starting to leave her, doesn't care for her.

"Come on guys!"

"Don't play with her!"

"I heard her daddy left her."

"Probably it's because she's useless and weak!"


All the children laughed at Rika's misery while Rika is just sit there, crying and getting hurt for in their words.

In reality, Takato's left eye suddenly start to tear before tears falling in his cheek.

Cut off on Kagurazaka School, at the lockers there's a three girls talking.

"Did you know Rika Nonaka?" One girl said.

"Of course! Everyone knows about that cold hearted arrogant girl!" One of the girl scoff.

"Yeah, no wonders no one to be friends with her!" One girl said.

"She's such a jerk! I'm pretty sure no boys ever going to love her!" One girl said to her friends.

"Love her! More like come near at her! I mean look at her father, leaving her." One girl laughed.

"Yeah, she deserves it! She deserve to be alone." One girl said.

"Yeah." The two girls agree before three of them laughed. Didn't they know Rika is listening at their conversation. With her bangs hiding her face, feeling hurt at every words they say.

"Rika... Is this... What you're feeling all the time?.... The feeling of loneliness.... Misjudge by others?... It hurts... So bad..."

Cut off on the reality where the two attack starting to spark, ready to blow up any minute before it suddenly explode, surrounding Gallantmon and Kazuhamon in white light.


Suddenly a violent burst from the two attacks that created a cyclone in the air. The intensity was so strong that send a massive wave of wind all the way to the ground and it's close area.

At the Tsukuba Communication Research, Future Henry and Jeri and others in the past is currently monitoring the D-reaper's quantum bubble.

"So what's the news dad?" Henry asked.

"It's strange, the sensor said no agents attacking the city. Not even the quantum bubble is expanding." Janyu explained.

"That was weird." Henry said.

"I guess D-reaper Rika really did what she say." Ryo said.

"Um... Guys?" Terriermon called.

"Not now Terriermon." Henry said.

"Why would the agents suddenly stop attacking the city all of the sudden." Curly asked.

"Guys!" Terriermon called again, a little louder.

"Terriermon not now." Henry said.

"Probably because of D-reaper Rika's command them not." Jeri said.

"GUYS!" Terriermon shouted.

"WHAT?!" They all asked at the same time while looking at the bunny.

"What is Terriermon?" Henry asked, annoyed at his sudden interruption.

"You may wanna DUCK!!!" Terriermon shouted while pointing at the window. They all look at the window and saw a massive wind coming towards at them.

"EVERYONE DUCK!" Henry shouted before all of them hide under the tables. Just in time the massive wind hit their direction causing the windows break. They all gasped and scream a little as the wind hit them. As soon it's safe, they all come out.

"Is everyone safe?" Jeri asked.

"Yup, never been better." Kenta groaned.

"What was that?!" Kazu asked frantically.

"More like what is that?!" Ryo said while looking outside. They all go closer at the broken windows and look up the sky, saw a big massive cyclone in the sky.

"Whoa! No one told me we're gonna have a tornado! I should bring an umbrella!" Terriermon said.

"No Terriermon it wasn't Tornado." Leomon said.

"Leomon is right, it must cause of Takato and Rika's fighting." Henry said.

"What are they doing?! Are they really planning to kill each other?!" Jeri asked frantically.

"We had to check it if their okay!" Takato said to them.

"No." Henry said.

"No? What do you mean no? It's a cyclone in the air! We have to check whether their alive or okay!" Rika said to him then "Henry" look at them.

"We can't. Remember this battle is just between Takato and Rika only. We have no rights to interfere until tomorrow morning." Henry said to them.

"But... But what if something really bad happens to them?" Jeri asked then Henry closed his eyes.

"Then so be it." Henry answer that enrage "Jeri".

"So be it?! So be it?! Henry! Our two friends is in danger, probably killing each other and that's what you're just going to say?! So be it?!" Jeri shouted at "Henry". "Henry" look at her.

"Remember Takato's words Jeri. It's either they come back here, alive and Rika is normal again or their going to die together. I also promise Takato whatever happens we won't interfere until tomorrow morning! That way we can't do anything!" Henry said before turning his attention to them

"I know all of you wants to help and so do i but listen to me. This battle is just not only an ordinary battle. In this battle Takato and Rika will finally going to release every pain, sadness, thought they have. In this battle it is going to decided whether their bond is strong enough to understand each other." Henry said before he continue.

"We can't interfere because if anyone can understand both of them then it's them. You can say this will be their final duel." Henry said. All of them are silent before looking at the window.

Back up in the sky, inside the cyclone, suddenly two figures started to fall down. It turns out it was Gallantmon and Kazuhamon, slowly they both starting to fall to the ground.


The two Mega cough and groaned as they both crash on the bridge. Gallantmon raise his, painfully, and look at Kazuhamon.

"I guess... That works..." Gallantmon groaned. Suddenly his body started to shine as he spilt into two body. Takato groaned as he saw his human self.

"This is bad! I use all of my energy on that attack." Takato groaned as he try to stand.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Takato gasped and look up and saw Kazuhamon slowly standing up.

"Looks like your out of energy to keep your mega form Takato. And i don't think your little digimon can protect you either." Kazuhamon grinned. Takato groaned before he look at unconscious Guilmon.

"Like i told you. Once a loser ALWAYS a loser. You'll never going to win against me. You fail again." Kazuhamon said to him. Takato groaned as he stared at her. Kazuhamon suddenly smirked at her victory.

"This is the end. I win." Kazuhamon smile. Takato groaned as he started to think a plan to save him. Kazuhamon step one foot but suddenly she felt something.


"GRAGH!!!" Kazuhamon gasped before she force to kneel down. Takato look at her in confused, suddenly Kazuhamon started to glow before she reverted back into Rika.

"I must use all of my energy in that attack! In this case i couldn't turn in my Mega Form anymore!" Rika groaned as she grabbed her chest.

"Darn it! Why luck always by your side Takato." Rika whispered before she stand up. Takato groaned as he try to get on his knee. Rika started to walk towards him.

"But it doesn't matter. With or without my mega form I could still use my powers to destroy you." Rika said as she started to create a dark ball in her left hand. She stand in front of Takato, D-reaper Rika stared at Takato with cold blank look and dark ball in her left hand.

"Good bye... To the person... I... LOVE!!!" Rika shouted before charging her hand towards at Takato.


Rika suddenly feel a twinge in her head. She stop her attack and groaned while holding her head. Takato gasped and look up and saw Rika holding her head in pain.

"No... Get... Back... There...!!!" D-reaper Rika groaned. Takato stared at her and saw a flashed of purple eyes before it goes to red again. Takato gasped, he stared at her.

"Could it be... Rika is fighting back...?" Takato thought as he continue to stared at D-reaper Rika who still holding her head in pain. He slowly stand up, he pant before he look up at Rika and slowly walk towards but the walk turn into run and charge at Rika.

"RAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Takato battle cry. Rika gasped in shock before looking up at him but before she could do anything Takato grab her waist and tackle her. They both fall down in the bridge but before they landed in the ground a white light suddenly appeared.


13 years old Takato groaned as he got throw at the ground harsh.

"What's wrong? Aren't you a tamer? Where's your little digimon freak!" The boy said with a black hair and black eyes with his friends behind him. Takato just look up to him, defenseless.

"Look guys he's scared! You should be! The way you embarrassed me in class, your so gonna pay!" The boy said.

"I just help you with that! What's the problem with helping?!" Takato asked at him. The boy scowled before grabbed the collar of his jacket and raise him high with his fist threatening to punch Takato.

"The problem is Mr. Goody two shoes is the way you help me is the way you say I'm dumb! So you're going to pay, by beating you so bad!" The boy smirked. Takato stared at him before closing his eyes, readying himself from the punch.

"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone on your own size!" The voice of a girl suddenly said. They all turn their head and saw 13 years old Rika standing there with her arms crossed. The boy put down Takato a little as he smirked at Rika.

"Ha! Like you? You're just a girl!" The boy laughed.

"Um... Hey man? That's Rika Nonaka, and i can say we don't wanna go at her bad side." One of his friend said.

"Yeah, everyone said she's beat up a whole soccer team because they flirt on her!" Another of his friend said with fear. The boy, bully, just scoffed.

"Shut up! You think I'm just going to be scared by a girl!" The boy scoffed as he let go of Takato and turn to Rika.

"Look missy! If you don't want any trouble then why don't you just get away from here." The boy smirked but Rika smirked back.

"Funny, i was about to say the same thing." Rika smirked.

"What did you say?!" The boy shouted as the boy got mad and run towards at her. Rika waited the boy before she step aside with her foot sticking up causing the boy to trip and landed on his butt.

"Geez you're not only dumb but also clumsy too." Rika scoffed. The bully groaned before he stand and try to punch Rika but Rika dodge it by stepping aside and gave the boy an uppercut in the stomach. The boy cough then Rika kick him, causing him landed on the ground. His friends run up to him.

"You okay?" His friend asked.

"We warn you don't mess with her!" His other friend asked. They all suddenly back away in fear with Rika walk closer to them. She grabbed the bully by his collar and raise him and pull him closer to her face, just inches away, with a death cold glare in her eyes.

"Listen to me and listen good because I'm only going to say this once. If i see you bullying Takato or any of my friends, I'll hunt you down and beat you up that not even your own reflection gonna recognize you. Got it?" Rika asked making sure putting a every venom on her words. The boy just shaking nod his head, afraid of Rika's threat. Rika let go of his collar, as soon she let go of him, the boy and his friend quickly run away, trying to get away from that place.

"Hmph! Cowards." Rika scoffed as she stared at them run away. She turn her head to Takato and saw he still on the ground. She walk towards him until her shadow cover him.

"What are you still doing at ground? Come on stand up Goggle-head!" Rika voice said to him. Takato just only look at her, speechless.

"Here." Rika smile before reaching out her hand for him. Takato just stared at her for a second before slowly smiling and reach out his. He grabbed Rika's hand before suddenly a white light surrounding them.


They both landed hard in the ground. They gasp for air as they felt the impact. Rika groaned as she raise her body up.

"You..." Rika groaned as she stand up. Takato groaned as he kneel down.

"I don't wanna kill you Rika... But you're making me so mad right now..." Takato groaned as he slowly standing up.

"Because here you go again Rika with annoying habit of yours. You're trying to be alone again! You're trying to push away the people who cares about you, just to be alone again and I can't let that happened!" Takato groaned.

"Why? Just give up already and let me be alone! Just. Give. Up!" Rika said to him.

"If you... Really want to be alone then..." Takato start then suddenly glare at Rika.

"You have to kill me first!!!" Takato shouted at her.

"What?" Rika whispered in shock.

"You hear me! If you really want to be alone, if you really desperate to be alone, then you have to kill me first Rika! Because as long as i live i won't let that happened! I'll keep chasing you over and over until you just gave up and accept that i won't leave by your side forever! That's why!" Takato shouted at her. Rika clenched her fist then shouted at Takato.

"You're just stubborn as ever! What is wrong with you?! What is your problem?! Why don't you just give up?!" Rika shouted at him. Suddenly Takato smile at her.

"Because I love you!" Takato smile at her. Rika stared at him furious.

"Just what is love to you? And why you keep saying that after all this?!" Rika asked at him. Takato look down and smile.

"You can't just explain love by words you know... But for me.... It's like about protecting and keeping the person who most important to you. That you willing to do anything and sacrifice everything you even your own life just to keep that person happy. Just seeing her smile to you is enough to make you happy too. With that person by your side you have enough reason to fight everyday. That's why..." Takato look up to Rika.

"I'm willing to do anything just to save you Rika and bring you back." Takato said to her. D-reaper Rika just stay silent before walking towards to him and so is Takato.

"Takato... Whatever you say it won't change anything. Your life is meaningless to me. You're just one of the weakling i will destroy." Rika said as she keeps walking towards at Takato.

"I guess you're forgot what i said ago didn't you? Or you're just not listening. We may in the past but I'm far more different than i used to be. I'm no longer that crying boy who scared to fight. I change is past 4 years Rika. I may be always lose to you Rika but not this time... I won't." Takato said as he keep walking towards at Rika.

They both stop in front of each other and stared at each other.

"I told you before. I had no intention letting Rika control her body again." Rika said to him with cold blank look.

"And i have no intention giving up and save her from you." Takato said with a smile.

They both stared at each with serious eyes, waiting for one another to start to make first move, as the wind around them blows.

"I'm going to kill you in order to cut off the bond you have on Rika and make my goal come true." Rika said.

"I'll keep fighting in order to keep that bond i have on you and make you realize you are not alone." Takato said. They both stared at each then suddenly.


They start their by clashing their forearm.

"Now let's see what you got without your Digimon!" Rika said before she kick Takato. Takato send backward and Rika run towards him.

She punch him then follow it with another but Takato block it. She keep punching him before she dive out and try to sweep in Takato in his feet. But Takato jump to avoid it, he make his move. He try to punch Rika but Rika block it then he use his palm to attack Rika in the stomach. Rika groaned and run up to him.

"Takato... What I can't understand is why... Why do you keep want that bond you have in her? Why didn't you just cut her when I took her body? Don't you know she's gone?!"

"No... I won't cut off any bonds on her. Especially now I saw her painful memories and how hurt she is! That only gave me a new reasons why I want to keep involve in her!"

"There! That attitude of yours is the one i hated a most! You don't know where to stop! You just want to keep push and push until you open up the person!"

"That's who i am! And i can't change that! I will keep my bond to the person who's in pain. Especially to the person i love the most. And thanks to you, for showing me her memories. That love only grow."

"Then... I'll just have to destroy you!"

Rika try to punch him but Takato deflect it with his own hands. Rika try to use her elbow to hit Takato face ending up Takato use his just to push Rika. Suddenly they notice their holding hands.

"See Rika we're connected! You and me!" Takato said to her. Rika just growled before pulling him in to her and kick him twice in the stomach before she finally let go. Takato cough while holding his stomach before suddenly Rika kick him away. Takato groaned before he gained his balance and focus in the battle. He saw Rika is charging at him.

She run to him, Takato try to punch her but Rika spin away. Takato turn a round but Rika punch him in the face. Takato send a few meters away from his position before. Takato groaned as he kneel down.

"Darn it! Because of the stunt i did ago i became slower and weaker. But i can tell she is too." Takato thought, he look up but suddenly Rika kick him in the chin. Takato send to the ground then Rika walk towards at him and sit on his torso. Takato open his eyes then suddenly Rika punch him in the face. Then punch him again. Takato try to block her punches by shielding himself using his forearms but Rika keep punching.













Rika pant as she finish punching Takato. Takato just stop blocking Rika's punch a seconds ago and let her punch him. The side of his lips started to bleed with shade of purple. He cough blood. Rika glared at him before raising her fist.

"You... You told me once use my head when I'm fighting right?" Takato said before suddenly grabbed the collar of her shirt and raise up and BUMP his head against hers.


"GRAGH!" Rika groaned as she hold her face in pain. This gave a chance to Takato gave Rika a hook, she groaned, then kick her off in his torso. Rika pant before slowly stand up.

"Just give up... You can't... Save her... Just... Like you... Fail... To stop... Me from... Getting... Her body..." D-reaper Rika pant as she weakly stands up. She pant before raising her left hand and created another dark ball. She walk towards at Takato and stand in front of him.

"It's over." Rika said before a dark ball created at her right palm. She pointed the ball on Takato. Takato just stay there and stared at her numbly.

"Goodbye... Takato." Rika said before she release the ball. The ball explode at Takato's chest that send him in the river.


Rika stared at the mainstem river where Takato got send to before she slowly walk away.

"Finally this time... I'm all alone." Rika smirked.

In the mainstem river, Takato slowly started to fall down in the bottom of the river while staring at the light above him.

"I... Failed..."

Takato thought to himself, slowly falling down in the darkness, where there's no hope and only misery and loneliness, as he keep staring at the light of the river.

"I... Failed... To... Save.... Her..."

Takato thought to himself, suddenly Rika's face appeared in front of him, staring at him, but in opposite sides.

"Black is right, no matter what i do i will never going to know what you feel. I will never going to understand that pain in your heart."

"I'm... Sorry... Rika..."

Takato just closed his eyes and ready to gave up in the darkness around him as the necklace got cut off on his neck.

"Are ready to gave up Takato?"


"I said are you ready to gave up?"

"Who are you?..."

Takato asked at the mysterious voice, suddenly a light appeared at his face. The light have face of red like dragon face.

"I'm just one of your friend that gave you strength Takato."

"G-Grani? It's that you? But how?..."

Takato thought while continue to listen at Grani.

"Are you ready to gave up on her Takato? Are you ready to let her go?"

"No... I'm not..."

"Then why you're already giving up? I thought you said you love her? That you would chase her no matter where she goes."

"I am... But Grani... What can i do?... I'm not strong enough to save Rika..."

"That's you been wrong Takato... You're stronger than you know..."


"Remember 4 years ago in the Digital World. You're the first person prove Digimon and Human can fight together. When Jeri got capture you never give up to save her. When Black said it's too late to save Rika, you refuse to believe."

"You did many things Takato, you made the impossible into possible. The only problem is you always thought you fight alone." Grani said to him.

Suddenly he felt a hands behind him that holding him upward. Turns out it's all of his friends.

"You have your friends besides you. Friends that will support you no matter what happened. If you're feeling weak just use their power to stand up and fight. That's the believe you created in them Takato."

"The believe I... Created?"

"Takato... Do you know why I entrust my wings to you?"


"Because of that fire in your heart. That fire that no one can extinguish or put out. That determination that can get into many obstacles. That believe that can broke down any darkness."

"That's why I entrusted you my power and wings. So you can soar high in the sky. Just like Rika did."

"Rika did? What she entrusted me?" Takato asked.

"Her heart, love, believe, courage and strength. That day she confessed to you she entrusted all of that to you so one day you can use it. Use it to give you a courage in your darkest days."

"So stop being wimp and get up dude!" Kazu grinned.

"Show the D-reaper what you can do!" Kenta smile.

"Let them know who you are!" Ryo said.

"If Rika is so stubborn to wake up then hold her hand and scream!" Henry said.

"Show her your courage Takato!" Leomon encourage.

"Don't let that string of bond connect both of you cut off! Do what ever it takes to keep that bond!" Jian smiled.

"Grab her hand and never let go!" Yamaki shouted.

"Giving up is not in your personality right Takato?" Terriermon smield.

"Don't worry if you look stupid at your action!" Takehiro said to him.

"That's the Takato we all know!" Mei smiled.

"Keep that fire in your eyes!" Renamon said firmly.

Takato clenched his eyes.

"Let out a roar!" Guilmon said.

He firmly close his mouth.

"And soar high!" His friend shouted.

Takato suddenly open his eyes with fire of determination in it.

Suddenly Jeri's figure appeared and put a hand on his back.

"C'mon! Rika is waiting for her Goggle-head to save her!" Jeri smile before giving him a encourage look.

"Go get her Takato!" Jeri shouted.

"WE BELIEVE IN YOU!!!" All of them shouted. With all their might, they push Takato upward, away from the darkness. As Takato slowly pushing above, Takato's eyes widen and it filled with hope again as he sees the light again.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Takato screamed as he going high above the surface.



With a burst, Takato suddenly fly above in the river, he twirl above it. Rika gasp before she turn around and saw Takato twirling above.

"Ta...ka...to...?" Rika whispered.

Takato landed in the ground and pant.

"No... Not yet..." Takato pant as he grip at the necklace in his hand before he look at Rika.

"I'm not ready to letting you go just yet! Rika!" Takato shouted. Rika just stared at him in real shock and couldn't believe at her seeing.

"H-How... How can you still fight?" Rika whispered then Takato chuckled before he wear the necklace in his neck again.

"I'm a Goggle-head so it's no surprising I'm very this stubborn." Takato grinned. Rika shook her head.

"I... I don't understand..." Rika whispered before she clenched her fist and look at him in raged.

"You're just a human! Where did you get this all power from! Just what makes you push harder?!!!" Rika shouted.

"Because i love her!" Takato shouted that stunned D-reaper Rika.

"Love... Her?" Rika whispered.

"Just like i said before. Even i explained to you over and over a cold-hearted monster like you wouldn't never going to understand what it takes to fight and protect for someone who you're truly love!" Takato said.

"The strength and courage that will push you to your limit." Takato said before gripping at the necklace in his neck.

"A love that will make you stronger." Takato said to her.

"So that's why no matter what you do, you wouldn't never going to understand that D-reaper. Because all you know is destruction! You don't know what it means to protect and fight for someone!!!" Takato shouted at her.

Suddenly a bones started to form at her right hand and goes at her right side face.

"Emotions are useless. Their nothing but weaknesses that pull you to your demise! That what makes you weak!" Rika shouted.

"No! That weaknesses you're talking about is the strength what keep us pushing harder! And what's going to help me saving Rika from you!!!" Takato shouted.

"Shut up! Rika here Rika there! I'm tired enough to hear all your babbling! It's time to finish you!!!" Rika screamed. Takato suddenly gripped at the necklace before a red aura starting to form him. Rika gasped in shock as her eyes widen.

"H-His D-ark! It's... It's giving him power!!!" Rika thought as she continue to stare at the red aura around Takato.

"Takato... What are you?... Where... How did you even manage to do all of this? Where did all this power from?" Rika gasped in shock then Takato glare at her.

"Like i said... Rika... Because i love her!" Takato shouted at her before suddenly the image of Rika smiling at him flashes to his mind.

"My determination of saving her, the love that connecting us both. That's what giving me a reason to fight! The feeling that giving me a power!" Takato shouted.

"And because of that feeling I'm here!So that's why i said I'm going to die first before i let you be alone Rika! I rather die or live as a fool than letting you go on your own pain! I'll keep my hand reach out for you until you grab my hand! There's no way I'll let you go Rika!!!" Takato screamed as the red aura around him going crazy.

"So... this is Takato's true power... the power of... love?" D-reaper Rika thought.

"Unbelievable... He do all of this... He break his limit just what... To save the girl he loves?... He willing to go this far for her?" D-reaper Rika before she shake her head then she glare at him as she had enough.

"All of your words... It's useless after i finally kill you!" Rika shouted.

"Take your worst shot!" Takato shouted. They both stared at each other as the leave starting to fall down in the river. Slowly the leaf falling down until it hit the river and make motion. Takato and Rika's eyes widen before both of them charge at each other.

"RAAAAAAHHH!!!" As they both started to lunch punches and kicks to each other.

"Rika do you remember when i gave that necklace to you?"

"You mean that piece of trash? Yes i do. And this is the most useless thing i ever seen."

"Do you know the reason why gave it to you in the first place?"

"Let me guess. To appreciate me being with you."

"No... Much deeper."


"It symbolize that you're the half of me! That without you I'm not whole! You're one side of me that make me who i am!"

"What? What are you talking about this time?!"

"Because of you i learned to get stronger, you always behind my back wherever i go and i do the same. We have each other's back. Over the years we got closer to the point we became best friends! We have connections to each other. I thought to myself it's a natural and I'm glad that you're my friend without knowing we slowly falling in love on each other."

"That's why i will never gave up on you Rika! I will keep to reach my hand to you until the very end! I will never going to leave you no matter what you say or do!"

"Takato... Your connection you have on Rika is pointless! At the end of the day you're still that naive boy!"

"Maybe that's who i am!"

"Tch! You're starting to get on my nerves! I can't wait to finish you off and cut that ties you have on her!"

"You wouldn't cut the ties that connects us! I won't let you!"

"Let me? You couldn't even save her when i took over her body!"

"You're right... But this time... I'm not just gonna say it. But I'm gonna do it!"

Rika stumbled back before managing to gain her balance after Takato punch her. She pant as she felt the rage inside of her starting to rise. Takato running towards her with his right first cover in red aura. Rika charge back with her left fist cover in blue aura. They both pulled away their fist and punch each other in the face. They send away but not long after they both start landed each punches and kicks. No more holding back.



At the Tsukuba Communication Research, "Jeri" is currently standing at top of the rooftop. Staring at the sunset with sadness and worry.

"Jeri?" The voice called her. Jeri turn around and saw "Henry" standing behind her.

"Is something wrong?" Henry asked then "Jeri" look in front of her.

"It's already sunset Henry and neither Takato or Rika came back. I'm starting to get worried that they might be..." Jeri said as she couldn't bring herself say the word "die". Henry walk towards beside her and put a hand in her shoulder.

"Don't worry Jeri. You know Takato and Rika and how stubborn they are. I'm pretty even death will be having a hard time chasing those two. Just trust them." Henry said then Jeri look down in sadness. Henry couldn't stand seeing Jeri this sad.

"If it makes you feel better, before the the sunrise we'll go there as soon as possible." Henry said to her. Jeri look at him and nod with a smile. Henry and Jeri look at the sun as they both thought.

"Takato... Rika... Please don't do something reckless or much... Die..."


Cut off on Arakawa bridge, As their battle going on. Rika and Takato now is weak and couldn't even managed to launch a punch to each other properly. Takato and Rika as they both pant walk closer at each other and raised their fist but unfortunately, since both of them have no strength anymore, they failed to launch the punch and collapsed to each other's shoulder instead. They both stay like that for a second before slowly Rika's hair tie snapped and Takato's Goggles elastic band started to loose on his head then slowly Rika's hair fall down completely and Takato's goggles fall in the river. They pant as they stay like that. Slowly Rika push Takato away and they both stumbled to stay on their ground. They froze, waiting for another one to make a first move. Slowly their fist clenched, as the aura starting to form, and raised their fist before punching each other.



The impact was too powerful that send them to each side of the place. Takato crash in the ground while Rika crash in the wall. They both pant, tired enough that they can feel their body begging them to stop. They both feel that one second they can collapsed. Takato and Rika raised their heads and look at each other.

"Takato..." Rika whispered.

"Rika..." Takato whispered.

Slowly the two started to get in their knees and managed to stand up despite their body ready to gave up. Slowly they reach out their hands. Takato reach out his right hand while Rika is left.





Suddenly, with all the strength and power they have, they both created a two powerful orbs in each other's hands as they stared at each other.



Suddenly a memory of a park where Takato and Rika first meet come up but it fades a away just a second before it retreats by two person battling. They both clenched their teeth, eyes widen, and shouted with top of their lungs.


They both run with the orb is still their hands. As they slowly starting to get close to each other, memories started to play. How Takato dream of Rika, When they first met and in the parking lot, how Takato save Rika from Ice Devimon, When they get to the digital world, when Rika demand Takato if he put a hearts on the message while Takato is looking away, the time Takato first Biomerge, The time Rika first Biomerge and save him, when they're at the bridge, when they're at the tunnel where Takato compliment Rika about her new shirt, when Rika and Takato tried to save Jeri, the times Takato and Rika hanging out, the time Takato catch Rika from falling in the sky from the great Omega, the time they're at the train and holding each other, the time they both confessed to each other, when they go at the Transilvania and sleeping together, when Takato looking at raging fox Rika battling VenomMyotismon, when they both have their first date as a couple, the time Takato stared at Fox Stream Rika, when Takato managed to calm her down and hugging her, when Rika scolding him because of his Goggle-head act of running without thinking, when they're saving Jeri, the time they both face to face each other as the D-reaper took Rika's body, the time Takato promise Rika she will save her from the D-reaper And the last the time Takato gave Rika the half heart necklace. All of that shown as they starting to get closer at each other then it came back at present day where Takato and Rika battling.


A flash of 13 years Takato shown in 17 years old Takato in same position as him.


A flash of 13 years Rika shown in 17 years old Rika in same position as her.

They both reach out their hands and the two powerful orbs collide together battling, shaking, battling which attack is gonna win. Suddenly a flashback came through.


"What are you still doing at ground? Come on stand up Goggle-head!" Rika voice said to him. Takato just look at her, speechless.

"Here." Rika smile before reaching out her hand for him. Takato just stared at her for a second before slowly smiling and reach out his. He grabbed Rika's hand before suddenly a white light surrounding them.



As they both shouted at top of their lungs the the great explosion happened by the two orbs.



"Rika... I love you... That's why whatever result of this battle... We're going to face it... Together..."


At the Arakawa bridge, Rika and Takato was there laying around, unconscious, with the place is totally destroy. Slowly Rika stirred and slowly opening her eyes. What meet her is pain all over her body. Rika groaned before slowly getting on her knees, her body is shaking as she don't have any strength anymore. She notice it was middle night now so she assume she been unconscious for hours. She look up and saw Takato, laying around unconscious too.

"One... More..." Rika whispered while looking up at him before weakly stand up.

"Just... One... More.... Attack... Then it's all over..." Rika whispered while glaring at Takato. Suddenly Takato's finger twitch before it clenched. Rika eyes widen and gasped in shock as she saw Takato slowly getting up on his knees while putting a hand on his right shoulder.

"Takato.... You..." Rika whispered and stunned at her ground. Takato pant before he look up.

"You... Think... You're... Already... Get... Rid... Of... Me?" Takato pant. Rika's eyes widen as her jaw dropped and her whole body shaken in shock and couldn't believe what she was just seeing.

"Why?..." Rika whispered.

"Over and over...." Rika whispered as she look at Takato.

"Over and over and over and over and over..." Rika said before clenching her teeth.

"Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and OVER!!!!!!" Rika shouted before she glare at Takato.

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE!!!!!!" Rika roar at top of her lungs as her voice echo in the place. Suddenly a smile play on Takato's lips.

"Heh... Sorry Rika... But i couldn't do that... And I don't have plan doing that..." Takato smile before looking at her.

"You know Rika... I still remember when you told me i was your first friend." Takato smile as he have a flashback.


"Did you know you're my first friend." Rika smile.


"At that moment i was shock but happy at the same time Rika. And as your friend, no, as the person who love you so much i will stop you and save you from the dark path you're walking on!" Takato shouted at her. Rika clenched her fist in rage.

"Why?.... Why can't you just give up?!... Why can't you just accept it that she's gone?!!!!" Rika shouted.

"WHY WOULD YOU GO SO FAR JUST FOR HER?!!!!! JUST WHY?!!!!" Rika bellowed suddenly Takato look at her.

"You still don't get it do you..." Takato smile before he started to stand up.

"The reason I'm doing this because..." Takato said before looking at her with encouragement.

"I love her!" Takato smile that shocked D-reaper Rika.

"Love? Is this what the true power of love?" Rika whispered. Takato just silently stared at her before suddenly Rika's teeth gritted.

"Such a useless emotion!!!!" Rika shouted.

Suddenly she send a voltages of lightning in him. Takato groaned before he force to kneel down in a surge of lightning at him.

"I'll destroy that love and bond you been talking about! I'll destroy it to pieces!!!!" Rika shouted as she continue to torture Takato. Takato groaned in pain.

"What's the matter? Where's that power you been talking about! Show it to me!" D-reaper Rika shouted. Takato groaned as he trying to keep himself awake from the pain he feeling right now. With all his strength, he slowly stand up for the shock of D-reaper Rika.

"What?" DR Rika gasped. Takato pant before he slowly walk towards her.

"H-How? Just stay down!" Rika shouted before powering up the surge. Takato groaned and stop a bit before he start to walk again towards her.

"Stay... Down!" Rika shouted.

"Takato Matsuki... Is this your power?..." Rika thought in shock. Takato groaned before he start to speak up.

"I know it may sounds weird or crazy but i really meant it. I do love you Rika... ngh!... your smile,... Your laugh and even your temper.... I .... do love.... all of that." Takato smile, trying to get Rika remember the day they both confessed to each other. And you can tell it's working as D-reaper Rika started to groaned.

"What are you doing? Shut up!" D-reaper Rika groaned as her head started to ache.

"I may... not know... what... love is... or what.... am i saying right now.... but... But.... all I'm going to say is.... true.... Ever since you.... ngh!... You.... find out that.... thing is.... inside you, you.... never smile.... and i don't want that to happened." Takato continue.

"Didn't you hear me! I said shut up!!!" Rika cried as if she's having a serious headache. She power up the surge into full power that make Takato crouched in pain.

"I don't.... want you to.... change... because.... Because-argh!.... Because of that.... I want to see you.... smiling!.... because that always..... brightens.... my.... day.... And i.... and i ugh!.... I... i don't want... to.... lose that. More like.... i don't want to lose you.... to anyone or anything." Takato smile. With her left hand Rika hold her head. Still trying to resist Takato's deception, she shook her head vigorously trying to get the memories out of her head.

"It's useless... You can't... Nnnghh!... Save her... She mine... And all mine!!!" D-reaper groaned then Takato look at her.

"Rika... I know you're.... In there... Show the D-reaper... Your ugh!... Your true power!!!" Takato groaned.

"Show the D-reaper who's Rika Nonaka!!!" Takato shouted. Suddenly the D-reaper stop her attacks at Takato and grunted as she clutched her aching head.

"No... Go... Back... To sleep!!!" D-reaper grunted as it close it's left eye before letting out a roar.

"RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" D-reaper screamed at top of it's lungs before looking at Takato by its red right eye.

"You failed. Like i said she will never going back again to you. Rika Nonaka is gone!" D-reaper grinned.

"No... Rika is still there. I can feel it. I believe in her that she will come back and fight!" Takato said.

"Oh really? What makes you think of that?" D-reaper grinned at him then Takato glare at her.

"Because Rika is a fighter! She will continue to fight and never accept a lose! Especially she will not lose to someone like you!" Takato said to her. The D-reaper frown at him.

"This is enough. I had enough of this charade." D-reaper said before she reach out her hand to him.

"No matter what you do. You can't change the destiny. You can't change her fate..." D-reaper said before smirking.

"Her fate to be alone." The D-reaper smirked. Suddenly a dark orb form at her hand and threatening to fire at Takato.

"This is the end for you... Takato Matsuki." D-reaper said. Then Takato look down and close his eyes.

"Any last words?" D-reaper said before Takato smile with his eyes closed.

"Always remember Rika no matter what happened, I'm always.... Love you." Takato smile before the attack release.


Takato gasped before his eyes widen as the attack just went past him. He look behind him then look up and saw the D-reaper's eyes in shock with unbelievable look. In her now open left is the purple eye who filled with hope and love.

"And i love you too Takato." Rika smile.

"H-How... How did you..." D-reaper gasped. Rika scowled before she grabbed her right hand.

"Enough D-reaper... I had enough of you using my body to hurt the people close to me! Especially the person i love!!!" Rika groaned as she and the D-reaper mentally fighting who's gonna take control.

"Look my head was all messed up because i just wake up and my body is much in pain. But that won't stop me destroying you!" Rika groaned before she slowly lifting her right hand while using her left hand.

"W-What are you doing?!" D-reaper shouted at her.

"What i should done in the first place!" Rika groaned.

"Y-You fool! You think I'm just gonna let you lock me away!" D-reaper shouted.

"And you think I'm just gonna let you roam free?! Using my body?! No! You control my body once and i would never going to let that happened again!" Rika shouted.

Rika, with all her might, she slowly brought her right hand to her face using her left hand, for D-reaper's surprised. The D-reaper and Rika fight mentally and physically. D-reaper try to stop Rika's hand by trying to control her mind again but Rika's mind didn't let it. She continue to brought her hands to her face. The D-reaper's eyes widen as it take a hint what Rika's planning to do.

"Stop! If you lock me away all my power will be lock away too! You will be weak! Being the strongest is what you want right?! You want power!!!" The D-reaper shouted then Rika scoffed at it.

"I never ask you or your power in the first place! I would nothing but love to erase you from exitance!" Rika groaned before she grabbed the mask with her right hand.

"STOP!!!" The D-reaper shouted.

"RAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Rika screamed before she break the mask in her face. Slowly her right eye starting to turn into her original purple eyes and the bones around her is starting to crumble. As trace of D-reaper is gone, Rika slowly fall on her knees and fall to the ground. As soon Rika fall down Takato fall down next. With her right side face she look at Takato who's looking at her too.

"Sorry..." Rika apologize. Takato just smiled at her.

"No need to... I'm just glad you're back..." Takato smiled then Rika smile back closing her eyes.

"Stupid Goggle-head..." Rika smile. Takato just gave her a weak smile then after that two of them passed out. Then everything goes black.

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