بواسطة Guardlet08

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4 years later after the D-reaper and Parasimon attack, the Tamers reunited to their Digimon. Now the Tamers i... المزيد

I'M BACK!!!!!


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بواسطة Guardlet08




Japan, Shinjuku

In Japan Shinjuku, it was night while the moon shining in the dark sky. In front of Hypnos a portal suddenly appeared and a tall man with mask wearing a black clothes came out.

"Hypnos, this is where all started." Black said before walking towards the main door.

"How about let's give them some nice knock." Black said before he raised his hand and a lightning surge created at his palm.



"Sir! We detect an intruder alert in the main base of the building!" Riley report.

"Let me see who it is!" Yamaki said while looking at his monitor. Suddenly a CCTV camera show Black at the hall while walking towards the facility.

"It's Black!" Jian said.

"Quickly call the Tamers right away!" Yamaki said to his men.

Black is currently walking towards facility. He look up as he saw a big metal door. He open his right palm and summon his crimson blade.

He suddenly slash the door before walking in.

"Ah there it is." Black said while looking at the time car Jian used to make to the past. Black start to walk towards at it and touch it.

"I never thought a person like him would come out an advance car like this." Black said while looking at the car.

"Pyro Sphere!"

Black turn his head and saw a red blaze coming towards him. He quickly summon a hazard circle to protect himself. The attack made contact on the circle that explode and create a smoke. When the smoke is gone, Black can clearly see his attacker. In front of him is Takato Matsuki, Rika Nonaka, Henry Wong, Jeri Katou and their partners Guilmon, Renamon, Terriermon and Leomon standing firmly.

"Surprise to see us?" Rika said to him then Black chuckled.

"Actually, I know all of you will come but I didn't expect this fast." Black chuckled.

"We don't wanna keep you waiting especially when you don't pick a time to attack." Henry scowled at him.

"Where your other friends? Don't tell me they're still asleep?" Black smirked.

"We're enough to stop you and what ever your planning!" Takato said.

"As always, showing all bravery." Black said before he rush towards at them.

Leomon rush at him and their sword clashed. Black push him and kick him in the stomach. Renamon start to charge towards him and try to punch him but Black caught her fist while backing away and grabbed her then slammed her towards to Guilmon and Terriermon.

"Argh!" The three Digimon gasped.

Leomon charge at him and slash his sword left and right but Black just back away and quickly jump away from him.

"You Tamers really won't go down without a fight." Black said.

"We're gonna keep fighting until we stop you!" Takato shouted.

"Besides what are you even doing here in the facility in the first place!" Jeri demand then Black look at her

"Oh nothing, this place kinda reminds me one event happened in the past 4 years ago." Black said that confused the Tamers.

"Happened four years ago? But the only happens there is the D-reaper's first attack in the real world!" Henry exclaimed.

"What are you planning to do this time Black." Rika growled to him then Black chuckled.

"Why don't you guess." Black said to them.

"Enough! I'm tired enough of your games!" Rika shouted.

"Careful, the D-reaper might come out." Black said to her.

"And speaking of D-reaper, why don't we all look back where all of this started." Black said before suddenly a black light started to form at his body.

"What is he doing?" Jeri said.

"I don't know but i have bad feeling about it." Henry said.

"Why don't you all of you follow me. If you can." Black said before a black light consume him.

"He's getting away!" Takato shouted before him and Guilmon running towards the light.

"Takato wait don't!" Henry shouted.

"That idiot!" Rika shouted before following her idiotic boyfriend. Renamon quickly follow her Tamer.

"Henry we have to follow!" Jeri shouted.

"Yeah Henry! We can't just abandoned those two!" Terriermon shouted. Henry look at them and nod before all of them follow their friends. Just in time, Jian and Yamaki came on the room.

"What is going on!" Jian shouted while covering his face with his arms. Takato suddenly stop when the light is going through them.

"This gonna be bad!!!" Takato shouted.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All of them screamed before the light consume all of them.

"Guys! No!!!" Jian shouted. Suddenly the light is gone and all that left is Takato's Hytera.

"They're gone!" Yamaki gasped. Jian saw the Hytera and walk towards there and grabbed it.

"Black, what did you do this time." Jian whispered while looking at the Hytera.



Suddenly the light appeared in the sky where the Tamers appeared. Takato look down and saw they're in the air.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" All of them screamed while they're getting closer to the ground.

"Guys! We need to do something or else we're gonna be flat as a pancake!" Takato screamed.

"Takato! If i survive remind me to kill you!!!" Rika shouted.

"Momentai!" Terriermon shouted.

"There's no way we're going to calm Terriermon if we're gonna fall to our death!" Henry shouted at his partner.

"Rika save me!" Jeri shouted while hugging her.

"Eh?" Rika said dumbfounded.

"I don't even know how to save myself why is she depending on me!?" Rika thought.

"Here it comes!!!" Takato shouted before all of them fall in the trees.


"OW! Well that hurt." Takato groaned and try to stand up but felt something is at top of him.

"Guilmon! Get off of me!" Takato groaned.

"Sorry Takato!" Guilmon said before getting off on him. Takato groaned before standing up.

"That's one heck of the ride, remind me not to do that again." Takato groaned.

"Does anyone fine?" Henry asked.

"I'm fine!" Jeri said while Leomon helping her.

"Me too." Rika said while standing up.

"Well I'm glad no ones got hurt." Takato smiled. Rika snapped and turn to him with angry look before stomping towards at him.


"OW!!!" Takato yelp when suddenly Rika punch him in the head.

"No ones got hurt thanks to you! Running off like that without thinking is really a Goggle-headed act Takato!" Rika shouted.

"Ow! Sorry Rika." Takato said while rubbing his sore head.

"Better be! Thanks to you we got transport into the place we don't know!" Rika said to him.

"Um... Guys?" Jeri called that makes Takato and Rika look at her.

"What's the matter Jeri?" Henry asked.

"Does this place, really familiar to you?" Jeri asked then all of them look around.

"Hey you're right, we're at the park!" Takato said.

"How do we get here?" Rika asked.

"I don't know but not only that is weird." Leomon said then all of them look at him.

"What are you talking about Leomon?" Guilmon asked.

"Did someone switch the on switch?" Terriermon asked.

"Huh?" They all asked at him.

"What are you talking about this time Terriermon? What do you mean by that?" Henry asked.

"Look up and see for yourself!" Terriermon said. They all look up and saw the day sky.

"Hey it's day! But how! The last time i remember it's night right?" Takato said.

"Something is not right here." Rika said.

"Guys!" Jeri shouted then all of them look at here.

"What's the matter Jeri?" Henry asked seeing his girlfriend shaking like she saw a ghost.

"Look..." Jeri whispered while pointing her finger in front of her.

They all follow her finger then they gasp as their eyes widen and their face go pale.

"No way..."

"It can't be..."


They all gasped when they saw in front of them is a giant red substance in front of them.

"It's... It's the D-reaper! But how?!" Takato gasped then Henry look at Rika.

"Rika... Does the D-reaper is still inside of you?" Henry asked then Rika hold her stomach and nod.

"Yeah... I can still feel it inside of me." Rika said.

"If the D-reaper is inside of Rika then how the D-reaper is out there like happened four years ago!" Jeri exclaimed. Henry look around him and start to realize.

"Guys I think i have an idea what happened to us or where we are." Henry said then all of them look at him.

"Really then what is it? Mind sharing on us Henry." Terriermon said.

"I think... I think we time travel in time." Henry said. There's a big silence in the place but only cut off when Rika laughed.

"Pffftt!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!! Time travel!? Hahahahaha!!!! Good one Henry you nearly got me!!!" Rika laughed but seeing all of them is not laughing she stop and her smile dropped.

"Wait. You're SERIOUS!!!" Rika shouted.

"Of course I'm serious Rika!" Henry sigh.

"Time travel!? Like Jian did!?" Takato asked.

"Yeah. I guess when we got succumb by that black light it brings us where the D-reaper first attack the real world." Henry said then Rika step in.

"Okay, let's just say we managed to time travel but the question is HOW IN THE EARTH WE'RE GOING TO GO BACK!!!!!????" Rika exclaimed at him.

"Rika have a point Henry, how we're going back to our own timeline?" Jeri said then Henry look at her.

"I don't know but first we need to find Black." Henry said to them.

"Why?" Renamon asked.

"If he managed time travel here. I have a hint that he's planning to change the history." Henry said.


Meanwhile in the city, there's a four Mega's is currently battling the Agent D-reaper Bubbles.

Shield of the Just!” Gallantmon shouted before destroying a row of ADR Bubbles.

“Spirit Strike!Sakuyamon shouted before releasing three color of foxes.

“Mega Barrage!Megagargomon shouted before launching a pack of missiles.

“Thunder Clap!” Justimon shouted while releasing a voltage of lightning in the ground.

All the ADR Bubbles got destroy before some of them arrived again.

(ADR Bubbles)

Ugh! This will never gonna end! They still coming! Rika shouted.

We can't gave up! We have to defeat them and save Jeri!” Takato shouted.

Easy to say! Remember they still have back up coming!” Henry shouted.

"Less Talking more Fighting!" Ryo shouted.

“You're the one who talk Hero boy!” Rika shouted.

“Ryo is right! We have to fight them no matter what!” Takato shouted.

“Right!” All of then agreed before going to the fight the ADR Bubbles. Unknowing Black is watching them at top of the broken building.

"They maybe in Mega form but i can say they're nothing to compare on those four." Black said while looking at the fight.

"Might as well gave them a proper greet from their future." Black said before jumping on the building.

RAAAHHHHH!!!!Gallantmon shouted before destroying one ADR Bubbles.

That's the last one!” Gallantmon said.

Great now let's go get Jeri.” Takato said and was about to summon Grani when Megagargomon cut him off.

Hey guys check it out!” Megagargomon said while looking in his side. The three Mega's look at their side and saw Black standing there while staring at them.

"Who is that guy?" Ryo asked.

And Most importantly why is he here? Doesn't he know this place is dangerous? Sakuyamon said.

Yeah! And what's with the black costume? Is he going to a funeral or something? Terriermon said.

Um sir? Why are you here? I suggest you leave here or you're going to be hurt”. Gallantmon said.

"Even though you four are just children. You still an annoying pests." Black said to them.

Um... What? Takato asked.

Looks like we got a creeper here!” Terriermon said.

Terriermon!Henry scold.

What? It's true!” Terriermon said.

"Look mister, you better get out of here or the D-reaper might hurt you." Ryo said to him. Black just chuckled at them.

"Actually i was looking for all of you." Black said.

"What?" They all asked.

Look you creep. I don't know who are you or why you're here but what do you want from us?” Rika demand. Black stared at her then open his palm.

"Let me show you." Black said before disappearing in his spot. The past Tamers gasped.

He disappeared!Megagargomon shouted.

Suddenly Black appeared in front of Gallantmon.

Huh!?” Gallantmon gasped. Black open his palm and reach out on Gallantmon. As he continue to charge at Gallantmon his the small hazard symbol in his palm glow and he went pass through him. Inside of Takato's red sphere Black suddenly appeared in front of him. Before Takato can act Black suddenly grab his neck and push him out of Gallantmon's body. Black stand there, holding Takato by his neck while Gallantmon's body is behind him. Suddenly Gallantmon's body glow before De-Digivolving into Guilmon.

"What just happened!" Ryo gasped.

He pull Takato out of his Mega form!” Sakuyamon gasped. Takato coughed his holding Black wrist as he look at him.

“Who... Are you? And... Why... Are you doing this?” Takato coughed. Black look at him.

"Who i am is not important because I'm gonna destroy all of you in just a second but i will tell you the reason. You see in the future you Tamers are a big obstacles to my plans especially you Takato Matsuki, you're the most annoying one." Black said then Takato coughed when Black tighten his grip in his neck.

“Fu... Ture?” Takato coughed.

"Yes future. That's why i need to erase all of you in history. With you Tamers gone no can interfere my plan destroying the whole world." Black said.

"Let him go!" Justimon shouted while rushing towards at Black. Black turn his head and reach out his palm to him.


Justimon suddenly felt a great throb in his body. Suddenly a blue energy ball left out on his body before he de-biomerge into Ryo and Cyberdramon.

"What is that?" Ryo gasped.

"Ryo... My energy... It's drained!" Cyberdramon gasped.

"What?" Ryo asked before looking to him.

"Don't attempt to fight me because i can assure all of you just going to lose." Black said before he catch Justimon's energy.

"Don't brag there!!!" Sakuyamon shouted before flying towards him. Black just sigh.

"How stubborn." Black said. He raised his hand in Megagargomon and Sakuyamon before he activate his power.


Megagargomon and Sakuyamon suddenly felt a throb in them before a green and yellow energy came out in them. As soon the energy left in their body they both De-biomerge into two human kids and two Digimon.

“How... He do that...” Rika gasped. Black took their energy by his hand before looking at them.

"Like i said it's no use fighting against me. I didn't break any sweat with you four." Black said to them.

“Tell me. Are you one of the D-reaper's agent?” Henry asked at him. Black just frowned at him.

"Don't you dare compare me with that creature. I'm nothing to do with that piece of data." Black said.

"Well certain someone does." Black said as he look at Rika, Rika just stared at him confused.

Guilmon, Renamon, Terriermon and Cyberdramon stand up and charge at him. But Black raised his hands one more and two hazard circle form it between them.

“What is this?” Guilmon asked.

Suddenly a black lightning that contains high voltage surge four of them. The four Digimon screamed in pain as their Tamers just watch them helpless.





The four Tamers shouted. A seconds later the two hazard symbol disappeared and the four Digimon fall down.

"What did you do to them!" Ryo shouted.

"Don't worry they're just unconscious and still alive... For now." Black said before he turn his head to Takato.

"Now to deal with you four." Black said before raising his hand in front of Takato's face. Takato stared at him scared.

“No Takato!” Rika shouted.

"Fist of the Beast King!"

Black stop and suddenly let go Takato before he got send away by shielding himself from the mysterious attack.

"Leave them alone Black!" The voice shouted. Black look up and saw the four future Tamers and Digimons staring at him.

"They had nothing to do with this!" Jeri shouted.

"This battle is just between you and us! So fight us and not them!" Rika shouted. Black chuckled and deactivate his shield.

"I never thought you Tamers would managed to survive and follow me here in the past! I'm impressed." Black chuckled.

"Like we told you, no matter what you do we're going to stop you even it takes to follow you from the past!" Takato shouted.

"Past. Future. No matter what time we're in, you four are really an annoying pest in my plans." Black said before a black mist cover him.

"But... Now's not our time to fight. I have to do something first." Black said before he disappeared.

"Tch! He disappeared again." Takato said.

"Don't mind him for now Takato, we need to check them first." Henry said then Takato look at him.

"Who?" Takato asked.

"Them." Henry said while looking at his in front. They all look forward and saw their past selves helping their Digimon.

"Hey it's us! In the past!" Rika exclaimed.

"Takatomon! It's you but so little." Guilmon said.

"It's no surprising we managed to meet ourselves since we're here in the place the D-reaper attack." Renamon replied.

"Man i look handsome!" Terriermon grinned.

"Oi! Are you guys okay?!" Takato shouted. The past Tamers look up.

“Careful they maybe ally with that guy.” Henry said.

“But they save us.” Takato said to him.

“Not all people is angel Takato, like the guy we met before. We thought he's just an civilian but turns out he wants to destroy us.” Rika said to him.

“Ah! You're right.” Takato said. Suddenly the future Tamers get down and walk towards to them.

"Hey did he hurt you?" Jeri asked before stepping forward. They all get in the battle position.

"No need to be on your guard. We're not here to hurt you." Rika said.

“Pfft! Yeah right! And my D-reaper is my best friend!” Rika scoffed then the future Rika raised an eyebrow.

"Am i that rude when i was little?" Rika asked at Jeri. Jeri just gave her a smile and shrugged.

"Look we're here to help you guys so don't be scared." Takato smiled at them.

“What are we gonna do?” Takato whispered.

“Let's return to the based for now.” Henry said.

"How their blocking our way!" Ryo whispered.

"Hey! What you guys whispering about about?" Rika asked. The past Tamers look at them before “Rika” narrowed her eyes and run up to them. She run up to Takato, who stared at her confused, before she pull her knee and kick future Takato in where the sun don't shine anymore.


Takato screamed in pain, feeling his nuts gets crushed. The future Tamers and Digimons gasped as they look at Takato.

“Quick guys! Run!” Rika shouted. They all nodded before passing through the past Tamers.

"AHHHH!!! AHHHH!!! AHHH!!!" "Takato" screamed with tears in his eyes and jumping there while holding his nuts.

"Hey! Wait a second!" Jeri shouted while looking at them.

"Aaaannnnd! They're gone." Terriermon said.

"I guess they think Black is our ally." Henry said.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Rika said while kneeling down in his injured boyfriend who's holding his nuts while shaking in pain. Henry look at the past Tamers and frowned.

"We need to follow them and protect them from Black." Henry said.

"And how we gonna do that? As you can see they didn't trust us. The little Queenie there even kick Takato between his legs! Which i can tell it really hurts!" Terriermon said while pointing at poor Takato.

"Because they didn't know who we are. We need to introduce ourselves to them." Henry said.

"But isn't that dangerous? We could changed the history." Renamon said to him.

"We have no choice. It's either introduce ourselves to them or Black will change the history for his own sake. Besides all we're going to tell them is our name and not anymore." Henry said.

"Easy to say. Not all of us does have mouth like a parrot!" Terriermon said.

"I... Heard... That..." Takato squeak.

"Henry is right. The less they know the more safer our future will be." Leomon agreed.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Jeri smile.

"Guys... Can... We... Go... Later?... I... Really... Need... Time... To... Recover...." Takato squeak while kneeling down, shaking, and holding his nuts. All of them stared at him and sweat dropping at his situation.

"Uhhh... Sure. Take your time." Henry said while sweat dropping.


At the base, the four Tamers and Digimons managed to go back and they all piling up to discuss what they saw.

"So you're saying this man managed to defeat you four in your mega form without any Digimon?" Janyu said.

“I know it's sounds unbelievable but you have to believe us!” Takato said to him.

“We saw it with our own eyes.” Henry said.

“We even feel it.” Terriermon groaned. The adults looks at each other sigh.

"If it's true how a human being can managed to absorb a Digimons energy." Curly asked.

"Unless he was a data." Shibumi said to them.

"Huh? What do you mean Data?" Daisy asked.

"Yeah, how a human flesh managed to turn into a data? It's just really impossible." Babel said to him. Shibumi walk towards the computer.

"According to my analyzation, in order to data absorb other data it needs to be data itself." Shibumi said to them.

“Just like us, remember when we can't biomerge because here in the real world we're flesh and blood. Some how this man managed to turn himself into a data?” Henry asked.

“Great, another problem to think.” Rika groaned.

"Okay let's just say this man is half data but the question is who is he and what is he doing here?" Yamaki said to think.

"I think we can answer that question." The voice said. They all gasped and turn to the room only see the future Tamers and Digimons looking at them.

"Is those guys again in the city!" Ryo said to them.

“Okay, what do you need this time!” Rika shouted.

"Hey take it easy there! Look we're not here to hurt you in fact we're here to help you not only defeat Black but also the D-reaper." Rika said to them. All the past people gasped and look at them confused.

"What? Help us? And how you're gonna do that? Just who are you all?" Yamaki said to them. They all look at each before smiling. Takato step up and grinned at them.

"I'm Takato Matsuki!" Takato smiled.

"My name is Rika Nonaka." Rika smirked.

"I know it's kinda impossible but I'm Henry Wong." Henry said to them.

"And last but not the least I am Jeri Katou!" Jeri grinned.

"And this is our Digimon, Guilmon, Renamon, Terriermon and Leomon." Takato grinned.

"In short we're you four years from now on." Rika smiled.

"EHHHHHHH!!????!!!!" All of them shouted.

The people in the room is stunned before speaking up.

“W-What? But that's impossible!” Takato said.

“How you guys our future selves!” Rika shouted.

"Have you heard the term time travel?" Henry said to them.

"Dude! Like happens in the movie!" Kazu shouted.

"Well sort of." Jeri said.

"But the difference were in the future, REAL time travelers." Terriermon grinned.

"And we're to help you to save your own timeline." Renamon said.

"And to stop Black by changing it." Rika said.

The people just stay there and silence while trying to process new information. The future Tamers just sweat drop at the death silent.

"Um i think we broke them guys." Jeri sweat drop.

"J-Jeri... It's that really you?" Mr. Katou asked to her. Jeri look at her past father and smile.

"Yes dad, it's me Jeri..." Jeri sadly smiled. Suddenly Mr. Katou run up to her and hugged her tight, for Jeri's shocked.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry if i was so strict to you... I should pay much more attention to you and if i do none of this would happened... You wouldn't be on that monster." Mr. Katou cried. Jeri just smiled and hugged him back.

"It's okay dad. I forgive you. It wasn't your fault and I'm pretty sure my old self will say the same thing too." Jeri smile then pulled away.

"Besides look at me! I'm okay now and much more cheerful than before! See!" Jeri said while giving him her cheerful smiled. Mr. Katou just smiled at his daughter's antics.

“THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!!” Takato shouted before running off towards at himself.

”Wow! Are you really me!? You're so cool! I'm so cool! Tell what else i can do!? Did i became so popular!? Tell me! Tell me!” “Takato” shouted. "Takato" sweat drop at his past self antics before looking at "Rika".

"Hey Rika? Am i used to be like this when i was a little?" Takato asked. Rika smirked and cross her arms.

"What do you think Goggle-head." Rika grinned.

"Hey Takato tell me what i become in the future?" Kazu asked in excitement while pointing at himself.

"Well you're still you." Takato smirked.

"Hey what is supposed that mean!" Kazu shouted.

"Figure it out." Takato smirked.

"Tell me, if you four are in the future how did you get here in the future in the first place?" Yamaki asked. Suddenly the future Tamers and Digimons look at Takato with deadpan look.

"Why can you guess it but I'll give you a hint. Some GOGGLE-HEADED idiot there just run towards the anonymous light without thinking and now here we are. In the past." Rika said while looking at Takato with typical scolding look. "Takato" look away while blushing in embarrassment.

"Oh come on Rika! I told you I'm sorry about that!" Takato said.

“Why I'm not surprise.” Rika sarcastically said.

"But talking about puberty, you four really change into a fine man and woman!" Janyu grinned. The four future Tamers smiled.

"Oh, well sometimes you need to grow up." Takato nervously grinned. All of them smiled then suddenly they noticed something.

"LEOMON?!" The past tamers shouted.

“H-How are you alive!?” Takato shouted.

“Yeah, Beelzemon destroyed you!” Henry shouted.

"Yes but someone bring him back." Jeri smiled.

“Who is it?” Takato asked.

"Well am not allowed to tell who is it but i can tell you it's one of my close "friend"." Jeri smile while slightly looking at Henry.

“Whoever is it i hope they came. Our Jeri is so sad when she lost Leomon and... i didn't managed to save him or her....” Takato said while looking down. Suddenly "Jeri" pat his head.

“Don't worry Takato, i or she will be alright trust me.” Jeri smile then suddenly “Takato” blushed then Jeri smirked.

“Besides, i already have someone believing me.” Jeri smile.

“Eh? Someone?” Takato asked then Jeri smile sweetly.

"My boyfriend of course." Jeri smile.

"EHHHH!!??! BOYFRIEND!!!???" The past Tamers shouted including the adults.

"Jeri you have a boyfriend!?" Kazu shouted.

"Of course i have! We've been together for a month now." Jeri smile then Rika tapped her shoulder.

"Jeri i thought we shouldn't tell anything about our future to them? What are you doing?" Rika asked.

"Oh come on Rika i never tell them who is it." Jeri smirked.

"What about you Takato? Did you have a girlfriend?" Mei smirked then Takato blushed before slightly looking at Rika.

"Eh? Um.... W-Well... I do." Takato blushed.

"What!!! You do!?" They all shouted.

"S-Since when!?" Kazu shouted.

"Two months ago." Takato smiled.

"Really!? Can you tell me who she is?!" Mei asked excited.

"EH? Why?" Takato asked.

"Because i want to know who's gonna be my future daughter-in-law and gonna give birth in my grandchildren!" Mei squeal. Suddenly "Rika's" eyes widen and her face suddenly turn completely red. The future Tamers snicker before Jeri elbow her a little. Rika look at her and gave her a "don't start with me" glare at her.

"W-What!? We're just dating in two months! It's really early for that!" Takato shouted while his face is red.

“I don't know, Goggle-head having a girlfriend? It's kinda interesting.” Rika smirked while looking at the future Takato.

"Oh trust me, if we tell you who is Takato's girlfriend. It's gonna be awkward." Jeri grinned while looking away. “Rika” look at her in confused.

“Really? How come?” Rika asked.

"Is Takato's girlfriend are here in this room?" Kenta asked.

"Maybe, maybe not." Jeri smirked a little.

"Sorry but our mouths are shut. Even me i was so surprised about it!" Terriermon grinned.

“Now i really want to know who is she!” Terriermon whined.

"Anyway, if you can't tell who is she can you describe her son?" Takehiro asked. Future Takato smiled at him and nod.

"Let's see she is a rough girl but sweet at the same time. She have a beautiful hair and gorgeous eyes. Her skin is so soft and her smile! *Sigh* It's beautiful that if she just a little my day is complete!" Takato explained like a love struck boy. Jeri leaned forward at Henry.

"Henry, look at Rika! Her face is red as tomato!" Jeri whispered. Henry look at Rika and saw that she is looking away but they can still see her face that so red.

"Yeah i see it." Henry whispered.

"Stupid Goggle-head..." Rika thought while blushing so hard.

"What about you dear? Did you have a boyfriend?" Seiko asked at her future granddaughter. Rika look at her.

"Sorry grandma but that's kinda personal." Rika said to her.

"Aw come on Rika, you can tell us and I want to meet him!" Rumiko smiled while nudging her daughter.

"Mom! I can't tell...!" Rika said.

"Please i just want to know!" Rumiko said.

"Mom...!" Rika groaned.

"Actually Rika have a boyfriend of her own." Jeri smirked.

"Jeri!!!" Rika shouted while blushing a little.

"What? It's true!" Jeri smirked.

"My little girl has grown up!" Rumiko squeal before hugging her. Rika groaned at her mother's antics.

“Really i did have a boyfriend? How!?” Rika asked.

"I don't know, i just fall in love to him." Rika shrugged.

"What!? Someone fall in love in Rika!? Oh man! Whoever that man must be crazy or insane!!!" Kazu shouted.

"Maybe he's just in love!" Takato said while still offended of what Kazu said to him.

"Maybe but Rika!? Man the world must be ending! I wonder who is that crazy no more insane man!!!" Kazu shouted. Takato frowned at him.

"Maybe it was me Wildcat." Ryo grinned.

“In your dreams! As if i would fall in love on you!... Right?” Rika asked at her future self.

"I rather die than dating hero boy there." Rika scowled then “Rika” grinned.

“Glad to know that to myself!” Rika grinned.

"But can you really help us out?" Yamaki asked then Takato grinned.

"Don't worry! As long we're here no D-reaper can destroy the world! Because we're from the future and the way to defeat is-!"


"Don't get carried away Takato!" Rika shouted after she stop him by punching his head. Takato hold his lump and look at Rika with little tears at his eyes.

"Ouch Rika...! That hurt you know..." Takato groaned.

“Well at least we know she still never change!” Terriermon said.

"True, in fact she became much more violent." Terriermon said.

"I'm just right here! I can hear both of you!" Rika shouted.

“By the way, what should we call to each other?” Henry asked to them.

"Eh?" The future Tamers look at him confused.

“I mean, we're all the same but in different timeline. I'm just curious what will called to each other.” Henry said to them.

"Hey you're right! I didn't think of that through!" Takato said before putting a hand on his chin.

"Don't think Takato, your Goggle-headed brain wouldn't think of something." Rika tease at her boyfriend.

"Hey!" Takato said, offended.

"How about let's just call each other by our names, and tell the bigger one or small one to specify." Henry smile at them.

"Hey that's a great idea! What do you think guys?" Jeri asked.

"That's fine to me." Takato smile.

"And works for me. I think that's a great way to call each other. Isn't that right, mini Goggle-head." Rika grinned while ruffling “Takato's” hair.

“Ack! Rika! S-Stop that!” Takato groaned. "Rika" just laughed at him.

Meanwhile at the outside the building they are in, Black is currently standing there while watching them from a far.

"So that's how you're going to play huh? Well two can play this game Tamers." Black said before looking at the D-reaper core.

"First, i better get some comrade of my own." Black said before disappearing.


At the D-reaper core, 13 years old Jeri saw there. Sitting while curling like a ball with Calumon besides her.

"Jeri, please don't be sad..." Calumon said to her but Jeri just sit there in depressed.

"Aww... What should i do?" Calumon said before looking at Beelzemon, who's unconscious.

"Beelzemon is having a nap while Jeri is so sad what should i do?" Calumon said to himself.

"Nothing. Because whatever you do it will be useless." A voice said to him. Calumon turned around and saw Black standing there.

"Hello mister! How did you get in?" Calumon asked. Black look at him before Jeri.

"How pity. Losing someone really important to you is really hurt Jeri Katou. I've been through on that." Black said before narrowing his eyes.

"But unfortunately, I'm not weak as you." Black said before looking up and saw Beelzemon unconscious.

"How pathetic..." Black said. Suddenly an red cords try to attack him behind but he just stand there and summon a hazard circle to shield himself. He turn around and look at the Kernel.

"I know you're here and i can feel your presence. So how about come out from your hiding. It's kinda rude not greeting your guest." Black said while staring in front of him. Suddenly a tall woman with wings slowly rising in front of him.

(ADR Jeri)

"Scary!!!" Calumon yelp before hiding in back of Jeri.

"Who are you? And how did you get in here?" ADR Jeri said. Black just stared at her before speaking up.

"My name is Black, you can say i came from the future. And I'm here to make a deal on you." Black said then ADR Jeri raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? Why would i make a deal from a human? What benefit i will get?" ADR Jeri asked at him.

"I maybe human but like you i don't care about others feelings. For me, they're just a piece of trash that i need to destroy." Black said to her. ADR Jeri look at him with interest..

"Is that so? Well i may as well hear your deal. Tell me what are you proposing?" ADR Jeri asked then Black look at Jeri.

"First of all why are you keep using this weak girl as your source of energy? Why you keep using her emotions to evolve?" Black asked.

"Human feelings are pointless but therefore Jeri Katou's sadness is enough to give the D-reaper a power to go even further. Her sadness and despair proven that she's invaluable." ADR Jeri explained while looking at Jeri.

"Yes but her sadness is nothing. Proven that she was not enough to get yourself stronger to destroy the world and just a piece of useless trash." Black said to her. ADR Jeri look at the Jeri then Black.

"Tell me. What are you trying to say?" ADR Jeri asked at him.

"What if i say there's another being much stronger than her. Stronger that even you're agent will tremble in fear." Black said then ADR Jeri look at him.

"Really then where is that being?" ADR Jeri asked.

"I can give her to you but in one condition, help me get what i want then i will help you destroy the world." Black propose. ADR Jeri stared at him before smirking.

"For a human your feelings are very blurry and unpredictable. I can't analyze anything on you and therefore your kind is difficult to decide for." ADR Jeri said then Black chuckled.

"Like i told you i don't care of others feelings or even my own feelings because i forget it long time ago. So it's no use analyzing me." Black said to her.

"Do we have deal?" Black asked. ADR Jeri stared at him before smirked.

"You're a very interesting subject Black. Yes, we have a deal." ADR Jeri said.

"So what your plan?" ADR Jeri asked.

"Let's go somewhere, adults talk should never hear by children." Black said before he and ADR Jeri started to sunk down in the kernel. Calumon, who's just witnessed everything, just look at them.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Calumon thought while watching them to sink.

Back to the Tamers, they all looking at computer with "Henry" is typing.

"Okay, there it is. The Kernel, AKA the D-reaper's brain." Henry said.

“We know that but why are you showing it to us?” Rika asked.

"Because that's where D-reaper keep me four years ago in my timeline. It use so it can evolve further." Jeri said that shocked everyone.

“You mean Jeri is there? I knew it! Let's go save her!” Takato shouted and was ready to run off but his future self stop him.

“Don't be hasty, remember the agents guarding it not to mention Black on the loose. If we made one move without thinking, bad things may happened.” Takato

"Yeah just look at your future self, running off without thinking and now look where we are." Rika said. Takato look at her with sweat drop.

"You really don't want drop that subject didn't you?" Takato sweat drop.

"I'm just telling the truth." Rika said to him.

“But Jeri is in there...” Takato said.

"Don't worry Takato, we will save her no matter what and besides since we're in the future we know to defeat the D-reaper and destroy it once in for all." Henry smiled. Rika look at Henry and think what he says.

"Destroy the D-reaper..." Rika thought before looking at Takato.

"Takato." Rika called.

"Yes?" The both Takato asked at the same time.

"Um... Takato Matsuki!" Rika try again. Both Takato look at each other and her.

"Um... Rika? We're both Matsuki too..." The future Takato nervous grinned.

“Yeah...” The past Takato said.

"The bigger one!" Rika shouted.

"Oh!" Takato said while making an "OH!" Face.

"Yes, Rika is something wrong?" Takato asked.

"Can i talk to you for a second... Alone?" Rika said while pointing at the corner. Takato look at her and saw a serious on her eyes, he nod and follow her.

"What was that?" Kazu asked.

"I guess they need to talk something important." Ryo said.

“Like what?” Rika asked.

"We don't know!" Two of them answer.

At the corner, Rika and Takato walk away from the others. Making sure what they're conversation will be just heard by only them.

"So what do you want to talk about Rika?" Takato asked then Rika look at him.

"Takato, if we managed to destroy the D-reaper. Don't you think it will stop it from using my body at its host?" Rika asked. Takato think of what she says and nod.

"You're right! If we destroy the D-reaper. It will never going to give a chance to seal it to you! That way, you're never going to be the D-reaper's host!" Takato said to her with a smile but Rika look.

"But if that happened... We will never be together..." Rika whispered that shocked Takato.

"What? Why?" Takato asked.

"Remember, the reason we get together because of this monster inside of me. Because of this monster we managed to realize our feelings to each other. if we destroy it... We will change the history." Rika whispered. Suddenly Takato grabbed her hands that make Rika look at him, she saw a smile at his face.

"Rika... Don't worry... Nothing's is gonna happen to us. Even we stop the D-reaper using you as it's host we will still be together. I promise that." Takato smiled. Rika look at him before smiling.

"Of course you do." Rika whispered while smiling.

"Hey, guys!" Jeri called while walking towards at them.

"What is it Jeri?" Rika asked.

"Henry, i mean our Henry is calling us, he's starting to planning about how we're going to save my little self." Jeri said to them.

"Well we might as well heard it." Rika shrugged before three of them go to the group where they saw "Henry" speaking of the plans.

"Me and the future Tamers will distract the D-reaper's agents while you guys going to save Jeri. That way the D-reaper couldn't evolve anymore." Henry explained.

“Wow! That's a nice plan! How did you come up in that?” Henry asked to his future self.

"Well you can say, you learned from your mistakes." Henry smiled suddenly his mom Mayumi cane up to them.

"*Sigh* I never thought our boy will grow up so fast!" Mayumi smiled.

"That's right, i bet all the girls in the school head over heels on you. Tell me son how many have you date in your fan girls?" Janyu asked.

"Nah! There's no way Henry would be interest to the other girl Mr. Wong, besides he already have a girlfriend." Jeri smile at them.

"Eh!? Even you Henry!? You have a girlfriend!?" Kazu shouted at him. Henry nervously chuckled while looking at him.

"Yeah, i kinda do." Henry nervously grinned.

"What about me? Did i have a girlfriend." Kazu smiled.

"Nope! No girls dared to date you Visor boy." Rika grinned crushing the little man's dream.

"Aww~! How come four of you have a love life and i don't! Even Takato have a girlfriend!" Kazu whined.

"Maybe stop being a jerk sometimes Kazu." Takato said to him.

"Yeah, just look at Henry! For him she's the only girl he will love." Jeri smile before looking at Henry.

"Isn't that right?... Henry? Terriermon?" Jeri asked while giving them a sweet sickening smile.

Henry and Terriermon shook out of fear and shakily nodded their heads.

"Y-Yes..." They both answered.

"I never thought Jeri could be this scary." Leomon thought while gulping a little.

"How abouwt me Henwy?" Suzie asked then Future Henry kneel down in her height.

"You're going to stay behind, you're going to protect them after we leave, think you can do that?" Henry asked then Suzie smiled.

"Yes! Lopmon will do it!" Suzie smiled. Henry smiled at her and pat her head.

"What a good girl!" Henry smiled.

"We better get going, the fastest we save Jeri the fastest we stop the D-reaper." Takato said to them. Suddenly "Renamon" appeared beside of her Tamer.

"Rika... He's here." Renamon said with a serious tone.

"Wait what!? You mean Black!?" Rika asked in shock.

"Yes, but this time he's not alone. He's with the D-reaper." Renamon said to her.

"What!? That's impossible!" Henry shouted.

"All of you stay here! Let's go guys!" Takato shouted.

“Wait we wanna help!” Takato shouted at them.

"You can't!" Jeri said to him.

"You haven't fight Black before so you don't know what he's capable of." Leomon said.

"Trust me, you would rather to fight the Agents than him." Terriermon said to them.

"You too Rika stay here." Takato said to her that make Rika look at him.

"What?! No! I wouldn't just stay here and let you guys go! I'm coming too!" Rika said to him.

"But Rika you can't! You know that-"

"I know what he wants Takato but I'm still coming and you can't stop me from doing that!"

Takato and Rika stared at each other. Mentally arguing which statement gonna win. The people of the room just stared of both of them until Takato sigh.

"Just... Stay away from him okay?" Takato asked to her then Rika smirked at him.

"Don't doubt my skills Goggle-head." Rika smirked before the future Tamers and Digimons go outside. Once they're outside they gasped when they saw Black and ADR Jeri standing next to each other.

"Hello Tamers, i hope you don't mind if we pay you guys a visit?" Black chuckled.

"Black...!" The Tamers growled.

"What are you doing?" Takato asked to him.

"We just want to check something subject Takato. We want to be sure if our conclusion is true." ADR Jeri said to him.

"You! I destroyed you long ago and i will do it again if that what it takes!" Takato growled.

"Takato who is that?" Henry asked.

"One of D-reaper's agent. It copied Jeri's figure just like how it copy her voice." Takato said to him.

"But how it managed to copy her?" Leomon asked l.

"It happened when we're going back. I still remember it, the Jeri or the little me came here in the real world is not really the real one but one of the D-reaper's agent. It capture me when we're still at the Digital world and switch me with a fake." Jeri said while looking at her clone.

"Tch! How dare you... To harm my Tamer!" Leomon growled before getting his sword.

"Jeri Katou have a similar to the D-reaper. Her thoughts are focused on destruction and despair." ADR Jeri said.

"Well i hope you enjoy using her because we're going to get her sooner or later!" Jeri shouted at her.

"You can try... But don't think it will easy as you did before." Black said to them.

"Grrr.... Tell me... Where's the real Jeri?" Rika growled while her eyes now is red then Black smirked.

"She's hidden on the safe place. Where all she could think is how her beloved partner got destroy. How weak is that?" Black said while trying to get Rika mad. Rika growled while clenching her hands before she kneel down.

"Rika?" Takato called.

"Give... Jeri... Back... To... Us..." Rika growled while clenching her fist in the ground.

"TCHRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" Suddenly a red aura starting to form at her. The future Tamers gasped.

"R-Rika calm down!" Jeri shouted at her friend.

"Control yourself, don't let him get you!" Henry shouted. Takato kneel down next to her and put a hand kn her shoulder.

"Rika! Don't! You have to calm down. He's making you mad on purpose so you managed to release the D-reaper." Takato said to her, trying to get her calm down. But unfortunately Rika couldn't hear them and she only focus on Black.

"Give... Our... Friend... Back!!!" Rika growled while glaring at Black.

"Hmm? Give her back? I don't understand Rika. Why would you want her? She's a wimpy girl who couldn't do nothing but cry. Proven that she was useless." Black said. And with that Rika snapped.

"Don't... You... Dare... Insult... Jeri...!" Rika shouted before rushing towards him.


"IN FRONT OF ME!!!!" Rika shouted before punching Black. Black and the ADR Jeri quickly jump away just in time that make Rika punch the ground instead.


The ground explode suddenly when Rika's fist made a contact in it. The Digimon and Tamers grunt as they held to their ground. Black and ADR Jeri landed in the ground, just in front of her, and stared at her.

"What a amazing force!" ADR Jeri gasped.

"Don't be amazed yet... It's just getting started." Black said to her.

"Rika!" Takato shouted. Rika just stay there in the broken road and didn't move at all.

"Rika?" Takato called once more in his girlfriend.

“Guys!” The voice called them. They turn around and saw everyone is outside.

"What the!? I thought we told you guys to stay there!" Henry shouted.

“Yeah but we heard an explosion! We want to see if you guys are alright!" Takato shouted.

"You shouldn't be here! Go back inside right now!" Jeri shouted.

“Why what's going on?!” Rika asked ta her. Jeri look at her before looking at Rika in nervous look.

"Rika is losing control." Jeri whispered.

"What?" They all asked.

"Rika..." Takato whispered before shaking his head.

"Rika! Fight it! Don't let it win!" Takato shouted at her.

"Win? What is he talking about?" Kazu asked.

"Guys! Look at there!" Ryo said. All of them look at they're forward and saw Rika kneeling in the pit. Suddenly a red glob starting to come out of her body. The future tamers gasp.

"Oh no..." Jeri gasped.

"This is bad!" Henry said.

"Takato! Quick! Seal it before it gets out of control!" Renamon said to him. Takato continue to stared at Rika with worried look.

"Rika... No..." Takato whispered. Suddenly the red fox cloak form is successfully completely covered Rika's body. Rika go all fours before turning around, revealing her beastly form.


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