By gurlyyy22

150K 17.7K 5.2K

Meet Marwa Kabeer Hassan: A rude, narcissistic, audacious, and dramatic lady. She looks very innocent, beauti... More



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By gurlyyy22


Everyone's breath hitched at the sight of the man taking majestic gaits on the red carpet, no one even cared to gaze at his partner. Jamal looked at Marwa who was busy hyperventilating but unfortunately, he couldn't help her out no matter how he tries to. According to the rules of their chess, the loser should obey the winner no matter the circumstances.

It was Zafeer who ordered that nothing should be told to Marwa about his coming to the restaurant. And again, he told Jamal to maintain a strictly professional relationship with her when he is around. The said guy knew better than to mess with the crown prince.

She considers him a sworn enemy, and so does he. If she thinks he'll be affected by her in any way, then she got another thing coming. The crown prince is here to show her the absolute enmity by emotionally torturing her and the guy aiding her, he'll deal with the both of them.

"Good afternoon your Highnesses and congratulations on your engagement. It's such an honour for me to be able to host you. Will you allow us the pleasure to entertain you today?" Jamal bowed respectfully and stretched out his hands for Zafeer to shake. Even from his smile, you'll know that it is fake.

The crown prince extended his other hand and wrapped it around Jamal's. Both the men used all their strengths, that handshake was filled with animosity and grief with a determined vow to exert revenge. Zafeer glared at him through his dark shades before injuring him on the wrist, Jamal flinched and did the same to him. They detached their hands and pretended as if nothing happened.

"The pleasure is ours, Mr Jamal Malik. My beautiful fiancee insisted that we come to this place because they serve the best intercontinental dishes, right Sunshine?" He tilted his head to the side and looked at Nawal who cleared her throat before speaking.

"Yes hubby, and there's one of their waitresses I'd like you to meet. She is a natural when it comes to fun and entertainment. What's her name again? Oh right! Marwa Kabeer Hassan." Nawal raised her slender fingers and let out a wicked smirk. Now that she is sure her hubby has fallen for her, she is going to show the poor shorty where she belongs.

Immediately Marwa heard her name being called, she looked in their direction and her gaze fell on Nawal whose smile widened when she sighted her. The latter removed her hand from Zafeer's and strode to where Marwa is standing.

"Hello dear, I've been looking around for you. Remember I told you about my marriage? Well, here is my future husband. You should entertain us today, I can't wait to see more of your tricks and also, here is the invitation card. Oh, and yes, you'll be among my bridesmaids." Nawal brought out a black card from her clutch bag and handed it to Marwa who was staring at her small hands.

"T-thank you," Marwa replied and collected the card with shaking hands.

The weight of the pain took away her dauntlessness and courage, she wanted to kill Nawal at that instant but the power in her is nowhere to be found. Her eyes turned red, jaw hardened, knuckles turned white and hands were balled into fists. From a distance, one will know that Marwa is close to unleashing the tiger in her. Her brutal side is not something one wants to experience.

Zafeer observed the scenery with a straight face but deep down, he was elated that he still affects her. She despises him, he'll prove her wrong. Jamal is close to throwing a punch at the person in front of him, he blamed him for being irresponsible. Had it been he loves her like he said he does, he wouldn't have watched her being emotionally taunted without doing anything about it.

Theresa is agitated, she wanted nothing but to vouch in for her close friend and beat the hell out of Nawal and the jerk of a crown prince who enjoys hurting people. Now, she is in full support of Marwa running away, the problem doesn't lie with her. It was all his fault!

Chef Abraham could only watch in silence, he knows everything about how his daughter is suffering but he is powerless in this situation and it's hurting him. He would've called her mother but his phone isn't with him at the moment.

Nawal dragged Marwa to where her fiance and Jamal were standing. Zafeer observed her figure up close, she looked leaner, the red eyes and dark circles were visible and of course the shaking hands and trembling lips. He knew it! Something has been telling him that Marwa will resume drug consumption and just by seeing the symptoms in her, his instincts proved him right. He instantly felt guilty, thinking of other damages that he caused her.

"Hubby, here is the waitress I've been telling you about. Extend your greetings to my fiance Marwa, don't forget to bow for him to acknowledge you." She broke the awkward silence with a light laugh.

"Y-your..." She repeatedly opened her mouth and closed it. Greet her greatest enemy and even bow to him for acknowledgement, that's off the radar.

"Let's go inside." He broke the awkward silence and with a heavy heart, extended his hand to Nawal who happily slipped hers in and they walked away with Jamal in their front.

Marwa followed everyone inside, the guards surveyed the whole place for tight security. She excused herself to the bathroom and brought out the fancy invitation card then read it, her heart was twisting in pain with every word. Luckily, she felt a pack of powder in the left pocket of her trouser. She pulled it out and downed the contents in one go without hesitation.

Everything felt right, the pain abated, leaving her with nothing but a numb heart and emotionless eyes. She won't be responsible for her next actions, her senses have completely detached from her body. Releasing a huge breath, she went back to the restaurant where she found the couple sitting opposite each other at the table for two. Nawal kept gazing at the place in amazement, intentionally letting her gown reveal some cleavage to showcase her busty chest.

Different kinds of foods were served by the waiters ranging from Quinoa salad, Pasta alla norma, Neapolitan pizza, Caprese chicken, Tuscan seafood stew and many others that she chose not to focus on.

"Marwa, we've been waiting for you to come back and attend to us. I chose you because you're the best." Nawal waved her hands and the said girl took confident strides toward them, that way, she will enjoy doing what they are pushing her to. If they think she can control herself, then they're wrong.

"The champagne should go first, serve us." The snob commanded.

She stopped stealing glances at the man who refused to remove his shades which made her suspicious. The place is dark and his shades are dark, which doesn't make any sense to her. Marwa turned to Nawal and nodded with a straight face then popped the bottle of the expensive champagne open.

Zafeer watched her every move with an amused smirk, if she or anyone sees his eyes now, then all hell will break loose. She gently poured Nawal's into the glass cup and then turned around to do the same to Zafeer. That was the moment he decided to taunt her.

"Sunshine what's with your favourite waitress and looking at people's fiance?" He directed the question at Nawal but deep down, they both knew who the question was meant for.

First, he gave her pet name and necklace to this slut and now, he wants to make her look like the victim? No! She won't let him get away with that, he has crossed the line. Marwa did something that shocked all of them, including Jamal and the other workers who gasped in horror.

She poured all the liquid on him, ruining his perfectly styled hair, extremely expensive suit and shoes, and even his Rolex wristwatch. Everything was drenched in champagne, even his body and sunshades, not that she gives a damn.

"That's hubby's sixty-two thousand dollars suit. Who the hell gave you the right to do that? Guards!" Nawal angrily yelled and the bouncers rushed in. She may not be wise but she is an expert at detecting the prices of designer brands, it's true, Zafeer's suit is approximately twenty-six million when converted to Naira.

Marwa picked the bowl of seafood stew and dumped it on Nawal's wig, not satisfied, she splashed the contents of the glass cup on her then grabbed the mounds on her chest and twisted them before pulling out the breast pads that created the optical illusion of busty area she kept pretending to have.

"To hell with the two of you. I stayed out of your way but now that you followed me here, I'll show you that it's my territory. Is this what you're using to entice men? You slut! I don't care whether you're the governor's fucking daughter or the damn future Queen. I won't hesitate to deal with you if you don't stay out of my way!" Marwa howled at the top of her voice.


"Arrest her, to the royal dungeon now!" Zafeer spoke, they all thought he was talking about Marwa until they sighted the person who slapped Nawal.

"I, Theresa Clinton got my sister's back no matter what you will do to me. Arrest me! Kill me in the dungeon if you want, but that won't change the fact that a certified slut is going to be your future queen. Marwa, deal with the both of them, don't worry about me." She was forcefully dragged away by the guards even with Marwa trying to fight for her friend.

"And you, tell them to leave my friend now. I'm the one at fault why won't you arrest me? Are you afraid I will be the end of you? Yes, I spoiled your whatever thousand dollars shirt and ruined your fiancee's perfect idea of a date. At least I didn't follow women to seduce them as a womanizer does." She thunderously howled.

"Marwa we need to go now. It isn't good for your health please." Jamal didn't care about the consequences of breaking the rules, he even dared to touch her, in front of Zafeer!

The latter arose from his sitting position, all the while not removing his sunglasses. He glanced at Jamal who was glaring hotly at him, the two men wanted the restaurant to just turn into a battleground for them the tackle each other.

"Leave her hand!" He let out a low, monstrous growl that radiated waves of danger and threat.

"What if I refuse to?" Jamal stepped forward to show that he isn't afraid of him.

Zafeer smirked maliciously, whenever he lets out that kind of smirk, it's either people die or he destroys something precious.

"You think he is your true friend right? Well, the same man played a game of chess with me back when we were in England. He badly wanted you to be his, and he still does. He placed you on the bet, your true friend considered you as a mere toy by saying that if he won, he is going to make you his while I stay away. But unfortunately, I won and made him my slave. Go on, talk to him if you don't trust me." He folded his arms to watch the drama.

"Is that true Jamal? So you were using this as an opportunity to get close to me? Tell me he is just spurting lies." Marwa looked at him with trembling hands.

"I-uhh--" Jamal couldn't meet her gaze, unsure of what to say. He felt like a coward, just when he is supposed to show her that he is better than the man in front of him, he won't cost any tears of pain to her, that was when he realized he messed up big time.

Zafeer shot Jamal a triumphant smirk, not even caring about Nawal who was taken out of the place on a wheelchair, the shock and embarrassment still haven't left her body.

"You traitor! I can't believe you can stoop so low, all your family members are such nice people, why are you different from them? Why am I unfortunate? Have I wronged anyone in my past life to have been toyed like this?" The tears she has been holding in for the past two weeks rushed back with such force that scared her.

"You haven't done anything to anyone. I tried to stop loving you but by Allah, I couldn't, it only got stronger. Let me make you forget about all your sorrows, I won't cause you tears like anyone did, allow me to show you love like no one else can. Marwa, a game of chess or not, I am madly in love with you and I have no control over it." He helplessly sobbed before a punch landed on him.

"Can you shut the hell up already? She said you should leave her alone why are you so stubborn? Do you want me to break your bones again?" Zafeer tackled him to the ground, the droplets of champagne falling from his hair to Jamal's face.

The guards locked everyone in the kitchen, excluding Chef Abraham. They don't want anyone to see the kind of brutality the crown prince has in him once you try to get on his bad side. He is enraged, to say the least. How can he be disrespected like that?

"Stop it all of you. Can't you be in peace for once? Must you use your fists on everyone?" She let out a piercing scream.

"Son, take her away. I'll handle the rest." Chef Abraham decided to interrupt, knowing that Zafeer will listen to him.

He gave him a curt nod and violently tugged at Jamal's shirt before rising. He didn't ask for her permission, like a boss, he gripped her wrist and dragged her away to the men's restroom where he locked the door, ignoring her sounds of protest.

Chef Abraham adjusted Jamal's collar and helped him up then took the dishevelled man to his office. He was breathing heavily like he wanted to rip someone's head off. If not for the Chef's interruption, it would have been such a fight.

Back in the restroom, Marwa was busy ranting her heart out even though she is scared of how fierce he looked. His eyes are the last thing she wants to look into, thankfully, he didn't remove his sunshades up until now.

"Stay away from me, if not, I'll hurt you. Just get the hell out of my life and let me live in peace for crying out loud. You are worse than Lucifer, you are just terrible. You are an emotionless monster, I despise you!" She howled.

Zafeer let out a humourless, sadistic laugh that had her taking a step back. He roughly unknotted his tie and started buttoning down his shirt after removing his suit which landed on the floor. Immediately he removed his shades, she had to stifle a scream. His eyes were red, so red that it rendered her speechless, his orbs long turned coffee brown and the skin surrounding the eyes was covered in dark circles, making him look like a scary ghost in a horror film.

"You called me a liar, a cheat, a monster, a womanizer, someone worse than Lucifer. You said I bring out the worst in you and I am no less than your sworn enemy without caring about how that will affect me. Because of your words, I had a cardiac arrest and again, I have been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia along with the autistic disorder. For two weeks, I was unconscious, the family fell apart just because of your selfishness. If not for deciding to marry Nawal just to numb my pain, what did you expect me to do?"

"I love you Marwa, even after putting my heart on the line, I still can't get over my intense feelings for you. It's not too late to call off the marriage, say the word and I promise to do it right here and right now. Stop being so hard on yourself, you love me and I can see it in your eyes. Everyone has been looking for you because they all care about you, why are you making all of us suffer?" He trapped her in between his hands and gazed into her eyes, pleading with her to come back to him and start everything from the scratch.

"I don't care if you call off your marriage with Nawal, go and marry her for all I care. Must I make it clear to you that I despise you? I am not making anyone suffer, all of you can live without a worthless person like me. Sure, you had issues with your health but don't try to blame it on me, call me names as I do you too. I don't want your love!" Her heart was screaming for her to deny everything she said, her pupils dilated to indicate the kind of lies she spurted, and her body was shivering in pain due to the kind of effect their proximity has on her but her mind overpowered all of them. She still stood by her words, not even stuttering to express her true emotions.

"I would have had a full advantage if I wanted to force myself on you right now but why didn't I do that? Neither am I a monster nor a womanizer. You keep your lie to yourself, I still stand by my words of not losing my feelings for you and I will never stop protecting you. Before you leave, just forgive me and remove any kind of hatred for me in your heart, after all, we might never cross paths again. Go!" He shifted to the side and watched as she hurriedly left without turning back.

Zafeer slumped on the floor and balled his hands into fists to block the voices coming from his head and the immense pain in his heart. He isn't the one to force things, if she has no problem with him getting married to Nawal, then he will do just that.

Outside the restaurant, she covered her face with her black veil and walked slowly without caring about any direction. The drugs did nothing to make her abate, the pain has overpowered every dosage in her system. She felt pathetic, guilty and betrayed all at the same time. Hearing him talk about a cardiac arrest made her heart thump wildly, the guilt weighed her down. Marwa thought that her staying away from them will be the best option because God knows that if she were to go back to him, more damages should be done and no one wants that.

A car was recklessly speeding on the road, it is obvious that the people in that car were being chased by the police for doing something illegal, from the looks of it, the car was that of those drug lords or cocaine mafias due to its luxurious features. Unknown to her, the car was trying to take a sharp bend while she stood in the middle of the road.

It was too late to stop and that was how they crashed into her, even though not intensely since she managed to move but they still knocked her out. One of them cursed and alighted the car, surprised by the victim of their accident since it is someone he knows.

"Be fast, they're catching up." The driver impatiently shouted.

He picked her up bridal style and took her to the sleek black car before shutting the door close and just like that, they drove off at an insanely high speed.

Finally, I've achieved what I wanted to in the 'heartbreak zone'😂

Their fight will soon be coming to an end, we're all tired, I know😹😭.

So how was the chap?

Nawal sha😂😂💃

What he did about Theresa was wrong. But who knows, he may have a good reason for that🌚

I know all of you are happy about Jamal's case😂, but I'm not coz I like the guy🥺💕😂

Marwa is annoying me tbh🌚, imagine being given the choice to call off a marriage that you don't want to happen and then you refuse because your mind told you to🤦‍♀️💔

Zafeer🥺, I'm sorry guy, you have our back💪

An accident again😭💔, thank God it's not that serious. Any ideas about who alighted the car? Hmu in the comment section.

See ya in 47.


Love y'all,

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