Loca, Spider Monkey

By hanabbrmpg

83.1K 1.1K 54

Twilight imagines from tumblr. Author/writer indicated in each chapter. More

1. Jacob Black - Insane
2. Jasper Hale
3. Demetri and Alec Volturi
4. Alice Cullen - Because I am long and detailed
5. Jasper Hale - Cheat
6. Benjamin - Schoolmate
7. Aro Volturi - Caretaker
8. Alec Volturi - Anxiety
9. Alec Volturi - Fear
10. Seth Clearwater - Hold My Hair
11. Paul Lahote - Sugar
12. Carlisle Cullen - Cold Imprint
13. Seth Clearwater - New Possibilities
14. Sam Uley - Control
15. Jasper Hale - For Gone
16. Seth Clearwater - In His Arms
17. Jasper Hale - Cherry Red I
18. Jasper Hale - Cherry Red II
19. Jasper Hale - A New Feeling
20. Edward Cullen - Golden Eyes
21. hunter's of artemis || demetri.v
22. blood and bone || demetri.v
23. white lines || felix.v
24. sound of silence || alec.v
25. with our hands tied || demetri.v
26. with our hands tied (pt.ii) || demetri.v
27. Avoidance (Jane Volturi x Reader)
28. Not Quite My Enemy (Alec Volturi x Reader)
29. soft alphabet || felix.v
30. Invisible (Alec Volturi x Reader)
31. Choices (Embry x Reader) 1
32. Choices (Embry x Reader) 2
33. Choices (Embry x Reader) 3
34. Choices Embry x reader 4
35. Rescued (Demetri Volturi x Reader)
36. First Time (Alec Volturi x F!Reader)
37. You are Mine - Yandere!Volturi
38. mistletoe || felix.v
39. Find You (Caius Volturi x Reader x Athenodora Volturi)
40. letters from last summer || demetri.v
41. Sam Uley - Imprinting
42. Jared Cameron - Imprinting
43. Quil Ateara - Imprinting
44. Seth Clearwater - Imprinting
45. Caius Volturi - Learning To Love
46. Emmett Cullen - Two of A Kind
47. Demetri x M!Reader - Mates in The Most Unlikely Places
48. Paul Lahote - That Girl is a Problem
49. Paul Lahote - That Girl is a Problem ; 2am II
50. Edward Cullen - Giddy
51. Caius Voltury - Hungry Eyes
52. Embry Call - For Science
53. Paul Lahote - Point Of Contact
54. Jacob Black - Stargazers
56. Paul Lahote - Diary
57. Sparkles in the Dark (Marcus Volturi x Reader)
58. Sensory Overload (Alec x Reader) 1
59. Sensory Overload (Alec x Reader) 2
60. Sensory Overload (Alec x Reader) 3
61. Sensory Overload (Alec x Reader) 4
62. Sensory Overload (Alec x Reader) 5
63. daughter of death || felix.v
64. Love Letters (Marcus Volturi x Reader)
65. The Three Of Us (Chelsea x Reader x Afton)
66. Paul Lahote - Imprinting
67. Embry Call - Imprinting
68. Jacob Black - Imprinting
69. Paul Lahote - His Voice
70. Paul Lahote - Kitsune
71. Mind Games (Alec Volturi x Reader)
72. Jacob Black - Exchange Student
73. Jasper Hale - New Diet, New Life
74. Edward Cullen - I Accept
75. Emmett Cullen - Big Bad Wolf
76. Carlisle Cullen - Revenge
77. Seth Clearwater - Never Did This Before
78. Paul Lahote - Lost Control
79. Paul Lahote - Imprint
80. Playing with Fire (Demetri x Reader) 1
81. Playing with Fire (Demetri x Reader) 2
82. Playing with Fire (Demetri x Reader) 3
83. Playing with Fire (Demetri x Reader) 4
84. Playing with Fire (Demetri x Reader) 5
85. Heart Break (Marcus Volturi x Reader)
86. Jasper Hale
87. Seth Clearwater - Meeting Imprint
88. Alistair - Back In Forks
89. Been and Gone (Felix Volturi x Reader)
90. Doppellganger (Caius Volturi x Reader)
91. Family Secrets (Demetri Volturi x Reader)
92. Self-Destructive (The Volturi leaders x Reader)
93. The Volturi Kings x Swan!Reader 01
94. Volturi Kings x Swan!Reader 02
95. Volturi Kings x Swan!Reader 03
96. Alec Volturi X Newborn of the Romanian Clan
97. Cauis Volturi x Mate!Reader
98. Breaking Point - Felix Volturi
99. Triple threat Felix x Reader x Heidi (S)
100. Busted - Vladmir&Stefan x Reader (S)
101. Embry Call - Just One Look I
102. Embry Call - Learning To Trust II
103. Embry Call - Living With The Bond III
104. Embry Call - A New Wolf IV
105. Embry Call - Facing the Future V
106. Embry Call - The Promise VI
107. Embry Call - Our Life VII
108.That's What Friends Are For (Alec Volturi x Reader)
109. Jealousy (Yandere!Felix x Reader)
110. Intense (Demetri Volturi x Reader)
111. Jasper Hale - Vampires At War
112. Jasper Hale - Vampires At War II
113. Vladimir - New Visitors
114. Emmett Cullen - Waiting For You
115. Seth Clearwater - Seth and Shells
116. Grief Always Lifts (Volturi x Reader)
116. Fall Back in Love Eventually (Alec Volturi x Reader)
118. The Accident (Demetri Volturi x Reader)
119. Butterflies (The Volturi leaders x Reader)
120. Volturi Supernatural mate HC
121. Volturi - New friends
122. A Dystopia of the Soul (Volturi x Immortal!Reader)
123. Demetri Volturi - Grief
124. Infant (Breaking dawn part 2 x child!Reader)
125. Felix Volturi - Hunt You Down
126. Demetri Volturi - A day in Volterra
127. Demetri Volturi dealing with a newborn who is out of control
128. Volturi Leaders - To Become a Volturi
129. Stefan - Bad break up
130. Alec Volturi - Grief
131. Alec's Hospital Visit
132. Imagine getting a visit from Jane Volturi
133. Runaway (Slight! Vladimir x Reader)
134. Road Trip with Vladimir and Stefan.
135. Demetri Volturi - Accidental Glimpses
136. Felix Volturi - I've got you
137. Food shopping with Vladimir
138. Alec Volturi - Two Christmas'
139. Preparing for change (Volturi x young!Reader)
140. Alec Volturi - Fire
141. Vladimir - New
142. Caius Volturi - Sneak for Sweets
143. Stefan - Similar Gifts
144. Alec Volturi - You're Strange but so am I
145. Nearly breaking up with Demetri
146. Rosalie Hale x Reader
147. Demetri Volturi - Closer
148. Cuddles with Marcus Volturi
149. Alec Volturi - New Beginnings
150. Jane Volturi - Mixed Signals

55. Seth Clearwater - Hormones and Instincts

781 14 0
By hanabbrmpg


Words: 1,594
Seth Clearwater x Reader

"Paul, leave Seth alone." Emily scolded and swatted the older wolf around the back of his head; it did nothing to stop Paul's giggles.
Seth sat across the bonfire from his laughing pack brothers, with his arms crossed and scowl firmly in place. Emily stepped around and gently smoothed his hair, "You ignore them, you're a gentlemen and that's what girls like most."
"Wrong, girls like confidence." Paul countered.
"Confidence yeah, but you're just arrogant." Embry came to Seth's rescue and was punched in the arm by Paul for the trouble.

"Seth, Y/N is your imprint, it's natural to be worried about hurting her or upsetting her." Sam advised, he gave Emily a sad smile as he pulled her into his lap before continuing; "Besides you're both young, don't get too stressed out about things like this."
"It's just a shame that you've got the imprint and teenage hormones both fighting for control in there." Leah added and pushed the side of Seth's head with two fingers.

Seth batted her hand away, "Can we all just stop with the advice now? Before Y/N gets here."
Jared chimed in, "At least she already knows about wolves."
Seth glared at Embry, "Yeah thanks for that."
Embry held his hands up in defence, "I smelt a leech in the area, I went to check on my baby sister. Who could have guessed that she'd see a massive wolf and instantly think that the old legends were true?"
"No one, because no one in the worlds thinks that way except Y/N." Quil snorted. It was true, the pack were all incredibly surprised to find that you'd figured them out.
Seth sighed, "I just hope that she never sees me phase, it would terrify her."
Leah flinched at the memory of their father seeing her phase and it causing his heart attack, Emily sent her a soft smile which Leah ignored.
"Yeah I wouldn't wanna see you naked if I was her either dude." Paul snickered and Seth threw his empty drink can at him.
Laughter rippled through the pack, Jared pointed to the top of the beach, "Here comes your little girlfriend now."

You walked leisurely down the beach towards the bonfire when you heard the laughter erupt from your friends, a few of them turned to face you. You caught Seth's eye and gave him a little wave, he turned away from you with his arms crossed over his chest. You dropped your hand and tried not to look too upset as you joined them. Leah budged across her log so that you had to take the only free spot next to Seth.
"Bro." You gave Embry a wave.
"Brat." He greeted with his usual grin.
"Sounds like you guys are up to no good." You laughed as you joined the conversation.
"They're just being assholes." Seth grumbled and you tried to school your shocked expression at his pouting face, it just didn't suit his usual carefree personality.
"Well that's nothing new." You smiled and Seth returned it with a dazzling smile of his own, the anger in his face easing away.
Kissing noises caught your attention and you turned to give Jared and Paul a confused look but before they could explain themselves Seth had jumped up and shoved Paul off of his log and onto the sand. The laughter stopped and everyone held their breath as Paul stared up at Seth, his mind ticking over and taking in what had just happened.

Sam had already moved Emily to the side and was starting to stand when Paul snarled, "You stupid pup."
You swallowed hard, he was shaking so hard with anger that he was practically vibrating, you stood and caught Seth by the arm to try to pull him away.
He wrenched his arm away from you, "Get away from me."
His words packed a punch, Seth was shaking hard too and Leah and Sam were between Paul and Seth but that didn't stop Paul from pushing himself up and trying to lunge at Seth, his face was red and scrunched like he was in pain. Seth, even though at a clear height disadvantage, caught Paul by the waist and pivoting his entire boy threw him further away from the bon fire. Paul skidded in sand on his back before he managed to flip himself over, he looked up at Seth and snarled, he was shaking even harder now.

Seth dared to take his eyes off of him for a moment to turn to you, he was also shaking now, he caught you by your waist and pushed you back towards your brother. Embry caught you with ease and pulled you behind him, quickly you noted that Kim and Emily had been pushed behind Jared and Jacob. Peaking over your brothers shoulder you watched as Seth turned in time to catch Paul as he launched himself at him, his skin bursting and giving way to fur and claws. Seth was knocked backwards but quickly sprung back and out of his own human form rearing up at Paul.

"Sam stop them." Emily pleaded.
Sam stood, scarily calm in between the two wolves as they circled each other. "I've half a mind to let you two idiots tear into each other." Sam boomed, "But I think you've both done enough damage for today."
He nodded back towards the bonfire and both wolves followed his gaze to find you clinging to the back of Embry's shirt, eyes wide and lips trembling. Seth whimpered, Paul lowered his head and Sam sent them both into the woods like a parent tired of his children's antics.

Embry took you home and you didn't say much to him during the journey. Sure, you knew about the pack but seeing it, and seeing Paul nearly hurt Seth had you. It hurt in the way that knowing Seth would never see you as a partner hurt, it hurt you because that was all you truly wanted but you knew it couldn't happen.
Yet, knowing all of that logically didn't stop the fear that he might be hurt.

Damn, you felt like an idiot.

The next day Seth came to find you and even though your friendship with him was becoming bittersweet because of your unrequited feelings you couldn't bring yourself to not let him into the house. He stood awkwardly in your hallway until you invited him into the living room when he stood there awkwardly.

You sat on the sofa and patted the space beside you, "Seth you can sit down."
He sat on the sofa but as far away from you as he could; you tried to ignore the sting of rejection.

Seth cleared his throat awkwardly and ran a hand back through his hair, "Look Y/N I know I'm probably the last person that you want to see right now but I wanted to apologise for last night."
"I saw just scared." You admitted and Seth flinched but you continued, "You could have been really hurt Seth."

"What?" He asked, his nose scrunched adorably in confusion.
"Seth, I was so scared that you were going to get hurt." You told him and took a chance to reach out and gently squeezed his hand. When you moved to take your hand away, Seth's mind clicked and he caught your hand with his and held it softly.
"That's why you were scared?" He asked quietly.
"Well it's a good enough reason isn't it? For the record you're never the last person that I want to see." You asked.
He gave you a dimpled smile, "Well, yeah I guess it is and thanks."
Now you realised that, in taking your hand, Seth had pulled you closer to him. The closeness made your stomach flip with butterflies, the heat rolling off of his skin and the fact that he always smelt incredible had you leaning further into him. For once, Seth's mind was free of thoughts of messing things up; instead he was utterly and unapologetically wrapped up in you.

He leaned into you, and without worry or self-doubt haunting him, he kissed you. A soft, gentle kiss. Excitement bubbled through you and you found yourself smiling into the kiss, which made Seth smile in response until eventually you had to pull away from each other because the kiss had fallen victim to your grins.
"What took us so long?" Seth asked, his grin taking your breath away.
"Wolves are notoriously difficult." You teased and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Well isn't this adorable!" You heard from the doorway, both of you jumped and whipped your heads around to were Quil and Jacob were laughing at Embry who stood with his hands over his eyes.
"Is it safe for me to look yet?" Embry asked.
"No, Seth's taking her clothes off man." Quil told him.
"What?!" Embry practically screeched and ripped his own hand free from his eyes only to find Seth giving him a sheepish grin and you trying to bury your burning face in your hands.
You moved your hands from your face as Seth leaned back and kissed your cheek softly, ignoring the boys wolf whistles, "Let me take you on a real date?"
You glared over at your brother who was dramatically whining about you growing up while Quil and Jacob pretended to comfort him, "Anything to get me away from these idiots."


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