By gurlyyy22

149K 17.7K 5.2K

Meet Marwa Kabeer Hassan: A rude, narcissistic, audacious, and dramatic lady. She looks very innocent, beauti... More



1.8K 261 106
By gurlyyy22


The voices kept getting louder with every passing second but as usual, they were too muffled to hear. A poisonous looking vantablack smoke filled the dark room, it was as if the place was full of ghosts trying to claw at her body. Even though she couldn't see their faces, she knew they were all humans.

As she raised her head from between her legs, she found the figures surrounding her, the voices were at their loudest now, she couldn't even hear her continuous screams for someone to save her life, her heartbeat got lost in the intensity of the sound. Then their faces came on display, it was like the normal nightmare she is used to having only that this time, it wasn't her father beating her mother while she silently sobbed by the side.

Rather, she was the victim now. The entire family who are her biggest enemies now tied her to a rope and continuously caned her with strong bamboo sticks, she kept screaming for them to stop, that she was hurting but no one seemed to be hearing, their hysterical laughter echoed in her ears, including her mother's which hurts the most.

And then she saw him, everyone stopped and stared at the handsome demigod whose smile contrasted with the moon on a lonely night, their hands trembled in fear, thinking that he came here to save her. But alas! They were all wrong, including her. He pulled out a silver dagger from the pocket of his blood-red trouser, the sharp object was shining under the brightness of the moon.

Only then did she realize that his smile meant anything but sympathy, that was when she recalled that the man in front of her is the most sadistic, ruthless and barbarous person to bless the face of the earth. She gave her heart and soul to a sadist who has filled it with his toxicity and now, she is full of his poison. He raised the dagger and flashed yet another malicious smirk at her before lowering it with so much force and hatred then piercing through the left side of her chest.

Blood flowed from the main source, the voices became echoes and everything blurred, the darkness faded away and was now replaced with something so bright that made her wonder what kind of world she is in. He pierced her heart and separated her soul from her body with the utmost enmity one would be able to feel. Just like that, her pieces dissipated into the cold night with her anecdote that was known by all.

"No!" She arose from the bad dream with a sweaty face only to be met with two worried faces who held her in place. Whenever she has nightmares like this, something bad always follows, the more intense the nightmare is, the more the future event breaks her heart. Now that she is the victim, she doesn't know what to make of it.

Asma Malik and Nuwairah Malik, in other words, Jamal's sisters or the two girls she met at the airport when she was going to Abuja who confessed to being her biggest fans and also exchanged numbers with her were the ones who jolted her out of her nightmare.

The Malik family showered her with so much love and respect even though they knew that she was trying so hard to show that she is apathetic, they still didn't give up. They offered for her to stay in their home but she declined, saying she prefers an apartment because she hates being a burden to anyone.

Jamal's father didn't agree though, he was the one who insisted that she choose an apartment from the ones they own and she did, it's not far from their mansion. Her room was medium-sized with a four-poster bed and two nightstands, a vanity table and a wardrobe. The apartment also has a basement, living room and kitchen along with a balcony.

In those two weeks, she discovered a new side of Jamal whenever he is with his family, there was never a boring moment with the guy, even his sisters know it. She won't be the one to destroy the image of their cute, happy family with her worries, she should heal on her own.

Asma Malik is Jamal's younger sister who is about her age. The girl is a pro when it comes to reading people and relationships, she gave Marwa every piece of advice she knew that would help the girl get over whatever is bothering her, the girl couldn't bring herself to open up to them and they understand.

Nuwairah Malik is the person who takes care of her food and body, the small girl who she considers a younger sister now pushes her to the bathroom and makes sure she takes care of herself as always. As a result, the only thing making her look like a ghost is the dark circles and red eyes due to the drug addiction, if she doesn't take the pills, the nightmares will come back and the weight of heartbreak will start crashing down on her again just like this one did, they hid her drugs even when she told them not to.

"What happened Belle? You're safe now, nothing will happen to you" Asma comforted as Nuwairah brought out the bottle of pills from where they hid it. Belle is the nickname they gave her.

"No, you killed me. I hate you, all of you are bloodthirsty monsters!" She shouted, her face and body were sweaty even with the air conditioner on. Her whole body quivered as Nuwairah shoved about five pills of the antidepressant in her mouth, they took it upon themselves to reduce the pills since she is addicted.

"There is no monster here Belle, we are your sisters. Remember?" Asma hugged her and Nuwairah joined.

It took every ounce of self-control in Jamal not to barge into the room and comfort her. No matter how much he loves her, he respects her room as her boundary and he won't enter till when things get complicated. He is waiting for them to get her ready for her big day ahead.

"Asma, Nuwairah--" She weakly called and they nodded, tears were rushing out of her eyes as the medicine took away every ounce of pain in her, it numbed all her emotions, just the way she wants.

"Yeah, now let's get you ready for your big day ahead" Nuwairah grinned to ease the tense atmosphere and dragged Marwa to the bathroom. The sisters brought out her outfit for the day and started cleaning her room.

Today happens to be the day she will be resuming school, it's her first semester as a three-hundred level student. Jamal's father took the pleasure of paying her school fees and buying her books, the mother helped her with arranging everything in a new backpack and the sisters did their possible best to cheer her up.

Before she goes to school, she will make a stop at the place she dreads the most but she has to do it if she wants to cut off every possible contact with the demons. She knows almost every one of their efforts to look for her but she will never let them get to her, she is starting her life afresh. If he can move on without her, then so can she.


Marwa was dressed in dark blue cargo pants and an oversized white hoodie. Even though everything reminds her of him, she chose to be the tomboy and now she has to live up to it. Nuwairah blow-dried her hair and tied it in a high bun then sprayed a nice scenting perfume on her and watched as she fixed the shoelace of her white Adidas sneakers. No matter how many times they tried to get her to put powder and a little lip gloss, the girl was still persistent so they gave up.

"Aren't you guys ready yet?" Jamal shouted, he was tired of waiting.

"Always impatient" Asma playfully hissed and came out of the room along with Nuwairah.

As Marwa emerged and locked the door, she raised her eyes to meet his. He immediately cascaded his head down because she looked too beautiful even with a bare face, she wasn't frowning nor smiling, just a natural expression that is enough to make a person's toes curl.

"Let's get going" She spoke when everyone kept quiet, they just pitied their brother who has never loved any girl in his life before. Marwa opened those gates but she doesn't even know, or she doesn't want to behave like she knows, any of the two.

"Won't you eat something?" He questioned softly.

"I'll eat in the car, I have lectures by nine" She responded and they headed out.

Jamal opened the car door for her and she got in while his sisters piled in the back. He zoomed off at a relatively high speed after settling in the car. It took about a quarter of an hour to reach their first destination which is Baghdad hospital, she is here to say her final goodbye.

"Are you sure you don't want someone to accompany you?" He asked.

"I can go alone, just park at a safe place" She answered and covered her face with the hoodie before alighting the car. With a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and took confident strides to the entrance of the massive building.

She is supposed to return to work today but she is going there to do something else, she will take the risk even after knowing that the royals are here. The moment she entered the exquisite place, she realized how beautiful it looked, she still remembered her first day here, when she came in looking like a headless chicken. Thankfully, Dr Fiona saved her.

Marwa passed the reception and took the public lift to the fifteenth floor where all letters flowing in and out of the organisation are being sorted out. She entered the most gigantic office on the floor where she met a medieval woman with glasses perched on her blunt nose.

"How may I help you?" The woman professionally questioned.

"I came to submit my resignation letter in hopes it will be passed to the higher forces," Marwa answered after much hesitation.

"What's your name miss?" The woman asked after collecting the letter.

"Marwa Kabeer Hassan" She firmly retorted, it took a lot for her to pronounce that name, she doesn't even know where she belongs anymore.

The woman narrowed her eyes as if she didn't believe it but nodded and scribbled something on a piece of paper. Marwa released a shaky breath, feeling the urge to take her pills because the emotions have started resurfacing. She answered some more questions from the woman before leaving the room, and that's it, she has resigned from her job at Baghdad hospital. She has no business with them.

"Mr McMahon if you can't present the new prototype by evening, then I'll cancel the dealership" A deep angry but authoritative voice boomed through the hallway.

"Oh shit!" She cursed and hid behind a pole where he wouldn't see her. He is among the people she has been trying to avoid but he arrived here at the wrong time. Marwa held her breath when Prince Turad Ibn Harith Baghdad along with his entourage of about eight guards all dressed in white passed the place where she squeezed herself in.

She couldn't see him but she heard the heartbreak and anger in his voice, good to know that it affects him too. They betrayed her and now they will pay the price. Immediately they entered the office where she came out of, she ran to the elevator but that was when it decided to disgrace her, the damn thing has already passed the floor she is in.

Back in the room, Turad ended the call and strutted to the woman's table which was filled with different stacks of files and envelopes of letters.

"Any letter for today Mrs Clinton?" He asked.

"Yes, your highness. A resignation letter just came in now, the soft copy is in the company's e-mail box while the hard copy has just been brought here. Which one would you like to read my prince?" She bowed respectfully.

"The hard copy" He answered and she handed him the letter with trembling hands.

From: Marwa Kabeer Hassan.
To: His Royal Highness, CEO and founder of Baghdad hospital, Prince Turad Ibn Harith Baghdad.

Immediately he read who the letter was from, he dropped it and started shouting at the guards to make sure every entrance and exit of the hospital gets blocked.

"What kind of clothes was she wearing?" He shouted at the scared woman, all of them were shocked, they have never heard or seen him raising his voice at anyone before.

"W-white hoodie and blue sweatpants" The woman stuttered.

"Decline the resignation now!" He shouted and ran out of the office along with guards trailing behind. Marwa watched in horror as they ran towards her with her heart palpitating wildly against her ribcage.

"Stop the elevator at all costs. You can't escape now Marwa" He shouted but much to his dismay, the doors of the elevators closed just before he reached the place. Marwa prepared her mind for the fastest run of her life, she is doomed if they catch her.

"Do not let her escape the premises of this hospital, I want her alive and untouched by anyone" Turad howled.

Just as the elevator reached the ground floor, the doors opened and she ran out at the speed of light, the guards who underestimated her speed quickly followed her, there were about thirty of them now, all chasing her like a bunch of fools.

When she reached the reception, she bumped into a hard chest since she wasn't even looking at her front. The speed at which she was running scared her shitless, even some criminals are slower than her at this rate. Marwa stopped and raised her eyes only to be met with another devil along with his own set of guards. Both of them were confused at first before they let out a scream, the guards Turad ordered had no choice but to stop and cascade their heads in respect.

"There!" She shouted and pointed towards a direction opposite hers. The girl slipped and ran away before they could get a hold of her.

"Catch her!" Junaid shrieked and ran along with his guards and the ones Turad sent.

Marwa ran at her fastest speed when she sighted Jamal's car from afar. She was out of breath already, she turned back and realised that both the princes and their guards were running after her.

"Drive! Drive! Drive now!" She yelled even before closing the door of Jamal's car. The guy did as he was instructed without another word from her. They gave up after running beyond the entrance gates of the hospital since the car Marwa came with was out of their sight.

"Damn! I never knew those short legs of hers could run fast" Junaid breathed and placed his hands on his knees.

"She just had to escape! Why is everything happening like this?" Turad groaned.

"All of you go and search the entire state for her. Tell the ACP to mount roadblocks all around the state. Turad, let's get going, the family need to know about the way we suffered today" Junaid spoke and they went back to the hospital.

The gossipers couldn't even look at them, every one resumed back to their business as though they weren't the ones talking about the girl who caused trouble for both the princes. Her face wasn't seen clearly but she sure received many insults since she disrespected the royals!

Turad and Junaid took the lift to the royals ward which is a floor below the Cardiology department. When the lift opened, they immediately stopped in their tracks at the sight before them.

"Talk to me Marwa, why are you slipping away? I can see you! I can hear your voice screaming for help, stop slipping away, I need you, let's save each other, give me one more chance to prove to you that you consumed every bit of my heart and soul" No, he wasn't screaming nor shaking. If anything, he was giving a blinding smile as he stared into space and kept talking to no one in particular.

The family members surrounded him, most of them were sobbing their hearts out. No matter how much they tried telling him that Marwa isn't here, he argued that he is seeing her smiling at him and telling him that she'll be his forever. She is his spectre, oxygen and her venom flow through his veins.

"Son, she isn't here. No one has seen her for the past two weeks, why don't you understand that?" Harith jerked his son hard, completely forgetting that people with autism dislike any kind of body contact or disturbance at all.

"Leave me alone!" Zafeer uttered coldly and stood up then made his way to his room before locking the door. Nawal has left with a promise to come back later, Zafeer surprisingly agreed that she spills the news of their marriage to the public but without the release of his pictures.

"His condition will keep worsening if we don't get that girl. It might get to the chronic stage where he can't be saved" Dr Alameri sadly mused.

"Why did you touch him? It's all your fault, you caused all this!" Umaiza used her small fists to hit her husband who hugged her sobbing self to his chest. If that will make her feel better, then who is he to complain? The king may behave like nothing is bothering him, he has his attention divided between his son and his kingdom, he was born to make hard decisions in his life.

"Ummi, I don't think this is the time to keep blaming Abhi[father] for what is all our fault. We were so stupid not to have thought rationally, the Makamas' wanted to tear us apart and they succeeded. It's left for us to decide how we want to hold our family. Are we going to keep grieving and hurting each other while they watch and laugh or are we going to work together as a family?" Turad was the most sensible out of all, everything he said is true no matter how hard they tried not to admit it.

"I always say this, unity is strength. It's time to work with that, they both need each other, and we all depend on each other's happiness as a family. Let's join forces, brains and hands to stop this marriage, that abomination will never happen to my family! God! I can't believe I failed my best friend, if he were alive, he would have said the same" Hakami spoke like the king he is.

The person he is talking about is the ex-king of Kano state, his royal highness Muhammad Baghdad. May his soul rest in perfect peace, they had a strong relationship and trusted each other with their lives, Hakami felt the loss, and he shed tears like a baby the day his best friend kicked the bucket.

"Yeah, I miss grandpapa. For now, let's all make him proud. But first, we need to call Orhan, Sabreen, Najib and the rest, teamwork speaks volumes. I have something to share with you guys" Junaid stretched out, he feels glad that he has managed to smile after two weeks which is very unlike the jovial guy.

After he finished gisting them about their hilarious yet shocking incident with Marwa, they all made up their minds to bring the stubborn love birds together at all costs. It's time to confuse their enemies, after all, there is nothing teamwork and love can't solve.


"That was epic" Nuwairah threw her head back and laughed as they passed through the huge gates of Bayero University, Kano.

"I never knew you are such a runner" Jamal joined the laugh.

"I couldn't face them, they were just a bunch of betrayers who are so hungry for attention. So much for being royals!" She huffed.

"You should at least hear them out, you might never know how the truth will change your life" Asma, being the sensible one spoke.

"I need to be in class now, thank you for dropping me off and goodbye" Marwa got out of the car as if her whole body was on fire. She knows the truth but she doesn't want to hear it from someone else, they all lied to her and that's it. The uneasy feeling in her heart still hasn't worn off and Asma's truth is haunting her the more.

Marwa didn't even check the time before making her way to the department of psychology, thinking she wasn't late. Then, she would've dropped by the forensics department to see her best friend but now, it was as if she doesn't even exist. Her life has completely changed, if not for Jamal's family, she would have lost all her senses by now.

As she stepped into the class, all eyes turned to her, the kind of attention she hates. But that wasn't what made her shocked, it was the fact that the lectures got swapped and she thought she had counselling as a first lecture but she was wrong, it's now mathematical psychology. In other words, the class of the teacher who has been wanting to take advantage of her.

The man grinned maliciously, it's her first day of resumption after three months and yet, she's late, always. He stopped what he was doing on the board and looked at her from head to toe, completely oblivious to the fact that he was hungrily licking his lips. To him, she looked more beautiful and innocent than before which is a bonus on his side.

"Well, look who we have here. Marwa is it?" He acted like a man trying to remember something.

"Good morning, Sir" She silently greeted and watched as he shamelessly sucked in a breath.

"Welcome back, perpetual late comer. Meet me after the class" The wicked lecturer smirked and watched her every move as she made her way to the backbench, the usual seat of the tomboy and a group of college gangsters who were struggling with their grades but unlike them, she is the best in what she's doing.

"I missed you, female hooligan, and also, congratulations on your riches and popularity" Her seatmate, Kevin whispered. He was one of the gangsters and from his eyes, you'll know that he's someone who is either involved in drugs, drinking or both.

"Fuck off Kevs" She shooed him and turned back to her lesson.

After a boring lecture of four hours, her coursemates packed her notes and placed them in her bag, something they like doing, not that she'll tell them to stop. She was surprised at how everyone knows about her now, especially the ones who have been wanting to become her friends with benefits. Knowing her coursemates, they'll just use her as a stepping stone to get to the man she did SIB's photoshoot with.

Marwa matched to his office and entered after he permitted her to. The man took in her appearance once again before closing the bulky textbook in front of him. She was immune to any emotion now, her red eyes spoke danger, they were screaming at him not to mess with her but he pretended not to understand.

"Why are your eyes red, Beautiful? Stop following bad boys when there are good men around." He stared at her every move from across the table.

"With all due respect Sir, I came here as a student." She angrily clenched her fists.

"No, a late comer. If you come to my class late again, I will deduct it from your marks. Now listen to me, stop following bad boys when there are good men around!" He shouted like one with bipolar disorder.

"And stop following young ladies when you are old enough to be their father! Mind your words when talking to me professor, I'm the most dangerous person you'll ever cross paths with." She dauntlessly banged her hand on the table and then left the place where she saw the group of gangstas waiting for her.

She is the reason why they never fail a subject so they ensure everyone in the entire university respects her. People are easily intimidated by Marwa alone but with them, no one dares to match up to her.

"I know you put him in his place, as usual. So are we heading to the forensics department now?" Kevin grinned and ran his hands through his dyed blue hair. He also has tattoos and piercings, giving him that certified bad boy image.

"No, coke village" She answered in monotone and the six tall guys nodded then shielded her as they made their way to the said place. She didn't beg for attention, it came crawling to her, the power was oozing out of her majestic and enigmatic strides, once again, reminding her that she is royal.

"I can take it from here" She gave them a tight-lipped smile and they nodded before parting for her.

When she entered the place which looked like a small scale market, she instantly regretted her decision. She was so foolish to have thought that they won't see her in here.

Facing her was Shukrah, Khayr, Theresa, Afrah, Fawzan, Ammar and Najib who called them here after he used all his connections to track her location. They decided to make her feel caged, only then will she come back to her senses. All of them were looking haggard, thankfully, it was in an uncrowded area of the place.

"Sisto, please hear us out just this once. It's urgent, brother is---" Ammar started before she cut him off.

"I don't care! What kind of leave me alone don't you all understand? I have moved on and I love my new life, nothing goes as you always plan, learn to adopt new ways." She retorted with folded arms.

"Don't tell me you're high on antidepressants Marwa! Do not lie to me, are you consuming drugs again?" Fawzan took fast strides to hold her unstable figure in place but she punched him.

"And how does that concern you? Yes, I do drugs and stuff, I'm always the bad girl no one likes to hang out with. I bring bad luck to everyone. Even if I die, none of you should come close to my corpse since I'm the cursed one, I don't want any other lies from you, please let me rest!" She put her hands together after pouring out her heart, the drug has long lost its effects which means she has to chug another one.

"Stop pretending--" Afrah opened her mouth before someone did.

"She said she doesn't care about any of you so why waste your time on her? All our efforts mean nothing to her, her stereotypical nature won't allow her to listen so why bother? Since she doesn't want our love as a family, we should move on without her too. Anyways, we came to inform you that the crown prince Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad is getting married to Nawal Ishaq Makama in ten days" Najib spoke with the utmost coldness and went out of the place with the others trailing behind.

The bunch of sobbing girls and her younger cousin brother flashed her one last look before moseying out too. Marwa didn't know what to feel, her head swirled with many emotions that she wanted it to burst completely. It was hard to take in whatever it is that she heard, no wonder she heard her coursemates talking about the wedding of the millennium earlier.

The same nightmare came back as a form of trance, it all explains why she had a terrible nightmare. This is the end, her end and their end, she agreed with the saying that nothing lasts forever, just like how she felt herself giving into darkness and the tranquillity it came with.

I'm sorry, I know I said yesterday but writer's block got in the way🤦‍♀️.

This is it, Marwa this is what you caused😭💔

Najib, you're the best. Someone has to step in and tell her the truth and I'm glad that he did. Now she will learn her lesson!

At least if most of you don't like Jamal, you'll be in support of Asma😂.

Let's talk about the hilarious scene with Turad and Junaid😂, that notorious girl😂😭

Teamwork is on💃❤️, can't wait to see what the family are up to😌.

Prof. Lamido back off, you're flirting with fire, you might get burnt😖.

Sha, make I disappear😂.

See ya in 45.


Love y'all,

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