Clone Wars Randomness

By Fulcrum_101

66.3K 2.2K 821

Basically a book filled with everything the clone wars. And the occasional bad batch as well. Not particularl... More

12 days of the clone war
Where's Anakin?
Tell Me A Joke
Tell Me A Joke 2 || Anakin's Revenge
Tell Me A Joke 3 || Obi attack
Anakin in the kitchen
Danger To Society
Ahsoka gets 'the talk'
Obi-wan goes off
Holding it in
If I don't see it, its not happening
Order 66 happy ending
They're not gonna take it
Confidence is key
The 501st singing
1 Hug for Obi-wan
Maul being adorably evil
Did You Find Her?
611 (you'll get it if you read)
Plo Koon being a dad
Plo Koon being a dad || 2
Its a Fiveslight
I have an idea
Who is Anakin to you?
Change is inedible
Threatening support
Learning from example
Ahsoka's got to go
That's why I got two
Good Morning
Jesse's girl
A Medkix
Stupid Clones
Tricks... nah
The floor is lava
That was the medic!
So dramatic
The kriffing bike
Is this how Obi-wan felt?
World's most dangerous pedestrian
Praying for death
Thank you for asking
Are you asleep?
I give up
Milk is officially replaced
A medal it is
In conclusion... Anakin's a jerk
Just no
I declare you all losers
What does 'take out' mean
Make it 10 million!
Welcome to the Clone Wars
How do you lose an arm again?
My day has officially been made
Obi Dad-Jokes Kenobi
Types of headaches
Tell me a joke 4 || Knock knock
He just went to sleep
Direct Violation of my...
I trust Skywalker
Kix oh my god...
So did his neck
Difficult burdens
Run Fives, run-
Lost and found clone wars style
Behind you-
Memes 2 || what could have been
Memes 3 || clones being... well clones
Obi-wan's padawan?
Obi-wan's padawan
You already know your lines
Rexy dreams
And I was so proud of you
a PaDaWaN wOulD jUSt SlOw mE dOwN
I love my children so much
Watcha got?
I can't find Anakin
I'll decide in a minute
Thank god for time machines
This is golden-
What is wrong with you people
Not in the street!
Star wars: the mood wars
Star wars: the quote wars
Where do you live?
I'm about to be-
Star wars: the quote wars || 2
Cutting expenses
New job
Star wars: the quote wars || 3
I got a poem for you
The end
Appreciate Ahsoka
Can somebody please tell me
I might have lung cancer
Cursed ships
So cute-
Baby names
Shitting shoes for a month
A very long time
Fuck!ng love you
Strong or weak?
Your welcome
Taxi murderer
This far
Just like us
But he is
Prank calls gone wrong
The same
You literally can't
That's what it was
Your life
He has passed away
Questions with Fives
Ya little shit
A mid-life crisis
Two favorite people
I didn't think
She doesn't
Ew what is that
I'm taking you to therapy
Her husband
What's an alcoholic
Where's my money
I'm taking you to therapy || part 2
In front of kids
My finger slipped
I'm taking you to therapy || part 3
Merry Christmas everyone
I was over on the bench
I'm taking you to therapy || part 4
Your mind didn't go there
Oh shi-
Flat surface
Minor arson
The thingykabob
Plan A
Dramatic dad gasp
Lol shoot them I guess
Damn it
Roasted bitch
Were really dead
That's definitely a lie
Were having a good day
Nicknames || part 1
We were conceived at-
Sorry for her
Siblings be like:
I don't
Tried Plan A yet
Not impressed
No managers here
I'm taking you to therapy || part 5
For you
Your straight
I'm in your closet
You want the job or not
I call dibs
You little shit
I'm taking you to therapy || part 6
I know more than you
Shout-outs and a funny vine
Looking at two, I am
I just made it one
No one cares sir
You win
Yo mama war
I'll go get my coat
That's how I feel
Into detail
I could settle for either really
In charge of the mission now
This time
Our bad
I'm still unclear
Why Are You Laughing At Me
Only for internet bestie 😏
May the force be with you

Just getting started

139 6 3
By Fulcrum_101

Maul: Worst night ever.

Obi-wan: Oh? You think I'm having fun on this date? Because I am not.

Maul: Then let's not talk.

Obi-wan: Fine!

Maul: Fine.


Obi-wan: You know-

Maul: Ughhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Obi-wan: *not bothered at all* There is no good reason why you and I shouldn't be able to sit here together and have a conversation.

Maul: I got a good one.

Obi-wan: Which is?

Maul: I've tried to kill you cause I don't kriffing like you!

Obi-wan: Really. You can't think of one thing you like about me?

Maul: *really thinking about it* I like when your sad.

Obi-wan: See? We can bond over- wait did you seriously just say that?

Maul: Yes. Yes I did.

Obi-wan: Hm. Try again. This time, reach deep down into that twisted, bitter heart and see if you can find anything nice to say about me.

Maul: *really really thinking about it* nope nothing comes to-

Obi-wan: MAUL

Maul: Alright alright. Jeez. Your singing isn't horrible.

Obi-wan: How the hell would you know tha- you know what nevermind. I'll take what I can get. Thanks so much.

Maul: Now let's hear you say something nice about me.

Obi-wan: Sure. I admire how your never afraid to say what you think.

Maul: That is so idiotic I think your last brain cell just puked in disgust.

Obi-wan: See! It's your turn again.

Maul: Don't you think we've damaged enough self esteem fir one forced hangout?

Obi-wan: Maul.

Maul: Fine. I suppose a few people would say that from q certain perspective, your *aggressively clears throat* pretty.

Obi-wan: *shocked that worked*

Maul: You could say I'm pretty!

~Plot twist~

Obi-wan: Ah hell nah bruh you so ugly that at a strip club people would pay you to keep your damn clothes on!

Maul: Damn. O-Okay let's just calm down-

Obi-wan: You so ugly that you make blind padawans cry!

Maul: Yeah okay whatever, can we stol now please-

Obi-wan: You so ugly that when you went to the bathroom, you scared the shit out of the toilet!

Maul: Seriously that's enough-

Obi-wan: You so ugly that when you enter haunyed houses, you walk out with job applications!

Maul: Yeah were done here.

Obi-wan: No were not! I'm just getting started!

Next chapter will be the most epic yo mama joke war you'll ever see in your life.

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