tbate | The Storm Gods Chosen...

BoreasHimFuckingSelf tarafından

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Knowledge of the novel he is going to reincarnate into and the blessing of the God who ended his life are bes... Daha Fazla

Chapter 0 Prolouge
Ch 1 Reincarnated??
Ch 2 The Frozen Tomb
Ch 3 Possession
Ch4 Aftermath
Ch 5 The Road to Ashbern
Ch6 The Leywins
Ch7 Arthur
Ch8 The Cores
Chapter 9 Hoarfrost heart
Ch 10 The Begining Of The Journy
Ch 11 The will of the North wind
CH 12 Storm Magic
Ch 13 Elshire
Ch 14 Tessia
Ch 15 meeting
Ch16 The Gardens
Ch 17 Small Talk
Ch 18 Rinia
Ch 19 The Will
Ch20 Bonded
Ch21 Reunion
Ch 22 Offer
Ch23 Goodsky
Ch 24 Requisition
Ch 25 Auction
Ch 26 Auction Pt 2
Ch 27 Examination
Ch 28 The Beast glades
CH 29 Introductions
Ch 30 Dire tombs I
Ch 31 Dire tombs II
Ch 32 Balmung
Ch 33 Heading Home
CH 34 Restraining Order
Ch 35 Terrifyingly Genius Discovery's
Ch 36 Poisonwood
Ch 37 The Talk
Ch 38 Apprentice
Ch 39 Nico
Ch 40 Future Proofing
Ch 41 Xyrus
Ch 42 A Reputation To Uphold
Ch 43 The D.C Triple Threat
CH 44 Reunions
Ch45 First 'Official' Meeting
Ch46 First day
Ch 47 Combat Start
Ch48 Arthur the Masochist
Ch 49 Payback
Ch 50 Couples Training, And Elijah I Geuss
Ch 51 New Marks
Ch 52 D.C Meeting
Ch 53 Field Trip Prep
Ch 54 Eve Of The Crypt
Ch 55 Widows Crypt Pt 1
Ch 56 Widows Crypt pt 2
Ch 57 Uto's Own Game
Ch 58 Healing Flames
Ch 59 Meeting the Family
Ch 60 Elixer's
Ch 61 Will Awakened
Ch 62 Meeting Inturupted
Ch 63 The Collapse
Ch 64 Eternal Karma
Ch 65 Godspell
Ch 66 School In Ruins
CH 67 The Castle
Ch 68 Regicide (Kinda)
Ch 69 Revilation
Ch 70 Epheotus
Ch 71 Virgil
Ch 72 Final Test
Ch 73 The Lernaean Forest
Ch 74 Core Development
CH 75 New Form
Ch76 Test Drive
Ch77 A Warriors Present
Ch 78 Typhon
Ch 79 Commander's Approval
Ch 80 Old Memories
Ch 81 Pandora's Cavern
CH 82 Pandora's Cavern ||
CH 83 Pandora's Cavern |||
Ch 84 Pandora's Cavern ||||
CH 85 Our Return
Ch 86 Serious Developments
Ch 87 Brewing Storm
Ch 88 Typhon's Wrath
Ch 89 Aftermath
Ch 90 the Paladins
Ch 91 Speech
CH 92 Armed Recon
Ch 93 The Fallen
Ch 94 Wrath of the Hydra
CH 95 Cadell
CH 96 Retrieved
Ch 97 Wounded Paladin's
CH 98 Fortifications
Ch 99 The Elshire Sweep
Ch 100 Awakening
Ch 101 Cecilia
Ch 102 Noah of the Buring lance
Ch 103 Rising Storm
Ch 104 Frostborn's Never Die
CH 105 The Foundries
CH 106 Meeting of the Gods
CH 107 Rough Night?
Ch 108 Rude Entrance
CH 109 Skirmish
CH 110 Pierrot the Clown
CH 111 A Day To Be Remembered
Ch 112 Calm Before the Storm
Ch 113 Calm Before The Storm 2
Ch 114 Approaching Storm
Ch 115 Counterattack
Ch 116 Jailbreak
Ch 117 New leads
CH 118 Six Fronts
CH 119 Scythe
CH 120 The First Front
Ch 121 A Grim Reminder
Chapter 122 Rebirth
Ch 123 Among the Ruins
Ch 124 Looking Glass
Ch 126 Day at the Wall
Ch 127 Reconciliation
Ch 128 Fury
Ch 129 The Storm king
Ch 130 Remains
Ch 131 Goodbye, my Friend
Ch 132 A New Vessel
Hiatus and info about next arc

Ch 125 Confession

792 27 10
BoreasHimFuckingSelf tarafından

A/N Feels warning this made me and one of my beta readers cry from reading this

Alexander Bladeheart pov:

I sank into the leather seat as Claire sat across from me with only a wooden coffee table separating us as I cast a sound barrier over our bedroom making sure nobody was eavesdropping.

'Dad are you sure you want to tell her?' Zephyr's voice echoed in my head. Yea I'm sure, I sent back as I felt Blamung stand by the door outside guarding the entrance for me.

'No need to thank me, Lord Tempest, I shall merely perform my duty as your servant and weapon.' Balmung shot down my thanks before I even sent the thought to him.

I exhaled deeply looking deep into Claire's grey-blue eyes, they always looked so deep and enchanting, her eyes had a mixture of confusion and worry to them as she nervously shifted her weight in the seat.

"I'll start this off with this, everything I've said, done, and felt has always been the truth. When I say I love you it's the truth, I love you with all my being and if I ever hurt you I honestly couldn't live with myself and would kill myself if I did or you wanted me dead." I spoke solemnly as I opened my mind to her letting her feel all of my emotions were true.

I felt her feel her emotions become a heartwrenching mix of joy at my love for her and that I wasn't lying when I said I would kill myself if I hurt her or if she wanted me dead. "D-don't say that Alexander, Don't even dare to ever leave me alone," she spoke with tears in her eyes.

AW FUCK I MADE HER CRY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU FUCKING IDIOT! I yelled at myself internally feeling my heart beating painfully like a drum inside my chest. Do I kill myself now? wait no I have my oath and she just said don't fucking kill myself, BUT I made her FUCKING CRY GOD DAMMIT.

Ok calm the fuck down Alexander, Let's just get through this and then go from there. "C-Claire I wouldn't dream of it, I just think it's time I told you this and it's not exactly the smallest of details about me." I leaned over and wiped the tears from her eyes before steeling myself.

"My situation is more or less the same as Cecilia and Elijah, or should I say, Nico? No that's not important right now... The point is that I'm Reincarnated, this isn't my first life." I spoke in a hushed tone clenching my hands together in my lap as I waited with bated breath for her answer.

"I-I don't know what to say, So your a reincarnated person? from where? what world did you come from? is this always how you always acted. what were you like back then?" Claire stammered out as hundreds of questions flooded her mind.

"It'll be easier to show you, I'm opening all my memories to you and I'll start from the beginning." I clasped my hands over hers as I leaned over the table pressing my forehead to hers gently.

Using my Vritra mana arts I connected our minds and soon we both stood opposite each other in an empty white void, soon we were looking through my memories from my perspective as Claire remained silent reading my mind as I explained the memories I showed.

"My old world was a peaceful one, without magic, without mana beasts, without any real danger. We didn't have magic but we did have science, we learned and invented new technologies to live well for ourselves." I spoke aloud to her as I saw her brows knit in confusion.

I showed her all the technology we had, Smartphones, planes, cars, hospital equipment, our weapons, and the buildings of the cities we lived in from time to time. I felt a sense of awe and wonder from her as she prodded my memories with her consciousness.

"I was the oldest son of a family of seven including my parents. We lived in a northern country of my world. My parents worked hard day in and out without any weekends or breaks to support me and my brothers and sisters." I spoke aloud while showing her the times with my family, how my parents were always busy with work and how I had to raise my family practically by myself.

"But there was a problem, both sides of my family had a history of genetic diseases and after a while, my parents grew sick and passed away. Their life insurance didn't give us much but we held on for a while and we had the house. I had to start working when I turned 14 which was the youngest age I could work legally." I felt the exhaustion from those days weigh down on my shoulders and my eyelids.

"I don't know if I was lucky or had the worst luck because I didn't get sick till I turned 17, and by that time It was just me. I worked myself to the bone, scraping the money together to pay for the experimental medicine and drugs because there was no cure for the disease, but It just wasn't enough."

"Soon enough I quit school and started working to save up money to donate to research for our disease. Not even to live happily because I knew I was going to die before I was twenty." The words fell from my mouth as I played my memory of the day I died.

"And that's when I met Boreas, he'd killed me by accident because of the meddling of the god of Shadows and trickery Erebus, and took pity on me after he found out about my past, He granted me knowledge of the future and sent me here." I lied about how I knew the future, That was the one thing I wouldn't tell her. I don't know how she would react if I told her that she used to be only a fictional character in a novel.

"So that's why you trained me so hard, you knew that my core would have been shattered in the attack," Claire's voice was barely a whisper as she spoke.

"I will admit that I never intended to fall in love, hell I thought falling in love was stupid knowing the war was coming at first... But then I got to know you, how you always smiled and cared for your friends so much. and by fucking Boreas I fell for you before I even knew it." I smiled weakly not looking her in the eyes as I rubbed the back of my neck looking at my feet with my head hung down.

"But you deserve to know this. Kai didn't disappear, he was an alacryan spy. I had director Goodsky assassinate him." I spoke coldly through gritted teeth, showing her Kai at the scene of the attack killing a student and aiding the attackers as they killed Theo, as well as nearly Tessia, Feyrith and Curtis if not for her holding him back.

I felt her breath stop abruptly and the shock and disbelief cloud her mind, "He was a traitor? A spy? but Kai was my friend, a comrade." I heard her thoughts over our bond as I pulled out a mental projection of a knife and held it in ready to end it all if she said so.

I felt Claire's callused yet delicate and soft hands grab the sides of my head and yank my head down to look at her tear-filled eyes before she pulled down my head and kissed me. I felt a wave of warmth permeate through my body as I let go of the knife.

She still loves me.

Tears welled in my eyes as I held her close and kissed her back, breaking away from me. She didn't even need to speak for me to know what she wanted.

I broke our mental link and we were back in our bedroom before long she pulled me into her arms and I fell to the floor pulling her down with me as I just let tears of joy pour from my eyes.

"I love you so, so, so much more Alexander, through all that pain you kept going for your family. it makes me proud to be your wife." she ran her fingers through my hair as I felt myself break down more and more letting down every emotional dam I made even the ones I didn't know I had.

My breaths were shuddering as I felt a burning heat in my chest, I lost my old family, some of my new family, but she knows what I did, who I had killed and who I had assassinated. but She still smiles at me and loves me.

I felt raw as I wrapped my arms around her waist and hid my face against her chest and let everything out. Timed blurred as I sat there holding her in my arms as she silently combed her fingers through my hair transmitting just how much she cared about me.

"You haven't changed one bit, Al. You care for your family the same as you did before, You'd do anything to protect us and keep us safe. If I knew this when I met you I would have fallen in love all over again and married you even sooner." She spoke softly, making me want to cry all over again. How, Just how is it possible to feel this happy in a war, Much less at all?

Letting go of her I sat up weaving my fingers between her own as our wedding rings rubbed against each other. I kissed her gently as I shuddered just feeling this loved.

"I promise I'll end this war soon, so we can live with our kids and not have to leave them to go and fight," I vowed.

"Yeah, let's make sure they don't grow up during a war." she nodded as we stood up rubbing our red eyes from our tears. "I don't think I've cried like that ever before." she chuckled, sniffling quietly.

"I didn't think the emotions sharing  our bond would be that rough, oh my god." I breathed out remembering that awful feeling at the start.

"Oh yea that reminds me I have someone to introduce you to, You know him but you might not recognize him." I gestured towards the door which opened promptly as I sent for him to open the door.

Balmung stood tall gingerly leaning on his sheathed cane sword giving a relaxed but formal smile with a happy and approving look in his amethyst eyes, the end of his ashen white ponytail flowed over his shoulder.

"It's my honour to meet you, Lady Tempest, I am your Husband's servant, weapon, and advisor, My name Is Balmung. Or you may know me as the greatsword he wielded often when stronger spells became needed." He bowed with a perfect form that would probably make Arthur look at him so he could conduct himself better.

"Wait what? You're his greatsword?" Claire was utterly stumped as she struggled to fit the two together.

"Let me explain, he's a sentient weapon that Grandpa Bahamut used. Balmung is a special case among the sentient weapons in general though because of the materials he absorbed and was made of while he was made by Bahamut." I answered.

"Arthur has a sentient weapon waiting to be born in his right hand, there's a crystal called Aclorite that an Asura put in his hand that will evolve into the perfect weapon for him once it gathers enough information." I briefly explained to her as she started to figure it out she looked suspiciously into his eyes.

"Quite perceptive Lady Tempest, Your hypothesis is correct my eyes are those of the Indrath clans Realmheart physique, the very same one that your friend Arthur Leywin has." He applauded her with his deep rumbling voice that although sounded intimidating, was respectful.

"Yea Balmung is pretty similar to me in that we both have a bunch of different asura clan's abilities except he was actually made in a lab." I scratched the back of my neck as we walked out of the room and I got them acquainted.

"So would that make you one of the last Storm Dragons, Balmung?" Claire tilted her head like a puppy hearing a new noise, I swear to Boreas I felt like I got diabetes from how sweet and cute that was.

"Sadly it doesn't make me a Clan member, After all I am merely just a servant and a weapon fo the Lords and ladies of the clan." he replied softly

'I'd rather not my name be taken for granted.' Boreas's voice boomed in my head.

'Can you blame the man, brother? he just showed absolute devotion to his wife and was ready to kill himself if he made her feel like he wasn't the man she married.' a sweet motherly voice boomed in my head, but this wasn't Boreas this was someone else.

'Whoever you are, thank you for agreeing.' I called out mentally to the voice I heard.

'Oh, so you can hear me? well, this is interesting, Nice to meet you, Alexander. I am Brigid the goddess of Fire who blessed your wife earlier. It seems that you can hear me through your bond with your wife now, I look forward to seeing your adorable kids when they're born.' I felt her wave at me before her presence vanished.

'My sister is a very doting woman so  expect her to bless your children if they have a fire affinity.' Boreas sighed which made me get flashbacks to nearly getting suffocated by auntie Angela.

"Hey, Al! Dicathen to Alexander!" Claire waved her hand in front of my face, making me snap back to attention.

"Yea sorry boreas decided to pop into my mind," I answered pulling out my medallion and started opening the vault that I walked to as if I was drawn here by my instincts.

"The vault is only opened for important reasons, may I ask why Lord Tempest?" Balming asked not reading my mind out of courtesy.

"A few reasons, Claire Ill tell you now that the Storm clan isn't the noblest by a longshot so don't be surprised when I hand you a Pheonix Asura will in a few minutes," I spoke absentmindedly as the grand doors opened.

"A What?!" Clarie sputtered out realizing I intended to replace her will with a stronger one.

"And I need to find the Wayfinder's Compass so I can open the necropolis of the ancients," I spread out the archive records on a table nearby looking for its location.

"yes, I suppose we meet the requirements to use the Primordial Storm dragon's powers. There is only a Handfull of us left, the situations are dire, and the need for power is urgent." Balmung listed the requirements to be allowed to find the Compass's location.

"I don't understand, why are you looking for a hidden graveyard?" Claire asked, looking at the records on the table.

"The Necropolis is only to be opened to preserve the Storm clan from extinction, It holds the power of thousands of Stormdragons so powerful they couldn't contain the power they held."

Okumaya devam et

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