By gurlyyy22

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Meet Marwa Kabeer Hassan: A rude, narcissistic, audacious, and dramatic lady. She looks very innocent, beauti... More



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By gurlyyy22


They are on their way to the airport where Ahmad Rashad's private jet will transport her back to Kano, the guy said he would be responsible for her safety, transportation and accommodation and he did just that. As usual, the two girls were in the backseat and they turned Asiya's husband into a driver, the man has been groaning since they told him about the change of plans. They wanted privacy and for that, he has been blackmailed to drive.

"I'm going to miss you" Asiya cried as she gave Marwa a bone-crushing hug.

"We are not even at the airport yet" Marwa chuckled and gently patted Asiya's back, she was trying so hard not to cry.

She was outfitted in camouflaged sweatpants and a baggy hoodie from the stack of gifts Ahmad blessed her with, the couple gifted her a whole suitcase filled with all kinds of fashion items ranging from clothes, shoes and accessories. He also told her that if anyone tries to defy her about wearing camouflage, she should just dial his emergency number and he'll take it from there.

"Better tell this lachrymose sister of yours" Ahmad spoke and parked his Lexus AC500 in the parking space.

"To be honest, I never thought the panic attacks and nightmares would stop completely, there was a time when I felt suicidal but then my knight saved me once again, you miraculously worked wonders on me. In just two weeks, you have become a huge part of us and God knows I love you just as much as my sisters. Thank you Marwa, I'm immensely grateful and also looking forward to the unofficial visit from you" Asiya still clutched Marwa's hoodie.

"That speech was emotional but you still forgot to wish her one thing" Ahmad turned around and looked at the girls who stared at him with questioning eyes.

"Her future husband's safe return and hopefully his well-being" He gave Marwa a cocky smirk and she returned it with a playful glare. Ever since she confessed her feelings for Zafeer, the guy has been using that against her and that too, at the worst moments.

There was a time when they went to the mall to buy ice cream and watch movies, a handsome guy with good humour and an attractive figure approached her and started making his move. That caught Ahmad's gaze and he stepped in as the protective brother, she still remembered the scene he caused and that made her laugh out loud.

"Brigadier General Ahmad Rashad Mustapha here, who gave you the permission to flirt with my sister?" He brought out his ID card and showed it to the man who looked scared out of his wits.

"S-sorry Sir" The man who was beyond intimidated squeaked.

"If you don't leave this mall right now, I'll have someone to beat the hell out of you. And again, do not let me cross paths with you again or else, I'll do much worse now run off" And just like that, the man ran at his fastest speed away from them and the mall in general. Asiya and Marwa kept laughing by the side.

"Oh yes, I forgot that he is going--" Asiya was about to mistakenly spill the beans when her husband shushed her with a light peck, the girl can be foolish at times.

"I mean he is going to cross the border today" She awkwardly corrected.

"Why do I have the feeling that you wanted to say something else?" Marwa set her lips in a straight line.

"We're not hiding anything from you. Now let's go, you have a flight to catch" Ahmad knew about Marwa's stubbornness so he used an authoritative tone on her.

"Mask on, you know you're a celebrity now. Please don't forget to consider all those job opportunities, especially modelling for my brand" Asiya grinned and Marwa laughed before nodding.

"Don't forget that you are a married woman in case if anyone asks. Your luggage has also arrived at Kano, I'm sure they must be in your room by now, she'll miss you but I won't" He gave her a blinding smile.

"Please tell your cold-hearted husband that he needs therapy, I don't want to go through this again. Bye and I'll only miss your wife too" She embraced Asiya and waved them a final goodbye before ascending the stairs of the private jet.

Asiya hugged her husband for comfort and the man just kept teasing her about the tears and how she is acting like an annoyed child which makes her hit him on his chest.

"Can't wait for her reaction when he surprises her today" Asiya squealed giddily.

"She'll probably punch him for not telling her anything, it's the tomboy we're talking about" Ahmad laughed out loud and they settled in the car before he zoomed off. He didn't admit it but he will miss having her around too, the girl has that kind of incredible personality and cuteness that will make everyone around her drawn to her like a magnet. No wonder the crowned prince fell for her, the sixteen years he spent is worth the wait!

Back in the plane, Marwa looked around the luxurious place before she started taking snaps. She has never in her wildest dreams thought she would see herself in a private jet but here she is, with cabin crews at her disposal.

Farida: I can't believe I missed sending you off today, I'm so sorry b, but this sleep will be the death of me one day. We'll meet in Kano.

She read the text and chuckled to herself before teasing Farida about her sleeping sickness. A sad expression took over her face when she viewed the torrent of texts she left for him. He never ceases to cross her mind because everything reminds her of him.

Since the day he bid her farewell, he has never contacted nor texted her again. Every day, she prays for him and also sends him texts about their memories together, he would get tired of reading it, which she is sure of. She has full faith in him and truly hopes that a day will come when he will return to her safe and sound, that day, she won't hesitate to confess her feelings for him even if doesn't love her back, she'll still do it.

Al-Yamamah Palace,
Saudi Arabia.

He gently fluttered his eyes open only to be met with someone that made him think he is starting to hallucinate. The room was dark since the person lying down hates the brightness, the only source of light there was from the bedside lamp.

"Hal anta majnoon?[Are you crazy?]" An old man clad in coffee brown thawb [royal thobe], a red keffiyeh along with an agal perfectly perched on his head spoke with a deep frown.

His accent is pure Arabian and so as his features, he was sitting beside Zafeer on the bed and you could see the resemblance between the two. Hakami Abdou Al-Qahtani, the Sultan of Saudi Arabia is the most prudent person you will ever meet, he acts like a stern and cold person but he is the softest when it comes to his children and grandchildren, especially the crowned prince of Kano state.

He over-pampers him even though he disciplines and scolds him sometimes, but the man doesn't hesitate when it comes to his grandson. Zafeer was raised by his maternal grandparents since when he was nine, it's only natural that they love him dearly and know more than anyone the character of the boy.

"Jid[Grandfather], you scared me. Wait, why am I even here?" He foolishly asked and was about to sit up when a sharp pain shot through his limbs and that made him maintain his supine position.

"How could I not scare you when you almost got killed out there? I thought we talked about retiring but you, this naughty child, is something else. I knew I had to make someone abduct you because you'll just go back to Nigeria and stress yourself the more, I told your parents not to let you do any stressful task due to your sensitive skin but they paid no heed to me. Now because of Umaiza and Harith's negligence, three bullets pierced through you. Three bullets!" The man ranted all in one breath and kept touching his body to feel his temperature.

"Jid I'm alright, you see I'm still alive and can even laugh stop being so dramatic seriously" He facepalmed.

"You are not alright, now rest on this bed till your limbs perfectly heal. Look at your skin now, oh that delicate fair skin is now purplish! This is not my grandchild, Avisha your grandson is awake come and deal with him for me, he is too stubborn" He dramatically huffed before sauntering out of the room just as the said woman came in with a tray of fruits in her hands.

Maids are not allowed in his room except if he is not around, that's when they quickly arrange the room and leave before he comes back.

Avisha Hakami Abdou Al-Qahtani is Zafeer's grandmother and also the first and only wife of the Sultan of Saudi Arabia, she is the Queen. When it comes to Zafeer, she always treats him like a baby just like his grandfather, the guy will groan but that's the moment they scold him. His uncle, the crowned prince of Saudi Arabia will keep laughing at him for being the over-pampered kid, the guy is jovial and a player, that's why they hit it off with Junaid. And again, he's that kind of person who loves simple life, he doesn't even act like a royal till when the need arises, left to him, his elder sister should've been the heiress and not him but sadly, that's not possible.

"Dr Alameri is on his way here, please eat up and get ready for injection, you're down with a high fever. Don't mind your grandfather, it's his way of expressing that he has missed you" She tried to console him and the moment he opened his mouth to speak, she pushed the two cherries into his mouth. His cheeks doubled in size, making him look hilarious.


The sound of a camera going off distracted both of them. Zafeer rolled his eyes even before the photographer came in, apart from Junaid, there is only one arthropod who he wants to get rid of and that's his supposed uncle. And their topic of discussion came in with a stupid smirk that Zafeer wants to get rid of so bad.

"Daddy Orhan is here, there is no need to fear because you will no doubt be teased today" His arms were spread wide as he talked with so much authority as if he was a fortune-teller.

Orhan Hakami Abdou Al-Qahtani is about Junaid's age, some months younger than Zafeer but the man uses every opportunity to shove it in his face that he is his uncle and he demands respect, he knows how much his nephew hates authority except if he is the one to use it.

"Not you again, delete that picture now" Zafeer groaned.

"Wulid mashaghiba! Hal yajib 'an takhlaq mshhdan hataa eindama yakun mrydan?[Naughty boy, can't you see he is ill?]" His mother scolded.

"Lakina 'umiy, hataa 'anah lam yatasil bi eamiy[But mom, he didn't even call me uncle]" He protested with a cute pout.

"Just shut it and welcome him, we all missed him and now he's back here. We thought you weren't going to wake up when you were wheeled in on a stretcher yesterday" Avisha grimaced at the thought.

"You mean I was out for a day?" A shocked expression covered his face.

"Yes. Asad misses you and the whole house are on their way, they should arrive any moment. Sabreen will be back before you know it, she has lectures today" The woman informed.

Asad is his pet, in other words, his white lion which was gifted to him by his grandfather ever since the animal was a cub, it's now ten years of their togetherness. The lion got so used to having him around and it got to a stage where the two will sleep on Zafeer's bed, he also understands what Zafeer says and tries to act like it, sometimes, they even converse.

"Jida [Grandmother], I need to be in Nigeria, I need to be there and I'll go with Asad, that little fella" With much effort, he sat upon the bed but Avisha forced him down.

"No! The whole family will be coming here so what is it that will take you back to that hell hole? The boy you wanted to come with is also here, what's his name again? Ausar" She retorted.

"Okay fine, I won't go back Jida. Where is Ausar though?" Just as he finished asking, he heard a loud roar and the sound of people, the Baghdads are here.

"Asad" He shouted as the magnificent white lion ran on his four legs and launched himself at him. It is huge with a long tail and mane, Zafeer ignored the pain on his body and ruffled the lion's hair. One would be easily intimidated by his height and how huge he looked, let's not forget about the fierceness.

"I missed you too buddy and I'm here to whisk you away" He smiled as the lion snuggled happily beside him on the bed.

"I told you to dodge bullets, a simple instruction you failed to follow" Rumaisa matched with head held high and glared at her grandson before pecking his forehead.

"The person you're talking to is not the one to follow simple instructions mother figure, he is the knight after all" Orhan sarcastically chirped.

"Yes bro, I second that" Junaid gave Orhan a bro hug and laughed at Zafeer's uninterested face.

"You didn't even use the sunscreen now look at your skin" Umaiza sighed.

"I think all of you should allow him to breathe, he is my son, he knows what to do" Harith defended but his wife, mother and mother-in-law hotly glared at him.

"Your royal highnesses, father summoned for me. My apologies son but the gang are up" He then withdrew from the room before the said women pounce on him now.

"I had to pick her up from school, this naughty girl still can't drive" Turad walked in with Sabreen who ran to hug Zafeer.

"You stink" He scrunched up his nose in disgust, he wants to annoy her just like the others did to him.

"What a nice way to welcome someone you haven't seen in forever, don't worry, you'll come to me seeking love advice, that's when I'll stink the more" She used this as the perfect moment to bring up this topic, knowing fully well that he'll hate her for it.

"Love advice?"

"Who's the girl?"

"My baby has grown so much, come to daddy, he'll give you love advice"

The first and second shrill were from the Queen, and the third was from Orhan. Even Asad let out a roar to express his happiness.

"Why would I ask love advice from anyone? Come on, love is not for me" He stated and snuggled Asad.

His family kept teasing him about the girl until Junaid showed them Marwa's picture, and Orhan decided to prick some emotions by praising her outstanding beauty. If looks could kill, Orhan would have been more than seven feet underground by now.

Captain F: We're secretly returning to Nigeria and I'll meet you in two hours. You're the only responsible person who can do this for me now bro, I just want to elude this place!

He messaged Fawzan and kept the phone aside, he doesn't want to read the hunch of texts Marwa left him just yet, he wants to surprise her and Fawzan will be his biggest aid in doing that.

Zafeer summoned Ausar who came in looking different, his tattered clothes were replaced with washed blue jeans and antique white coloured shirt and his short, curly black hair was shining even in the dim room. He was frightened at the sight of the lion but quickly loosened his resolve when his master told him to.

"Get ready, we'll be escaping this place in less than two hours" Zafeer informed as both Asad and Ausar helped him up.

He took a shower and changed into a black hoodie with a mask that covered the whole of his face. He passed Ausar a hoodie and the boy hesitated before collecting and wearing it.

"Where is we going, Sir?" He innocently asked.

"To your master's home" And with that, they left through the escape route where a taxi driver was waiting for them. He called for one so as not to make things suspicious, he already suffered enough when he tried to get them out of his room.

In about an hour, they made it to the Qahtani's airport where different planes were operating all around, but the Qahtani's aeroplanes outnumbered all of them. They rushed to the pilots' briefing room where a guard decided to defy them but the moment Zafeer unmasked his face, the man frantically apologized and made way for them.

"Thank you for deciding to save my life Capt. I owe you big time" He released a huge breath when they met Fawzan waiting for them in the briefing room, he was alone.

"Just make my sister happy, that's the only way to repay me for my kindness. Asad! How are you boy?" Fawzan ruffled the lion's hair and they exited the room to the private jet which was waiting for them.

Asad let out a roar in response and they exchanged pleasantries with Ausar. In front of the jet, they met with two other pilots who are going to assist Fawzan throughout the trip. They settled in and Zafeer decide to text his grandfather before he gets the whole family worked up again.

Jid: On my way to Nigeria, it will be a pleasure to meet you there.

He laughed when he clicked the send button, the old man will have his head, that's for sure. As the plane took off, he released a huge breath, he is finally going to meet the love of his life and confess his feelings for her. The wait has come to an end and finally, he found his home.

"Remember his words dear, it won't work unless you activate it," A voice said from the other side of the phone.

"Yes, I know mother. It's time to claim my property as well as my career" The lady retorted with a nefarious smirk before ending the call.

She was outfitted in a red shimmering dress that exposed her curves and perky chest, her face was decked up in heavy make-up with maroon lipstick that coated her thick round lips. Her head was without a cap, and the wavy style of the artificial hair extension contrasted her bossy personality as well as her beautiful body.

It was a hot Sunday afternoon, a day after Marwa came back from Abuja. In front of the jewellery shop is a convoy of cars lined up with an enigmatic person inside. Her long nails artificial impatiently drummed on her thighs as she waited in anticipation for her target to enter the jewellery shop.

On the other side of the road, Marwa parked her golden Pagani Huayra and crossed the road with a natural expression etched on her face. Today, she was dressed in a tan-coloured palazzo and white short-sleeved shirt, her fingers were covered in golden knuckle rings like a gangster and her eyes were shielded with cat-eye sunglasses. A pair of coffee brown heels and a white veil completed the look along with a coffee brown Hublot leather wristwatch.

"Hello, Sir, can you please price this ring for me?" She asked the old man she found behind the counter before handing him the small silver ring that means so much to her, she wants to confess her feelings for Murad but to do that, she decided to let go of memories of her first love so here she is, letting the last straw of his love go.

"This will be worth half a million Ma'am since it looks old" He retorted with a smile.

"Okay, it's a deal then" She wanted to just disappear from here, the money is meant to be donated to the orphans.

"Wait! I'll buy it for four times that amount, that's if the owner agrees. And that your necklace, it looks good. How much did you buy it?" In came Nawal Ishaq Makama with guards trailing behind, she was oozing power and dominance.

Marwa couldn't help the frown that covered her face, the amount of hatred and disdain she has for this woman is something else.

"Oh that is an icebox, I've never seen any design like it so it must be the only one and trust me, the price can build you a fully equipped house" The man answered, watching as a proud smirk took over Marwa's lips.

"Nice to meet you, Marwa Kabeer Hassan, the beautiful model trending around the world. I know you despise me because I think low-lives like you who have managed to rise from grass to grace don't make things easy in life but let me tell you something, the guy you took a picture with, Murad Shakur right?" Nasal chuckled evilly and placed her fingers on Marwa's shoulder.

"Don't you dare utter a thing about him, you don't know him. I have never even met you face to face so why would you just walk up to me and try to be rude? I'm sure this was planned all along" Marwa brushed her fingers away with disgust.

"Oh dear, you guessed right, it was all planned. I'm being rude because I was supposed to take on that position but not only that, I think you should probably stop talking to other people's fiance, especially if the date of the marriage is drawing near" She whispered the last part. The jeweller has long left the place to give them some privacy knowing that the governor's daughter can decide to sue him if she loses her temper.

"I'm sure you're confused, let me clarify. The main reason why he approached you was because I dared him to play you, we made a bet that if the tomboy falls for him then victory is mine and if not, then it's his and obviously, I won. Dear, I don't hate you, I'm just here to tell you that you should stay away from Murad or in other words Zafeer because he lied to you about his name, feelings and everything about him including his twin brother who is his cousin, Rayan Shakur whose real name is Prince Junaid Haroon Baghdad. You were fooled, you failed to notice the signs and now, you have been outsmarted Marwa" Nawal made a pitiful face.

"If you don't trust me, then let me show you this video. I work with proofs" Nawal then brought out her phone and showed Marwa the video she made which has gone through serious editing so that she was victimized and he was the culprit now. And as Marwa saw it, her eyes blurred with tears and she felt her world crumbling down. It took her sixteen years to build huge walls but this man destroyed them in just three months. Something she took sixteen years to build!

"The best thing to do is make it clear to him that he means nothing to you and live with him as your sworn enemy, trust me, it'll make you feel a whole lot better. Don't listen to what he has to say, he doesn't have anything to defend himself with anyway. I leave you in peace Marwa, sorry about the heartbreak but what he did was inhumane. You were just a verdant to him and he used that to take advantage of you" Nawal wiped Marwa's tears with her long nails before turning on her heels and was about to exit the place when she went back to where the said girl was managing to stand and gently removed the necklace.

"Sorry, that's meant to be mine, he gave it to me when we started dating but I also dared him to use the same charm to get to you" She smirked and majestically walked out of the place. Just like that, it has been activated.

Marwa felt her heart tightening with such hatred that she felt like it was too good to be true, her eyes reddened and her chest tightened. She badly wanted to feel the pain but nothing was there, it was just filled with the strong urge to revenge and she'll do just that. She is out of her mind, that's for sure.

From afar, Fawzan's car parked and Zafeer happily alighted before limping into the shop. The captain asked about her location earlier, she told him she'll be at the jewellery shop so Fawzan drove them here.

Zafeer's expression turned sour when he noticed her kneeling with her head cascaded down, she was clutching her palazzo as if she wanted to rip it apart. He softly called her name and the reply he got was silence. The moment he stretched out his hand to help her up, her next act shocked him.


The kind of resounding slap she gave him had the guy recoiling because all his life, he has never been slapped by anyone and again, his sensitive skin has been tortured enough already. She didn't even raise her eyes to look at him, she couldn't.

"I should have known you are the Crowned Prince Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad, a liar, a cheat and a womanizer"

To be continued...

Wtf just happened😭🤯

I can't believe Nawal set up such a story just to get to Marwa🥺💔

I don't even wanna talk about the ending part, for now, let's enjoy the Al-Qahtani family.

Aye Orhan has been whipped by me, I first everybody😂😌.

Anyway, see you next chapter and I don't know when that will be🌚

We'll meet in 42, just get ready, we are in the 'heartbreak' zone😈.


Love y'all,

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