By Guardlet08

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4 years later after the D-reaper and Parasimon attack, the Tamers reunited to their Digimon. Now the Tamers i... More

I'M BACK!!!!!


228 5 0
By Guardlet08


On Transilvania, where old houses and a big castle lie there. It was middle of the night, and all of the people is sleeping peacefully. In the castle, a portal suddenly appeared and a figure came out. Not seeing because of the darkness. The figure step out in the moonlight making it reveal himself none other than Black.

"Looks like i've finally arrived." Black said while looking around the castle. Black walk around until he came across in a statue of a vampire.

"This is perfect." Black said before walking in the statue. He stop in front of the statue, he activate his powers. The mark in his hands extent to his arms, he reach his hands and create a hazard circle in front of his hand. Suddenly the statue eyes start to glow red until it's body. When the the red light completely covered the statue it explode into a smoke. A fog covered the room as Black smiled under his mask.

"You will definitely gonna attract the Tamers to come here." Black said as a tall figure standing in front of him. The figure kneel down and bow before him. Black is staring at him with a evil smile.

At the town of Transilvania, it was peaceful night when suddenly.


There's a loud noise came from outside. The people got startled and quickly left their houses to check what's happening outside. They all got shocked when every street light is shattered.

"What's happening!?" One of the people asked. Suddenly a bats came to them. They all scream as they wave their hands to scare the bats away. The bats continue to chase the people.

Suddenly a red full moon came up, they all look up and their eyes widen.
It is a tall figure with a red eyes and wearing a cape, standing at top of the castle.

"Hey look!"

"What is that!?"

They all gasped. The figure smirked before bats surrounded it and disappeared in the thin air as the bats disappeared. Leaving the people of Transilvania confused, shocked and scared. One people notice a card in the ground.

(The Card)

Japan, Shinjuku

Back at Japan Shinjuku, the Hypnos is currently navigating any strange activity happening. Suddenly a man with a black suit came up.

"Any news Riley." Yamaki asked.

"No strange activities for this week sir. It's perfectly normal." Riley said to him. Yamaki nod his head and close his lighter.

"Okay we can call it a day. Pack up and-!"


Yamaki's headset suddenly ring. He push the button side by it and answer it.

"Yes, what is it." Yamaki asked.

"Sir we need you here in the conference room, we received a very important message from the government." The Researcher said. Yamaki frowned.

"I'll be there in a minute." Yamaki replied and hung up the phone before walking towards the conference room.

In conference, the Researchers doing their work while observing the message they got from the government. Suddenly the door open and they saw Yamaki came in.

"Is something wrong? You said we received a message?" Yamaki asked. The Researcher nod and show him.

"We just received this 30 minutes ago, they saying in Transilvania, they saw a strange figure in top of the castle. They suspecting it was a vampire." The Researcher said.

"A vampire? You're gotta be pulling my leg." Yamaki sarcastic. Then he look at the monitor.

"At first we didn't believe it but they also said they saw a strange black figure too along with this card." The Researcher said then showing him the two pictures. Yamaki eyes widen through his glass when he recognized the figure.

"It can't be!? How in the earth he managed to came up there!" Yamaki thought while looking at the picture.

"They want us to investigate and find out what that creature is. They also said they're willing to support any needs we need in this mission." The Researcher said. Yamaki close his eyes and look at the Researcher.

"Tell them we will accept this mission. Also send a private jet and a house to stay in while they were there in Transilvania." Yamaki said and the Researcher nod and start to text to back at the message. Yamaki touch his head worn microphone.


"Yes sir?"

"Call the Tamers, tell them to pack up their things. They're all going to fly off to Transilvania." Yamaki said.


It is morning, in Shinjuku street, Rika is currently walking towards the Matsuki bakery. She enter and saw Mei.

"Hello Mrs. Matsuki." Rika smiled. Mei turn to her and smile back.

"Ah! Rika dear! Are you here to pick Takato?" Mei asked.

"Yeah, knowing he will be late again." Rika chuckled. Mei smiled after knowing their relationship.

"Wait let me call him." Mei said then walk upstairs.

"Takato! Your girlfriend is here!" Mei called. Suddenly they hear a loud crashing noises up stairs and they saw Takato falling in the stairs. Mei and Rika sweat drop.

"Oi! Takato." Rika called. Takato immediately stand up and smile at her.

"I'm ready! Let's go!" Takato smiled at her. Rika sigh at his goggle-head acts.

"We're going Mrs. Matsuki." Rika smiled.

"Bye mom!" Takato said.

"Be careful you two!" Mei smiled. Takato hold Rika's hand and they both left the bakery. As soon they left Takehiro came out from the kitchen.

"*Sigh* Takato is really growing up. It's just like yesterday he still crying for a lullaby, now he have a girlfriend of his own. Who knows maybe just a blink of our eyes we're already grandparents." Mei sigh.

"You can't stop the track of time, he will grow up sooner or later." Takehiro smile. At Takato and Rika, they continue walking to go to school.

"It's been a month since we last saw Black don't you think?" Rika asked that caught Takato attention.

"Yeah you're right, it's kinda weird. Black is not a type of person waiting around. I wonder what he was doing right now." Takato said with a serious face.

At the school, Kazu and Kenta is walking to the class when they saw Jeri and Henry.

"Oi! Henry! Jeri!" Kazu called then Jeri and Henry look at him.

"Kazu!" Henry said.

"You're about to go to the class weren't you?" Kazu asked.

"Yeah, why don't you go with us?" Jeri smile.

"Sure!" Kenta smiled. But before they go to their classroom, they saw Takato and Rika came in.

"Hey have you notice Takato and Rika is kinda close in this full week?" Kazu asked.

"Yeah i have notice that." Kenta said then Jeri smile at them.

"Of course they are, they're been together." Jeri smiled that shocked Kazu and Kenta in their core.

"EH!? THEY'RE IN RELATIONSHIP!?! SINCE WHEN!!!???!!" Kazu and Kenta asked in shock.

"Oh, since last month didn't you know?" Jeri asked.

"NO!!!" They both shouted.

"That explains it, Takato fall in love in Rika and Rika fall in love to Takato, they confessed and now they're couple." Jeri smiled.

"How?! When?! Where?! Of all the girls Takato would fall in love it has to be Rika!? Rika Nonaka!!! And Rika falling in love!?!? The world must be ending now!!!" Kazu shouted that many students look at him.

"Kazu lower your voice! You're making a scene." Henry said to him.

"Yeah Kazu calm down." Kenta said.

"I'm not calming down!!! I have to confirm this to myself!!!" Kazu shouted then walk towards at the classroom.

"He's gonna get himself killed right?" Kenta asked them Henry and Jeri nod.

Inside the classroom, Takato and Rika currently waiting for the teachers to arrive when suddenly Kazu barge in and slammed his hands on Takato's desk.

"Okay! Spill it!" Kazu said to them that make Takato and Rika confused.

"Spill what?" Takato asked.

"You know what am i talking about!" Kazu shouted.

"No and can you keep your voice down, we're just one feet away from you." Rika scoffed.

"Are you guys really in Relationship!?" Kazu shouted.

"What!? Who told you that!" Said by Rika. She look behind him and saw Jeri waving at her.

"Ugh. Jeri..." Rika groaned while face palming.

"Yeah, we're in relationship so what?" Rika said to him.

"So it's true! I can't believe it! Takato how come you fall for her!?" Kazu shouted that triggered in Rika's nerves.

"What is supposed that mean!" Rika demand while glaring at him.

"I mean you're Rika! Bad temper, monsterous strength and harsh attitude! I never thought you would fall in love!" Kazu shouted.

"Of course i can fall in love idiot! Especially the guy i love the most!" Rika shouted.

"Are you sure you're not some kind of robot or something?" Kazu asked and that is a last straw for Rika. Rika charge at him but luckily for Kazu Takato is there to stop her.

"Let me go Takato! Let me pounce at him!" Rika shouted.

"Rika don't! You might end up a suspension!" Takato said while holding her off.

"But it's so worth it!" Rika shouted. Suddenly Takato's Hytera beep. They all stop and stared at Takato took out his hytera.

"Hey what's that Takato?" Kenta asked.

"It's called Hytera, Mr. Yamaki gave me, Rika and Henry one each so we can stay in touch to him in case there's an update in Black's activities." Takato smiled and answer the call.

"Hello Mr. Yamaki what's up?" Takato asked.

"Takato, does the all the Tamers with you?" Yamaki asked through the call.

"Uh yeah? Why?" Takato asked.

"Good, now i need all of you to go in the Hypnos right now. I already sent someone to fetch you all of you there." Yamaki said.

"Sorry Mr. Yamaki but we're at school and we can't just leave here." Takato said to them.

"Don't worry, i already excuse all of you in a whole week. It's really important, Black is up to something." Yamaki said to them.

"What? What he's doing right now?" Rika asked while coming besides of Takato.

"I'll tell you all of the details when you arrive. I need all of you here right now." Yamaki said before ending the call.

"Does all of us need to go?" Jeri asked.

"That's what he says." Takato said.

"Well if that comes skipping school then I'm in!" Kazu grinned while putting his fist in the air.

"Let's go." Takato said. They all grabbed their bags and left the classroom. Now they are in the front of the school.

"Who are we waiting again?" Kazu asked.

"Mr. Yamaki said he sent someone to pick us up." Takato said.

"Hey what you guys doing?" The voice asked, they all look up and saw a small white digimon above them.

"It's Calumon." Rika said then Calumon hopped.

"Rika!" Calumon shouted before jumping at her arms.

"Calumon...!" Rika groaned as Calumon start nuzzle his nose to hers.

"Eskimo kisses!" Calumon smiled.

"Hey Calumon what are you doing here anyway?" Jeri asked then Calumon smiled at her.

"I'm about to play soccer here but then i saw you guys!" Calumon smiled.

"What are you doing anyway?" Calumon asked.

"Well we're about to go at Hypnos and meet Mr. Yamaki there." Takato said.

"Ohhh! Can i come!? Can i!? Can i!? Can i!? Can i!? Can i!?" Calumon asked excited.

"Well with that energy, i don't think we can say no." Henry smiled.

"Yay!" Calumon cheered.

Suddenly they all saw a black van coming towards them.

"I think that's our ride." Jeri said to them. The black van parked in front of them then it's door suddenly open.

"Hey guys need a ride?" The person asked who turns out to be Ryo.

"Well no. Change of plans Hero Boy I'm taking a bus." Rika said and was about to walk away when Takato grabbed her.

"Hehehe, come on Rika you know we have to go there with Ryo." Takato nervous smiled.

"Not with him driving! And why are you driving anyway! Are you little too young to drive?" Rika scoffed then Ryo grinned.

"Well as you can see Wildcat, I'm eighteen and have my very own drivers license. Besides Yamaki said it's emergency so we really need to go." Ryo said to her.

"See Rika it's emergency, Black is planning to something evil and we have to stop him. So please go inside, for me?" Takato asked while giving her a puppy eyes. Rika look at him then Ryo before grunting and stomping towards at the van.

"I'm only going to this stupid van for Takato's sake!" Rika shouted. Kazu leaned forward to Kenta.

"See, I think Rika really replace a robot or alien." Kazu whispered.

"Shut up Visor boy or I'll throw you out of the van!" Rika shouted at him.


Later, they all finally managed to arrive at the Hypnos where Yamaki waiting for them in his office.

"Thank you for coming so quick." Yamaki said.

"If it comes to black, we'll all going here as fast of lightning." Henry said.

"So what's Black up into now." Takato asked. Yamaki look at them then type something on his computer.

"Last night we received a very important message from the government. They send us a video been taken from incident on Transilvania." Yamaki said to them.

"Transilvania? You mean the place where all vampires live?!" Kazu asked in shock.

"There's no such things as VAMPIRE, Kazu, they're just a myth. A children's fairytale." Rika scoffed.

"Well that's my first comment but take a look at this." Yamaki said before showing them the video. The Tamers watch it closely and they saw a bats scaring the people away, suddenly the video shown a creature at top of that castle.

"See! I knew it! Vampires are real!" Kazu shouted.

"Maybe that's just a person doing some video pranks?" Takato asked.

"I wish it only that but i don't think so Takato, after i see this." Yamaki suddenly show them the picture of card and a picture of black standing in the castle gates. They a gasped in shocked.

"It's Black!" Rika gasped.

"How in the earth he managed to travel there?!" Henry gasped.

"So that's why we haven't see him around for a month!" Takato grunt.

"So you see, if Black's involved in this activity, i don't think it's just some kind of silly prank. He's up to something and that creature at top of the castle is part of his plans." Yamaki said to them.

"So you really think that's a vampire?" Takato asked.

"I don't know, i don't know if it's really a vampire or something more evil creature he made. That's why all of you going there and investigate it." Yamaki said to them.

"Wait! Investigate it? You mean we're going to Transilvania!?" Takato asked then Yamaki nod.

"Yes, but don't worry, the government take care of your trip and place to stay while you're there." Yamaki said to them.

"This really important Tamers, if we don't stop Black there who knows what he can do there." Yamaki said to them in serious tone. They all look at each other and nod, then Takato step forward.

"We're going, we're gonna stop Black and what ever he's planning." Takato said to them then Yamaki.

"Go home and pack your things, all of you are going to leave as much as possible." Yamaki said to them. They all nod and left the room.

"Okay guys, let's go to our own home and pack up." Takato smiled.

"Does all of us have to go?" Jeri asked that make everyone turn to her.

"What do you mean? I thought it settle we all going to Transilvania." Takato said.

"I know but... I'm not a Tamer anymore because i don't have any Digimon." Jeri said sadly but suddenly Henry put a hand on her shoulder.

"With or Without Digimon, you're still a Tamer Jeri, and no matter what happens you're still you." Henry smiled, Jeri smile then hug him tight.

"Thanks Henry." Jeri smiled.

"Besides, we need a babysitter for Calumon and you're the best candidate." Rika smiled.

"Maybe you're right, okay! I'm coming too!" Jeri smiled.

"Alright! After we finished pack up we all meet in the park okay?" Takato said.

"Yeah!" They all agree.

"I'm going to pack up my lucky underwear!" Kazu shouted.

"Well I'm gonna pack up a air freshener." Rika said.

"Me too..." Jeri said.

"Yeah I'm gonna pack a whole pack of it." Kenta said.

"You guys are meanies!!!" Kazu shouted.


Takato now is currently walking home with Guilmon besides him.

"So where we going again Takatomon?" Guilmon asked.

"We're going to Transilvania boy but first we need to tell my parents I'm sure they will agree without any doubt." Takato smiled.



Takato sweat drop at his mother's sudden outburst. After he got home he quickly explained them the situation and tell them why he needs to go to Transilvania.

"But why not?" Takato whined.

"Takato, that guy you're saying is the master of Great Omega that hurt you three! Who knows what he can do to you." Mei said to him.

"But Mom! That's the point! Who knows what he can do! Not only in Transilvania but in the world! We're the only one need to stop him!" Takato explained.

"My answer is no Takato! You're not going to the Transilvania to stop that guy! End discussion!" Mei said.

"But mom! You have to let me go!" Takato said to her.

"Takato... Let me handle this." Takehiro said to him then he look at Mei.

"Honey i know you're worry about his safety but we both know he needs to go." Takehiro said to her.

"I know that but-!"

"But he needed to, it came from you Takato is growing up and i think he's old enough to make his own decisions in life. All we need to do is support him in every step he made." Takehiro said to her.

"Besides look at him Mei, i can see in his eyes that he just doesn't want to stop this Black but he have a deeper reason am i right Takato?" Takehiro asked then Takato nod.

"Black... He's targeting Rika and i promise to her and myself that i will protect her no matter what. And in order to do that i have to fight him!" Takato said to her. Mei look at his son's eyes and see a determine look at his face. She sigh and look at him.

"Takato, you know being parent is not easy and you will understand that someday if you and Rika will gonna have family." Mei said.

"M-Mom! I-It's too early to said that! We only been together for a month!" Takato shouted while blushing. Mei just chuckled then stand up.

"So... Tell me how many of you will come there."

Nonaka Resident

Rika just finished packing her stuff. Now it's time for the hardest part, asking permission from her family. She just hope it will turn out what she wants to be. She sigh and walk in the kitchen.

"Mom? Grandma? Can i talk to you two for just a bit it's really important." Rika said to them. They both turn to her and nod.

"Okay dear, what do want to talk about?" Seiko asked. Rika took a deep breath and began explaining about the situation. A minutes later, she done explaining and look at her family's face.

"So you see, i really need to go just to stop Black so please let me go?" Rika asked. Rumiko and Seiko look at each other then her.

"Okay we understand, you can go." Rumiko smiled.

"I knew you will say that! But mom I really need- wait what?" Rika gaped in shock.

"You see Rika, you're not a kid anymore. You're old enough to make your own decision like me. So i let you go besides you have Renamon to protect right?" Rumiko smiled. Suddenly Renamon appeared at her side.

"I will protect her no matter what." Renamon said.

"Just be careful okay?" Seiko asked.

"I will mom, grandma. Thank you for trusting me." Rika smiled at them.

Wong Apartment

At Wong's Apartment, Henry is currently walking towards at his dad.

"Dad there's something i need to tell you." Henry said but Janyu cut him.

"That you need to go to Transilvania, Yamaki already told me." Janyu said to him.

"So you're going to let me go?" Henry asked then Janyu smiled at him.

"After you've just saved the world from total destruction and defeat one of the members of Great Omega, I see no problem in it! I'll discuss this with your mother." Janyu smiled then Henry sigh in relief.

"Thank you dad, by the way can i asked you a favor?" Henry asked.

"What is it?" Janyu asked.

"About Jeri's father, i don't think she can convince her father to let her go with us in Transilvania on her own. Can you convince them?" Henry asked.

"Don't worry I'll handle it just tell her to pack up and I'll come with you to convince her parents." Janyu smiled.

"Thank you very much dad." Henry smiled.

"Henry! Can i bring your neck pillow?" Terriermon asked in his room.

"Sure! It's right in the corner!" Henry said.

After they all pack up their things and convince their parents, it was 1 p.m of the afternoon and Rika is currently walking, with back pack with her, towards the park.

"Rika!" The voice called her. She turn around and saw Henry and Jeri coming towards her.

"Jeri I'm glad you managed to came here." Rika smiled.

"Yeah, Henry's dad, Mr. Janyu, managed to convince my dad to let me go in this trip! Can you believe it!" Jeri said.

"Well I'm just glad you can make it." Rika smiled.

"Hey guys what's up!?" They turn around and saw Kazu and Kenta walking towards at them.

"Did pack up your whole room there Kazu?" Rika scoffed.

"Nope! Just essential!" Kazu grinned.

"I don't believe it." Rika said then Jeri look around.

"By the way Rika, where's Takato anyway?" Jeri asked then Rika around.

"He still not here? *Sigh* That Goggle-head, he never change." Rika sigh.

"Hey!" They all turn around and saw Takato and Guilmon running towards them.

"About time Goggle-head." Rika said then Takato smiled at her.

"Sorry I'm late, i just need to pack some extra bread for Guilmon in the trip." Takato said.

"Good, because in Guilmon's stomach it's just a appetizer for him." Terriermon grinned.

"Yo toots! Where you all going?" The voice said. They look up and saw Impmon staring at them in tree.

"Impmon it's nice to see you!" Takato said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, so where you going? You look like all of you going to elope somewhere." Impmon said to them.

"We're going to Transilvania, we have a mission there." Takato said to him.

"Huh? Mission? Like what?" Impmon asked.

"Well do you know Black?" Takato asked.

"You mean the guy in the TV who's wearing a dark clothes like he's going to funeral or something?" Impmon asked.

"Yeah, he's at Transilvania and we're going to stop him." Henry said to him.

"In that case, doesn't make the Shinjuku free for attacks?" Impmon asked.

"Ah! You're right!" They all gasped.

"Argghhh! We didn't this through!" Takato said while grabbing his head. Impmon saw how problematic they are then sigh.

"Fine... I'll stay here and protect the Shinjuku while all of you at Transilvania." Impmon said to them.

"Really you're willing to do that?" Jeri asked.

"Yeah, besides i have to look after Ai and Mako." Impmon said.

"Thanks Impmon! We owe you one!" Takato smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just go before your plane go without you all." Impmon said. Takato turn to all of them.

"So are we all here?" Takato asked.

"Not yet!" The voice said, they turn their heads and saw Ryo walking towards to them.

"Hey guys, the van is waiting for us let's go!" Ryo smiled.

"Don't tell me you're the one who's driving again?" Rika scoffed.

"Nope! We have our own driver to take us in the airport where our private jet waiting for us." Ryo grinned.

"We're gonna have a private jet!?" They exclaimed.

"Of course we are how do you think we'll go there? By foot?" Ryo smirked.

"Let's go!" Ryo said to them then they all follow him and go to the van.

The Tamers and Digimon drive to the Airport, a minutes later they arrived at the airport where some agents of Hypnos and Yamaki waiting for them. The agents lead them to an wide open area where their private jet waiting for them.

(The jet)

"Holy cow! We're going to ride that!?" Takato exclaimed.

"Yes, the government gave that for all of you. When you arrive in Transylvania, someone will pick you all up. Just say hypnos sent you." Yamaki said before turning to them.

"Be careful out there Tamers, keep us updated in currently activities there using your Hytera." Yamaki said. They all nodded.

"We got it!" They all answered then Takato turn to them.

"Okay Digimon Tamers let's go!" Takato smiled.

"Yeah!" They all answered.

[Insert Song: Biggest Dreamer]

Wanna be the biggest dreamer
Running full speed through
both the future and the present

The Tamers and Digimon go inside the jet and gaped as they saw inside of it.

"Wow...!" They all gaped.

"We hit a jackpot!" Kazu shouted as he sit in the sofa.

Even if I slide
and skin my knees
I've gotta stand right back up, or else my chance will run away, I know

"Whoa so much to play!" Calumon shouted.

"Be comfortable because we will be this plane for next 11 hours and half." Ryo smirked as he sit down.

Big and bigger, biggest dreamer!
Dreaming is the start of everything
that's the answer
I'll fly farther than anyone
through all the tomorrows

They all sit down in their chosen chairs. A minutes later the jet started to take off in the sky. Guilmon, Calumon and Terriermon is at the window while looking outside the plain to see the clouds, Kazu and Kenta playing some Digimon cards while Ryo is watching them. Renamon and Cyberdramon is at the corner silently waiting and Henry and Jeri is reading some books they pack. Rika is looking at the window with worried look at her face.

Wanna be the biggest dreamer
Running full speed through
both the future and the present

"Is something wrong Rika?" Takato asked at his girlfriend.

"Nothing it's just... What do you think Black is doing at the Transilvania?" Rika asked.

"I don't know but we're going there to stop him." Takato said then Rika turn to him with a smile.

"You really determine to stop him aren't you Takato?" Rika asked then Takato smiled at her.

"Of course especially when he said he's targeting you." Takato said to her. Rika look down and think of the D-reaper inside of her. Suddenly she took Takato's hand and hold it. Takato just hold her hand tightly.

"Don't worry Rika, i promise no matter what happened i will protect you from Black." Takato smiled. Rika smiled at him then put her head in his shoulder.

"You're such a Goggle-head." Rika smiled before closing her eyes.

"Ewww! You two get some room will ya!" The voice of Kazu complained. Suddenly a book fly straight to his head, that surprise everyone, and knocked down him. They all turn their heads and saw the one who threw the book is none other than Jeri.

"Shut up Kazu!" Jeri shouted while have an angry look and dark aura surrounding her.

Henry just leaned back at his seat, away from her, with scared look at his face.

"Piece of advice Kazu, never get the woman angry because once they're mad! They can be very scary. Trust me." Takato said to his unconscious friend.

11 hours later, it's 1 a.m in the morning. The Tamers and Digimons is currently sleeping peacefully. Suddenly Takato stirred and yawn then rubbed his sleepy eyes and blinked. Takato look at his left and saw Rika sleeping peacefully at his shoulder. In front of them is Henry and Jeri sleeping too. Takato smiled and put his head at top of of his girlfriend head.

"Attention passengers, attention passengers we're about to landed at Romania, Transilvania. I repeat. We're about to landed at Romania, Transilvania." The captain said through the speakers that woke the Tamers and Digimons up.

"Huh? What? Where?" Kazu sleepily said.

"Guys wake up we're about to land." Takato said.

"But Takatomon... I'm still sleepy." Guilmon yawned.

"Land to where?" Jeri asked.

"To Transilvania remember?" Takato said to her.

"Oh yeah just remember." Jeri yawned. Takato turn to his girlfriend.

"Rika, wake up..." Takato whispered quitely in her ear while shaking her a little bit.


All of them got shocked when suddenly Takato got punch by tired and groggy Rika. Takato rolled down in his side while holding his bruised cheek. Jeri and Henry cover their mouths to avoid to laugh while Kazu, Kenta, Terriermon and Ryo holding their stomach, laughing their butts off.

"Takatomon, what happened to your face?" Guilmon asked while tilting his head.


A minutes later after recovering from the incident happened. The Tamers and Digimons waiting for the plane to land.

"Now passengers, we're now landing to Romania, Transilvania." The captain said to them.

"*Yawn* I just hope someone is awake at this time of hour." Jeri yawn.

"Better be. The government send us here to investigate the incident happened. So they should treat us better here." Henry said to here.

"Mr. Yamaki said there's a person will pick us up right?" Takato asked.

"Yeah, i wonder if he's part of Hypnos too." Ryo said to them.

"Attention to the passengers now we landed in Romania, Transilvania." The captain said to them. They all get their bags and waited to the door to open. A minutes later the door open and they all get down to the stairs.

"Here we are folks! Welcome to the city of Transilvania!" Kazu shouted while grinning. Henry pulled out a guide book and start reading it.

"Actually Kazu Transylvania isn't a city, it's a province that goes up to around...55,146 square kilometers, I think." Henry said to him.

"Aww! You have to spoiled it man! We're not even school so stop filling my brain with knowledge." Kazu whined.

"Brain? What brain? Do you even have a brain Kazu?" Rika scoffed.

"I heard that Rika!" Kazu exclaimed while pointing at her. Rika just rolled eyes and ignore him. Suddenly they saw two person with black tuxedo and blue police on outfit. The two person walk towards them.

"You must be the Tamers, Hypnos talking about." The man with black tuxedo said with a welcome smile. Takato step forward and bow a little.

"Yeah, hello I'm Takato Matsuki the leader of the Tamers." Takato smiled.

"Since when Takato became our leader?" Kazu whispered at Kenta that only received an elbow in the gut from Rika.

"And this is my girlfriend Rika Nonaka, my friend Henry Wong, Jeri Katou, Ryo Akiyama, Kenta Katigawa and the one who's suffering there is Kazu Shioda. And this our Digimon, Guilmon, Renamon, Terriermon, Cyberdramon, Calumon, Guardromon and Marineangemon. We're the one who send to investigate your place." Takato introduce.

"I'm Sebastian Stefan but you can can call me Sebastian. I'm Mayor of Transilvania and this is Mateo, Head chief of Transilvania police department." Sebastian said then Mateo nod.

"It's nice to meet you all." Mateo said.

"We welcome you here to Transilvania." Sebastian smiled.

"Thank you Mayor Sebastian, anyway how we can help?" Henry asked.

"How about let's talk about the detail in the car." Sebastian smiled. They nod and followed Sebastian where he lead them in black Limo.

"Wow! A limo!" Kazu exclaimed suddenly that make Sebastian and Mateo look at him.

"Please ignore him, he left his brain in first grade." Rika said to them.

"Hey! I didn't not- wah!" Kazu yelp when suddenly Takato shoved him in the limo.

"Don't talk back Kazu or you might end up in the hospital in the whole mission." Takato said. They all get in the car and drove off. Sebastian and Mateo look at them.

"As you can see we really need your help, two days ago we received an anonymous attack." Sebastian said.

"Me and my team try to investigate to track who ever did that but we found nothing. No trace. No clues. Whatever attack us is not ordinary. Especially what we all see in top of the castle." Mateo added.

"One citizen said he found this mysterious card when the attack has been made." Sebastian said before handling them a card. Takato took the card and observe it.

"Base on the symbol there's no doubt. It came in Black." Takato said while showing the card to his friends.

"Black?" Sebastian and Mateo asked.

"An evil man and we also suspect that he's behind of this." Henry said.

"We're here to stop him and whatever his planning." Rika said to them.

"But do you really believe that vampire really did this?" Renamon asked to them.

"Renamon!" Rika said.

"Well here in Transilvania, vampire stories is really a common here. Many people believe it but we know there's a great explanation than a myth." Sebastian said to them.

"You bet you do. I mean in our home we don't need a vampire because we already have Rika. She's scary and feisty as a real vampire." Terriermon teased. Earning a death glare from Rika.

"We'll settle this after we get in our home stay bunny-dog!" Rika growled.

"By the way where we're going to stay mayor?" Ryo asked.

"We managed to find you all a temporary accommodation in nearest orphanage here." Sebastian said.

"Orphanage?" Kenta asked.

"You're good at kids right?" Sebastian asked.

"Yay! New playmates!" Calumon exclaimed.

"I guess that's yes." Takato nervous laughed. Suddenly the limo stop moving.

"Mr. Mayor we finally arrived." The driver said to them. They all get out of a car and saw a woman waiting for them a black dress at top of white apron.

"Tamers this sister Maria. The head mistress of orphanage. She's the one who volunteer let you all in the orphanage. Sister Maria they're the Tamers I'm talking about." Sebastian said.

"Hello it's really nice to meet you all. I'm Sister Maria, if you need anything just tell me." Maria smiled at them.

"I'm Takato it's nice to meet you too sister Maria." Takato smile at them.

"And I'm Rika." Rika smiled. Maria smiled at her then look at them.

"It's really late, all you must be tired. I already prepared the rooms for you all to sleep in." Maria smile.

"And if ever need anything call me." Sebastian said while handling them his card.

"Feel free to go around the Transilvania, you all welcome here." Sebastian smiled at them before he and Mateo go in the car and left.

"Please all of you follow me." Maria smiled.

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