REPLACEMENT; criminal minds (...

By cierakay_

277K 6.7K 771

"๐™๐™–๐™œ, ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช'๐™ง๐™š ๐™ž๐™ฉ" Maya Regan, a newcomer joining the BAU after former agent Emily Prentiss has recen... More

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5.4K 143 59
By cierakay_

"Life is much better when you're living in the present moment"
*long chapter at least 5,000 or 6,000 words, i'm so sorry*

It's been weeks since Joseph Perez came back into Maya's life. He was gone but Maya still thought about him every day. How could she not, when she had multiple bruises to prove it. Maya stands in the bathroom that connects to her room and raises her head after washing her face with cold water. She takes a long deep breath before using a soft towel to dry her face when suddenly a knock is heard at her door.

Maya turned off the faucet and made her way to the front door. She opened it to reveal Derek with two coffees. "Hey" Derek greets before Maya allows him to enter. Every day for the past couple weeks Derek comes over to make sure Maya is okay despite her saying she's fine and he doesn't have to check on her. He insisted on doing so.

"Are you okay?" Derek wonders as he sets the coffee's down on the kitchen counter. "I'm fine. I tell you that every-time you come here" Maya jokes. "You really don't have to check on me. None of you do" Maya says as she points to the flowers, get well cards and balloons over in the living room area that the rest of the team has sent over.

Maya was grateful that they cared but she didn't want them treating her any differently because of what she went through.

"Well, you can stay here but I have to go to the bank" Maya says as she grabs her keys off the hook by the front door. "Let me take you, or at least ride with you" Derek suggests, "I don't need you to go everywhere with me. I can handle myself" Maya declares as she opens her front door.

"Maya, seriously" Derek warns. "Derek, seriously. There's a spare key in the drawer below the cabinet and if you so happen to lock yourself out, there's a key in the mulch" Maya informs while Derek knits his eyebrows in confusion. "Mulch?" Derek questions.

"Well, in the plant or under the mat is too easy" Maya says before she leaves the house, shutting the door behind her, not caring that Derek's in her house since he's been there almost every day for the last couple weeks.

"Maya!" Derek calls out as he rushes out of her house. "What?" Maya questions, turning to look at him as he brings up her gun and holster that also has her badge attached to it. "At least take this" Derek states.

"I'm off duty, I can't go around carrying a gun on my hip" Maya says as she pushes it away.

"Then keep it in your car, just take it" Derek urges before Maya takes it out of his hands. "Fine, if it makes you happy, I will" Maya says, locking eyes with Derek who has a cheesy smile on his face. "It does make me very happy" Derek says making Maya shake her head jokingly before getting in her car, placing her gun in the glove department and her badge in her pocket.


Later, Maya arrives at the bank. She gets out the car, using the keys to lock the doors of her car that's parked on the side of the road. Maya sees a woman and her baby, approaching the door and decides to open the door for her, letting them walk in first.

Maya walks in and waits in line to go to a bank reception. She listens to the voices around her until someone walks through the detectors, causing it to go off. Maya locked her eyes at the guy who set off the detector and narrowed her eyes at him as the security guard brought him over to get his bagged checked until another guy walks through, setting the same detector off.

Maya clears her throat as she scratches the back of her neck, having a bad feeling about being in this bank as of right now. She looks around the bank and sees a women. A women with black hair that's in a bob and also has bangs that just to her eyebrows. She watched as the women looked at her surroundings cautiously.

The women then went over to the guy who set off the detector and pulled something out of his pocket. Maya widened her eyes when she saw the women pulled out a gun and shot the security guard right in the stomach.

"I want to see hands in the sky!" One of the robbers yells as he places a mask over his face. Maya grabs her badge and hides in the hem of her jeans, knowing it's not going to be easy getting out of this and if they know she's with the FBI, things could go wrong.

"Try to trigger any alarm or give me any damn dye packs and your dead. You understand? Do you understand?!" The robber asks as he walks up to the receptionist, demanding they put money on the bag. "You!" The women yells as she puts the gun to the back of Maya's head.

"Hands up" she orders, and Maya looks around, seeing three robbers who are also armed. She knows she's out numbered so she puts her hands in the air slowly and gets up against the wall like she orders.

"What time is it?" One of the male robbers ask. "1:45. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are the face cards. Maybe you've heard of us" The women states, counting down from something and Maya widens her eyes slightly, definitely hearing of them before.

"Get your faces on the floor. I see eyes, you see bullets. Get it?" The women demands as she holds her gun in hand, pointing it at anyone. Maya slowly gets down on her knees and puts her head down, looking at the floor.

One of the bank receptionist takes one of the robbers to the vault, against her will. Maya sighs before noticing the women is counting down a timer and knows they only have a certain amount of time to leave the bank before the cops come. But suddenly, sirens are heard which alert the robbers.

"We got trouble! Black and white!" One of the robbers who checks the doors says, warning his two other partners.

Maya starts reaching for her badge so she can hide it from their line of sight, but instead, it starts to fall out of the hem of her jeans and the female notices. She walks over to Maya; her heels clicking with every step.

"Get up" The women orders. Maya raises her hands again and slowly raises to her feet, coming level with the women in front of her, not caring about the gun.

"What're you reaching for?" She asks and Maya shrugs her shoulders. "Answer me, bitch!" The women demand, pushing Maya up against the wall before using one hand to slightly search her, feeling something hard in the hem of jeans.

"What is this?" She asks as she pulls it out, revealing Maya's badge.

"We got a fed!" The women shouts as she throws the badge on the ground and immediately points her gun at Maya again. "What?" One of the male robbers asks. "Her! She's a cop" The women shouts as Maya looks to her unbothered while her hands stay raised.

"You're coming with us" The women says as she grabs Maya by the arm. "We don't have room for some cop! Just leave her" The man insists but it seems the women is determined.

"She's probably the one who called them and I don't trust her" The women says as she roughly pulls on Maya's jacket. "I don't trust you either but I didn't call anyone. Besides, they're already here. There's no way out" Maya says before the women pulls her close, placing the gun right under her chin.

"You want to say that again?" She asks before pulling away and grabbing Maya's arm.

"We're taking her" The women insists, not caring what her partners think. "Fine. Fine. Whatever. We got to go out the side door" One of the men states and the 3 robbers plus Maya make their way to the side door, Maya being pushed against her will.

"Count to 100. Don't even think of moving" The women says as she stays behind with Maya for a couple of seconds to make sure everyone counts as they exit the bank.

They proceed to the side door. "Let me go" Maya demands as she stops in her tracks. "Let's. Go" The man says. "I don't want you to but what the lady wants, she gets" The man with a mask says making Maya scoff.

"You think that shows respect. It just proves you're a bitch" Maya declares, trying to get under his skin.

"What did you just call me?" He asks before his other male partner insists they leave before they get caught in the crossfire and the women agrees, grabbing Maya by her neck and taking her outside, using the side door.

They see a cop car and the man in front immediately shoots one of the officers in the head. Maya widens her eyes as she looks to the police, feeling as if she's seen one of them before. She elbows the women in the stomach, pushing her back before grabbing one of the men in the beige shirt and putting him in front of her. The officer shoots and ends up shooting the guy in beige, right in his chest and right in the leg.

Maya tries to make a run for it but her ankle is grabbed and she hits the pavement. One of the robbers shoots and drags his partner back inside while the women grabs onto Maya, desperately trying to pull her back in.

"Ugh!" Maya groans before her hair is pulled and she is brought to her feet. "It's not that easy" The women mumbles in her ear as she dodges the bullets coming her way and drags Maya back in the bank, locking the door behind them.


The police have surrounded the bank, and the team arrives to get an update on the situation. The Face Cards have hit 7 banks in 7 months, killing one person each time to get the room's attention. "M.O.?" Rossi wonders. "Single gunshot wound. Each of the victims has bled out" Hotch answers as the group stops in front of the bank.

Derek looks around and notices Maya isn't with them and quickly looks back towards the bank. "Where's Maya?" Derek asks. "I've called her multiple times but no answer. I even had someone go to her house and she's not there" Hotch answers.

"Hotch. I think she's inside the bank" Derek says, pointing to the bank.

"I did see them bring someone else out. She didn't have on a mask but she had a few bruises on her face so I figured she was with them until she tried to make a run for it" Will, JJ's boyfriend who Maya recognized, informs.

"If we have an agent in there that's good for us but it's bad for Maya. This is the first time they've been surrounded and almost caught... anything could happen" Hotch says as the team looks back at the bank in horror knowing anything could happen, anyone could get hurt, something could blow...

The team, plus Will, walks into the trailer where Garcia has set up the surveillance footage. The team hasn't been able to see it yet but they know that the robbers were able to hack the security feed and show the footage of when their masks came on. Derek pushes through the team, looking desperately at the footage and spots Maya, standing there with her hands in the air.

"There she is" Derek says as he points to her on the screen, pointing her out to everyone. "What is the women doing Garcia?" Hotch asks as Garcia zooms in and shows another camera angle. "It seems she has found Maya's badge and proceeded to drag her out of the building with the 3 of them" Garcia says, informing the team on past footage.

"Yeah, she's the one I saw" Will says as Derek shakes his head in disbelief. He wanted to follow Maya and make sure she was safe, but she insisted that she could handle herself and now she's in the same situation she was in just a couple of weeks ago and Derek couldn't help but think it was all his fault that he didn't try harder to protect her because... He wanted to protect her more than anyone.


In the bank, Maya is brought back in and pushed to the floor as the man brings his really injured partner back into the bank and sets him up against one of the tables. "I can't find anything, no doors, no grates, nothing" The women says as she walks around the bank, her heels clicking angrily to the floor as her partner ask one of the receptionists, Lynne, another way to get out of the bank. "Just the main entrance and the side door. It's for security" Lynne informs.

"She means its for assholes like you guys not to have a way out when you rob the place" Maya says as she sits up against the wall before the man points his gun at her. "I don't wanna hear a word from you!" The man screams angrily, making it known to Maya that he cares deeply about his partner that has been shot.

"What went wrong? We were in count" The women wonders, looking to partners. "I need a doctor. Is anyone a doctor?!" The man asks as he yells over the crying baby and rolls the sleeves of his shirt up. "Would you shut that kid up!" The women shouts, only making the baby cry more and more.

"He's a baby. What do you expect her to do?" One of the hostages asks, standing up to protect a noisy baby and the women wasn't having it so she hit him in the back of the head with her gun with no hesitation. "It's not just the cops, we've got the feds now, too. We're screwed" The women says as Maya chuckles softly.

"Something funny?" The women wonders, walking over to Maya with her gun pointed to her. "Yeah, you know you aren't getting out of here so why not just give up? You quit now and they take more time off your sentence" Maya says as she stands to her feet slowly.

"I don't want to spend another night in prison... ever" The women declares harshly. "Then I guess you won't ever get out of here" Maya says as she slowly raises her hands as the women walks over and pushes her over with the other hostages and has her stand in front of the door.

They have the hostages stand in front of them so the robbers have cover. It's a good tactic but they won't make it out of this, especially not with only one entrance.

Meanwhile, the other male robber tries to help their friend who has been shot twice since no one stepped up, saying they were a doctor while the women, who seems to be the leader, but the men refuse to believe it, continues talking and telling them everything they did wrong when they tried to escape.

"We got what they want. All of them and that fed. We will get out of this" The man says as he points to all the hostages and keeps his eyes on Maya who has her back turned.


"They're using the hostages as human shields and they know Maya's a fed because they put her in the front and right in the middle" Rossi points out, as he points to Maya on the screen of the security footage. "What do we think went wrong?" JJ asks.

"It's a big bank. It's possible they weren't able to round everybody up before someone triggered the alarm or thought that Maya was the one to call them" Emily suggests.

"Why haven't they cut the feed now that they've been cornered?" Derek wonders because letting the team see inside just gives up the tactical advantage and the team will know their next move before they do.

"I don't think they care. They got a federal agent held hostage with at least 20 more. This group doesn't have a care in the world" Hotch says as he shakes his head, watching the footage.


While in the bank, the phone rings making Maya turn her head in that direction. If the team is out there, they could be trying to negotiate, especially if they know Maya is in here as well. The FBI is in a strong position-one of the gang members is bleeding to death. Rossi asks for the women and children to be released in exchange for medical help, which seems fair, except for the part where a new hostage is added to the mix.

The women grabs onto a little girl. "Daddy!" The little cries out and Maya turns around swiftly. "Hey, hey hey. She's a little girl" Maya warns as she looks to the frightened little girl. The dad turns around, tears covering his cheeks as he puts his hand in front of him, just wanting his daughter back.

"I didn't ask for your opinion" The women says as she points her gun between Maya and the little girl's father. "You can't be serious. You're going to shoot a little girl for what? For power?" Maya asks.

"No, to prove that I can do it" The women says as she tilts her head slightly. "Just take me instead, please" The father begs as the women looks to her partner then to the camera and back at Maya and the little girl's father before she shoots him in the stomach.

"Ahh!" The father screams as his body hits the floor and his daughter runs to his quickly while screams and slight cries are heard all around.

Chris and Oliver Stratton. They are the brothers that are inside the bank right now. The two kings. They are petty thieves from Philly and turned into bank robbers in Jersey. They were put in jail for two years after an attempted heist went sour, and they were released two months before the first fake card robbery. But the queen? No information on her yet... it's as if she's multiple people formed into one and the BAU can't seem to figure out who she is.

Maya looks as if another hostage drags the man's body out of the way. Maya looks between the women who pulled the trigger and the blood that trails along the floor. She gets off on watching her victims suffer. They bleed out while she executes her plan. But as of now, her plan has gone awol and she's willing to do whatever since she has no idea if she's even getting out of this.

"Where's my medic?" One of the men asks as he continues to check on his friend who continues to bleed out and has now suddenly passed out. "I don't see him" The women answers coldly.

"Kill someone else, then. Make them listen" The man demands, and Maya begins to think that the two male robbers are closer with each other then they're with the queen. Brothers? best friends? Who knows.


Derek looks to the bank as he worries desperately about Maya. He goes back to the FBI agent who has medical training and is about to go into the bank to help one of the robbers who has been shot. "The woman's probably going to want to search you. But Chris is going to be too focused on getting aid to his brother to delay enough for her to check the bag, too" Derek informs and the FBI agent nods his head, taking every word of Derek's seriously.

"You want me to check on agent Regan?" He asks as he tucks his shirt into his pants. "Uh, no no. As much as I want you to, no" Derek sighs as he rests his hands on his hips. "I can't put her in any more danger than she's already in" Derek mumbles to himself before pulling himself together, knowing Maya would want him to be strong and not worry but when she was in danger that's all he did. He worried about her.


In the bank, the telephone rings and the male robber answers it. Rossi let's him know that a paramedic is being sent in as they speak and with no further questions or answers the robber hangs of the phone. No negotiations or anything. "They know our names" he says as he sets the down. The women sigh and removes her mask, setting it on the table. Maya turns her head and looks to the women who now didn't have a mask on her face.

She revealed herself but why?

"Not all our names" The women sings as she looks into the camera of the bank, smiling as she plated a coat of lipstick on her lips. Maya watched in confusion and watched as the other man removed his mask, also looking to the women with concern because he's never seen her like this and it was obvious. This women was putting up a front, a role. A role that she knew all too well and has played may times before.

The door opens and the alarm beeps three times, revealing that the paramedic has been brought in. Maya looks to the door and lets out a sigh of disappointment as it's not someone she knows. She thought the team would send in one of them and possibly send Maya some kind of message, anything, but they sent her nothing but an unknown face.

The FBI agent paramedic heads in, but he's too late to save the robbers life. "Get over here!" The other robber says as he watches his friend or brother start to die on the floor of the bank they robbed. Maya watched as the paramedic pushed past her and straight to the robber. With the paramedics imminent he goes for his gun, but gets shot a bunch of times before he can even fire a shot.

Maya looks to the body as it slowly drops to the ground. It was an FBI agent who must've had medical training. They're going rogue and it's only a matter of time before they shoot every hostage in the building, including Maya.


Erin Strauss has informed the team that they will be letting swat inside the bank because it was the bosses' orders. Rossi and Hotch don't want a full tactical assault on the bank, but at this point it doesn't seem like their boss doesn't have a lot of options.

These criminals have shown an excitement to kill people at the slightest provocation, and it's only going to get worse. Do they not trust that the hostages are smart enough to hit the ground the second that gas cannisters start flying through the window?

"What? We have an agent in there, we can't risk that" Derek says as he motions back to the bank. "I understand that, but I know that Maya is a really good agent. She can handle herself" Strauss states.

"If she could handle herself as much as people say she could, she wouldn't be stuck in these type of situations" Derek argues and Erin widens her eyes in shock at Derek's sudden outbursts.

"Agent Morgan, I'm sure you've gotten to know Maya over the time she's been here. Everyone has but she's a strong women. A strong women who passed every single test she's ever taken at Quantico. Agent Regan will do whatever it takes to keep her and those hostages safe" Erin states as Derek shakes his head in disbelief as he looks to Strauss in disbelief.

"They can go in but you remind swat that there is a federal agent in there. Agent Maya Regan. Yes, she's strong and she's smart and will do whatever she can for anyone but she's also a person. She has no weapon, no power in that building and she already has a big target on her back, Agent Strauss. Sending in swat will only put her in more danger but they do not shoot unless they're ordered too" Hotch rants as he steps to Erin Strauss who seems not to care about the lives at stakes inside that bank.

"And you tell the director if he has a problem with that, he can leave his office and come talk to me, thank you" Hotch says as he walks off, leaving Strauss speechless because she has no idea what'll happen to the hostages' whore caught in the crossfire.


The last two robbers standing sit at a table in front of the phone, ready to call for negotiations. "Wait" The women says before the man can call. She walks over to Maya, pressing the barrel of the gun to the back of her head. Maya rolls her eyes and sighs before the women slowly pulls Maya out of the line of hostages and brings her over to the table.

"You FBI? CIA? or just a regular cop?" She asks. Maya clears her throat and continues to raise her hands in the air to assure the robbers that she's not a threat. "FBI" Maya answers since it not really a secret because it was on her badge. "Hm" The women hums before orders her partner to call.

"No, no no. She's FBI so she's like a- a, a lawyer" The make robber stammers. "Or a therapist or something. She can just look at someone's body movements and tell when they're lying!" The man shouts as he breathes heavily, rubbing hands over his face stressfully.

"So, who do you think did it? Who do you think set off the alarm?" The robber asks and Maya locks eyes with him and sees the anger building up as she doesn't respond. Maya looks over at his partner and looks her up and down.

"Her" Maya answers, being brutally honest, even though she doesn't give a damn about anything of this. She thinks if she can somehow get them to turn against each other, she can get a weapon and possibly take them out.

"What? She's lying!" The women shouts as the man starts to look to his partner with worry. "You have been acting weird" He declares as he scratches the top of his head. "Calm down. We need to focus. She has no idea what the hell she's talking about" The women states as she hits her hand on the table roughly, proving that she has more power.

Meanwhile, Clyde Easter calls to let Emily know that the Queen has a history of robbing banks and killing people in Europe. The difference? She never worked with a crew before... so what's changed?

The male robber gets Rossi on the phone and demands an armored car to the airport and a plane fueled up and ready to go to Switzerland but the Queen insists on Chad. It could be a simple ruse designed to confuse them, but who knows?

Emily decides to check with Clyde about Chad, but he has no immediate idea what it means.

Garcia gets a lead on who called the cops in the first place. It was one of the bank robbers. So Queen wanted to create a hostage situation, but why?


Emily arrives at the bank and looks to Derek who seems stressed. More than usual with this kind of job. "How's Maya?" Emily asks. "She's good. She's been staying out of trouble but from the cameras it looks as if she's trying to get the robbers to turn against each other" JJ answers as her, Morgan, Will, and now Emily looks down at a map of the bank.

Garica also discovers that a fourth party (the external partner) has been watching the camera feed this entire time, and Queen's whole act must be a performance for the other partner. The new plan? Confront the King with the information and discover whether he knew that he was a puppet.

Rossi runs this by King, the male robber, letting him know about the Queen and the fourth unsub. But the Queen is able to talk him into submission, turning him against Rossi to the point that he demands all further negotiations be handled face-to-face... with Will. Maya whips her head in the direction of the conversation, knowing that she definitely knows who that is. JJ's boyfriend and father of her son.

"No, he's not going in there. We have one agent in there already, no" JJ insist, stating that her boyfriend will not be going into the bank although, Will is willing to go in the hopes of saving people, but everyone else thinks it's a bad idea. And maybe they're right. Will points out that 4 people are dead because he shot the guy's brother. "This is barley your fault" JJ mumbles as she crosses her arms over her chest while Derek narrows his eyes at her.

"You'd do it if you were me" Will says, getting Derek on his side. "I would do it in a heart beat but you are too close to this case to make that call. I can go in, I can get Maya out of there" Derek says, practically volunteering.

"I'm afraid that this whole situation is a little bit too personal for you" Hotch declares as he looks to Derek with slight concern at his sudden heroic tactic to go in and save Maya. He didn't even mention the hostages.

"The thing is I can do this, too many people died because of this" Will says. "Risking your life won't bring them back" JJ states as she shakes her head at her boyfriend who's willing to walk through the gates of hell to save a bunch people because he feels guilty.


"They won't give you what you want. What you're asking for is too much" Maya declares as she turns around, speaking her mind. "And what do you suggest we do? Surrender?" The Queen asks as she struts around the bank.

"No, kill me. I'm the one who put your buddy in front of me" Maya says, trying to convince them to take her instead.

"You didn't pull the trigger so, nice try" The man jokes as he starts to dial the number for negotiations on the phone until Rossi answers but tells him it's hard to get him who he needs which is Will who pulled the trigger that killed his brother.

"Then kill me" Maya declares, Rossi widening his eyes over the phone. "Shut up" the King orders.

"No, I put him in front of me because he deserved it. He deserved to die the most brutal way possible" Maya rants, watching as the man robber slowly turns around, his expression changing form sadness to anger in seconds. "Tell Agent Regan to stop talking!" Rossi shouts over the phone.

"I killed him" Maya says as she steps towards the robber.

The women stands back and watches in glory, not even trying to stop the commotion. She enjoys it. She wants it. She thrives in it. "I killed him and you have to kill me" Maya begs. Maybe this is what she wanted. No more pain, no more enemies, no more horrible past, no more anything. She would get to let go and go wherever the world takes her after she's gone.

"I killed him and I meant to, I wanted to" Maya says as she steps closer to the robber, to the point where the barrel of the gun touches the top of her head, still warm from how many times he fired it.


"No, what is she doing?" Garcia asks before she calls them team into the trailer, but Derek was the first one there. He watches the security footage and can't believe his eyes. "No, no no" Derek mumbles as Emily and JJ join in after him.

"What is she doing?" Emily asks frantically before Derek rushes out of the bank. Rossi talks on the phone and stammers over his words as he sees Derek making a run for the bank.

"Morgan! Morgan!" Rossi shouts as him and Hotch grab Derek before he can get into the bank. "No! She's going to die! Hotch, let me go!" Derek demands, trying desperately to get out of their hold until Derek sees Will walking towards the entrance of the bank.

"Will? Will! No! Will!" JJ cries out before Emily grabs onto her, holding her back.

"No! Let me go! Will! Will!" JJ screams but it was to late. Women and children were being brought out and Will was now inside.

Maya lets out a sigh of disappointment as she turns around seeing the father of JJ's son walk into the bank and she couldn't believe it because this was the last thing she wanted.

Maya and Will lock eyes and Maya shakes her head before the male robber shoots Will twice in the chest.

"Oh god" Maya mumbles as she covers her mouth in shock.


"Who did he shoot?" JJ asks as she and the team gather in the trailer. "Will... he shot Will" Garcia says sadly but wanting to tell JJ the truth. JJ let's out a sob as she covers her face. "You've got to be kidding me! Maya was ready to give herself up and Will walks in and gets shot and not her!" JJ argues as she stands to her feet, pacing back and forth angrily.

"That's the thing. Maya was ready to kill herself, so the father of your son didn't die" Derek says but JJ just shakes her head. "It should've been her and everyone knows it. She's the only one here with nothing to lose" JJ states and everyone looks to her in disbelief that she could ever say such a thing about someone she works with and someone who was willing to put their life on the line for their lover.

"Let's just go in" JJ says as she looks to Aaron who hesitantly nods. "Let's move in" He orders.


Maya quickly rushes to Will who was unconscious and had blood leaking out of his shirt. He had on a vest so there's no way he can be dead but there's no chance that he couldn't.
One of the hostages rushes over and starts helping with him as well, checking his blood pressure and applying pressure to the wounds.

Will then wakes up and still wants to his do his job despite being injured and Maya couldn't help but praise him for it. He decides to, while grievously injured, make another attempt at turning the King against the Queen. So he wanders over and asks where the woman has gone to, which is a really good question, actually. He manages to lead King into the back of the bank to look for Queen, giving everyone a chance to walk right out the front door.

"Hey, we should go" One of the male hostages says as he tries convincing Maya to leave with everyone else. Maya looks around and sees another thing sticking out of the paramedics bag and goes for it. "You get out, I'm good" Maya orders and the hostages exits the building.

Derek and the team are on standby outside and watch as the hostages rush out of the building.

"Where's Maya? Maya?!" Derek asks frantically as he looks around at the hostages but sees no sign of Maya. Meanwhile, Maya was in the bank, checking every corner and making her way to
the back, wanting to catch the robbers until she heard someone shouting her name, distracting her.

Then two things start happening at once -the one male robber finds the women robber in the basement, doing something in a secret room, bombing her way into the sewer, perhaps?

She says they'll find out what she was up to very soon. At the same moment the team prepares to rush the building. The team is going in.

"Derek?" Maya questions as she looks between the back exit and the front door while Emily and two other guys went in the side door and Derek and JJ and a few other members of the swat proceed to the front door. Reid tells Rossi and Garcia to get the team out of the building because the Queen filled the main floor with gas so that she could detonate it. He was right.

"Abort! Abort!" Rossi shouts over the headset. "What?" Derek questions before the bank burst up into flames causing him, JJ and the other members of the swat team to fall onto the pavement while glass and smoke filled the area.



"If you have someone worth fighting for, then fight for them when no one else will"
-Ciera Kay (me)-

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