
By sxtansbaby

1.6M 48K 26.2K

The whole underground world knows of the infamously lost mafia princess Ariana Romano, the only girl born int... More

0 | characters
1 | a girl in chains
2 | coming here was a bad idea
3 | light to their darkness
4 | they're missing
5 | a long conversation
6 | we're coming
7 | living dead girl
8 | our worst nightmare
9 | void of light
10 | lost to the darkness
11 | cats are the way to win your heart
12 | the typical mafia men problem
13 | freedom comes with a price
14 | falling apart
15 | nothing to ruin
16 | family movie night
17 | the lost mafia princess
18 | awkward question
19 | deja vu
20 | remembering
21 | sneaking out
22 | a newfound hope
23 | saying goodbyes
24 | wither and rot
25 | on their way
26 | let the battle begin
28 | a secret for a secret
29 | a good mood
30 | look of the day
31 | living in a fairytale
32 | cruel side of the world
33 | night of chaos
34 | all of your faults
35 | believe in your smile
36 | anguish of betrayal
37 | teach you a lesson
38 | you're nothing
39 | trigger my emotions
40 | blinded by love
41 | your greatest secret
42 | the blackmail
43 | storm inside me
44 | low expectations
45 | never the same
46 | ocean of emotions
47 | facing the reality
48 | milkshake and fries
new characters aesthetics
49 | scar made of my anger
50 | the rock bottom

27 | a large shadow

23.4K 900 470
By sxtansbaby

The usual cheerful and happy Apollo was quickly becoming moody and a bit annoying. I couldn't count the times I tried to ask him what was wrong. Each time I only received one or two forced words - coming out as either grumbles or mutters. At first, I was concerned because it might be related to the rescue mission the others had gone on two days ago but he - my former teacher who taught me to hack - had reassured me all of it went smoothly through the new phone I've gotten.

Later I began to lack interest as Apollo began to become my shadow in the past two days. He was a bit more overprotective than usual and alert all of the time. He even followed me into the room at night - sleeping on a mattress, the one that the maids had brought in, lying on the floor beside my bed. He waited outside my door when I bathed or peed - to my disappointment.

I didn't see any signs of Eleanor. I missed the comfort I got from her grandmotherly aura greatly. I felt the most relaxed with her. After all, she was the first who I made a full conversation with.

I also didn't see Noah either and deep down I missed him although I had yet to admit it to myself completely. Alex, of course, joined the list of people that had disappeared from the face of the earth. Well, my world, at least. I assumed he was busy working as the temporary Don, with Ace gone. Again, I never really seen him around that much. He was the black sheep of family, I suppose.

I was getting too comfortable around them. I found myself revealing too much of myself around them and I was beginning to trust them.

I didn't know what I was thinking when I opened up a bit to Noah a few nights ago. I even revealed a hint about me being the hacker. Thankful, he seems to not notice. He may be a genius but he was clueless when it came to humans. 

But it reminded me I had to be careful but Eleanor's words kept coming into my brain.

Take the first steps, Ariana. She had said to me as she stroked my hair down I blinked in silence up at her. It will lead you to love. Don't you want that? Don't you miss it? To have someone love you greatly and to depend on someone else? To free fall and trust them to always catch you.

It had cut deep into my heart and the realization hit me, I did want it very much. The endless war in my mind led to my babble to Noah about the flowers. I regretted it a bit but that regret merely came from my logical side. All while my heart was taking over my control, crying out for some love and trust.

I was aware that no matter how much I tried to resist the feeling, it was nice to hug and cuddle with someone again. I had missed the human touch and the feeling of warmth or comfort that came with it.

I was pulled out of my thought as I heard an impatient knock, startling me. The water splashed around me and on the floor from the bathtub as I jerked.

"Ariana?" Apollo's voice came. "You okay? You've been in there for twenty minutes."

I sighed softly in frustration. My usual baths would take approximately an hour but with the brother with the lowest patient breathing down my neck, I had to rush everything I did. He even made me push my shit out faster, which didn't feel satisfying at all.

"Ten minutes," I called out as I dragged myself out of the tub and drained the water. I grabbed a towel and sat on a stool as I dried myself off. Yesterday, I fell while trying to rub myself dry while standing up and learned my lesson. I wasn't strong enough.

Yet. I reminded myself. In this aspect, I was as impatient as Apollo to walk and run freely on my own - without any limits and the damn wheelchair.

Although I'll admit that it can be fun to ride around on sometimes.

To be honest, I was feeling like my process had been declining, rather than improving with another passing day. My legs became exhausted and gave up on myself more often than before. The pain was increasing but I brushed it off. I was accustomed to pain and it was part of my normal. This kind of pain was nothing compared to the one I was in less than three months ago.

The utmost concern to me was the fact I wasn't getting better at walking. I wanted to talk to one of the brothers but I had a feeling they'd make me stay in my wheelchair at all times. I did not want that.

"Ariana?" Apollo's tone was even more impatient as I pulled on the last piece of my clothing. I was dressed in my usual comfy style - an oversized hoodie, sweatpants, and fluffy socks. Due to me being severely malnourished, I was sensitive to the temperature.

The brothers try to ensure I was warm at all times which made my heart smile a bit. I was used to the cold of four winters, down in the basement with no shed from the bitter weather. It was a surprise that I had persisted in each one of them but it was a nice change - to be warm at all times.

I turned the doorknob to reveal Apollo leaning slightly on the door frame. "Ah!" He said. "Finally!"

I scowled at him and crossed my arms.

He raised his brows as soon he saw my obvious frustration but he said nothing. I conveyed that as I don't ask you any questions, you don't either.

I had been a bit merciless when it came to my questions about his mysterious and strange behavior yesterday until I finally lost the energy. I figured out I would never get the answers I wanted so there was no point in wasting my time with endless pointless inquires.

Apollo sighed and it was as if the moody and grumpy aura suddenly deflated from him like a balloon. Sadness and exhaustion replaced it and my brows furrowed. What's going on here?

"I know I was acting a little irritating for a while. I'm sorry." Apollo said, shuffling on his feet nervously. "I didn't think about how you'd feel about it. Jesus, you probably won't hang with me out willing later! You probably think I'm an ass. Which I am but-"

I put a hand on his arm to soothe him and his overthinking. I smiled, amused.

"We all have our bad days, Apollo," I said and saw him visibly relax. I added in jest, "It's not like you're acting like Ares."

Apollo chuckled. "I guess you finally caught up on his asshole-ness, huh?"

I nodded, still smiling amusingly.

"Okay, we should go to bed. It's getting late."

"It's only ten."

"Which is a bedtime for a kiddo like you." He flicked my nose when I failed to pull away on time.

"I'm not a kid," I muttered as I got myself under the covers on the bed.

"Sure you're not." Apollo laughed as he pulled up the blanket and tucked the ends under my chin. "Goodnight, Ariana." He said as he kissed my forehead.

I fell asleep thinking how it was nice to have someone to tuck me in and say goodnight again.


I shocked myself by waking up at eight in the morning without any interruptions of my sleep paralysis, nightmares, or random wake-ups throughout the night. For the first time in a long time, I felt fully rested.

I turned on my side to peek at Apollo on the mattress beside my bed. Yet again, during the night, he somehow turned 180 degrees and his butt suck out in the air. I shook my head silently. Apollo slept and toss around like a toddler.

I decided to sneak out to take a bit of break from the recent annoyingly clingy Apollo. I tiptoed to the wheelchair sitting at the end of my bed. Not wanting the whirring sound to wake up the sleeping Apollo, I rolled it out of the room.

To my disappointment, there were men who I assume to be bodyguards positioned outside of my room. Something's wrong. But I can't figure out what is it, for the life of me.

I think I was beginning to understand how Ace probably is feeling right now, not knowing who the hacker was.

But I suppose he keeps his secrets and I have mine.

I kept walking, still pushing my wheelchair, nonchalantly - hoping the bodyguards wouldn't stop me. But by now I should've expected it because according to my lucky charm it's almost impossible to get what I want. One of them shot out a hand on my shoulder and I jerked away. I did not fare well with any kind of physical contact from strangers. He quickly sent me an apologetic look which I appreciated greatly.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but under the orders, I cannot leave the room without your brother." He said gently.

I struggled with myself for a bit before speaking. Not only I didn't do well with physical contact but also talking with strangers. "But...," I whispered as I trailed off. I thought all about the memories of the basement I've been suppressing down and the tears came to my eyes way too easily.

The bodyguards' eyes widened by my sudden emotional state. "I wanted to see Noah." I sniffled. I knew with my appearance as a ten-year-old increased the pity, just what I wanted.

"O-okay." He stammered as he rushed to get his phone out. "I'll text Noah."

"No!" I shouted and instantly regretted it when his brows narrowed. "I mean...I wanted to surprise him."

"Hey, man. Just let her go." One of the bodyguards nudged the one in front of me.

"Are you serious?!" He cried. "Boss will kill us if something happens to her!"

"Nah, it's all right. There are other guards everywhere, anyway." The other one turned his focus back on me as he crouched slightly. "Ma'am, make sure to stay in the wing, okay?"

I was planning to stay in the wing, anyway. I would never put myself at risk bumming into the monster if I wandered away. I nodded shyly. "T-thank you."

He nodded before straightening up. As soon as I turned around, a full-blown grin appeared on my face.

Never thought I would get away from that.

As soon as I turned a corner into a different hallway, I used the wheelchair to continue my way. I didn't know where I planned to go. I never had the chance to explore so I suppose I would do that. I hoped I would come across a library.

I was entering the hallway with the rooms where the maids slept - to see if I would find Eleanor there - when a boy no more than seven years old ran straight into me. The pain in my legs surged as he hit them but I paid it no mind. His eyes welled up as he fell with a bang.

I would be lying if I wasn't a little excited. I never lay my eyes on another kid for more than four years. Not even the teenagers, either.

"Hey." I cooed. "You okay?"

He blinked up at me and frowned slightly. I quickly realized it must be weird for a girl who looked like ten to act much older to a few years younger kid. Not to mention I was in a wheelchair and looked sick - with my bones sticking out and unnaturally pale skin from the years ban of the sun.

The boy nodded, nonetheless of my strange apprentice, to my relief. He stood up and grabbed the brown teddy bear that he'd dropped. His hand stuck out to shake my head. I smiled slightly as I took it.

"What's your name?" He asked brightly, his fall already forgotten.


His eyes widened. "As in Romano?" He shrieked, to my amusement.

I nodded in confirmation and I pushed down the surging laughter inside, ready to burst out.

He looked star-struck as if he just met Jesus. "My mother works for your brother!" He informed me cheerfully.

"Oh." I smiled. I had long forgotten how much happiness the kids radiated before the world ruined them with its cruelness - like me. "That's so cool!"

A large shadow came up from behind me and I looked up to find Alex's usual cold and hardened glare towards the kid - towering over me on my wheelchair.

I looked back at the boy to find terror etched into his chubby face and his hands clutching on his teddy bear, hugging him tightly to his chest. The poor boy's whole frame was shaking as he looked with wide eyes at my scariest brother.

I turned my focus over at Alex again and he merely stared at him, even colder than usual if it was even possible. I returned my glance at Alex, the boy, then Alex - feeling awkward as they stared at each other, one in terror and the other in a hard glare.

Suddenly, Alex growled loudly.

The little boy screamed and it echoed in the hallway. I winced and had the urge to cover my ears. He spun on his heels and ran in the opposite way of us as if his life depended on it, still screaming. "Mommy!" He cried as he turned a corner at the end of the hallway.

I looked at Alex with a scowl to find satisfaction written across his face as he watched the kid disappear.

I couldn't help the snort that came out as I shook my head. "I assume you don't like kids, then?"

He looked at me with a deadpan expression as if to say 'what the hell that looked like to you, then?' The corners of my mouth lifted slightly as I rolled my eyes. "Of course, you don't like them," I muttered under my breath.

His gaze suddenly hardened as he was done studying my surroundings and I stiffened, remembering I wasn't supposed to be alone for some reason.


His eyes pierced into mine. I pursed my lips and looked away. Pretending I didn't see the obvious silent question. I flicked the console to move my wheelchair forward. Running away from my problems seemed a good idea currently.

Again, as my lucky charm demands, Alex stepped in front of me - halting me. He quickly went behind me and pushed me somewhere.

At first, I thought he was bringing me back to my room where the surely angry Apollo awaited, but to a pleasant surprise, he'd brought me into an office which I knew to be his because of his name on the door.

He stopped rolling the wheelchair beside a couch on a side of the wall beside a bookshelf and walked around. He slipped his hands beneath my legs, wrapped his arms around my back, and lifted me bridal style. He set me down on the couch gently.

I looked at him, confused but he didn't look at me. He went to his table where a laptop waited. He grabbed it and set it down on my lap. The screen was displaying a bank account. I frowned.  

What's going on?

He went back around his table and sat down on his chair. He pulled his phone out and typed in something. My phone chimed, still in the bag that was dangling. I was met with Alex looking up with an expectant look.

I bent over to pull my phone from the bag and I got a text from Alex. For some reason, my hands were trembling as I opened it. Alex was acting strangely.

I'd like to have about a billion from my brother's bank account. Think you can do that for me?

My head shot up to find Alex piercing his gaze on me with a knowing look and his interwoven hands on the table.


Ha, Alex knows! What do you think will happen next?

You guys must hate for leaving you at this hehe.

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