Twisted Love | James Potter

Von Sydneyymalfoy123

76.8K 2.1K 487

-For 18+ Or Mature Audiences Only- Delphinus Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's younger twin sister... Mehr

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π’Έπ’Άπ“ˆπ“‰ 𝓅𝓉. 𝐼𝐼𝐼


589 19 14
Von Sydneyymalfoy123


Before this chapter begins I just wanted to give such a big thankyou for all the support this story is getting, 50k reads is insane! Every time I see this story getting a new vote or comment it genuinely makes my days better. I am also writing this as a small disclaimer: I have no idea how long this story will be or if may even need a part two because we are now a little over a fourth of the way of making it to two hundred chapters and there is still so much that has yet to happen, which brings me to my next point.

I do not feel the need to give further warnings on how dark and sinister this book may get, if you've made it this far then you hopefully understand why I am choosing to remove all Trigger Warnings because I no longer want to spoil the chapters, but I will be giving one LAST disclaimer.

In the remaining of 'Twisted Love | James Potter' will include subjects of rape, sexual interactions, addiction, homophobia, mental illness, torture, abuse, death, murder, suicidal thoughts/attempts, suicide, eating disorders and signs of self destruction, that will all go into detail.

I have been leading up to this point of the book for a very long while now, many questions will be answered, but you will also finish this chapter with new ones. I wanted to show the beauty of the 'honeymoon' phase between Delphinus and James, and just how quickly that can all shut off.

One thing I would also like to point out is that when I finished this chapter it had 20k words- so to avoid cutting this up into separate parts, I ended up taking out a lot of 'filler dialogue' which did result in some choppy scene changes (* * *). I apologise in advance and I hope you don't completely hate this chapter.

Quickly wrapping up this very long A/N, I would also like to apologise for the extremely long break, a lot has been going on in my life recently and I am just now getting the chance to resume this story so without further adieu, please enjoy chapter XLIII.

"I will have her hurt again, and I will make sure that this time the blame falls on you"

The Great Hall's doors swung open while the large throng of students gathered around their designated tables as they awaited their morning feast. It was an important day for many students; some have awaited this day since their first year, and some were impatient, distressed even, for the dusk to settle.

Professors sat stunned as they observed the antsy, and fidgety students of Hogwarts who were yet to find a date to the ball; while the others who were lucky enough, or just simply didn't care, sat calmly with signs of excitement or contempt on their faces.

All classes were to be cancelled today, except for Professor McGonagall's dance recitals, yet those were optional for the ones who still felt like they needed the extra practice, and though all students had been granted 'open campus' in the beginning of the week to get gowns and suits, the students were all granted the privilege once again in case any of the students wanted to stop by the boutiques.

It was quite the surprise when James and Del were seen hand in hand, laughing down the corridors as if nothing happened; except for the Slytherins, they all knew how quickly she was to forgive. They all sat across from her as they watched her laugh with the marauders like she were one of them, James' hand laid protectively over her shoulder while he held a proud smile and occasionally looked down to observe his girl.

"You alright?" James whispered subtly, and Del nodded with a small smile, yet he knew better than to believe her answer so he leant down ever so closer so she could at least whisper what was on her mind, but she sheepishly looked down and shook her head, "It's stupid, let's not talk about it, yeah?"

"It's not stupid." he assured, and Del lifted her head with a small sigh, James watched as she looked up slightly towards the Slytherin table, before her eyes quickly darted back towards him. She nervously chewed on her lip, she looked uncharacteristically vulnerable.

"I feel like- It's just- I don't know. Leo and Lucius have been glaring all morning." She whispered anxiously and James subtly looked towards the green and silver table and instantly, was he able to spot both her brother and ex shooting daggers towards her- or them.

"We've both finished breakfast, let's just get out of here." James smirked playfully, hoping to distract both his and Del's discomfort. Though the two didn't dare say it out loud, they both feared for what was to come during the ball. Leo's threats didn't lay lightly in the back of their minds.

Del smiled gratefully, she was relieved that he knew how overstimulated she could get in such a large room of people, as she stood up with him; her leather messenger bag clinging onto her shoulder as she looked nowhere but towards him while they left the Great Hall.

Del felt like she was in a trance of some sort, she couldn't remove her gaze off of him as she wondered how she got so lucky. Sure she went through hell and back to get to where she was now, but she couldn't have been more fortunate to gain someone like James in her life. She couldn't imagine being where she was; making it this far, without him, and she only hoped that she would never lose him.

"I know where we can go, where they won't be." James thought out loud while staring out the large open window in the corridor, he hadn't noticed Del's unmoving gaze, but if he had he'd be a blushing, stuttering, mess.

Del hummed contently in question, she smiled lightly as James' jawlines flexed slightly as he stared out into the pouring snow.

"We still need to get our Yule Ball attire, no?" James finally said while turning to look down at Del, his lips pursed slightly as he fought off his smile of awe, she looked angelic, majestical, even in the darkened corridor.

Yet Del's let hers only grow wider as she imagined the two of them shopping for a gown and suit. She wouldn't dare admit that she'd already bought one with Marlene, Dorcas, Lily, Alice, Frank, and Mary, nor would James say that he and Sirius had already bought one over summer break, but it was fair to say that they were prepared, yet they still felt the need to go through the experience again, this time with each other. It wasn't like money was exactly a problem for the two.

"What colour scheme are we going with?" Del asked with wide eyes and as she bit her bottom lip which was stretched out in a playful smirk.

"I was thinking about my favourite colour." He replied with the same expression and tone; he watched Del's face falter slightly, and normally the action would pain him, but instead he felt excitement begin to bubble in his chest.

Though he wanted her to choose whichever dress she wanted, he had already set a gorgeous gown on hold, it looked as if it were made for her, from the size to the colours, length, and shape. He could only envision her in such beauty and he couldn't help the need to at least see her in it.

* * *

Del insisted on choosing James' dress suit, under the condition that he could choose hers; which he obviously agreed too. Which was why he was now standing on a small circle platform as a middle-aged man held a tailor tape against his torso while Del fought the urge to laugh at James' uncomfortable stance.

"Oh! A little close, no?" James yelped nervously as the un-named man brought the measuring strip at the start of the crotch of his pants to the ends, the man ignored his comment and continued his job and James sent pleading eyes to Del.

Yet to his dismay, Del did nothing but laugh in her seat- well she did pull out Remus' muggle camera and take a few polaroid's.

"I'll be back with some of our best options." The man rushed with annoyance as he scurried off to the back which held hundreds of different sorts of suits, they both agreed on a greyish blue scheme- yet this had been the fourth men's boutique they've been to, the other three being complete failures.

"I cannot believe I just experienced that." James scoffed, "But then at least I won't be spending hours in the dressing rooms, Godric, curse those bloody rooms." He countered with a shudder before dramatically jumping off the platform, the very small platform.

Del nodded in agreement with a sigh of relief, she hated dressing rooms just as much, while leaning her head up with a smile; she was sitting on the couch meaning she had to crane her head up even more than usual as he approached her.

"You didn't really take pictures did you?" James asked in a playful tone, yet Del couldn't tell whether it was a rhetorical question or if he were being sarcastic. Either way her response was all he expected,

"No, of course not, sweetheart." She purred, "I just took out Remus' lil' old polaroid camera, aimed it, got all the angles right and everything- and then, suddenly the film just randomly came out. Weird little thing innit?" She gasped out with a smile, her tone resembled how someone would speak to a toddler and James raised a daring eyebrow in defence.

She was getting a bit too cocky for his liking.

So he quickly crushed most of her confidence as he rested his hands just above his knees to where he was bent down to her level, still above her, but much closer. His degrading stance made Del's teasing grin drop, while his own grew, "You think you're funny, don't you?"

"Hysterical." Del corrected, and before James could reply the man from before came back into the small corner the two were in- leading for James to scurry back and onto the platform. The man acted as though he never saw anything, yet his judgmental gaze, superior chin raise, and the scoff he released proved otherwise. Del went back to fighting away a smile.

The man, who ignored Del when she politely asked for his name, had wheeled in a whole portable hanger rack full of different shades of greys and silvers; he looked at the sixth years with disgust when they asked if he carried blue- just as all the rest. James had sent Del a silent plea of mercy as she approached the rack, but his prayers had been answered once she agreed to ignore the ruffles and floor-length robes, and chose the slick silver suit.

Del had surprisingly beat him to the register, yet that didn't stop the bickering of who were to pay, James' logic being that it was to be his suit and he was the one wearing it, meaning it should be him, while Del's was that she was the one who chose the suit, and it happened to be one of the most expensive ones on the rack for its authentic silk, meaning it should be her.

Nonetheless the worker snatched the galleons out of Del's hand first before James had the opportunity to shove it in his face, and though he was annoyed, he made Del promise that he were to pay for her gown.

Which was why he was now dragging Del's arm into the smallest, and oldest boutique in all of Hogsmeade; though she wasn't trying to be rude, Del couldn't help the surprise she felt when she found out the building was in fact not abandoned as she always imagined; but she wasn't to blame, for the shingles were practically falling off the warped roof while the windows all had crème curtains shielding the inside- the small one on the top even held a large crack that stemmed from the top left corner and webbed all the way down. Marcie's Boutique was definitely not a sight for a sore eye.

"Uhm- James- are you sure we've gone into the right place? Are you sure you don't want to check out the others?" Del nervously whispered out a laugh as she shied towards James' shoulder. The Cottage smelt of dust and old books, but not the homely comforting scent you'd find in a grand library, but almost a mildewy hint wavered off all the clothing and décor.

"Trust me, I thought the same thing when Sirius showed me this place." James whispered back knowingly as he squeezed her hand as if giving another 'trust me' before he raised his chin and put on his signature boyish grin.

"Marcie! How have you been? You're still looking better than ever!" He winked cheekily as he approached the front desk, Del rolled her eyes at his charming tone, but once she reached him and saw the fragile old lady holding her weight on a small oak crane with dear life, her heart warmed slightly as she grew her own charismatic smile. She always had a soft spot for old people.

"Jamesie, my boy! I've been swell, and you? You've grown even more!" The frail woman spoke slowly with a genuine smile on her face, it was rare when she got customers so once she did, she would ever forget their face.

James let out a small laugh and he asked to see the back, he and Marcie shared their own silent communication before she grew an excited smile and nodded eagerly while James turned towards Del and promised to be back soon.

* * *

How the tables have reversed.

It was now Del the one standing in front of a large mirror and James sat in a dusty violet couch across from her, he refused to explain why he chose this shop, or what he and Marcie spoke about behind the counter. She continued to send confused glances through the mirror to James while they waited for Marcie to grab whatever it was she was grabbing, but he did nothing but smile with amusement at her reactions.

"Aha! Here it is!" The woman's voice was heard before the small door on their right swung open and Marcie stepped out with a long gown which was covered with a white bag, concealing its beauty from the human eye. Marcie then stepped towards Del and gently placed a hand on her lower back, and directed her to the single dressing room the boutique had.

"She's going to look stunning in it." Marcie assured as she sat in the empty spot next to James who was bouncing his leg up and down with anxiety. Maybe this had been a bad idea, she may not even like the dress and then boom, whole night ruined because she was too nice to say no to the gown and then-

The sound of plastic and cloth being shuffled, followed by Del's loud and dramatic gasp sounded the whole room which only made James drop his head into his hands with a groan. His anxiousness was eating him alive and he had to fight the urge to shred off his finger nails with his teeth.

"Relax, my boy." Marcie's Irish accent came out thick and James looked over to the woman, she reminded him of his mother in a way. Her brown hair that had highlights of silver running through the frizzy and tousled curls, her tan and sun kissed skin that was covered with dark freckles, and even her bright hazel eyes that had gold speckles near the pupil; it all reminded him of his mother. "How long have you two been together for?" She asked, in hopes to distract his racing mind.

James rose his eyebrow at the question, sure they weren't technically in a relationship, but they were obviously more than just friends; but the thought of telling Marcie, the woman who reminded him of his mother, that they were friends with benefits made him want to pitch himself off the astronomy tower, "If I'm being completely honest . . . I have no bloody clue. It all just happened."

Marcie smiled and nodded knowingly, "That's how it was with my wife and I; it all just happens, and that's when you know it's good." She hummed out as she looked over to the small frame she had of her and her wife, the last remaining one she had in her memory.

The room filled with a comfortable silence before Marcie sat up straighter as the sound of a door opening sounded through the peace, she hummed out as she stared in awe towards the large mirror.

James instinctively turned his head to see what had caught Marcie's attention, and as he did, he was immediately consumed in her captivity. Even though the room only held the three of them, he knew she would have all eyes on her that night, and he was happy to say that he was going to be the one to have her on his arm and by his side.

Del stood facing the mirror in silence as she stared down at the gown, it was beautiful, possibly one of the pettiest dresses she'd ever seen, and she couldn't believe that it was on her; that she was the one modelling the attire.

The dress had a smoky blue, beaded bodice with couture beads, florals, and a deep V-neckline before it melted down into its matched ombre tulle skirt; the ends of the dress was a nude blush-mauve while a sheen, glittery, tulle covered the whole skirt. There was a thigh-high leg slit and while the see through bodice clung onto her torso like a second skin, the second it reached her mid-stomach it fluffed out to the floor; not like a large ball gown would, but more so how Del imagined a wedding gown to be.

"I'll go ring you up." Marcie whispered to the jaw-dropped James on the couch with a small snicker before she squeezed his hand in support, and walked away to the front desk, she could practically smell his insecurity while Del was in the dressing room- yet now that she stood in front of him, last drop of it disappeared.

"James, this dress-" Del gasped out in amazement as she let her hands wander on the bodice, tracing the small lavender flowers and clear crystals, before they drifted down to play with the multiple layers of tulle, "How did you find this?"

"Sirius- he showed me this place for some vintage stuff, and I saw this in the back and asked Marcie to put it on hold for me, for you." James said nervously as he ran his hand through his hair and stood up from the couch before walking over to Del to where he was directly behind her in the mirror. He placed his hands on her shoulders and leant his head down ever so slightly, but still looking at her through the mirror, "You look bloody divine in this dress, Delphinus." He whispered.

Del's heart warmed instantly, "Thank you, James. This dress- it's- I've never seen anything like it." She stuttered, she was at a loss for words.

"Does that mean you like it?" James smirked cockily, he knew he did well. His insecurities flew out the door the second she stepped out of the dressing room; he just wanted to hear her praise to inflate his ego.

"Are you kidding, have you seen this thing? James- I love it." Del laughed as she turned around to throw her arms around his neck and guide him down so she could deliver a gentle kiss of appreciation.

'I love you,' James wanted to reply with the words laid on the tip of his tongue as he kissed her back with the same pace and emotion; yet they never made it past his lips.

"I'm glad," He mumbled into her mouth as he leant down with more aggression to get impossibly closer, but Del quickly placed her hand on his chest with a quiet laugh, "Let's not give Marcie a heart attack, yeah?"

He pulled back momentarily with a breathy snicker prior to quickly leaning in again to get one more peck in, "We'll continue this later." James promised as he walked away with a wink and towards the counter to purchase the dress. Del turned around to observe herself once more before she left to the dressing rooms.

* * *

Much to Marlene, Dorcas, and Lily's dismay, Del chose to bring all her toiletries to James' Perfect dorm where she and him were to prepare, and pregame, for the Yule Ball; it was still day out, so they were currently laying on his bed with a joint getting passed between the two of them as well as a small plastic bottle of Fire Whiskey.

James sat with his back pressed against the headboard, while Del laid on James' lower thighs, letting her feet drape off his bed. 'Starman' by David Bowie filled the large room, James was letting his head sway slightly to the chorus with his lips pursed ever so slightly and eyes closed; while Del was staring above her at the waves of smoke that caught the beaming sun that shined through the open window, she purposefully blew large clouds to watch the patterns, trying to ignore her intrusive thought to blurt out that she still preferred Queen.

"Y'know that we can't walk into the ball smelling like this, right?" Del muttered, she didn't want to kill the mood, but she couldn't help the small paranoia, and second hand embarrassment, of the thought of smelling like Fire Whiskey and weed while dancing.

James let out a huff of amusement through his nose as he opened one eye to peer down at her, "Darling, that's what showers are for."

Del rolled her eyes with with a scoff as she leant her head up to meet the plastic rim of the bottle; she envied his laid back manor, it always seemed like he was worry free about the small things she stressed about- and even without trying, he never failed to succeed in some way.

Well maybe except for Transfigurations of course.

"We should meet up with Sirius and the lot of them, we still have some time and they probably also want to start pregaming." James sighed out and after a moment of silence he let out a groan as he leaned up like an old man would; Del did the same, and the two quickly threw on some trainers, and exited the dorm, just to enter the one across.

"Housekeeping," James sang while opening the door, Del followed after him with the small bottle of Fire Whiskey that was bound to be empty by the end of this encounter. The two were greeted with Sirius who practically fell into them, his arms stretching onto James' left shoulder and Del's right, pulling the three into an awkward hug. It looked like someone had already begun drinking for the night.

"Prongsy! Phinny! You two look way too sober." Sirius slurred as he looked at the two with disgust and quickly grabbed the bottle out of Del's hand, just to unscrew it and pass it back to her, "Drink."

Del glanced over at James as she shrugged with a downturned smile and lifted the bottle to her mouth and tipped her head all the way back, Gideon let out a low whistle from his bed and Frank slapped his chest with a shake of his head while Fabian, Remus, and Peter sat on the couch near the fireplace with a small pipe getting passed between the three.

"You know how we can really make this a true pregame?" Frank asked, rhetorically, as he stood up from his bed and sat down on Gideon's, which was just across.

"Do tell." Del said, intrigued, the Fire Whiskey was beginning to kick into her system and she couldn't help the crave for an adrenaline race.

"Landon Whitmoore." He smirked while the whole room slowly laid their eyes onto Del.

* * *

James, Peter, Remus, Sirius, Gideon, Fabian, and Frank were all hidden beneath the large invisible blanket, but even with its impressive length, Del had no other option but to transfigure it larger, and even then, all the boys were still forced to squat down and awkwardly waddle to avoid their feet revealing, while Del stumbled with a confident smile into the Slytherin common room in front of them.

Thankfully the room was empty, for everyone was getting ready for the big dance, but that didn't mean the lot of them had time to sit and chatter, so swiftly turning to the boy's stairs she began speeding up, not thinking about how all the boys would make it up.


Her feet instantly paused as she awkwardly turned around to see Hollis' mortified eyes, "What is- are those feet?" She gasped out, and Del instantly turned around to see revealed trainers on each step.

"Run." She whispered harshly as her and the crew broke out into a sprint up the stairs, Sirius, who was in the back had been fully revealed, and Hollis quickly broke out into outraged yells, which he only replied with a wink and a dramatic smooching sound before he quickly followed up the flight- accidentally knocking into Peter who was still concealed beneath the blanket.

Once everyone rounded the corner, they were met with an empty corridor, so using that to their advantage they quickly ran down until they reached Landon's dorm- unsurprisingly the door opened with ease, and the lot travelled in and revealed themselves from the invisibility cloth.

"That'll never get old." Landon snickered as he stood up with a sigh, "Evening, Del." He winked before looking down, his grin grew wider as his gaze stuck onto her wrist.

"The daisy's lookin' good." He added, and the room all looked over to her with slight confusion- what daisy? James stepped up to her side, to see what Landon was speaking of, and because he couldn't help the jealousy he was beginning to feel; though he'd never admit that out loud.

Del noticed his curiosity, so with a blush rising on her cheeks, she slowly lifted up her right sleeve to reveal the rest of the stick and poke Landon gave her a few weeks prior.

"You got a tattoo?" James asked out with utter shock. He never expected Del to be the type of person to mark her skin with ink, but the thought alone of her having innocent designs over her body made his heart race with a guilty adrenaline. He smiled as he ran his thumb over the black outline, "I like it."

"Phinny got a tattoo? And didn't tell me?" Sirius' outraged voice echoed throughout the room and Landon rolled his eyes before the Prewetts and Frank went with him towards the chest, leaving the marauders with their own dramatics.

"So what are we here for?" Landon asked, drowning out Sirius' whiny voice in the background, but still looking up to glance on Del occasionally. He could smell the weed wavering off the lot of them, so he knew they weren't in need of that, so he avoided the large bags, and took out a large case.

The three boy's gathered into a small huddle before Frank leaned his head up slightly, "What do you have right now?" He asked with pursed lips and Landon smirked while he opened his case to expose many, many, many, different bottles and bags. The boy's ungrouped and quickly huddled around the bed in awe.

On the bottom of the lid was a list of everything he had 'in stock', Landon read the following out loud without a single stutter,

"Codeine, Heroin, Vicodin, Dilaudid, Kratom, Demerol, Morphine, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Adderall, Cocaine, Ecstasy, MDMA, Khat, Desoxyn, Ritalin, Nembutal, Xanax, Rohypnol, Xyrem, Dextromethorphan, DMT, Ketamine, LSD, Peyote, Mushrooms, PCP, and Salvia"

Even the marauders in the back hushed as they listened to Landon, Del's pupils dilated just at the sound of all the different drugs that she hadn't tried. She felt herself drifting towards the group near the bed, the four following right behind her.

"What about those?" Del asked, pointing at the clear bag with six different pill bottles, all six being the different colours of the rainbow. She was the first to break the surprised silence; sure everyone knew Landon was a drug dealer, but they didn't know he was a drug dealer.

Landon raised a tempted eyebrow before he picked up the clear case with a sigh, he flipped it over and on a piece of duct tape was written: 'Neon Haven'. "This is a new . . . strain, not any of that muggle shit- each capsule is a different drug with a bit of a twist, it's all relevantly the same, except imagine everything heightened by ten. Red; Coke, Orange; Molly'' He looked up to Del with a slight smirk, "Green; Adderall, Blue; Xanax, and Purple is Methamphetamine, but I don't recommend it, it's still going through different trials."

"How different is this molly from this one?" Frank asked, obviously intrigued as he pointed towards the muggle bags of what looked to be crushed brown rocks. "Ask Del." Landon shamelessly replied with a snicker, Del's eyes grew wide as she sighed heavily.

All Gryffindors in the room looked over at Del, some with shocked expressions, others with genuine curiosity. Not all knew about that night, but instead of stalling and allowing questions, Del quickly stepped closer to Landon to pick up the clear bag of Molly.

The jealousy of one particular boy began to grow as he too, stepped closer. Not allowing any space to be formed between the two.

"Well I've never tried to muggle stuff, but I can admit that this is the real deal. Though I don't know why Landon couldn't explain this," Del hissed out the last sentence as she sent a glare towards the boy who already held dilated pupils and a hazed grin, "From what I remember him saying is that this stuff has a very low dosage of veritaserum which sounds scary at first but it's truly relaxing, it allows you to be honest with yourself. The only way I can explain it is happiness in a capsule. Oh and might I add, this shit will last all night."

"Well, it looks like we know what we're going with." Gideon laughed as he reached for the galleons in his pocket and everyone in the room followed his actions.

* * *

Once the Gyffindors reached their own habitat, they wasted no time before they scrambled to James' single room to endure in all the very legal substances they'd obtained, including their molly, weed, liquor, and Gideon had even snuck in a bit of coke, yet only him, Del, and Fabian used that in the bathroom while the marauders were distracted in their own world.

So with the white powder already taking over Del's senses, her hyper levels were through the roof as a large smile stayed on her face throughout the rest of the pregame. She was practically jumping on James' bed once the molly got brought out, the sun was only a few hours away from setting and though she couldn't tell if it were the coke or not, she could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

Sirius was the only one who noticed her odd demeanour and though everyone seemed to love her new energy, he couldn't help the slight worry. He could spot the effects of cocaine from a mile away, he knew the three must've done it while he and his brothers were talking, yet he also knew that Del wouldn't just run off and try a new drug in the bathroom, especially on a special occasion which meant she's must've done it before and he began to wonder what else she'd tried before.

As everyone placed the neon orange capsule on their tongues and flushed it down with more shots of fire whiskey, they all, except Del, were amazed by the extremely fast kick in it held, so they all decided that it would most likely be best for them to attempt to get ready now since this was going to be the soberest they were going to be for the rest of the night.

"And then there were two," Del sang as she placed her arms around James' neck from behind him and nudged her head in the crook of his neck and shoulder, stifling the meaningless giggles that would not stop escaping her throat.

"Thank Merlin." James sighed as he grabbed her wrists and leaned his head back onto her shoulder, staring up at the painted ceiling above his roofless canopy bed. He obviously couldn't admit it with the room full of his closest mates, but he'd be lying if he hadn't began to grow heated the second the molly went down his throat and entered his system; they don't call it a love drug for no reason.

And it seemed like he wasn't the only one, since the second he craned his neck back, unintentionally giving Del full access, she began leaving small pecks any and everywhere she could.

"We should probably start getting ready soon." He hummed in contempt, though it was taking all his self-restraint, he knew if they started anything now, they would not leave his room in time.

Del groaned in response, but James could feel a sly smile grow on her mouth as the kisses paused, "A shower would be a good start," She replied as her hands moved from his neck, down to his shoulders, and she smoothly removed the robe that was still covering his white undershirt.

James sighed heavily before he gave in, he couldn't help it anymore, the effects of the drug were beginning to take over his nerves and everything began to feel hyper-sensitive, he quickly grabbed his wand and casted a silencing and locking charm before turning around quickly and grabbing Del by the waist.

Pulling them both away from the comfortable bed, the two laughed hysterically as James sprinted with Del still in his arms toward the bathroom. He placed her on the basin as he turned on the shower, and while the two waited for steam to fill the room, they wasted no time before beginning to strip from their remaining clothes.

The two were left in their undergarments, and they were both quick to begin attacking each other's mouths, Del still placed on the basin while James kept one arm on the counter besides her thigh and the other placed on the already steamed mirror behind her. They were so wrapped up in each other that neither realised that Del didn't have her concealment charm on.

Steam began to fill the air so thickly, it looked like a sauna, "I think the showers ready," Del panted as she forced them apart so she could hop off the counter to remove the remaining articles of her under garments, James did the same and though they could hardly even see each other in the fog they were quick to reattach themselves.

James lightly tapped his finger on the back of her thigh, and Del was quick to wrap her arms around him and jump up onto the boy knowing he'd catch her and guide them into the large hot shower.

The two hissed as the scorching water hit their heads, James had obviously not paid attention to the temperature, but secretly Del enjoyed the pain the hot water was causing her, her back was facing the shower head so she was taking most of the heat.

"Fuck, I've missed you so much." James muttered, referring to the break the two had taken not too long ago as his hand trailed her back, yet even under such a heavy influence he couldn't help but remember the feeling of the odd engravings in her lower back that he only felt on certain occasions.

Del was far too gone to even realise the boy's alter in energy as he tried to read what was carved into her back, but without understanding the distraction she was about to cause, she allowed her hand to trail down between them and grasp his cock that was concerningly close to her entrance.

"Let me show you how much I missed you, James." Del whimpered as she unwrapped her legs and looked at him with a far too innocent look for what she was about to do, she pulled herself away from him without removing her grip and kneeled down to the shower floor. Though his hand was removed in the process, and his brain was drowning with lust, he still attempted to peer over her to get a view at what he felt, but her hair that was getting pelted with water covered the whole of her back, and even if it weren't, the steam wouldn't allow his gaze to go that far.

His thoughts were all interrupted once he felt her warm mouth enclose around him, a surprised moan escaped his lips as he quickly slammed his hand on the shower walls beside him to keep his balance.

Looking down he was able to make clear of her piercing grey eyes that were staring right back up at him. The molly made the feeling ten times more sensitive and he now understood how she felt up on that astronomy tower.

"Fuck, Del, just like that," He groaned as he tore his gaze away from her and craned his neck up in pleasure. The feeling was indescribable, and though he never wanted this feeling to end, he couldn't wait for her turn.

Del placed her hands at the very base of his cock to stroke the areas she couldn't reach while occasionally moving back to cup his balls and slightly massage them, she strategically dragged her tongue from his underlining all the way to the slit of his tip until his legs began to tremble and his loud moans began to grow into whimpers.

The sound itself could make her finish then and there, she'd only been blessed with it once before and it was pure music to her ears, and she was determined to hear them again. Removing her hands off of him and bracing them onto his thighs, she curled her toes to help her gag reflex before she took him deeper than she ever had.

As he repeatedly hit the back of her throat, her nails dug harder into his thighs, undoubtedly creating deep crescent moons. Her eyes clenched shut as tears began to stream down her face, yet they blended in with the harsh water that showered over the two. Del quickly hollowed out her cheeks, and James couldn't help but remove a hand off the shower wall, almost losing his balance in the process, to grasp the back of her head to slow her actions. The pleasure was becoming too much for him to handle.

"F-Fuck, Dee, slow down, you have to slow down," He pleaded, as his jaw dropped. His voice sounded like nothing she'd ever heard before. Pure pleasure and vulnerability. It wasn't the same lustful, deep, rasp he'd usually allow to escape, but instead his voice wavered and held a hint of pain.

Pulling away from him for a split second, she replaced her mouth with her hands and kept the same tight, fast rhythm, "You know what to say to make me stop, Potter." She purred, referring to their night on the astronomy tower, and before he knew it her hands made their way back up to his thighs and her mouth began working its way back and forth on his cock.

James tightened his grip on her soaked hair, but stopped his attempt to pull her away, he was getting too close for his body to allow him to alter anything. He'd never felt such pleasure before and he knew that he would most likely never endure such a feeling ever again. Del knew how to play him like a damn piano and at the moment she was hitting all the right keys.

It only took her two more deep sucks before he released the loudest moan he'd ever heard escape his mouth, his eyes rolled back in pleasure as his body jolted forward. His knuckles slammed into the tiles next to them causing part of the white crystals to crack and his knees buckled immediately, yet his free hand caught himself before he reached the same floor she was kneeling on.

"Holy fucking shite," James moaned and repeated over and over. Even with her mouth no longer on him, he felt the shocks run through his body until he finally allowed himself to slip onto the floor and lean on the wall behind him; the water now showering over his whole body and the sting of the scorching water only intensified the coursing pleasure.

"Yeah?" Del laughed cockily as she climbed over his limp body and straddle over his mid-thighs. James let out a breathy laugh in reply as he looked up at her with half lidded eyes, he felt as if his soul had completely left his body and he knew he needed at least five minutes to compose himself.

In the meantime, he grabbed the back of her neck and quickly brought her down to his level until their lips met. Del attempted to control and dominate his mouth which immediately snapped James back into reality. She'd overpowered him enough for the day and it was his turn to show her what he had in mind.

He laughed sinisterly into her mouth as he tightened the grip on the back of her neck and forcefully pulled her away from him. Del looked down in confusion yet once she saw the dark look in his eyes, her confidence dropped completely and before she knew it their positions were quickly swapped to where his back took all the water's force and she laid on the hot tiled floor.

Del looked up at him with shock and fear, not in a way where she thought he would hurt her, but in a way where she knew that her moment with him was over. It was his turn now and she could only wonder what he had planned. Her mind wandered back to the astronomy tower when he'd genuinely made her cry from pleasure.

As James leant closer he completely closed any space between the two to the point that Del could feel his already growing erection brush across her clit which quickly sobered her up and she placed her hand on his chest and opened her mouth to object yet James shook his head as if to cut her off, "We won't, don't worry," He said knowingly before he unexpectedly began laying gentles kisses on the side of her throat.

Del felt the relief take over her as her body untensed. She loved how she didn't even have to voice her concern with them going the full way and that he just knew. James would never cross that line and even though she held full trust in him, that small voice in the back of her head always found a way to intervene at least once.

But who could blame her?

Once James felt her body begin to relax, he began to grow more aggressive as his pecks turned open-mouthed, allowing himself to occasionally nip and suck at her neck as well. As he heard Del's soft pants or gasps he finally brought his hand to rest on her inner-thigh where she immediately parted them, granting the head-boy full access.

He snickered at her eagerness, and as he pulled away to taunt her for it, he couldn't help but notice the irritation on her neck. His brows furrowed slightly once the memory of all the times his artwork would never show due to the concealment charm. It finally registered that she didn't have it on this time, but instead of investigating and ruining the moment he shoved the intruding thought away. It wasn't the time for that.

"How much do you want to bet that if I put my hands between your legs you'll be fucking dripping." He whispered with a 'curious' and innocent expression. James silently moaned by her expression of both embarrassment and lust as he cocked his head to the side with a small smirk.

"We're in the shower dipshit, obviously I'm going to be wet." Del spat back, she had a love hate relationship with the sensual and dirty things he would say in moments like this, no matter the sexual things she would do, only his words caused her that type of lustful embarrassment.

James tsked as he shook his head, "It's different and you know it." He replied as he wasted no time before his hand crept from her thigh to the skin just below her bladder. "Look at me, Dee." James said quickly the second she closed her eyes in preparation, and though annoyed, she listened.

His hand continued down its path until he lightly dragged his fingers upon her entrance, and just as he'd expected, she was soaked; and not with the water from the shower.

"Wow, Dee. I have hardly even touched you yet." He gasped teasingly as he kept his gaze directly on her eyes to ensure she was keeping them open and on him. She opened her mouth to curse out a snarky reply, but before she had the chance he slowly inserted his middle finger. His mouth making the same 'O' hers was as they both gasped in pleasure, just by feeling how warm and textured she was made him rock solid.

As his finger began slowly pushing in and out, James leant down until his mouth hovered over her clit, yet even at a different height, he didn't allow his eyes to remove themselves off of hers, her dilated pupils and agape jaw made him want to go animalistic, and he promised himself that he'd allow it, but that he needed to prep her first, even with her soaking wet he didn't want to jump straight into it.

Del's quiet moans were like music to his ears, but he knew that this was nothing yet. He'd have her screaming his name by the end of it all. Letting his tongue creep out and glide over her clit he felt her buck her hips slightly, he knew she was sensitive, from not only the constant thigh grading she was doing to herself when she was giving James his pleasure, but also from the nerve enhancement they were both under, but he wouldn't allow her to try and remove herself from him, especially when he'd hardly even started yet, so he slowly brought his free hand up to her pelvic and lightly pushed down on her urethra, not only to keep her down, but to apply more pressure on the finger that he began curling inside of her.

James followed the rhythm of her moans and the way her muscles would clench around his finger until her hums of pleasure and quiet moans began increasing in noise, he knew her too well and the second her hand reached out behind her to brace her palm flat on the tiles behind her and her back began to arch, his motions only sped up as he added a second finger.

"Merlin, that feels amazing, please don't stop." Del begged as she began applying force on her hand behind her to push herself closer into him. The effects not only the Molly, but James had on her were unreal, she truly believed that he must've known her inside and out by how quickly, high or not, he was able to make her feel this type of way.

Yet though her pleasurable plea was something spoken just in the gist of it all, it brought a truly evil idea into James' mind to where even he pondered on the thought of it. He'd never done it to anyone before. Yet in these conditions, Del seemed to be the perfect victim for it all.

So continuing his movements, he finally removed his gaze off of Del who had closed her eyes not too long ago, and followed her actions as well. He needed to be fully focused on pure feeling and hearing to know when it was time. His fingers slowed in pace by hardened in force, while his tongue grew more and more strategized, switching between small circles just under the hood of her clit or quick figure eight motions.

The second her moans grew louder and her body began to react as if it were preparing, James quickened his fingers and pressed down onto her urethra again, but once he felt her body begin the clench down onto his fingers he pulled away from her completely.

Del's eyes popped open as a pained expression washed over her face, "What the fuck?" She panted, she wasted no time before attempting to reach a hand of her own down to her aching core to chase the release she was now losing yet James grabbed her wrist and pinned it to her stomach.

"Oh, you fucking arsehole, you're such a dick." Del whined once she finally understood his actions. She didn't know people actually did this outside of the books, and though it did always intrigue her, she was too desperate for a release.

James snickered by her reaction before he reached for her other wrist and joined the two together in his hand, keeping them still and useless incase she tried to pull the same stunt, he waited until her breathing slowed, knowing by how quickly her chest rose and fell, and once he was satisfied, he leant down once again.

But when his gaze dropped from her chest and back down towards her centre, he caught a glimpse of the two scars on her stomach and he felt his heart drop. He swallowed deeply and bit his tongue as he looked back up towards Del who had her eyes clenched in anticipation, so shaking his head, he once again followed her actions and closed his and went back down to her core.

His thoughts were quickly interrupted and removed once he accidentally released a sigh, and with just the breath directly on her clit, a closed mouthed moan escaped her, letting James know just how sensitive she was already.

Enclosing his lips around her clit he sucked gently, whines began flowing out of her mouth as fast as the water poured out of the damn shower head. With one hand keeping both her wrists just below her breasts, he used his other to resume his actions, starting off with one finger again, he entered it slowly, listening how she began growing louder even quicker than last time. If she were sensitive then, he could only imagine how she was feeling now.

His tongue began the same rhythm as last time before he added in a second finger, yet he kept his actions slow. James knew she would get close a lot quicker than last time and he wanted to ensure that his torture would last.

With no hand keeping her still, her body couldn't help but buckle and jolt by his actions. He could already feel Del's legs trembling by his sides. Her moans filled the bathroom and most likely echoed throughout James' whole dormitory, and the thought alone made him accidentally speed up his actions. He too was beginning to become desperate for her release but he knew he wanted to try one last thing before this ended.

"James, please." Del pleaded, she knew he was enjoying her pain far too much and she began regretting even opening her mouth in the first place but she couldn't help it, her begs escaped mindlessly. Annoyed, she knew that if anything her words would only encourage his sinister actions even more.

Usurping, James groaned in pleasure at her pleas. He loved it when she begged, especially when he didn't even need to ask. For someone as stubborn as Del, she turned into the neediest person alive during the moments like so.

The groan sent vibrations through her whole body and shocks coursed through her as she felt the same knot begin forming, but unlike the last she feared for her release knowing James was most likely not going to allow it.

Obviously James knew this too, he could hear her breathing quicken and could feel her clenching become more and more frequent. She was close and they both knew it, and they both knew what was about to happen, but only one of them was excited about it.

"Don't you fucking dare." Del demanded as her eyes began filling with tears, she couldn't take another rejection, yet the second she beckoned upwards and her eyes rolled back, James once again pulled away before the release could take over her.

"Fuck you!" Del yelled, she genuinely cursed him out at full volume as her hands fought against his, but it was no use. Not only did he not budge, yet he started laughing, he'd never heard her sound so viscous before and if they were in any other situation he'd be scared shiteless, but in this case all he could do was taunt her carelessly.

Del threw her head back in anger and pain, she could feel her own heart-beat between her legs and she knew if James reached down there he'd feel it too. She swore she'd never felt so desperate before. Denying her once was manageable, but twice, Merlin she was ready to commit bloody murder.

"Godric, Dee, watch your profanities." James tutted, but he'd be lying if he wasn't just as desperate to make her cum at this point. A small part of him felt bad, but he knew that when she did reach that point of completion then she'd silently be thanking him.

Del looked up at him with a glare that could send a man six feet under, but instead of shying away, though that thought did cross his mind, he nudged his head, signalling for her to get up, and removed her hands in the process and even though she was livid, she listened.

Yet once the two rose to their feet, Del immediately buckled. James couldn't help the laugh that slipped out of his mouth, but he still was quick to catch her. He knew she wouldn't be able to stand for much longer, especially through this next part so he was quick to turn down the temperature and water pressure drastically, ignoring Del's instant protests, and reached for the shower head which seemed to shut her right up.

He wouldn't . . .

James sat back down on the shower floor, guiding Del down with him, but this time it was his back leaning against the shower wall and her back leaning against his chest. "James, what in the bloody hell are you doing?" Del asked slowly, yet knowingly, but she needed him to confirm her racing thoughts.

He didn't reply, instead he quietly hummed as he placed his legs over and in-between hers before spreading them open; with the tangled positioned, she was forced open with no way of closing.

Switching the shower head to the jet option, he first faced it against his hand to make sure it wasn't too harsh, yet since he'd not only turned down the temperature but also the water pressure, it had been just right. So with that in mind he slowly brought his now cold and free hand to the front of her neck and lightly yet forcefully pushed it back onto his shoulder while he slowly began bringing the shower head to where she craved.

Letting the cold water wash over her breasts he watched her nipples immediately perk up and she gasped by the temperature, but never protested. James watched as the rising and falling in her chest began to speed up until her shaky pants filled the whole room. As the shower head finally reached just above her bladder, he was amazed at how she was already bucking her hips upwards, the small stream of water that ran down her clit already had her gasping.


"Please, James. I can't do this anymore. Please just fucking do it, please." Del cried, knowing exactly what words were about to come out of his mouth. Del swore she'd never felt so desperate before and she had genuine tears strolling down to her temples and getting lost in her hair. In this moment she felt as if she'd do anything to feel the release she'd been craving.

James would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised with how easily that went, but nonetheless he complied immediately, bringing the shower head just above her clit he watched with amazement how her body reacted to the water pressure.

Her head dug even deeper into his shoulder as she turned it slightly to hide her face in the crook of his shoulder; with his hand still on her neck he could feel her pulse rise. Her moans and incoherent words were loud and pleading, he'd never seen her act in such a way and he soaked every part of it up.

Del's hips bucked up towards the water shamelessly as she began grinding against the cold pressure. She'd be lying if she said she'd never done this to herself before, but it has never once felt like this.

James removed his hand from her neck, craving to see how quickly he could make her finish, and brought it down to massage her breasts. His fingers gently brushed over the peaks of her nipples while occasionally rubbing them between his thumb and forefinger, when he then finally and slowly dragged the tips of his fingers down her stomach; ignoring the bumps of the scars in the process, and down to where the water met her clit.

He didn't want to interrupt the waters doing so he manoeuvred his hand, spreading her wider with his legs in the process, and brought it down to her entrance, just by brushing his fingers on the soft skin, he could feel the flutter of her heart beat and even with the water that was washing down her core, she was still wetter than he'd ever felt before.

He knew she must've been a little sore from his torture before so he tested the waters and entered just the tip of his finger before retreating it, then once he pushed it back he entered up to his first knuckle, and then began repeating the slow and agonizing process until his whole finger rested inside of her.

"Is this okay, are you okay, Dee?" James asked, her moans made it obvious that she was enjoying it all, but he hadn't heard her speak much other than the rambles or curses, he needed some other sort of confirmation before he proceeded. Del raised her head to look towards him, their faces were inches apart and he had to fight the urge to moan at the sight of her flushed cheeks, or her red swollen lips from her constant lip biting.

"It's not enough," She moaned out before closing her eyes and throwing her head forwards again, his hand had accidentally moved causing a different feeling that couldn't even allow her to keep her head up, "I need you, James. It's not enough, fuck me, please fuck me." she began mindlessly pleading.

James' eyes practically blew out of his head, he'd been craving those words for so long and a deep groan escaped the back of his throat, he knew she could feel his rock hard erection behind her, she knew he wanted to, but he wouldn't. Like he said at the astronomy tower, you say things in the heat of it all that you don't really mean. So using all self strength he could muster he shook his head and leaned his onto hers, while adding in a second finger.

"No, you don't want that, Dee." Was all James could muster up and with all do respect he wanted her to shut the bloody hell up because he knew he'd explode if she began begging again.

So before she could get the chance to open her mouth, James began creating small waves in the water by slightly shaking his wrist, and quickening the pace of his fingers. Her body stopped grinding against the water and her moans turned into yelps and whimpers.

Del's nails quickly grabbed onto James' thigh's as she tried to rip them away while her legs tried to fight against him. The trembling turned into shaking and Del could over sworn she could no longer even see straight.

"W-wait, no-no-no it's too much, James I can't do this, stop, it's too much." Del quickly began pleading as her back arched to dig her hips closer to the shower floor, trying to shy herself away from the painful pleasure, but James was quick to follow her every move.

She was crying at this point, fully crying with sobs laced with moans, it was like the other two rejected orgasms were coming together and hitting her all at once. Screw what she felt on the astronomy tower, this was a whole new feeling.

"Yes you can, love. Remember how much you wanted this? Hmm?" James hushed in her ear, she was becoming animalistic, clawing at his thighs and moaning louder than he'd ever heard before, but the two knew what she could say that would really get it all to end.

James pondered, knowing it was a lot, but he slowly added in a third finger, creating a small triangle with his ring, middle and forefinger, and the second they curled up, she was done.

"Fuck, James!" She screamed out a moan, while her cunt clenched tighter than ever and her legs shook like she was having a damn seizure. Removing the shower head from her clit, he soon replaced it with his thumb, letting her ride out the largest high of her damn life. The two of them knew that both of them came harder than they'd ever had before, but they were also competitive Gryffindors that knew that one day they'd top this one.

He knew he'd get her to scream his name.

Finally removing all touch from her core, he released her legs and turned her body around to where she was now straddling him, both chest to chest as they caught their breaths. "Bloody hell, Potter." Del panted in his shoulder and James couldn't help the snicker that left his throat as he began soothing her hair.

Picking up the shower head that was still on he turned the mode back to normal and placed it over both their bodies. The two of them were both panting and hot to the touch so even though they tensed once the cold water hit them, it relaxed them at the same time.

"Let's start getting cleaned up, yeah?" James joked and Del nodded while removing her from his shoulder and leant down slightly to place a gentle kiss on his lips.

* * *

James was now fixing his suit in the large mirror in his room, his hair was curled perfectly after Del spent at least an hour working on each individual spiral. He cursed out loudly after he failed his fifth attempt on the stupid tie, throwing it on the bed behind him, he fought the urge to run his hands through his hair and instead dragged them both down the sides of his face in annoyance.

Del, who was in the bathroom perfecting her makeup, rolled her eyes with a small smile, already knowing exactly what was happening and exited the room that smelled of vanilla and mint. She had yet to put on the dress, not wanting to accidentally spill any powder or makeup on it, so she remained in a black silk robe, and once James heard the door open, he cocked up an eyebrow at the sight of her.

Her hair was straightened and reached her lower back, not a single strand out of place, while her makeup consisted of a light pink shimmery smokey eye that blended into a light brown shadow. She even had false long nails painted with a white pearlescent polish and she had dangly earrings that had a white crystal flower at the base before what looked to be small diamond vine like petals going down with a matching diamond petal necklace.

"Come here," She smiled lightly, flattered by his reaction. Once he reached in front of her she nudged her head for him to sit down on the bed where she grabbed the tie and with ease, folded it perfectly around his neck and straightened it out with her hand, "There, that was easy."

"How did you- Merlin, I hate you." James huffed with annoyance as he looked in the mirror to see the tie perfectly hanging down his neck. She made everything look too easy.

Keeping his gaze in the mirror he removed his gaze of the silver tie and looked at her reflection, the sun was nearing the mountains, leaving a beautiful golden cast on the two of them, but her especially. He was completely entranced with her. She was gorgeous and with her standing next to him he wondered how someone like her would end up with someone like him.

Sensing his insecurities Del grabbed his chin and guided him back to her where she laid a gentle kiss on his lips, James groaned into her mouth as he attempted to deepen the small action yet she pulled away tutting in the process.

"Don't mess up my makeup, James." She warned jokingly, while walking backwards to the bathroom to complete her look, grabbing the dress off the doorknob in the process. "When I'm ready do you want to get out of here, maybe go for a stroll?" She asked with a small smirk. The two knew exactly what stroll meant and even with the Molly effects still having them rolling, the alcohol and weed high was completely gone.

"Of course I do," James replied dramatically as he followed her into the restroom, "Do you want me to ask the 'book club' to join us or would you like to keep this just a you and I stroll?" He asked as he hopped up onto the basin counter and swung his legs like a child, completely entranced as he watched her remove her satin robe. Her breasts were exposed fully, yet a small light blue thong covered her sex, but what really caught his attention was not only the silverish pink scars on her stomach but the still visible hickeys on her neck. She still didn't remove the concealment charm and he couldn't have been happier.

Though it wasn't the reasoning he thought it was, sadly she still had no intention of showing what she was constantly concealing, yet it was because she had to stop using it as consistently as she was, it was wearing her out and making not only her physically weaker but her magic wasn't working to its best highest potential either. Usually when she knew she'd be unclothed or wearing more revealing clothing she'd put it back on, yet today, with all the influences she was under, she genuinely forgot. Especially since James wasn't making a big deal out of it.

"Let's keep this between you and I, we'll have all of tonight to be with your little book club." Del snickered, loving that he was beginning to use her terminology, whether it was sarcastic or not. "But, I want us to be under your cloak, I don't want anyone to see us before the ball. Y'know grand entrance and all." She winked, as she slowly reached down and stepped into the dress of her dreams, she still couldn't believe that James had found something as gorgeous and grand for her.

"That is very James Potter of you, Delphinus. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I'm starting to rub off on you." James replied with the same cheeky tone, yet he dropped the sarcasm once she placed her arms through the straps. She looked absolutely divine.

He watched as she struggled to clip all the small clamps in the back of the dress with her new long nails and it only took a few huffs of annoyance before she looked up at him with a small pleading smile. Knowing exactly what she was referring to he jumped off the counter and moved behind her, she grabbed her long hair and gently moved it to the side of her shoulder giving him full access.

The dress had a low back, it ended in the middle of her spine yet with the clasps unclipped, almost her whole back was exposed. James felt his breath get caught in his throat as he saw aggressive writing just below the semi-see-through bodice. Was that . . . a name?

"Everything okay?" Del laughed nervously once she was still yet to feel anything, he was just standing there. Confused, she looked in the mirror to see his gaze caught on something with a horrified expression, "James what is it?" She asked more seriously, and James caught onto her tone change and shook his head as he began clipping the clasps.

"Nothing, sorry." He coughed out.

What in the bloody hell was she hiding?

* * *

As the two wandered through the dark and quiet corridors underneath the cloak they tried their hardest to conceal their voices. No one was allowed out just yet as the professors and ghosts prepared for the Yule Ball, yet the clinking of Del's heels was defeating the whole purpose.

Once they reached the courtyard, they were hit with freezing weather to where they almost questioned if it were the best idea to even be out there, but Del insisted that they'd be quick.

They set up behind the large cherry blossom tree near the now frozen lake, Del had brought her bong and cigarettes, while James brought a small bottle of Fire Whiskey for them to share. They placed a heating charm on the icy floor before laying the cloak down for them to sit on. James was quick to light a cig from the box while Del began to pack the bowl of the bong to the brim.

"It's beautiful out here." Del calmly declared, the last time the two were in this spot was when everything went to shite, but things were different now. Her thoughts were interrupted as James passed her his lit cig, and she traded him the now packed bong.

"It's bloody freezing out here, that's what it is." James huffed jokingly as he lit the green herb with his wand, inhaling the thick smoke into his lungs.

"Wait! Hold it in," Del panicked as she quickly pulled out her wand, ignoring James' confusion as he silently began coughing while trying to keep the smoke in. Del aimed her wand at themselves before casting a charm to conceal any smells that would come from the substances. They already showered and couldn't risk ruining their now fresh scents.

"Smart girl." James coughed out as the large cloud of smoke left his mouth, placing one arm over her bare shoulder he offered his jacket yet unsurprisingly she denied it and cuddled closer into his body, taking another inhale out of the nicotine stick, they switched once again.

As the two finished two more cigarettes, and another bowl of weed. They realised that they wouldn't have enough time to take all their things back to James' dormitory and Del would be damned if she were late to the Yule ball so they planned to keep it hidden in the invisibility cloak behind the tree.

Feeling the effects on top of the Molly the two couldn't have been happier, James had forgotten what he'd seen in the bathroom which left him careless, but he noticed that Del began growing more nervous by the second as the colourful lights shined through the large window of Hogwarts, the ball would be starting within the next twenty minutes and he expected her to be more excited.

"What is it?" He asked while breaking the seal of the Fire Whiskey bottle. He took a rather large sip before passing it towards his date.

"I don't want to worry you." Del replied quietly as she followed his actions with the bottle, but she realised that this was the whole reason why she asked him to come here alone. They needed to talk about what may happen at this ball.

James knew she was going to continue by the regretful look on her face, so he quickly sat up straighter and turned fully so they were face to face, "Is this about Leo?"

"James, he warned me about this ball. I don't know what he has planned but it can't be anything good." She whispered sorrowfully. James furrowed his brows after remembering the sinister words Leo told him a few weeks back.

'After the Yule Ball, she's mine, mate.'

"I won't let anything happen to you, you know that right?" James declared and when Del shook her head and opened her mouth he cut her off, leaving no room for questions, "Nothing, Del. That prick isn't going to get anywhere near you. I promise."

Del knew that James wasn't lying and she trusted him fully, yet this was Leo they were speaking about. He didn't know how awful this man was and she would hate herself if James were to get hurt because of her.

Picking up the bottle and taking a concerningly amount into her system she passed it back to him where James finished the rest and placed it in the small pile. James stood up, surprised by how drunk he truly was and held his hand out for Del to grab. They quickly wrapped up their items with the blanket and added a unique looking rock next to the invisible cloak so they wouldn't forget where they placed it.

"Can we dance?" Del slurred slightly, yet it wasn't the alcohol speaking, yet that's exactly what James thought it was as he laughed slightly with confusion, they were about to be dancing throughout the night.

"Dee, there's no music. We have all of tonight to dance." He assured, but Del insisted, she needed to be sure they at least had one moment together, in silence or not.

"Just in case. Please?" Del asked again and James' worry began to rise by the comment, but he waited no time before they moved to sturdier grounds and placed the same heating charm so they wouldn't trip in the snow.

The two probably looked crazy from any other students perspective, who in their right mind would dance in conditions like so? Especially when there was a dance in less than ten minutes, but to the professors watching in the window, even without context, they smiled warmly.

"Should we tell them to come back inside?" Professor Sprout questioned, even though it was a heart-warming scene to see, they weren't allowed out of their dormitories unless they were lining up outside the doors for the ball, and on top of that, it was against the health codes to be outside in such attire and weather.

"No, let them be. They'll be inside soon." Professor McGonagall smiled as she looked back towards Dumbledore who held the same expression. He had Del very close to his heart, she was undoubtedly one of the smartest, and most powerful students that attended this school. He'd only taught one student before her Occlumency and he regretted it deeply, yet even she had been learning faster than he, and he is considered to be one of the most powerful wizards there is.

* * *

As the two stumbled towards the corridor where they were meant to wait, they came to realise that they were in fact later than they'd expected. Just the two of them stood in the corridor and instead of complaining all they could think to do is practically fall over in their cackles.

"Well, on the bright side we are definitely getting that dramatic entrance you wanted." James slurred and Del couldn't help but slap her hand over her mouth to muffle the escaping chuckles while slapping his shoulder lightly.

"Wise observation, Jamesie." Del replied with the same drunken tone. The two of them were absolutely plastered at this point, and high, and also rolling on Molly. Yet she didn't see a single flaw in any of it, she truly didn't believe she'd be able to endure any of this sober, which even thinking that made her snicker to herself. In her words, she used to be such a prude when it came to drugs and alcohol, now look at her.

"You ready?" He asked her dramatically as he held out her elbow for her to grab onto and silently she nodded and linked their arms together while they both used our free hand to open the large doors.

The two of them gasped in union. Holy shite, they knew the professors usually went all out but nothing would have prepared them for this. The lights casted a gorgeous icy blue hue onto the whole room. Dance music was being played live in front of the whole ball on the large stage, and though it didn't compare to Queen, it still sent amazement through Del's whole being.

Each corner of the room had large tables filled to the brim with different sweets or savoury treats with their own flavours of what looked to be punch, and in front below the stage was a huge ice sculpture of whom they assumed to be Merlin himself.

Couches filled all the walls and the back left corner was designated for pure sitting purposes, there must've been at least thirty different white circle tables with seven chairs each. As the two of them observed the ball, they didn't realise that the whole ball was observing them as well until James nudged Del slightly with his shoulder.

"It seems like Remus and the rest of the lot already snagged a spot." He yelled out, trying to over-power the loud music, yet even with his booming tone it sounded like a whisper, but nonetheless she heard him well enough.

"Merlin, why is everyone staring, yeah we're late but we surely can't be the only ones." Del replied while looking at him nervously as they began ascending down the large stairs.

"Darling, look at yourself. Pardon my French but you're fucking stunning and that dress looks bloody amazing on you." James gushed, and she could feel the blush rise to my cheeks, though she hoped her makeup covered it.

"How do you know they're not staring at you? You look rather dashing." Del pushed, not allowing herself to believe that the eyes were on her and the thing was, she wasn't lying. James Potter was a sight for sore eyes everyday, all day, but Merlin have mercy he cleaned up beautifully this evening.

"Or maybe, they're looking at us." He finally settled. Del couldn't help the large smile that grew on her face at the small word: us. Though it was nothing, to her it implied so much more and she absolutely loved it.

As they finally reached the ballroom floor, Del's attention was quickly drawn to the large group of Slytherins huddled together. Excitement began bubbling up in her chest and she knew exactly what they were doing, especially when each one would occasionally throw their head back and wipe their nose.

"I'm going to be right back." Del whispered into James' ear and he quickly looked over at her with concern. She knew that especially after their talk in the courtyard that he didn't want her to be alone, but as Del reassured him and nudged her head towards who she was leaving to go see, he visibly untensed.

As Del practically pranced over to the large group she quickly rounded them until she saw Cal's fluffy tousled hair from the back where she gently tapped on his shoulder. He quickly jumped and turned his head with a fearful expression, but once he looked down at who had touched him his face and body relaxed as a lustful expression grew on his face, allowing his eyes to trail up and down her form.

"Who the hell are you checking out this time-" Regulus asked, annoyed on why he'd stopped, again, to pass the coke due to a girl distracting him, but once his eyes landed on Del his expression twisted from annoyance to anger, "Oh fuck no." He hissed as he grabbed Del's arm and pulled her closer to him and into the huddle while muttering 'horny git'.

"I was not checking her out!" Cal quickly defended as Regulus' Cissy's, Evan's, Bellatrix's, and Severus' eyes all narrowed down in disbelief, "I was just admiring her beauty." He smiled cheekily but soon bent down with a whimper as Bellatrix used the sharp part of her six inch heel to kick him in the shin.

"Hey Dell, how are you doing?" Cissy asked, delighted to see her sister-in-law again after what seemed to be far too long of a break, "Merlin you look stunning! That dress is drop dead gorgeous." She gasped, finally allowing herself to take in the sight in front of her.

As the group went around exchanging their compliments, Cal stood up with pure offense, "Oh so its okay for you all to eye-fuck her but when I do it-" He was interrupted once again as Severus back handed his face.

"No one is eye-fucking anyone but you, arsehole." Severus spat out. His toneless voice made him sound far too angry, yet they all knew he was joking just like the rest were.

"So." Del started as she clapped her hands, "Don't get me wrong I absolutely adore you all, but the reason I came over here was because I couldn't help but notice what you lot were . . . indulging in." She finished slowly and carefully while moving her eyebrows up and down.

Cal, being the only one who knew it wasn't her first time, looked around before passing her the metal tray with a line already formed, Del too made sure no one was watching, somehow missing everyone's appalled expressions before she leant down and snorted the line like it was nothing. She understood how their rotation was working so while blinking and sniffling rapidly she poured a small amount on the tray with the small bag that was in the corner and shaped a line with her wand, then proceeded to pass it towards Regulus.

Finally looking up and wiping below her nose, she was finally met with all the horrified reactions, and though Regulus accepted the tray, he too was staring at her like she was an intruder.

"Mate, since when in the bloody fuck did she start doing coke?" Regulus barked out, staring above Del's head and towards Cal who was just as oblivious as Del was, but he soon widened his eyes in fear and looked down at Del silently as if to ask 'you didn't tell them?'

"Uh-erm-well, Del a little help here?" Cal panicked while pushing Del back into the circle who'd been slowly retreating.

"It's not an everyday occurrence, just special occasions, y'know." She laughed nervously.

"Just be careful please. It's obvious you're already on Molly, you can't mix certain things. What else are you on?" Evan pleaded, they all knew not to cause an argument, but they couldn't help the concern. She used to be the innocent one, and they just didn't want her to get into the wrong things like they did in the beginning.

Del awkwardly scratched the back of her mouth as she made a suction sound with her tongue and front teeth, "Just a little bit of weed and Fire Whiskey." She shrugged, she was preparing for a freakout, yet instead they all sighed in relief, they knew all her shit must've been coming from Landon, but they knew all he had, and they did not want her going down that rabbit hole.

"Merlin, Dee. You're truly becoming one of us, eh?" Bellatrix laughed with disbelief, if anyone told them in the beginning of the year that they'd witness Del doing a line in a public space, the Yule Ball nonetheless, they'd roll their eyes.

As the tension began to settle, and they tray got passed to her once again, they still couldn't believe their eyes, Severus even chose to look away, not liking the sight of his little sister indulging in such a drug. Hypocritical.

The group was now hyper and care-free, Del warned the group she'd be returning back to her Gryffindor peers soon since she did technically come here with James and didn't want to spend the night away from him, but the group made her promise at least ten more minutes with them. They even sent Regulus over to let them know they'd be returning her in that time stamp which sent the group into hysterics, though he loved his brother, the last thing he wants to do is walk over to that group again.

Enjoying their last few minutes with their favourite Gryffindor, Cal grabbed Del's waist as they began dancing to the song blasting throughout every corner of the room, the whole lot of them dramatically and horribly singing off-tune to the music. Del kept her hips pretty still, having no intention of grinding into Cal, yet would dance with her shoulders, leaning one up and the other down to the rhythm as the lot of them laughed in hysterics at all their horrid moves.

Yet even though they were having a blast, Cal quickly removed his hands away from the girl and stood next to her instead. Regulus then moved next to him as well, so the three of them could all place their arms around each other and funkily sway to the song.

"Everything okay?" Del whispered near Cal's ear and he smiled in response while nodding, "I don't think I'm making your boyfriend too happy, I don't want to cross the line with him." He replied in the same hushed tone.

Del's eyes widened as she looked up and low and behold James was already glaring towards the Slytherin next to her and what seemed to be Sirius trying to calm him down.

"Oh shit." Regulus drew out with a low chuckle, "You might want to go settle that, yeah?"

Del nodded, thankful that he understood and sent Cal a quick 'thank you' as well before she began slipping through the jumping and dancing crowd towards the marauders, she was glad Cal didn't try and piss him off, but now Del feared how hard it'd be to explain their friendship to James, it truly was purely platonic, no matter the flirtatious things he'd say, they would never cross that line.

What they didn't know was that James wasn't the only one glaring at the two dancing.

As she approached the two, Sirius smiled towards her and quickly moved forward to embrace her before she could reach James, "You look great, Phinny. Don't worry he's not mad at you or him. I explained that you guys are friends and he needs to accept that." He whispered and Del felt the weight of lift off her shoulders. Thank bloody Merlin, she truly didn't want any drama on this night.

After detaching herself from Sirius she moved towards James, he tried to repeat what Sirius had just told her, but she cut him off by giving him the same embrace she just gave their best mate, "I know, Sirius explained to me, but I still want to be the one to tell you this, I came here with you. Cal is a flirtatious little shite, but he'd never and I'd never be anything more than that. Remember that."

James shook his head with a small smile and leant down placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, "I know, don't worry about me, I hope I didn't ruin your time over there." He winced slightly, remembering the way Cal immediately removed his hands of his girl once they made eye contact or the way Del's face dropped once Cal explained why he did so.

"You didn't, I already told them that I'd have to come back here within-"

"Ten minutes." James and Sirius snickered, they found it adorable the way Regulus sprinted over holding up all with fingers repeating 'she will be back in ten minutes, I repeat, ten minutes.' As the two of them laughed at the memory, Del shook her head with a smile, grateful she was able to see it from a different perspective. She placed both her arms on their shoulders. Thankfully her heels helped the height difference but they still had a good few inches on her.

"Bloody hell, Del. You look amazing." Lily gasped as she broke her way through the crowd, Marlene, Alice, Mary, and Dorcas following just behind her. Their friend group was chaotic and drama filled to say the least, but in the end they all loved each other and would do anything for one another.

They all looked like genuine models you'd see in the muggle magazines, Del's heart dropped slightly as she felt herself grow more and more insecure as she watched each girl stand side by side, how was it that not any of them had a single flaw?

Her face never once altered though as she exchanged compliments with each and every one of them. She would never show or express her insecurities with the public, but mentally she began to compare herself to each and every one of them. Her hand removed themselves off of James and Sirius' shoulders as they wrapped around her torso.

She needed a bloody drink.

Yet just when she turned to check out which station either the Prewetts or Carrows were guarding, Peter and Remus came into view and her heart melted by the sight of them. She truly was impressed with how well each and every one of them could clean up.

"Wow, Del. When we heard Sirius and James bragging about that dress we didn't expect it to live up to their words, but it truly is stunning. You look great." Remus chuckled out a gasp as he respectfully leaned forward to give the girl a hug.

"Awe, thank you, Remus. I won't lie I was just as surprised, but you look amazing as well, you too Peter. You lot sure know how to dress up for the occasion." Del joked, ignoring the gasp that escaped James and Sirius, but nonetheless they all huddled together to engage in their own conversation with the girls.

"Are you guys all on Molly?" Marlene yelled, she knew the Prewetts must've been rolling, but now seeing all their pupils dilated and them being oh so soppy with each other, jealousy began to course through her. Her invite must've gotten lost in transport.

They all quickly hushed her, scared by how loud her tone was, but thankfully no one had been listening, but that only sparked the concern of two other girls. While Lily looked at them all with disappointment, Dorcas' eyes widened as she stared at Del.

"Wait you're on coke and Molly?" She gasped, she could've sworn Del was never the type to endure in drugs and she practically screamed when she saw her snorting with her Slytherin friends.

Everyone immediately looked at Del like she'd lost the plot. Marlene noticed Del's panicked reaction and quickly slapped Dorcas' arm, but the damage had been done, James stared at Del, now understanding why she joined the huddle with all her mates.

"Wait you snorted again today?" Sirius asked with concern, making things even worse.

Del awkwardly laughed as she began looking for an escape, "Yeah, but it's not- like a thing with me, very rare, y'know."

Before the comments of concern or questions could start flowing she soon caught the gaze of Atlas and Kenji who thankfully were already beginning to wave her over, "The Carrows are calling me over, I'll be right back." She rushed before slipping through the group and heading towards one of the fountains of punch that she knew they spiked, there would be no other reason for them to guard it the way they were.

"Delphinus!" Kenji slurred as he threw his hands around her, practically placing all his body weight onto the girl making her almost fall backwards until Atlas thankfully removed his drunken brother, only to take his place, "Here's my favourite Malfoy!"

"Hello, boys." Del laughed, she could smell the stench of muggle whiskey wavering off their whole area, "May I pretty please get a cup, and do not be shy with it." She smiled as she batted her eyelashes. They immediately complied, filled her cup full with the dark auburn punch that she could've sworn was light pink when she first arrived.

Taking a gentle sip and expecting the worst, she still choked on the pure liquor, Merlin. Either these boys were genuine alcoholics or just didn't know how to mix their drinks.

"Good, right? You can hardly taste the alcohol!" Kenji exclaimed, jumping up and down with joy as Del put on a pained smile and began nodding her head. At least wizardly liquor had some sort of sweetness to it, but Merlin those muggles held no care with their drinks.

"It's great." Del hissed out through her teeth, she could still feel the burn of the whiskey in the back of her throat and when she went for another sip to prove her 'eagerness' she genuinely gagged into her cup, making Kenji frown but Atlas cackle.

"Don't worry, Del, it's awful, but it get's you shite-faced which is all that matters." Atlas assured as he too made a face of disgust for the girl after she went for a third sip, "Careful, if you couldn't tell, the ratio of punch to whiskey is practically non-existent."

Del began laughing in her cup, but before she could reply the two boy's names were called from across the ballroom, panicked, they looked at Del with pleading eyes, "Make sure no one other than the ones who know what's at this booth get any 'punch', aye? Thank you, Delphinus!" Kenji begged as him and Atlas already began running over to whom she assumed to be Landon Whitmoore.

-Del's Pov-

Well shite. This was not how I was planning on spending my time, but I won't lie, it is nice to be alone for a bit. Especially after that Merlin awful conversation with the book club and the girls. I didn't want them worrying about me, and a selfish part of me wished they didn't care so much. I get that I was never all for drugs, but if they can explore, why can't I?

"Del, finally, I thought I'd never catch you alone tonight."

Fuck, shite, no fucking way this is happening right now I thought as I began taking a rather large gulp out of the cup and placing it behind me, resting my arms on the table I kept my head turned in the opposite direction.

"Del don't make this harder than it needs to be, you knew this would happen." Leo sighed as he joined my side on the table, grabbing my cup he began taking sips out of it as well, his face not even altering by its disgusting contents, before he placed it back on the table and rested his body weight on his hands behind him, following my actions exactly.

I sighed and looked down, he's right. I knew this was bound to happen one way or another, but that small part of me clung onto the small piece of hope that it wouldn't.

"Listen, I'll just lay it out flat for you now, this is going to be a hell of a lot easier for you if we put things aside for now, because trust me, Del if we don't this will be a lot worse for you then it will be for me."

"I don't give a shite what you do to me, Greengrass. Whatever you have planned, it's not going to happen."

"You think I don't know that? Believe it or not I don't want to hurt or force you, but I will if I have to, but in this case, it isn't you I'm threatening. I know you remember what happened to Lily, look over to her now, tell me what you see."

My eyes clenched shut as I felt them weld with tears, this was exactly what I feared. Not believing that he's bluffing, I still allowed my eyes to trail over towards Lily and the group around her. My brows furrowed slightly until I finally saw it. Pucey and Mulciber, who were already staring right back at us, sitting at the couch just behind the group.

"I will have her hurt again, and I will make sure that this time the blame falls on you, Del. Now, do you want to reconsider and look at me to continue this conversation, or be at fault for her second attack?"

I shook my head as my brows furrowed in pain, this couldn't be happening, not again, but even though it hurt to do so, I turned my head to face him and nodded for him to continue.

"Your heart's too good for this world, Del." Leo said with what seemed to be genuine sorrow, but I didn't fall for it, I wouldn't, he was the master at manipulation and he knows me too well, he knows how to get into my heart and how to completely shatter it.

"I don't want to expose too much, because truthfully I want it to be a surprise, but what I will tell you is that our names are going to be called in ten minutes for a dance, just us two on the floor. I know your first instinct is going to be to run, but remember where my mates are, yeah? I don't care if your little buddies try to intervene, once your name is called you meet me in the centre, understood?"

I stared at him like he was crazy, this is what I feared for this whole time? A stupid dance with him. Don't get me wrong I don't want his slimy hands anywhere near me, but Merlin I expected so much worse than this.

"Is that all that I'm agreeing to? This is what you've been antagonising me over to yes about? A dance?" I asked with shock, there's no way. This must be an absolute load of tosh.

"That's all, I promise." He smiled as he reached his hand out for me to shake, and regrettably so, I did, then he finally walked away. I felt relief course through me, or it may have been the alcohol finally kicking in, but either way, I was fucking relieved.

Not only would Lily not be getting hurt, but I could finally get set free from this arsehole.

-3rd Person Pov-

"In her defence we've also done coke, let's not do this tonight please." Marlene pleaded as she watched the marauders continue talking about the new piece of information they'd learned about their girl.

"Marlene's right, sure you can be concerned but you all know how she gets with confrontation, when she comes back here and all she hears is the constant questions it's going to ruin her bloody night. At least save it for another day, and also she even said it was on rare occasions which is all that matters." Remus agreed as he winked at Marlene for bringing up that crucial piece of information, if they'd done it then they had no right to attack her for it.

James and Sirius both looked at each other with concern, but nonetheless, agreed. They'd all had their fair share with drugs and stupid decisions, and though they didn't plan to drop it completely, they would for tonight. They were all expected to return to their homes tomorrow where they'd have weeks for this conversation.

"Anyways, I think we have larger things to be worrying about." Peter said slowly and fearfully. Everyone looked towards him in question on why he'd say such a thing, but as they followed his gaze you could practically hear the hearts collectively drop.

Del and Leo face to face with no one around them.

James felt his heart shatter as he remembered his promise that he already broke, he swore that he wouldn't allow Leo anywhere near her and James wasted no time before trying to storm his way up to them, but he didn't get far before Cargo Pucey was standing right in front of him.

"Potter." He smiled cheekily before turning around and looking at Del and Leo, "What do you think they're talking about, hmm?"

"Get the hell out of my way, Pucey." James sneered as he tried to walk around him, but whilst tsking, Cargo quickly stepped in front of him once again.

"Rumour has it they're going to get back together. How does that make you feel, Potter? Knowing that Delly is just using you as a distraction while her and Leo are going through tough waters."

"You don't know what you're talking about. I won't ask again, Pucey, get the fuck out of my way."

"Don't believe me? Don't forget, Potter, she's a Malfoy. It's in her blood."

"Fuck off, Pucey." Sirius snapped as he joined James' side. His blood boiled as he stared at the boy whose name is carved into Del's back. If it wouldn't risk exposing Del's secret he'd bash his head into the floor beneath them then and there, but he forced himself to compose his anger for another time.

"Watch, still don't believe me?" Cargo laughed as he moved away from the two boys.

With confusion and fear, the two looked back towards Del and Leo, and though it still didn't make them believe the boy's words, they felt a shuddered run up their spines as Del placed her hand in his, willingly, with a relieved expression and shook his hand.

Even when he left her expression didn't falter, she seemed genuinely pleased with their conversation.

"Mate, don't think about it. We have no idea what was said or spoken about. Trust me." Sirius said carefully as he watched James' brows furrow.

"Did you guys just see what I did, or do I need James' glasses?" Peter whispered to the group as they all stood with their jaws dropped. Delphinus Malfoy just shook hands with Leo Greengrass?

"Yeah we all saw it too, Pete." Remus said as he watched Sirius and James walk back like they'd just lost a battle, "Seems like they did too." He muttered to himself as he placed his head in his hands.

The next few minutes was pure silence in the group as they all moved to sit at their tables, and once the girl they feared for joined them and slipped into the open seat besides James, they all stared at her, she didn't seem shaken up or confused, but instead rested her hands on the table as she looked around at the concerned faces.

"You guys, I promise that you don't have to worry about the coke thing, I swear on my life that when I was in the group it was only my third time trying it." Del admitted as she looked around wondering why no one was saying anything, they surely couldn't have been this spooked about a little cocaine.

"What happened with Leo?" James asked with his head buried in his hands and Del felt her heart drop, they saw all that?

"Nothing, he was just being his normal annoying self, but really nothing happened." Del replied calmly, before adding, "James I was a lot more concerned than I should've been, the conversation went a lot smoother than I expected."

"What did you guys shake on?" Peter piped in, asking the most concerning question of all, and Del sighed as she pondered over how she could word this. How was she supposed to tell them that she agreed to have a dance with him without including the part where Lily's well-being depended on it.

She looked over to her left and saw Mulciber and Pucey already staring back at her, they were listening and she knew it. Even though she was never warned to not speak up on it, she was quite certain that it was obvious. If they knew then they'd prepare, which obviously sounds like a good thing, but when the two men who plan to do the action were right there and listening, it would only make things worse.


"Please clear the dance floor." One of the singers asked politely once the upbeat music halted, and everyone began to listen as they either snagged a couch or stood in the corners, awaiting for what was about to come.

It seemed like Del wouldn't have to explain. She didn't realise how quickly those ten minutes went by, but after Leo left she still had to wait for the Carrow twins, and once they returned they continued their conversation.

"A special dance has been requested, may Leo Greengrass and Delphinus Malfoy please come to the centre?"

All the eyes widened at the table and Del felt her face grow hot as murmurs and questions began to fill the room, it especially didn't help her case when the lights dimmed and a spotlight was shined onto both Leo and Del who were on the separate sides of the room.

"You're not actually going to go up there are you?" Sirius asked as if this were some sort of joke but when Del slowly stood up from her seat the whole table furrowed their brows as their quiet protests began going through one of her ears and out the other.

James quickly grabbed her wrist before she got too far from him, "Don't, what are you doing, lets just go." He pleaded, he knew this would lead to something awful, he felt it in his core.

"I'm sorry. I have to, but I swear this is the last of it. I promise, we won't have to worry about him anymore." She whispered back before she slipped out of his hand and made her way to the centre until she stood in front of Leo.

Her embarrassment only grew as the whispers grew louder. For someone who hated being centre of attention, this was possibly her worst fear, but she was grateful that she was hardly able to see the crowds around them, only the few faces that were in the front circle, yet when she began to pay closer attention, she wished she stayed oblivious for it was everyone she wished wouldn't watch this.

The confusion on all her loved ones faces, and the fear on the ones who knew made her heart ache, but what hurt her the most was her fidgeting brother who stood besides Narcissa, he knew something that she didn't, and she began to question if it was only a dance she'd just agreed to, but all her thoughts were interrupted when the melancholic sound of the violin bounced off all the walls.

Leo wasted no time before he grabbed her lower back, knowing exactly where he'd just placed his hand, and brought her flushed with him, his other hand reached for hers by her side and brought them in the air by their shoulder before he interlaced them.

Del knew exactly what dance they were about to do, the song immediately gave it away, even without going to pure-blood balls or classes, Leo and her created this dance when they were younger and in love. It was a joke that this would be the dance at their wedding.

So as the music continued, they began following the rhythm to perfection, moving across the whole dance floor, the two danced as if they were truly made for each other. The only dead give away that they weren't in love was the fearful look on Del's face.

Their feet moved quickly and it was obvious that this wasn't improvisation, they must've practised this before, because it also wasn't a dance that anyone had ever seen before. They knew the moves to the song like they created it themselves, and that's because they did.

All pure-bloods who'd attended any type of ball knew that dances like these could take years to memorise and by the way that their chests stayed flushed together throughout the whole song and never once did they look down at their feet, they knew this had been practised hundreds of times.

Silent questions began filling everyone's thoughts as their gaze began switching between the used to be star couple and James Potter. What was happening? What was going on?

"What are we doing, Leo?" Del asked fearfully, they were nearing the end of the song, and at the end of the dance they always rehearsed a dramatic dip which would result in a kiss, but she knew she wouldn't allow it to get that far. She couldn't, especially not in front of all these people.

"We're dancing, baby." Leo replied with a smirk and Del finally began to panic.

He hadn't called her that in a very long time and she didn't miss it, not once, and all it did was confirm her suspicion that he had alternative motives. Del now only had her thoughts of all the possible scenarios that could possibly occur.

"Please, Leo. You promised, just a dance." Del begged as a single tear dropped from her eye and down her cheek.

"You should know by now not to trust the things I have to say." Leo hummed before he cocked a brow, "You ready?"

Del realised the song was finally the ending, the song grew louder and more aggressive with the piano and violin, and she clenched her eyes shut as she felt him dramatically dip her down to where the very ends of her hair brushed the ballroom floor.

His hand reached out to brush off the stray hairs that blocked her face and rested it on the side of her face, the action looking sweet yet in reality he kept it there to keep her head still as he leant down and placed a gentle kiss onto her unmoving lips and gasps filled the entire room, while the clueless peers began to slowly clap.

A small sob left her mouth as she was brought back up to the floor, but with confusion, she wondered why he grabbed her hand before she could run out of the bloody room, or why the lights hadn't turned back on, leaving the two under the spotlight.

He'd just ruined everything, how was she supposed to explain this? Del refused to look at anyone as she stared emotionlessly with a small stream of tears going down her face and tarnishing her makeup in the process.

Yet just as she thought things couldn't get worse, Leo began to pull a small box from his pocket and knelt down onto one knee.

"Don't you fucking dare." Del whispered, as she felt her chest begin to shake with more tears, she brought her hands to cover her face but to the others it only looked as if she were trying to conceal her excitement. Cheers and claps consumed the whole room, drowning out all her sobs and pleads.

"Delphinus Malfoy, I have loved you ever since we were eleven, through the tough and the thin we'd always stayed by each other's side, and I know that we recently went through the hardest break of our lives, but I know that if anything it's brought us closer than ever before."

"Del, I've gained both your brother and father's blessings, and after our discussion, Abraxas reached out to me personally that he's now expecting for you to come home. Sweetheart you are a Malfoy by blood, but will you take my hand in marriage and become a Greengrass by heart?"

Opening the black velvet box, a gorgeous ivy ring with a pear-cut Montana Sapphire that had six round salt and pepper diamonds, three on each side of the large gem and a fourteen karat rose gold band laid there shining in the spotlight.

Del stood there speechless. No, absolutely the fuck not. She couldn't even register all that was happening, but she knew that couldn't marry Leo Greengrass, and she couldn't return back home.

Leo looked up at her expectantly before slightly nudging his head to the left and when she slightly peered over, both Pucey and Mulciber were standing directly behind Lily, both already pointing their wands at her. No one would notice, not with what was being portrayed in front of them, they'd be able to get away with it without a slap on the wrist.

Moving her gaze back to Leo she knew she was stalling for too long so biting her lip until she knew it would bleed she cursed herself for her next words.


The room went ballistic, there were gasps, there were booes, but what overpowered them all was the large roar of cheers and clapping. Leo quickly got off his knees and removed the ring to place onto her left ring finger. It was official, Leo and Delphinus were now engaged.

Del was thankful he didn't attempt to kiss her again, but instead he pulled her into his arms, "There's my good girl."

The second he released her, the upbeat music resumed and the lights flickered back on, people rushed to the middle to congratulate the newly engaged couple, but Del was quick to slip through the throng of people and run out the large doors, she knew Leo would occupy and soak up all the new attention.

The second she reached the empty corridor her sobs tore their way out of her throat, she felt like she was drowning, and she didn't know what was scaring her more, the fact that she was now engaged to Leo or the fact that Abraxas was expecting her back.

Del hadn't even realised that her feet never stopped their fast pace, until she was stomping through the snow that reached her shins, but she didn't care, she needed to get as far away as she could in case someone decided to follow her.

Del had finally reached the edge of the frozen lake, and she knew it'd be suicide for her to venture out there, but maybe that wasn't the worst case scenario anymore. If Abraxas was expecting her back home and she didn't return, he'd kill her, and even if she did, Del didn't know how to act like a pure-blooded Slytherin, and if he didn't kill her, he'd make her wish he did.

And then there was Leo. She knew her future with him would consist of abuse and rape. It would be pure agony, but she wouldn't even be able to hide anymore, not with Mulciber and Pucey threatening Lily's well-being. It was hopeless, Del was hopeless.

Her heels turned away from the frozen lake until they reached the unique rock, her sobs only grew as she remembered how it all was before the damn ball, she wished she never showed. She reached out her hand until she felt the soft cloak, she began to unravel it so she could grab her small box of cigarettes and pull out a singular nicotine stick before wrapping it back up and placing it where she found it.

Just as she thought she regained her self-control, she found herself already walking onto the ice, her gaze wanting to watch if the ice would crack yet they stayed focused ahead of her as the cig lit itself.

Her tears were still violently streaming down her face but her sobs had halted as each inhale of the nicotine calmed her down more and more, but not her thoughts, they were still racing with every worst scenario that she could endure to prepare herself for her new life.

Del turned around slightly to find herself dead centre around the whole shoreline, if she continued walking any further into the Black Lake she'd get lost, and anger began coursing through her veins once she realised she hadn't found a single crack. She wasn't trying to get lost and die slowly, she needed it now.

With her face still emotionless and the cig still hanging loosely in her mouth, she raised her leg and stomped down harshly on the ice, hoping that if her weight wouldn't crack the ice then possibly her heel could. She repeated her action again and again until she heard the vicious barking of a dog.

Confused she looked around, but saw nothing in the darkness around her, yet she could feel someone watching so she quickened her grew more aggressive with her stomping until she gave up and dropped to the icy floor, removed her heel, and began slamming the heel down onto the ice until she finally created a crack in the ice.

The barking sounded again, but she ignored it. She was so close, so close. With each slam she created a new crack until she felt the aggressive bite of a dog grasp onto her wrist. Fearfully she screamed and flung her wrist back, causing for the dog to lose balance and slide onto the ice next to her.

Her thoughts began going a thousand miles per hour. How the hell was there a dog on the ice this far out, or how had she never seen the aggressive shite before, and even how the fuck was it so large, but not hurting her? It could kill her in a heartbeat, if the thing was silver she'd think it were some type of wolf as it growled and bared its sharp teeth at her.

"Fuck off." She scolded before inhaling once again through the cigarette, and slammed on the ice once again, she'd come to the conclusion that if the lake wouldn't kill her, this thing would.

The final crack began to create a barrier all around her and she knew that in no time she'd fall through the ice, "Fucking finally." She scoffed as she turned around to begin banging around the whole crack to quicken the process, yet with every hit the dog barked and snarled louder and louder, "Shut the hell up." She finally screamed while removing her other shoe in the process to throw at the dog, yet the second she stood up, the barrier of ice that surrounded her shattered completely, leading for her to fall into the arctic waters.

The large black dog was faster than gravity at that point as it bit harshly down onto her wrist and pulled her out of the waters, yet for Del it had been lights out.

* * *

After falling into the frozen Black Lake, the last thing Del expected was to wake up not only on warm grass, but completely dry herself, with a suit jacket wrapped around her.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." She cried out, this was becoming embarrassing at this point, not only the fact that this was her second failed attempt now, and this time she was saved by a bloody dog.

By the thought alone she sat straight up. There is no way a dog saved her, it's not possible. Del began to wonder if this was all just a bad dream but as she looked over at her bloodied wrist, with bite marks littering her whole forearm, she knew she was lucid.

"What the fuck?" She murmured to herself as she panickedly looked around, yet she saw nothing, no one in their right minds would enter the courtyard, but what she did notice was the massive dog paws that scrambled all over the snow.

A twig snapping from behind her pulled her out of her train of thought as she turned around swiftly to see Sirius Black exiting the forest as he buttoned up his white dress shirt. His expression didn't hold the same playful, or cocky smirk like usual, but instead he looked pissed. Like really fucking pissed, and once he caught her gaze, it only seemed to harden as he approached her.

"How many bloody times do I have to save your fucking life before you realize that suicide isn't a option in this family. We stick by each other, Delphinus!" He sneered as he approached the even more annoyed girl who sat up straighter once he kneeled down in front of her.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Sirius." She spat back, for all she knew, no one was around other than that bloody dog during her outburst.

"Really?" He laughed darkly, "So you didn't just try and break the ice out there, you could've actually died you dumbarse, you fell into the fucking lake!"

"Sirius, I'm dry, you daft bimbo!"

"No shite! Because I casted a drying and heating charm so you wouldn't die of fucking hypothermia! Who's jacket do you think is around you right now, Del?"

Well Shite. She didn't think about that part.

"How do you even know this, did you see the dog or something?" She asked with annoyance, still mortified that a dog saved her life. Not even mother nature is letting her kill herself.

"N-no Del, I didn't see a dog." Sirius replied with the same confused and annoyed tone, before taking a deep breath and calming himself in the process. He grabbed the carton of cigarettes from his pocket and took out two of the thin sticks, keeping one for himself and offering her the other.

He knew that them screaming at each other would get them nowhere, and he didn't want to scold her anymore. He just needed her to know that she couldn't keep resorting to ending it all, that option was thrown out the window the second the two became close and he knew that no matter what, he'd do anything he could to keep her alive, even if she hated him for it.

"What's going on, Del? What was that in there?" He finally asked while using his wand to light the tip of his cig and began inhaling deeply.

Del's eyes started to blur with tears just by the memory of it all. She didn't even know how to answer that question as she leant forward for him to light her nicotine sick as well. Inhaling the smoke harshly she remembered how quickly everything went to shite.

"I don't even know, Sirius," She whimpered as the tears began to flow again. How did her life get to this point? "I swear I didn't know, I swear on my life." Del pleaded as her whimpers grew into sobs.

Sirius immediately moved to sit next to her, and placed his arm over her shoulder, massaging the expensive fabric of his suit jacket, "I know, I know you didn't. I could see it on your face, don't worry about that, just start from the beginning, what happened in front of the punch bowl?"

"Sirius, you can't tell this to anyone-"

"I swear on my life. I've kept all your secrets from before, remember that."

"W-when Leo approached me he started reminding me about what happened to Lily, how he attacked her and gave her that message to tell me to say yes. He said that if I didn't comply then he'd hurt her again and that this time he'd make sure all the blame would fall onto me. He had Pucey and Mulciber surrounding her the whole night. Leo told me that he wouldn't expose his whole plan because he 'wanted it to a surprise' but that our names would get called for a dance and when I asked if that's all I was agreeing to, a stupid dance, he promised that was it."

"Merlin, if I knew what he had planned I would've never stepped foot onto that bloody dance floor." I sobbed out just by the memory, "Sirius, you have to see why I did it, why I tried to end it, he spoke to my father and now I'm expected back at home. I can't go there, Abraxas would kill me himself, and, Godric, Leo. How am I supposed to continue this fucking life while being engaged to that sod, do you realize that I signed up for a future of torture the second I said yes? I was so close to saying no, Sirius, but the second I looked over at Lily, Mulciber and Pucey already had their wands pointed towards her head. I had no choice."

Sirius listened to her rambling, it began to make sense now, he knew from the beginning that there was more to the story, that Del wouldn't have said 'yes' without reasoning.

"I won't let him hurt you, Del. I promise, no one is going to let him touch you like that ever again."

"But it's not up to you anymore. You grew up in a pure-blood house, you know how it is."

And for the first time, Sirius couldn't deny her words, though he'd never say it out loud, he was terrified for the Malfoy beneath his arms.

"We need to find James, Del. Come with me."

"I can't, Sirius, it's done between us. I can't involve him anymore, it's too dangerous." Del cried, but it was the truth. It would be selfish of her to try and pursue their relationship after this and they both knew it.

Del unwrapped Sirius' jacket off her shoulders, and reached over to find the invisibility cloak. She picked up the small pile, forgetting that bong was also wrapped between the blanket and she placed it in Sirius' arms.

"I'll be right behind you, I need a few more minutes, please just make sure James isn't in the common room when I get there, I can't face him right now." Del pleaded, and reluctantly, Sirius nodded and listened.

After a few moments of silence, Del soon stood up and brushed any particles off of her dress before beginning her way towards the tower, but the second she entered the large building, someone was quick to grab her arm and place their hand over her mouth to conceal any screams for help.

"Hello, baby." Leo whispered as he pulled the both of them into the darkness of the corridor, "Are you going to stay quiet?" He asked, only removing his hand once Del nodded in agreement. She knew it was no use at this point and she didn't want to make him angry.

"I'll make this quick because I know we're both tired. Tomorrow I will allow you to get onto the train to say your goodbyes, but you will stay on until it returns to Hogwarts, do you understand me? I would offer for you to stay with me at my house for a while, but in case you forgot I can't even step foot onto my property, thanks to you. We will spend our first four nights here alone together before we apart to Malfoy manor. Do not try and test me on this, Del. Do I make myself loud and clear?"

Del nodded and attempted to turn around and leave him in the corridor, but he grabbed her once again, this time he brought his free hand to her chin and lifted it upwards, using his other, he casted a quick 'lumos' and gazed at her neck with a small snicker, "At least you already got your goodbye from James, but I will tell you this, it was genuinely disgusting for you to come to the ball with those awful hickeys on your neck." He spat out before harshly removing his grip and bumping into her shoulder as he made his way towards the Slytherin common rooms.

That was when Del realised she never put on the damn concealment charm and her hand clasped over her mouth as she slid down the corridor floor.

21,074 Words


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