Twisted Love | James Potter

By Sydneyymalfoy123

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-For 18+ Or Mature Audiences Only- Delphinus Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's younger twin sister... More

𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓉. 𝐼
𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓉. 𝐼𝐼
𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓉. 𝐼𝐼𝐼


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By Sydneyymalfoy123

"After the Yule Ball . . . she's mine, mate."

-Colton's Pov-

Cepheus, Vinton, Cal, and I snuck back into the large castle after having a quick smoke in the courtyards, we got a little carried away, or Cal did at least, he was violently hungover, which was why all four of us were now running down the halls with snickers and aggressive shushing in attempt to make it to breakfast before it ended without getting caught.

Vinton and I were side by side with determination whilst Cal and our cousin were slightly behind us, they weren't foodies like my brother and I, most Britz, as we like to call them, weren't, or at least not like us Americans were.

It was odd moving to another country, to have to leave everything that was normal for us. My brother lost the most though, his fiancé obviously wasn't pleased with the sudden change. They attempted to make things work, long distance and all that jazz, but there's only so much a vulnerable 17 year old girl can handle, they broke off the wedding last week and ever since he's had a different girl in his bed every night, his way of coping I guess.

Me on the other hand . . . well lets just say I was never able to stick with one girl, I would try, I would pour my heart into the relationship, but in the end they never worked and at a certain point I had to just wake up and realise love isn't for me. Yet that didn't mean I didn't lose anything. Not to sound like a conceited dick, but everyone loved me back at Ilvermorny, my reputation was spotless, full of nothing but Quidditch, intelligence, attractiveness, and my flattering charismatic skills. I had definitely been humbled the second I walked in the large doors and no one turned to look at me or acknowledge my existence.

A part of me is somewhat pleased to be in a new area, it was almost refreshing, but I was an extrovert, I loved and craved the attention from others, so the other part of me loathed my parents for their short notice decision.

You may be wondering, 'why was that decision made in the first place?' Well let's just say my uncle, who was embarrassingly enough my D.A.D.A. teacher, Professor Parkinson, had written to my father for the first time in years. If I'm being honest I could hardly remember what he said it was about, but it was something to do about the upcoming war. I only hoped they were on the right side of things.

"I want to fuck my best friend." Cal blurted in a hushed whisper, causing Vinton, Cepheus and I to stop in our steps, we actually stopped on our path for food to turn around and stare at our cousin with shock, had he heard what we had? It wasn't exactly a conversation we were expecting to have in such early hours.

Vinton had recovered quicker than I had, his head bowing with silent laughter as he hit my arm repeatedly, "I called it." He 'whispered' with immature giggles leaving his mouth. I, too, bowed my head in laughter while reaching into my pocket and handing him a singular galleon. He always had such a strong suspicion that Cal was in love with Regulus, I guess I called him stupid for nothing.

"How did you two know? That obvious?" He asked while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with a quiet laugh, the two finally reached right behind us and we soon turned around to become face to face.

"Is it obvious? You two are practically inseparable." Vinton belted with his jaw dropped, I quickly slapped his shoulder, a warning to be more polite, Cal was just about to come out to all of us which must've been scary. We could at least show some respect.

Cal shook his head with disagreement, "As if! We used to be but I've hardly been with 'em' this year, not in public at least."

"Bullshit. You two sit together everyday!"

"No, Regulus and I sit together everyday."

"Exactly!" Vinton raised his voice again, we were all laughing with confusion, I was starting to think that we weren't all on the same page, Cal's body language only proved my point as he registered what Vinton had said, quickly stepping back with his face full of disgust and horror.

"Hold on. You don't think I'm gay right? You didn't actually bet on me being gay right?!"

His outburst made all our knees weak, Cal had now turned to Cepheus, now making sure he didn't think he was gay, but all our cousin did was laugh into his face.

"Y'know." Cepheus gasped, placing his hand on Cal's shoulder for support, "Usually the ones who get most defensive about it, are the ones that are still in the closet."

Cal immediately removed Cepheus' hand and shoved him to the floor before storming up to Vinton and ripping the single galleon out of his hand and throwing it back at me. I swiftly shielded my face with my hands as the gold smacked the base of my palm harshly.

"You all suck." He huffed before walking dramatically faster ahead of us, "Do I walk gay? Is that it? I know my arse is fat but I didn't think that made me gay!" He yelled back to us with a whiny tone, he'd be overthinking the rest of his life because of this.

"Mate, geh' back here.'" Vinton pleaded with the worst British accent I'd ever heard, our cousin was still dying behind us and I gave his back a quick pat, his wheezes were so loud that I assumed he was choking.

Ignoring the jab at his accent, Cal immediately turned around and ran back to us, "I was beginning to think you wouldn't call me back." He snarked with pettiness.

"Okay, jokes aside. You were saying?" I asked, though it was funny, I couldn't help but wonder who he now had his eyes on, especially if it were his best friend. I had an assumption but I only prayed that it wasn't true.

Cal pondered for a second, "I want to fuck my bestfriend."

"You said that already, mate." Cepheus clapped his shoulder, giving it a small shake as if telling him to hurry up and just blurt it out already, "Come on tell us, who's the lucky lady?"

"Dee. Fucking Dee." Cal sighed with disappointment, his hand anxiously covering his opened mouth, hiding his dropped jaw. It was obvious he still couldn't believe it, that he wished against it. Yet from what I've learned from Cal is that he doesn't care, when he wants something he gets it.

Cepheus' face paled instantly, an awkward laugh escaping his fake smile as he registered who 'dee' was. I'd never heard of anyone named 'dee' at this school and by the confusion on my brother's face I assumed that he too, had no idea who Cal was talking about.

"Dee? Who's that?" Vinton asked.

"Delphinus Malfoy." Cepheus muttered uncomfortably, I offered him an 'are you good?' nod and he only replied with a shrug.

Then what he said hit me like a bus, I closed my eyes and prepared for the upcoming embarrassment.

"Wait! Malfoy? As in that hot Gryffindor Seeker you were telling me about?" Vinton laughed out loudly as he hit my chest, "Yeah I don't blame you man, I'd tap that." He continued but his proudful laughs turned into taunting ones once Cepheus slapped his chest with a scoff, "Don't talk about her like that."

"Merlin, okay! I shouldn't have said something, can we talk about this later and at least try to make it for breakfast?" Cal said with annoyance as he stomped through the group and continued his way.

He knew his dramatic exit would make the rest of us follow because we were all now rushing to the Great Hall again, we weren't too far away, so it didn't take long before the lot of us were bursting through the large doors, only to get met with many many eyes, we'd interrupted the damn 'assembly'.

When I said I missed the attention this is not what I meant.

"Ah, It's nice for you boys to finally join us." Headmaster Dumbledore said slowly, his arms wide out, signalling for us to take our seats, we quickly obeyed.

"As you all probably now know, last night dorm checks were held in session by Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Hagrid, Professor Slughorn, Professor Assistant Ollivander, Professor Flitwick, Madam Pince, and myself-"

"Yeah, it wasn't like you guys were exactly quiet!" A voice came from further down the Gryffindor table and by the way that the marauders were all huddled up in laughter, I assumed it came from them.

"Yes, and we apologise for that Mr. Pettigrew, but we were in quite the rush, there had been many . . . complications last night, as well as missing students which is why we are all still here this morning instead of attending your first periods. You see, each head of your house had a checklist, now if your name is called, this means you were reported missing and you will be serving detention this Saturday night."

My eyes widened as I looked over towards my brother, he'd be the cause of poor Hufflepuff eighth year Cara Gullington getting detention this weekend, he was already looking over to the badger table mouthing a flirtatious apology with a sly wink, I almost gagged.

Professor Flitwick and Madam Pince stepped forth first, representing the house of Ravenclaw, their list was short, only seven students were caught out of bed, then Professor Sprout and Hagrid walked up, representing Hufflepuff, their list had been a tad longer, Cara's name appearing, yet the whole Hall erupted in 'ooh's', laughter, and proudful screams once the female professor spoke their golden girl's name, Sydney Whitmore.

I watched as her friends all clapped her on her back and shook her shoulders as she hid her face with embarrassment. From what I heard from my cousin, she and Altair used to date, but broke it off during summer, I assumed that's why everyone held such a strong reaction.

The moment I'd been waiting for finally arrived once Professor McGonagall and Headmaster Dumbledore walked towards the podium, the list was larger than both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw combined, even if you multiplied that total Gryffindor still had them beat. Our house cheered for each name, finding it funny and prideful, yet the second Delphinus Malfoy's name passed through Professor McGonagall's sorrowful smile, the chattering decreased. Objections flew across the room, different people claiming she had been in the Hospital Wing that night, but that didn't add up from what I was told this morning, while other students, friends of the Malfoy I assumed, spluttered bullshit alibis for her. I turned around to look at Cal with a questioning expression, he looked just as confused.

The Professors continued reading off the list, ignoring everyone's words before the two stepped away from the podium, allowing Professor Slughorn and P.A., Professor Assistant, Carina Ollivander to take their place, Ollivander, as we all call her, was a young 'teacher helper' for Professor Parkinson.

If anyone thought Gryffindors list was bad, then no one was prepared for Slytherins. It was genuinely impressive how many students were out of bed, and actually got away with it, but from what I heard, the perfects never went down the Dungeons last night. A whole lot of ruckus had been caused, yet no one seems to know what exactly.

I wasn't really listening to all the names, actually I was attempting to not fall asleep from the dull sound of Professor Slughorn's voice. My eyes shut, I was only resting them for a few moments, yet my peace was disrupted once a certain name caused absolute mahram in the Hall, mainly between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

"Yaxley, Fornax."

My brother and I shared a confused glance as we looked down the table towards the marauders who were acting crazed by the new information, their objections and corrections of 'him no longer attending the school' were drowned out by the even louder group of mixed reactions from Slytherin, some were cheering enthusiastically, while the others, Cal and Cepheus' group especially were all booing, I even noticed the Greengrass brothers shouting profanities at their Headmaster for 'allowing him to stay.'

What the hell was wrong with the school?

-James' Pov-

She was wrong, Professor McGonagall must've been mistaken because Del was one-hundred percent in the Hospital Wing . . . right?

That question was soon to be answered as Remus, Peter, Sirius, and I separated from the large throng of students moving to their second period whilst we headed towards the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey may try to kick us out since class was in session, but she always held a soft spot for us all, especially with Remus' 'fluffy issue'.

Once we finally approached the large doors we all hesitated. We were all thinking the same thing and I knew that if we were right, the three of them would feel a whole lot of regret for stopping me to go check on her, I'd make sure of it.

I could feel the unpleasant adrenaline coursing through my being as I finally stepped forth towards the door, making the first move, yet to all our surprise the door had opened by itself, knocking the side of my face harshly from its heaviness.

"Oh, Merlin! James, I am so sorry!" Lily quickly apologised, grabbing my face into her hands as she observed the forming red mark on my cheekbone, I hissed when her warm thumb brushed over the injury, from both the pain and the betraying flutter in my heart. Oh, how at the beginning of the year I would've fallen to my knees.

She looked lively again, the last time I saw her, her face was so dull of colour and her hair was lifeless and flat, yet here she was now, face full of freckles and a natural sun-kissed blush danced across her cheeks and nose. Her lips held minor scabs, a consequence to her habit of biting them, while her hair looked voluminous and shiny, complimenting her eyes in such a way that she practically owned the colour green, not the Slytherins, her. They were so pure that I only felt peace when I stared into them.

Her hand stuttered, freezing in its place for only a millisecond too long before she quickly withdrew it, her apologies never ending yet they were drowned out by the daze I'd been in. What in the name of Merlin am I doing?! I need to find Del! End the conversation, James! Do it! Now!

"I- I uhm, it's quite alright, Lil-Evans." I nervously laughed, I could feel the burning glares of Sirius, Remus, and Peter burning into my neck. Someone please save me.

"Evans, Del's in there right?" Peter jumped in, he was now standing next to me while he put his elbow on my shoulder. Though it just looked like he was simply using me as an armrest, his elbow was subtly yet painfully digging into my neck, a clear message of him telling me to just keep my mouth shut.

Lily's pretty smile dropped as a nervous one appeared. Her jaw stayed slightly opened while she thought of a response to the simple yes or no question. Her lips were so plump that they almost resembled a pouting expression.

Stop looking at her lips!

"Well, erm. I don't know." She smiled before quickly squeezing between us all and rushing down the halls, undoubtedly going to her next class even though she was just released from the infirmary, I watched as her hair floated behind her as she ran down the halls, her skirt-

"I will hurt you." Sirius whispered as he smacked the back of my head, it was obvious I'd been staring at Lily, all their expressions only made me feel like even more shit. I knew it was wrong, but also it'd be unfair for them to expect six years of attraction and love to wash down the drain. I cared about Del, I always will and I don't wish to be with anyone else but her, but at the same time I'd hardly been seeing her lately, either she's suddenly disappeared and I spend my whole day stressed and worried for her or she's their but not actually with me, just a shell of her while her mind drifted off to Merlin knows what.

I know Del is going through things, traumatic things, no matter what she tells me and tries to deny, I will always know, but I don't ever want to force her to tell me, but at the same time it hurts so much to see someone I care for dearly to suffer alone. I'm scared for our future together, which was why I would now be doing anything I could to bring us closer together. I would be who she needed me to be, and I would always support her through what she was going through, her decisions included.

I only hoped she would give the same energy.

The doors opened once again as a flustered Madam Pomfrey came running out with a knowing expression, "Ms. Evans! You are dismissed from all classes! You need your rest!" She yelled out, but the mediwitch knew it was no use, "Stubborn girl." She muttered beneath her breath before looking up and coming face to face with us, her expression morphed again, but not into her usual lovingly annoyance look, instead a tight lipped, sorrowful, smile grew on her face.

"Hello boys." She greeted, she seemed to already know what we were going to ask as the answer waited on the tip of her tongue, she nodded us into her office. We followed.

"How are you doing on this frigid morning, Poppy?" Sirius asked with an infamous wink, as much as we wanted to roll our eyes at his behaviour, we all stood concerned once Madam Pomfrey didn't do anything to call out his inappropriate and informal words, not even raise a hand or spare a heated glance. Nothing.

"I'm doing well, Sirius. Sweets?" She replied with a warm smile as she held out her classic cauldron full to the brim with un-ending candies, the variety was unreal! We were all definitely concerned now, even Sirius' smirk dropped.

Remus was the first to reach for the cauldron, though he was intrigued, he would never pass up chocolate, especially Madam Pomfrey's chocolate. Peter soon let out a breath of relief, probably fearing he'd been the only one with such cravings, before he too reached for a handful of the assorted candies.

Though Sirius and I didn't give into her generosity, we didn't care for sugar, we just wanted to know answers. I looked over to Sirius to see if he was going to be the first to speak, yet he'd been already looking over at me for the same question.

"Poppy, dear, where's Phinny?" Sirius asked with a small grin, I knew he was attempting to flatter the answer out of her, yet I wasn't so sure she was going to withhold the easy to read information.

There was a large window in her office that looked into the infirmary, the empty and spotless infirmary. Del isn't here, but now my question was, when did she leave.

"I wish I knew the answer to that, Sirius. If you do find her though, please send her back here. She left before I could even inspect her injuries." She mumbled sorrowfully, her eyes widened as she realised she overshared information, but they softened shortly after, she knew we would never tell a soul, she knew she was helping us and Del.

Our eyes widened at her words and I nodded as I stared onto the floor, I wanted to laugh. I was right, I knew something wasn't right last night. I was so close to checking that damn map yet I ignored my intuition. She'd been gone all day yesterday doing Merlin knows what then didn't even make it to her bed last night. Just as I registered the first part, another terrifying remembrance followed. Fornax was still here and I'd be damned if I didn't trust my gut this time.

I didn't spare anyone a single glance before I left the infirmary, bugger classes. I could hear the yells from my mates from behind me but I didn't turn around, though I knew it wasn't fair, I couldn't help but blame them. I wanted to go check on her yet they insisted that she needed her rest, I wasn't even allowed to just simply look at the map!

So no, I didn't turn around, it only took a few minutes of the cold shoulder before they took the hint, I was finally able to go try and find where the hell Fornax Yaxley was, but something told me it would be more difficult than it seemed, he wasn't at breakfast.

Classes were still in session meaning the corridors were empty of anyone, well, so I thought, but because I thought that, I hadn't been paying attention to where I'd really been walking and next thing I knew I was colliding with another student.

"Salazar, you'd think with those thick arse glasses you'd actually be able to actually see." Calloway scoffed as he brushed off his robe in disgust. He looked like rubbish, genuine horse-shit rubbish, he must've been sick, possibly hungover, served him right he's an arsehole. "Why aren't you in class?" He asked, I wasn't too surprised, it would be uncommon to have any conversation with Calloway Nott without him being nosey and all up in everyone's business.

"Looking for someone." I replied with the same 'disgusted' and 'uninterested' tone he used, but instead of him replying with another question a small smirk grew on his face, a smirk that I really wanted to slap off, "I think we can help each other- not in that way, for the love of Merlin I'm not gay."

My face screwed up with confusion. I never understood what idiotic things he says, but before I could try and excuse myself from the conversation he opened his mouth once again,

"Wait! You're looking for Del, are you not?" Cal pleaded and I immediately turned around by her name. No, I wasn't looking for her, but I surely didn't mind changing my plans, especially if he had a lead.

"Yes-yeah I am." I lied.

Cal said nothing but nodded for me to follow him, surprisingly enough, I did. I anxiously ran my hand through my hair as we stepped out into the courtyard, the fresh breeze reminded me that we were no longer in doors so I reached for the small cardboard box in my back pocket and pulled out a single cigarette. Then I hesitated for a few moments, before scrunching up my face with annoyance and pulled out a second cigarette. I may as well try to be on okay terms with the bloke.

Catching up to his side I cleared my throat whilst holding out the second cig, he looked surprised, cautious even, which I didn't blame him for, if I were in his shoes and I offered me a cig . . . I wouldn't accept it either, not with my reputation.

Yet after a few seconds, his ringed hand took the cigarette from mine, "Where are we going? Why is Del behind the courtyard?" I whispered as I leaned into his wand, letting him ignite the tip of the white paper.

"We aren't going to see Del, we're going to see the person who knows where she is." He muttered back, using the same hushed whisper I had. But before I could ask what he meant by that, he took a sharp turn behind the large, abandoned brick wall which was covered with different sorts of graffiti while large holes gathered at the top from fallen bricks.

From what I heard, this was where they used to hold D.A.D.A. before they safely found a way to teach the tricky class in-doors.

Though I was confused; I swiftly followed him, but I quickly regretted my decision once I saw Leo Greengrass smoking a cig of his own. He was uncharacteristically laid back, uncommon from his usual stuck-up, perfect posture. But what creeped me out the most, was the fact that this was the most emotion I'd ever seen this sociopath portray, he was anxious. The multiple cigarette buds surrounding him showed that he'd been chain smoking while his foot was bouncing up and down at an extreme pace. He knew something. I looked over at Calloway who seemed to be his own silent observations, but once we looked over we came to an agreement. We would figure out what the bloody fucker was hiding.

Leo looked over to us with wide eyes, he was alarmed by our presence, but once our identities registered his shoulders slumped as he rolled his eyes, "Boys, I'm truly not in the mood for your immature behaviour, nor a duel. Turn around and we can act like we never saw each other." He snarked, his eyes as 'doe' as a deer in headlights, he looked genuine and fearful. A part of me almost wanted to just turn around, but then I remembered that this was his game, he was a manipulative piece of shit and I wouldn't play along.

"Cut the shit, Greengrass." I replied in a bored tone, even though my heart was racing with adrenaline, and that I had too many things I wanted to scream at the scum in front of me, I couldn't let him know that yet.

Calloway looked over with a raised eyebrow before he removed the cig from his mouth and continued, "Whatcha' doing here hiding, Leo Mate?"

"How'd you know I was here?" He whined, wincing slightly as the cigarette burned down to his fingers. He dropped the bud while shaking his hand in silent agony.

Calloway stepped forward with a laugh, his hand disappearing into his hair as he shook it slightly, adding volume and fluff as he let out a dramatic release of air, sighing in delight as he continued to walk towards Greengrass before his aggression flipped like a switch and Calloway quickly jumped forward and pinned him to the old brick wall. Dust and concrete particles fell onto the two as they stared each other down with hatred, "Let's not forget that we were the ones that showed you our spots. You can't hide from us Leo. Where is Del."

"Hell, if I knew! Why do you dumbarses think I'm back here? I'm not hiding you fool, I'm trying to think!" Leo yelled back into his face, I was surprised, I expected Leo to shy back from Calloway, but I stupidly enough under-estimated him.

They were friends for years, what should've I expected? They know each other better than anyone else, "Bullshit. You're smart, Leo. You already figured everything out and I know it. You've probably already spoken to Del today, haven't you?"

Leo smirked slightly by Calloway's words, the cocky prick probably only heard the compliment, "Flattering, but wrong." He winked, he was trying to piss off Calloway, and it was working.

"You're fucking lying! Are you the reason she wasn't in her bed last night?" Calloway shouted. I walked towards them slowly and cautiously, I needed to hear the answer, though I wish I hadn't.

"I wish." Leo laughed quietly before turning to look at me, ignoring Calloway's burning glare, "I will be soon, though. I hope you know I'm fixing and planning everything to perfection. You can enjoy her while you have her, but after the Yule Ball . . . she's mine, mate."

I lost it. I lunged forwards while Calloway stepped back, giving me the room to quickly take his place. I gripped the front of his robe before using it to slam him back into the wall. I was taller than him so just as Calloway had, I bent down my head to his level in a taunting manner, "Say what you want, Greengrass, but Del with never love you, you can believe whatever, but deep down you'll always know that she will never be yours. That's why you're so insecure, hm? That's why you hurt her right?"

Leo tried to pounce at me and out of my grasp, but I only tightened my grip on the thick material of his robe. "Where is she, Leo?" Calloway asked again from beside me, he held the same teasing smirk I had, he made him feel powerless just by his stance, he had his hands resting on his bent knees while using a tone that someone else would use to speak to a young child. The funniest part was that Leo wasn't even that short, average probably, but that didn't matter.

"Why would I know? You heard what Potter said, why would she tell me out of all the people where she was?" Leo spat back, he was fed up with our behaviour meaning his patience must've been thinning.

"Because you're fucking obsessed you psychotic piece of shit!" I laughed into his face while removing one of my hands, using more pressure in the other to keep him in place, and gripped his jaw to keep him from looking over at Calloway.

"You're talking to the wrong person, you blind arsehole!" Leo yelled back, silencing both Calloway and I.

"Elaborate." Calloway said blankly, his smile and tone dropping, leaving him scarily unreadable.

"Fuck you." Leo snarked stubbornly, his chest rose and fell quickly with anger. I wanted to laugh, I wasn't done, but I wasn't able to make that choice once Calloway gripped my shoulder just as I opened my mouth and pulled me off of Greengrass.

I tried to argue but he simply shook his head and walked us away from Greengrass, but before we turned away from the brick walls, Calloway stopped, "I don't know what happened to you, but you've changed, mate. You're a coward and I hope you know that once we find out what truly happened to Del, and we find out you hurt her, we will kill you." He referred to the two of us with a nod, said nothing more and we continued walking back to the castle confused, angry, and terrified.

"He knows something, he was lying." Calloway stated, it was an obvious factor, but I still nodded in agreement, "I think I know who he was referring to." I added. We quickly stopped in our tracks before entering the main corridor.

"Who?" Cal asked with furrowed brows as he placed his index and middle finger in front of his lips, mimicking a cigarette, I nodded and pulled out the cardboard box before grabbing two of its contents.

"Yaxley, Fornax Yaxley. He attacked Lily and left Del a threat, it's got to be him." I replied whilst passing him a cig and lighting one of my own with my wand.

Cal's face screwed up for a second, "Potter, Fornax didn't at-"

"Ditching class and smoking are we? Detentions for both of you!" Filch's gnarly voice interrupted making the both of us jump. I looked over to see three angry marauders and an angrier corridor monitor. Shit.

* * *

"You're telling me, that I, I, as in me! Was forced to attend and actually do work in all of my classes, and, and! Scrubbed, and I mean that I scrubbed the bathroom toilets and we still don't know where Del is?" Peter shouted as the four of us walked down the dark corridors, it was well past curfew and we got zero information today.

After Filch caught the lot of us, Calloway had genuinely ran from the scene screaming 'Not today, Filchy', leaving us four alone with the old grouch. He walked all of us to all of our classes one by one the whole day, and when we were on breaks he was immediately there to give us a new chore. It was ridiculous! He blamed it on us ditching but we knew this was years of pent up anger.

"Keep your voice down, we don't need to get into more trouble." Remus whispered angrily, I felt the worst for him, the full moon was only getting closer and instead of taking it easy as he should be, he was forced to do nothing but stressful work.

Not to mention the fact that Del was missing, none of us would get sleep knowing she isn't safe in bed.

"But" Remus sighed, "You're right, this isn't good. We'll use the map and find out where she is." He finished before patting Peter on the shoulder with a quiet apology to which he quickly shook off, Peter knew Remus didn't mean to be rude.

"Agreed. Everything will be okay." Sirius reassured, his hands going on my shoulders as he shook them lightly. Everyone was still being cautious after I stormed off this morning, but it would be back to normal within an hour.

The silence was loud as we all continued to speed walk to the Gryffindor common, hope visibly in the air and we all clung onto it, we didn't know what to expect anymore, so we only wished for the best.

It only took us about ten minutes before we finally reached the portrait. We all stood in a line side-by-side while we stared at Elizabeth's, also known as the fat lady's sleeping posture, none of us wanted to be be the person to wake her, but of course the job had to be done so when I noticed no one move forward, I did and with only three large knocks, she was up and scolding.

"Who do you think you-" She began but I quickly cut her off.

"Cubiculum Leonis "

The portrait swung open, her protests and yells were still heard, but not acknowledged as we all walked through the large entry way and into the common room, I kept my eyes trained on the floor and turned around the second I entered, looking over at my mates I opened my mouth to begin speaking of the plan, but I noticed that none of them looked in my direction, but directly behind me. I stopped in my tracks.

Her sweet perfume lingered in the room, her signature sweet mint scent so faint yet I would be able to smell it from miles away. I slowly turned around to see who I cherished to see most sitting on the couch, her elbows resting on her knees while her face rested in her palms. She was sitting in front of the fireplace. Del stuck out like a sore thumb in the empty common room.

It was weird. I had so many questions and things I needed to say and get off my chest, but the second I saw her broken figure on that couch, it was like each of them disappeared into the abyss. She wouldn't want to talk right now, it was late and I wasn't going to be that person. I trusted her, and it was up to her if she wanted to show she did the same. I couldn't and wouldn't force her to open up. I turned back around to look back at my mates.

"Remus, how are you feeling, mate?" I asked in a whisper, they all looked at me like I was crazy, I didn't blame them, I'd been in a frenzy all day because of this girl and now that she's here in my presence, all worries were washed away.

"I'm doing well, James. Why?" He replied with confusion.

"How would you feel about running up and grabbing the books the two of you are reading, Peter, do you think you could go on with him and get all the other necessities?" I asked carefully, we were all tired, but I knew that we all wanted to do this, it'd been too long since our last 'book club' as Del liked to call them.

A small smile grew on my face when the first day of school replayed in my head. She'd called us a book-club as an insult in the very beginning, and I don't think I'd ever been so mad at a nickname. Now look at us. How ironic was that?

Remus and Peter looked at me with shock, but when a smile grew on Peter's face and he quickly made a silent run for the stairs to the boy's dormitory, Remus followed with a breathy laugh and a shake of his head. The two made sure to be quiet while passing Del, but once they were on the second level, their giggles were heard from where I stood.

"You're doing good." Sirius commented in a hushed whisper, he was still facing me with his left shoulder leaning on the wall. I shook my head in disagreement. I wasn't, I really wasn't. If I had, maybe she would actually feel comfortable trusting me, she would actually tell me when she was hurting and where she was. I wasn't doing good, but I wanted to, I needed to.

"You are. It takes a lot to put your own curiosity aside, especially you, James, no offence, but you're like the nosiest person I've ever met. So trust me, she'll appreciate this." Sirius pushed, I remembered all the times he's begged for time and silence, but I never listened. I was lucky to have not lost my best friend when he was in pain, I didn't do it right and I wasn't there for him the way he needed me to be. That was something I would never forgive myself for, but I refused to make that mistake again.

"I'm sorry, Padfoot, I should've been patient, you didn't deserve my nagging every five minutes." I apologised with a tight smile, Sirius shook his head with an eye roll.

"You're right, it was bloody annoying." He laughed with false pettiness, but nonetheless, he walked up to me and clapped down onto my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. Sirius and I held a bond like no other, he was my brother, yet that didn't mean we showed each other affection often, it was rare, but cherished. "Don't worry about any of that, it was a year ago. A new era's begun and we need to focus on it."

We both knew who he was referring to.

We'd been keeping our voices down, though we were both certain that Del was asleep on the couch we couldn't be too sure, so ending the conversation with a simple nod we both moved cautiously towards the couch. We all had our own reserved spot. I was always on Del's left while Remus secured her right. Peter claimed the full two-seater couch next to us, since it became a known fact that he falls asleep after the third page, while Sirius sits next to Remus.

Since Remus wasn't here yet, Sirius and I sat on each side of Del who still hadn't moved an inch. My heart started racing with an uncomfortable amount of adrenaline as I slowly reached towards her lower thigh, right behind where her elbows rested, and I squeezed gently and muttered her name slowly, but still loud enough to wake her. She was a light sleeper.

Her body flinched wildly and I quickly removed my hand with wide eyes while Sirius immediately sat up with alarm. Del looked up in panic, one hand was already protectively resting on her wand, while her chest rose and fell at an extreme pace, then she looked over towards me. I softened my eyes as I watched hers do the same, she released a sigh of contempt.

She felt safe, she knew she was safe. A small smile grew on my face, she feels safe around me.

I rested my hand back on her knee, lower than it was last time, "You're okay." I said simply with a small shake of my head, denying any other second-guessing thoughts she might've been thinking.

"What time is it?" She asked after a small moment of silence. Confusion was written all over her face and by the slight raspy her voice held I could only assume that she'd been asleep for hours.

"A little past one." I replied, still using the hushed tone. It was still past curfew and though I doubted Minnie would come strutting through the doors, I didn't want to risk any of us getting into any more trouble.

Her eyes firstly widened by my words, her lips parted slightly in surprise, then her eyebrows furrowed into confusion, it looked as if she were trying to backtrack her steps, realisation was next, her face fell dead-panned and she inhaled deeply, then lastly the dread came.

She straightened her back with her jaw clenched. She most likely assumed it was now time for the questions to hit her like a bus, but once I opened my mouth, it caught her by surprise, "How would you feel about reading a bit tonight, like old times y'know?"

A small smile grew on her face as she nodded her head, "Like old times." She repeated, her eyes grew glassy and the fire's light began reflecting off the small beads of water that were gathering. Yet she never let them fall.

I bit my tongue, I just needed to know she was okay, but my question had an obvious answer. Though her smile was genuine, Sirius and I saw how she was before she looked over at us, she was terrified to the point that she reached to defend herself. She wasn't okay, far from it.

Perfectly on time, Remus and Peter came cautiously down the stairs, Moony holding two mugs of clementine tea, with two books piled on his wrists, and two notepads with two muggle pens resting on top. While Peter held three cups of clementine tea, two large blankets, and a pillow.

Del laughed quietly as she stood up to help them, she grabbed the cups of hot tea and placed them all onto the coffee table, she made sure each was on a clay coaster, before moving back to Peter and taking the large fluffy blankets off his shoulders and placed one of them on the large couch and one on the love-seat, she then proceeded to help Peter make a small bed on the couch. It almost felt like nothing was wrong.

I turned over to see Sirius scooting over to make room for Remus, but at the same time carrying a sorrowful expression as he watched Del. I would and will always trust Sirius, he's my brother, but I will always wonder why he gets so protective over her. As much as I hated to admit it, I found it hard to believe that he wasn't withholding information from us.

Del broke me out of my train of thought as she sat between Remus and I, and pulled the large blanket over all four of us, we all reached for a mug of Peter's tea. He always made the best tea. Del was first to open her book and flip to where the detailed glass bookmark laid.

The two readers looked at each other with a nod before with a flick of his wand, Remus extinguished all the candles around us, leaving just the fireplace lit, and then Del's melodic voice filled the silent Common Room.

If I were being honest, I had no clue what they were reading, but I didn't care. I could die happy just to the sound of her voice.

For the next hour, the two took turns between chapters, all of us were exhausted. You could hear it in their voices especially. So it didn't take too long before Remus excused the lot of us.

Peter had, unsurprisingly, been passed out on the love-seat, but that was expected. After a while he just started asking us to not wake him up, claiming that he doesn't ever get good sleep unless it's in the common room, so we all silently walked past him with empty mugs in our hands, as well as the blanket, books, notebooks, and pens.

As we reached the intersection between the boy's and girl's dormitory Del stopped to bid her goodbyes, but I quickly interrupted her as I grabbed her hand, "Spend the night in my dorm?"

She opened her mouth to object, but instead she wordlessly agreed with a nod and smile. The two of us parted from the group and rushed to my dorm, and the second I opened my door she ran in and jumped onto my bed with a small laugh combined with a sigh, "Your bed is so much nicer than mine." Her voice was muffled and slurred through the thick material of my comforter.

I shook my head with a smile as I took off my glasses and set them onto the counter on my basin before I did my quick night routine, beauty is time, and as much as I'd love to join Del. I don't think the both of us will be too pleased if I wake up with a rapid breakout like a third year going through puberty.

Once I patted my face dry from any water I removed my shirt and boxers before throwing on a pair of sweatpants, which of course happened to be grey, and moved out of the bathroom and back towards the bed where Del was now already laying underneath the covers. She secured the right side, she always did, even when she wasn't with me I couldn't help but leave a gap for her.

I could feel my ego growing as her eyes shamelessly widened and looked up and down my form, I smirked to myself as I walked around and onto the bed next to her. She instantly removed the covers, signalling for me to get beneath them. She didn't need to tell me twice, it was bloody freezing in here after I left my window open after a quick smoke, but I couldn't help but notice that the fireplace was now lit, yet every other candle was extinguished, leaving the room almost pitch-black even though I could've sworn I put it out before I left.

I didn't think too much about it, well only because my thoughts were immediately guided away once I felt her warm mouth on my shoulder. It was just a small peck, but then she did it again, just a bit higher now right above the end of my collarbone.

I leant my head back onto my headboard with my eyes closed as I felt her continue following her path, her kisses were becoming longer and more sensual by the second. Once she reached my sweet spot on my neck, one of her hands moved to rest on my thigh to help lift herself up slightly as she continued her magic. I already knew I'd be covered in pink and purple marks the next morning.

After she reached my jaw I finally moved my head down to hers where her mouth met where it belonged. I knew this was wrong, she was just missing, she might be hurt, and I still don't know what even happened to her. I should be trying to help and talk her through it. Not fall into her seduction, but she was my weakness, and she knew that. She would never do something past her own limits, and I respected her for it.

I cleared my mind as I relished in the feeling of her mouth on mine, It's been too long. We need this, just these few moments of pure affection and physical touch; it was my way of saying I loved someone.

My heart dropped as my lips halted. That couldn't be right, I'd only gotten to know her in September, four months wasn't enough time for me to fall in love, was it?

Del pulled back with confusion, but I quickly moved forward to catch her lips. I loved her. I, James Potter, was in love with her, Delphinus Malfoy. I smiled at the thought and into her mouth as I grasped her jaw to pull her impossibly closer to me.

"I missed you." She whispered as she crawled over and on top of me, her chest was touching my bare one as her lips feathered over mine. I wanted to feel more of her, to be skin to skin. So I reached between us and began unbuttoning her white dress shirt and she watched me as I did, once it was now just being supported by her arms I looked up for consent to which she nodded to immediately.

Her baby blue bra was soon to be revealed, but I was never able to get a good look of it before I impulsively reached behind her and unclasped that too. She gasped in surprise once the frigid air hit her skin, but she made no move to cover up from me.

I kissed her again, pulling her chest down to mine to the point that I could feel our racing heartbeats sync into one.

She wanted to go further, as well as I, but we couldn't. She may not even be in the right mind space and I would never want to over-step boundaries with her, this was the girl that I was in love with for crying out loud.

Once I felt her pelvis begin grinding into mine I let out a surprised groan into her mouth and my hands quickly shot down to her waist to bring them to a halt. "We can't," I whispered.

-Del's Pov-

I instantly stopped after hearing his words as guilt began growing in my stomach. What was I doing? This wasn't fair to him, I couldn't use his body as a distraction. I wondered if I made him feel uncomfortable and just the thought made me shudder. I quickly got off on top of him, breaking the kiss in the process.

As I now laid next to him I stayed quiet as I pulled the comforter over my exposed breasts, my blue bra and white shirt stuck out like a sore thumb on his spotless floor. My head was spinning as only one question ran through my head, what the bloody hell was I thinking?

James obviously noticed the sudden change and he rolled over to his side. I did the same, he looked at me with so many emotions that each held different meanings. I prepared myself for a lecture as I slightly shied away. I rubbed my bandaged wrist which held the tattoo beneath it with dread.

I've been yelled at all day, and I know I'll break down if I hear it from James as well.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I apologised, it was best to face your wrongs before they can. Though it depends on the person, admitting to your faults usually decreases their anger.

James' eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he watched me intently, his hand reached over to me, thankfully he kept a slow pace because I don't know what I'd do if I flinched in front of James, especially from him, and he soon cupped my cheek, using his calloused thumb to brush it slightly in comfort.

"You did nothing wrong, I was just thinking." He started off slowly as his other hand reached beneath the covers and laid flat on the middle of my back, "I've still never taken you out on a proper date; do you have plans tomorrow?"

To say that was unexpected was an understatement, my mind went clear as I stared into my new favourite colour, his hazel green eyes were so pure that I only felt peace when I stared into them. I could only wonder if he felt the same.

"I'd love to." The sound of my own voice rang in my ears, I was so hypnotised in the waves of green and brown that I wasn't even processing what was going on around me, yet I could still feel the raging flutters I felt in my stomach.

James Potter was asking me on a date. Though we obviously like each other, we've never made moves to exit the makeshift situation-ship we had. So in my opinion this was a huge step that brought me both excitement and anxiety.

"Yeah?" He smiled as he rubbed my bare back up and down until he rested it randomly on my lower back. I flinched forward from the fearful conclusion. I didn't have my concealment charm on.

I'd dimmed the lights so he wouldn't be able to see me clearly, but that didn't mean the engravings that scarred my back weren't noticeable by touch. I just wanted to get a peaceful sleep tonight without the weight of the concealment charm on my shoulders. Yet I now regretted my decision as I felt James' hand lay completely still while confusion and fear was written on his face.

"I'd love that, but where'd we go?" I asked quickly, ignoring my racing heart to hopefully distract the two of us.

"W-well I was thinking we can go to Hogsmeade. We could leave after breakfast and sneak off campus if the weather is better than today and yesterday." He breathed out, his mind still wasn't concentrated on the topic, but instead where his hand laid. I could feel his fingers slowly begin to trace the bumpy scars. He was playing it off as if he were just drawing invisible shapes, but we both knew that wasn't his intention. I panicked once he traced the long line beneath Leo's name, and just as he opened his mouth I released a fake yawn and turned around, my back now pressed flatly against his chest, leaving no more room for his hand to continue its curiosity.

"It's a date." I whispered shakily, he never replied.

I closed my eyes and blew out another shaky breath as his hand hesitantly wrapped around my bare stomach. He placed a small kiss on my shoulder before I felt his chin rest above my head. I didn't know how much longer I could keep this up.

We fell asleep like this, I was finally able to sleep, but the night-terrors I'd face weren't worth it.

A/N: Thank you all so much for 14k reads! 

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