Twisted Love | James Potter

By Sydneyymalfoy123

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-For 18+ Or Mature Audiences Only- Delphinus Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's younger twin sister... More

𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓉. 𝐼
𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓉. 𝐼𝐼
𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓉. 𝐼𝐼𝐼


994 32 5
By Sydneyymalfoy123

A/N: I wanted to give just one last chill chapter for you guys so enjoy a little Landon and Del time and a whole lot of child delinquency


"Can you give me a tattoo?"

With the moon bright in the sky, the halls were left abandoned and dark, no one to be heard or seen as the clock struck the early a.m.'s of the new Sunday morning, white snow slowly falling down the sky and onto the crisp grass which was glistening with a thin layer of ice, winter was finally arriving to Hogwarts yet even with the brisk temperatures that didn't stop Delphinus Malfoy from sneaking out of the Hospital Wing and throughout the corridors.

Thankfully, Lily Evans was safe and sound under the watch and care of Madam Pomfrey who had also demanded for Del to stay under her care, but of course, that hadn't lasted long once the mediwitch went into her personal chambers for her nights rest.

To say Del was shaken up would be an understatement, Lily's blood no longer stained the girls' skin or clothes yet she still felt as if it were dried and soaked into her daily attire as she walked numbly down the open hallways near the courtyard.

Overwhelmed was the only way to describe how she was feeling, all the blame, guilt, fear, and anger all took over to the point it felt as if her brain and heart didn't know how to cope with it all and completely gave up in the process, leaving her completely emotionless and confused.

She didn't understand how her life got to such a point, within a matter of months it seemed she had the picture perfect life to wishing she was someone else.

Del knew that there was hardly anything she could do to solve her problems because with any possible solution, a serious consequence followed, if she chose to obey Leo's demands, she would lose her friends, her freedom, but if she chose to disobey Leo's demands, she puts others in harm.

The choice she was destined to make was too much for her, so instead of talking to others about her problems, she decided that in the moment she would solve the stress aspect which was why she took a sharp left down the corridor towards the dungeons, it was around three or so in the morning meaning Landon Whitmore was undoubtedly awake

Approaching the dungeon doors she inhaled a deep breath before whispering the password and slipping into the dark common room which had thankfully been empty.

Del wasted no time before ascending up the boys stairs and walking down the hallway yet just as she walked by her old dormitory the door had swung open and her body collided into another.

Looking up she made eye contact with Lucius who shared the same petrified reaction she held, yet her frozen demeanour didn't last long before she quickly prepared herself defensively.

"Del-" Lucius started with a confused and sorrowful tone but she quickly cut him off as she raised her wand with a glare, ignoring the bystanders that were beginning to form.

"I'm not here for you." She hissed before lowering her wand and continuing her way down the hall, she didn't miss Leo's smug smile as he tried to persuade Lucius to go back into the dorm so they could continue some sort of meeting.

Even though she wished to, she didn't turn around once, not until she reached Landon's dorm where she did a quick left and right check to make sure no one was watching her enter the known drug-dealer's room.

Once she knew the coast was clear she reached for the handle and a victorious smile formed on her face once it turned with a click meaning he was awake and not busy, so opening the door all the way she entered with an innocent smile.

Landon was in the middle of rolling a joint, so whilst licking the rolling paper he looked up and made eye contact with Del and even with his tongue out wetting the thin paper a smirk appeared on his face.

"Well well well, what do we have here? A little past your bedtime don't you think, Del?" He taunted as he wiped away the small nug that stuck to the corner of his lips.

"Shut up." She smiled back as she hopped onto the bed across from his, though she hadn't been familiar with his drugs, that didn't mean she hadn't been familiar with him, in their earlier times at Hogwarts they were quite close, friends even, but once he went down his path and she went down hers they grew apart over the years.

"As much as I know you love me, I doubt you came here for my presence." He shot back knowingly with his signature crooked smile, "So, what can I do for you, more molly?"

"As fun as that sounds, I just need some weed." She winced at the memory, she really did miss the high she gained from the small capsule, but if she were to begin experimenting with drugs preferred to stay away from pills.

"And you had the audacity to tell me you weren't a stoner." Landon tsked as he reached for a large duffle bag beneath his bed, Del assumed that's where he kept all his drugs, but once he pulled down the long zipper it revealed to only be filled with a variety of huge bags of weed, each with its own label.

"What type are you looking for? Sativa? Indica? or Hybrid?" He asked with a different tone that she recognized to be his 'business' voice, though his façade dropped once he received no response and looked up to see a very confused 'customer'.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"

"Nope." She smiled as she popped the 'p' dramatically, if she were any other person Landon would've been annoyed, but instead a smile grew on his face as he perched up knowing that he was finally able to explain all the different strains to her without her getting weird or bored about it.

"Well, Sativa strains offer more of a head high, while Indica strains provide more of a body high. Hybrid strains provide a combination of the two. Choosing the right one for you depends on what you're looking to use it for. I will always be a sucker for Sativa, though many prefer Indica since Sativa can produce more Anxiety since it's more of a mental high than physical, for example, if you want a boost of energy and all that jazz you want to go for Sativa, if you want a more of a relaxing and stress relieving high then go for Indica, or if you want both then go with Hybrid. Most of the time people prefer one over the other so the majority of Hybrid isn't just fifty fifty, but more seventy thirty or so, it's up to you which you want more of, but don't worry, I have everything."

Del let out a laugh on how enthusiastic Landon became while explaining but to her surprise she actually understood what he was saying, "Well in that case I'll probably go with Indica."

Landon rolled his eyes while coughing out a quick 'boring', obviously 'offended' that she hadn't chosen Sativa, but nonetheless he pulled out ten different large bags which were all filled to the brim with the drug, all also holding a dark blue label that read 'INDICA' yet beneath that were different titles.

"Okay now that we got that out of the way, you need to choose a flavour, I have Northern Lights, Strawberry Banana, Wedding Cake, Girl Scout Cookies, Hindu Kush, Granddaddy Purple, White Tahoe Cookies, ICE, Blue Gelato, and Sweet ZZ which is a cross between Grape Ape and Grapefruit."

"What the fuck." Del laughed as she stood up and neared all the bags, if she were being honest she didn't even know that there were flavours, just as she thought it couldn't get anymore confusing Landon gasped and pulled out another large bag from the unending duffle on his right.

"Also there's this one which is 'home grown' which just means I plucked it out of the greenhouse, I don't really suggest it though it's arse."

"Noted." Del nodded before looking up at Landon with wide eyes which he shook his head with a breathy laugh.

"Right, I'm just gonna assume you have no idea what the difference is between any of these."

"Correct, can you just pick one for me?"

Without a second of hesitation Landon's hand shot out for the one named 'Granddaddy Purple' with a smirk, "This one is my personal favourite," He said with an immature smile, referring to the strain's ridiculous name.

Keeping the one out, he placed everything away and put the duffle on the floor before reaching down and grabbing a back-pack that was also beneath his bed before grabbing a scale and a normal sized plastic bag, "Okay, now how much do you want?"

"Uhm, enough to get me high?" Del asked with confusion as if it were obvious and Landon let out a loud laugh that he failed to conceal.

"Oh dear, you really are starting from rock bottom aren't you?" He asked but before he even let her reply he began sorting out all his supplies in an organised manner, "Okay do you want an eighth of an ounce, a forth of an ounce, half an ounce, or a full ounce?"

"What do you suggest?"

"Well according to the rumours I've heard, I'm going to assume you don't want to have to keep coming to the Slytherin house for more, so unless this is a one time craving, I'd get around half a zip or a full just so you'd be set for a good amount of time."

Del winced slightly by the hint in the beginning but she didn't let her mind dig too deep into it before she decided to just be safe than sorry.

"I'll take a full zip then."

"Smart gal." He winked before opening the large bag and pulling out small hand-fulls of weed and placing it onto the scale until it hit 28.3 which he then looked up with a small smirk before adding just a bit more to make it thirty grams.

"Okay, a full zip, are you sure you don't want anything else?" He asked while he began packing all the weed into the bag which happened to get filled to the brim.

"I'm sure." Del said quickly, she feared if she pondered for any longer then he would convince her to try something new.

"Uh uh." He started with a taunting smile before he threw her the bag, "Tell me, Del, how are you planning to smoke all that?"

"I-" She started before she paused with realisation, she had nothing.

"Right." Landon laughed before standing up and walking towards the chest in the corner of his room where he then began pulling out multiple different types of glasses and setting them onto the bed.

"Okay so I have bongs, pipes, bubblers and rolling papers, choose your poison." He said proudly as they admired his collection, money was no issue for Del and since she had only used a bong before she thought it would only be smart for her to choose the large beaker shaped glass which held an absolutely stunning design.

The shape resembled the one that laid in the 'hang-out' dormitory yet the top rim had been a dark green colour and all around different lengths of vines wrapped around the long base before they all gathered at the bottom, small white flowers appeared to be growing off of the dark green and the pedals decorated all along the clear glass, though that hadn't even been her favourite part, the bowl piece had been a simple yet detailed daisy, it's leaf being the small handle.

"Believe it or not, the second I bought that I thought of you, I haven't shown that one to anyone else in case you finally started smoking." Landon said as he watched her admire the large glass piece.

"I'll take it." She said instantly, physically unable to remove her eyes from the water pipe in front of her, though it sounded silly, she felt a genuine attachment towards it.

"The down-stem is made of clear quartz, if you look closely there's actually five small crystals in the bottom that aren't removable, I'd think it's fair to say she's quite a gem." He joked and Del rolled her eyes at the small pun but couldn't help fight the small smile on her face.

"Okay, what's the damage? How much do I owe you?" Del winced when she tried to play off as a laugh, she knew for a fact that this wouldn't be a cheap purchase.

"Shut up." Landon yawned as he placed everything else away and picked up the joint he had been working on once she arrived before sparking it and taking a few puffs until he finally looked up to see her confused reaction, "What?"

"Landon," She scoffed, she just wanted to know how much she needed to pay him, yet he was shushing her.

"Oh here, my bad." He coughed before passing the joint to her.

"Oi! How much do I owe you?" She asked again as she took the joint and placed the wooden filter between her lips and inhaled deeply.

"D, What did I tell you in fourth year?"

Del's eyes widened as she let out a disbelieving huff, they were fourteen, there was no way he was actually going to keep to his word.

"I said that you will never need to pay with me, you got my arse out of a lot of shit and if it weren't for you I'd be expelled."

"Landon, this is different, this isn't a small joint or a random capsule, this is hundreds of galleons worth of product we're talking about right now."

"You stuck by my side and used your teachers pet charm even when you were against what I did, now shut up, take your bong and weed, and lets go smoke."


"Shut up." Landon smiled as he picked up a grey hoodie and back-pack before ashing out the joint and pocketing the rest of it and walking towards the door where he waited for her patiently with a smile.

"Stubborn sod." Del scoffed as she picked up her new bong and bag of weed and placed them both gently into her messenger bag.

"Where are we even going?"

"I know a spot.

* * *

Del made sure to make a mental note to never trust a stoner when they said they knew a spot.

Currently the two were walking, or more like hiking, through the Forbidden Forest, their only light source being there wands and the moon's illumination while they fought the risk of slipping on the thick layer of snow beneath them, their teeth chattering as a faint blush covered both their noses.

"And we're here." Landon sighed as he dropped his bag and set a heating charm on the floor which quickly melted and dried off any snow on the small area before placing a large blanket on the grassy part of the valley.

"Where even is here?" Del shivered as she attempted to view her surroundings.

"Watch this." Landon smirked "Magnieom Lumos."

Del watched as the whole field lit up with fireflies as floating lanterns ascended above them, yet they didn't go far before they stayed in place, almost resembling the candles in the Great Hall.

They were surrounded with trees as they stood on a shore next to a small pond which had neon blue fish swimming around which looked almost UV activated, everywhere they went they left a temporary pastel blue trail behind them. The fog laid thick all around them except for the part they stood in, almost as if it were some sort of barrier, it was beautiful.

"Woah." Was all that was able to pass by Del's lips, she was genuinely speechless.

"Look up." Landon smirked as he watched her reaction with adoring eyes, he couldn't wait to see her next reaction.

Craning her head back she looked straight up and a gasp left her lips as she cupped her mouth, genuine tears brimmed her eyes as she gazed at the sky, though the astronomy tower gave the best view of all the stars out of any other place, the view was breath-taking, the way the tall trees were still in the frame without blocking the bright orbs brought serenity to her whole body as she embraced the feeling of the snow particles falling onto her face.

"How did you find this place?" Del asked as she finally looked down from the sky and down towards Landon who had already been staring back at her.

"Remember when I got into that fight with your boyfriend back in the beginning of fifth year?" He asked and Del silently nodded wishing that he had used a better choice of words.

"Well after I beat the shit out of him, Greengrass had Mulciber and Pucey plan to jump me so when they started running towards me I ran into the forest and stumbled upon that log right over there." Landon laughed at the memory as he used his head to signal behind the girl where a fallen tree laid.

"I've been coming back ever since." He shrugged before finally patting on the thick blanket, waiting for her to finally sit down so they could both indulge in the illegal substance they both had been craving.

"It truly is a beautiful sight, Landon, thank you for showing me this." She said genuinely as she sat down next to him, soaking up the feeling of the brisk weather she used to loathe dearly.

The two sat in silence, both reaching into their bags to pull out their necessities, Del immediately reached for her new bong and bag of weed while Landon reached for his unfinished joint, a bottle of Fire Whiskey, and a pack of cigarettes which he opened and slid one for himself and one towards Del.

"Y'know, if someone told me a year ago that I'd be smoking with you in my spot I would've called them mad?" Landon snickered as he lit the tip of his joint until a small flame appeared before he reached for a cigarette and ignited that one with the same blaze.

"Same." Del huffed with disbelief, she still couldn't comprehend the fact that she went from loathing any sort of substance to actually craving it, "Do you not bring people here often?" She asked with curiosity.

"You're my first." He winked playfully, "I think it's time you try out you're new prized possession."

"Agreed." Del instantly jumped up with excitement as she held up the glass as she observed the crystals that illuminated under the lanterns light before bringing it back down and setting it between the two of them, preparing to begin filling it with water until Landon quickly stopped her and muttered a quick charm onto the bong to make sure it stayed clean no matter how much it would be used.

Del smiled at the usage of the charm before she casted a quick 'aguamenti' and the two watched as water began filling in the beaker, the quartz swimming in the water as it poured on top of the crystals, while she worked on filling the bong, Landon removed the daisy bowl piece and reached within his own bag to pull out his own weed which Del rolled her eyes, it wasn't like she had just gotten marijuana for this very moment.

Once the bong filled with the correct amount of water Del noticed that Landon had been entranced with pacing the bowl piece so she quickly searched through her messenger bag and slicky pulled out her small endless pouch which was filled with gold, silver, and bronze.

She didn't know how much everything was worth, but she knew that it must've been expensive, from what she heard from Regulus in the past, a full ounce was equivalent to one-hundred and sixty muggle dollars and the bong must've been near two-hundred because of the crystals and detail, so doing quick math in her head, she pulled out fifty-four gold galleons, twelve silver sickles, and twenty-six bronze knuts before quickly shoving it all into the large pocket of Landon's back-pack. She didn't care about whatever pact he made in fourth year, she was still going to pay for whatever she was gifted.

Her timing had been perfect, just as she turned from away from the black bag, the bong had been passed into her hands as Landon watched her expectantly, he'd been holding that bong for years and he'd be lying if he said he hadn't been wanting to use the water pipe since the day he got it.

Wasting no time, Del used her previous knowledge and placed her lips inside the large rim before lifting her wand to the grinded herb and began inhaling deeply, the two watched as it ignited bright red and as the smoke travelled down the down-stem and into the water before it bubbled to the surface and up the large base where it then was sucked into the depths of her lungs.

Though Landon had been doing an amazing job of relieving her stress and keeping her mind away from the traumatic experience she just went through, the weight of the decision she was destined to make still weighed on her shoulders, so she continued inhaling deeper and harder until it felt like her lungs couldn't expand any further.

"Merlin, Del." Landon gasped as he perched up to watch the opaque smoke travel throughout the bong before it disappeared into her mouth, he expected her to be taking baby rips, yet once again, she surprised him.

Once her lungs neared their full capacity she removed the bowl piece and used the last of her strength to inhale the last of the smoke, she heard a random and foreign noise that came from the daisy but she paid no mind to it as she quickly passed him the bong as she began blowing out all the fumes that invaded her body, the bong was much larger than the one she used with her old family meaning the coughing fit was much expected.

Landon had a wide smile as he watched her fight for air, he was most definitely not expecting the large hit she had taken, but he had never been so thankful to witness such a sight, though it took strength, he removed his gaze off of his friend and towards the bong where he came to the realisation that she had actually snapped the bowl. "Is everything okay?" Del asked hoarsely as she brought the cigarette to her lips, Landon had been staring at the daisy with wide eyes and she instantly feared she'd done something wrong.

"I have never been prouder." Landon huffed with a smile as he showed the now empty bowl piece to her, he'd packed it to the brim and with one single hit she had cleared it, "But now, I think it's time I get on the same level as you."

* * *

After four more bowls, eight cigarettes, and a dangerous amount of sips of Fire Whiskey it was fair to say that the two had been on a whole new level of fucked up and it had only been six in the morning.

"We need to do this more often!" Del sang out as they both travelled through the forest on their way back to the castle.

"Agreed," Landon slurred with his crooked smile as he walked behind Del, he struggled to keep his balance yet the two somehow made it out of the forbidden area without too much damage.

Their initial plan was to go back to the Slytherin common room and bring their bodies back to a stable heat in front of the fire place yet they found themselves stopping at the valley in front of the Black Lake to watch the sunrise where they continued their child delinquency, the light snowfall began to grow yet that didn't stop them from laying the blanket on the thick layer of white beneath them.

Nothing they were doing was healthy, the fact they both had gotten no sleep, the way they were putting nicotine, weed, and alcohol into their systems as if it were air and water, or how they were in 28 degree weather with nothing more than a hoodie or robe.

Pulling up his knees, Landon hugged his shins to his chest which revealed a sliver of his ankle and Del's intoxicated mind immediately clung onto the fact that he had a small and simple smiley face tattooed there.

"Who did that?" She asked with an odd amount of curiosity, she didn't know why but in the moment getting a tattoo sounded exhilarating.

"I did." Landon smiled proudly as he pulled up his pant leg to show her all the small patch tattoos he had littered all over, Del gasped as she observed all the childish designs that were now permanently on his body, she absolutely loved them.

"I want one, how did you do it?" She gushed as she immediately looked at Landon in hopes that he would show her how to do it herself, a kiddish grin laid on her lips as she batted her eyes with excitement.

Landon let out what he felt was his millionth disbelieving laugh for that morning before he grabbed his back-pack and opened the small pouch and pulled out a small box where he then removed the lid and emptied it out onto the blanket right between them.

A small bag of singular sterile needles which were all kept in their own mini tubes, a small bottle of sanitizer, a packet of wipes, multiple tubes of different colored inks, different sized band aids, and multiple small cap shaped containers sat next to her and Del's eyes widened as well as her smile, she would most likely be regretting this when she sobered up but in the moment the idea sounded like the smartest thing in the world.

"It's not the safest and cleanest way to get a tattoo but it is what it is." Landon shrugged as he awaited her reaction.

"You gave yourself all of those?" Del asked as she looked back to his revealed leg and he nodded proudly, she knew she wanted a tattoo but she also knew she wasn't stable enough to give herself one, "Can you give me a tattoo?"

Landon hesitated before he shook his head, "I don't want to hurt you or accidentally fuck up and permanently scar you."

"Please." She begged with a smile, "You could never hurt me, and if you fuck up then oh well, it's memories." She shrugged carelessly, she just really wanted a tattoo.

Landon cursed silently, he would never be able to say no to her, especially when she gave her perfect smile, so letting out a deep sigh and a silent 'okay' he pulled out the bottle of Fire Whiskey and Del immediately pulled out her bong, if they were going to do something as stupid as such, they needed to up their high and drunk.

After their quick ten minute break, they both felt more confident with the idea and Landon began setting up the materials, they decided to stick with a simple black tattoo so he put away all the other supplies except for the ink, two needles, a cap, and the sanitizer with wipes.

"What do you want and where?" Landon asked as he cracked all his knuckles, he'd never given anyone else a tattoo but himself so even with the liquid courage he still felt slightly anxious.

"You decide." Del shrugged, she really couldn't care less, she just really wanted a tattoo.

"Just no dicks, please." She pointed out with a pointed look and Landon rolled his eyes and acted as if that weren't his first thought.

He began looking around for ideas before he finally nodded, grabbed her right wrist, and pulled up her sleeve before looking up to make sure she was okay with the selected area to which she nodded.

After sanitising the area and preparing the needle he made the first poke and Del winced slightly, and Landon clenched his jaw, he wasn't a fan of doing this and it took him all his willpower not to stop then and there.

The pain began to dull until it almost became relieving, it was weird to explain but Del almost craved it, every poke felt like a whole new wave of relief to where she laid down and watched the stars fade away in the sky as the snow fell on top of the two.

The brisk air felt soothing against her burning wrist and with the intoxication coursing through her veins she almost fell asleep in the position they were in, it only took about fifteen minutes before Landon finally wiped all the ink away from the new tattoo and laughed proudly at his work.

Once he finally said he was done Del quickly sat up straight and looked down to her arm which was still in his grasp.

A small, simple, yet beautiful daisy.

Her whole wrist had been irritated from the foreign poking and ink but she didn't even pay attention to the red blotches, she instantly fell in love and she let her intoxicated affection take over as she immediately rolled over and attacked Landon into a hug, their drunk and high giggles travelling throughout the whole valley.

"I need to clean it and but a bandage over it." Landon said sternly, signalling that it was time for her to get off of him and that he wasn't done yet.

Del sat up with excitement as she held out her wrist again and watched him wipe it off the the sanitizer, he waited for her to wince or flinch once the alcohol hit the area yet she somehow stayed still as stone as if it hadn't affected her in the slightest before her put on the large bandage over the new tattoo.

"Breakfast is going to start soon, so unless we want to serve detention with dear old Filchy, then I suggest we start packing up soon before people see us." Landon said clearly, he sounded sober, way more sober than Del which meant they had a small problem that they needed to quickly solve.

* * *

It probably wasn't the smartest choice for Del to endure even more drug and alcohol usage yet there she was stumbling down the halls with Landon as they tried to appear sober so they could join the rest of Hogwarts for the early feast.

When Landon said Breakfast was starting soon, they hadn't realised how soon it really was until they entered the corridors to find them completely empty meaning that everyone had already gathered in the Great Hall.

Once the two finally approached the large doors Landon paused and took a deep inhale they were both highly intoxicated, Del had never even been on this level before, not even when she joined Regulus and Bellatrix in there get-away delinquency was she this fucked up, which was saying a lot.

Creaking the door open they attempted to have a quiet entry but that didn't last long once Landon accidentally tripped on the end of Del's robe leading for her to trip into the door and for him to fall right behind her, thankfully she hadn't fallen with him, but the loud ruckus was enough to cause most of the attention to shoot towards them.

If that wasn't enough, the loud laughs that escaped the two's lips surely were.

Del quickly hoisted him up as they stumbled into the large dining area, the Professors all sent the two disapproving glares yet they paid no mind towards them as they continued 'walking' down towards the large tables.

Instinctively Del went to walk towards the Gryffindor table yet once she looked up and saw all the Marauders and girls, minus Lily, looking towards her, memories of the night before flashed before her eyes and she instantly turned to Landon who immediately noticed her demeanour change, so grabbing her wrist he lead her to the end of the Slytherin table where they joined all of his friends who thankfully had nothing against Del.

Everyone in the Great Hall had been looking in their direction, Landon being a drug-dealer was no secret nor was the fact that the two were intoxicated because if their entrance wasn't enough proof then their eyes were.

Lucius had been shooting daggers towards the two, he remembered specifically that he said that he didn't want her seeing Landon, and here she was, intoxicated in the early a.m.'s, and not too far away from him, Regulus, Cal, Bellatrix, Severus, Evan, and Narcissa all watched with concern and disappointment.

"Landon? She's with Landon Whitmore right now? Shouldn't she be in the infirmary?" Peter asked with uncertainty, none of the boys had gotten any sleep after the unsettling image they walked in on the night before, they all planned on going to see her and Lily right after Breakfast.

"And she's fucked up." Remus sighed disappointingly, he was undoubtedly the 'mom friend' of the group, he expected this behaviour from Sirius and possibly James, but never in a lifetime would he have assumed Del would pull a stunt as such.

Sirius and James stayed quiet as they observed the two behind them, they couldn't see much since their backs were turned yet from the shaking of their shoulders or wild hand gestures it was clear that they were having a blast.

"You think she remembers last night?" Peter asked.

"She does." James dead-panned as he and Sirius turned around, he noticed the way her face drained of all colour once she made eye-contact with the lot of them, she was avoiding them.

"Usually I'd say we give her space, yet something happened last night, something bad she had blood all over her, so we'll let it be for now but after breakfast we'll go talk to her and go to the hospital wing, she probably wants to go see Lily as well." Sirius said with a deep breath before he turned to Remus, "You have any sobering potions on you?"

"While being friends with you lot? I'm practically strapped with them twenty-four seven." He rolled his eyes before taking another large bite out of the piece of toast.

"Moony, are you sure you don't want to head to bed after this? we can bring you some chocolate from the infirmary." Peter asked, the full moon was just in a matter of days and they feared that if the news wasn't the best with Lily then Remus would have a full blown freak-out, he had already trashed the room last night once he realised he scared Del.

"No it's alright, Pete, I'm feeling better today, I just need Del to be as well."

That girl really didn't understand how much she truly meant to those boys.

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