
By sxtansbaby

1.6M 48K 26.2K

The whole underground world knows of the infamously lost mafia princess Ariana Romano, the only girl born int... More

0 | characters
1 | a girl in chains
2 | coming here was a bad idea
3 | light to their darkness
4 | they're missing
5 | a long conversation
6 | we're coming
7 | living dead girl
8 | our worst nightmare
9 | void of light
10 | lost to the darkness
11 | cats are the way to win your heart
12 | the typical mafia men problem
13 | freedom comes with a price
14 | falling apart
15 | nothing to ruin
17 | the lost mafia princess
18 | awkward question
19 | deja vu
20 | remembering
21 | sneaking out
22 | a newfound hope
23 | saying goodbyes
24 | wither and rot
25 | on their way
26 | let the battle begin
27 | a large shadow
28 | a secret for a secret
29 | a good mood
30 | look of the day
31 | living in a fairytale
32 | cruel side of the world
33 | night of chaos
34 | all of your faults
35 | believe in your smile
36 | anguish of betrayal
37 | teach you a lesson
38 | you're nothing
39 | trigger my emotions
40 | blinded by love
41 | your greatest secret
42 | the blackmail
43 | storm inside me
44 | low expectations
45 | never the same
46 | ocean of emotions
47 | facing the reality
48 | milkshake and fries
new characters aesthetics
49 | scar made of my anger
50 | the rock bottom

16 | family movie night

34.7K 968 1K
By sxtansbaby

I felt strangely naked and vulnerable underneath their intense stare. My eyes were utterly focused on the floor, not wanting to meet theirs. 

"Ariana!" The loud exclaim came from Apollo, my lifesaver. "You're here!"

"You're here?" Salvo raised his eyebrow at his youngest brother. "That's all you got? Really?"

Apollo ignored him and skittered to me with a full-blown grin. "You're watching the movie with us?" He seemed excited about it. I scanned the others. Most had a soft expression on their faces which relaxed me a bit. So they wanted me here.

I nodded timidly.

"Yes!" Apollo playfully threw his fist in the air. "What kind of movie do you want to watch? We were just looking through Disney plus."

I frowned in confusion.

"It's like Disney's own Netflix. It's pretty cool." He explained. "Or you can use Netflix if you want! Or HBO. Or Hulu. Or Prime Video. It's Amazon's own Netflix, by the way. Or-"

Apollo's mini-rant was cut off by Noah. "It's called a streaming service, you idiot."

"Not everybody is a tech genius like you, Noah." Apollo rolled his eyes.

"Everyone knows what that's called."

"I didn't." Ares defended his twin.

"That's because you two share the same womb so your dumb levels are the same." Noah retorted.


"You don't count as the dumb one of the family." Noah cut off Salvo.

Salvo raised his eyebrows and his eyes glinted with mischief as if he knew something we were unaware of. "Tsk." He rubbed his chin dramatically. "Yet you come me for advice to get girls into your bed. I wonder why?" 

Noah's face turned red in embarrassment and anger. My eyes widened and my lips parted as I realized what he meant by getting girls in bed. "You promised you would shut up!" He pointed a finger at him accusingly.

"I'm the dumb one, remember? So I wouldn't know what that meant." Salvo shrugged.

"Ohh!" Apollo marveled.

Noah clenched his jaws.

"Okay, that's enough." Elijah tutted, waving his hands. "Where do you want to sit, hon?" He turned to me and asked with a smile.

All of the eyes were on me again - the previous argument is already forgotten. I tensed again. I quickly randomly pointed to an area of a couch to end the spotlight on me soon as possible.

Noah pushed me on the wheelchair to the couch and I set myself at the end of the soft couch. I rested my side of my body on the couch's arm and tucked my legs to the other side.

Noah sat down next to me only to be thrown to the floor by a scowling Salvo. Noah groaned in pain as his body landed on the carpet with a loud bang. I heard both of the twins snickering.

"What the fuck, Salvo?" He snapped as soon he recovered. "You're so dead!"

"Why do you think you're going to sit with her, hmm?" He drawled.

"Oh?" He rose an eyebrow. "And you think you will?"

"Yes," Salvo said arrogantly. He went to sit down next to me with a grin. But he didn't get the chance because Apollo ran straight into him at the full speed without any warning. They were in the air for a split second before they fell to the floor, their bodies sprawled together. They somehow got tangled in a blanket when they rolled together in an attempt to pin each other to the floor.

Salvo shoved Apollo and the latter did the same - a few lousy attempts to get away from each other. They kept flailing their legs and arms around - smacking each other in the process.

"Asshole!" Salvo shouted when he finally got on his feet and bent down to yank Apollo's hair roughly. "What was that for?!"

"I'm sitting with her." Apollo casually informed him as he stood up and dusted the invisible dirt. His hand snapped out in a flash to yank Salvo's locks as hard in return.

"Children, immature children." Elijah shook his head in disappointment, easing his hands to silent Apollo and Salvo. "I will sit with my sister."

"Like the hell you are!" Ares snapped. "If you want to survive this night without any broken noses, you all will allow me to sit with her." He said threateningly, pointing to the four of them.

"Enough!" Ace barked, gaining all of our attention. "I will be the one to sit with her."

I felt the couch dip next to me and I stopped breathing as I turned to him.

He was huge. The tallest man in the room and the muscles were bulging out from his tight black t-shirt. A jagged scar was painted across his eye and his eyes were void of emotion. Though his face was set in a hard glare. A shiver went up in my spine. He was the scariest living creature I had ever seen. I couldn't believe I didn't see him until now. He must be deathly silent and mastered the art of blending in the walls.

I would rather be locked with a lion in a cage right now than be here with him.

Alex. My third eldest brother.

He fixed his cold glare on each one of them and all of them except Ace shrank under his gaze.

"It's settled, then. Alex's sitting with Ariana." Ace nodded and sat down on his seat. The others stood there, gaping at us with jaws hanging open.

I have to sit with him for two hours...?

My stomach dropped in helplessness and fear at that thought.

"Sit down," Ace ordered when no one moved. His voice snapped them out of it and everybody rushed around to find their seats. Noah rushed to take the other end couch next to mine. The others seemed ready to fight him about it but an impatient glance from Ace stopped them.

"Are you comfortable sitting with him?" Salvo asked me, eyeing Alex doubtfully. Alex glared at him but he refused to budge, though he seemed to be struggling to stay in his place under the scariest brother in the room's gaze.

No, get me away from here!

I nodded tensely. Salvo didn't seem to believe me.

"Let them be. They'll be fine." Elijah told Salvo.


He was cut off by Alex purposely shoving him aside to grab the remote on the large coffee table. Not meeting my eyes, he dropped it on my lap.

"Thank you," I whispered and Alex looked at me, staring at me for a few seconds. When he noticed I was squirming under his gaze, he spared me by giving me a sharp nod in a 'you're welcome' manner.

He focused on the dark screen once again and I could breathe again.

I hated how awkward I was.

It wasn't until I picked the remote up and glanced at it that I realized I forgot how to use it.  It was far too long. I thought deeper and all I can pick up from my muddled mind is the red button meant on. I clicked on it and the huge screen that took over almost all of the wall went from a dark grey to a pitch black. My face scrunched up in confusion.

Was I wrong?

"It was already on - it was just sleeping." Apollo chuckled softly. "Don't worry. I'll show you how to use the TV."


Noah bent over his couch to pat my shoulder reassuringly and I never felt so stupid as I did now.

He took the remote and turned on the TV. It lightened with blue light with 'Disney +' written across it. It loaded for a short second and many boxes with pictures. Looking closer, I noticed the titles on it.

Apollo demonstrated to me how to use it until I felt confident I could use it without any further mishaps.

"You chose whatever you'd want to watch." Elijah encouraged. I scanned through the channels until I spotted Frozen 2. I watched the first movie and I loved it. Excitement spread over me.

I looked around for approval. Everyone had a neutral face as they waited for me to choose.

Expect Ares.

A scoff came from him. "That's a shitty movie." He remarked and the excitement instantly disappeared as I quickly moved on from it.

I stopped at another movie: Luca.

"Nah." Ares shook his head in disapproval. Everyone turned to him to give him a pointed look.

I clicked forward until another one caught my eye. Deadpool. It was something that Ares looked like he would approve of.

"You're too young for that." He clicked his tongue.


"Too kiddy." A roll of eyes.


"Shitty movie." A scoff.


"I'm not in the mood for a Halloween movie." His tongue stuck out.


"No." A wave of hands.


"That guy's ugly. Who wants to watch that?" A frown of disgust.



In a flash, Alex jumped to his feet silently and stalked toward Ares. The latter seeing this, shut up and widened his eyes in a mix of nervousness and fear. Alex halted and shot his hand out to grab Ares's ears.

"OW!" He yelped in pain as Alex dragged him by his lobe to the exit. He stumbled over his own feet but Alex didn't give him any mercy. He just walked faster, as if just to spit on him further. Alex shoved Ares outside into the hallway and slammed the door shut. After locking the door, he came back to sit down next to me.

Everyone acted as if this was an everyday thing while I was dumbfounded.

A pounding sounded from the outside.

"Let me in!" Ares shouted. "I'll shut up."

"No." Ace's cold voice.

"Sorry." Elijah didn't sound remotely sorry at all.

"You got what you asked for!" Noah sounded smug.

"Stop whining," Salvo laughed.

"Go away! Nobody in this room wants you here," Apollo called out and popped popcorn into his mouth.

"You're my twin, for fucks sake." Ares recoiled to his twin's comment with a few slams on the door. "You're supposed to be on my side!"

"Can I have a refund, then?" Apollo retorted and received a snicker from Salvo.

Another slam on the door. "Fuck you!" The pounding of his footsteps afterward sounded like a giant toddler stomping away.

I lowered my head, feeling horrible about Ares. This was supposed to be a family movie night and I've ruined that.

But a small part of me felt relief that I didn't need to look for Ares' approval anymore.

"Hey," Elijah said to me softly from his seat. "Don't worry about him. You just pick a movie and we'll be fine with it, okay?"

Apollo nodded in agreement. "Ares can be a jerk sometimes and we've kicked him out many times. He's used to it."

"He will get over it." Ace said coldly, keeping his eyes on the screen. "Pick a movie."

I scrambled to follow his order and quickly scanned the comedy section. From the corner of my vision, I saw Elijah discreetly shoving Ace's shoulder and scowling at him. He said something under his breath and received a glare from Ace in return.

I glanced over at Ace quickly and instantly regretted it. His eyes were on my face and he looked apologetic. "Take your time." He added - his tone a bit gentler this time.

I nodded but I didn't take my time. I randomly picked a Christmas movie even though it was still a few months away. I looked around for their reaction and they didn't seem to dislike it.

"That's a good one!" Apollo said cheerfully as I clicked on it. I froze. Did he already watch it? Did he mind?

It was too late to change my mind as the screen flashed with the title: Home Alone. Some of them sank into their seats, getting comfortable. Some opened their candies wrappers or popcorn bags.

A large hand covered mine and something was dropped on my palm. Frowning, I took a look to find a peanut M&M bag of candy. Memories of me and my mother sharing a bag appeared before my eyes and a wave of nogastic feeling came over me as I stared down at it.

I lifted my head to find Alex staring at me.

"You and he used to share M&M when you were little. It was kinda your and Alex's thing." Elijah piqued in and my heart warmed at that.

Alex's mouth upped, flashing a little of his teeth, his brows furrowed, and one of the eyes twitched. I blinked at him, wondering what he was doing until suddenly I realized he was trying to smile.

A burst of small giggles came out before I could stop it. As soon I did it, I slammed a hand over my mouth in disbelief. It just came without my permission. Before today I had tried to smile and failed. Now, I was giggling without realizing it.

What's happening to me?

Everyone's eyes softened at either my giggle or Alex's weird smile. My face became warm. I hated the attention.

Two roaring laughers echoed and I looked over to see Apollo and Salvo clutching their stomachs.

"Is that your smile?" Salvo snickered and Alex glared at him.

"Hey! Don't mock his smile!" Apollo scolded as if he wasn't laughing at him seconds beforehand.

Elijah had a small smile as he looked lovingly at me and Alex. Ace had a wistful look as he studied us. It seemed like Alex was as uncomfortable with the attention as I was. He hid it better than me but his tenseness gave it away.

"Alex never smiled once for years," Noah whispered so only I could hear him, and my eyes widened as I looked at Alex in a completely new light. Now, I understood him more, even with his coldness. I didn't smile or laugh for years, either.

What happened to him?

"It seems like she's fine with Alex, after all." Elijah nudged Salvo's arm with his own.

Alex gave Salvo an 'I told you so' look.

"She was just laughing at your pitiful attempt to smile." Salvo scoffed, but the twitching of his mouth betrayed his tough mask. A burst of laughter around the room echoed at his comment.

Alex glared at all of them and a frown pulled my face, feeling bad for him. I started it after all. I didn't mean to mock him. I wanted him to smile more and if they're keeping laughing he probably won't attempt to smile around them again. I know I wouldn't if I were him.

Maybe it's me that is just sensitive.

Elijah took pity on Alex and called out for them to stop. "Let's not mock anyone, shall we?"

"Bah!" Salvo waved his hand. "Ariana found it funny!"

My guilt increased at the confirmation it was my fault.

"That's enough. We are missing out on the movie." Ace commanded, obviously seeing through my growing nervousness at the situation. Everyone in the room obeyed him, including me.

Ten minutes into the movie, Alex's hand patted mine and I looked at him in the eyes. He was looking at me softly and his eyes seemed to say, 'it's okay.'

I managed to relax for the rest of the movie. Alex gave me pieces of M&M throughout the movie and I to him.

He wasn't scary as I thought.


When the credits rolled, a yawn escaped from me. My eyes were getting droopy.

"You tired, hon?" Elijah said softly and I nodded halfheartedly.

"Let-" He was cut off by the door was suddenly swung open.

The light poured into the darkness and I flinched at the familiar scene. My limbs went limp as I retreated into a part of my mind.

Don't scream. Don't scream. I chant to myself silently as I prepared myself for the pain. I lowered my eyes as I tucked my knees around my arms.

"Hey, guys!" A stranger bellowed, spreading his arms and straightening them out. "Your favorite cousin is here!"

He froze as his eyes zoned on me, his grin dropping He looked astonished. "Ariana?" He whispered.

"Get out." Noah gritted his teeth as he strode to him. Few more shadows came up behind him.

"What's wrong?"

"Just go, Luke." Apollo groaned in frustration. One of them raised his hands in surrender.

I managed to calm down a bit as I reminded myself I was free. The light didn't mean anything anymore.

My heart dropped as soon I risked lifting my gaze. As if my instinct knew where to focus, my eyes found him.

The man's eyes widened and his body visibly stiffened as he saw me, mirroring my reaction.

I know who he is. I've seen him in the darkness.

One of the monsters.

My breathing was getting shallow, the growing calmness from seconds ago crumbling down.

"You." I managed to get out with trembling lips. With that, he disappeared from my vision and Elijah replaced him, his face hovering over mine. His hand cupped my cheeks. I tensed a bit at the contact but forced myself to relax.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry that they barged in but they're leaving now. Right?" Elijah gave the others a pointed look at the end.

The strangers nodded slowly at Elijah's look and my reaction. They backed away until they were out of the room.

"I'm sorry." One of them said sincerely, halting at the doorway.

"Just get out, Dante." Ace hissed and Dante's head lowered as he left.

Turning my focus back on Elijah, I opened my mouth to tell him about the monster but he put a finger over my mouth.

"Shh, it's all right. I know. I know. You don't have to speak." He rubbed my back. I grabbed his hand and tugged it from my cheek. He needed to listen. He had to listen.

Did they know?

"The monster..." My words were broken off by a gasp. Dots began to appear in my vision as I felt wetness coming out of my eyes.

"Ariana, can you count your breaths with me?" Ace spoke, sitting down beside me on the couch.

No. I couldn't count. I need to warn them. With all of my energy, I held off the panic attack coming to me.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

What if they knew?

I shut my mouth and eyes. I was most calm and my thinking was most rational in the darkness.

They didn't seem to be fazed by him. They spoke to him as if they knew him well.

Are they associated with the monsters?

I didn't want to believe that they were one of them and everything inside screamed at me to trust them. But I knew better than blindly following my heart. I did once before and it didn't end well.

The monsters hurt Noah and Salvo, too. Is that proof they could be trusted?

Or a trap?

It was probably harmless either way if I tell them or not. But if I told them I remembered, the trap and all of the pretending ends? I didn't want it to end.

There was also a power in knowledge as long I had it.

Where are the voice when I needed it?

I needed it to tell me what to do. But it was silent - stubborn as ever.

I opened my eyes before my thoughts could fall into an endless spiral. Everyone looked at me frozen in utmost concern.

"I want to go to bed."

So Ariana saw the traitor. And he was involved in her torture...Who is it? That question still stands.

I enjoyed writing this chapter.

I have a confession to make: Ares is me trying to pick something to watch. My sisters and mom never let me choose because of it. And in the end, I have to either be coaxed into staying or blackmailed to stay to watch all of the movies with them.

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