REPLACEMENT; criminal minds (...

By cierakay_

276K 6.7K 769

"𝙏𝙖𝙜, 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙩" Maya Regan, a newcomer joining the BAU after former agent Emily Prentiss has recen... More

𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙚
𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙤
𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚


8.6K 209 3
By cierakay_

"I have no fear of change as such and, on the other hand, no liking for it merely for its own sake"
-Robert Moses-

"Oh, so you made it on time" Derek states as he walks beside Maya who starts walking towards the office since Hotch called a meeting early in the morning. "I always make it on time" Maya states coldly as the ponytail sways every time she walks. "Somebody's snappy" Derek says as he hands the second coffee in his hand to Maya.

Maya chuckles and takes a sip of the coffee before they both enter the round table and take a seat but neither Garcia nor Hotch have arrived yet.

"Anybody know what's going on?" Maya asks as she and Derek take a seat at the same time, leaning forward in their seats anxiously. "No idea" Rossi answers as he scrolls on the tablet in front of him, waiting patiently and that's when Garcia enters and adjusts her glasses.

"Where's Hotch?" Garcia asks but everyone shrugs their shoulders. "I didn't get a file sent to me. Did the case go directly to him?" Garcia wonders as she sets down her things, waiting desperately for an answer and Maya could tell Garcia was getting more and more nervous so it was obvious she didn't like change and a sudden switch in schedule especially when it came to her job.

Indeed, the rest of the team notes Hotch hasn't called a meeting this early in the morning in years. "What was the last meeting about?" Maya asks. "Gideon left" Reid answers and Garcia looks around frantically. "Who's leaving?" She wonders and Maya looks around the room, but no one looks guilty in anyway which makes her wonder what the problem could possibly be.

"Nobody" Derek states reassuringly as he looks around the room.

Moments later, Hotch arrives, and it seems urgent, but he doesn't reveal the meaning for the meeting right away. "I appreciate you guys coming in so early" Hotch thanks while everyone wonders what's going on. Turns out the FBI is facing budget issues and encouraging employees to consider other options. "All I ask is that if you are contacted by another division, you let me know," Hotch says.

"Oh, and we got a handful of victims missing. We need to act fast." Hotch concludes, prompting he will explain more on the jet and Maya looks over at Derek, knowing this must be urgent.


As the team gathered on the jet, Garcia over the video call, the atmosphere was tense with anticipation. Maya Regan's focused expression was evident as she sifted through the case files, the team ready to discuss the recent developments in the multiple missing girl cases that had gripped their attention.

Hotch, as always, started the conversation with a directness that commanded attention. "Let's go over what we know so far," he began, his voice steady and authoritative. "We have multiple missing girls, all seemingly unrelated but with a common thread of vulnerability."

Derek chimed in, his tone a mix of concern and determination. "The unsub is targeting these girls precisely because of their vulnerabilities. We need to understand his modus operandi to predict his next move."

Reid, with his analytical mind, delved into the patterns he had observed. "There's a distinct pattern in the victims' backgrounds. Most come from troubled homes, lacking a strong support system. It's a sad reality that traffickers exploit."

Rossi, ever the seasoned profiler, added his insights. "We also need to consider the possibility of human trafficking. These girls are young, and these missing cases go back 2 years so, we're dealing with someone who knows how to evade detection and manipulate the system."

Garcia, with her expertise in digital forensics, brought a new dimension to the discussion. "I've been tracing online activities and financial transactions. There's a money trail that leads to a few key players. It's a matter of connecting the dots."

Maya, having immersed herself in the case details, shared her observations. "We can't overlook the psychological aspect. These girls are not just victims; they're survivors with incredible resilience. We need to tap into that strength to uncover the truth."

"She's right. Maya and Derek, I need you two to head to the bar the last victim was last seen while the rest of us go to the station and start setting up." Hotch orders, Maya and Derek nodding their heads, ready to land and continue the search.

The discussion continued, each team member offering valuable perspectives and brainstorming strategies. The case was complex, with layers of deceit and danger that required a meticulous approach.


"You look... stressed" Derek reveals as he and Maya stand on the sidewalk, side by side, where the bar is located right in front of them. Maya, who slips her phone in her pocket, responds to his statement. "Maybe, because I am" Maya says as she looks around at her environment, taking it all in.

"Thinking that if one of those divisions call you, you might take it?" Derek wonders and Maya just shrugs her shoulders, not knowing what she'd do. "I guess we'll have to see" Maya states while she watches as Derek nods his head slowly and looks down, suddenly not wanting to meet Maya's eyes. Would he miss her?

As Maya and Derek stepped into the dimly lit bar, the air seemed to shift. Their presence commanded attention, drawing the gaze of everyone in the room. Maya's posture was confident, her eyes scanning the patrons with a keen observance, while Derek exuded a quiet authority, his gaze piercing as he assessed the atmosphere.

The bar was a mix of old and new, with seasoned regulars perched on stools and younger crowds gathered around tables. Maya took the lead, striding purposefully towards the bartender, her stride smooth and purposeful. Derek followed closely behind, his presence adding an extra layer of intimidation.

As Maya leaned over the wooden bar, catching the attention of the bartender, one of the older men sitting nearby couldn't help but let his eyes wander. Derek, ever vigilant, stepped beside the man, his stance firm as he met the older man's gaze head-on. "Eyes up here, big guy," Derek's voice was calm but firm, a warning without the need for further words.

The bartender, sensing the shift in atmosphere, hurried over to Maya. "What can I get for you?" she asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Maya cut to the chase. "We're with the FBI. We're looking for information about a young woman named Emma. She was last seen here."

The bartender's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the FBI, but she quickly composed herself. "Emma, huh? Yeah, I remember her. She was here a few nights ago. Kept to herself mostly, didn't talk to anyone suspicious."

Maya's brow furrowed in thought. "Did she speak to any men? Anyone who caught her attention?"

The bartender shook her head. "Not that I recall. She mostly chatted with one woman all night. Seemed friendly enough."

Derek and Maya exchanged a glance, a silent communication passing between them. The information was unexpected. If Emma had only spoken to one woman and not engaged with any men, it added a new layer of complexity to the case.

As they left the bar, Maya couldn't shake the feeling that they were dealing with more than just a simple abduction. The unsub's tactics were calculated, and the realization that Emma may have been lured in by a woman added a new dimension to their investigation. Maya and Derek's minds raced with possibilities, their determination to unravel the truth stronger than ever.


The atmosphere in the conference room was tense as Maya and Derek walked back into the station. Hotch was deep in conversation with a woman, her expression a mix of worry and determination. Reid and Rossi were sitting nearby, their expressions serious as they watched the scene unfold.

Curious, Maya and Derek approached Reid and Rossi. "What's going on?" Maya asked, her voice low with concern.

Reid glanced at them; his brow furrowed. "That's Andi," he said, nodding towards the woman speaking with Hotch. "She's a detective. Her partner, Renee, has been missing for a few days now."

Rossi chimed in, adding context to the situation. "Renee was one of the original detectives on this case and has been obsessed with it. The case was closed, but Renee couldn't let it go. She kept digging, trying to find answers long after everyone else had moved on."

Maya's expression hardened as she listened. She knew firsthand the toll obsession could take, especially in cases involving missing persons. "And now Renee's missing," she concluded, her mind racing with possibilities.

Reid nodded gravely. "Andi believes Renee may have deliberately put herself in harm's way, seeking out the very danger she was investigating. She thought it was the only way to finally close the case for good."

Derek's jaw tightened, his concern evident. "If this unsub or unsubs find out there's a cop involved, especially one as determined as Renee, things could escalate quickly," he remarked, his mind already strategizing potential scenarios.

"What makes you think it's more than one unsub?" Rossi questions, "We talked to the bartender, and she seen Emma there the night she was missing, but Emma only talk to one person, a woman. We could be dealing with a team" Derek concludes, Maya nodding and agreeing silently.

"Makes sense. There has been a total of 37 victims that have gone missing without a trace in the last 2 years which is when this case was opened. One man wouldn't be able to stop 30 women from attacking... not all at once" Reid rants, currently coming up a theory for the case. One that makes the most sense.

"Which means this woman could be a pawn. She gets off on the other women believing they are safe with her. Only for her to turn on them. That's the real play." Rossi announces while Maya thinks of other possibilities, "But if she turns on them in the end, there's no way the woman wouldn't warn each other about her... I mean the ones who know about her are a risk... That means--" Derek declares.

Maya's thoughts mirrored Derek's. She knew firsthand how dangerous it could be when law enforcement became entangled in the web of a criminal's game. "That means we need to find Renee before they find out about her," she said firmly, her eyes meeting Derek's with a shared determination.

As they watched Hotch and Andi continue their discussion, Maya and Derek knew they had to act swiftly. The safety of their fellow law enforcement officer was at stake, and they couldn't afford to let this case spiral further out of control.


The gas station was quiet, save for the occasional hum of vehicles passing by on the nearby road. Maya parked the SUV and glanced around the parking lot, taking in the ordinary scene. A few cars were parked at the pumps, and one person was filling up their tank, their attention fixed on the task at hand.

As Maya stepped out of the vehicle, Reid joined her, his eyes scanning the area. "It's pretty secluded here," he remarked, his tone contemplative.

Maya nodded in agreement, a furrow forming between her brows. "Why would a detective come to a gas station like this?" she mused aloud, her mind already working through possible scenarios.

The two agents began to walk towards the gas station's entrance, their eyes alert for any signs of unusual activity. Maya's gaze shifted towards the corners of the building, noting the presence of security cameras.

"Reid, look," Maya said quietly, nodding towards a corner where a camera was discreetly placed. "If Renee knew about this place, she probably knew about the cameras too."

Reid nodded, his analytical mind already piecing together the puzzle. "Let's check inside," he suggested, leading the way towards the gas station's entrance.

Inside, Reid approached the counter where the clerk stood, while Maya began to scan the aisles, her eyes flicking over the various items on display. Reid flashed his FBI credentials, introducing himself as an agent.

The clerk's eyes widened slightly as he glanced at Reid's badge and then back at Reid, clearly surprised by the young agent's credentials. Maya joined the conversation, adding a touch of humor to lighten the mood. "Yeah, yeah, he's a genius," she quipped, giving Reid a playful nudge. "Where do you keep your security camera footage?"

The clerk sighed, pointing towards a television screen behind him. "Over there," he replied, allowing Maya and Reid to access the footage.

Maya and Reid scrolled back through the footage, watching as the events from a couple of days ago unfolded. They saw the silver car pulling up to a pump, followed closely by an all-black car. Two figures emerged from the black car; their features obscured by hats. The girl appeared nervous at first, adjusting her clothes, but as she approached the gas station's entrance, her demeanor shifted, becoming confident and composed.

Meanwhile, outside in the parking lot, Renee watched the scene unfold with caution. Maya and Reid could see her assessing the situation, her instincts on high alert.

As the man from the black car made a call at the payphone, Maya and Reid exchanged knowing glances. It was clear this group was meticulous in covering their tracks. Maya focused on the interaction between the man and Renee, sensing the tension building.

Just as Renee's gaze flicked towards the gas station where the girl was exiting, the man made his move. Maya's heart raced as she saw him grab Renee's neck and slam her against the car, rendering her unconscious. At the same time, the mystery girl hurried to the black car, slipping into the driver's seat.

Maya and Reid quickly pieced together the sequence of events. "The girl must have distracted the clerk inside," Maya deduced, her mind racing with possibilities. "Once she left, that's when the guy made his move on Renee."

Reid nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "They're good," he remarked quietly. "We need to find out where they took Renee and track them down before it's too late."


Garcia worked her magic, tapping into the gas station's security footage remotely. As the footage played on her screen, she scrutinized every detail, searching for any clues that could lead them to Renee and her abductors.

Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the black car's license plate. With meticulous focus, Garcia enhanced the image, zooming in on the numbers and letters until they were crystal clear. "Gotcha," she muttered triumphantly, jotting down the information.

As she continued to review the footage, Garcia's analytical mind kicked into high gear. She cross-referenced the license plate information with databases, and soon enough, she had a match. The car belonged to Joseph Wright, a man with a history of criminal activity.

But the breakthrough didn't stop there. Garcia delved deeper into Joseph Wright's background, uncovering a connection that sent a chill down her spine. Joseph's father, who had passed away a few years ago, owned a factory in a remote area of Virginia. The pieces were starting to come together.

Garcia wasted no time in sharing her findings with the rest of the team. In the conference room, she displayed the license plate information, along with details about Joseph Wright and his father's factory. The atmosphere was tense as everyone absorbed the implications of Garcia's discovery.

Hotch's gaze narrowed as he considered the information. "If Renee's captors are connected to Joseph Wright and his father's factory, that's where we need to go," he stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

Maya nodded in agreement; her expression resolute. "It makes sense. We have to act fast before they realize we're onto them," she added, her mind already racing with strategies and scenarios.

Rossi and Reid exchanged a meaningful glance, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation. Garcia's findings had provided a crucial lead, one that could potentially lead them to Renee and unravel the mystery behind the abductions.

With a shared sense of urgency, the team prepared to mobilize. The factory in Virginia loomed in their collective thoughts, a pivotal location in their race against time to rescue Renee and bring her captors to justice.


The cold, damp air filled Renee's lungs as she sat huddled in the cramped cage, her eyes scanning the dimly lit hallway where the cries of other captive girls echoed hauntingly. It was a place of despair, a prison with invisible bars that seemed impossible to break.

As Renee looked across from her, her gaze met the eyes of a girl huddled in the corner of her cell. Without hesitation, Renee called out to her, her voice a mix of desperation and determination. "Hey, are you okay? We need to stick together, find a way out of here."

The girl's response was not one of hope or solidarity. Instead, her voice carried a tone of resignation and bitter reality. "There's no getting out of here," she murmured, her eyes downcast.

Renee refused to accept defeat. She leaned closer to the bars separating them, her eyes locking with the girl's in an unspoken plea for cooperation. "We can't give up. I've been watching the guards. They change shifts every hour, and there's about a fifteen-minute window when the next guard isn't here yet. We can use that time to make a break for it."

The mystery girl's expression remained guarded, but Renee could sense a glimmer of hope flickering in her eyes. Slowly, she stood up and approached the fencing of her cell, allowing Renee to see her more clearly in the dim light.

"We have to try," Renee insisted, her voice low but resolute. "I'm a detective, and my team is probably looking for me. We just need to hold on and look for any opportunity to escape."

The girl's reaction was unexpected. Her expression darkened, a mix of fear and anger flashing across her features before she quickly masked it. Renee sensed that the girl had something to hide, something deeper than just being a captive like the rest of them.

But in that moment, Renee focused on the task at hand. She had to rally whatever courage and determination she could find, not just for herself but for the girls trapped alongside her. The clock was ticking, and every minute counted in their fight for freedom.


The night was dark, the moon casting eerie shadows as the FBI team, accompanied by SWAT units, approached the secluded factory with silent determination. Hotch, in his usual composed manner, quickly briefed the team as they geared up in their bulletproof vests and readied their weapons.

"Alright, everyone, no loud noises. We move in quietly and efficiently," Hotch commanded, his voice barely above a whisper. He split the team into strategic groups, assigning Maya and Derek to lead a contingent of SWAT guards through one side of the building while the rest of the team spread out.

As Maya and Derek's group entered the building, they were immediately confronted by a security guard. Derek's authoritative tone cut through the tense air as he ordered the guard to drop his rifle. With a resigned sigh, the guard complied, knowing he was outnumbered and outmatched. One of the SWAT members swiftly cuffed the guard and led him away, ensuring he posed no further threat.

With the immediate obstacle dealt with, Maya led her team further into the building, their footsteps echoing in the empty halls. The sight that greeted them was chilling-a long hallway lined with cells, each containing frightened girls who had been held captive.

The girls' desperate cries for help pierced Maya's heart as they caught sight of the FBI insignia on her vest. They pleaded to be freed, their eyes filled with fear and hope. Maya exchanged a grim look with Derek, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Derek quickly organized the SWAT members, directing them to each hallway to unlock the cell doors and release the girls. "Get them out, make sure they're safe," he instructed, his voice firm yet compassionate.

Maya observed the sheer number of girls locked in the cells, realizing that there were far more than they had anticipated. "There's a lot more than 30 girls here, and if there are more hallways and rooms, we don't know what we're dealing with," she remarked to Derek, her concern evident.

Derek nodded grimly, his focus on the task at hand. "Let's get these locks off and get these girls out of here," he said, determination steeling his features. Together, they worked with the SWAT team to cut through the locks, freeing the girls one by one and ensuring their safety as they escorted them out of the building to the waiting ambulances and authorities outside.


Meanwhile, in a separate part of the building, Renee was not in the cells anymore. Now she was being forced into a room, a mask over her eyes and she was roughly thrown into a wooden chair. She tried to look down in her mask but was only met with the sight of light and her own body.

As Renee's mask was ripped off, blinding light flooded her vision, and she felt the cold, metallic grip of shackles binding her ankles to the ground. Murmurs and whispers filled the room, mingling with the unsettling sounds of knives being sharpened.

Fear gripped Renee's heart, but she forced herself to stay calm, to analyze the situation. The whistles and cheers of the men around her sent shivers down her spine, but she kept her composure, refusing to show any signs of weakness.

She sensed a presence behind her, the faint sound of humming reaching her ears. The high-pitched, melodic humming was distinctly feminine, contrasting sharply with the gruff voices of the men in the room. The cold edge of a knife traced lightly over her shoulders, causing her muscles to tense involuntarily.

As the person behind her moved into her line of sight, Renee looked up to see a woman with a commanding presence. Despite her dirty clothes and simple ponytail, there was an air of authority about her that demanded respect.

The men in the room, though numerous and seemingly dangerous, showed no signs of aggression towards the woman. Renee realized in that moment that she was in the presence of the leader, the one who held sway over these men and kept them in line.

Her mind raced with possibilities. Was this woman the mastermind behind the human trafficking operation? Did she orchestrate everything from behind the scenes, manipulating these men to do her bidding?

Renee's training kicked in as she assessed the situation. She knew she had to stay alert, to look for any opportunity to escape or gather crucial information. Despite the danger and uncertainty, Renee remained composed, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


As Maya ushered one of the victims to her feet, she felt the girl's desperate hope and relief wash over her. The girl's body collided with Maya's, seeking comfort in the midst of chaos. Maya, not accustomed to empathy or physical touch, gently tapped the girl's back, silently acknowledging her feelings.

Just as Maya was about to lead the girl out of the cell, she heard Derek's shout echo through the hallway, halting her in her tracks. Maya poked her head out and witnessed Derek being slammed to the ground by an assailant. Instinct kicked in as Maya pushed the girl back into the cell, instructing her to wait there.

The girl nodded, a mix of fear and gratitude in her eyes. Maya glanced back at her once more before swiftly pulling out her gun and rushing towards the commotion. She demanded the attacker to raise his hands and get on his knees, but instead of compliance, the man turned and fired a taser gun at Maya's leg.

"Aah!" Maya cried out as her body convulsed with electrical shock. She fell to the ground, the taser gun dropping from her hand. The man continued to press the trigger, intensifying Maya's pain and rendering her unable to act.

However, Derek, not incapacitated as the attacker assumed, swiftly intervened. He kicked the man's legs out from under him, causing him to release the trigger of the taser gun. Maya groaned as she removed the barbs of the taser gun from her leg, trying to regain her composure.

With Rossi and additional swat team members entering the hallway, the situation quickly turned in their favor. The man found himself surrounded, his escape cut off. Maya, still recovering from the taser shock, watched as Derek and the team subdued the man, ensuring he posed no further threat.

Derek rushed over to Maya, assisting her to her feet. Concern etched his features as he asked if she was okay. Maya swallowed a lump in her throat, trying to mask her pain. "Yeah, I've never been tased before, but it's fine," she joked weakly, attempting to lighten the mood.

Rossi took over, guiding Maya out of the building to receive medical attention. Meanwhile, Derek and the rest of the team focused on freeing the girls from their cages. Hotch managed to locate Renee, but the confrontation with the remaining men escalated into a violent shootout.

Amidst the chaos, Renee, who was barely conscious, couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious woman who seemed to be the mastermind behind it all. Where was she, and what role did she play in this deadly game?


The scene outside the factory was a flurry of activity, with endless numbers of cops and emergency personnel tending to the rescued victims. Maya sat in the back of an ambulance, her expression a mix of exhaustion and relief. Beside her, Renee was also being attended to by the EMTs, getting stitches for the wounds inflicted during her captivity. Despite the ordeal, Renee was still able to walk, a testament to her resilience.

Derek approached, a bruise marring his forehead from the scuffle inside the factory. Maya couldn't help but joke, saying they needed to stop getting hurt together. Derek shrugged, his focus solely on her well-being. "I don't care if I get hurt, as long as I get to save you," he said earnestly.

Maya's initial reaction was to nudge his arm playfully, trying to lighten the mood. But as their eyes met, a silent understanding passed between them. Words were unnecessary; their eyes told a story of gratitude, camaraderie, and perhaps something more that they hadn't fully explored yet.

Their moment was interrupted by the blaring sound of a horn. Maya sprang to her feet, instinctively scanning the area. Officers outside had spotted a suspicious vehicle and opened fire. The car screeched to a halt, crashing into a line of police cars. Rossi was quick to reach the scene, pulling a girl from the backseat while a lifeless man slumped in the driver's seat, a fatal gunshot wound to his head.

As Maya turned back towards the ambulance, an EMT tapped her shoulder, informing her that Renee was trying to speak. Maya climbed back in and leaned over Renee, who struggled to articulate her words through the pain. "They ran away... before you came. She's the leader," Renee managed to say.

Maya's eyes widened as she bolted out of the ambulance. She saw Rossi leading the girl away from the car, and something about her body language and demeanor struck Maya. It was the same as the girl from the security footage, the one who seemed to be in charge of everything.

"Rossi! Run!" Maya exclaimed, her voice cutting through the chaos. Rossi turned towards the girl just as she reached for something behind her back. Maya's instincts kicked in, and she shouted a warning. Before the girl could pull the trigger, a single shot rang out, and Maya looked over to see Derek, his gun aimed true, taking down the ringleader of the entire operation.

With the threat neutralized, Maya felt a wave of relief wash over her. The case was finally closed, and although scars remained, they had saved countless lives and brought justice to those who had suffered.


Back at the BAU, Maya was packing up her bag when a sharp pain in her leg went throughout her whole body, making her drop the heavy bag onto her desk. "Need some help?" Derek asks, walking over with a smile. Despite, how this night has gone he still found a way to smile when he saw Maya.

"I could use a little" Maya states as she hands Derek her bag, which he takes without a care in the world.

"I think you're warming up to me" Derek suggests as he starts to walk ahead of Maya. Maya feels the heat rush to her cheeks, and she forms a smile on her face because he wasn't able to see her. Maybe she was warming up to him. Maybe she was warming up to everyone. She liked that but at the same time she didn't plan to come here and make friends. Friends equals trust and trust equals secrets being revealed.

But Maya didn't want her secrets being revealed... ever.

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new"

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