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By Kolourful_Stories_

245K 7.8K 9.5K

(Camilo Madrigal x g/n reader) ----- A story about another family with a miracle going to live in the Encant... More

A few notes from me
Meet the fam!
Chapter one: The story
Chapter two: Moving?
Chapter three: Here we are!
Chapter four: A big deal
Chapter five: Meeting the Madrigals
Chapter six: You're like us?
Chapter seven: Setting up the house
Chapter eight: Helping
Chapter nine: Befriend him
Chapter ten: Wanna hang out?
Chapter eleven: Morning voice.
Chapter twelve: You used to?
Chapter thirteen: Thank you
Chapter fourteen: I see me
Chapter fifteen: We should have a sleepover!
Chapter sixteen: Truth or dare
Chapter seventeen: Goodnight, Camilo
Chapter eighteen: First day
Chapter nineteen: Homeroom
Chapter twenty: I do not like you
Chapter twenty-one: The life of a Madrigal
Chapter twenty two: More than okay
Chapter twenty three: Let's start planning
Chapter twenty four: Destressing
Chapter twenty five: Guests to greet
Chapter twenty six: Entertain some guests
Chapter twenty seven: You win!
Chapter twenty eight: Every bit of it
Chapter twenty nine: Wake up
Chapter thirty: I'm so sorry
Chapter thirty one: Their goodbyes
Chapter thirty two: Quiet moments
Chapter thirty three: Another meeting
Chapter thirty four: Treat him
Chapter thirty five: Wonderfilled eyes
Chapter thirty six: The sunset
Chapter thirty seven: Their family
Chapter thirty eight: Upcoming event
Chapter thirty nine: Dark Hallway
Chapter forty: Not so loud
Chapter forty one: Sink
Chatacter sheet pair 1
Chapter forty two: Talk to me
Chapter forty three: Out in town
Chapter forty four: Let's go have fun!
Emilio's character sheet
Chapter forty five: Valladares' luxury apparel
Chapter forty six: Come again soon!
Chapter forty seven: So much to do
Chapter forty eight: Invitations
Chapter forty nine: Good
Chapter fifty: Steady heartbeat
Chapter fifty one: It's official
Chapter fifty two: A knock on the door
Chapter fifty three: Break the news
Chapter fifty four: Questions in my room
Chapter fifty five: Joke around
Chapter fifty six: Try it on
Chapter fifty seven: It suits you quite well
Chapter fifty eight: Fond memory
Chapter fifty nine: Without a word
Chapter sixty: Go down and get you
Chapter sixty two: The door
Chapter sixty three: The centre of it all
Chapter sixty four: He's too powerful
Chapter sixty five: Who it was
Chapter sixty six: A loud thud
Chapter sixty seven: The two of them
Chapter sixty eight: Drifted off
Chapter sixty nine: Coming up
Chapter seventy: Let's go shopping!
Chapter seventy one: From her window
Chapter seventy two: Quite a difference
Chapter seventy three: A surprise
Chapter seventy four: Confessions to come
Chapter seventy five: Secret admirer
Chapter seventy six: Wasn't the type
Chapter seventy seven: Forever grateful
Chapter seventy eight: I would love to
June's character sheet
Hugo's character sheet
Chapter seventy nine: Shall we?
Chapter eighty: Sound of the river
Chapter eighty one: Any other way
Chapter eighty two: Sleepy expression
Chapter eighty three: Would never forget
Chapter eighty four: Linked arms
Chapter eighty five: Help me
Author's note: A hint
Chapter eighty six: Where is he?
Chapter eighty seven: The honour
Chapter eighty eight: Lantern
Chapter eighty nine: Moments ago
Chapter ninety: Fire
Chapter ninety one: Are you really that stupid?
Chapter ninety two: Soothing sounds
Chapter ninety three: Perfectly content
Chapter ninety four: Growing up
Chapter ninety five: Best days
Chapter ninety six: Rejoiced
Chapter ninety seven: A polite wave goodbye
Chapter ninety eight: Persona
Chapter ninety nine: Rushed back
Chapter one hundred: Diving in
Chapter one hundred and one: A game of chase
Chapter one hundered and two: Unsure
Chapter one hundred and three: Zoned out
Chapter one hundred and four: Part of our group
Chapter one hundred and five: Follow me
Chapter one hundred and six: What have you gotten us into?
Chapter one hundred and seven: Finally getting along
Chapter one hundred and eight: This could be interesting
Chapter one hundred and nine: Promise
Chapter one hundred and ten: How did you pull this off?
Chapter one hundred and eleven: Up, up, and away
Chapter one hundred and twelve: Anything for you
Chapter one hundred and thirteen: One day
Chapter one hundred and fourteen: I've decided
Chapter one hundred and fifteen: Embrace
Chapter one hundred and sixteen: Maybe tomorrow
Chapter one hundred and seventeen: The right choice
Chapter one hundred and eighteen: He's never left the Encanto
Chapter one hundred and nineteen: You're so on!
Chapter one hundred and twenty: To wish us goodbye.
Chapter one hundred and twenty one: The ends of the Earth
Chapter one hundred and twenty two: Familiar face
Chapter one hundred and twenty three: Reveal
Chapter one hundred and twenty four: Walk outside and see
Chapter one hundred and twenty five: Commotion
Final chapter: One of the Gifted

Chapter sixty one: Just in time

1.4K 59 47
By Kolourful_Stories_

I couldn't see Camilo looking down at us from the roof anymore. A few minutes later, Camilo burst out of Mirabel's room. He ran down the stairs and his sandals skidded against the floor before he stopped right in front of me.

He steadied himself and dusted off his ruana. Then he cleared his throat and put his hands behind his back, somewhat resembling a butler. He reached his hand out towards me.

"Shall we?" Camilo asked.

I giggled a bit before taking his hand.

"Let's" I replied.

Camilo let out a chuckle. Then he began to yank me all the way to Mirabel's room. He opened the door and led me through the flower meadow made of yarn. Mirabel's room always left me breathless. It was like a grassy meadow filled with butterflies and flowers but everything was made of yarn and fabric.

Camilo led me to the window where our magical flower was. Camilo stepped onto the window ledge. I did what he did.

"Be careful, you're already pretty badly injured..." Camilo said, glancing at where the bandages were underneath my clothes.

"Camilo, I'm doing fine now, I eat Julieta's healing food everyday for every meal and snacks" I assured him.

Camilo smiled at me and nodded. We made our way to the roof of the second story. I felt the tiles underneath me shake and I lost my balance. Luckily, Camilo steadied me.

"Don't worry, that's just Casita" Camilo told me "Casita, a little help? We need to get to the roof of Mirabel's room."

The tiles lifted and formed stairs underneath our feet, slowly carrying us up to the roof over Mirabel's room. Casita used the roof tiles to gently let us onto the roof before slowly turning back to how they were before.

"I thought only Mirabel could do that," I said.

"Usually, that's true but sometimes, Casita will grant favours for me" Camilo explained "If I ask nicely, of course."

Then I spotted Adelita, fumbling with the fireworks. She dropped one of them and caught it just barely before it rolled off of the roof.

"Y/n! Camilo!" Adelita exclaimed "Great, you guys can help me set these up!"

"You've been struggling with these all day, huh?" I asked.

"Ugh, I know! But I don't know how to make them stay standing at the angle that I need them to be at!" Adelita whined.

Adelita groaned when she dropped a few fireworks and they ended up actually rolling off of the roof.

"I'll go get them, one second" Adelita told us before sprouting her wings and jumping off the roof.

Camilo let out a chuckle. He knelt down and picked up the fireworks that were left on the roof. He positioned them at the perfect angle and held them there with both of his hands.

"Hey, Casita" Camilo whispered "Can you find a way to keep these fireworks at this angle?"

Casita made the roof tiles jiggle a little bit, which I assumed was Casita's way of saying "Sure." Then the roof tiles shifted underneath the fireworks so when Camilo let go of them, they leaned on the tiles and stayed in the same position.

"Thank you, Casita," Camilo whispered before standing up again.

Adelita flew above us, the shadow of her wings covering the both of us. She landed gracefully on the roof, right next to me. Then she closed her eyes and her wings disappeared.

"Are you kidding me?!" Adelita yelled when she opened her eyes "I could've just asked Casita to keep them like that and it would've just been like 'sure, whatever you say!?'"

Camilo laughed and shook his head.

"No, it wouldn't have worked for you" Camilo said "While I was taking care of Y/n when they were in a coma, I spent a lot of time in the nursery. I think that helped me bond with Casita, now it grants me little favours."

The tiles jiggled again.

"Ugh, I got an entire shade darker because I was tanning in the hot sun while I was trying to figure out what to do with the fireworks" Adelita whined "And you fix the whole problem in like five minutes...great."

Camilo and I giggled at her frustration. Adelita face-palmed and groaned.

"I'm gonna go get some pastries..." Adelita said, sprouting her wings again before gracefully descending to the ground floor.

"C'mon, let's get down from here" Camilo said "Casita?"

The tiles formed stairs underneath our feet again and Casita carefully dropped the two of us at the window of Mirabel's room. Camilo tripped and fell into the soft floor of Mirabel's room. I choked back my laughter. Camilo noticed.

"It's not funny," Camilo said.

"Sure, whatever you say, Cami," I replied, sarcastically.

Camilo stood up and took my hand. The two of us stepped out of Mirabel's room to see Mirabel standing just in front of the door.

"Oh!" Mirabel exclaimed "I was just about to check on you two, I couldn't see whether or not you guys were on the roof."

"We're fine, prima" Camilo said, casually.

Mirabel glanced at our joined hands and shot me another cheeky look.

"Well, perfect timing" Mirabel said "The sun is starting to set and people are starting to walk up to Casita!"

"Oh right, we have to greet people as they come in!" I exclaimed.

"We better hurry then!" Camilo replied.

He yanked my arm harshly and the two of us ran downstairs just in time to greet the first family.


Ya'll should follow me. That is all.


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