Por gurlyyy22

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Meet Marwa Kabeer Hassan: A rude, narcissistic, audacious, and dramatic lady. She looks very innocent, beauti... M谩s



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Por gurlyyy22


It was a chilly Sunday evening, Hamida Haroon Baghdad is bribing princess Eshaal with chocolates, something she does whenever she wants some secrets to be revealed. As usual, they were in her room and Eshaal was grinning widely, the ten-year-old was elated.

"Eshaal, my dear" Hamida smiled and ran her slender fingers through Eshaal's long hair in a soothing way. As usual, the princess was busy munching on her chocolates to even give a care in the world.

"Yes, Auntie H" She retorted cheerfully.

"So tell me, do you think your brother likes Anty Nawal or is there someone else?" She asked, eager to extract some information.

Yesterday, she saw the way Zafeer left the government house in such a hurry, he was barely able to contain his happiness. She asked some guards to follow him only to come back with a disappointing answer, that he went back to the palace. The dumb guards didn't know that he intentionally mislead them, that was the reason why he asked Junaid to drive, he knows that his aunt will try to find what made him happy and once she does, they will be doomed.

Eshaal thought for a while, trying to recall if her eldest brother has ever talked about a girl before when her eyes widened in astonishment.

"Oh yes! I heard him, Ya Turad, Ya Junaid and Ya Sabreen talking about a girl, her name is--" She tried so hard to remember but nothing came up.

"What is her name?" Hamida couldn't hide the eagerness in her voice, the moment Eshaal says her name, that person is as good as dead.

"I can't remember, but it starts from B" Eshaal shrugged

"B" Hamida frowned, hoping that it is not her cause of destruction.

"Yes, B. Auntie H, I have to go now. Ummi said she'll have my head if I spend more than ten minutes here" Eshaal lied and ran out of the room with her chocolates in hand, she bumped into her maid and handed the chocolates to hold for her.

She was warned strictly by her mother, not to give any piece of information about the crowned prince's life to her aunt. Eshaal dared not to ask the reason, in order not for Hamida to suspect and force the truth out of her, she lied that the name starts with a B, that way, she has misled her aunt just like her mother told her to. The Baghdads' are exceptionally intelligent people, even a small girl is smart and of course, she knows well that the name is Marwa.

"Like mother like daughter, so stupid and unwise. Whatever that B stands for, I will look for the girl and make her life a living hell" Hamida laughed nefariously then dialled her niece's number.

"Nawal dear, you have to start the act while I look for the girl" She slumped on her bed and smiled.

"Gotcha! I love you so much Aunt" Nawal grinned before hanging up, happier than ever to carry on the task that she has been waiting for, blackmailing the crowned prince!

Zafeer sighed for the umpteenth time today, no matter how much he tries to solve mathematics today, nothing will just work. The thought of it doesn't even appeal to him anymore, Marwa occupied his mind, she won't answer his calls and even reply to his messages, Junaid, Turad, and Sabreen were giving him cold shoulders.

Deciding to call her one last time to see if she will answer, he prayed before clicking the call button. His body was bruised, some places were red, others purple and even orange, he received that wake-up call he needed from Junaid yesterday. He was only clad in camouflaged sweatpants, his injuries didn't allow him to go out throughout today and he didn't let anyone in.

"Pick the damn call" He yelled like a mad man, his long Arabian bangs covering half of his face.


When it ended and she didn't pick up, he smashed the phone to pieces, as though it was a toy, to begin with. He used the other phone to dial Adrian's number, the man answered almost immediately.

"Make my reservation at the hospital, tell them I want Dr Marwa Kabeer Hassan, a three-hour session with no interruptions" Zafeer ordered. Adrian gulped, he is still struggling to get used to this side of his boss.

"You have to meet the investors tomorrow, Sir" Adrian uttered, his voice etched with fear of losing his job.

"I know whatever the hell it is I will do goddamn it" He tossed the other phone away and it crashed to pieces, everyone is just trying to annoy him that unlucky day. Zafeer sighted something, a reflection of some kind. When he raised his head to view what was disturbing his vision, a very expensive object with a nine karat golden handle popped in view, it was shiny. Even from afar, the antique artefact looked so tremendously expensive and unique.

Other than mathematics and workouts, there is something else he is good at. Sword fighting is a strength he has never failed to be proud of, he learned that from his grandfather, the Sultan of Saudi. That sword is his grandpa's favourite, he gave it to him when he was fourteen years, eligible enough to hold the heavy item.

Dashing to his sliding door walk-in closet, he picked out black clothes embroidered with golden then battled into them. He covered half of his face with the black material, including his hair. On his feet were black royal shoes with golden intricate designs, giving him that fierce and daring look that only Arabians manage to pull off.

The crowned prince entered the training ground, the place was dimly lighted, he met Junaid in blue clothes like his and Turad in his usual colour, white. The two were busy practising, even though they are not anything close to him in perfection. The place was heavily guarded, with weapons of different kinds, ranging from spears, nunchucks, daggers, and shields that were neatly kept.

That sword of his was what caught their attention, the item alone demands respect, talk less of the person holding it. Without permission, he joined the duo in the big arena.

Junaid's sword almost came in contact with Zafeer's chest but the said guy dodged, Turad targeted his legs and he jumped then landed his weapon on Junaid, giving him a deep cut on the chest. The said guy fell down but quickly regained his composure, he was bleeding but he didn't give up.

By the time they decided to give up, both of them were panting heavily, Zafeer injured them mercilessly, and the guy was still energized as ever, with no scratch from any of them. What do they expect from a person who usually practices with ten professionals against him?!

"You bastard!" Junaid groaned in pain.

"So you are now willing to talk to me?" He cracked a humourless laugh.

"Fuck it! You ruined my newly embroidered attire" Turad hissed.

"Mind if I help you guys up?" Zafeer tossed his sword aside and extended his sinewy arms to them. They inwardly cursed his entire generation before grasping his hands and standing up. The two robust men were leaning on their now newly formed enemy for support, no guard dared to make eye contact with them, talk less of uttering a word against them.

He took them to Turad's chamber in other words, the white mansion since it's the closest place from the battleground. When they entered the plain white living room, three maids came in with a gigantic first aid box and left.

Zafeer treated them according to Turad's instructions, he also added his own nefariousness on top. By the time he finished, they were busy reprimanding him, Turad also complained about ruining his white couches.

"I am planning on going to the hospital tomorrow, for my appointment with her" He grumbled like a guilty kid.

"If I were Marwa, I won't even talk to you" Turad glared at his brother but the cold, icy black orbs of Zafeer had him recoiling.

"Her best friend said she will help with some things, but don't you ever try to force her to open up, if not!" Junaid's tone was laced with a threat even though the guy was in pain. It was like the beating he gave Zafeer is nothing like what the said guy did to him.

"I won't goddamn it" The crowned prince retorted.

A guard walked in and told them that the king summoned for the crowned prince. Zafeer maintained his aristocratic position, with legs crossed and elegant pose like a model, his expression was calm and he didn't say a word, it was Junaid who answered for him.

"You should go now, it's over five minutes since he sent the guard you know" Junaid looked like he was walking on eggshells. This side of Zafeer scares them all, calm and collected like a ticking bomb, well, he is one.

"Do I give a damn?" He replied nonchalantly but stood up and left anyway.

Zafeer sighed and entered the king's living room, he doesn't even go to the throne room now because the guy hates nonsense, and all they ever do there is poke their noses where they don't belong.

"How many minutes did it take you?" Harith talked without looking at his son, he was clad in a simple black thawb that tightened around his lean muscles and tall figure. He looked so different and much younger like he wasn't the one leading an entire state, to begin with.

"Ten minutes and thirty-two seconds" Zafeer shrugged as though he was talking to a friend of his.

"Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad, it's high time you listen to me now" Whenever his father calls him by his full name, everything unpleasant occurs, and this time around won't be any different.

"Alright, listen you said, just say whatever you want to and let me be" Zafeer sat down on the floor with legs crossed, he can't risk his mother coming into the room and seeing him on the couch like his father, she will have his head served to the king of Kano on a silver platter...

"Stay away from the girl you are trying to be close with" The king whispered, his tone was advising, he is trying his best to ensure that lives are protected but his stubborn son will always remain stubborn.

"Oh! You mean Nawal Ishaq Makama, break off the engagement then, but just so you know, I will shatter the governor's happiness" Zafeer tried being ignorant, it was evident that he was trying so hard to lose his cool.

"You know well who I am talking about crowned prince, that commoner who works as a part-time waitress. We all know that she is more than a therapist to you, and I have it that you know the rules" King Harith Baghdad rested his body on the recliner, a serene and guilty expression etched on his face.

He is a very calculative man, before he does something, he must make sure the pros are more than the cons. His son might be wise but he is older, wiser and more experienced. Harith Baghdad knows well what he is doing and by the rules, he meant that Zafeer should cut any source of contact with the said girl.

Nawal and Hamida might strike anytime, he is looking out for the lives they might ruin. Hamida Haroon Baghdad has done it and would not hesitate to do it again so before that happens, the king has to step in. He knows all the secrets hidden from everyone, including the crowned prince.

"Don't you dare lay your hands on her, she is anything but a commoner and you sure as hell know that! I can and I will protect her, even if that means going against you because she gave me what you failed to in fifteen years, understanding and concern"

"Suddenly, you care about my life after not showing your face to me for fifteen years, the only time I ever see you is on news channels. Don't pry in my life, I can leave your damn palace if you want me to, I can build something a hundred times bigger than this! For the last time and with all due respect your royal highness, stay away from my Marwa!" He howled and kicked the one-sitter couch that went flying across the room before leaving, he might end up destroying the room.

Zafeer said something far beyond his imagination even though he couldn't hide the fact that his father made a little sense. He was not just spurting about leaving the palace and building something a hundred times bigger, he can do more than that because this twenty-five years old young man has so much wealth that even banks and government loan from him and atop that, he is a sole proprietor.

He dialled a number from the brand new iPhone that was brought for him earlier, the same black colour with his sim card and details intact, he prefers one phone to two now, destroying two extremely expensive phones is no fun.

"I want you to keep an eye on the girl, don't let even a fly hurt her, nothing must happen to her or her family. I don't care if someone gets killed, do whatever it is that you have to and protect her. Go beyond your comfort zone, perfection is my second nature" He ordered in that deep, authoritative voice that is filled with aristocracy which only the blue blood know how to use, the British/Arabian accent fluently spoken by him is what impresses many.

Marwa wore her labcoat with a gloomy face even though she was feeling much better now after the pep talk with her boss, Jamal Malik.

On Saturday, Junaid left after much persuasion, the guy insisted that he take her to work so she went with him. He even ordered some food for her at the restaurant, making sure she filled her tummy with the expensive food.

"You shouldn't try to be acting like you are okay when you are far from that" Jamal Malik looked at Marwa who refused to maintain eye contact with him even from across the table. Even though he was a little jealous when he found her with Junaid, he felt at ease when he found out that Junaid is like an older brother to her and nothing more. He has no competition, or so he thought.

"Hehe! Can't you see I am more than okay? I was drained today so that explains it all" She downright denied, letting those emotionless coffee brown orbs gaze at him for longer than necessary. Damn, it was like the more he stares at Marwa, the more he finds her beautiful, every inch of her was sculpted to perfection.

"I am your friend Marwa, I understand that I once confessed to you before but we are good now. Don't hesitate to let it out, bottling up emotions are never Marwa Kabeer Hassan's thing" He jeered, eliciting a chuckle from her.

"I ain't bottling up no emotions, mister" She rolled her eyes and clutched to the rim of her shirt while her pupils dilated, something that disgrace her every time she lies.

"Jamal is not taking that as an answer but I won't force you. Anyway, you and your friend have two days off, today and tomorrow. I overheard her talking about your sleep-over, so you may leave. Or do you want me to drop you off?" He flashed a kind smile at the girl who was now grinning from ear to ear, now that she thought about it, her boss is not a bad person after all.

Marwa formed a group of her small cycle of friends on WhatsApp, she included Shukrah, Khayr and Theresa then named the group fantastic four. She was surprised at how well they got along with each other, Theresa even opened up to them about her disgustingly rich parents. Yes, Theresa's parents are rich but they don't get along well, so she tries to fend for herself to avoid awkward situations.

"It's okay, Sir. Thank you so much --oops!--I forgot and I'm not sorry" She giggled when she saw a cute frown etched on his face. He hates it when she calls him sir, but it's a boss-employee relationship now, so what does he expect?

Before Jamal could protest, she ran out of the office and called Theresa after greeting chef Abraham who was scolding how about not coming to collect the new book of recipes he has made just for her, she apologized frantically and said she would go to his house later to collect it from his wife, even the said woman knows how the chef likes Marwa as if she were his daughter.

Presently, Marwa was busy ranting to herself while reading the reports of a new patient she has to face today, she has no idea that Zafeer is on his way to her, the guy made sure no one told her that he had booked an appointment.

"Why is it that I can't read him even though I want to? I am a clinical psychologist for goodness sake, I have been trained to read people and gouge out some emotions but that douchebag thinks he is a tough cookie. Pfft! He is the stupidest man alive, that I am sure of" She closed the file and dumped it on the table with a loud thud, her lips were pouted as though they'll detach from her face anytime.

"Who are you saying is the stupidest man alive?" A subtle, melodious and unique kind of voice that never fails to send shivers down her spine talked, scaring the hell out of her and making her clutch to the left side of her chest.

Cómo estas?😴

Did Marwa just got caught in the act?😂

Aiit, I can't wait to find out what will happen next, seems to me like Hamida Haroon Baghdad is on the hunt for her prey😂.

Okay, bye bye.

See ya.


Love y'all,

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