By gurlyyy22

147K 17.6K 5.2K

Meet Marwa Kabeer Hassan: A rude, narcissistic, audacious, and dramatic lady. She looks very innocent, beauti... More



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By gurlyyy22


".... Give him the job, tell everyone to treat him with respect," Zafeer raised his slender fingers as he explained to Adrian what to do.

He came to finish off some work in his office, including making Omar Hassan's life a living hell. The Crown Prince was elated that Marwa trusted him enough to tell him something as huge as that and now that she did, he wouldn't let that slide without having a little fun with her uncle's wealth.

"Okay, Sir," Adrian responded.

"Have you taken those papers to Junaid?" Zafeer asked.

One would think those papers meant nothing to him, not that they did, he was just having fun with Omar's property papers that had been transferred to his name. Currently, even Omar's house is owned by the Crown Prince. It's funny how in less than five hours, Omar Hassan lost everything, all that he owned, even his clothes.

Zafeer would take care of the man's businesses till he apologizes to everyone he has faulted, and the moment he senses Marwa feeling bad about her uncle's sudden poverty, he would return everything to Omar, double the price of his previous wealth but if he refuses to acknowledge his mistake, then all the affluence he shows off will be someone else's.

"He has registered everything in your name, Your Majesty," Adrian answered, looking intimidated by his boss's presence. He knew about Zafeer's plan, he was the one who hacked Omar's accounts and all he could do was give the Crown Prince hats off because he easily cracked the password with just one attempt. How he did do that? No one knew.

"Good! Now learn your lesson, Omar Hassan," He murmured to himself with a malicious ghost smile, not even feeling an ounce of regret for what he had done.


Omar Hassan had just folded the newspaper he finished reading when he heard a loud knock, thinking it was his children and their mother, he smirked triumphantly.

"Those set of folks, I know that stupid boy isn't financially stable enough to rent an apartment for them," He laughed, remembering how Fawzan ranted his heart out before telling his mother and sister to pack and they left the house.

Omar opened the door but was baffled by the sight before him. There were five police officers and three bouncers, all dressed in black along with a lawyer, their faces set in a grim expression.,

"H-how may I help you?" He gulped, suddenly feeling the urge to run to the toilet. He thought his family invited them, not knowing that the worst awaited him.

"Good morning, I believe you are Omar Hassan?" The lawyer spoke professionally.

"What is good about the morning when I am seeing police officers and these bouncers?" Umar thought in his head before deciding to reply.

"Yes, he is me," He was so nervous that he didn't even know he said that, his hands were sweaty.

"Here, a letter for you," The lawyer handed Omar a brown envelope and he read the contents, only to drop the said thing with distress and worry etched on his face, the world came crashing down and it made him unable to act up.

"You must be mistaken. Tell me, someone bribed you right? That person paid all of you to do this to me. I didn't transfer any of my property into another person's name, and that too, to someone anonymous. I did not do it!" His hands were shaking. How would he be able to live without the lavishness? Not when he finished bragging to his niece. No! That can't happen to him.

"If you don't leave in the next five minutes then I'm afraid you will be charged with trespassing," A policeman said, his eyes shielded with black aviators, the type that screamed no respect.

"Listen to me. This is my wealth, my hard work, just tell me who dared to deprive me of my rights. No! This misfortune won't happen to me," He restlessly panicked and brought out his phone, probably to contact a lawyer but a bouncer snatched it before he could.

"All of your possessions, including clothes, phone, and everything that you have now belong to our boss. You should vacate this place in three minutes, Sir," The lawyer stated.

At last, Omar Hassan, who was still thinking about how that dreadful incident happened, was being dragged out of the house, with nowhere to go. Not knowing whether to cry or scream, he looked at the gigantic house in front of him and then walked away in shame, nothing was left with him except the clothes and the flip-flops he was wearing.

He was walking with a cascaded head and devastated heart when he saw a small kiosk where calls could be made. Quickly, he searched his pockets, grateful that he still had twenty thousand Naira with him.

"How much is being paid for the calls?" He asked the shop owner.

"One minute is fifty Naira, Sir," The man responded.

Omar was then handed an old rickety Nokia that was functioning with the aid of rubber bands, he collected it with shaky hands and dialled a person's number, the only person that would be able to help him. He prayed that the person would forgive him, knowing there would be a very low chance of that due to his actions. That is why we should never be too arrogant, you might never know who will help you in the future.


Marwa and her cousins were in Fawzan's Mercedes Benz G350, they just returned from submitting their weekly manuscripts. Fawzan didn't start driving, he was waiting for his sister and his cousin to settle in the car. His phone pinged and he brought it out of his pocket and saw that it was an e-mail. When he read the mail that was sent to him, Fawzan had to rub his eyes and read again before letting out an ear-piercing scream that frightened both the girls.

"Guys, I bagged the post!" Fawzan screamed happily, his deep voice echoing in the car.

"What post?" Marwa grumbled with a smile, seeing her cousin—brother happy made her elated too.

"I am now Captain Fawzan Omar Hassan, Qahtani's airways blessed me with such a huge promotion," As if waiting for him to complete the sentence, Shukrah and Marwa jumped on him like predators.

Qahtani's Airways is the highest-ranked airline in the world which opened six years ago, their efficiency in carrying out their business has got people wondering if there would be someone competing with the world's best airline in years to come. No matter how strong your connections are, if you are not fit enough, you won't even be hired to be a janitor there, not to talk of a senior pilot. The company also has a personal airport in Saudi Arabia where all their planes land.

It was rumoured to be owned by the Sultan of Saudi Arabia, Hakami Abdou Al-Qahtani, and the fact that the said person didn't deny owning it made people conclude that he was the brains behind that great airline.

"Captain! As in a senior pilot who commands the crew of an aeroplane?!" Marwa asked with mouth agape, she was panting heavily because the words sounded unbelievable even after he showed them the e-mail.

And the funny thing was, he didn't even apply for a job there, knowing that no amount of connections would work since the company wasn't based in Nigeria. Fawzan hasn't been promoted to work even after four years of working his ass off trying to impress the Nigerian airways but all in vain and now, what he has never dreamt of is his reality, becoming a young captain.

"Of course, you dummy. This calls for a celebration," Shukrah howled and adjusted her sitting position, completely forgetting about her father's toxic self.

They were cheering and laughing when Fawzan's phone buzzed again, this time around, it was a phone call. Without looking at the caller ID, he answered and his mood changed instantly when he heard the voice he dreaded at that moment, his father's.

"Hello, Fawzan my son," Omar's pale voice burst through the speaker.

"What is it, Father?" Not wanting to sound disrespectful, he responded with a snicker. Since Fawzan's phone was on speaker, even the girls could hear Omar Hassan's voice. Rage and hatred surged through Marwa's body, the emotions made her look fierce.

"You are the only one that can help me now, they seized everything, and I have nothing now, even my phone. By God, I regret my actions, I promise never to degrade anyone again, please help me out as my only son and heir. I don't have anywhere to go now," Omar wept.

"You called me a loser who keeps hanging around you because you think I am not financially stable enough to take care of my sister and my mother. That same loser is the person you are calling for help? Does that even make sense to you, fath—" Before Fawzan could complete his sentence, Marwa snatched the phone away from him and the siblings looked at her red eyes once again.

"Listen here Mr. Man, this person may be your son but you called him a loser and disrespected his mother, your wife. This same financially unstable person is now the captain of Qahtani's Airways and will report to duty by next week, who is the financially unstable person now? You dared to call us bad luck and poor people right, now you will experience the wrath of God. Go to hell and don't you dare call this number again!" She ranted and ended the call then switched off the phone.

"Marwa you—" Shukrah started but soon got stopped by her brother.

"Hamma Fawzan drive the car and let's go, your phone should be given to you later. And as for you, are you still up for the sleepover?" Marwa uttered with a perfectly cocked eyebrow.

Shukrah nodded, knowing that the man deserved every word Marwa howled at him. Just as respect is reciprocal, disrespect is too! And Marwa Kabeer Hassan would give him just that.

The car drove off to a classy restaurant, Marwa ditched her part-time job that day, and she took advantage of her newly formed friendship with Jamal. Yes, after much persuasion, she decided to be his friend. They also went to the new apartment Fawzan rented and narrated everything to Summayya who looked worried but soon acted nonchalantly. Shukrah got her clothes for the night and Fawzan took them to Marwa's. It would surely be a wild weekend.


The fleet of cars drove into the white and green-painted government house, Zafeer rested his head on the headrest, feeling suffocated. He was sitting in a black Rolls Royce Wraith, beside the man he thought he he hated, in other words, his father. Umaiza made sure to put them in the same car because of what someone advised her, to bridge the gap between father and son before it got out of hand. It is someone who knew all about Hamida's plan, even more.

The tension in the car was tense, the chauffeur was sweating profusely, and the dominance was way too powerful for him to handle. Throughout the journey to the government house, none of them spoke, even though Harith tried to start a conversation, he couldn't, knowing that his solipsistic son would not even spare him a glance.

"We are here, Your Majesty," The chauffeur finished and alighted the car, leaving the father and son in there, alone.

"You can change your mind, it's not too late and I won't force you," Harith finally opened his mouth after thinking twice about his words.

"I didn't say you are forcing me, King. And anyway, you don't have that authority" Zafeer replied coldly, as expected, he didn't even tilt his face to look at his father.

Soon, the doors were opened for them by guards who squatted respectfully. The Crown Prince was immediately shielded with an umbrella to protect him from the scorching sun, the guy doesn't last for more than ten minutes without a shield due to his delicate skin.

Hamida Haroon Baghdad was elated, she greeted everyone with a huge grin as they made their grand entrance to the conference hall where the engagement would be finalized. The Crown Prince made sure to tell them that pictures wouldn't be taken, even if it was with a phone. The guy couldn't risk Marwa seeing him anywhere, he wanted his first viral photo to be with her, that way, any damn man wanting to court her would back off. They were made for each other even before they knew it!

"Well, well. My son-in-law is here," The governor was proud and he didn't hesitate before proposing, he wanted Zafeer for his daughter before any person first him. Governor Ishaq Makama is more than willing to do anything the Crown Prince asks of him, he became a huge fan of the Crown Prince from the first moment he set his eyes on him. Even if Zafeer would tell him to stop his ill acts, he wouldn't hesitate to put those to an end, he wanted to do everything to impress Zafeer, even if it was licking the ground he stepped his foot on.

"Mr. Ishaq," Zafeer resisted the urge to punch the governor and instead, gave a smirk. The governor and crowned prince entered the hall where the engagement was going to take place, with the King and Prince Haroon along with other officials trailing behind.

Zafeer adjusted the maroon royal thobe which had sophisticated aristocratic designs on it, the clothes felt too heavy for him, and his mother forced him to dress as a royal and made him sit in the same car with his father. He knew well that she was trying her best to unite them but the Crown Prince would not give in to her demands, never.

"Yes, he is my daughter's fiancé and also the Crown Prince of this state," Ishaq Makama's voice jolted him out of his woolgathering. They were not even engaged yet but the father had already started introducing him as his daughter's fiancé. Great, just great.

Zafeer raised his head, only to see a man of about fifty years smiling at him, he was dressed in cadet blue native clothes with a tangaran cap and babban riga. He stood there with a bewildered expression before quickly zoning back and extending his hand to Zafeer who took it, the guy has seen many looks of appreciation sent his way already.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Abdulrahman Adam, the minister of works and infrastructure," Khayr's father stated with a proud smile, Zafeer made a mental note to ask him about the state's infrastructure budget, he is there for business and not engagement.

Later that same day, he got engaged to Nawal Ishaq Makama with his uncle as the person who represented the Baghdads and Nawal's uncle from the bride's side. The governor kept spurting lies, he said that the engaged couple was in love so they decided to take it to the next level, Zafeer was too astonished to say anything because he was shocked as to how a respected man would lie without regret whatsoever.

His mother, siblings, and cousins all refused to come, they didn't hide their strong dislike for such a drastic decision. Junaid lied about having work to do and as for Turad, the guy intentionally went to the hospital. Sabreen like the lazy person she is, spent the whole afternoon sleeping after complaining about school stress. Eshaal and Zayn are inseparable, the two were busy with video games, as usual.

Now, Zafeer was brought to meet with his fiance because his aunt and parents-in-law insisted. He is now awkwardly standing in her room, watching as she intentionally took her time to majestically catwalk to where he stood. She was dressed in a maroon diamond-patterned lace with her face decked up in heavy makeup, the fitted gown was way too tight on her which he found unattractive. Even after protesting for her to come down, Hamida Haroon Baghdad had to poke her nose in something that didn't concern her, she was the brain behind him going up.

"You agreed to get engaged to me, thank you so much handsome. Now, I will make you fall for me," She grinned cockily as he snickered then brought out his phone from his pocket, just as a message came from the devil's sister. A ghost smile crept its way onto his face and his mood changed instantly.

Devil's sister: Hey, creepy jinn from hell, my best friend wants to meet you. I don't know why the bitch is persistent but you have to come now, it's a command and not a request. And yes, come with my fave.

He giggled wholeheartedly at Marwa's terrible way of asking someone to come over and quickly typed a reply that he would be on his way with her fave, Junaid Haroon Baghdad. Nawal, who was completely dazed, was busy fantasizing about the way he softly giggled, he looked so unlike the cold guy who was distant from everyone, the one in front of her looked serene and thrilled.

"Hey! Are you alright?" He snapped his fingers in front of her, and the way she froze made him want to behead her, the piercing gaze was too much for him to handle.

"Oh yes, I am fine. Sorry about that, I was just amazed because this is the first time I saw you giggle. I know you don't have any feelings for me but don't worry, you will soon," She finished and leaned in to give him a peck on the lips before he quickly shifted from his spot and she ended up pecking the floor instead, yes, Nawal Ishaq Makama fell flat on her face.

Zafeer resisted the urge to laugh and looked at her bruised face with a scowl. The guy wasn't nice, he didn't even try to help her up, so much for wanting to give her a dose of her own medicine.

"I am not interested in body contacts and would appreciate it if you mind your words and actions tomorrow. See you later, Nawal Ishaq Makama," He spoke and sauntered out, everything that happened that day is taking a toll on him, and maybe visiting Marwa would be the relief of his stressed self.

Nawal rose from her embarrassing position, angry that he did that intentionally. She dared not to talk back at him, she was scared of the guy, just like her entire family was. Scared and obsessed, what a combination. She would deal with him in her own way, the top model is not the one to forgive without retaliation and she doesn't target a person's body when she takes her revenge, she targets the person's heart, that delicate part of them that would make the pain hit deep.

Who is ready for the spice to begin?😁💃

Omar Hassan, sorry ooo😂💔

I am so happy for Fawzan, he deserves it😌❤️

Nawal Ishaq Makama is not here to play ooo😂😹

And Zafeer, the guy is wicked. No cap😂🤦‍♀️


Love y'all,

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