My Best Friends' Younger Brot...

By YOLOwriting101

149K 5.5K 5.2K

Travis Iverson has been best friends with Louis Seo for as long as he can remember. They practically grew up... More

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1.1K 52 102
By YOLOwriting101

It's been a bit...since we had our date, but in thinking about it...I become sad. I start to think about how things are now with us in college together now.

I feel slight shame in thinking about it, but just with us having done this for a little I feel bad because...

I never thought that I'd be questioning Travis. We both now go to school together and every time we pass one another we swap Primy. It's not like we don't communicate or acknowledge the other, but you can sense and feel the stress the other has. Just the stress of having to meet at the same spot and sometimes we go out of our way, which is perfectly fine. Except it makes harder for one of us at a certain point in time.

It's a good thing we meet at the same time. There's no delays and neither is waiting. What I question of Travis is if...he really wants to do this. Like the whole running back and forth every class to hand her over. In my opinion, it can be tiresome, but it's one-hundred percent worth it. Maybe I'm being dramatic on his end since I never asked, but I know he has basketball. Taking care of a baby, and that on top of that probably isn't what he was expecting. I can only imagine because you're not really watching a baby at a basketball practice - which he has everyday.

That's why...I'm going to check secretly and go in disguise.

I wore his hoodie that completely hid me as I went to the top of the bleachers. I usually would get something to eat or go home for a little, but today it's different. I look around for Travis and saw he wasn't even in here yet. Except the more I waited I wondered if he would come at all.

Until I saw a very attractive man, my man, walk into the gym. He was holding the baby carrier in his hands as he had changed out for practice it seemed. I saw someone walking beside him as they spoke to one another, but it wasn't anything serious it seemed. I could see Primy looking around curiously in her carrier and he I could see he possibly changed her diaper because she was tucked in different.

It was...very attractive to see him with her. He rested her near the bleachers and I saw him crouch before her. I could see him almost saying something to her and he had the most gentlest smile I've ever seen. Never one he's given me, but it was way different. Like a smile you'd only give your child because they have a special place within your heart that is different than anything else in the world.

I bite my lip, loving what I was seeing. Out of nowhere I see him lifting her out of her carrier. I was confused until everyone lined up at the side of the court and their Coach spoke to them. No one was saying anything and I didn't expect him to be holding her considering what he does. Only to see them start jogging around and I see someone hand a baby carrier that he put on. My eyes widen as he places Primy inside and fastens her in, and someone adjusted the back for him. Now he jogged too while she was with him, and I felt like my heart just melted.

It was the sweetest thing I think I have ever seen. My heart is absolutely melting, it really is. I saw him smiling as he had his eyes focused on as he ran, almost like he was playing with her while he ran. I saw her smiling too and I could almost hear her coos of happiness.

Why did I question him wanting to do this? He looks so in love with our daughter and I really dare question that? It's just so obvious how stupid could I be?!

Very stupid, apparently.

"My two baobei's..." I murmur, grinning as I leaned against my hand. They were just so beautiful to look at...I could look at them all day and never get tired of this sweet sight.

"Are you watching them too?"

I look, seeing some guy sitting at the bleacher two seats up. I didn't even see him as I nod awkwardly, nodding down.

"I'm just w-watching my husband and baby, they're s-so cute-."

"Husband? Baby?" He repeated with this incredulous tone.

"Yes..." I look away from him and point down at Travis. "That's him and he's h-holding our daughter, Primrose."

I found myself grinning again, until I hear that guy scoff. I look at him and see his evident disdain to my words.

Oh no, please.

"So it was true, he really did have someone he was with. Everyone thought he was lying so that he could avoid dating, to focus on basketball and go towards the NBA. He wasn't lying after all." He whines almost and I just looked at him. I see him look at me now as he seemed to size me up. "Was it an accident?"

My whole face turned red, wondering if he really asked me that question.

"No, we w-wanted to have our ch-child." I say harshly, looking away from him. "Can't b-believe you'd a-a-ask such a question."

"You're stuttering."

"So, I a-always stutter!" I exclaim imagine frustration, seeing him raise an eyebrow. "Why would y-you ask such a ludicrous th-thing?"

The guy shrugs, facing forward as he sets his eyes on all of them.

"I'm not sure. I have a friend who was supposed to be here, that's why I spoke to you; but you weren't him. Leo should've been here by now."

I found myself nauseous at hearing that name, and didn't say anything initially. I just faced forward because there are millions of Leo's out there! Who's to say it's Travis' ex or anything, no way!

He would've said if he was going here too... Unless he genuinely didn't notice and just doesn't care, which knowing how he started his year off here... That makes sense.

"I-I-I haven't seen...a-anyone... Why were y-you and L-Leo coming?"

"Ah, he said he knew Travis and maybe he's my chance to grab the attention of some of the players. That is my hope most of all. If you're saying he's your husband and you guys have a baby, which is obvious, I'll leave him be; but he's still nice eye candy." He licks his lips, smiling while he gawked at him.

Now I was certain it was the Leo we knew...and it frightened me. I'm not sure why he hasn't appeared, but I'm going to count my blessings and take that as a sign to leave.

"Okay, well, I-I hope you guys have that f-figured out. I have t-to go-."

"No, please," I feel someone shove my shoulders forcefully down into the seat, and I look to see Leo smirking down at me, "Stay for a moment."

"L-Leo..." I croak, and I look away from him as he sat next to me. He chuckles as I feel him wrap his arm around my shoulder.

It was awkward because we both were looking down at Travis as he practiced with his team. Primy still strapped against his chest and him somehow still doing things.

"Haven't you just gotten everything you have ever wanted and more, huh?" He asks me, and I don't respond. "I'm going to take that as a no."

"I h-have!" I cry, still trying to get out of his arm, but he held me still almost. His friend was too enamored in the guys that he wasn't seeing how uncomfortable I clearly was by Leo.

Leo looked me straight in the eyes, soon looking back down.

"You and that tiny baby have the same eyes, but that's to be expected. Aren't genetics so interesting? She definitely didn't get her looks from you, so we should be thanking Travis. He just has everything a man or woman could want-."

"Enough of th-this, don't start. You're a g-grown adult, we aren't t-teenagers anymore." I interrupt him swiftly, grabbing his arm as I remove it more strongly.

I stand up and look down at Leo, seeing him glare up at me.

"You think a baby permanently makes him yours, wrong." He shrugs, and I flinch. "There's always divorce too, then all the papers to decide who gets your daughter. It's quite the process, you're never really winning. Because there's always the possibility you guys won't make it-."

"Stop it." I interrupt him, and he raises his eyebrow. "That isn't...going to h-happen. I love Travis, and he loves me. Primy is j-just a plus, but there's nothing that will f-forever separate us. We were immature in thinking she'd keep us together f-forever, because we already were together forever b-bound by our hearts. She is just what h-happens when you love one another enough and create s-someone in the process... You wouldn't're too busy t-trying to ruin others relationships instead of f-focusing on your own."

Leo's face turned red, and I could see the anger in his eyes.


I look, seeing that guy looking up at me in shock.

"That was really deep. I didn't think it was that serious since lots of people tend to get pregnant in college, thinking they found 'the one'; but you two seem legit." He comments.

"They are far from 'legit'." Leo sneers at him. "I was dating Travis first and with as many times as we had unprotected sex, I don't know how I don't have a child, oh wait."

I find my face heating up as he smirks, shrugging.

"You'd never, would you?" He mocks me, and the guy frowns.

"You have a child? Wouldn't that make, four or three or something?" The guy questions curiously and Leo just keeps smirking at me.

"No...y-you d-d-don't have a ch-child-."

"But you wouldn't know, huh? You both are so far up each other's asses that you wouldn't have noticed anyway. Maybe you should question him first instead of just falling for what he has between his legs. What do you have to say?" He raises his eyebrow at me.

I wait for him to say if it's true, but he stays silent.

"N-No...y-you don't have a ch-child."

"You don't know that."

"I d-do-!"

"No," He raises his voice at me and I fall silent, "No you don't. You don't know anything. How about you ask him? See how he reacts."

I just look at him as he smiles. I could tell he was just trying to get to me...and I know Travis doesn't have another child. He would've said something and I know he would've known about it.

Knowing Leo in high school, he would've wanted Travis to know because that'd pull him away from me. He would've put all his focus into the baby despite who Leo is...

No way...

"Are you believing that?" The guy asks me, and I look.

"Shut up Cyrus." Leo snaps harshly and I finally heard him say his name.

I look down at Travis and see him on the court still. He was standing still though as they seemed to be speaking to their coach as a team. I saw Primy was amongst them and I look back at Leo.

He smiled down at Travis, now looking at me too.

"What's wrong Mimi? You look horrible-."

I found myself rushing down the bleachers, and I see some of them start looking because of the noise I was making. Travis looking too and his eyes widen to see me as he smiles.

"Mimi!" He waves, but he began to look concerned as I rushed onto the court.

His teammates looked down at me curiously as I look at Primy, grinning up at her. Only for me to look at him and he still looked concerned.

"Travis...we need to t-talk." I say, and he chuckles awkwardly.

"Honestly I'd love to, but practice ends in ten minutes. Can you wait until then?" He asks of me, but the panic was setting in and the nerves.

I noticed him seeing that and he glanced behind him at his Coach who looked annoyed. I'd be annoyed if I was him too, but he'd be understanding if he knew why I was here!

"Travis I-I'm sorry, b-but-."

"Wait!" I hear Cyrus, and he rushed beside me. "Be cautious. I think we both know what Leo is trying to do, it's so obvious; don't let him fool you. It's just talk, he's never once spoken of such a thing. Don't risk it."

"What is he talking about?" Travis asks now, and I look up at him. "Leo? Is it the Leo we both know?"

Cyrus nods shyly, clearing his throat as he looks at me.

"It's just needless drama. If you question him that means you don't trust him, right?" He asks me fast, and I whimper almost.

"I don't really s-see it that w-way. It's just a-asking..."

"Ask me what?"

I look, seeing Travis look at me with this hurt expression. Even Primy looked sad as if he already could guess what my question was and he didn't like it.

"You know...h-how you w-w-were in high school b-before me, and Leo s-said you two m-might have a child. I j-just wanted to a-ask...because I wasn't s-sure considering how you u-used to be..." I confess, and I see his teammates scoffing at me it seemed.

I noticed Cyrus rolling his eyes at me and I wondered if I said anything wrong. I was just asking him and I look at him now.

I could see his hurt expression, and I was taken aback by that.

"No offense, but you're stupid." Someone on his team snaps at me, and I feel my face heat up. "He's always talking so good about you and brings your baby to practice, then you come asking him that? Leo is fucking annoying too, and you believed his ass?"

I see them agree with the guy and Travis was quiet. I deserved that insult anyway as I look away.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry..." I apologize, and they start scoffing more.

"Further proof he doesn't truly have faith in you, aren't I right?" I hear Leo walk up and I notice Travis still have his eyes locked on me. "Just goes to show how gullible Mimi is, he'll believe anything that is negative about Travis. It's quite the shame-."

"Come with me." Travis grabs my hand, and I found myself pulled away from everyone. Once we were outside he looked aggravated and I had a feeling it was definitely me.

We both just stood there as he just continued to look down at me. He didn't look happy...and I'm not surprised. After what I asked him and said, I wouldn't be happy either.

"You c-can say it." I croak.

"Say what?" He says plainly, and I nod.

"Th-That y-y-you don't-don't w-w-want..." I drift, looking up at him as he waited. "T-To marry m-me."

"I'm still marrying you that's not even an option not to." He frowns at my words. "I am disappointed that you'd ask me that. No, I do not have a child with Leo. We both I knew better than that."

"O-Of course...sp-spur of the moment nonsense." I shake my head, sighing shakily. "Now everyone hates me."

"Oh yeah, I need to talk to the one who made his opinion known. No one needed to hear that."

"I d-did...what I asked w-was stupid. I already came d-down for stupid reasons. I just w-wanted to see if you really enjoyed h-having Primy...with you, i-if you found her to be a n-nuisance at practice." I confess to him, and he smiles. "What?"

He shook his head, resting his hand atop of her head.

"Primy is my motivation now. She keeps me energized honestly. What you asked back there was...interesting, but I'll excuse it-."

"Oh, I a-am a terrible soon-to-b-be husband!" I exclaim dramatically, causing Travis to chuckle as I throw myself against the wall. "Of all p-people that I let myself be kind o-of manipulated was L-Leo. I am s-so stupid!"

", no, it's quite alright." Travis went towards me, grabbing my arm as he pulled me beside him. "Leo needs to be taught a lesson that I should've taught him a long time ago. Those lips have been needed to be swollen for some time...keep them shut for a little."

I frown because that didn't sound right.

Until I saw him walking into the gym. I stood there for a moment because I didn't know what to do with that.

I just follow him inside from a distance until I saw a fist flying at Leo's face. A gasp leaving my lips to see him fly into the bleachers. Primy still against his chest as she had even a grin on her face.

His teammates reacted fast as they thought there was going to be a fight. Only for Travis to pull away and glare down at Leo.

"Leo lie on me again, I dare you. Keep yourself away from Mimi and me. If I see you again or hear you have my name in your mouth from anyone, I'm punching you again." Travis shouts at him, and I saw Leo look actually heartbroken for once.

Travis grabbed the baby carrier and his gym bag, walking back towards me. Everyone looking at us as he grabs my arm, and I turn around to follow beside him.

"Travis...w-why...?" I whimper nervously.

"Why? I've been meaning to do that for some time. He finally gave me perfect reason."


I think I lost my mind. 🧛🏿

I don't think so, no. 😑

my mind wanders and whatnot. 🥴

what I have to do because I graduate this May from high school so... 😀

in due time...I must figure it out. 😕

I want to write and do other stuff too. 🙇🏽‍♀️

not sure. 🤷🏽‍♀️

enough complaining. 😗

- yolo

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