Twisted Love | James Potter

By Sydneyymalfoy123

76.7K 2.1K 487

-For 18+ Or Mature Audiences Only- Delphinus Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's younger twin sister... More

𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓉. 𝐼
𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓉. 𝐼𝐼
𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓉. 𝐼𝐼𝐼


1.5K 45 13
By Sydneyymalfoy123

Mature Content Ahead.

"boys don't just stop because you tell them to."

It would be an understatement to say that the Slytherin party had been a complete fail.

After many, many, many shots people had begun to tap out and pass out, Del's group being one of them, after Severus had gotten sick and went back to Del's old room they all just agreed to leave with him, the party was arse.

Now they all sat on the couches, iced waters accompanying all of them, as they began to go down memory lane with genuine smiles on their faces.

This had been the first time they were all back together and just enjoyed each other's presence since fifth year and Del realised how much she missed this, she was still a little tipsy which seemed to calm her nerves and allowed her to just breathe a little.

"Do you lot remember when after every single party you would drag your drunk arses here, to my dorm, and make me play those stupid childish games?" Del laughed out, remembering all the times she would just be trying to do homework and they would all burst in and force her to play 'Truth or Dare' and 'Never Have I Ever'.

"Everyone get into a circle now." Cal yelled out with a laugh, the idea of recreating those memories brought a smile to his face, especially when he thinks about how different the answers would be.

"Wait I need to be right back, Del this was your idea so you're coming with me." Cal rushed, grabbing Del's hand and taking her out of the dorm.

"Where are we going?"

"Well we need to get the main component for 'Never Have I Ever.'" Cal winked as he finally opened a door, dragging Del inside with him.

"Oi!" Cal yelled and Del looked up to see Landon, Kenji, and Atlas all on one couch.

"Alright, mate?" Landon asked as he sat further up on the couch, he then looked behind Cal to make eye contact with Del, "Del, heard you're a little stoner now?" Landon taunted sarcastically, he and her always had a friendly banter when it came to drugs.

"Sod off, Whitmoore." Del rolled her eyes with a smile, "I rarely smoke, I am not a stoner like you fools."

"Yeah well if you ever want to buy something just know I got it." He winked, before raising a quick eye brow like he had just remembered something, "I just restacked on Molly, but this isn't muggle shit or anything like that, this is some magical strain, it makes you like on a different level of happy, you lot have got to try it out." Landon started as he grabbed his bag and pulled out a container filled with small neon orange capsules, "You all down, I'll let you pop for free?"

Quickly to say yes, Cal, Atlas, and Kenji all jumped up, free molly? Yes please.

"Del?" Landon asked, noticing she was the only silent one.

All of the Slytherins looked over to her, they all knew that her brother would lose his shit if he found out Del did a drug that he hadn't even tried yet, but they also knew it was her choice.

"No, I'm alright, maybe next time though." Del waved off, letting them all swallow the bright capsules, except Cal, who pocketed his with a wink.

"Well, Del, if you ever want anything just come to my door, I gotch' you for free."

"Thanks for the offer, Landon." Del replied sarcastically before looking up to Cal to signal that they needed to get back to the dorm.

"Aye, you still got veritaserum on you?"

Del's eyes widened as she began to panic, but then she realised that Leo had also been in the room, he wouldn't let that secret get out.

"Yeah," Landon said as he dug through his bag and tossed him a vial, "It'll be two Galleons, you alright with that?"

Cal nodded as he passed over the gold before finally saying his goodbyes and making his way out the room.

"Oi, Del!' Landon yelled after her, "You still got a free capsule here if you ever want it."

Del rolled her eyes with a laugh and mouthed thankyou before following after Cal, she did not have a good feeling about this game and she was going to do something that she knew she was going to dread.

"Hey Leo? Can I speak with you real quick?" Del asked casually as she and Cal walked into the dorm, Leo's eyes widened with surprise but with a smile he shot up and off his seat and walked out into the hallway with her.

"Everything alright?" Leo asked hesitantly.

"Listen," Del started, her chest aching for the fact she actually has to have this conversation, "There is going to be veritaserum, they're playing never have I ever, and I don't want them knowing about what happened-"

"We'll keep the topic away from summer, got it." Leo nodded, surprising Del, she didn't know how he seemed so calm and happy, he truly disgusted her.

"Right." Del sighed before the two made their way back into the doors and joined the circle on the couches.

"Del and Leo always won this stupid game." Narcissa grumped as she put a drop of the serum under her tongue and passed it around.

"Yeah because they had boring lives and never did anything." Lucius joked, following his wife's actions.

The rules of Never Have I Ever were simple, everyone holds up there hands, showing ten fingers, and someone of choosing says something that they have never done, if any other person has done it then they have to put a finger down, person with the most fingers up by the end of the game won, the veritaserum was so no one lied.

Fifteen minutes later, when the serum was laced and soaked into their tongues was when the games began.

There had been no question that was considered appropriate, it have been revealed that Bellatrix has a body count over thirty, Severus kissed a muggle born, Lucius has overdosed before, Cal has been in multiple threesomes, Regulus has a knife kink, and that every person in the room other than Lucius, Severus, and herself, has had a random sex fantasy about Del.

"Okay what the fuck, Literally everyone has at least one finger down and then there's Del." Narcissa shouted, annoyed that Del has never lost to any of the games that they have played.

Del did nothing but blow her a kiss and Narcissa snapped, "Fine, Del I love you, but I am not letting you win this, Never Have I Ever gone into my sixth year a virgin." Narcissa smiled proudly.

Leo's eyes scrunched shut as well as Del's as they awaited a reaction, Del tried to put a finger down but the serum would not let her move a muscle in her hand.

"What?" Narcissa screamed to the top of her lungs with a large smile, Lucius rolled his eyes and gagged, Bellatrix, too, gagged by the thought of Leo and Del together.

Severus seemed like he would rather be in any other type of conversation, Cal slapped that back of Leo's back as if rewarding him, Evan and Regulus stayed quiet as they watched Del's reaction.

She didn't know why it hurt as much as it did when she couldn't put her finger down, the fact that she truly wasn't a virgin anymore scared her.

"And she still has no fingers down." Narcissa grumped, calming down from her high and promising herself that she would be forcing Del to tell her all the details.

Del suddenly felt rage, pure rage as she realised that she was sitting right next to the person that caused this all for her, she wanted the full story and she had a question that she needed to know now.

"Never Have I Ever Cheated." Del blurted, her eyes shooting over to Leo's and she watched as his index finger joined his thumb, tucked into his palm.

"Wait what?" Narcissa asked, Del looked up to see Lucius also missing a finger in the air.

"Lucius, why the fuck did you put a finger down?" Narcissa argued and the serum immediately controlled his tongue,

"Because I cheated on you." Lucius blurted.

The sounds of her sister-in-law and brother arguing drowned out as she returned her glare to Leo, everyone's attention was on Lucius and Narcissa so no one noticed the two glaring teenagers on the couch.

"When." She hissed out.

"My first time was the end of the year party last year, I slept with a Ravenclaw." Leo said plainly, the effects of the serum forcing him to answer any question she asked.

"First time?" Del asked with a disgusted face, she felt anger surge in her veins, they were dating, they were happily dating when he fucking cheated on her? She couldn't believe it! She hadn't felt such anger in a very long time, both directed towards the boy in front of her and towards herself, "As in there was a second." She scoffed out angrily.

She was so mad that she still allowed herself to feel hurt over the fact that he had cheated on her when they were still together, even after everything that happened she still held onto the memories they had before summer, and now those were also tarnished.

"How long did that go on for," Del demanded.

"I cheated on you every day of the last week of fifth year and every party I went to that you didn't over summer, I brought someone home to my house before going back to bed with you." He spluttered, his face turning red as pain flashed in his eyes, he didn't want her to know, he really didn't.

A single tear rolled off her cheek as she glared at him, "Why, what did I do?"

Leo winced by her crushed tone, he had still been under the impression that they were actually getting closer to being how they used to be and this ruined everything, he needed to salvage what little they still had.

Leo bit his tongue as harsh as he could, he wouldn't say this out loud because even how right it sounded in his head he knew it would sound terrible coming off his tongue.

He wouldn't tell her that he cheated because she wouldn't sleep with him.

Narcissa and Lucius were still fighting, Bellatrix and Regulus were now involved to defend their blood, Evan was trying to relax everyone, Severus was slumped on the couch, looking like he was about to pass out at any second with a cigarette between his lips, and Cal was looking straight towards Leo and Del, to be more accurate, the two fingers he had down and the fact that Del was literally crying and no one was paying any attention towards it.

Leo fucking cheated on Del.

Cal glared at Leo and as if he could sense the burning sensation he looked up and made eye contact and Cal watched as his face morphed from guilt into fear.

"Sev." Del whispered while slightly tapping his shoulder, completely removing herself from her spot next to Leo in the process.


"Can I have one?" Del pleaded, usually Severus would of smacked her on the head, he would never encourage the addictive drug when it came to her, but he was half asleep, he had no idea who he was talking to, but he knew exactly what she was referring too as he just slipped the pack into her hand too which she whispered a 'thank you' and stood up.

"Alright guys, I had fun but I have to head out now." Del said as she turned to leave, not letting anyone see her glassy eyes, no one responded to her and she slipped out of the dormitory with ease.

Del turned to walk down the stairs but then she stopped before her foot could even touch the stone steps, she remembered how happy she was after she left Madam Pomfrey and after the quidditch match, she craved the feeling so much that it ached.

It had only been nine, and she didn't want to spend the rest of her night moping around her dorm, she just wanted to spend the rest of the night in an euphoric bliss, the more Del thought the more she felt her heart race with adrenalin as she weighed out her options.

She wanted to go try Molly, was it a smart choice? Probably not, but would it make her feel better? If Landon is correct that it sure will.

She trusted Landon, everyone trusted Landon.

She was now making her way towards Landon's dorm, with a scared smile on her face, she paused in front of the door, there had always been a rule not to knock since Professors have to knock every time they come in so it gives Landon anxiety every time someone does it.

Grabbing the doorknob she twisted and pushed, if he didn't want anyone in he would have locked it so she knew she wasn't intruding on anything, "Landon?"

"Del?" Landon called back, a confused smile was on his face as he nodded for her to come deeper into his room, he had other roommates but he paid them to sleep in different dorms.

"So funny story, you remember what you said to me before I left?" Del laughed awkwardly as she swayed on her feet.

Landon's eyes widened, "Is Delphinus Malfoy about to ask me for molly?"

"Yes she is."

Landon immediately jumped up and grabbed his bag before fishing out the same container she saw earlier.

"Okay Del listen to me carefully, you need to be very smart with who you are around while on this okay? You are going to start feeling extremely euphoric and happy, you are going to feel like you trust people more but keep self control, remember your secrets and why you chose to keep it a secret okay, but also keep in mind that lying won't be easy to do on the drug, there is an extremely small dosage of veritaserum in it, which will still allow you to be dishonest but it will make it almost impossible for people not to tell, no matter how great of a liar you are sober." Landon said slowly and sternly, showing no hint of sarcasm or humour.

"Okay I promise, I'll be with people I trust."

With that, Landon told her to open her mouth and he popped the neon capsule onto her tongue, "Swallow it, don't let it dissolve I'm telling you now, it tastes horrid."

Del nodded and Landon had very respectfully kicked her out since he did expect someone soon so Del said her goodbyes and began her way out of the Slytherin common room, not before grabbing one of the half empty handles of fire whiskey.

She really hadn't thought this through, she had no idea where she was even going, sure she could go to the Gryffindor common room but she wanted to do something adrenalizing, energy now pumping throughout her.

Del walked down the corridors mindlessly, occasionally bringing the bottle to her lips and letting herself feel even more intoxicated than she was.

Del brought her hand to glide over the concrete walls as she watched her surroundings with wide eyes. Hogwarts was such a beautiful school, how had she not appreciated this building's history? Or art?

The gold trimmings of the painting's frames glistened when the moon shone its light down onto it and Del became memorised.

Everything was just drop dead beautiful.

Walking not so far behind her was Sirius who was pocketing the map that he had definitely not used to find her, "Phinny?"

Malfoy's head whipped around and she gasped when she saw him, how much he had been there for her, he just wanted her to open up. Why doesn't she open up to him more because he obviously cares and wants to help? Oh she was so thankful to have Sirius as her friend.

"Sirius." She exclaimed with a smile as she walked over and hugged him tightly, catching him by surprise.

"I see someone already got their drinking on, Merlin, Del you have a full handle on you! Please tell me you didn't drink all that." Sirius panicked as he pulled away from the hug, something was different about her right now.

"No," She laughed, "I'm not that drunk I'm just really happy." Del gasped out as she felt the effects settle in, her body felt electrified as everything felt like all her senses heightened, leaving her in a joyful, tingly, bliss.

Sirius' lips curved up words, he didn't know what was up with her but he was happy that she was so he went with it.

"What are you doing out here alone? There's a party I think you need to attend, you did get Gryffindor out of their losing streak for opening game after all," Sirius smirked as he held out his hand and Del quickly grabbed it, letting him pull her down the corridors at a fast pace, Del's high heels making loud clicking sounds on the concrete.

"How do you have so much energy right now?" Sirius panted as he finally climbed up all of Gryffindors stairs, seeing Del waiting patiently at the door with a smile and cigarette laying in between her lips.

She looked different, something was different but Sirius couldn't lay his finger on it and it was driving him mad.

"Since when do you smoke?" Sirius asked with furrowed eyebrows, showing obvious signs of concern.

"Shh." Del hushed quietly, she didn't want him to be worried, "I'm great, everything's great."

Sirius nodded before shaking himself down and looked over to the portrait with a smirk, Slytherin's party may have just ended but Gryffindor's was just starting.

"You know, Phinny, you have excellent timing." Sirius said without context before saying the password and waiting for the portrait to swing open.

Del had no time to comprehend anything before cheers, laughs, and screams came from inside the room, music so loud that it vibrated the floors beneath them.

"Get your arse in there." Sirius laughed as he placed a hand on her upper back and walked them into the common room, Del's eyes were wide open as she looked around the living area, bright red and orange lights flashed as teenagers stood on tables, danced on the floors, and sat on the couches, each and every one of them had a cup in hand and a smile on their face.

"Del!" Marlene yelled from the couches, a wide smile on her face as she desperately waved the Malfoy over to them.

Del quickly walked away from Sirius, who looked dramatically offended, and joined the group of girls on the couches.

"Marlene!" Del yelled practically jumping into the hug that Marlene was holding out, "I haven't even seen you since the pregame for the game!" Del gushed.

"I know! Merlin, Del, that catch was spectacular! I didn't know you could play!" Marlene slurred, already dangerously drunk, Del laughed at her praising before looking up and saying 'hello' to all the other girls and breaking out into a large conversation between them all about how Del convinced James to let her play.

"I mean he seemed really set on you not playing how in the name of Merlin did you persuade him." Alice asked with genuine confusion, she remembered asking Frank to talk to James and convince him but he said he wouldn't budge.


"Malfoy!" a voice yelled from behind her and she turned around to see Calvin Wood storming up to her.

"Oh shit." Del laughed as she looked down on the angry fourteen year old, he was only a few inches smaller than the girl but she still craned her neck lower to flex on the three extra inches she had on him.

"What did you and Black do, huh? You're a bloody cheater is what you are!" He spat, the music was way too loud for anyone except for Del to hear what he was saying and her lips just spread into a smile as she bit back a laugh.

"That was supposed to be my game! I was going to prove that I deserved that spot and not you!" He continued, his voice laced with venom but he just looked silly from Del's perspective.

She couldn't really find remorse for what she and Sirius did to him.

"There a problem, Wood?" Sirius piped in, walking from behind him and moving himself next to Del, craning his neck down onto the boy with a smirk he watched the back up seekers face morph into uncertainty.

"I just believe what you two did was unfair, that's all." Calvin straightened up his posture and head, his chin held up higher as if trying to show respect, Del let out a scoff mixed with a laugh as she turned her head to look over to Sirius, he knew what power he held and he always used it to his advantage.

"Hm, okay." Sirius said as he pursed his lips to fight off a laugh, "Well I see your friends are beginning to stare so how about you run back over to them." Sirius laughed, before nodding his head towards the group of thirteen and fourteen year old boys as if a sign to hurry up.

Calving quickly walked back over to them, not wanting to relive what happened on the pitch.

"Impressive." Del joked.

Sirius only shrugged cockily before nodding his head towards the drink corner, "You coming?"

Del looked down to the half full handle she had in her hand and laughed, she was set for the night, but she still nodded nonetheless since she wanted to go see her Prewett twins.

"Look who we have here," Gideon smirked, "It's the women of the hour." Fabian finished, turning the rest of the marauders' heads towards the pair that was joining them.

"Del! Merlin, Del, I love you!" Peter drunkenly yelled, incredibly drunk, "That was the most beautiful catch I have ever seen."

"Love you too, Pete," Del laughed as she shook her head.

"Del? Where the fuck did you get a handle of fire whiskey?" Fabian asked as he eyes the bottle with wide eyes, it was definitely an odd sight to see their innocent friend with a cig in her mouth and large bottle in her hand.

"Snatched it from the Slytherin common room, I about had enough of that house for a while." Del huffed, she definitely didn't resent the house itself or the people in it, just Leo, but to say everyone was just easier on her behalf.

"About time you've opened your eyes." Sirius commented cockily before joining Remus and James who seemed to have been in a heated conversation.

"Del." Gideon said worriedly, he noticed something but the lights were too dark for him to confirm it.

Once Del looked over, Gideon nodded for her to walk next to him and she quickly did so, assuming that he just had something he wanted to tell her.

"Lumos." Gideon said as he pointed his wand to her face, Del immediately closed her eyes and looked away, the light far too bright causing quick pain to her head and eyes.

"Merlin, Gid, What are you doing?" Del winced but Gideon did nothing to reply, instead he grabbed her chin and forced her into the light.

"Open your eyes."

Squinting, she soon let her eyes adjust to the light as she looked up at Gideon with confusion, what in the world was he doing?

"What the fuck are you on right now?" Gideon hissed worriedly, her eyes held barely any blue in them with how dilated her pupils had been.


"Del did you take drinks from anyone tonight? Are you feeling alright?" Gideon panicked, he was about two seconds away from grabbing her arm and taking her to the bathroom so she could throw everything up.

"Gideon I'm fine I swear, I-" Del paused, did she want to tell Gideon that she was on molly right now? Would he be mad at her?

"What is it?" Gideon demanded again.

"Molly. I took Molly before I came here."

Gideon's jaw dropped as he looked at her, she was on molly? Delphinus Malfoy was high on molly? And she took it willingly?

"From who?"


Relief filled Gideon, he knew Landon and he could definitely confirm that he was reliable, but the shock of seeing one of his best mate's randomly taking a harsher drug surprised him heavily.

She wasn't the only one who was experimenting with drugs at the moment.

On the other side of the room, Sirius, Peter, James, Remus, and Frank were all back near the couches with the girls as Marlene explained to all of them about what her brother had given her.

"Flour? You grouped us up to show us flour?" James scoffed, he had seen his mom bake before he knew what flour looked like, though this one did seem a lot whiter than the one his mum used, maybe hers is just organic.

"Oh you idiot." Marlene laughed as she began to form thin lines on the table with the 'flour', "It's called coke, you snort it and apparently it gets you super hyper, but like relaxed at the same time, it's crazy."

"Absolutely not, I am not doing muggle drugs like this, you know people get dangerously addicted to this stuff right? It ruins your life!" Lily gasped, quickly hopping off the couch and joining the crowd to find her boyfriend.

"So it's good shit?" Sirius asked with a lopsided smile, he had always been a sucker for trying new things.

"Sounds like it." James mischievously agreed.

"I'm staying out of this one, good luck mates." Remus sighed as he went to go find Gideon and Fabian, he knew he was not drunk enough for what he was about to be experiencing.

In the end only Marlene, Dorcas, James, and Sirius took a line while the others all slowly began to flake off into the crowd.

"Why does it burn?" James groaned as he leaned his head on the back of the couch while plugging his nose, tears brimmed his eyes as it felt like he just snorted fire.

"You are being dramatic, that did not hurt." Dorcas sighed, already swaying to the music as she felt her tongue get tingly and her head get lighter.

"James mate! Our song!" Sirius yelled as he jumped up and grabbed James, multiple students ran to the dance floor as the song blasted in the speakers.

James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter all hopped up on the large circular table as the song rang out around them, laughs and cheers went on as everyone gathered around the table, acting as if it were some sort of concert.

Queue 'Chevy Thunder' by Spector:

"Those bloody boys." Del laughed as she shook her head, watching one of them in particular as he dramatically danced with a wide smile on his face.

Marlene smirked slightly as she watched her eyes which may have been formed in the shapes of hearts while they admired James Potter, slickly moving next to her ear she laughed, "He's got it bad for you, I see the feeling is mutual? Hmm?" She taunted as she watched a deep red blush cover her cheeks while she lip sang the lyrics of the song.

Lily looked up to the table before nodding and giving Del a shove, "Sirius is calling for you," Del frowned before she looked up to see Sirius quickly waving her over.

Del squeezed herself through the crowd before she reached the table, Sirius and James crouched down with wide eyes and smiles, "You know this song?"

"Of course." Del laughed as if it were obvious.

"Then get your arse up here!" James yelled with a loud laugh, when she held out her hands for them to both grab, their smiles grew as they yanked her up onto the table.

James immediately grabbed Del's hand and dramatically twirled her, completely forgetting that he was royally pissed off with her not so long ago, the euphoric bliss he was feeling made him incredibly hyper.

When he pulled her back she crashed into his chest and the two only broke out into laughter before looking up and screaming the lyrics with wide smiles.

Del would keep turning her head to look away, so James stubbornly grabbed her jaw to keep it on him as they continued to sing the lyrics, leaning down slightly he began leaving hardly any space between the two.

"You know you could've been here, honey"

"Sitting by my right hand side"

"Tonight, I'll take your fathers car"

"And Drive, Drive, Drive!"

Both the high teenagers felt a surge of confidence surge through them as they all continued belting out the lyrics, Del hung her hands behind James' neck and the Potter immediately got senses of deja vu as he remembered the Halloween party.

James became completely entranced with the girl he had hanging on his shoulders, how her huge smile seemed almost contagious and her loud and happy voice belted out the lyrics to one of his favourite songs.

James soon felt Sirius bump him slightly and pass him a cigarette

too which he took gracefully without breaking away from the girl below him, bringing a hand to his mouth he placed the nicotine into his mouth and lit it, letting the smoke travel hypnotizingly out of his throat and down Del's as she inhaled the drug getting blown into her face.

James felt his knees buckle by the attractive image below him.

Del could feel the power she held on him and she smirked as she pulled his head down a tad lower while still singing out the lyrics close to his cheek.

"You know you could've been here, honey"

"Sitting by my right hand side"

"Tonight, I'll take your fathers car"

"And Drive, Drive, Drive!"

James felt his heart race as he began to favour this song over all the others, he wished for it to never end, but not because of it's addictive lyrics or danceable rhythm, but because it seemed to have fuel Del's confident side and he felt like he couldn't get enough of it.

"And whatever I never could let you go"

"I'm a lover above a ba-beating heart below"

"I'm riding and riding as fast as this car goes"

"Chevy Thunder, Chevy, Chevy Thunder!"

"And whatever I never could let you go"

"I'm a lover above a ba-beating heart below"

"I'm riding and riding as fast as this car goes"

"Chevy Thunder, Chevy, Chevy Thunder"

Breaking apart, all the teenagers in union began to mimic an air guitar to the rhythm, loud laughs leaving all their lips as they all held their own sort of intoxication, Remus was sticking to just drinking, Peter was a little high from the bong that Frank Longbottom had brought, James and Sirius were both exhilarated with cocaine surging in their veins and Del was quite literally high off happiness, the molly completely blocking out any sort of bad for her.

Stealing Del from James, Sirius leaned over and spun the girl closer to him as the two began to scream out the now heartfelt lyrics together, both their hands waving around dramatically as they both fell into each other with laughs.

James smiled as he watched Del and Sirius laugh on the table. It brought him genuine joy to see the two of them happy. It felt like it had been a while since he has seen them this way.

But his joy didn't seem to last long once he noticed all the eyes that had begun gawking at Del, after Sirius had spun her closer to him they neared the edge which gave each and every guy around the table a beautiful view up her incredibly short dress.

James didn't seem to be the only one who noticed as he made eye contact with Remus whose head was shooting left and right, looking at the crowd then towards Del.

"Sirius," Remus muttered, trying to get his attention so he could hopefully get the two laughing teenagers away from the ledge of the table.

Sirius heard his friend yet he didn't want to break away from the platonic trance he had been in with Del, both their smiles too wide and their hearts too swollen with happiness to get distracted with the outside world.

"Sirius." Remus snapped again, more aggression in his tone, Peter soon also began to catch onto what was going on.

Gideon, Fabian, and Frank were completely glaring at Sirius, they noticed what was going on and had been slapping the back of people's heads that let their gaze settle a little too long on the Malfoys exposed thighs.

"Get her down!" Fabian yelled out angrily and worriedly, he knew Del would be absolutely mortified if she noticed how many people were undressing her with their eyes.

James finally grabbed Del's shoulder and lightly pulled her away from Sirius, confusing both the teenagers in the process, Sirius turned his head to look over at Remus with confusion in hopes that he could explain why the vibe had altered tremendously.

"Mate, people are looking up her dress! they have been this whole time." Remus whispered into Sirius' ear and his eyes widened immediately before he turned to the crowd, more specifically the group of boys who were completely entranced with the girl's legs.

Sirius snapped when the leader of the group, Gilderoy Lockhart, cupped his mouth and began yelling suggestive things towards her with a smirk on his face.

"Oi! How much for an hour?" The boy's voice rang out through the crowd and his friends all burst out into laughter as he playfully slapped their shoulders before yelling out, "I wouldn't mind a piece of that in my bed!"

His friends all began to let out courses of howls and wolf whistles.

Del looked away from James with confusion, she honestly had no idea that they were speaking about her.

James and Sirius on the other hand immediately jumped off the table and bolted towards the group of boys, Remus sighed knowing exactly what was about to happen and followed their lead, Peter stayed on the table with Del before helping her get off, making sure to block her front from the crowd so no one would be able to catch another peek up her dress before running towards the forming group of angry intoxicated boys.

Del went to follow where they all ran but Fabian, Gideon, and Frank quickly blocked her way with awkward smiles and laughs in hopes to distract her for the short time being, or just until the marauders were able to throw in a few good punches.

"What's going on?" Del asked.

"Nothing, hey Alice told me to tell you that Marlene needs you." Frank laughed before gasping like he had an amazing idea, "How about we take you to them?"


"Perfect! Let's go." Fabian chuckled as him and his two mates began to walk the girl away from the crowd and over towards the couches where Marlene stood on the coffee table yelling something towards the group of fighting boys.

"Beat their fucking arse, James! Remember who the bloody fuck they were talking about! They fucking deserve that shit!" Marlene yelled out angrily before taking a small break to take a hit off of her joint.

"Well shit." Frank murmured, his plan on keeping Del away from the fight was quickly tarnished.

"James is fighting someone?" Del gasped, how did they go from dancing on the table and having fun to him beating some kids' arse?

"Del? Merlin, babes, are you okay?" Marlene gushed out dramatically as she jumped off the couch and enveloped the girl into a hug, "Don't listen to whatever those fools say, okay?"

"What is going on? What was said about me?" Del asked, confused and she watched as Marlene's lips thinned, the Scottish witch assumed that she heard everything.

"Well," Marlene started but quickly looked behind her for one of the girls to finish her sentence.

"Listen, Del, some idiotic seventh years were saying some provocative things about you, they were...erm...looking up your dress." Lily winced, hoping that she was making the right choice in telling her.

"Oh." Del shrugged, she couldn't really find it inside her to care about that, she just wanted to make sure James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus were okay which is why she shook off the slight annoyance she felt towards the comments made towards her and continued to try and overlook the crowd in hopes to see where the marauders were.

"Oh? Oh!? That is all you have to say?" Marlene gasped out, she would be lying if she said she was hoping for a more dramatic response.

"What am I supposed to do about it? Tell them to stop? I think I know enough on that topic, boys don't just stop because you tell them to." Del mumbled towards Marlene with a tight lipped smile and a shrug, letting only her hear what she had to say before breaking through Frank, Gideon, and Fabians makeshift barrier and pushing through the crowds to get to the group of fighting boys.

Del's eyes widened by the image in front of her, James Potter, a sixth year, on top of Gilderoy Lockhart, an eighth year, while Sirius Black was pinning one of his mates, William Brown, to a wall while laughing into his face.

Peter was in a heated argument with another one of Lockhart's friends, Ernie Macmillan, but it was obvious that neither of the two had any intentions to throw hands with each other, and lastly Remus was at first trying to settle everyone down before he overheard someone blaming Sirius' anger issues on his 'families aggression' and was now plummeting their face into the floor.

Del did nothing to stop the fight for many reasons, the main being that she simply wouldn't be able to and would just cause herself humiliation, but that didn't mean that she supported the boys' actions, except Remus of course. He had every reason to be yanking and pushing his fist into the pathetic excuse of a Gryffindor.

So instead she just simply left, she had her fun there and she was thankful that the boys were able to put as much happiness into her as they did, but now she wanted to run to her get-away place.

The Astronomy Tower was always a beautiful sight when she was sober, but now that she felt like she was viewing everything from a different perspective she wanted to go stargaze for the few hours she had left of the euphoric bliss.

Sneaking out of the Gryffindor common room was done with ease, everyone far too engrossed with the large fight that was getting portrayed in front of them, so with an extra bounce in her step, a handle of Fire Whiskey that she picked back up from the coffee table before she left, and another cigarette lit between her teeth Del began to run down the halls with a smile.

For a short moment the girl even took off her heels to see how far she would be able to slide down the halls but after one of the portraits, respectfully, told her how unsanitary it was to let her bare feet touch the old concrete she placed her ankle breakers back on.

Finally reaching the long spiral staircase she made the smart decision to save herself the pain and remove the high heels, cringing slightly when her foot touched the dusty concrete, with the song, 'Chevy Thunder', stuck in her head, the chorus to be exact, she began to hum the melody as she walked up all the stairs, a small smile still never leaving her face.

Once the large wooden door came into view Del braced herself before swinging it open, the view she was met with almost brought tears to her eyes.

But they weren't sad tears, not ones like she had been shedding lately, no these felt like they were tears of pure overwhelming joy as her eyes sparkled with merriment, each and every star stuck out so beautifully in the dark night sky.

Del quickly casted a quick cleansing charm on her feet to rid them of all dust and grime before putting on her heels and bolting to the rails.

Gripping them tightly she craned her neck back and just let herself inhale the crisp air of the early winter weather, her eyes tracing over and memorising each and every star as if she knew them all personally.

Del quickly casted a silencing charm before she let herself release all pent up anger and pain, she just wanted to rid it all from her body like she had the dust from her feet just a few moments ago, loud yells, words, and screams were heard by no one but herself and the stars.

Tears streamed down her face as she finally let out the last scream which soon was faded into a laugh, to others it would seem like Delphinus Malfoy had finally lost the plot, and maybe she had, but she finally felt free, not from the present timing, she knew that she may had still been trapped in the pathetic excuse she called a relationship, but she felt free from all her past trauma, all the past pain she went through seemed like it had just been released from her heart.

Those tears streaming down her face weren't because of sadness or hurt, but because of relief and pure happiness.

Yet Del wasn't daft, she knew that this feeling of contentment wasn't permanent, she knew that in only a matter of hours this cheerfulness and glee would disappear, but as desperate as this made her seem, she couldn't care less.

She embraced the feeling of not being tied down by anger, pain, sadness, and all the other negative emotions she had been going through lately because she knew that she would be looking back on this night with a smile, she knew that if she didn't make every moment last then she would only feel regret in the future.

Soon the comforting silence was corrupted once the door that had been sealed shut was thrown open, Del hadn't even needed to turn around to see who the intruder had been.

"James." Del smiled, her back still facing him as she continued observing the stars.

The Potter hadn't even noticed she was there until she called out his name, his shoulder rose and fell at a fast pace as he only felt anger surging through him, the fight in the common room had only escalated after Del had left until it got to the point to where James chose to remove himself before he crossed his barrier line.

If that had happened then there would have been an assembly the next day sharing the unfortunate death of Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Del." James grumbled before joining her at the rails, he went up there to his getaway spot to be able to relax by the imagery of the stars, yet he seemed to find himself relaxing within the presence of the girl that has been causing him more confusion than ever.

"Do you happen to have another?" James asked, commenting on the almost dead cigarette between her lips and Del's smile only widened as she reached for the pack that Severus had given her, did she feel bad for smoking all his cigarette's? Sure she did, but she also knew that he had a whole drawer which was stacked to the brim with his favourite brand of nicotine, the boy practically had a lifetime supply already.

Handing one to James he instantly reached to grab one but the second his hand grasped the thin paper-wrapped drug his fingers brushed over Del's and an electricity shock ran through both of them.

The cigarette was quickly forgotten as the two teens both held it, both paralyzed in their own trance that they didn't ever want to break out of.

Del was the first who opened her mouth to speak, something had been on her chest that she needed to say, something that she couldn't release by screaming at the stars, it needed to be said to the person next to her before she could find peace.

"Listen," She started fearfully, she tried to keep in mind what Landon said but she genuinely couldn't help but telling James what she was about to, she would deal with the consequences later, "I'm so sorry, James." Del started before inhaling deeply and releasing the cigarette from both her hand and mouth, showing the Potter that she was nowhere near finished and that he may want to light the drug and calm his nerves.

"I'm sorry for how unfair I've been with you lately, especially with Leo, you don't deserve that and maybe I am just reading the situation wrong but I feel like we have something and it isn't fair that I am stringing you along while still being in a relationship that I honestly wish I wasn't in. I know I shouldn't be telling you this and that I will most likely regret it, but I like you, James, when I'm with you I feel like everything bad around me just goes away and you have no idea how much I crave being around you sometimes. Before Halloween I felt like it was torture every moment that I wasn't around you and afterwards that feeling only got worst. I am addicted to you, Potter, and I need you to tell me that you don't feel the same way, that you haven't been re-playing that night on repeat like I have so I can move on, because I am telling you now that I am falling for you, James Potter, and if I don't get a reality check soon then I don't think I will ever be able to get out of the hole that I am digging for myself, and I am so sorry for telling you all of this because I know that I still won't be able to leave Leo, no matter how much I want to I genuinely and physically cannot do it, so please just reject me and make this easier for the both of us." She rushed out, surprising herself with everything she had just said, she hadn't intended on saying everything that she did but it was like once she started she couldn't stop.

Now she braced herself for a response.

Del was preparing herself for many things, a rejection, silence, or the fact that he may just turn around and leave, but a laugh was definitely not one of them.

Yet that's exactly what she received and she immediately felt like she lost her euphoric bliss, she wanted to shrivel up in a hole and die from humiliation as his laughs swarmed her ears as if they were taunting her.

"For someone who is at the top of their classes, you are completely and utterly daft, Delphinus." James laughed as he shook his head before turning his body fully and looking at her. She wished to do the same but she didn't think she was able to look at him.

"I shouldn't have said anything, I'm sorry." She said as she mentally cursed herself before turning around and making her way towards the door, how could she have been so stupid? Leo was right. Why in the name of Merlin would someone want her? She had baggage that no man would ever want to deal with.

Yet the girl didn't make it far, barley even a step before she felt James grab her wrist and pull her into him, his lips immediately crashing into hers, the cigarette now abandoned on the floor as he removed his grip from her wrist and moved it to the sides of her head, holding her in place as his lips completely attacked hers.

Lightning bolts went off inside both of them as they let themselves forget everything around them and get lost within each other's grasp, Del immediately moved her hands behind his neck as she pulled him impossibly closer, forgetting all her morals and humiliation.

"You are so fucking daft." James whispered harshly into her lips as he walked them backwards until Del's back was met with the stone wall, "I felt like I was losing my mind before Halloween when I wasn't around you," James finally pulled away but kept his hands on the sides of her head, "I am so crazy for you, Delphinus Malfoy, you have absolutely no idea, when you were gone I thought I was losing my mind, and I was so fucking angry with you that you seemed so okay, while I felt like I was going through torture without you. So don't you even think for a second that I don't feel the same when I don't think you understand what type of spell you have me under." James spat out before crashing his lips onto hers once more.

Del gasped into the kiss, she didn't know what she was expecting his response to be, but it definitely wasn't that.

But she couldn't have been happier with the results.

Del attempted to deepen the kiss, yet to her dismay, James pulled away once more, looking just as annoyed with his actions as she did, "Del, I need you to answer these questions with one-hundred percent honesty, okay?"

Del quickly nodded and James shut his eyes like it pained him to say what he was about to, "You are still with Leo, and I may loathe that fool but I still can't do this if you are in a stable and healthy relationship with him, especially if you say that you can't leave him." James started, he already began to feel guilty for kissing a girl who had a boyfriend, he wasn't raised to be a homewrecker or cheater.

"Do you love him?" He started off easily, needing to know the answer before continuing to the rest of the interrogation. If she said yes or even stalled then he would have to walk out the door, he couldn't let himself become involved with someone who was already in love with another man.

"Absolutely not." Del almost laughed out and James quickly felt himself relax, but he still needed to know more information, he couldn't wreck a broken relationship that still had a chance of getting saved.

"Does he love you?"

"He doesn't understand what love is, he thinks he does, but he's just in love with the idea of being in love." Del spluttered out honestly, she didn't know how to explain what Leo was going through, she knew he said he loved her, but she knew that if he truly loved her then he would have let her free by now, he was obsessed with her, not in love, but she didn't want to say that out loud just yet.

"Is this a healthy stable relationship?"

"Merlin, no."

"Does he treat you well?"

"No." She gasped out, surprising herself with her own answer, this had been the first time she ever admitted that to anyone and she'd be lying if she said it didn't feel good to get the small confession off her chest.

"Has he abused you?" James

Silence, Del couldn't bring herself to tell him the truth, but she also knew that she wouldn't be able to lie to him, Landon's words replaying in her head about the veritaserum.

"Verbally? Physically? Sexually? or all?"

Del said nothing and dismissed the question, showing that he needed to move on from the topic.

"Has he cheated on you? Or would this be a one way street?"

"I don't even know how many times he's cheated on me, but he definitely has."

"How do you know?"


"Why can't you leave him?"

"I can't explain that, yet." Del said, as she shook her head back and forth, but the small promise at the end was what gave both teenagers hope, that simple little 'yet' that accidentally slipped past her lips showed both of them that someday the secret will be released and shockingly it wasn't fear that filled Del, but relief.

And just like that James' lips were back on hers, with the knew information he learned he felt even more hatred towards the Greengrass, he knew he couldn't break a relationship that was as tarnished as this one had been, the pain in Del's voice and the anger in her eyes when she talks about him shows that she hates him just as much as he did, if not more.

It took James all his willpower to not go down to the Slytherin common room and beat the shit out of Leo after Del didn't reply to those two questions, her silence spoke louder than words and that made him want to lose his shit.

Just the thought of someone laying an aggressive hand on Del made him shake with anger as he remembered what she looked like on the first day of school, was that from Leo? How terrified she had been. James tried to shake off the rage he was feeling but he couldn't seem to set it aside.

Del leaned her head away from James once she began to realise that his head wasn't in a good spot at the moment, she knew that it was about Leo and she quickly held his jaw within her hands, she wouldn't allow someone as low and pathetic as Leo Greengrass get into someone's head as amazing as James Potter.

"Hey," She murmured softly, looking straight into her favourite shade of green, "You are so much better than he is, do not let him get inside your head, James, he isn't here so don't let him affect you as if he were. Do not give someone as pathetic as him the amount of power as you are."

James raised a surprised eyebrow at her words, he had never heard her talk as foul as she was about a person but he'd be lying if he said her words didn't set him at ease.

"You have no idea what you do to me, Delphinus, if anyone here has any power over me it's you." James admitted before a small smirk made his way onto his face as he leaned in closer to her ear, "I think you know exactly how much power you own after that little stunt in the common room." James smiled as he and her both recited the memory of Del getting confident on the table.

And just like that the two both completely forgot about Leo as Del smirked and pulled him back into her lips, using her hands that were behind his neck as guidance to pull his head wherever she pleased.

James smirked by her sudden eagerness, feeling the exact same way he brought his hands and gripped the low of her waist, pulling her impossibly closer flushed to his body before removing his left and reaching for his wand, slyly pointing it towards the door and mumbling into her lips, "Colloportus."

With that, James quickly leaned down further and feathered his fingers on the high backs of her thigh, signalling for the girl to jump into his hands.

Understanding his motives immediately, Del quickly swung her legs up and into his hands, her ankles crossing tightly behind his back making the two flushed together in the most pleasurable places.

"How far?" Del breathed into his mouth, the feeling of the harsh denim of his jeans brushing over the thin lace of her thong sent waves of electricity throughout her whole body, but no matter how amazing she was feeling in the moment she knew that she needed to set one boundary for herself and for James, "How far are we going?"

"However far you're comfortable with." James winced into her mouth, she had just tightened her ankles behind his back, pulling him even closer and causing 'accidental' friction.

No matter how much she ached to, she couldn't go the full way with him, not yet.

In her mind it felt like she was still a virgin in some type of way. She had never given someone that consent and that felt like it was too big of a step for her to take at the moment.

"We don't have to sleep together," James whispered, removing his lips from hers he began to create a path with his tongue towards the side of her neck before he settled on top of her jugular where he could feel her racing pulse under the mercy of his teeth, he could tell she was nervous about something, "I just want to make you feel good, Delphinus."

Del smiled slightly at his words before leaning her head against the wall and letting it bob to the right, giving James a better profile of her neck as heavy breathes and occasional faint whimpers left her mouth, the friction from the two brushing up against one another and the feeling of James nibbling, sucking, and kissing her neck only added to the euphoric high that heightened all of her nerves making her feel like she was under some sort of aphrodisiac.

"Are you okay with this?" James whispered into her neck as he tested the waters, sliding his right hand higher up her thigh letting the tip of his middle finger toy with the thin string of her thong.

Del began nodding her head as she bit her lip, scared that she would already start moaning just by his finger nearing her centre, the pleasure already so good and he hadn't even started, but instead of going higher up, James pulled his hand away and back down to her thigh as he released a teasingly disapproving sigh, "I thought we were past this?" He taunted into her ear, "I need words, Del."

Del let out an annoyed laugh, her breath becoming noticeable as the white fog brushed past her lips and into James' neck, "Yes, I'm okay with this, need me to sign any terms and agreements?" She sarcastically joked, even though him asking for consent made her heart flutter each and every time.

James paused his sensual kissing as an unexpected laugh came from him, even in their most sensual times she still always had something to say and he completely adored that about her.

"Shut up." He snickered into her neck before pulling away to observe his artwork, yet to his surprise nothing was on her neck, not even a single mark that showed irritation from the assault of his mouth.

Concealing charm, she was still using it? He remembered when he first found her with the book after he caught her past curfew in the halls, then when she removed it in front of him and Sirius, but he didn't understand why she still used it, what could she possibly be concealing?

James knew that whatever it was, he didn't care about it, he knew that nothing would be able to lower his attraction for her, if anything he now wished to see what was being concealed, so he would be able to see the real Delphinus Malfoy.

"Make me." her sultry voice snapped him out of his train of thought, his head snapping away from her neck and right in front of her face with a raised eyebrow, she should know better than to say something like so to an obnoxious Gryffindor.

"Excuse me?" He asked with a taunting smirk and raised eyebrow, a laugh creeping in the back of his throat as he pictured what Del was getting the two into.

"You heard me." Del shrugged with a sly smile on her face, "You want me to shut up? Then shut me up, unless you cant-"

James harshly dropped one of her thighs and gripped the base of her jaw before smashing his lips onto her, his other hand quickly snaking its way up her thigh before he began to yank down her underwear, which from the position the two had been in, it had completely torn the string leaving it hanging loosely on her left knee.

Were they both aware that they were in fact on top of the Astronomy Tower in 38 degree weather? Yes they were but the true question was did they care? Absolutely not, for all they cared about was that both a silencing and locking spell was made on the door and no one would be able to see or hear them from the courtyard.

With both her legs tightly secured around his waist and back completely flushed between his body and the wall he removed the last hand on her thigh and cupped her core, embracing the sudden gasp that escaped her lips, the feeling of his cold hand pressed against her already had her panting.

"What were you saying? I can't what?" James laughed into her mouth but she only replied by biting harshly onto his bottom lip causing a small groan to leave the back of his throat, tsking tauntingly, he pulled away from the kiss as the two glared at each other, both in their own high bliss and both far too drunk for their own good, "I need a safe-word," He decided as ideas began to pop into his head.


"A word, any word, just think of something and whenever you say it I'll stop anything and everything I am doing."

"Isn't that what 'stop' is for?" Del nervously laughed, she knew she would never need to use a safe-word with James, he would never do anything to harm her in any sort of way.

"Well," James started as he inhaled her perfume deeply, embracing the faint scent of sweet mint that came off of her, "Sometimes, when pleasure just feels too good," He began to lower his head down closer to hers with a sly crooked smile, "To where it almost feels painful, we say things in the spur of the moment to stop the overwhelming feeling since our body isn't used to it." His eyes trailed down to her lips and he instinctively bit his to stop himself from completely devouring hers, "Stop is usually the first thing that comes to mind and later on you regret not seeing it through," James quickly pulled himself away before he lost his control, he had many things planned for her and her bratty attitude only made him even more desperate to see those ideas through, "I want you to tell me a word, and in the future, if you genuinely need and want me to stop everything I am doing, whether it's because you are uncomfortable, hurt, scared, etcetera then you say that single word and I swear on my life I will stop." He finished with a deadly serious tone.

Del stood stunned, but nonetheless nodded at his generosity, even though this may had been the bare minimum for others this had been a whole new world for her, "Red, I'll say red if I want you to stop."

James nodded before he rushed back onto track, needing to just be able to hear those sweet moans he had been replaying since Halloween, so with his hand still cupping her, replacing the now broken thongs job, he watched her intensely before he suddenly pushed his middle finger into her with a smirk as she swayed her hips to hopefully create more friction, he wasn't moving, just letting it sit their as she clenched around him.

"I swear to Merlin." Del groaned, clearly annoyed and desperate for any sort of pleasure, the feeling of his middle finger filling her, un-moving, was absolute torture.

"Is everything okay?" James asked 'worryingly' , his face twisting into false concern as he gripped her jaw tighter to keep her gaze on him. She was just too easy to make all hot and bothered for him to not tease her, "Tell me what's wrong." He implored with a frown.

"Do something." Del panted as she looked down, Hollis' dress had been bunched up at her waist, the fabric far too tight to stretch, as James waist was pressed right against her, the palm of his hand covering her clit leaving nothing to be seen, "Merlin, anything, just do something."

James remained still as he watched her face twist up into an emotion that looked like it almost resembled pain, he remembered on Halloween, how her pleads rolled off her tongue perfectly, he wanted to hear those again, and this time he was in no rush, he had all the time he needed.

"Beg." He shrugged with a smile as he tilted his head to the side, watching as her face only morphed from pain to annoyance, her eyebrows furrowing as her eyes hardened, she had no issue with begging, well not until he told her to do so.

"No." She scoffed, her pride was far too high to let herself listen to his demand and beg for him to give her something that she could easily do herself.

James only kept his innocent smile before he added another finger, her annoyed face quickly fell as her jaw dropped open, pleads about to start flowing off her tongue yet she kept her voice to herself, "No?"

"Fuck you, James." She hissed out, her chest still heaving as anger pulsed in her veins, she had never ached for someone as bad as she had in that moment, she needed him to do something or she felt like she was going to explode.

"Trust me you will, maybe not tonight, but eventually we can arrange that." He replied cockily, his fingers still staying impossibly still, a part of him even questioned if he should give up on trying to get her to beg but the other part of him was far too stubborn.

Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours for Del, she patience thinning and she vowed to herself that she would get him back for this, next time they were to ever get close like this she would make sure the roles were reversed so she could have James Potter at her mercy, but for now, she just needed something to relieve the painful neglect of movement.

"Please." She finally bit out, "Please just move, just do something, I need you to do anything but stay still-"

With a victorious smile James immediately complied, knowing he won he quickly pulled his fingers back before shoving them back inside of her, curling his fingers right before pulling out and hitting that spot beautifully that had Del's toes curling inside of her high heels.

"Yes, yes just like that, right there." She praised, quickly hiding her head into the crook of his neck as he did the same, latching his mouth onto her concealed neck he began to add more hickeys to his invisible collection.

As his fingers pumped in and out of her, he began to angle his palm to where it rubbed and pushed into her clit, adding a whole new strain of ecstasy to Del's lower stomach, her whimpers and praises beginning to morph into moans and pleads.

"Merlin, I love your fucking voice." James mindlessly began to praise, every few seconds a new complement would slide off his tongue and into her ear which made her smile only grow as she felt herself grow even more comfortable with the boy she hated only a few months ago.

A very slim part of her wanted to forget her morals and sleep with him right then and there, even though she knew it was a bad idea she couldn't help the need for him to truly be inside her, not just his fingers, to only grow by the second.

Del had been incredibly thankful that she put on a silencing charm since the only thing that could be heard were James' harsh pants and occasional praises, Del's whimpers and moans, and the slick wet sound of James' fingers sliding in and out as the heel of his palm dug and rubbed into her clit.

The slight callousness on his hands only added to the pleasure and Del could have sworn that this was about to be the quickest she has ever released before, the molly heightening all her nerves, but then James quickly pulled his hand out and away from her core.

Questions and objections left her lips as James unlinked her legs from his waist, but her voice came to a halt as she watched him fall to his knees in front of her and grab her left leg and place it over his shoulder.

"I- N-no you don't have to." Del stuttered out, surprise and embarrassment being the only thing she felt as she watched him look up with an unimpressed brow raised.

"If I didn't want to," James started, ignoring her shivers as he placed kisses on the inside of her thigh, "Then I wouldn't." Del let out a gasp of surprise as James leaned back slightly, keeping her open and letting the harsh and cold wind blow directly onto her wet clit, "But believe it or not, your pleasure brings me pleasure." He muttered in a raspy whisper before he let his fingers slide back inside of her and his tongue linger over her swollen clit, lightly brushing over with teasing swipes.

"Merlin," She moaned out, her hand reaching down as her fingers tangled lightly into his unruled curls, grasping the strands gently in hopes not to hurt him.

She must've forgotten the two happened to share the love for hair pulling.

"Don't praise Merlin, darling, he's not the one doing this to you." James snarked with a laugh into her clit, the vibrations sending electricity bolts up her spine as she jumped by the pleasure, it had only been a week and she seemed to have forgotten everything from Halloween.

"Fuck, James." She whispered, his dirty talk driving her absolutely mad as she began to grow slightly agitated with his teasing strokes, she felt like she had been through enough already, so giving his hair a small tug, tightening her grip slightly, "Please stop teasing." She whimpered out as her chest shook with her uneven breathing.

"As you wish."

His hand that hadn't been inside of her quickly moved to her hip to keep her pinned to the wall as he dug his face deeper into her, his tongue no longer feathering over her but instead dipping under her hood and roughly hitting the direct centre of her clit, the nerves getting brushed over in a hypnotising pattern that had Del's back arching and her jaw dropping.

Where he learned how to do all he did as well as he did, she would never know, but she wanted to thank whoever taught him.

Del's eyes widened as she began to feel that tight knot in her stomach, James had barely begun and she felt like she was already nearing her release, how in the name of Merlin was that even possible? She wanted it all to last longer so she tried to set it aside but the more she waited the larger the need grew.

Even though Del tried to conceal her sudden urge James already knew, he'd been knowing by just the simple reactions her body gave, the way she would almost jolt away from his touch or by the way she clenched around his fingers more frequently.

The fact that she was trying to hide it and set it aside only made James more determined to get her to finish quickly, the thought of having her trembling due to his sinful acts within a matter of minutes brought an immense amount of pleasure to him.

So by fastening the rate of his tongue and fingers he became sloppier but quicker with his actions, her legs trembling as they tried to hold up her body weight, she knew that she wouldn't be able to hold on much longer, especially at the pace he was going now.

"J-James," Del warned softly, she could feel the knot begin to unravel as her breath hitched into stuttering gasps, she wanted this to last longer yet she could feel herself nearing the edge of her peak.

"Go on, cum for me." He knowingly snickered, he too wanted this to last longer and good thing that he intended for that to happen, so once her grip tightened on his hair and a loud moan left her lips he quickly removed his fingers from her and grabbed her other unsteady leg and also threw that over his shoulder, leaving her stability only relying on the wall behind her and the boy on his knees for her.

He told her about the safe-word for a reason.

Del held a blissful smile on her face, her moans passing through her lips with ease as James helped her ride out her high.

It was a large shock for her when he didn't pull away, if anything he tightened his grip on her thighs and sped up his movements.

"James?" Del panted confusedly, the high beginning to become too much once it never got time to settle down as she gripped on his hair in hopes to pull him away but he only began to laugh into her core as he fought against her tugs knowing that he was going to be the only person that would ever bring her the amount of pleasure as he was about to.

Her moans became yelps and whimpers as her jaw never closed, silent screams leaving the back of her throat as his tongue teased her overly sensitive clit, painful pleasure shooting up her abdomen as she squeezed her eyes shut that were beginning to brim with tears.

"James, I-I can't, it's too much." She rambled, sounds that she didn't even know she could make began to leave the depths of her throat as her breathing became close to nonexistent.

"Yes you can." James stated, not leaving any room for her to argue as he dove back down, her pattering heart beat began to flutter onto his tongue and he smiled at the fight she was giving, but he knew that if she truly wanted everything to stop, she would say the simple three lettered word that she chose.

Del let out a small shriek like moan as James hesitantly removed a hand of her thigh before bringing it back down to her entrance before gently sliding his fingers into her, making sure to take slight percussion in case she had been slightly sore from his previous invasion.

"You are doing so good for me, love" James moaned into her, enclosing his lips around her small bundle of nerves before letting out a low hum and suddenly curling his fingers upwards to hit her sensitive g-spot, completely shattering her in the process.

"No, no, no, I can't, it's too much, I can't!" Del panicked as she felt herself rushing towards her second orgasm, yet this one felt way different than the first, it was coming fast and she could tell that it was going to be a big one, the largest she's ever had, and that scared the shit out of her.

"Shh, it's okay, darling, you can do it." He praised as his grip tightened on her thighs, he could tell she was resisting.

"Please, fuck, oh my Merlin, It's so fucking much." Del began mindlessly moaning, she didn't even know what she was begging for at this point, she felt like she was just dangling off the edge and she needed some sort of release.

"You can do it, love, just a little more" James repeated as he picked up his pace of his fingers, he didn't know how his tongue hadn't gotten sore from how fast it had been going but he knew that no matter what, except for the safe-word of course, he wouldn't be stopping his torturous pleasure.

And just like that, Del let out the most sexual moan of all as she felt genuine tears streaming out of her eyes, her nails completely ripping into James' skull as she finally felt that release that felt like it wouldn't come to an end.

"There you go," James awed as he finally leaned away from her as his thumb took his tongues place, gently rubbing small circles on her clit to let her ride out her high before quickly removing his hands once he felt her jerk away with a yelp, he wouldn't make her go through another, just yet.

Gently picking up her thighs from his shoulders he set her down before standing up, yet her knees immediately buckled as they trembled and shook.

"Oh shit." James laughed as he quickly grabbed her by the waist and held her up, before quickly pulling down her dress and grabbing the broken thong off of the concrete.

Del swayed with her eyes closed, complete, utter exhaustion quickly took over.

She tried to fight it, she wanted to repay him but the heavy weight that suddenly crashed onto her barley even let her keep up her weight.

Nonetheless, with a dazed look, Del still reached out to hopefully satisfy his needs but James quickly grabbed her hand and interlocked it with his as he watched her with glistening lips that were formed into his trademark smile, "Maybe another time, beautiful, but I think it's time we get you to bed."

How he hadn't released in his pants while doing all he had to her? He would never know, but what he did know was that she was completely drained of all energy and his pleasure wasn't a need, he just wanted to take care of her.

"James," Del breathily laughed as she looked up to him with flushed cheeks and swollen lips.


"I can't walk down those stairs." She admitted as she closed her eyes and rested her head onto his shoulder, completely relying all her weight onto him as she felt herself relax into his body.

Next thing she knew she was getting walked 'bridal style' down the stairs before everything went dark.

A/N: Should I start shortening the chapters? Or keep them at the same length?

13, 134 Words

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